~ffUES~AT. 3AN lOtis, 1050 TWE CAKADTAN STATUMAN. UOWMANVTLL!, ONTARTO PA5E !LEVE!~ Inaugural Address By Mayor Takes Item s From Minutes lBow nanv A colourful isight into Bow. 10years ago and the pnoblem! mt anvillte f.s Ton Cndil oyo *ddress to members et the 1951 Council Monday evening et lasi wcek. Mayor Osborne went on te, tel how important il was for Bow. inanville te expand in an ord- erly and economically sounm Inannerse as te avoid funthe: rnista1Xs. Following is his cern picte address: "Whereas the inhabitants oi the Village ef Bowmanville, by petition, have prayed the Legîs- lature te incerporate the samE into a Town, the population now. exceeding the number required by law, and whereas it is ex- pedient and necessary, anc would tend te premote the bene- fit and convenience et the in- habitants if the' prayer et the said petition' ,ere granted; thenefone Mer Mai esty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legisîntive Council and As- sembly et Canada enacts as fol- lows: "The tract et land within the boundanies or limits of the enesent Village et Bowmanville ~a l pn, frorn and after, the lrat day et January in the ycar of oui Lord, one thousand 2ighl hundrcd and tifty-eight be in- corporated into a Town, te b: ealled and deýîgnated as the Town ot Bowir.anville." Assented te May 27th, 1857. First Council Meeting Council Room, January 18th, 1858.-"The first meeting et the Municipal Council et Bowman- ville unden the Act et Incorpora- tion as a Town, took place pur- tuant te Statute this day - when the following Councillors- elect took the oaths et qualifica- tion and et office and thein seat, ramely: West Ward-Ja mes B. Falrbairn and Gea. McDougall, ]Esquire, (D. Fisher Esq. being from home); North Ward- James McFeeters, Ina Van Camp and George Haines Esq.; South Ward - Peter Coleman, John Mlime and Alsay Fox Esq." 100 Years Later To-nlght, January 6th, 1958, 100 years laten, Reeve Wiltnid Carruthens, Deputy-Reeve David Jllggen, Councîllors Ivan Hobbs, tender young green peas lea.dainty rind delicious f V1 rifle' s First Council r- John Brough, Keith Lathangue, ing for relief fnom his contnact tf Lloyd Preston, O. J. Pressen, A. because the touls had net been ts H. Sturnock and your speaker great enough te pay bis expens- or have taken thein oaths et office es. i1 for the finst meeting et the Financial Difficulty B8 second century et the Municipal Sources et revenue wene fnom ;t Ceuncil et thc Town et Bow- stores in the Town Hall, train manville. the Manket Place, licenses grant- LI In prepaning for this meeting, cd te Public Houses and fines ,_ I thought it might be intenesting a ela h e ae.Hw j- te penuse the Council minutes a even, sithweuTl apeanfrom d fon the yean 1858 and compare e m ,inue t we ugusteetings thUi activities et the Council oetithat woAgs meig -100 years ago with oui present- wea more money was needed, as dyconditions. w read that a report was pre- day sented trom the standing cern- of Compares Problems mittee on the Fine Depantrnent y' There was ne mention et in refenence te the application ;- parking metens on garbage col- et the Fine Company for hats - * lection or sewage disposai or "admitting the justice et the *i speeding autos, but thene is application, and expnessing ne- i mention et bad noads, de- gret that in the present etnban- :- linquency, relief, poor werkman- rassed state et the Finances it i: d ship, salary disputes and finan- impracticable te grant the appli-: -cial troubles which would bear cation." eut the old axiom that there is At the veny next meeting "A enothlng new under the sun. Be- communication was prepaned for [cause et the more stilted style et the Board et School Trustees - J speaking and writing in vogue suggesting in view et the exist- f 100 years ago, some et the neso- ing financial embarrassrnent - -lutions et the 1858 Council will that if practicable - some cur- * appear humorous. tailment~ be made in the expens- Pi ase understand when 1 e: et the Institution under their Equete certain of these motions, contrai". a it is net meant in a denogatony During the ycar one meeting e manner but rathen in the hope was postpened for the want et e that humer mxed with informa- a quorum and it would semn rtien wili be a pleasant prelude that procrastination is net an tte the serieus business we will invention of the 2th Century stant in a tew minutes. for we read where "On motion, In 1858 the Mayor, Reeve and the petitions praying fer relief Deputy-Reeve were net elected et destitute