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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1958, p. 2

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Y =M XZrDIff1T UT&rA3M. EOWUCAÇVZMOUTAPIO TNURSDAY, 3'AIi, ttli, ISSU D arlington Council Passes Zoning By-Law At Inaugurai Meeting Memnbems of the 1958 Dam- ign of immaturity. Zlngton Township Council were The speaker feit that 195 sworn Into office at the Inau. had been a year in which Pro gura.l meeting held ini the Town- vidence had clearly shown thý ship Hall, Hampton, on Thurs- shortcomings -of nman and th, day of last week. problema he must face if h, Rev. F. J. Reed of Hampton is to survive. delivered an enlightenlng in- "I think if we 'are to be sue augurai address for the occa- cessful in 1958 we will have b uion in whlch he complirnented show ourselves more preparet the Council for their work in to meet the challenges of ti 1957. "Youm return te office by wold. In addition we mnuet bi acclamation speaks lor the ap- more appreciative of the abi] preclation cf the electors cf ity cf others and more helpft. Darlington," he pointed out. to each other," Mr. Reed sali -Taklng the oath of office ini conclusion. were Reeve Roy Nichais, De. On behal.f cf the Council Puty-Reeve Garnet Rickard Coun. Alan Thompson thankec and Councillors Earl Truil, Mr. Reed for taking time ti Alan Thompson and Fred give bis address. Smith. Ini his address Mr. Reed aise Te Expmnd Sohool reviewed wold criais which Tentative approval was givez threatened In 1957 and he went to the South Darllngton Arej on to contemplate how these School Board by Council. te se dangers might be avoided in cure plans for two additions the coming_ year. rooms at the Mitchell Corners To Mr. Reed the world ouf - School. fered frein three areas cf shock Zoning By-Iaw arising out cf false peconcep- A temporary~ Zoning By-lav tion. One area cf niisconcep. was passed by Council. Thti tien he explained was the be- temporamy measure will con. lief that the Western World trol zoning and restrict lanc was a superior race and that and property te its presen, ability existed only in North uses until an Officiai Plan foi America.thTonhpi prvd Howevem, the striking advan- te Owshipis approed. ces cf Russia in such fields as LD lcse science, business and sports have A brief discussion arose ovei proven this te be false, Mm. the pessibility of Darllngtor 1Beed pointed eut. joining the Lake Ontario De. Another false conception was velopment Association. that competent business mien, Coun. Alan Thonipson ex. soldiers or lawyears made cern- plained that the LODA is ba. petent politicians. sically a business enterprise tc The third area cf shock promnote this area. On the athe: temmed fmom the conception hand the Oshawa Regional that m6st people believed that Planning Board, of which Dar. progress was unliited and e- lington is a member, allowE gression hlghly improbable. varieus corniunities in the re- Mr. Reed went on te suggest gion Io collectively plan theiz that the panic and fear that future. seized the* free world due te However, Coun. Thompsoil these shocks was certainly a felt that it would be illogical *0, YOU (AN BANK YOUR MONEY "Around-the-Clock" JUST OPENED ai the 8B0o/M'a Bowmanville Office Now, Bowmanville residents have at their disposai at i. B of M a dual "around-the-ciock" depository service - 24 heurs'a day - 7 days a week. You'I1 find it par- ticularly convenient if you are unabie te de your banking during regular heurs." This. new, speciai service ia ideai. for both pers onai mnd business banking. Savingsansd chequing-account cuatoniers siniply place their deposits ln a speciai cen- velope provided by the Banik and drap it in the de- poitory unit outaide the. building ... Merchants and other businessmen simpiy place their receipta in a special Jocting-wallet provided by the. Bank and drap it through the. door inx the face of the. depoitory unit. For juil delaila, please enquire ai the B ot MIa BowmanviUe Office ANOTHER FIRST FOR CANADA'S FIRST BANK.