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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1958, p. 6

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J6I -J-?W fWA WWN"& -NI L4 CUV&AW M.fTTIWM@YffLV AARTdàWIYRSDAY JAI lIt. f Local Memorial Arena To Be Centre of Activity For Centennial Year Bowmanville Memonlal Mrena is alrcady pncpared for the buge role it wifl play ina helping celc- brate our Certennial this ycan, .Arena Management Comnmttee Cbau-man Bob Watt announced this week. Already the centre of activity Ina Uic district during Uic wintcr niontbs, the Mrena will be even busier than usual before it clos- es 1!. doors this sping. By May hundreda o! visitons will bave sat in its seats and stood along the nailings te, watch the special Centennial attractions appearing there In the near future. Little N.H.L. Spectacle The main event at thc Arena wiil be the All-Ontanie Little N.H.L. hockey playoffs sched- uied for Apnil. Befone that howcver, capacity cnowds will have filled the rink te, sec the U.S. Olympic hockey team and wvatch the Bowmanvilie Figure Skating Club's gala Centennial Low Prices 100 A.S.A. Tablets- 19e Vacuum Botties ____79e lO-oz. size Noxzema- 1.25 63e size Coigate'. Tooth Paste -21 Wampole's Extract 1.50 - 2.75 Scott'$ Emulsion 1.00 - 2.00 Claase'u Nerve Food 89C - 2.23 for 89e1 Skating Show. Botb of these addcd feature events are belng held in January and February, respectively. In anticipation of these eventsý the Arena have expanded their facilities as much as possiblei and redecorated the building. Early in thc season bath the ina- tenion and exterion wcre painted. Two new dressingroms wcre addcd, increasing Uic total te four. New seats wcnc built unden the stands te accommo- date skaters wishing te change thein skates. Damage lu Only Problem These nenovations wene made in the hope that the Arena wouid prescrit a fine appearance te the many visitons expected. Howcvcn since the openingr in September much bas been donc te hiriden keeping the building in its original condition. Pensons have been damaging the seats, bneakirig ligbts and marking the walls. Sevenal times COLGATE'S Tooth Pasie New Size - 1.09 Hot Water Btties- 1.29 - 1.98 - 2.39 - 2.95 Noxzema Lather Shave-- 75e size ----___59o For Coughs '- Colds Buckley's Capsules 45c-89c Brome Quinine - 49c, 79c Buckley's Mixture 59e, 85e Pertussin - -69e, 1.19 Pinex Mixture - 60c, 1.00 Vlcks Rub - -__ 59c, 1.09 Nyal Noue Dropsa-_ 85e Privine Nose Drops- 95e Coldene Llquid - 1.25 Absorbine Jr. 1.19 - 2.39 Mlnard's Liniment 50e - 900 Musterole Rub î Hazel Biuhop Halibul Oul Capsules Lipatlck M8, 1.75 1.15 2.29 4.29 LIquld Make.up - 1.25 Neo'Chemical Food Llquld Compact Make-b - 1.50 1.85 - 3.95 - 6.85 Compleion Glow *....... 79e Alphamettes 1.00 - 1.85 - 3.50 CREOPHOS Stops Stubborn Coughs - Lge. bot. $1.50 MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WE mr TRUSSES ROYAL i -THUR. TO SAT. - JAN. 16 0 18. Wat hIasensational- but.., a teen-age iterrr who scares nobody but himself as DARP£ e NMCARATUA VI Also "The James Dean Star y Narration by Martin1 "Delinquent"' at 7 and 10:15. Sat. Matinee - "Jerry Lewis"j Gable Dean at 8:40 and colon cartoon NEIT MON. TO WED.- JAN. 20 -22 Ladies! You'l* love "SiIk Stockings"p in. Cinemascape and Metrocolor - 1. trmoo-o-o-th as silk, thig outstanding musical comedy stars Cyd Charisse, Fred Astaire and Janis Paige plus world news and colorful featurette. "Deep Adventure" at 7 and 10 '"Stockings" at 8:05 only cO0Nif 19c! The Motion Picture of the Century CECIL B. DeMILLES "The Ten Comman dmen ts>' et the Royal Theatre, Feb. 7 to 15, 1958 1I1 repaira have been made and the walla washed, but they insist upon causing the damage. hiN es . toV ir Ur only problem," Mr. WattA l said. "If people would only G ive A r il realize they are damaging their own property and giving the Nestieton Women's Institute Arena a bad appearance, it met Wednesday afternoon at the would help," he added. home of Mrs. Grant Thompson Hus Grown As Centre of ActIvlty with Miss Ruth Proutt as co- Since the Bowmanvilie Kins- hostess and splendid attendance men Club sponsored the instal- despite the very cold day. Presi- lation of