TKURSDAT, JAN. oth. 198leu_______ TR CANADIAN STATESMANf. BOWMNANVILL. ONTARIO PAGE NMT~ Income Tax Cut Reported Coming in February OTTAWA.- Those income tax reductions announced by the government earlier this montih probably won't be refiected on -1&our pay cheques until eariy Mbruary. Revenul4>elas said Friday they are r*eing quickly to gel * the new mathematicai tables for caiculating the deductions oui to lenployers. But the printing of some !ý50,000 forms takes time. Printing and distribution inay flot be completed before Jan. 22. So some 4,000,000 Canediaxts; Who pay taxes through peyrol] deductions may overpay slight- ly on their 1958 federal taxes. The announced reductions be- conle effective Jan. 1, but em- ployers are not authorized ta inake any changes until they getjhe new tables. Until these arex'in their hands, employers will have ta apply the higher 1957 income tax rates. .Claim in 1959 Claims on the overpayments OBITUARY GEORGE H. AWDE George Hooper Awde, 86, prominent resident of Drayton, Ontario, for nearly 60 years, died after a short illness at Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital on Dec. 29th. 1Mr. Awde was son of George Awde and the homestead was *j he farm now owned and accu- e'%ied by Roy Langmaid, south of Solina. Mr. Awde attended the Sauina school. About the only schoolmate left of the early B0's is James Arthur Werry, Enniskilien. Mr. Awde was the last survi- vor of a. family o!f ine. He had lived at Uxbridge and Bing- .>lam before going to Drayton where he was in the hardware býusiness for some years. Later he managed the local telephone company and founded the Well- ington County Creamery. He retired 20 years ago. Mr. Awde was a justice of the peace and had headed both the library and school boards, as well as the Peel Township, Maryborough and Drayton Agricultural Society. He was chaplain of the Canes- toga Lodge, No. 295 A.F. and A.M., for more than 40 years; lhe was aiso an Odd Fellow and elder of the United Church of ]Drayton. His wife, the former Jennie IR. Jones of Uxbridge dled about 10 years ago. He leaves a son, J. Blake Awde of Windsor, and a granddaughter.1 h can be made by taxpayens when they file their 1958 retunns in the spnring o! 1959. Uuder the tax cuts announ- ced Dec. 6, the rate on the !irst $1,000 o! taxable income is ne- duced ta il !nom 13 per cent and on the second $1,000 ta 14 from 15 per cent. Allowances fan dependents are increased by $100-$250 a year !romn $150 for children o! family allow- ance age and ta $500 !rbm $400 for other dependents. Ail told. this expected ta reduce federal revenues by some $146,000,000 a year. The highen allowances will mean that millions will have ta fiI out new employees' tax exemption dlaims, known as TD-l !orms. YELVERTON (Intended for last week) Christmas with its unseason- ably warm weather is "kaput" for anothen year. One unusuai feature at this time o! year was the picking of dandelions the day before the big celebration. Mast Yelvertonians enjoyed at least one day o! Christmas- many two, ta the detniment of girlish (or boylikei figures. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Wilson with the David Wilsons; Mn and Mrs. Norman Wilson and girls with the Carl Smiths of Bethany; Mn. and Mrs. Jim Taylor and family, Niagara Falls; Mr. Josh. Evans, with the Jack Wilsons. Visitons with Miss Em Hen- ders wene hen niece !rom To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore, Oram and Nancy, with the Morris Holmes in Toronto. Also present Mrs. Nettie Moore, Mn. Venn Moore and the Enn Cannings, o! Cameron. At the Jas. Sheckleton on Sunday wene Messns. Don and Bil Whittaken, Sarnia; F/O Frank and Mns. Creamer and famiiy, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm, Miss Betty Whittaken, Toronto. On the 24th at the Rae Mal- coums. the Victor, Harvey and Raiph Malcolms and childnen. Welcome home ta Mn. and Mns. Murray Malcolm and girls. