TEUESDAY, ~TA1( lSth. 1958 THE CANADTAN ETAT!SMAN. ~OW &NVTT.T PT flNAUTfl A P "-É,&Niss Marie Flesch, Mi4s Iso- 'IIBurns, Cobourg, and Mrs. Clem Plesch, Quebec City, wcrc visibors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Corden~ Mr. and *rs. W. R. Young, Dennis and Sylvia, Mrs. Eva McMillan, Bridgenortb, were dinner guests Saturday even- ing wiîh Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns.. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoar and baby son, Port Granby, were visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, also Mrs. Har- old Skinner, Tyronie, and Mrs. Ross SIharpe, Enniskillen. M >WiIlson Woodside, To- rente, well wnown radio coin- mnenlabor, will be guest speak- er aI tbc Bowmanville Rotary Club or. Friday. His subject will be "How te Negotiate With the Soviets". Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orvis, Phylis and Roger, Peterbor- ough; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawson and Peter, Whitby: Mrs. Matthews of Oshawa, were Sunday guests o! Mrs. Donald Lawson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Van- stone, Tom and Elizabeth of Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Vanstone and Miss Marg Lewis, Toronto, visîted at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanstone. 'Mrs. W. H. K. Crehan, Mrs. J. Long, Stratford; Mrs. cvd Musseiman, Kitchener, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roenigk. Mrs. Roenigk and ber guests attcnded tbc Royal Ballet on Monday even- ing in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Cole. Toronto, wcre dinner guesls of bis aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dudley, Courtice, on Saburday. Mr. Cole is witb The Canadian Stratford Festi- val Players and often appears on Tehevision. Carl James Hayman, 24 On- tarie St., entertained bis littie neigbbour friends Randy For- sey, Judith Trewin, David Van NesI, Marilyn Wbite, Michael Gilbooly, Sharon McCullough and Debbie Sellers on Monday, Jan. 13, on the occasion of bis sixth birtbday. Arnong those from Bowman- ville who were attending the convention of the Northumb- erland and Durham Apple Growers' Association in Brigh- ton on Wednesday were Sam Buttery, Douglas Kemp, Wil- frid Carruthers, W. Harold Wat- son, Harvey Brooks and Fred Stevens. Barry Lavender, jronto, 2 year-old nepbew Mn. ar Mrs. W. R. Haye9encessic St., wbo bas beEi" studyir draina and bad mhcbr noiesj tbc Iheabre wlll be seen in h first drainatic noIe on belevisic on Tuesday evening, Jan.2 bbcth General Mon '-Theati prograin. TRINITY UNITED CHURCU Minister: Rev. T. ArthUr Morgan, B.A. "Legal Bail" 7 P.M.- "Spli-level Family" A colour sound film Organist: Mr. Arthur Colison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 1~~~~ i - ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Second Sunday Affer Epiphany 8 and 11 - INOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il - CHURCR SCHOOL' 7- e 'VENSONG Lnd ion Ing in ion 2 1, Ir Winners in the Lions Club hockey draw this week were Miss Mary Jones and Don Fotilds,-for Saturday, Jan. 18:, Wes Martin and Vic Miller for Wednesday, Jan. 22; Bill Brent and Leonard Higgins for Sat- urday, Jan. 25, and Harold Skinner and Carl Leslie for Wednesday, Jan. 29. Vsitors aI the Sydney Ven - ton's during bbc first week o!f the New Ycar were Mrs. Ven- ton's brethers, Mr. Irvin Ah- lin, Mr. Howard Allin and wives, o! Newcastle, and cou- sins, Mr, George Allin and wife and daugbter Helen, aise of Newcastle, and Mrs. Russell Robbins and busband, o! Scu- geg St., Bowmanville. Attending a meeting o! the Canadian Cancer Society, On- ,tarie Division, aI their bead- 'quarters, 276 Simcoe St., To- rente, on Jan. 10, were Mr. and Mrs. Stan McMurîcr, Mr. Char- ence Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Mau- rice Stevens, Mrs. Harry Saun- ders, Mrs. Ron Frank and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Syer. Dr. E. A. McCullocb of the Ontario Can- cer Institute spoke on "A Vi- tal Leukemia Break-Through". A meeting was beld of the young people of St. Paul's Un- ited Church congregation to ferm a Young People's Club. Eighteen were present. It was decided ta organize and meet every two weeks, next meet- ing te be Jan. 20. A