artificial ice at the dent Mrs. R. Davison extended Arena in 195Z, it has rapidly be- best wishes for the New Year corne the centre of ail winter and read an appropriate poem activities, providing both enter- based on the firat chapter of tainment and pleasure for the Corinthians, wishing us peace many citizens of the area. for 1958 rather than the prosper- Public skating, which isj at- ity of the usual New Year greet- tended by both young and old, ing. has attracted more than 10,000 The secretary read the minutes persons smnce the Mrena opened and announced. the prize- win- in September. Iii addition .to ners of the annual gifts to the thîs hundreds of hockey fans Cartwright schools for the most and players enjoy their favourite improvement in writing: Shirley sport from mid-October until Gilbank for Grade 8 and Wayne April. Minshall for Grade '7. A letter Excellent Selection of Hockey of tbanks was read from Aileen Hockey fans may see Bow- Van, Camp who won the Henry manville Intermediate, Junior, Thompson Memorial prize for Juvenile, Midget, Bantam, Pee- Grade 12 at the High School Wee, Atom and Mercantile Commencement. Many- thank hockey teams in action almost you letters and cards were re- any night o! the week. These teams and clubs from Oshawa, Neli Toronto and Newcastle provide NelflnSato an excellent style of hockey hi their respective groups. (Intended for next week> Some 300 boys between the Holidays visitors were: ages of 8 and 14 enjoy the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symons Arena's facilities by playing and familv, Bowmanville, and free-of-charge in the Recrea- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Marlow tion Department's minor hoc- withi Mrs. Nelson Marlow. key leagues. Arena officiais Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Vine feel this bas a two fold pur- and family, Mr. and Mizs. Ar- pose. It is providing the young- nold Williams and family with sters with an, excellent type.of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. recreation and is producing Mrs. Wiley McKeown, Mr. home brew for future Bowman-1 and Mrs. John McKeown and ville teams. Of this they are IRobert, Mono Road, with Mrs. proud, and should be commend-, J. W. Irvine -and Mr. and Mrs. ed for their sincere intcrest "in Bruce Heaslip. the youth of Bowmanville.I Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, EnJoyed By Ail Youths Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Also enjoying the use of the Marvin Nesbitt. Arena are many boys of mid-, Mr. and Mrs. James Harris get hockey age. These lads with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Son- play in a four team league spon-' ley, Port Perry. sored by the Lions Club. They Mrs. G~eorge Forder with Mr. may be seen in action every and Mrs. Oswald Wright and Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Wall, Bowmanville Legion Juven- Blackstock. iles and Robson Junior Pon- Mr. and Mrs. William Wes- tiacs are two more clubs that ton, Enniskillen, with Mr. and take advantage o! the rink's fa- Mrs. Ivan Robrer and family. cilities. These teams play Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomp- nesday evenings with the Ju- son with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ventile action preceding- the jun- Thompson. ior game. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, These teams are steppingI Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, stones to biggcr things in hoc- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb, Mr. key circles for many of the and Mrs. Stewart Lamb, ail of young lads. Ray "Wbitev" Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Preston, currently playing with ford Hetz, Faith and Christine the Hamilton Cubs, was a pro-. of Fairvîew, Penn., with Mr. duct of the Juveniles. He was and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and scouted byý Detroit two seasons ginls. ago. Mrs. Wesley Campbell and Numerous Industtyl Teama grand-daughter, Miss Beth Me- Mullen, with Dr. and Mrs. Rob- Goodyear Mercantile Le4gue ert Bonney and family, Gaît. provides; hockey for'many cm- Mr. Arthur Hulbent with Mr. ployees o! the town's large and Mrs. Ross Lansing and rubber industry. This league family and Mrs. Les. Lansing, bas four teains which play every Caesarca. Sunday afternoon. The Town Mn. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- League's four teamsalaso pro- son with the Neil Werry fam- vide local men with a chance ily. to play hockey and they play Mr. and Mrs. Philip Langfeld every Thursday night. Together and famnily and Vi's sister, her the two leaguc's provide some husband and baby fromn Toron- 150 persons wîth an opportun- to, with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. ity to participate in hockey. Langfcld and the- Colley fam-- Twenty Oshawa industrial ily. teams also. take adv'antage of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Me- Bowmanvflle Memonial Mrena Laughlin, Mrs. Jos. Fonder and to play their league games Miss Ruth Pnoutt with Mr. and every week. One team from Mrs. L. Bcacock. Newcastle and another ,fnom Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gist vis- Toronto also play every week. ited the Frances Gist family at One player f rom the Toronto Laing and find that Mrs. Gist club drives'here from London Jr., stili needs a long rest cure just to play. for hier heant ailment. Oshawa Provides Revenue Mr. and Mrs. Davison took "A large pencentage of the Douglas to Oshawa on his way revenue raised by the Arena back te Waterloo College. comes from the Oshawa dis- Mr. and Mrs. Eldon McCabe, trict," Mr. Watt points out. Toronto, were weekend gucsts 'Witb their 20 hockey teamns of the Grant Thompsons. and the number of persons Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rnhrer, corning bere te pleasure skate, Warren and Douglas with the Oshawa is our main source of Carl Elliots. revenue,> he added. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt, Boys from the Tnaining Donald, and John, with Miss School use the rink twice a Ruth Proutt. Areek for hockey games. They Messrs. John Hamstra and are cbanged for only one of Louis DeVries, Wbitby, witb these times, as the otherwoMrs Jas. Samelîs and Nor- hours given them i i c- asi. change for the B.T.S. swimming Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Themp- Pool used by the Recreation son, Lynda and Terny, Oshawa, Depantment during the sum- with Mn. and Mrs. Donald fficierit Committec haridling Mrs. C. H. Tbompson and fam- the behind the scenes work ily o! Hamilton. and an independent staff oper- Friends are boping Mr. John- .ting the Mrena Canteen. ny Reynolds soon feels mucb The Arena staff include: Roy better. "Ducky" Ncads, arena. superin- tendent; Clarence Oke, secre- tired fnom the comniittee is stili tay-treasuren; Mrs. Betty De- an honourary member. Pew, cashicr; Stuart James.-and Operate Refreshment Stand Norman James, announcer; Hawke Caters, owned and Gerald "Timn" Cor, timekeeper; opcrated by Alfred E. Hawkc Reg Tull, caretaker and ice- are operating the canteen this maken; Bob Wallace, chie! ice sao.Tersaficue ttendanit, Nelson Yeo, Art sao.Tersaficue Foran, Don Miilson, Bob Oc- Shirley F'raser, Phyllis May- nard Mrs. Ethel Robinson, gema, Bruce Ogden and Rich- Frank Bniton and Lawrence ard Koss, ice attendants. Csante rOmuniY MidedCom itte AI I o! the mariy persons who Behind the scenes, with the enjoy the numerous activities ýxccption of chairman Bob available at Memonial Mrena Watt wvho devotes many houns owe their thanks to, these fine ach week te managenial and people, wbose tireless efforts )ther duties, are the Arena h ave made the nink a great Dmmittce. These men contri- succcss, and to the Bowman- )utc frecly o! their Uirne mn an ville Kinsmen whose fine com- ffort to keep thc Mrena oper- munity service projct has pro- ting and on many occasions vided the artificial ice. iave been commended for their On many occasions these ne work. people have been highly corn. They are: Bob Watt, chair- mende-d for thein fine contribu- nan; Dave Higgon, Jack Lan- tion te the community,, and ter, Frank Hooper. Jack1 once again the Statesmari would rough. WValter DeGeer and 1 like te pay deserving tribut. bo va le WiII s for Koreal ceived frein distant and ill friends whe were remnembered kat Chn >istinas time with carda and parcels. Sevenal