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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1958, p. 12

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-- E------------~' ' A7?~ ~ 7% 3 m~YV ~ '~ AU?%A- A *a t .B- -- ---" .' . --f* '~~ A4.i.J. fU II.~ Z A N Ui, A D SPORT NOTES u * By Doug Glyna TI about two weeks the Whitby Dun]ops, those rags to riches kids who walked off with the Ailan Cup last seasan, will be leaving for Oslo, Norway. The purpose of Dunnies' expedition? - Ta represent Canada in the World Hockey Tournament. Ever since the County Town lads were nominated for this task they have been the topic of discussion by the man-on-the-street, the hockey fan. Constructive Criticism riowever Dunnies have aIse been the target of several hockey critics. Some of whom have credentials wbich we believe are authentic, others who probably like the publicity they are getting. But the main kick frem ahl these experts is "that Dunlops are flot good enough ta represent Canada." AIl these camments bit the forefront just about the time the visiting Russian Hockey Team arrived in Toronto to begin their tour. Comments like these made the headlines - "send a Junior club", "send a pro team". And dozens of other suggestive comments were voiced, after the experts watched the Russian lads in action at practice. Who's Worrled This leaves us with onc conclusion. The critics are worried about the chances of an amateur (?) club. But, most of all, they want to beat the Russians. However in their rush to make rash statements to newspapermeri, the experts appear to have overlooked a couple of important items. Firstly - Sweden are the clef ending world hockey champions. They defeated the Russians last year ta win the crown. Now if the crities would give same concern to the champions, their statements might sound logical to some degree. Not a Matter of Prestige Secondly - Dunnies are representing Canada in an International sports event. They are not going ta war ând the purpose of their role is not, as many people believe, to defend the prestige of Canada as the founders of hockey. Nor is their task of a political nature. Dunnies can and should be goodwili ambassadors during their tour. They can display a Canadien style of spartsmanship (wbich seems to bave been forgatten by those who say Dunnies must win). And, they can help praduce a better mutual under- standing between Canada and their hosts, by canducting tbem- selves in a sportsmanlike manner. If they can do this, wbether tbey win, lose or draw, they will bave dane more for Canada's prestige than winning the World Titie could ever do. But, don't let aur last statement tbrow you. We believe they stand a gaod chance in the tournamnent, however if they lose we won't be' joining the critics next year when tbey start shouting "send a -pro team". t t t t t- COMBINES BACK IN FORM Bowmanville-Orona Combines dld orne sock pufling over the weekend and solidified their hold on first place. They are presentby 10 points ahead of the second place Part Hope Ontarios, and surprisingly enough it was the Ontarios' lasses that helped 'he locals boost their lead. Combines are stili busy with scheduled exhibition gamnes andTuesday, Jan. 21, they venture to Napanee. And a week from Tuesday, that's Jan. 28, they are hosts te the Amnerican entry in' the World Hockey Tournament at Oslo. This promises ta be quite a thriller and fans are reminded ta pick up their tickets early, as the game is expccted ta be a selaout. t t t t t AROUND THE TOWN.... . owmnanville Hockey Mothers' blanket draw beld a couple of weeks back was quite successful, the association announced. The proceeds will go towards buying 14' -jýoèkey pants for the rnernbers of the Little N.H.L. teams. ftý-x meeting is Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 2 p.m. in the Lions CetrePi hyhv xedda nvtto oalhce ohr ta attend.