pensons, presented by thc people but chosen by at this sitting and those laid oven Council. James McFeeters was fromn previeus sittings on the the unanimeus choice for Mayor same subject, wene laid over te as was Peter Coleman for Reeve. next sittîng et Council, and the 'I hesitate te mention the position petition laid over trom the Old eto Deputy-Reeve for accending Council, relative te opening the te the minutes, an amendment Base Line fnorn the Wharf Rond was carried naming James Mc- te the Eastern Boundany et the Fectens as -Deputy-Reeve, ai- Corporation was referncd te the though he had just been chosen Committee on Ronds and Mayor. Street:." This was in Februany Standing Committees and the next meeting records the Just as we will do, the 1858 explanation et a councillon "that Cetunci1l appointed standing cern- ,consequence et private en- mitees-toren.nne Rasadgagements et some members et Streeta, Revising the By-Laws the Finance Committee they and Uic affaira et the Cernetery. were unable te be present te- i Thre as o mntin o a ub-night, the report nequired et Tielecwa ner omntone atha ub-them by n resolution et lnst licPenopertyComadette ithuigh meeting et Council but that theeec wsmaeteI d tng ey hopcd te be able te do se T['le first notice ef moti on. was at the next sltting." by Mr. Mimne that at the next First Circular sitting of this Coundil he will The Council et 1958 "reeeived moye for the appointment et a a circulan fnorn Brockville ac- select comnittee te inquine into cempanied by Fornis et a pe- Uic financial state et this Con- tition 'te Uic Uinee Branches et poràtion, with power te engage the Legislatune pna'ying that the an acceuntant il they deem it Municipal and Assesarnent Acts necessary." be se altened ns te allow any Mr. Celeman gave notice Town inh Uppen Canada te with- "that at thc next sitting et this draw for Municipal Purposes Council lie will introduce a By- fnorn flic County on Union et Law ton the appointment et In- Counties within which the samne spectens cf lieuse et Public En- rnay be situated, upon such terma tertairnent and a By-Law for as te payment et present debts, Uic better regulation et the Pub- and subsequent proportion for lic Market." Gaol and Jury expenses as mayr A communication wns pre- be agneed upon by arbitration'. sented frein a gentleman "«apply- On resolution 'lit was laid over ing for a situation, such as Town te next sitting et this Ceuncil Clenk, Chiet et Police on any for thé considenation et mcm- other publie office whlch mny bers", and since there was ne net be considened below bis nef erence te it duning Uic ne- dignity ". mainder et Uic year, we cari enly It would appear that tic assume that it went Uic way ot police protection came from a many cinculars. man appointed in ecdiwnnd Delinquency was known l00 and a Chef. During the yenn years age as shown by thc tie Chef resigncd and anothen minutes et May 25Ui, wien it was nppointed, tic position te be was movcd "that the Mayor be honounary with ne salany attaci- and is lieneby nuthorizcd te otter cd. A few meetings later a a reward et $30-00 te any penson salary et $200.00 was voted te or pensons wie wilhIgive such tic new Chef, information as will lend ta the 1858 Brigade Resigna conviction et the individual or In Pbruary tic firemen ask- individuals who on the night et cd for remuneration et $10.00 the 23rd or merning et tic 24ti tus wasoe May inst., dîd maliciously per year and when ti wsnet bektewnose aiu granted, they resigned on March boatheeacnydwsposed ab-u th. Howcver, a public meeting Ioft et this Tdiosn, an th was seon held and 81 men sign- lat ti Town and ak thed ed up, se an engine crew andTonHladMrktBid a hook and ladden crew were ig forrned. About this time the Cemetery PoorIy Kept Corporation borrowed £ 2,000 There was occasional mentionj for curnent expenses but I doubt et sorne persan wishing te be there was any connection. It is relieved et bis position on ne- întercsting te note that the two questing more moey for bis kinds et currency, sterling and labours, arnd at least onc cm- dollars, wene used, with bath ployee did net pcrfermi hi: appearing in Uic samne 11:1 et duties in a satisfactory mannen,i accounts. for at July sitting il was moved Although 1 could tind ne "that the Clerk oethIis Council mention et mniii rate, there was do notify the Supeintendent et reference te tic Assesser (snlany the Cemetery tint unless the $140.00) and to the Collecter Ccmetcry is put in a propen taking steps te collect