w AT, MAN. Mt, 1958 TIE CANADLAS STATESMAN. DOIWBANVILLE. ONTAR!O ~ombines End Slump 2efeat Cobourg 11-5 BowmaviIle-Orono Combines Fred Cowle made it 2-0 for bppdCoburg Rockets 11_5,1 B.O.C.'s leas than two minutes trdynigbt at Memonial ilater wbile tbey bad a one-man Sta end their three-game advantage. He took a faceof! "l and re n their pass fnom Art Rennick and blast- n snplýe e Lake- e sizzling 20-footer that was GéIntermediate hockey partially screened. Pf~3t.Rohy Campbell put Cobourg .t<eable Raye West started on the score sheet at 12:37 wben Le light blinking for Combines be took a pass outside his blue- afre moat o! the fans had time line for a breakaway. He roar- isettie into their seats. He cd in alone and drew goalie ied the firat marker past Rosa Hawe asîde to find space in lude Sommenville at the 48 the corner o! the nets. tnd mark wben be was lelt Fbur-Goal Outhurst Pleases Fans attended in front o! the Rockr-Combines surprised Cobourg nets. and pleased the fana as tbey ex- _______________________ploded with a four-goal outburst in the opening minutes o! the second peniod. Raye West again started tbemn roiling with a goal at the 47 second mark. Lloyd Hamilton connectcd from directly in front of the cage to make it 4-1. Syd - ..::rAnold came speeding in and slapped a lO-footer past Sommer- .3O 0 ville at the 2:37 mark, with Art Rennick gettîng bis third assist KODAK of the game on the. goal. Gerry Robinson ended the outburst as he tipped in Maxie P ROJECTOR Yourth's shot from tebuln at 4:07. Syd Arnold boosted New xcelence... uxu their lead to 8-1 at 15:19 with IVewexcllene.. luxry' a long shot fnom the blueline. in slide projection Cobourg Have Brief Flurry Bob Parnell clicked for two lqeyer before a slide prjector fast goals in the final minutes lilce if! Superbly styled, ultra as Cobourg made a brie! come- compact and portable . .. and back bid. Sommerville sbowed outstanding in performonce. sorne o! the skihi with which be Ein opic, pwerulnewdesri turned aside 45 shots, when be optcspowrfu ne-deign stopped Junior West on a break- pand fiawless operotion away witb just 33 seconds re- provide slide shows of matchless rnaining. excellence. Self-cased, in cardi- Junior West fired a bomb uial red or teol green. from just inside the blueline at with Rés wt s.îf-sorins 1:30 o! the final period that was dangr ef75 chanern75 just too bot for the aient net- 73 g8. minder to bandle. Gary Cope- land and Mickey Walkcr scored .J unassisted goals only two minutes apant as they coin- ury and menced to strengtben B.O.C.'s Jur anJled.Munro counted nte Lovei I for Rockets at the midway mark 3-578 Bwmaville 'Hawe s stick. Gary Copeland took a hoose puck from the *shmentü 1) Fep si*-Cola Trade Mark Regster.d mith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR for. rtection GRINDING - ROLLING Il crowd in front of the nets blasted a hard shot betç Sommerville's legs for his sec of the night. Wlnu Prise Per Pewfoirmar Art Rennick also packed an asaist on Copeland'sg making his total four, and titling him to one of theg being offered by local mei ants. He will receive a $10 from Chartran's Gent's Wear bis starring performance. Coon Medhurst ended the s( ing at 14:16 when he knocke rebound in from in front Hawe was trying to clear puck. Combines evened Cobo in the penalty department,v all five of their penalties c( ing in the third period. Robson Junioi Down Whitb) Robson Pontiacs upset VWl by Hillcrest 8-3, in Lakesi Junior "C" hockey action the County Town Monc evening. First period goals by M~ Richards, George Lawrej and Gary Wakelyr gave Pontiaca a towering 3-0 le Gary Wakely starred again the opening minutes o! the n dle frame as he and brol] Paul blinked the lamp to ni it 5-1. Whitby scored a lone m& er in the second to rob goo Vince Vanstone of bis shuti attempt and then countedt more in the final stanza. Paul Wakely got bis secc o! the game in the third per. and Greg McBride addedt unassisted goals for good i sure. Lake Shore, Clarki - MIXING To Your Satisfaction PHONE NA 3-5316 - WE PICK UP AND DELIVER We hope Io enjoy some of the patronage the former owners, Messrs. Luther Goodmnan and Harvey Pantner shared in -the past . 