PAGE IOURTEEN PW! Z A ? .A UDA .?UVWDAIVVUiLF. ONARIO~~U A~ AL\* Bethany United Church Three Promotions at the Goodyear Plant Congregational Meeting Hear Gratifying Reports! Betbany: The annual ineet- Ing of the congregation of Betb- any United Church was heic on Tuesday evening. The busi- ness session was preceded by a pot-iuck supper. Bey. R. R. Bonsteel leda brief worsbip service and chair- ed the meeting,* expressirq thanks to ail the organizations and members for their co-op- eration duririg the year. Report of session was giver by Henry M. Jakeman and the toiiowing officers eiected: El- ïIers, Henry M. Jakeman, clerk ef session; Alian Beer, Lesiie Chailice, Donald Lowes, A. H. Monk, Mervyn Porteous, Harry Preston, George Waddeli, Mil- ton Weatheriit, Earl Wea- therilt. Stewards for one year, Ralph Preston, Oncoe Wright, Preston Neals, Man- sel Wright; for twa years, Clar- ence Rowan, Ralph Rowan, Walter Rowland, Charies Wea- theit; for three years, Man- seli Finney, Carl Forteous, Charles Preston. Secretary of cangregation, SEarl Weatheriit; Treasurer, Ms Walter Rowland, with- Mrs. Mansel Wright as assistant; Sunday School superintendents, Eari Weatherilt and Mervyn Porteous; President of Womnen's Missionary Society, Mrs. Otto Spencer; choir leader, Harry Preston; Missionary and Main- tenance committee, Mrs. T. J. 1qONE y AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-35251 L- Jackson, convener and treasur- 1- er, Donald Lowes, Mervyn dPorteous, Earl Weatherilt. y Ushers, Ralph Rowan, Er Weatheriit, Alian Beer, Charles a Weatherilt, Meredith Preston, .- Edwin Chailice, William Sheen. 9 Orlo Challice. Sextan, Hr. SGreen. Church Trustees. Char- les Weatherilt, chairman; .1-Man- sell Finney, Weston Hutchinson,! SA. H. Monk, Clavrence Rowan,I nGeorge Waddell. Parsonage1 eBoard: Henry Jakeman, chair-i man, Eani Weatherlt, secretar.y- treasurer, Mrs. T. J. Jackson, *Mrs. John White. Cemetery committee: Leslie -Challice, Manseil Finney, Wes- Stan Hutchinsor, Thomas Jen- nings. Herbert Neals. Lloyd *Kennedy, William L. Rowan, Walter Rawan, Clarence Row- an, Charles Weatherilt. Financial repart, given by Mrs. W. Rowland, showed to- tal receipts off $3,411.99 with expenses $2,981.52. Missionary and Mainten- ance treasuner, Mrs. T. J. Jack- son repanted an increase in missionary interest, with $416- .25 sent to beadquarters. Mrs. Walter Neais and Mns. Menvyn Porteous, reparting for the Women's Association, sbowed a successful year, with receipts of $ 1,173.89 and ex- penses of $1,084.80, main items being new carpet purchased for the churcb, renavating the church kitchen, donation ta- xvards new ail furnace in the parsanage and ta the churcb2 board. Wamen's Missionary Society reported $175 sent ta the Pies- bytery, twa bales a! clothing and quilts sent ta Korea. Sunday Scboal report, pie- paned by Bruce Wright, stated ail supplies paid for and $7563 sent ta mission work. Parsonage Board repart was given by Rani Weatberilt, nat- ing the installation o! a 1heiv ail furnace, new chimney and some minai repairs. =1 Howard Jeffery Russeli Foster1 Walton Pascoe The death of Elgin Vancoe, derland and high school 1nSault Techaical Superintendent at the Ste. Marie. Bowmanville Goodyear Tire and Folîowing bis graduation from Rubber Plant, last October, bas the University of Toronto as an brougbt about three key pro- engineer, Mr. Jeffery started motions at the local Goodyear work at Goodyear in the Fan plant. Belt Department building y- The late Mr. Varcoe, a native beits. He