* * The inauguration of the dual depoaitory marks e * another first for Canadasa pioneer batik, for it is e the. firât such service te be offered by a chartered * bank in Bowrnanville. Here ini Bowmanville, as in : cities, towna and bamiets froni caast te ceast - thee B cf M ha. constantiy endeavoured te, kecp pace withe roth of th city by exadn t increasing bakn need8acf the, community. I3ÂNK oE MONTREÂIL . 4 d(.9w go" Eowmaavllle Brandi: JAMES BELL, Manage WORtKING WITI4 CANADIANS SU RY!RY WALK Or iiFE SINCE 'S'y 7 e e to AI te enter the LODA until the Township had an Officiai Plan. Coun. Fred Smith added that the Township should watt until it bas something to offer. Te Inspeot Roadu Deputy-Reeve Garnet Rick- ard suggested that Coundil meet with Road Supeintendent Tom Stewart to inspect al roads in the township. This he thought would give Council a botter understanding cf the road situation in Darllngton when it came turne te prepare the annual budget. TYRONE ie Mm. and Mme. Gordon Thomp )e son and Robert, Port Hope visited Mm. and Uri. Lorne An iluns. A Mm. and Mrs. H. Skinner witl Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp, En ýd Mm. and Mmi. W. Vivian an eo family with Mm. and Mm Chas. Vivian, Bowmanville. Mm. and Mmi. George All ýn dread with Mm. and Mme, Davit ýa Alldread, Bowmanviile. Mm. and 14rs. E. Deeley enter itained friends New Yeam's Eve si Mm. and Mrs. E. Masters an. girls, Bowrnanville, Mm. anc Mme. Ralph Virtue, Enniskiller with Mm. and Mme. E. A. Virtue ~'Mm. and Mme. W. Park an( 13 Douglas, vieited at Jamei 1- Park's, Peterborough. d Several people held Nev It Year's Eve parties. rMm. and Mme. C. Johns, Mr and Mme. Larry Dewell, Mr and Mme. Wallace Munday anc rfamily, Bowmanville, Mm. anc n Mi-s. Lloyd Broorne and boys -Solina, with Mm. and Mrs. Johr Broorne, New Year's. - Mm. and Mme. Herb Scott -Mm. and Mme. Roy Scott anc 0 girls, Clarke, spent Nèw YeaM' rDay with Mr.. and Mme. 'I iScott. - Mm. and Mme. M. Smiley and children, Mm. and Mme. K. Rahyr -and famiiy, Mm. and Mme. VW .Rahin at Mm. and Mrs. Ceci' rRahin, Burketon. n <M. and Mme. T. Scott arn Sfamily, visited Mm. and Mrs. A V. Edwards, Welland. Hem fa. ther, Mm. Edwards, returne< home with thein. Mm. and Mme. W. Vivian and farnily spent Sunday with Mr apde Mrs. Bob Vîvian, Janet. New Year's gueste cf Mr and Mrs. Ralph Glaspeil werE Mm. and Mme. Ray Scott and family, Kedmon, Mms. F. B. Glasý peIl, Mm. and Mme. Gemry Glas. peIl and farnily, Mme. Alex Mc- Master and faniily, Zion, Mr and Mmes. George Hilts, Oshawa, Mm. and Mre. Frank Wer attended a birthday pamty ixi Ihonour of hem sistem's 91st birthday aset week. Congratu. lations, Mme. Awde cf Omono. Pte. Albert Edwards wha has juet returned frein Gem. many, Teddy Edwards, Well. and, spent the holiday week with their sister, Mm. and Mmi. T. Scott. The Brent family gathering was held Satumday evening at the home cf Mm. and Mme. H. Brent. Mm. and Mme. Howard Philp entetained hem Bible Class last Thursdýay evening when 30 attended. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Philp and boys, Mme. L. Taylor, Pe- terborough, weme guests cf Mm. and Mrs. H. Phîlp and Miss Jean Philp. Mms. W. A. Good- fellow of Codington aIse speni a few daye at the Philp home. M.and Mme. Ralph Glaspeli. Mm. and Mme. John Broorne, vieited. Mme. W. J. Miller and Beth, Oshawa. Mrs. Otto Virtue was tea guest of Mm. and Mme. Delbert Bell, Courtice, on New Yeam's. Mm. and Mrs. Lomne Phare visited Mme. B. Kilpatrick, Port Pemry. Mm. and Mms. Alf Knowlton and children, with Mm. and M.s Ross Knowlton, Enniskillen. Mm. and Mmi. W. T. Banting and son Edward, Allisten, Mm. and Mme. Ralph Banting and farnily,ý St. Catharines, spent New Year's Day with Rev. and Mme. F. Jackson and John. Mr. and Mme. E. Carlson and boys, Toronto, wlth Mm. and Mme. H. Stainten. Mm. and Mme. Allan Wood, Millbrook, weme tea guests Sunday cf Mm. and Mme. H. Brent. Mm. and Mme. Alex Sytnyk and farnily, Whitby, Mm. and Mme. Ken Acheson, Oshawa,1 with Mm. and Mme. John Hilîs.1 The cengregatienai meeting1 wlll be held Jan. 18 in the foi-n of a pot luck dinner at 12.30 Ili the Sunday School meon. Mission Band met Sunday memning with a fair attendane Officers elected weme:: Presi- dent, Robert Hamnilton; vice- Ten a hsen comntittee. Bet tY Phillîpe, Lorraine Rosevear, Kay Davey, showed 15 good bocks to read. Achievement Day is Feb. 27. Home assîgnments were given eut and lunch was semved by Mme. A. Woods and Audrey. Press reporter, CeeUle Park. God gives you Hie spiritual ideas, and in turn, theyv give vou daily 3upplies--Mai-y Ba- ker Eddy. Sputnik Points Up Need High- Standlard ln Secondary Schools Business Directory dÂccouniancy WM. J. H. COUGINS Chartered Accountant * Second Floor New Libramy Building dCor. King and Temperance Sts. * Phone MAmý,ket 3-3612 MONTIETH - MONTIETH Chamte&eCO. ChareredAccountants 135 Slmcoe St. N. Oshawa n RA 5-3527 ;t Partners : -J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A, A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A 0G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) E. Trethewey, CÀ k FL tFRIE L A. R 9RUNTER & CO. t Accountants and Audiitors 64 King St.\ E.; , , RA. à.1621 Oshawa F. B. L. Yale, C.A. F.Friedlander, B. Comm., C.P.A. sJ. Hunter, C.P.A. C h ir opr a cic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chimepractor tOffice: 15 Elgin St., cor, cf Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Heurs: By Appointinent DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. t40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA. 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. B. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. te 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephene: Office MA 3-5459 L egal1 STRIKE and STRIKS Barristers, Solicitory Notamies Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, BBA. Barrister, Solicitor Netary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notamy Public Tempemance St. - Bowmanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LLB. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointinent only. LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residences - Farms Business Properties O p 0M e fr y KEITH A. BILLET Optometrist 141 Kinig St. E. - Bowxnanville Office Hours: By appointinent Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday teo Saturday Teachers frôm District g re- pesenting the Secondary Scho- ois-of this area weme among the more than 300 delegates froin ail parts cf Ontario who at- tended the three-day Annual Assembly of the Ontario Se- condary School Teachers' Fed- eration in Toronto last week. J. R. 'H. Morgan, Superin- tendent cf Secondary Schaols for Toronto, speaking at the annual dinner, asked if it were not time ncw for Ontario ta concentrate Ità tencher recruit- mient withln its own boundar- ies and net use its position as the so-called "banner province" to take staff from ather areas of Canada and Britain. 