nomlnating committee was appointed to bring ini a siate o! officers. The conittee is composed of Alan Smith, Ken Bragg, Barbara Graham. The objective for the riext meeting is to tbink o! a name for the group. A worsbip servie was in charge of Rev. Harold, Turner, and a film was shown. Frank MeMullen, the gro- cery store proprietor in Scar- borough who was robbed of $1,580 on New Year's Eve was principal of the public school at Newcastle for a number of years. Re left there about four years ago. Mr. McMullen was born in Orono. The thieves were mnasked, and one was armed. A number of custom- ers were in the store. The but- cher, Arthur Sutherland, dialled police in spite of threats, and Mr. McMullen tried to give chase, but had left bis car keys in bis overcoat pocket at the back of the store. Brigade Queils Minor Fires On Monday Bowmanville Volunteer Fire- men were busy Monday as two minor fires, 13 hours apart, sent themn rushing to two homes in town. At 6.45 a.m. they were call- ed wben a passerby noticed a chesterfield burning in the backyard of C. B. Purdy, 210 King St. East. This blaze was quickly brought under control and the firemen left, their pres- ence unknown to the Purdy's. A fire in the kitchen at the home of W. B. Andrew, 45 Church street, sent tbem out for the second time. Thie blaze was in a waste basket in the corner of the kitchen and it was promptly extinguisbed. Only damage was scorching to the wall. Miss Lola DownnrdW n InjurdW Struck by Truck Miss Lola Down, 137 Scugog Street, received a sprained rigbt knec and bruises wben she was struck bv a truck at. the intersection o! King and Temperance Streets Friday evening. Dr. H. Perguson, attcnding physician, said Miss Down would bc confined te bed for several wecks as a resuit o! the injury. Miss Down told police she bad jusb begun te cross bbc in- tersection witb tbe green ligbt wbcn stnuck. She was bib by a tnuck making a let-band turn frôm King street. Driver o! the truck was Jack Brusse, Orono. Social & Éersonal Phone MA 3-3303 H. L. "Deac" Goddard measure the success o! a man by the car be owns or drives? By the kind o! home he owns? The chothes he wears? The lkînd o! job be bas or tbc offices te whicb be gels elected or appoint- cd? Man's Truc Measure II-ow do you measure the real success o! a man? I would suggesî a man's truc measure is debermined, net by wbat be pre- tends te be, but by what he acbualiy is. "The succcss of! a Lions Club is mcasured by tbc type o! men wbo are ils members and by the kind of leadersbip that club bas. Il is measured aise by the type of fellowsbip, bbc meeting place,. and most o! ail by tbc type o!' activities in wbicb il engages. Golden Rule u'Remember that LienismIn s service founded on the Golden Rule. The golden rule contains ne inches, feet or yards. And yet, it is a measure for ail man- kind," he concluded. Lion James Bell cxtended tbc club's thanks te bbc District Gev- ernor and presented him wîtb a gifî on bebaîf o! bbce club. The District Governor Iben coin- mcnded Presîdent Fred Cole and hi$ Ceinmiîtee Chairmen on bbc excellent reports presentcd prier te bis speech. During bis speech Lion "lDeac"l asked bbc club's charter mcm- bers te stand. "These are tbc men who had bbc foresigbt te formn thîs club," be said, "and tbey deserve a great deal o! credit." Tbcy included Lions Stu James, Jin Marr, Bill OliverJ and Dr. E. W. Sisson. edo IeCluewi cequpesfor Lionthaude ilm ceqpeseno- $150 on bebaîf o! Bowmanviiie Teen Town. The cheque wasj Ibeir donation toward the cost o! the new overbcad speakers rccntly installed in bbc audi- torium. G ia ni Blitz Wed. Jan. 29 By Club 15 Under the sponsorsbip o! Club 15, plans arc approaching completion for the giant "Moth- crs' March on Polio" te be hcld on the cvcning o! Wedncsday, January 29th, 1958, Mrs. George White bcing chairman o! this ycar's blitz cainpaign. On Ibat night, evcry home in the community will be visited by a Marching Mother between 7 and 8 o'chock, witb cach moth- er visitîng bctween 10 and 15 homnes on or near ber own street. This year. more than 100,000 mothers wiii marcb on behaîf of bbc Marcb o! Dines, in more than 100 Ontario communities, both large and sinali. Il wiil be ail over on thc single evening. Here in Bowmanvilhc