laten gained expenience o! Bawmanville, bad a long and in the Development Department. distinguisbed career embodying jMn. Jeffery has done a great deal of travelling for Goodyear ~ ~ ' ~ Iwith most of this being done in ' Western Canada on V-belt dives in the ail fields and agri- cultural macbinery. SHe is married ,ta Marlon Wagar and tbey have a son and i. daughter attending school. He îs one genenation removed from being a Durham County boy as bis fathen, Rev. Charles Je!!ery of Willowdale, was born in Darlington Township. Mr. Jefery is a member o! *~ j" ,~ the Bowmanville Lions and the Ontario Provincial Engineers' Association. Ris hobbies in- Sclude hunting and fisbingan a cottage in Algonquin Park. Wallon Pascoe Walton "Walt" Pascoe is a Durham County boy, having been born at Taunton, son o! th dae Herman Pascoe, and Mis. Pascae o! Columbus. He Elgin Varcoe received bis educatian at Max- 42 years of service with Good- well Public Scbool and Oshawa year. He had served as Tech- Collegiate. nical Superintendent since 1944 He worked for General Matons and died in October following a for five and a bal! years and bn !ew week's illness. January 2, 1930, joined Good- Howard Jeffery received the year in tbe Specifications De- appointment ta succeed Mn. Van- partment. He received the ap- cae. This in turn promoted pointment o! Field Tecbnician Walton Pascoe as Supervisor, cn 1944 and in this capacity as Manu!actuning Corntacts a 'dt rouble-shooter" be travelled Field Engineering, and Russe,, extensively acnoss the eastern Foster stepped up as Supervisoi, and northenn parts of Canada Design and Specifications. Bath on jobs in mines and paper of the latter men are responsibie plants. In, addition he bas gain- andreorttoMn. Je!feny. ed contacts with ail major auto- and epor tamotive companies. Howard Jeffery Mr. Pascoe is maînied to the The new Technical Superin- former Hazel McCulioch o! Ca- endient was born in Barrie and lumbus, and bis hobbies include attended public school in Sun- photagrapby, lawn bowling and The Orono News Telephone 127 Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squaii B3owmanville, visited Mr. an Mis. D. G. Hooper. Mrs. Cecil Powers Is visitin, her cousin in Hilton, N.Y. Catherine Wilson, daughte: o! Mn. and Mrs. Gus Wilsor Kirby, bas been a patient ii Part Hope Hospital for the pas 10 days. Mrs. John E. Armstrong re tunned home last week fror spending the bolidays with he. Sson George and bis family Timmins. Mn. and Mns. Jack Reid vis ited ber parents, Mn. and Mn: W. Weddus, in St. Joseph': Hospital, Peterborough, follow. ing a car accident on Saturday Fanm Forum Met Mondaý tevening at the home o! Mn. anc Mr.Robt. Hancock. M.and Mrs. Chas. Staple- ton, Walter and Douglas and Mrs. John Morris, spent Mon- day in Peterborough. Mis. Frank Andron, Toron- ta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Madison Hall. Mn. and Mis. Harold Han- cock and family, Belleville, and Miss Mildred Holdaway, Peter- bonough, visited Mn. and Mrs. Egenton Hancock. Miss Glenda Cowan, Mrs. M. Sberwin and Laurence were Sunday dinner guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Jack Bryson, Bow- manville. The, annual meeting o! Or- ana United Chuîch will be held Tuesday evening, Janujary 21st. Howard Stapietan retuîned home an Sunday fnom Memor- 1 ilHospital, Bowmanvilie. Mn. and Mis. David Phasey and Wayne. Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood Sunday and attended the monning ser- vice at Onono United Church. Guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ent Hancock an Decemben 3lst wene: Mn. and Mrs. Albert Ar- nold, Rhodes, Michael and Janet, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. An- nold, Mr. and Mis. Jesse Tes- ter and Gary, ail of Toronto. The occasion was Mis. R. Han- cack's birthday. After supper Mn. Tester showed movies o! IArnold family picnic and trips ta Hawaii and Winnipeg, where sisters o! Mrs. Hancock reside. Afterward Mn. and Mis. Han- cock saw the New Year in at the home o! Mn. and Mis. Ai- bert Arnold in Tononto. Mn. Richard Morton, Toron- ta, spent a !ew davs with his parents, Mn. and Mis. A. E. 'Morton. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Barrabal entertained thein family on i Sunday follawing the baptism off their grand-daughter Tami- m -v Louise Gilmen. Mn. Walter Potts, Gardcn Hill visited bis daughten, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Stapleton. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller visited Mr. and Mis. Banl Du- Ivali. Leskard, an Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Huttan entertained on Sundav follow- ing the baptism o! their son Kenneth Charles. Among the guests were the grardiparents of Kenneth, Mrs. J. J. Cgrnish, Ir, ig ýr n, in st 3- Mr. and Mis. Herbent Hutton. Couitige; Mis. Bailey and daughters, Oshawa; Mn. and Mis. Hanry Hutton and son, Couitice; Mr. and Mis. Car- man Cornish and Chenyl, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Inwin, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Lycett and sans, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Heard. At the Orono United Chuîch Sunday monning Rev. Basil E. Long baptized the folaowing children: Diane Marie, daugh- ter o! Mn. and Mis. W. L. Boyd; Tammy Louise, daugh- ter of Mn. and Mis. Bob Gil- mer; Nancy Pianne, daugbten o! Mn. and Mns. Don Mercer; Kennetb Charles, son o! Mr. and Mis. Chas. Hutton; James Aleck, son o! Mn. and Mns. Aleck Mo! fat; Gary James, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Tay- lor. MO VIE REVIEW fishing. He aiso has a keen interest in iodge activities and is a member of the Masons and I.O.O.F. Russell Foster 'The third promotion annaunc- ed by Plant Manager Charles Cattran was that af Russel Foster as Supervisor, Design and Spécifications. Mr. Foster was born in Hast- ings County and following bis education at the Madoc Public and High Schoals be attended the University of Toronto where he obtained bis engineering de- gree in chemistry. He started with Goodyear in May, 1949, in tbe Specifications Department. Mr. Foster is a resident of Whitby and bas two children, botb girls. Along witb bis strong liking for golf is bis solid sports interest in tbe Whit- by Dunlop Hockey Club. W.M.S. Plans To' Send Bale Blackstock: W.M.S. of the United Church met Wednesday afternoon mn the Parsonage. Mrs. Ernest Larmer opened the meeting wîth a poem, "Jesus Directs Tbee". Rev P. Romeril gave the devotionai, basing bis remarks on Paul's first mis- sionary journey, then conduct- ed the installation of officers for 1958. Mrs. Larmer, retîning presi- dent, tbanked ail for their co- operation during ber, four year term and read a letter of greet- ings to W.M.S. that she had received from Mrs. W. Hutton, Rockyford, Aita., tben banded over the meeting ta the new president and secretary nameiy Mrs. Cecil Hill and Mrs. Rus- sel Mountjoy. Rail cal was weil answered by "How to .start the New Year". The pàyment of fees, and number of books read and calis hiade. Committee was ap- pointed to