'If we continue te borrow tram aother areas," he sald, "we have smam reason te question aur profes- sional ethics." Recent Russian scientific and technological advancei, dram- atized by Sputnik, were clted by speakers vindicatip the Federatien's continuing ple fo high standards in educationand a retuma te traditional values. Miss G. Norma Duffy, cf Hamn- ilton, retiring president, told the Assembly that "It may well be that the pendulum is swlnging away frern the idea cf progres- sive education, with its wide open and often unwlse choice of options, its untidy discipline and its soft pedagegy, back te the basic- traditions cf the hu- manities and science."~ "If it leads te a sober re- evaluation cf education to put it above liquor and cosmetics, then Sputnik has done us some good," added Dm. H. O. Barmett cf Toronto, O.S.S.T.F. lst vice- president. Don Thomas cf Kenora, 2nd vice-président, said that Sput- Mm. and Mme. Hugh Murphy' and family,* Mm. and Mme. Al- bert Murphy and Gary, Bow- nanville; Mm. and Mme. Harold Mumphy and famnily, Mrs. Edith ifumphy, Tyrone, with Mm. and 4Ms. Harold McLaughlin, Don- na and Dennis. Mme. Edith Mur- phy memained for some turne. j WIe are happy te know she has reccvered frorn hem mecent 111- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wheeler and family, Mm. and Mrs. Er-' Lest Swain and family with the: Harold Wheelers, Hastings. Mr. and Mme. Lew Swain and David, Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. Clame Vernon, Prospect. Mms. Fred Bailey with Mr. and Mms. Sandy Dawson, Osh-! wa. Mme. Wrn. McLaughlin with the Ted McLaughlins, Enniskil-, Mm. and Mme. Rupert, Byers,j Bownvile, Mm, and Mrs. nik pr 1ovides "an apportunity ta strike a blow for the prestige of education." The Assembly made a dras- tic revision in district boundar- ies cf the Federation through- eut the province, increasing the number from 17 te 30, the first major change inx boundarles in more than a quarter cf a cen- tury. Population shifts cf me- cent. years have made it'nec- essamy te sub-divide and me- dmaw many districts In order te restome balance between thein, Theme was ne reason te be- lieve that the supply cf qual- Ulied secondary school teachers would Improve in the forsee- able future- if anything it would get womse. This was the opinion of the Committecf Teacher Supply in its report ta the Assembly. The Assembly aise approved a scheme whereby certain tea- chers could upgmade their qual- ifications by summer courses and other supplementamy stud-' les, instead of havlng te return te university for full-time stud- les. Under this plan secondary school teachems, for the first time, will take an active part in defining teachlng certificates. In the past, two certif icates, specialist and non-spegialist, had been issued by the Depart- ment cf Education. Under the new plan a .three-level systein is recommended. This would, give new recognition te theý non-specialist who reached an intermediate level before mea- ching specialist's status. On the' contentieus question cf junior high echools, a spec- ial teachers' cemmittee, which has been studying the matter since last January, reported that it was net encouraged by the probleins which such new schools would bring but it was net yet prepamed to bring in its final report. It was stated the report would be meady lin June, 1958. Both junior and senior high school teachers arel represented on the con-mittee. It was meiterated 'by speakersi that secondary schpol teachers' salaries must continue te im- I prove in order te attract an ad- equate supply cf qualified per- sonnel and te retain those al- ready in the profession. But ne new salamy scale for the pro- vince was suggested, although it was recommended that prin- cipals' salaries be studied for fumthem increases. BLACKSTOCK (Intended for last week) Anglican A.Y.P.A. held their Christmnas. pamty in the Parish Hall Monday evening. A most renjoyable time ,was spent in garnes, dancing, exchange cf gifts and lunch. On Tuesday night Holy Cern- munion was adrninistered in the Anglican church at