- . . Bowmanville Badminton Club held an inter-club tournament with Oshawa Tuesday evening. The local club is' stiil busy planning for the Cent ral Ontario Badminton Tournament coming next month . . .. Goodyear Hockey Ahl-Stars play a return match with their New Toronto counterparts Sunday at New Taranto ....Bill Oke's team taok both the high single (1237) and high vriple (3509) as tbe Men's Major Bowling League opened the 4econd half of its schedule Wednesday cf hast week. Jim Levett xnoved into firs't place in the average list with his scores of 336, 266, 252, for a three-game average of 285. Some cf the top bowlers had a tough first nigbt and drapped their tbree-game totais ta tý ,ess than 600 . . .. Myra Cooper walked off with the high triple <803), bigh single (294) and high average'(268) in. the Ladies' 1Major Bowling League Monday night. Bernice Budai, wbo led e ' ýing the f irst haif of the schedule came up with a 285 game. .. . r Carol Oke rolied the bigh single (286) in the girls' division cf the Teen-age League Saturday afternoon. Alvin Masterson ralled bath the bigh triple (637) and high single (277) in the boys' league. .. In the Mixed Bowling League Morley Etcher's team still lead iwith 7 points and had a total of 3,033 pins last Friday nlght .. There are just two weeks left in the Minor Hockey schedule.t Pbayoffs wiil begin early in February and will consist of a roundj robin series. The top two teams from each league will meet an Minor Hockey Night, while the other four will play off for the mug... Conservation Officer Ken Tolmie, Grena, is giving St.' h John's Ambulance first aid training ta the Air Cadets at Orono 1iLgh School. He bopes ta leave for Toronto next month for a1 Ispîciai course, and will likeby be giving civilian training after he * r \s. This is a good bit o! know ledge for hunters and sprs n.ta have and when he begins the courses we'll pass the infor-r ma lion alang.1 Robson Pontiacs On Winning Streak Relaxing in front of their bench after a close 5-4 wvin over Whitby Robson Motors who sponsor the team-, Hank Lane, Greg McBride, Bob Wednesday of last weck, are Robson Pontiacs, Bowmanville's Junior "C" Keenan, Don Patton, Ted Fairey, Les Stevenson, Ted Watts. Back row: hockey club. Members of the tcam art, from the left, front row: Barry John Fowler, AI Clarke, manager; George Lawrence, Jin- Clarke, Gary Cowling, Mort Richards, Vince Vanstone, goalie; Lorne Payne, captain; Wakely, Bob Fairey, Dave McCullough, Orville Thompson. Absent when Gerry Luke. Second row: Don Masters, coach; Bill Steven, proprietor of photo taken, Paul Wakely. Robson Pan tiacs Take Whitby Juniors 5-4 ln Very Rugged Game Rabson Pontiacs squeezed a pass. close 5-4 decision from Whitbx' Whifby foughf bock bath of- Hillcresf ln a rugged Junior fensivel -y and bodily in a bid "C" hockey match thaf was ta fie the score. It rcached ils climaxed by two third pcriorl peakr whcn Grog McBride and fights, Wedncsday of lasf week Whitby's Paul Tran dropped at Memonial Are na. fheir gboves and begran slugging Whifbv shook a two goal de- if ouf af 8.04 of the final, per- ficit in the firsf and third per- iod. Bath officiais hiad ta la- lods in their bid ta retain a tervene before the fight was hold on second place in the stopped.- league standings. A six-man IIeavy Penalties Issued attack in the final fwo minutes Each player-,vas given a five- failed fa bring themi a hard minute fighting penalty for his faught for fie, part in the fracas. They ha'd Gain Early Lead mare comnpan ' vli the sin hin Gre Merid gae Pnticsless than twa minutes iatcr GneregBie ae onthes when Barry Cawling and Whif-, an rig dg a s o he ipe -hebyýs Bob Westfall began slug9- so.iHegate13 f theis 210-ging at each other. lad.He lased sizbig 2 Dan Price got Hillcresfs back footer fram the faceoif circie inta scaning shape at 11.14 whien affer a pass