arrange for the World Day o! Prayer service and to purchase materials for the bale wbich is ta be sent ta an In- dian residential scbool in Nor- tbern Manitoba. Mrs. Fred Dayes, group lead- er, presided for the following program:, Paper, "The New Year 1958" by Mrs. Russell Mount.ioy; the chapter of study book 'The Cross and Crisis of Japan" was made vèry interes- ting by Mrs. Gardon StranL,; Mrs. Leitb Byers read two short poems and Mrs. C. Hill read a message from Dr. Frank Lau- bacb, "Our Past". Mrs. Dayes thanked Mrs. Romeril and ail wbo had as- sisted. Lunch was served by the bostess and the graup. Solina Women's Institute Donates $1501Hall Fund Solina: Solina Women's In- stitute met Jan. 9, with Group 2 - Historical Research andi Current Events. in charge. It was decided to belp collect layettes for Korea. Also, any- one having good aid clothing for the Salvation Army may leave it at Mrs. W. Parrinder's home. ..The course on "The Third' Meal" led by Mrs. R. Davi and Mrs. H. Pascoe. will be heid at the hall kîtchen Tues. 14, and Thurs. 16, in the even- ing at 8.00 sharp. A donation of $250 wvas voted ta the com- munity Hall. A letter fromn our sister W.I. in Bilton, England, was read by Mrs. E. Taylor. Miss Clay- ton sent a W. I. card for Christmas and told o! some o! their Christmas and New Year customs and activitîes. The Rail Cail was, "Name a Cabinet minister". Mrs. A. Baison commented an the motta-Rural communi- ties are the strength o! a na- tion. She mentianed aur own cammunity, cburch and W.I. and rend a letter fram a dele- gate o! St. Marys ta the A.C. W.W. at Sydney, Australia, telling af customs in rural areas there. Mrs. W. Parrinder gave a reading caiied, "The New Year." Music wvas enjoyed by1 ail wben Mrs. A. Beevor o! Osbawa sang "Yau'll Neyer WaIk Alone" and "He". Mrs. T. Sobil and Mrs. G. Glaspeli o! Zian entertained witb ýa duet 'I Don't Want ta Play in Yaur Yard." Mrs. E. Cryderman ac- companied bath numbers. l\'rs. E. Spires read a paper Cet Your Price For Your Livestock1 STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS L~A3.33OL Ja nuary SALE 100% GUARANTEED MEATS DE VON BRAND Rindless Bacon CALDWELL'S -Skinless Wieners Fresh - Grade A 21/ to 3 Pre-d ressed Chickcens MAPLE LEAF Cooked Hum SPECIAL '1 lb. pkg. 5 9c 1I lb. pkg. 3 9c 3Ibs. - Roasting or Frying lb. 3 9c oz. pkg. 45C January SALE Garden Fresh FRUIT AND VEGETABLES California- Red, Crisp Grciperoz l.33 Flori-da Fresh Green Pascal Size 489S Celery .oIc Table Potatoes ,50 lb. b.g 99C SILK STOCKINGS LIBBY'S - In Tomato Sauce wilh Fred Astaire, Cyd Charîsse SAG E T L and Janis Paige. UvUKED SP GH TT Mon. - Wed. at 8:00 p.m. (CinemaScope-Metrocolor) 15-or. tin J fr ' a mucal t mey- 3aa. c bas a master's touch. Silk R a a u Stackings, a version o! Ninot- chka, retouched by contempor- any events, is a deligbt ta see S e ilM n yS v r 1and bear. The film is in Cine- maScope and Metrocolor and PARTY TREAT Save 4c stars Fred Astaire, Cyd Char- CHOCOLATE - lb. cello bag !ully ad iretedby Roube a-MAL ful iss e ce nJni Paige I sst- L o w s3 5~c oulian with music and lyrics bv Cale Porter, and the book o! Economnical Spread - Stock up - Save 12 1c the original mtisical play by' George S. Kaufman, Leueen RGLR-SL .pg McGrath and Abe Burrs.MARGARINE 4fr10 The stary is beguiling, the sangs 4 fr10 and dances bewitching and thc mood a!fecting. Who could ask Economnical- Just heat and serve fan anytbing jpwre? LIBBY's - In Tomato Sauce - 15-oz. tin The screenplay by Leonard Geishe and Leonard