all manies state et nepair within 10 day: due the Corporation. There tram the date liereof, procced- were toli gates on tic Scugog ings will be taken agalnst himi Road and on the Wharf Rond, ton non-tultilment et agreement with seme peoNe seeking cx- and that this Council wîll ap- emptions tram the tol gates, and point a persan ta supensede him xefreshment n woDFRPepsi-Cola gets the play .N ) today's active modern&! Pepsi is neyer heavy, neyer tee sweet. It refreshes without filing. Keep plenty of Pepsi handy for those informai evenings. Buv it in the bandy 6O ecarton SMITH BEVERAGES LTD., 124 Church St, Bowmavnille, Ont. placed at the end of'September. H Y O Face The Future H Y O I have taken quite a bit oft Itne orls ek Uirne relating incidents fronm the (neddfrls ek records of 1858. We all revere Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. thc past and appreciate the ef-1 Clemr Rahrn were, Mr. and Mis fort of the many men who have Leonard Wilson, Lakefield, Mýr. preceded us and we gain a.nd Mrs. Walter Rahm, Ty- knowledge from their exper- rone. ience, but one duty is ta face Miss Anne White, Hampton, and plan for the future. 1 Mr. Thomas Potts and Ronald, We are signaily honoured ta, Collingwood, with Mr. and be chosen to. administer the, Mns. J. potts. affairs et the Town et Bowman-1 Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. C. kville as it starts the second GradwrM.adMs cenury as an incorporated muni- Bob Keith, Toronto, Mr. and cipahity. I Mrs. Harold Gay, Miss E. Gay, I want te voice my very sinl-j Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred cere thanks to the citizens of Garrard. Bowmanville for acclaiming me Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton for a fourth time, te the office and family Toronto' Mr. andi et Mayor. I especially a-Ms lyo ed omn preaeg tehoor n riv. ville, Mr. Henry Ashton with i ogee serving yeu in this Cen- Mr. and Mrs. A. Read, tennial Year. Looking into the Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid, past as we have been, and Starkvilie, at Mr. and Mrs. realizing the calibre of the men Alfred Garrard's. who have held this office dur- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bow- ing the first 100 years, I feel mari, at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd very humble and rather dubious, Ashton's Saturday. that I have the qualities te fol- Mr. Edgar Staples, Peter- low in their footsteps. borough, Mrs. J. Potts, at Mr. 1 would like te compliment and Mrs. Leslie Graham's, Fni- the voters on their selection of day. men te serve on the Council this Mrs. M. Blackburn, Salem, year, and I knew that if we wt r n r.Wlu work ffl a group that the affairs BlichbMr.an Mr. W u et the Town will be administer- Mlcr. nd.r.WltrSr ed in a very capable manner. bridge, and family, Hampton, Two New Members visited Mr. and Mrs. Walte-r It is a pleasure te welcomne Loveridge and Mrs. Wm. Tre'%v- the two new members, Council- in. Callers at their home were lors Hobbs and Sturreck, and it Mr. Edgar Staples, Peterbor- is very gratifying te sec the ough, Mr. Allan Stainton and familier faces et the other mcm- Mr. Harvey McGill, Enniskill- bers who have served se dili- en. gently i the past. I amn sure, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, gentlemen, you would want me Ronald and Ray, Mrs. Muriel te express your appreciation te Bnownlee, Leaside, at Mr. and the citizens for the oppertunity Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Ennis- te serve your town during this killen. Centennial year. Sorry te hear Mrs. R. Blew- Co-operation of Citizens ett is a patient in Memorial Throughout the yea.r there Hospital, Bowmanville. wiil be many events in celebra- Mrs. W. Thompson et lher tien et the Centennial and it son's Glen Thompson's, Carl- will take the co-operatien net eton Place, while Mr. and Mrs. just of the Council and members Thompson are having a trip te of the Centennial Committee buté Florida. et eveny citizen te ensure theirI Mr. and Mrs. Archie McNeil sucsand we asic for your and Mns. A. McNeil at Mr. and succeg ssisace, Mrs. Don MacKenzie's, Ton- Fnom every aide we hear o nte. Mrs. MeNeil remained about the favoured location ef with hier daughter Mrs. Mack- Bowmanviile, and how we are enzie and expects te have fur- destined te expand in the near ther treatment on her eye. future. For several years the Beth and Susan MacKenzie CouniciI and varieus boards have neturned home Sunday having been making plans that this