donations o! cotton for cancer dressings were hand- cd in and others wbo wish te 7donate such may do se and 1it will be delivened te the Port Penny committee for thein work reom. Lettens weneread from Mrs. Haggerty announcing -the T.weedsmuuir Competitions and from Madame Hiscbmanova for 25,000 layette$ tbnougb the Uni- tanian ServicecCommittee for the women o! Kgnca, the secnetary Lte, write for donations o! wool fer the above proj ect and eaeh memben te bring an article for same te the Febnuary meeting. LThe travelling apron was on dis-1 ,play and will soon have gene the rounds. The matten o! a family night te ententain Our husbands was left until next meeting. The noll cail was answencd by "6An, Industrial Plant I Would Like te Vîsit". Mrs. Emerson and Mns. L. Malcolm gave some sug- gestions for material for the new Twccdsmuir bistory begun a! a meeting a! Mns. Emnson's home and membens wilI bring any matenial pertaining te these subi ects for the Februany meet- ing. Mrs. H. Vine, convener of Agriculture and, Canadian In- dustries toek the chair for the foliowing pnogram: Mrs. Milton Fisher gave a splendid taik on .the day's motte: "Living is more 1 .thian making a living> and Mns. L. Malcolm and Mns. R. Camp- ,bell nead New Yean pocms. Mrs. 1Vine had pnepared a fine papen On "Mining" which was most interesting. The day's gnoup unden Mns. M. Fîsher's direction had pre- 1pared a dainty lunch for whicb Mns. W. G. Bowles extendcd the tbanks o! the ladies. The Feb- nuany meeting will be beld a! the home of Mrs. H. McLaughiin with Mrs. Emerson, cenvener o! Histonical Research in charge of the pnogram and Mrs. Bowers' gnoup the motte arid lunch. Thé rail caîl should be interesting, "Bring your old school pictune." No man, who continues te add semething te the matenial, intel- lectual, and moral well being o! thep lace in wbicb be lives, is lcft long witbout proper rewand. -Booker'. Washington. 'Nesileton Station Recent guests with Mn.. Her- man SameUs werc: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Misses Gwen and Eunice Wilson, Mn. Reginald Drcw o! Kingston; Mn. Herman Rodman, Little Bnîtain, and Cheryl and Douglas Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Robin- son, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip and Mns. frvine. Alfred Sarnelîs, Bewmanvillc, visited Mr&. James Samells and Norman. .Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Montgom- ery, Lindsay, visited Mn. and Mrs. Donald Tbompson. Miss Olive Beacock, Oshawa, visited ber mother, Mrs. Wesley Beacock and famiiy. Mn. Leon Brayley and family, Toronto, calied on Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. The James Naylors, Pefferlaw, wene visitons with the Grant Tbompsons. Sympatby is exteh-ded te Mns. Henry Sbeffield and family in the passing o! Henry Sheffield o! Oshawa. Interment took place on Tbunsday last in Nestie- ton Cemetery. The community extends sym- pathy te Mn. Anthur Hyland, bis brothers and their familles and the Beacock friends in the pass- lng o! Mrs. Fred Hyland last weck. Interment was ini St. John's Cemetery. Nestîcton fniends wene shock- cd and grieved te leann o! the sudden passing o! Mn. Hugh Taylor in Ross Memonial Hos- pital following an accident on Kent Street, Lindsay, on Satun- day evening. Funeral services wcre held on'Tuesday from the Mackey Funenai Home, Lindsay; te Nestîcton Cemetcry. LONG SAULT <Intended for las! weck) Club 50 ladies wil mcc! nt the home of Mrs. Bessie Vaneyk Tuesday evening, Jan. 14. Mn. and Mrs. Harold DeMille and boyýs, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and fam- ily, Tynone, Mr. Paul Vanden- brink, Wbitby, and Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie Penwarden and family, wene guests o! Mr. and Mns. Walter Vaneyk. Mn. and Mns. W. Vaneyk were guests a! the Smith home Mn. Valentine Toth, Mon- treal. witb Mrs. Kovacs and Gabriel and renewed old fnien- ds. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Duvali, Leskard, Mn. and Mrs. Win. Miller, Mn. and Mns. H. Duvafl Mild, flavourful Turnips THERE'S A RED AND WHITE BOWMANVILLE - - Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria and family, Onono, at Mr. and Mns. Orme Mlller's, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Broad and Lesley, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fletcher. Master Murray McLaggan visited with Bruce Baker. Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming, Unionville, wcre with Mr. Robt. Sim. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Langlais and family, Bowmanviile, gucsts of Mrs. Kovacs and Gabriel. Bruce Baker spent the week- end with Murray McLaggan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Penwarden vislted Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cam-. enen. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Mur- phy and !amily at Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin's, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pankin- soni and family, Fenella, with the Ryc Glbson's. Mn. and Mrs. Clayton Brown and Linda, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Penwardcn and famlly with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron. New Years Week Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston and Alvin at Mn. and Mrs. R. Osborne's. Courtice. Mnr.and Mrs. Bob Cameron and Raymond guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Penwardcn. Mn. and Mrs. D. Danielson with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cami- eren.% Mn. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra with Mn. and Mrs. G. Bentley, Port Penny. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pcnwardcn and family at Mn. and Mns. Ewart Bragg's, Bowmanvillc, and Mn. and Mrs. Bob Cam- enon. Mn. Robent Cameron was cl- ccted trustee for three years iVIGOR OIL CO. LTD. Candielighting . Service HeId by Trinity C.G.LTI. The annual Candle-Iightnj; ýservice *o! TrinityUnitcd ChireW C.G.I.T.* was heIý&tthe evening service on Dec.'.O)5.KaeMc Muýtr le theservice whicli foilowcd the National C.G.I.T. Vesper Service program,. Biblereadings werc taken by Carol Maguine, Pauline Huglies and Sharon McMurten. Hazel Webber, nunse-in-trainirîgPc- terborough Civic Hospital, gave the meditation. The Senior Choir assisted with special, mu- sic. Candleligbters in the *auti. ful and impressive candleligbt. ing service o! dedication wce Audrey Spicen. Jane Lander, 'Editb Nimigon, Shirley Cooni- hes, Eileen Hughes and Shirley Williams. Taking up the o!!ering wene Carol Elston, Barbara Hansen. Mary Munday, Linda Tbomp- son and Judy Scott. The amount neceivcd $25.23, gees te the C.G.I.T. committee o! the Can. adian Council e! Chunches. The leaders, Miss Marion Beilman and Miss Dora Pur- don, were present., The girls conducted the service cxcept for the announcements and benediction which wcre given by the ministen, Rcv, T. A. PRICES REDUCED ON PREMIUM QUALITY STOVE QIL 2Oc FUEL QIL 17C per gal. Phone Oshawa RA m w lb..5 c1 BLACKSTOCK 5-1109 * M lFeos .0 . Bright vef~h;~'Opy.aÏel .OaI P ÏTY EAf_ - BEST BUY Save 3c AYLMER Tomato or Vegetable Soup 3for 3 4c BEST BUY Save 15c CHASE & SANBORN Instant Coffee 6-oz. jar - 25c Off $109 IBEST BUY Save 11c PARAMOUNT FANCY Red Cohoe Salmon 1/2's tin - 3 for $1.00 BEST BU1Y Sae4e I Cheer Detergent Blue - Giant pkg. 75c Swift's Pickled, Peamealei COTTAG E ROLLS Lean, Beef, Plate, PQT ROAST Swift's Sliced, Side, PREMI UM BACON swif t's Premium FRANKS d I49CI Bonelesio ib. 49< Rindlessa 1 -lb. pkg. 79C 1-lb. celle pkg. 45c1 FEATURE Savet'e MONARCH TEA BISK 40-or. pkg. 45 C FEATURE Save sc WAGSTAFFE'S Strawberry or Raspberry Jam 24-oz. jar 45 C FEATIJRE Save 2c KROKOW POLISH DILLS 32-oz. jar 3.5 c FEATURE Save 20c CLEAN SWEEP B ROQMS 4-string only 79c SAVE 10e RED & WHIITE ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS 65 Bags - 10e Off 59C RED& ITE Evaporated Milk i 16-0z. BIRDS EYE GREEN PEAS, 12-oz. pkg. 22e FROZEN FOODS CUT CORN, 12-oz. pkg. ____________-__25e tira -Blyth's Market I. FOR DELIVERY Full ripe, full of juice Florida Grapefruit 5for29C Mclntosh or Northern Spy - 3-lb. poly bag Apples --3 5c Mild, sweet, genuine Spanish Onions .2 for 2É3c Wonderful for baking Marsh Potatoes 5 lb. poly bag 2.7c STORE NEAR YOU ~ ORONO - Corn is h)a rketeria IF 1 , 8 qlMMMDAT, JAN l8th, - MM' w -- 1

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