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Malcolm from Flonida, home for Christ- mas-The Murrays te the Bert McMullens; the Wilberts, Mal- colms and the Jas. Sheckletons te, the Howand Malcolms; the Jerry Bristows to the Hihliard Bristows o! Bethany.- At the MUm Fre! Free!, Bowmanville wi. Millbrook - F. K. 4i4tewart Ray Robinsons guest.s inclucq Mrs. E. Henderson and Murr; Rev. R. R. and Mrs. Bonst. and famnily and the Ralph Me colmns; the G. E. Robinsons the Bert Cisees'. At the GE Kerrs, the Beil Plumtrees, Cavan. the Ray McCullougi the Lloyd Cains and girls ai the Victor Malcolms. Mn. and Mrs. Rov Werrv ai Debbie, of Picton. Mr. and Mi Harvey Malcolm, Mitzi ai Marti, to the H. Boons Cooksville. Correction of the S. S. co cert report should have-Mi June Kerr with own guitara compartiment. At the W. H. Stinsons, Il F'loyd Stinsons, the Walt Wrights and the Marris WaL ers. The Ed Lawsons and Bruc with the Marwood McKees. Mn. and Mrs. John Wrig' and family and Mr. Albe Heaslip, wi th the Robt. Wrigh o! Janetville. Mn. and Mns Maurice Ne bitt were hasts to the Heasl clan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hea lip, the Gordon Heaslips, M' Albent Heaslip, Reg. Rusk and Mn. Reg. Nesbitt. Christmas evening the Pae connection assembled at tI Eanl McGilîs o! Peterborough- the Clarence and Harold Pagc Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Page ar the Floyd Stinsons. Mn and Mrs. Arthur Rov an shared Christmas festivit:i at the Bill Werrys o! Kedroc Mrs. Mabel and Miss Anr Rowan with Mns. John Grand o! Brooklin. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Benne with hen brother-at Sarnia. Trustee meeting in schcý house on Thursday. Ray Robii son replaces Fred Staceyi trustee on completion of h 3-Year term. Mrs. Ray Robir son, the new Secretary-tnea! uren. The Badminton Club held i annual holiday party on Fr, day evening with a good turr out in Chunch Hall. The David Wilsons were th cheenful necipients o! a nei Dodge for Christmas. O! cours they had ta pay fan it therr selves. Another Yelvertonian- full-fledged hog producen), ai parently has money te .bur judging by past antics, a ho cheque was recovered in badly scorched condition fror the incinerator where it ha inadvertently (we presumie been tossed. Luckily the checp was made good aimost imme diately. Miss Margaret Monk o! Pe tenborough, 13 spending he Christmas holidays with th Ralph Malcolms. PONTYPOOL (Intended for last week) W. were pleased to recehv a card fnom Mr. Sam Manett Who wlth his wife and famil: are spendlng a holiday in Nev York City. W. hope that thi transportation stnuke doesn' interfene with Sam seeing "ITh Big White Way". Mr. and Mns. Chas. Best o Toronto, spent Christmas witl Mr. Robt. Halboran. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Payrý spent Christmas with frienc in Scarborough.. Un!ortunately I was unabl to, attend ail the school Christ mas parties. I have had glow lIng reports from Pontypool anc Druni I was able to attend m3 own school. Carscaddens, anc wlth orily ten pupils (sever Juniors) ]istened to one o! th( best Christmas concerts 1 evei heard. Mrs. Kay Youngmnan as slsted on the piano with Mnr Alvin Olan excelling herselffai an elocutionist. The Todd fan ily gave several musical sele< tiens. Mn. Leonard Porter wa! the geniai chairman. Mrs. Alan Wood the teache: and the pupils, are to be corý gratulated on the success o! th( concert. Christmas services at th( United Church were well ai. tended with Rev. Bonsteel ir charge. The childnen's chol was well neceived with Mrs Clifford Failis as organist. ThE Sunday School children ail re. ceived candies and oranges ai the conclusion o! the service. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eddy of Oshawa, on the arrivai of a 7-lb. 15-oz2 baby boy on Christmas Eve, Another grand-nephew for this conrespondent. Due ta a severe attack o! the flu I have been unable ta get more news but will try and do better in 1958. To ail, my sin- cerest wishes for the very best in the coming yean. à à Ontario Department of Agriculture Office p e L.L Town Hall G. F. Perkin Chairmon Relatives at Kedron el the When you think cf ail the adN late George Awde, Drayton, at- tended funeral services held in an especially good winter-tin his memony, at the New Year. You're cozy as a bug inside, Mn. and Mns. Ross Lee, Bnian fitted body, its high-capacity and Mn. Frank C. Lee wene systern. You get the biggest guests at the Christmas family lo-rie car-with defrosti dinner party held at the home da edap o aiu of Mn. and Mns. T. Sobil, Zion. penny exa, ypsor getadan Christmas suppen guests !ulof netryou ve fren ri Mr. and Mns. Walter Davis In- uhoyuovrfzeru cluded Mr. and Mrs. James curves ... and let yeu stopm Cookson, Mr. Victor Cookuon, What about pow)er? It'a yc and Miss Audrey Richards, Bow-ThilPwrSor1-cb manville. 1 -l-owrSx r 1-ui Mn. and Mns. Lonne Tregunna, proved trouble-free push-buti Donald and Barbara attended If you'd lilce ail the money.a family Christmas parties at theth uadwyn ' heù homes o! Mr. and Mrs. Tippett,thbuadwyo'shet Oshawa, and Mn. and Mns. Al- bert Tregunna. CRS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werny C RS wene among guests at a dinner Party at the home of Mr. and Mns. Robent Hancock, Toronto, on Saturday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Werry and Mns. Maurice Jebson, Gor- don and Canolyn o! Beaventon; Robent Wenry, Toronto, and oth--20 K n Ste t E en local membens of the family. K n te t E Mr. and Mns. Howard Brown had as Christmas guest, Leslie Brown of Fairview Lodge. aeClmxSorofUs The Harvey Pascce familyWacCimxSwe ftr "ad as Chitina dion gueMit, Jed KED O Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, r.Wl 'ay, K D O lace Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Alan ýeei Scott o! Columbus; Mr. and [a- (Intended for last week> Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Bowman- (Intencq ta Baby Joseph Alan Pengeliy ville; Mrs. T. W. Scott, Mr. and Miss Rit Ieo. was baptized at the last Sunday Mrs. Grant Pascoe. visited hier of service in the old year. Rev. R. Mr. and Mns. Leland Love, John Monk ,hs, H. Rickard conducted the serv- Marilyn and Sharon, Toronto; Mr. and nd ice, and Mr. and Mns. Joe Snow- Mr. ,and Mrs. C. E. Love, Osha- Orillia, vis den attended the parents, Mr. wa, were Christmas guests at en's.' nd and Mrs. James Pengelly, as1 the Harold Werry home. Mr. and r.s. godparents. Mrs. Douglas Love Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cross- adfml nd was soioist for the service. man spent Christmas as guest Mrs. Alex of Walter Davis expressed ap- of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Naylor, attended a preciation for co-operation ex- Zion, at a Nayior family party. Scott's, Kei on tended to him as General Super- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Duyts Mr. and1 liintendent of the Sunday School, and Henry, and Mr. Toni Vander and Ken,1 ac- for 1957. Keith Tregunna read Volk, Oshawa, were Christmnas Dart, Harv, the minutes of the annual Sun- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mart- Mr. and M he day School meeting held twolin Pittens. and Arnold ter weeks ago. The mlusic commift- 1Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hancock William E teefor198 wll ncudeMisesand sons, Mr. and Mrs. Mark on Christni kJune Davis, Jean Hancock, Gail1 Hancock, Jean ?and John, were Mr. and 'ce, Hitchen, Eleanor Mountjoy and among Christma dinner guests Scarborougi Jeanine Werry. Mrs. Noble and of Mr. and Mrs.aRobert Hancock, Eve at Rus