nid- night. There was a good attend- ance at the United Chumch ser- vice at il p.m. Tuesday. Some weme present frein Cadmus. Nestleton and Caesarea, as well as Blackstock people. Congratulations te Mr. and Mme. Jas. Parr who celebratedi their 58th wedding anniversary Christmas Day. Their daugliter, Mrs. H. Bailey and grandchild- ren, Merlin, Neil, Elaine and Catherine, had dinner with thern. Then they went te Mil-I ton Fisher's, Caesamea, fer sup- pee Holiday Vlitors Mm. and Mrs. Harold Kyte and farnily with their parents at Tillsonburg. .Mrs. John Marlow Io visiting Mm. and Mrs. Ivan Shook and Marjorie Ann, Toronto. Mm. Merlin Bailey, Winnipeg,l is spending a few days at home.j Rev. and Mrs. John Romeril,, Philip and Nancy, Kingston,' with Rev. and Mme. P. Romeril and Dennis. Mm. and Mme. Mac Teirnie, Toronto, joined thein for Christmnas. Tuesday guests of Mm. and Mme. Ernest Larmer were Mm., and Mme. Harvey Yellowlees J Leith Byers, Mm. and Mrs. Herb Swairi, Miriam, Donald and Ralph, with Mm. and Mms. Mur- ray Byers, Jim and Janice. Mm. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avery and family wlth Mm. and Mms. Earl Dorrell. Mm. and Mrs. Avery and children, Tillbumy, aise with the Johnstons. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill with hem brothers the Henry Armstmongs, Burnt River. Mr. and Mms. Don Pargeter, Donna and Bily, Mm. and Mms. Mervyn Grahamn and Roy-, Mm. and Mms. Carl McLaughlin, Grant and Neil, with the Ed Hariis'. Mm. and Mrs. Gamnet Murray, Kathryn and Carolyn, Port Credit; Mm. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Oshawa; Mrs. Jas. For- dem, Nestleton, and Mm. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Dianne with Mm. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Pearce and Mms. Geo. Crawford with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford and Mary Lou, Port Perry. Guests cf Mm. and Mrs. Stan- ford Vancamp and Domeen were, Mm. an.d Mms. Norton Van- camp, Jim and Swain, and Mrs. Glenny, Listowel; Mr. and Mms. Francis Werry; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and Patty, En- niskikllen; Mr. and Mrs. Ste- phen Saywell and. Margaret, Oshawa; Mm. and Mrs. Pemcy Vancamp and Aileen; Mm. and Mms. Merrili and two children, Mm. and Mrs. Keith and Cindy Lou, Mr. Jack; Mrs. W. W. and Misses Mable and Helen, Mm. and Mrs. Blake Gunter andr two children and Mm. and Mrs. Richard Vancamp. Mm. and Mrs. Roy Mormow, Hilton, were dinner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vancamp. Mm. and Mrs. Grant Fergu- son, Ian and Mary, Toronto, Iwith the Roy Fergusons. Guests of Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright were, Messrs. Roy and Bill and Miss Sandra Ferguson, Mr. anid Mrs. Grant Ferguson and children and Mrs. Deug. Cook, Bright, Ont. Mrs. Cook remained for the week. Mm. and Mrs. Walter Wright, Lamna Lois, Eleanor and Elaine rwith the Harold Stinsons, Yel- verten. Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Rahn,, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm, Paul and Carol, with Mm. and Mrs. C. Hill. Miss Pearl Wright, -Toronto- Mm. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell. Nancy, Leanne, Heather and Janis; Mm. and Mrs. Jim Mar- low and Mr. Pat Colgan with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mm. Vincent Archer, Bow- manville, Mm. and Mrs. Elmer 4rcher and family, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer and Mm., A. Dever. Mm. and Mrs. G. D. Warne (Shirley Hamilton), Winnipeg, with hem parents. On Christ- mas the family were ail home. Vernon McGill, Oshawa, is spending the holidays with Jim Swain. Helen Swain entertained a few girl friends on hem birth- day, Dec. 27. Dr. and Mrs. McArthum, Miss- es Jessie and Betty and Ardis,I with Stmatferd