approx- imatcly 150 local mothers wilh be 'contacted during bbc nexî week to belp in Ibis blitz can- va ss.. The Enniskillen Service Club and the Hampton Ladies' Serv- ice Club are botb planning cam- paigns te coincide witb those o! other con-irunities lbrougbeut Ontario. March o! Dimes dollars col- lectcd wilh be uscd in the ne- habilitation o! pbysically handi- capped adults. Duning the pasti two years, the March o! Dines bas been able to rebabilibate a total of 598 bandicapped pensons, inaking il possible for tbem te live indcpendenthy once again. The March o! Dines conducts regular clinics in 13 cehtres, whceebandicapped persons are assessed and procedures cannied eut le correct physical disabil- ities. Special appiances sucb as braces and wbeel-cbairs are pnovided, hospîtal bis paid, physiotbcrapy provided, and ahi othen factons Ibat make correc- tion o! the handicap possible.i Folhowing tbis, training is pro-1 vided in some ski]i or prof ession that the handicapped person can District Governoe (Çontinucd froin page one) tbrougbout the district," he said. "A lot depends upon you, Lions, and tbe kind o! service you give your. communitythi year," be continued.. 1I you want te bave a good year, you will bave te put a lot o! bhought, turne, effort and energy inte your work. WIIl Have to Plan You are going to bave to think, make plans, and Iben do something about Ibein. And tbc success e! Lionisin in your towng Ibis year will depend first upon you, second upon bbc amount o!f value Ibat you place upon giving your community good service, and third on bow you measure up. "Everytbing you do is by some computation. We measure every tbing. A child on bbc street may'say 'Boy, is he a success. He bas two cars'. Do ivou Vavioun Specks 1 One KilIed. In. Collision At 401 &No. 2 One man was kilcd and five persons injurcd in a Iwo-car, bead-on collision aI tbc junction o! Higbways 401 and No. 2 late Sunday a!ternoen. Dead is: John C. Rose, 26, o! Stirling, Ont. In Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, are: Jerry Adains, 24, witb fractured ribs; John Jacuha, 23, severe bruises; bis father, John Jacula Sr., culs; bis mother, Mrs. Mary Jacula, a broken heg. Their conditions arc improved, with tbc exception of Adains, whose condition is unchangcd, bespital authorities said Wed-' ncsday (yesterday). AUl of tbc injured are frein Oshawa. Jack McLennan, who suffered severe bcad injuries, was trans- fcrred te Oshawa General Hos- pital. His condition was report- cd as uncbanged. Ontario Provincial Police said a car driven by Rose collided ~ head-on wiîb a car drive n byI John Jacula Jr. MeLennan was a passenger in the Rose car. OBITUARY accomplish effectively. Medical care including .urgery i. pro- vided fre cf charge by mem- bers o! the medical profession, whenever financial help is need- ed, and March of Dines dollars, are used ta pay all the other1 costa cf effective rebabilitationi procedures.1 Up te January of 1957, these1 services were limited te Ihose jwbose disabiliîy had been as ed by poliomyelitis, but for the past year thé service bas been expanded te include ortbopaedic handicaps caused yohrcn ditions. b ~cn Your Marcb o! Dimes has built a solid program cf effective re- habilitation but your belp is needed te carry this program out. For the many in the past and those in tbc future wbo bave and will suffer from this dread disease will YOU turr on your porch light? Join witb nîl On- tario and light the pabb cf a marcbing mother te your door! On Wednesday, January 29tb, 7 - 8 p.m. The funeral service was hcld on Tuesday aI the Morris Fun- eral Chapel, conducted by Bey.1 T. A. Morgan. Honorary palîbearers were Lawrence C. Mason, Herman Westaway, Archie Tbompson, J. E. Shackleton, Mark Roenigk, Chaude Ives and Alex McGregor. Interment was in Bowmanviiie Cemetery. OBITUJ MISS BERYL: Trhe death occui home, 4 Silver Streg ville, on Sunday, J] of Beryl R. Perey. had been confined1 for the last few y which time ber heal worsened. Miss Perey was bi manville, a daughter John and Annie M.. Percy was the only the family livingi ville and with her sentatives of a pici here disappear. It time in over a hui MISS NELLIIE BURK The sudden passing cf Miss' 'Nellie Burk on SdInday, Jan. 12, came as