from Bob Keenan. h lpe eon nfo Jerry Luke mode if 2-0 less csapdareun in front.BbW-tflbc poked minhe uck in hecon erJ'ram the penalty box, taibicd the poke thepuckin te conerequolizer with a long shaf fromn during a scramble. the blueline at 16.04. Two fluke goals and eigbf Mort Richards clicked wifb minutes lofer Wbitby bad fied a 10 foot shof framn the right the caunt. Hugh Perry suid theý side af the cage ta give Pan- rubber ln the corner from the tiocs the win. It came with side at 8.44, and Tom Simpson1 less thon three minutes re- grabbed a rebound banging if mnaining in the game. Bob Kee-j back in at 11.12. non was credited wifh the as- Reg-ain FrirA sist. The second schedule is in full swing. and some of the bowlers sbowed the effects af the festive ýseason with anly 34 bawlers averaging 200. Jim Levett got away ta a gaod start with scores of 336-266-252 for 854 or an average of 285. jNext ta Leveftt was Bibi flearle 'with 749, "Wild Bill" 0kv' 748, IKarl Bickebl 732, Carl Leslie j727, Russ Hailman 721, Harold Bennett 715 and Hank Janzen 704. Bruce Milne won high single 338, Levett with bis 336 was second, Harold Bennett 312, Car] Leslie 308 and Gord Sellers 304. Captain Bill Oke and his wild men won ail team honors with high single 1237 and high triple 3509. George Piper and Bob Marfyn bad a baffle for low single and bath ended up with 99, Byron Vanstone had 102. Jack Brough wan low triple, 426, with Cecil Mutton 433. Alley Chatter A few changes iiave been made in the second sehedule. Bill Hearle has replaced Frank Williams because Frank expects ta spend most of the winfer in Florida. We hope you have nice weather, Frank, an& a weil- earned vacation. Bob Williams is back again. replacing Ted Phiblips on Norm O'Rourk's tean. Ted is again having trouble w.ith bis back. Jack Bond is bowling for Oke, replacing Glen Fr.v w'ho has dropped out for business reasons. We have one mor.e Iment to makr and this i1s -for *MMUUUUUMUUUUUMEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEd "Flash" Rundbe who wili be busy looking aiter the Little N. H. L. hockey fournament ta be Myr Co perBow s803 held in Bowmanville in April. Some of the top bowlers had I a bad first night and we xvould La i s a jo eu like ta 1sf some ai the triples: Jack Bond 507, Dick Little 564, Theare ,ir nm -vo-d George Piper 520, Ab Piper 548, Ur1pies bUWIet U las MiY night, with Myra Cooper si ing the way wifh her big triple. Higth Triple, Myra Cooper High Single, Myra coaper High average, Myra Coc 268. 200 Games Nt~-' ' Cooper 294, 275, 234 Budai 285; V. Coole 267; L. J tyn 260, 236; H. Corden 249 Brock 245, 202. 201: J. Har 244; J. Luxton 243, 212; Brown 237, 203: 0. Etcher 228; N. Gay 233, 218, 217: Bates 229, E. Sweetman 229 Wright 228; E. Stringer 228 Hagerman 220: E. Holroyd 00. Patfieldi 223;, J. Major 206; M. Slaght 218: E. Cox 206; E. Etcher 217; D. Pre 215. T. Forrester 212; J.1 nant 210, 207, 201: A. Bic 204; D. Vinson 204: B. West] 203;, E. Kerr 201; G. Blackb 200. 'i Teani Standing Pins J. Major 3104 H. Brock _____ 2689 L. Wright 2806 B. Budai 2795 L. Hoaper 2750 P. Haynes 2344 0. Etcher_____ 2744 E. Etcher 1272 4 O. Patfie!d 26-.1 . Bates 2412 aurtice .-___ 2741 Baker 2241 ndayGa how-Ga1 83Myra Cooper - 3 r83Lorraine Martyn -3 8039 Narma Gay .3 24Onie Etcher 3- oper, Bernice Budai -3 Hilda Brock 3 Jean Luxton -3 B. Joyce Tennant -3 M~'ar- Vi Coole 3 9; H.' Wibman Bates 3 mness Stella 'Brown 3 S. Donna Preston -3 235, Joyce Major --3 W. Essie Cox ---- 3 )L, Duaine Palmer --3 : U- Una Hagerman -3 224: Helen Corden --3 218, Kay" Beauprie 3 217, Betty Westlake -3 ýstan Dell Vinson . 