ex- been with their grandmothen, pansion will take place in an Mrs. A. McNeil. orderly and econornically sound Mrs. K. Cowling left on Wed- manner. Whlle wec. quite often nesday on a trip te Florida. tend te become impatient at the Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones and lack et tangible results, officiais family with Mr. E. Wand and of hlgher gove-nnental bodies Mrs. J. Ward, Toronto. tel us we are wlse te torniulate Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Graham aur plans on a sound banicse visited Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus that we will net have ta over- Ashton, Burketon. corne costly mistakes at nmre Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Girrard future time.* wene dinner guests at Mr. and Need Orderly Developmeut Mrn. John Gniffen, Enniskillen. Ta become more pecîtic, as Mn.. A. Read and Miss Ina anexmpe i wul c oîy eBeyl Read, accompanied Mr. allow a subdivision in an isolat. and Mrs. Clayton Read and vis- cd section while there are other ited Mn. and Mns. Fred Ashton, aneas that can be provided with Toronto. services much, more economicar. 5W.A. meeting wiil be helà ly. We need industriel develoehep-rar' hesfdaya 2:30 ment, but we want the type the at rr' hrdae :0 will be an asset by roviding Cengregational meeting wilU steady employmcent W.rî& a reas- be held in the chunch on Thurs- onable rate of pay. Industry day evening Jan. 16. aise, needs services and these National Films Board pic- must be provided. There must tures will be shown in the be a network of roadways that church Tuesday evening Jan. will enable workers te reach l4th, at 7:30. their place et employment in a Visitons at Mnr.and Mns. Lie- normal way and we must see yd Slemon's wene, Mr. and Mrs. that new construction includes Courtney Graham, Purple Hill, an adequate anea for parking so Miss Joyce Graham, Brooklin, that streets can be used for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Van Camp, thein basic purpese, that ýot Cindyr Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- travel. bur Toms. Blackstock, Mn. and At the present Urne we arc Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreen andi waiting for a report from the 2Donald, Mr. and Mns. Fred Water Resources Commission on Toms, Enniskillen. the onden ef need for a filtration Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and plant and an expansion ef the tarmily at Mr. and Mrs. Russell sewage disposai system. An Onmiston's. engineer is preparingplans ton a Mr. and Mrs. Chivers and storm sewer systcm that in need- children at Mr. and Mrs. Mel ed very badly. We, need ad. Bentrim's. ditional help in the Municipal Mr. and Mrg. Ronald Gra- Offices te cope with the increas- ham end family at Mr. and ed work caused by a steady in- Mrs. Cecil Rahrn's, Burketon. crease. i popi4lation. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ron- This is a 'very brief outline of aid Rahm's were Mr. and Mrs. a few problems we $Il 'face Wm. Dawsen, Orono, Miss Car- during 1958, and tli' , many ol Stephson, Whitby. routine matters a~ require Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashtor. decisions. Ye- _ be a busy and family Toronto, Mr. and year, but, I e , that if we Mrs. Clayton Read, Bowman- work tegetheî id keep in mmmdl ville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read 1 t t r c a ti Il a v c ti d E ti e q t( t( p A b st li tr ci h 01 B ti BETHÀNY (Intcndcd for last week) Dr. G. M. Lengtieid, Mn:, Longtîeld and children, Randy and Ruth et Flint, Midi., wene weekend guests with Mn. and Mn:. Mansel Wright. Miss Laura Hutchinson, Te- rente, is visiting wlth her sis- ter and brothcr-in-law, Mn. and Mn:. Henb. Kennedy. Mr. Norman Lowes, Tenante, with hi: parents, Mr. and Mn. Donald Lowes ton Christmnas vacation. Mr. and, Mis. Ralpi Penny and fnmily kdt on Sunday. me- toring to Yarmouth, N. S., te visit for a week with relatives. Mn. and Mis. Orloe Wright, Bruce and Glen, visited with, relatives in Tenante on Sunday. The Ladies' Good Luck Ledge licld a Christmas panty in Uic Orange Hall on Friday even- ing. There were cleven tables et players for progressive eu- chre with prizes for high score awarded. te Mrs. Alex MeMas- ten and Murray Smith. Conso- lation àards te Mrs. Lila Hogg and Andrew Watson. At the Sunday evening ser- vice In fthe United Church, spe- cmal music was provided by tbc Betbany Community Band, iected by Mn. Ernest Victors. During Uic service, they led tbc smnging et hymns and play- ed several Christmas carola. A quintette, Messrs. Hanry Pres- ton, George Neals, Ralph Pres- ton, Ras: Neals and Charles Preston sang "How Great Thiou A.rt" accampanied at the organ by Mn:. Clarence Rowan. The sermon was given by Mn. Wil- lim Fritz et Janetville, student xiinister of tic Manvens cir- cuit. Following the service the band gave a very fine concert of sacred music. Rev. R. R. Bonsteel expressed thanka to the nemb.ra of the ha-& Mrs. W. Brownlee, Le& side, Mn. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Ennis- kilien. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp and family, at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Tea guests with Mr. and Mn,. Lloyd Ashton, on Thursday were. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ash- ton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and famlly, Ennisillen. Mn. and Mn:. Stanley Cow- ling and family. Salem, with Mr. and Mrs. George Tabb. Mr. Milton Siemon with Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Siemon, Don Milîs, and called on Mn. Elmer Siemen, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Roy Graham and family were dinner guesti at Mr. and Mns. Leslie Gra- ham's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, at Mr. and Mrs. Wilbun Tomn's, Biackstock. Mr. and Mrs. George Tabb and famlly aI Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Cowling's Salem. MNI. and Mrs. Alfred Garr- ard at Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Sic- mon1s. Mn. and Mrs. C. Rankine and Margot at Dr. and Mrs. Wrn. Corrigan's, Toronto. Margot ne- mained. Annual Schoel Meeting was held Dec. 26 and was welI at- tended. Rey Graham calcd the meeting te, order. Perey Drys- dale was appointed Chairman with Mrs. A. Read Secretary. Secretany Treasurer gave re- port fer the year. Mr. Alfred Garrard was re- appointed Trustee fon anether two years. 1Mr. and M'-s. Lloyd Siemon at Mrs. W. White's, Hampton, Thursday. Reva Grahanm netunned home atten visiting relatives at Mount Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read and family at Mr. Clayton Reads, Bowmanville. WESLEY VILLE (Intended for next week) This Chrnistmas holiday sea- son brought ne complaints about bad noads for they could- n't have been betten. Rural people had ne dilfficultyr arriv- ing at any destination. se big a problem on many previeus win- ter holiday occasions. Marie Austin entertained hen fniends at a New Year's Eve party at her home and welcom- cd the new 1958 in usual happy fashion. On Frlday evening Mr. and Mn:. Annold Thorndyke gave thein home for a party In aid ef the choir fund and a good cnowd was in attendance. There wene nine tables with sevenal children whe did net play. Mrn. Arnold Thonndyke and Mrs. Anchie Ford both celebnated binthdays on that day and were grected with "Happy Birthday te You" by those present. Pri- zes were won by Mrs. Harold Austin and George Beat, wlth Allan Clarke and Mrs. Archie Ford consolation winners. The executive ef the VTem- an's Association met at the home et Mrs. A. Austin te out- lie the work for the yenr 1958 and plan the first meeting for Jan. 8. At the annual school meeting held at the school house dur- ing Christmas holidays, Aflan Clarke was elected trustee for his second term. There were 59 at the lf rat Sunda.y school ef the New Year with Suzanne Eyden reading the difficuit ScripturchIn a very capable manner. Mn. Harding's message for the New Year was based on John's wish for Gaius: "Behold I wish above a&U things that thoti mayest prospen and be i health, even as thy seul prospereth". Mr. and Mn:s. Vincent Czabo, Leslie and Jeff spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Beigh- ton; Mn. and Mns. Peter Clanke, Phil and Steven et Utterson, were at the same home fon New Yean's and Mn:. Mervn Clarke and Wayne spent a few days thene retunning home to Hamilton with Mr. Clarke on Freel Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of cas at Vigor Oiu SERVICE STATIOt CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAQ., AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phonme MA 3-2919 Vigor 9nGn Standard1OCneu- t Gasol ine 3 Vigor Super A 'J 9 High Test 1 Oc tcIuiiag t Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable É'rice STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS L Bo hha-ve a bank accounf -end a purpose for saving THE CHARTIR*D BANKS à 7U. differenee between reacblng a goal and iisng it can be the savings you put by, now, in a bank account. Such savings don't just happen. They involve ' somc sacrifice, definite planning. But as your dollars mount up you feel a sense of acconiplishmnent, of getting somewhere, that makes the effort more than worth while. Your bank account provides ready cash that can help take care of any exnergency that may arise, or open the way to bargains or other opportunities. Whatever objective you rnay have in mind, and whatever use your savfngs may ultimately serve, you'll always be glad you saved. Save at a bank - milflon dot lI1VING TOUR COMMUNITYr4 ýCV.