Spigelgass, BEANS wben nat occupied with light- bearted frivolity, cuts into the wilh PORK 3 for 49c communist way o! life with the sharp edge of wit. Miss Chanisse, a bard, dedicated Children love it in sandwiches - Save 4c cammunist officiai is assigned TILLY'S - Delicious - 16-oz. jar ta find out what bas bappened pB T E ta a famous composer wbo went PEANUT BU TE 2 c ta Paris for a concert and hasn't returned home. Adds zest to any rneal Save 5c In the meantime productionPUETMT - -o.o. numbers and sangs and dancesPUETM O- break out al aven. Miss Paige -KE T C H U P fr 5 gives a winning performance as2 o 4 5 a dim-witted Amenican actress. The three Ruissian envoYs wîha Serve Chilled- Serve Of ten came ta the conclusion that MARTIN'S - Choice - 48-oz. tin - Save 8c opening a restaurant in Paris is more pleasant than a stint in APPLE JUICE 4 for 100 Siberia are Joseph Bulof!, Jules Munsbin and Peter Lorre. DecosDser The picture tuins up more eiouDser than a dozen musical numbers Serve with Cake or Ice Creamn in its 117 minutes running time. HENLEY - Choice- 28-oz. tin - Save 9c Althougb that might be consid- FRIT~~ ered a littie long in the ligh-t ElV o! the stony substance. it would bce a shame ta eliminate anY aiie COCKTAIL 2 for 69c efthe numbers. sa superbly are they executed. Florida SPECIAL Jumbo Grapefruit a5for 39c January SALE CHOICE CANNED FOODS OAKLEAF MANDARIN ORANGES il-oz. tin 2for35c DEVOND BRAND - Std. - 20-oz. tin GREEN PEAS 2 for 2.9C CUL VERHOUSE - Fancy - 12-oz. tin ASPARAGUS TIPS 3 5C LYNN VALLEY - Std. - 20-oz. tin HALVES PEACHES 2ic AYLMER - Choice - 15-oz. lin GOLDEN CORN 2 for 2.9c GREEN GIANT - Fancy Cut - 15-oz. tin V. WAX ]BEANS 2lfor 3 9 c AL Cut Food Costs et 1~ i '1 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS It's Not Too Late! Don't forge t the Oshawa Wood Products SECOND FREE INSTRUCTION COURSE on Recreation Building commencing TONITE, 7:00 P.M. at the Oshawa Wood Products Court ice Showroom. Free Estimates on Ail Your Building and Remodelling Needs! Oshawa Wood Products LTD. Tard, Main Office and Showroom COURTICE - Phones: MA3-2130 - RA 8-1611 Dowatown Office and Showroomn 84 S!MCOE ST. S., OSHAWA Phone RA 8-1617 DOW.NTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is uncon- ditionally guaranteed to give 100%/l satisfaction. Values effective in Bowman- ville until elosing lime, Saturday, Jan. 18, 1958 DOMINION STORES LTD. 1 1- LI TIM CAMAntAn *TAngp-quAu- ilkeWUANMM.vllp OwfrÀLIDIO% wmnmev%,àqw gâts laqà listing the current event high. lights of 1957. Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees ada Mrs. R. Langmaid gave repo o! the W.I. Area Conventi in Toronto ~o. 7 h speaker at- luncheoin there was Dr. Magaret Nicks, at present a teacher of psychologv ta medical students at McGil University. Bath delegates en- joyed, Miss Nick's talk whicli was directed mainly ta the psy. chological needs of aur chil. dren. In the afternoon session the 4-H Girl's Clubs af the var- ious counties staged thein skits or demonstrations. The bigbligbt o! the evening session was an address jby Dr. Marion Hilliard, director af Wamen's Coliege 'Hospital on "The Changing Attitudes in the Treatment of Women". Mrs. I. Hardy gave an Inter. esting review of the Sauina W. 1. Tweedsmuir's History whicli will be. publisbed next week. February meeting will be an evening meeting at 8.30 on Feb. 13th wben the men: are invited and a special pragram planned. Lunch was served by the group and a social time enjay. ed. Ontario - No. 1 Smait SPECIAL