ght Mrs. Thomas have consented ta Trno r n ýrt be the Special Program Com- trno r n its mittee for the Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love and family for 1958. Mr. Frank Lee taught and Neil spent Christmas Day mas Day% es- the Aduit Bible Class. with Mr. and Mis. Leslie Booth, Vice family dp The annual congregational Oshawa. Mr. and as- meeting for Kedroni United Miss Beryl Mountjoy. London; Mr. and Urn. Church is planned for Thursday Miss Olive Luke, Bert Luke andi spent Chn: :ineveing Ja. 2, wen il em-John, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. and Mrs. bers and adherents are nequest- INorton and Craig, Markham:faiyO ge ed to attend, and asslst in the Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Osha- Mr. and te prvgram and plan necessary wa; Mr. and Mrs. Starr and sons family, Bui buiesifeh cuchfr1 h were Christmas Day gues.ts at Jack Came] Ailbldiess f the cc ormutyren rs ar ose rn res coming year. o the W. L. Mountjoy home. ilton, had are invited to the home o! Mrs. Barbara, John, Pat and David Mn. and SGarfeld Trevail, for the first enjoyed Christmas holidays at and Clarke es meeting o! Kedron W.A. in thie the home o! Mrs. C. Knowles, Mrs. Clark( n; New Yean, on Thursday after- Dundas. Mn. and1 nie faon. Jan. 9, at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lothar Boehm er entertair iy Members of the United Links were Christmas dinner guests and Mrs.1 Class o! young people were of Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Hoh- Mr. and M~ guests at the home of Ronald mann, farnily atC etadJeanine Werry, at a pre- Christmas guests of Mr. and Mns. AI( Christmas meeting. Vice-Presi- Mrs. Albert Wood inciuded Mr. and Ross, >0] dent Grant Spencer conducted and Mrs. Herbent Reid, Mr. spent Chri i- business, in which it was decid- lan Reid and Miss Evelyn and Mrs. G as ed to give $25 to the SundaY Reid of Stankviile, Mr. Thomas Mn. and his School, for supplies; $25 to Mis- Wood and Mrs. Grace Knox, entertainec in- sions, and to hoid a social even- Elizabethville, and Mr. Robert Crossman, s- ing, with bowling, on Jan. 21. Gay, Oshawa. Mns. Boyd The election of officens ne- Mn. George Pantry is enjoy- ChristmasI its sulted as foiiows: Past Pres.- ing a two-week vacation at the Mn1. and ri-. Bian Lee; Pres.-Gnant Spen- homne of his sister, Mrs. C. and David n- cer; Vice-Pes.-Eleanor Mount- Maplesden, Acton, and othen Shaw's, Osl joy; Sec'y-Aian Francis; As- relatives. Mn. and1 ;e sistant-.-Nonnis Hitchen; Treas. Mrs hs Humphr and and Brian, SMrs. Harold Wenry and Mrs. Mrs. Rbn 'nda f Mr. and ýse Rogen Bishop. Lois Tregunna Tononto, were holiday visitons anid Keith, n- conducted a Christmas wonship at the J. Francis home. Mrs. Archie service. Following nefreshments, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Francis Jean Pasco (a Grant Spencer expressed thanks and Alan were amang Christmas Toronto; M> LP- for hospitality extended to the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sleep and]L rn ciass by the Harold Werry famn- Reginald Nonnis, Oshawa. Christmasa agiy To the newspaper editor and Mnad a A fine contribution has been staff, and to ail neaders of news Mr. and M: M made to Comnsunlty Centre !rom Kedron, a very fine 1958 Stephen, I ad funds through the efforts of rich with happîness and peace.' Hambly, iv ýe> Mrs. Lorne Tregunna, and as- ri _______ lis, Oshawa ue sistants, Ml-s. E. Parka, Mns. E. Stephen,1 ie- Mountjoy, Mns. Alvin Spencer, Last year the number of vis- Peterboroug Mrs. J. Francis, Mrs. R. Down, ita to Canada by residents of Day with1 le- Mrs. P. Mountjoy and Mrs. Wm. other countries was 27.7 mil- Stainton an ýer Woodward, through the sale of lion, and these visitors spent Mn. Osci he some 90 pounds of home-macle here $337 million; visits to home fron chocolates. other countries