* 1 tý-- . - - --- "-- -- 1 ZION (ope T wnshi) o the blrth of a Uitile son, Dec MON (Hoe TOWnS ip)2' Zion Chritmas Tree (Intended for last week) A jplly event, worthy of men- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerow tion, was the turkey supper and and David with Mr. and Mrs. Christmas trce held for the Zion Don Mordon and family of Wel- Sunday School in the church lington, left Dec. 21 for a few basement, Friday evening, Dec. weeks' vacation in Florida. 20, tables prettily decorated and Mrs. W. J. McCullough spent candies burning. A shimmering Christmas Day with Mr. and Christmas tree, aglow with col- Mrs. Charlie Raby. ored*lights, was hung with gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Whit- Ail this made a pretty sight ney were guests at the Hare - as approximately 65 aduits and Inch v4ddlng in Welcome children gathered to sing the Church, Dec. 21. blessing before sitting down to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Clancy, a dz.4icious hot turkey supper. Weston, spent Christmas witl During the evening Rev. A. W. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. j. Harding presented the Sunday Anderson. School Attendance Award to Hai-Elaine Caswell. Mr. Harding Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hml congratulated Elaine on her ai- ton and family, Welland. spent most perfect attendance far the Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.ya Ein ve iclex George Hamilton, Mrs. Hamil- pyear.el erain ey iel x ton and family remaining untilpeschrthns the New Year. Next came, what ahl the littie Mrs. nalph Gerow is spend- folks had been anxiously wait- ing several weeks with her so ing for, "Santa Claus", loking Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerow, Toron- quite happy and healthy with a to. hearty greeting for everyone. to. He called his assistants and soon Mr. and Mrs. Orville For- distributed presents to ail the rester and Jirn, Westport, had children, and most of the grown- dinner Friday with Mr. and Mrs. ups. Then. gifts and tregts froni E. Ruthven. the Sunday Sehool were passed Holiday guests of Mr. and out to ahl the children. Mrs. Fred Tufford were Mr. and Whiîe the youngsters were en- Mrs. Jirn Snell, Peterborough; joyin g themselves the ladies Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tufford quickly cleaved the tables, wash- and Denise. ed dishes and left things in ord- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sunday, er. It was a jolly evening and Patricia and Maxine spent holi- officers of the Sunday School days with relatives in Toronto. wish to thank al who assisted For Christmas with Mi. and with the supper and Christmas Mrs. C. Meneilley, Mr. and Mrs. tree, aiso special thanks to Mr. A. Meneiley, Port Hope; Mr. Delbert Fishleigh who so cheer- Fred and Miss Hilda Raby. fully assisteC' Santa Claus, a job Master George Raby is spend- heý has done for Zion many ing the holidays with his parents Urnes. in Bewdley. January 6th- Mr. Cecil Jones, Orono, spent Miss Bessie Hamilton, Toron- the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. to, spent the holiday with her Stanley Jones. sister Laura. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ough Mr. and Mrs. A. Meneilley, spent Frîday evening with Mr. Port Hope; David and George and Mrs. Chas. Raby. Raby, Bewdley, Mrs. C. Meneil- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthven ley and John had New Year's were guests Christmas Day of dinner with Mr. Fred and Hilda Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dobson, Stark- Raby. ville. Sunday, Jan. 12, church serv- Mrs. Hilda Raby and Mrs. ices will be held at Zion, 10 a.m. Meneilley visited Sunday with This will be communion service. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raby Congratulations to Mr. and spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Harold Best (awen Jones) 1IMr. and Mýs. Stanley Jones. :AN lm, leu PAGI MEVM TIM CANAD" STATES%". BOWMANVME, ONTAIUO