3 ren- Marion Siaght 3 :keil Ollie- Patfield 3 bake Mabel Lewis --3 burn Ena Etcher ---3 Sadie Bucknel -3 Salby Bissonette -3 Em Stringer - 3 Ga. Shirley Davis --3 3 Ev Sweetman -- 3 3 Loba Wright 3 n Edna Kerr -__3 2Peggy Haynes 3 2 Eileen Halrovd _ 3 2 Jean Harness -3 1 Thelma Forrester 3 I race Backburn - 3 IElla Deç Jardines .3 1 Emma Bromeli ---3 0 Greta Luxton---- 3 0 14dB Bates a. Pins 803 693 668 658 653 648 635 618 609 602 592 583 574 57 1 561 559 559 557 553 550 544 540 §36 532 530 529 527 519 518 516 510 508 507 506 soi 495 489 488 485 481 l Jackc .Parker 494, 5/lot I arrison I 517, H. Palmer 565, P. Yeo 557, Dr. Keifh Slemon 571, Dr. H. B. Rundie 506, Dr. Austin 482. We expect ail the bowlers listed wil] improve the nexf time they bowl. Standings - End of First Week Second Schedule Tearn WIV L Pts. B. Oke------ 3 O 3 Rundie ---- ----- 3 O 3 TJighe ----- 3 O 3 Osborne 3 0 3 Larîder 2 1 2 R. Ok------ - 2 1 2 Leslie ----- 1 2 1 Dale 1 2 1 Brock-----------O0 3 O Bagneil --.------ 0 3 O 0'Rourke ----- 0 3 O Bates -------------O0 3 0 Averages Games Ave. J. Lex'etf 3 285 B. 1-banc --------- 3 250 B. Oke- 3 249 K. Biekel ----- 3 244 C. Leslie ----- ---- 3 242 R. 1-aliman 3 240 H. Bennett 3 238 H. Janzen 3 235 MV. Dale---- 3 233 P. Dabbins 3 230 W. Shotter ___ 3 228 D. Taylor 3 221 S. Trewin 3 221 R. Lane ---- 3 219 Mi. Vanstone ------ 3 217 R. McKnight --------- 3 216 B. NVIlne ---- -- 3 216 D. McKnight -- --- 3 214 B. Bates ---------- ---- 3 214 A. Osborne 3 213 J. Gay ---- 3 212 F. Samis 3 210 J. Caiban 3 210 M. Larmer 3 210 J. Lander------- 3 209 G. Sellers 3 206 B. Polbey 3 205 E. Brock 3 204 D. Bishop --------- 3 203 R. Fry----- 3 202 R. Hearie 3 202 P. Cancilla- 3 202 HI. C. Osborne - - 3 200 Bi. Westbake --------- - -3 200 Ave. 2:81 Millers and Blockbusters 231 21Battie to 4 -4 Tie 218 Miller's Taxi shook a two-goal mark fa tie the score. 216' deficit in the third period to gain Bob Sheridan and John Ford 212 'a 4-ail tie xith Murdoach & counfed second period markers 206 Welsh Blockbusters in the first for the Mainstreeters and they Town League hockey gane ut never looked back as they held 203 Memorial Arena Thursday of a 3-2 edge at the end of the 201 last week. fraine. Archie Courtice scored 19.' In the second gamne of the: the ]one Racket goal of the 194 night Front St. down'ieci Courtice period. 191, Rockets 9-4 to move wvithin fouri John Ford, Jiggs Cowling, 190 points o f the second Place Black- : Bob Sheridan. Ron Burgess, 187 busters.î Chuck Kilpatrick and Jim 1861 Bert Perfect openea the scor- !Miýltchjell scored singlefons for 186 1 ing at 1:1.1,ta gîve Murdoch &i Front St. in the final stanza ta 186 Welsh a brief 1-0 lead. At 8:481 ensure the ivin. Reg Willatis 184 Don Masters tied the score a11 a1 and Ken Pipher caunted the onlv 183ipass from Larry Chant. \1rt Courtice goals of the final 181; Richards scoredi the onlIv vii rke1r 1801f othfe middle fraine to g:x e the _____________ 1sTaximen a 2-1 edge. 171Tom Gould deadioclied e 1 î7 score as he tallied fhe firto 1-06 the Blockbuster.s' goalsinteL go ar s 1.6 'final periad. Howard Qin~ D 173 'clicked at 1:47 to give Block- 1"31 busters a 3-2 lead, and ShearerD op i 172 Icounted. their final goal at 12:16. 170) Tim Cox decreased ti-:e du f;(-i i Bownsranville Legionnaires suf- 169 las he slid one into the net:; at fered two defeats in Juvenile 169115:38. Mort Richairds ýsceod ihi, ak-:Ion avec the weekned, being 169 second of the gaine at ilé,:18 t;) i 11-0 by. their hosî.s a, 167 t ie the score. L:nidsa 'v Friday' evening. and 1651 Front St. Gain Early Edge 1(1 ]ig 11-1 ta Whitbv i the 163) Jigzgs CowVllg ýtar1ed t ) b;p Counv.'Tow,ýn Saturclav, 16' roinpg for Frrout St. a' J - Dr;i otscored the oniv. 12the first perniKrcu BT!ik-ko B-vin ari vle goal in Saturday IGO accred for Courtice at the 12:32 ni.ght's action againit Whitby. J J uveniles Down Port Perry 6-1 In Easy Win Bowmanville Legion Juven iles scored two goals eachp iod as they rol&d to an easy 6-1 victory ov#e Port Perry I.G.A.. in Lakeeyore Juvenile Hockey action at Memorial Arena Wednesday of last week. Gary McCullough opened the scoring ;et 8.54 of the first per- bod, after Archie Crossey had fed hlm a pass from the right faceoff circle. Ron Pollard boosted their lead to two goals as he tallied the winning mark. er less than four minutes la. fer. He took a pass in front and tipped it into t he 1efý cor- ner. Ed Wells deprived goalie Mike Murphy of a well deserv. ed shutout, when he Put Port Perry on the score sheet with just 20 seconds remaining in the period. Gary McCullough scored bis second of the night on a break. away early in the middle frame. He grabbed the rubber at cen- tre ice after Maurice Richards had cleared it and sped in ta outguess the I.G.A. goalie. At 11.01 Ross Williams blasted a longshot from the blueline, in- creasing Bowmanville's lead ta 4-1. Bob Marjerrison whipped in fa pick up a loase puck in front during a scramble at 3.53 of the final stanza, as he countemi another Legionnaire markerjr Dail Catttran scored the final goal less than three minutes later. He flipped the puck through the air into the top of nets -from the blueline. You can have a newer, tuiler, outdoor lite with a real future ... in the Canadian Army. If vou want a stcady job ... a career jib a future.. and can ineet the high standards set hle Canadiait Army., there is a world of opportu- s open te you6 litre is a challenging career . . one *f a purpose..a good companions ... opportunities for advancement and adventure . .. good pay. The years tchen yovs are young cua TIHE GREA TEST YEARS 0F YOUR LIFE MUake the' most of them as a proud member of the Caaaadian Army. GET THE FACTS FOR YOURSELF TOD4Y, Phone, or send this coupon to: ARMY RECRUITING STATION. THE ARMOURY, 220 Murray St., Peterborough, Ont. Telephone RI 2-7147 9 I>ease send nie, iviilaout obligation, details on career oppor. * luniies in uhe Canadian Army. SName .................. -. ........ e...... . .....I * AdlIress .......................-..... .......................... .... CiI lo n. e57/3 Nmmnau George Lawrence scarcd on the rebaund from bis own shot ta regain the lead for Pontiocs. He fired a long shot frorn the blueline thaf was sfopped di- rectly in front by Whifby's nct minder. Thdi-e xas a scramblc for t he rubber and Lawrence whizzed in, in time ta toke a pass from Lorne Payne and biasf another try, this .ane be- ing successful. Lorne Payne boosfed Box'.'- manvillc's lead fo 4-2 less thon a minute later as George Law'- rencegave hlm a goai-mouth B.O.C's Down Port Hope 5-3 I ncrease- Lead ]Bowmanville - Orono Com- bines edged Ontarios 5-3 at 1Part Hope Wednesday of ]ast week, ta tighten their hold on first place in the Lakeshore In- termediate "A" hockey loop. First period goals by Raye West, Frank Hooper and Syd IArnold gave the locals an cari'. 3-1 lead. Art Freensan fallied the on'y Port Hope goal of the opening period. Ed Rawe and Bob Downe,, baunced back for Onfarios in the second as fhe "v each addod singles. Keith West clicked fa: the winning goal wedging it between Part Hope's two. S 'vd Arnold got his second of the game in the final stanza ta insure the win. Junior We-st and Chuck Armstrong aiso starred for B.O.C.'s with two assists apiece. Get Cash To-day for OId Appliances tbrough STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-110O3 FREE 0 Brake Adjusîmeni with every Lubrication or Oil Change SPECIAL COMPLETE SIMONIZE' (Any make of car) Special This Week $1-00 PROTECT YOUR CAR FV;JSII FOR WINTER DRIVING f v COMPLETE KOTOR TUNE-UP COMPLEE AUIGMENT AND WHEEL DALANCJNG Robson Motors .LirWted,- BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK bEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 I i Men' s Major League Shows the Effects af Festive Season Layoff 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMAIýnM.Lr nWy,&lq'rm TA%? là6l. lanob -inere were some very s Innýlarl 1-f M-, 1 PAGE TWICLVI

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