by Canadians pital on Ct A welcome to Mr. and Mrs. totalled 27.2 million, and spend- Mrs. Jacl George Corby Jr. and twin sons ing by the Canadian travellers Brenda ar( Lennie and Larry, who have was estimated at $500 million. stayed atV moved into the former home o! Mr. Howard Brown._________________ The sudden passlng of Mi. ve Frank O. Ashton of this com- ta munity on Saturday night at y Oshawa General Hospital was a ýw shock te her farruly and friends. ne An attack, suffered while visit- 't ing her daughter Flornee, Mrs.D he R. Martin, proved fatal.T k 6 i o The late Mrs. Ashton wasa of long-time resldent here, and an T th adherent . o!f!edron United 1Church. Her neighbours and ne a wlde eircle o!f fiends maourn ds her passlng and extended sympa- t - thy to mefnbers o! ber famlly. Le A "best wlshes" telegram t- from Egypt came to Mr. and v. Mrs. Arthur Stainton, from Mass d Benniece Chapman who la pres- .y ently enjoylng a travel holiday, d away frem ber position -in Ger- n many. e Mr. and Mr&. Walter Davis er and !amily were among Christ-. s-. mas guests o! the Gordon Davis s. family, Oshava. as Wlth Mr. ancý Mia m Woer« ~for Christmas &q.nner wer. Mr. cand Mrs. Roy Jaclson and boys, as Little Bitain; Mr. and Mns. J. Rich, Lakehurst; M-. and Mn. S, Art Rowan and farnKy, Yelver- i. ton; Mn. and Mrs. Doug1.As Jack- ison, Ronniie and Mary Ellen; eAlfred, Orval and Robent Jack- eson, ail o! Brooklin. ZMON led for last week> ,ta Lumsden, Simcee, ýsister, Mr. and Mrs. ihan. 1Mris. Wilfred Frank, isited at Robent Kili- 1Mrs. Gerny Giaspeil y Mns F. B. Glaspeli, : McMaster and !amily afamily party at Ray .dron. Mrs. Henry Dant, Bob Mr. and Mns. Arthur -ey, Edith and Nancy, Mrs. Fred Dant, Doris Id visited Mn. and Mrs. )art, Sr., at Woodviile .as Day. dMrs. Roy Thomas, ih, spent Christmas .ssell Stainton's. 1Mns. Gerry Glaspeli ,y attended the Christ- celebration with the ly at the Solina Hall. 1Mns. Robent Kilien, Mns. Wilfned Frank rstmas Day with Mn. Harvey Balson and shawa. 1Mns. Fred Ward and unketon, Mn. and Mrs. .enon and !amily, Ham- Chnistmas with their r. and Mrs. Wes Cam- 1Mns. Keith Stainton e had Christmas at ke Moone's, Oshawa. Mns. Hans Geissberg- .ned their !amily, Mn. Hans Geissberger Jr., /Trs. Arthiur Dart and Christmas. Jex McMaster, Joan Mns. F. B. Giaspeil stmas Day with Mn. George Hilts, Oshawa. 1Mrs. Charles Naylor dMn. and Mrs. Harvey Kedron; Mn. and 1Ayne and family on Day. 1Mrs. Jim Stainton A were at Leonard shawa, Christmas Day. Mrs. Aubney Hircock n, Oshawa, at Fred for Christmas. 1Mns. Arthur Moore ,Enniskillen; Mr. and ie Keith, Oshawa; Miss se, Miss Ada Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Linda, Coldwater, had at Frank Pascoe's. 1Mns. H. F. Stephen, Wrs. Harry Poloz and Mr. and Mrs. Jim [nr. and Mrs. Ted Col- ra; Mn. and Mrs. Tqýd Bruce and Diane, igh, spent Christmas Mr. and Mns. R. C. md Launie. car Pingle returned n the Oshawa Hos- ,hristmas Eve. ck Camenon, Johnny, Ld Diane, Hamilton,j Wes Camenon's until )Uv your new Orono, had dinner at Mr. Ar- thur McKay's. recently. Christmnas dinner guests at Mr. Llew Halioweil's were: Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casweii and Leslie, Miss Nor- ma Hailowell. Newcastle, Miss Beulah Hailoweil and Mr. Mau- rice Halioweli, Toronto. With the lighted Nativity scene, tree and special musir 1by the choir, the -Christmas Sunday service at Shioh was greatly appreciated. Rev. White had a story for the children foflowed by his message lead- ing fromi the thought that vie- tories aren't decisive batties, with h is t o ricai1 references through to the Birth of the Christ Child. Sunday when they returned ta Hamilton. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Stainten visited at Albert Balson's, Se- lina. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jack, e! Whitby; Joseph MeMaster, Mrs. Ahex McMaster, Jean and Ross were Boxing Day guests at Charles Naylor's. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Evenson, Port Credit, visited at John Monahan's. Mn. and Mns. Charles Mitchell and Terry, Toronto, visited ati Russell Penkins. Mn. and Mrs. John Cruick- shanks spent Christmas Day with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Stin- son and family, Norwood. Mn. and Mrs. George Sonley, Dr. and Mrs. Ted Soniey, Mn. and Mns. Percy Bryce, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. William Smith, Whitby; Mn. and Mrs. Aubrey Hircock and Bian, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons at Fred Cameron 's. Master Ward Sklner, Oshawa, was supper guest of David Stainton on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Lawnence Henry, Hamilton, spent a few days at Ray Camenon 's in the Christmas hoiidays. S TARK VILLE (Intended for last week) Miss Gwen Stark visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sylvester, Sarnia. Christmas concert at Stark- ville schooi was gneatiy enjoy- ed with the children presenting thein parts in fine form. Mn. and Mrs. Bnian Caswefl anrd Leslie, were guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Harold Casweil, Zion Mn. and Mrs. Jlm Stark and family spent Christmas at Cas- tieton. Mn. and Mrs. C. Gilmer and family were Christmas guesta in Peterborough wlth Mr. and Mrs. McEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reid, Evelyn and Allan, with Mn. and Mrs. A. Wood, ICedron. Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven, Zion, Mn. and Mns. R. Lowery and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. A. Dobson. Mr. Athur McKay and Mns. 1. Plum, were dinnen guests with Mn. and Mrs. H. Barrow- ciough, Wesleyvilie, Christmas Day. Mn. and Mrs. A. Rogers and family, Oshawa, and Mrs. Bnownlee, Toronto, wlth Mn. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mrs. Etwell, Toronto, spent Christmas with Mn. and Mns. Bert Tnins. Mn. and Mns. Cli.fferd Reid and Elizabeth wlth Mn. E. Graham and Miss Lucy Gra- ham, Third Line. Mr. and Mns. John Stark and family with Mr. and Mrs. Lo- gan, Manvers Station. Mn. and Mns. Albert Morton, ig reasons, See If It doesn't yearthe new Plymouth wayl Ivantages, Plymouth stands out as ie buy. e, thanks to Plymeuth's quality- 'y Customaire heating-ventilating st windshield and wipers of any ting capacity ta match, plus now un safety-visibility. And for net a Sd Torsion-AIRE suspension, to igh spot .. . level yeu around without brake-dive. ours te sparo with Plymouth'u ic-inch V-8, transnsitted through ;teon automatia drive. -saving roasona why Plymouth's Âme to got yours, just coeeme u& TMkoûpfe>S pLqv&t Youre always a step ahead in cars of The Forward Look,,l>ir L.ER CORPORATION OPu CANADA, LIMITED Motor Bowmanville Sales Phone MA 3-5487 ýssvy Thursday niglit on TV-chesck your local programme listing for Orneamd channfl .1 i - BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas af Vigor 011 SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone M 32919 Vigor9 A .Standard1OCiedntt (Jasi.oline 3 Vigor Super Aq9 GAL High Test 1O lncluding tax Complote Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS -NOTICE- WHEAT GROWERS A vote on a petifion received from the Ontario Wheat Producers' Association that a proposed wheat producers marketing plan be approved will be held on Friday, January 17, 1958. Polling hooths will be open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. In addition, poils at The County Department of Agriculture office, will be kept open from 9 to 5 p.m.-Mondav. January 2th to Friday, January 24th, inclusive. *6 ONTARIO FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD Lusclous peach, pear and pineapple tidbits with bright red cherries in clecir sweet juice.