friends. Betty is home from Toronto. Mm. and Mrs. Glen Vancamp and Billy and Mm. and Mrs. Dawson, Port Perry, with Mm. and Mrs. Harry Vancamp and Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Van- Prices Effoctivo tJntil Sahjrday, January llth,' camp and famlly, Listowel, with the Vancamp- relatives. Mr. and Mms. Bruce Mount- joy and tainily with hem broth- ers Gordon and Walter Man- ning, Woodford. Mr. and Mme. Frank Wright, Beverley and Grant, Bowman- ville; Mm. and Mms. David Fair- thorne and Billy; Mr. and Mms. Goldwin Faint, Valerie, Vicky, Jane, Kathy and Chrissy, To- monte, with Mm. and Mrs. Os- mond Wfight. Mr. and Mrs. Fmank Butt, Laurence and Lynda, attended a family gathering at hem sis- ter's in Scambomough. Mm. and Mrs. Don Glover, Cindy and Ted; Mm. and Mrs. Sid Martyn, Mr. and Mms. Charles Stainton, Judy and Kathryn, Oshawa, and Mrs. Mollow, Port Perry. with theý Hamold Martyns. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Shantz and Ted, Bow- manville, and Mrs. E. f *. Shantz, Tyrone, on Thumsday.- Mm. and Mrs. Lomne Tbomp- son and Jean with Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, Omono; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cobbledick and farnily, Leanington, and Mms. Wrn. Cobbledick, Omono, spent Thursday with the Lomne Thompsons. Mm. and Mr%. Lewis Henry, Mm. and Mms. Jack Webb and 600,rngardless Of SNOW lfO SAFIRMNTiR DRIVHiNS UTf NUS KID YOURVTIS, . **Ia gives you 25% mom trotos MOOMewuttre 1f. 15%. Drive sofely lus Sm Md dlah -your tires wWdnot b4 FOR HEAVY SMOW MI MPl tIT us (UT SHOW CLEATS Ibo ewoy wuth choies - we con <ut m end snow <btots on your preset t >t i '~wilI pull you throiagh in ,ofety, PHONE Mkq,'3-31 36 Hap's B-A r Service Sair~ CORIERR ING AUD WAVERLEY ROM) SAVE MOR.E MONEY WEEKLY! AT A&P SUPER'RICIIT QUALITY MfEATS LEAN PORK ROASTS Shankless Shoulders b3 7C lb 7 lb. 37c A&P--Skim MiIk Powder Reg. 35o-BSAVE Se INSTANT MILK 1-lb pcg 33,< Beahive Reg. 31-BSAVE 2* CORN SYRUJ 3 Colours KLEENEX Jane Parker' CHERRY PIE Jan* Parker Large, ANGIL CAKE Standard Quality Reg. IONA PEAS IP 2-lb tin 19e Ref. box 36.-BSAVK lie 2.boxes of 40 5 9c Reg. 560-BSAVE @0 1 ach 49c Reg. 59.-BSAVE 10o .ach 49C 2 tins 27.-B4AVE go 420-ex tinis c A&P-3 V&rWjes Reg. 2 tinte 25.-AVg e 5 BAKID hANS 415-ex tins 45c A&P - Frmsh and FlavourfuI 2-o: Jar «09 INSTANT COFFIN zjr.O 195,q% ffu1Wo iDonald with the Merril Henrys. Bowxnanville. and Mrs. WesleY B3radburn with the Frank Car- ters, Maple, Grove. Mrs* W. J. Carnaghan, To- ronto. with the John Carna- ghans. Mr. and Mrs. John Griffîn and' family, Enniskillen. Mr. A. Bennett, Fenelon Falls, and'Mr. and Mrs. Ail Gerrard, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Grif- fin. Mrs. Ed Darcy, lQr. andd CecilHyde and M and and Mrs. Stan P 'Torante, with Mrs. Ira Argu and the Tom Hoidges. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ginn, Pe- terborough; Mr. Arthur Croz- ier and Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvey Ginn, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. àL. Tennant, Leskard, wlth Mr. -and Mrs. Glen Tennant an& Mrs_ýJas. Ginn. Mïé anïd Mrs. John Mew and Jane, Mr. Dick Mew. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock and Mr. Art Hyland, at Nom- man Green's. When you are so dev4ed to doing what is ight thm you Lpress straight on to' that and dismegard what men are saying about you, there is the tri- umph of moral courage.-Phil- 1lips Brooks. Lean Meaty Butts SMOKED SHANKLESS PICNICS FRUITS &VECETABLES RLORIDA MA RS11 SEEDLESS Grapefruit Sweet & Full of Jui.., Ne. 1 Grade, Site 96 5fo29 c Ontario Grown, Fancy Quality APPLES MoINTOSI-, Fimest for Estimg SPIES, Finest for Cooktng 3-lb colla bag 35 c p -1 -rzzu 13DAT, .V 1

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