4, SEE ADYT. ON PAGE 8 FOR FURTIIER PARTICULARS and vecsi cond en- gifla ýrch- Sgift r for cor- ýd a b as the ourg with :om- iy hit- hore Lin day Uort ence the ead. -in nid- tbcr ake ark- )alie out two ond riod two iea- Mn. and Mrs. Glen Pollard and Jchn and Miss Audrey Kenty, Streetaville, wcne Sun- day visitons witb Mn. and Mns. W. Holmes. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Avery, Tilbury, spent Friday with Mn. and Mns. C. Avery. Mn. and Mrs. W. Adarns and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Souch and Mn. A. Soucb, Sbihoh. New Year'u Visitors On New Year's Bye with Mn. and Mns. Alec Martin wene Mn. and Mns. Newton Seiby, Mn. and Mrs. Bob Stephenson, and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell. Mr. and Mra. Alec Mantin and family with Mn. and Mns. Gordon Martin, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. C. Avery witb Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Wotten, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Stan Taylor and Dennis, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Taylor and famuly, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan boy and Wendy, Courtice, Mn. Ralpb Murray, Newcastle, and Mn. and Mrs. C. Bedwîn were witb Mn. and Mrs. Art Bedwin. Mn. A. Soucb, Shilob, and Mn. and Mna. Bob Rutherford, Or- ono, witb Mn. and Mrs. W. Adams. Witb Mr. and Mns. Chas. Ail- dred and Mna. Paul Hotson were Mn. and Mrs. Reg Wood- hams and Marie, Toronto, Mrs. Fred Coucb, Mrs. N. Samis and Mi'r. Les Allin, Newcastle, Mn. and Mrs. Les Alldned and farn- ily. Orono, Mn. and Mrs. Bob Alldred, Bruce and Lois and M~r. Dbug. Rowe, Newtonville. '½he Canadien jewellers' tnstlfule Issue* Ibis Monu *nly le th... who have paisse! Ifs rgId examlncolen la watNhmaklno. Ufi l your assuranceof. compiet, dependable wetch repair ondý maintenance. MARRS employa waItchmak.rs c.rtlfl.d by the C.J. Os Your Wafch Due Per A CheekUp? aring yeur watch whers y.w are sure ft wlIII eclve Ce.#crtlfs. Marr's Jewellery Announcing. RE-OPENI NG TYRONE 0F MILL v Local, Dances Parties Usher in New Year Quiet Holiday For Police Despite the number o! cele- brants it was a quiet night for botb local and Provincial Po- lice oven tbe holiday. No ar- resta werc made and only four minor accidents were reponted by the Ontario Provincial Po- lice. "Bowmanville citizens are to be cormcended on thein able conducts," Police Chie! Ber- nard Kitney said Thursday. "It was an excellent holiday per- iod with no disturbances occun- ring", be commcnted. Crowd at Legion Dance The Legion Hall was filled ta capacity for the Legion's Dance. Everyonc waa supplied with bats, borna, and noise- makers with which to wclcome in 1958. The hall wat beautiful- ly decorated for the occasion and two nets fillcd witb bal- loons bung frorn the ceiling were reheased into the crowd at midnight. Dance mnusic was supplied by Ted Taylor and bis Orchestra, Ajax. A Hammond organ at- tachment on the piano added mucb to the music. The Ladies' Auxiliary under the direction of Mrs. Jack Knîgbt served a delicious lunch. Comrade Jim Fair and bis dance cornmittee were in charge o! events. Winners o! the spot dance pnizes donatcd by Miller's Re- SOLJNA The Solina Safcty Sallics hiad thein fifth meeting on Jan. 4 at Mrs. Rae Pascoc's homc. Roll cali was answcrcd with 'a good book I have nead". The discus- sion was centred around "Pub- lic Healtb Mensures"; precau.- tion in case o! infection; nules o! sanitation and nutrition. Home assignmcnts wene given. Ladies of the Women's Insti- tute ententaincd thein busbands at a card party on Saturday evening in the Community hall. Mrs. ,J. Baker and Mr. Roy Langrnaid received prizes for higbest scores while Mra. Han- ry Knox and'Russeil Best re- ceived consohations. Plan to attend the annuàl Congregational meeting on Jan. 21, Tueaday evening. Bradley's Comrnunity Club will meet Fniday, January 17. Men's Bnotbenlhood wiil meet at Solina on Wcdncsday, Jan. 15, Rev. P. Romenil, Blackstock, will be guest si>eaker. Mrs. J. Ydllowlees is visitingc ber sisters, Miss Ida Reynolds and Mns. Mabel Westley in To- ronto. The annual business meeting o! tbe Community hall board will be beld on Friday even- ing, Jan. 10. Fohlowing the bus- iness peniod a social houn will be enjoyed. Mrs. S. E. Wenny and Mrs. Doneen Brooks, Bowmanville, le! t hast Tbursday by moton with Mn. and Mrs. Francis Werny of Enniskillen, for Flor- ida, wbere tbcy will spend sev- enal montha. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and family and Mrs. Addic Tink were visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Pency Dewell's, Hampton, on New Year's Day, and at Hilton Tink's, Ebenezen, recently. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mn. and Mns. Chas. Langmaid and children, spent New Yean's Day at Mn. and Mns. Roy Mc- Gill'a, Enniskillen. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Lang- maid, Mn. and Mns. Roy McGill, calcd on New Year's day at Mn. Rosa Lee's, Kedron, on the occasion o! Mn. and Mns. Ar- thur Stainton's Golden Wed- ding Annivcnsany. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yelhowlees also called there in the evening to extcnd best wishes. Mr. and M4rs. Charles Lang- maid and cbildrcn visi.tcd on Sunday at Mn. and Mrs. Will Ashton's, Bradley's The Tempenance program prepared by Mns. Hanny Knox for Sunday School included a neading by Pat Davis and a piano solo by Helen Knox. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe wene guesta on New Yenr's day with Mn. and 1VIrs. Harvey Crosaman, Taunton. Mn. and Mrs. J. Knox and cbildren enjoyed New Year's day with Mn. and Mns. H. Mal-' colin, Brougham. Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Craw- ford and sons, Wbitby, visitcd at C. Harner's and John Knox, Mn. and Mrs. Bd Davis, Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Peter and Marilyn: Jim Hall, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. J. Yeilowlcs, Misa Gladys Ycllowfees spent New Ycar's day witb Mn. and Mns. Ralph Davis and Pat. Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Hilîs and cbihdren wcre New Ycar's day guesta o! ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. MeCarrell, Omemnec. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor had their family borne for New Year's-Bnuce, Jean and sons,, Donahd, Joyce and William; Evelyn from Peterborough ani Rey. Bob Shcrwin from. Belle- ville. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Avery, Donna Marie and Carlisle, Til- bury; Mn. and Mrs. Harold Moore, Heather and George. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Ros- coc and John Baker, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Westlake Sr. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Broome and sons, spent New Ycan's day at Mn. and Mrs. John Broome's, rynyone.* Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngman and sons, Tyrone, .%ere New Y'ear*s day guests of Mr. and M4rs. Flett and famihv. Mr. and Mma Harry Knox Bowmanville citizens wei- comed in the New Year in tra- ditional fashion, Tuesday even- ing, with many attending local dances beld by the Legion, Lions Club and Badminton Club. Others attended a special New Year's Dance at Varcoe's Hall near Oshawa, wbile many persons beld private parties in tbe area. A few stayed at borne where througb the media oï TV and- radio tbey ushered in 1958. and sons were guesta on New Ycan's day o! Mn. and Mrs. C. Vice and Donna. Mns. W. J. Spires, Millbnook; Mn. and Mns. A. Wotten and children, Mn. and Mns. F. Bun- nows, Mrs. Ethel Sutton, Osh- awa, visited witb Mn. and Mns. E. Spires and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and chihdren spent New Ycar's day with Mns. f). Dyen, Columbus, and wene Sunday tea guests witb Mn. and Mrs. J. Dycn, Col- umbus. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- gomery were New Yean's day gucsts with Mns. Gentie Fer-, guson, -Oshawa. New Year's day guests at Mn. and Mns. E. Cryderman's, wene Mn. and Mns. Ken Mc- Minn and children, Mn. and Mns. H. Fneitag and sons, Mn.1 and Mrs. J. Legen and cbildrcn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Cryderman and children. Mrs. J. Bittner o! Saskatchewani was also a recent visiton. Mn. and Mns. Ian Smnith andI childnen, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Carn, Oshawa, wene New Yean's day gucats o! Mr. and Mna. Stan Milîson and sons. Mn. and Mns. Harvey Yel- lowlees and daughters spent New Ycar's day with Mn. and Mrs. E. Larmen, Bhackstock. The tempenance pnognam an- ranged by Mrs. Hanny Knox for Sunday School included a neading by Pat Davis and a piano solo by Helen Knox. Mn. and Mrs. J. Baker arc visiting Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Johnston and farnily. London. Robent and John Allin, Bow- manvihie, spent Friday a!ter- noon witb thein cousins, Han- old and Murray Ycllowlees. NE WTON VILLE Mr. Philip Gilmer is in Mcm- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. with an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Laurie Stapleton is the new accountant at the Harold Burley garage. Mr. Jas. Nesbitt who bas been visiting the home folks left on Thursday for Ar]ington,J Virginia. Mrs. Wm. Milligan met witbi an unfortunate accident when, shopping in Bowmanville. She f el and broke ber left arm. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitta- ker, Kc'nneth, Carol and Lynne, Toronto, with ber mother, Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Miss Gloria Lane is teaching in Bowmanville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley and Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bur- ley, Cobourg. Congratulations to Mr. «and Mrs. Don Parker on the birth of a daugbte r at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. The Farrows and the Lancas- ters have arrived back froni Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Lancas- ter spent one night with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Allen. They ail came home with the idea that tbey will stay longer next time. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Toronto, and Mr. Wm. Robin- son, Orono, with Mr. and Ms Cecil Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Joncs and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce'Lcuty, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wakelyn and Mrs. Harriet Mcdcalf, Port Hope, attended the funeral of Mrs. Chas. Britton at Oshawa on Tuesday. Congratulations to Mr. andP Mrs. Rymond Gilmer, Toront'o, on the birth of a son on Jan. 4, another grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce with Mr. and Mrs. M. Chatter- ton, Orono. Visitors with Mrs. Wm. Mil. ligan were, Mrs. Arnold Coul- ter and family, Minden, Mr. Bud NewýABigging and son Paul, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrn. Thomson Taylor, Bowmanville. The flowers in the church on Sunday were in. loving mem- ory, of Mrs. Leland Payne, the gift o! the family. Mrs. Geo. Ovens wbo spent the holiday season witb ber famîly in Toronto, returned home on Saturday, accompan- îed by Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ste- phenson and family. Mr. Murray Barrie is in Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cunning- bam, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gra- bami, Ahana and Kevin, Fene- Ion Falls, spent Cbristmas with Mr. and Mrs. *Harland Trull. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Toronto, with bis sister, Miss Luhu Reynolds. Miss Nina Hodgson, Wash- ington, D.C., spent a few days including Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett spent a few days in Toronto' last week. Mr. Rahph Burrows, North Bay, and Miss Helen Burrows, Toronto, were with their par- lents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bur- rows. Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kersey and famihy, Toronto, spent a few days at Christmas with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ker- sey. coi'd Bar were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stainton, Mr. Jim Bar- clay and Mrs. J. Nickerson and Mr. and Mrs. Brenton, of New- castle. The two door prizes don- ated by Miller's and McNulty's Sports Sbop were won by Mrs. Art Mains and Mrs. Peter Ma- Karchuk, Oshawa. New Band Hit At Varcoe'u Some 75 couples attended tbe dance at Varcoe's Hall, wbich was appropriatehy decoratcd for the occasion. Dancing wvas1 enjoyed to the music of The1 Trottera Orchestra f rom To-i ronto. Balloons, bats, borna and1 noise-makers were providedi for everyone and a lunch was enjoyed at rnidnigbt. Centennial Decoratio-n Theme The Badminton Club wasi gaily decorat.ed in a Centennial Year theme for their dance. Old pictures depicting scenes fnomý 1858 were painted on the walls and old style lampa provided the lighting. Guests were wcl- comed by the President, Don Venton. Everyone was provided witb bats, horns and favours and a net of balloons banging from the ceiling was relcased at midnight. A delicious buffet huncheon was acrved after midnight and the 90 couples atteipding enjoyed dancing un- tii 2 arn. to the music o! Ab Danch and bis orchestra. Lions Celebrate More than 70 couples attend- ed the Lions Club dance held at the Lions Centre. Balloons and streamers banging from the ceiling addcd to the colounful decorations of the bail. Each table was individually decor- ated and bats, borna and noise- makens were provided for ail. Excellent dance music was supplied by Jack Denton's or- chestra, Toronto. A lunch, was served by the Balmoral Hotel shortl 'y after rnidnight and danc- ing lasted until 1 arn. Lion Sam Black and bis committee were in charge of the evening. Door prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. Norm O'Rourke,. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morris, Mr. and, Mrs. Tom Rehder, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bragg. 1 Mrs. Otis Pritchard, and sons, Manotick, were Christmas vis- htors with her mother, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Paul and John, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, vis- ited friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell, Hampton, with her sister, Mrs. L. C. Snowden on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. G. Beech and family, Mrs. E. Ashton, attend- ed the family gathering at En- niskillen hall on Christmas Day. Rev. and Mrs. H. Stainton, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bragg, Barry and Allen, Pro- vidence, wîtb Mr. and Mrs. G. Beech. Mrs. E. Ashton visited at ber daughter's, Mrs. I. Travell's Oshawa, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. James Martin and family, Bowmanville, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MqONE Y AVAILABLE FOR 1MORTGAGES Ealph S. Jones I Barrister and Solicitor 6Simoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 i Greenhamn for New Year's Dà:y Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green- hamn and Carol were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren. Hampton. We would like to extend a warm wehcome to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pingle and cbildren wbo are now living in the bouse ne- cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doyle. Very sorry to bear that Mr. Wbahen is in Whitby bospital. We ail wish bim a speedy re- covery. Congratulations to Mary Jane Laverty and Jackie, Bob Wha- hen, on winning new bicycles in a recent contest. Don't forget tbe Institute meeting this Monday evening, Jan. 13, atb the churcb base- ment. Mrs. D. Laverty is in Sunny- brook Hospital where she is undergoing an operation on ber legs. We all wish ber a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. G. Beech enter- tained the staff, accornpanied by busbands and friends, to a pre-Christmas party at the Venture Inn. Christmas gifts were excbanged and ail report- ed a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Asbton, Charles and Lois, Enniskillen, were visitons at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beecb. KEDRON An attendance o! 122 marked tbe first Sunday Scbool session at Kedron in the New Year, witb Harold Werry as superin- tendent for the first montbs of 1958. A brief film was showr. before the hesson study pcniod. The aduit class meditation was led by Robent Werry, Toronto. Rev. R. H. Rickard was in the pulpit. Next Sunday, Jan. 12, the quartenly Communion service will be at the regular bour. 2.30. Fniends bereabout were sor- ry to learn that Ray Scott ne- cently suffered a fractured bone in bis leg, and Lynda Hop- kins a broken arm. Best wish- es are extended to each. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott and farnily were recent guests at the Bryan Bastin home, Co-1 bourg. Robert and Freddy El- liott remained to spend' a few days' holiday with their sister. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Tregunna and children, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Tregunna, keitli and Ray spent New Yean's Day as guesta o! Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tregun- nia. Mrs. Clare Fraser, Joanne, Paul, Aynsley and David, Peel Gardens, Port Credit, were I (APPROX. TWO WEEKS) Thursday guees i t the Naffl Werry home. Holiday guests of b&. and Mrs. Douglas Love,. xave in- cluded Mr. and MIs. Arthur Raallaub from the Magnetawan, Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Booth, Mrs. L. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. James Haire, Oshawa. Mr'. and Mrs.. W=. Werry. Donald and Dennls, were among Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson, Little Bri- tain. Family dinner parties were beld on New Year's Day at the homes o! Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman for the Naylor fam- ily; at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Scott for the H. L. Pas- coe family; at the home o! Mns. F. Werry for the Fletcber Wer- ry family and at the homes of W. L. Mountjoy, J. Glover and others, for the immediate fam- ilues. With Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott as New Year guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Smith and chil- dren. Brian Lee returned ta the Agnicultural College, Guelph, following tbe Christmas holi- day spent with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee. DGES YOUR PIGGY-DANK RATILE? flid you save as much as you anticipated during the pastyeart How inucli have you saved in tie Ist ten years?. If vour savings -plan is hiogging down ou need a sy.4tema1 jo xnethod-something a&long ihe lines of an endowment rolicy of the Stun Life Assurancq Company of Canada. Start naving thiasure way today. Banner Passant Representative KWA 3-3258 53 Brown St. Bowmanvllle Robson Motors Limited Make sure your car tà ready for the cold weather ahead. Let us check - ANTI-FREEZE BATTERY COMPL ETE MOTOR TUNE-UP COMPLETE ALIGNMENT AND WHEEL BALANCING BRAKE ADJUSTMENT Simonize and Proteci Your Car ROB3SON MOTORS BUICK -LIMITED BUIK -PONTIAC - G.M.C. 'TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville, MA 3.3321 1~ Under the New Proprietor MR. JOHN THCm"Y1*BECK Since purchasing ihis business Mn. Thornbeck has gone Io considerable expense in completely ne-modeiling and ne- lifting Ihis milIo bpnesent-day standards, and is neady to serve you with: mll INOTIC TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY I!IMITED ASSOCIATI $Ton CLOSED FOR ST OCKTAKI NG AND ALTERATIONS Mn. and Mrs. D. Higgins and! son Jimmie, spent Christmas' with bier sisten in Toronto. Miss Florence Werry waa with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoan, Ty- none. Intended For Last Week Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Horn and daugbter, Pattie, Montreal, accompanied by Mrs. Honn's brother, Mn. Walter Jacob, Port Hope, visited bis father, Mn. W. W. Horn, on Thunsday. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Sulli- van and daugbter, Connie, To- ronto, visited ber sisten, Mrs. Joe Galhant, and family, over Christmnas. Mn. E. E. Staples, Peterbor- ough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bilhett, and called on other vil- lage triends. He also attended Mr. and Mns. Howard Stevens' Golden Wedding Annivcnsary at Enniskillen on Saturday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Maxine and Debora, Mn. and Mrs. Sam Keane, and son, Douglas, Osbawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. Tom Wray on Sun- day Mns. Ethel Cole, Orono, vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. Eanl Luke, on Sundaly. Mrs. Selback, Osbawa, spent the weekend witb Mn. and Mra. Jamer and famihy. MAPLE GROVE PA« inuwam z