a sbock to ber famlly and friends. Miss Burk died at ber bomne, Division Street. Ah- though she had net been in geod bealtb for Ihp past tbree years, ber death came unexpectedly. She is survived by ber moth- er,- Mrs. T. S. Holgale, and cne sister, Miss Sybil Burk, Bow- manville. Miss Burk was a daughtcr cf the lite Hiram W. Burk wbo died many years age. She was educated in local schoels, follow- ing whicb she studied dietetics in Guelph and Toronto. Miss Burk beld several important positions during ber career. Prier te ber retirement, she was the dietitian of Soldiers Mei-o orial Hospital, Orilhia, for som vears. She bad a wide circle c frîends wbo will miss ber and who sympaîbize with the fam- ily in their loss. 1 ZION W.A. meeting was opened by LRY the President with 17 members, one visitors and tbree chiidren PERCY present. Devotienal was laken by Mrs. Artbur Dart. Mrs. Glen ~rd at ber Glaspeil and Mrs. Hans Geiss- et, Bowman- berger. Trcasurer's report show- ran. 12, 1958, cd a goed financial condition. Miss Pcrcy Congregationai meeting wouldi te' tbe bouse be Jan. 20. The ladies wilh tour vears, during tbc General Motors plant on ltb graduallyj Jan. 5. Young People are hav- 1 ing a card party on Jan. 25. born in Bow- World's Day o! Prayer will be 'r of bbc îate 1beld at Hampton on February Percy. Miss 21. Mrs. Cbuck Terry became y member o! a member o! bbc W.A. in Bowrnan- Mrs. O. Bull gave a balk on deatb repre- "Making Candy Canes" and was neer family presented with a bouquet donat- bis bbc first cd by Mrs. M. Atkins. A read- îndred years ing was given by Mr$. Arthur Ithat there bas not been a Percy living in Bowmanville. F rom the end cf the First IWorld War until a tew years ago Miss Percy was employed witb the John McKay Company cf whicb she was an officer. This was'the Cream cf Barley MIilonl Simpson Ave., operated for many years by tbe McKay family and J. L. Morden. Miss Percy was a member cf the United Church. She i. survived by two broth.. ,ers, Howard o! Hamilton, and Clem, Ottawa. A sister Kate (Mrs. H. Cauffield) cf Dayton, Ohio, predeceased ber twc years ago, and another sister Dora died some 25 years age. A funeral service was conduct- cd at the residence by Rev. T. A. Morgan, attended by mem- bers o! the family and close friends. There were rnany love- ly flowers. Palîbearers were Howard Percy, Hamilton,' Clem Percy, Ottawa; Dr. H. Cauffield, Day- ton, Ohio, Frank Williamns, Frank Cryderman, and Eddie Semplonius. Interment was ini Bowmanville Cemetery. Among those who attended the funeral from out-of-town were Miss ToI Sylvester, Lind- say, a first cousin, and Mrs. M. A. Dodd, Port Hope, a life-long friend. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I*bg IhJUI]i TORESiII SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Mr. Edouard Bartlett, for- merly well known violinist and mnusic teacher in Bowmanvile and now director of music in Owen Sound, is bringing bis 52-piece symphony orchestra te Oshawa on Monday, Jan. 201h. Tbey will appear with the Mo- ter City Choir in Simcoe St. United Cburch at 8.30 p.m. Within a week Mr. Jan Sweep received word that bis mother Mrs. Sebastianius. Sweep, age 82, passed away in Holland, and Mrs. Sweep received a cablegram notifyîng ber of the passing of ber father, Leonard- us van der Pluym, age 82, in Holland. The former died Jan. 2, and the latter on Jan. 8. (Continued from page one) and Italy wbo are members o! NATO. "However, te john tbe country must bave the saine aims and objectives." Dangerous Period "At tbc moment we are be- tween two armed camps and in an era of war or peace but there arc stihi bopes," Dr. Vi- vian assured bis listeners. "Sputnik," be said, 'is notb- ing te be aharmed about. It sbould be regarded as a great scientific achievement but car- rying little nilitary signifi- Cance." The terrifying weapons that are in bhc bands of the allies and tbreatening forces can be likened te tbc weapons o! pre- vieus wars wbicb were neyer used because o! their devasta-1 bing effecîs, the speaker felI.J "If Russia is geing te make an advance il wihl be on the flanks--tbe Pacific or Mediter-j ranean Sea. Thus we arc netj in a position le lcI our guard down. We must continue to pay 35 percent of the government's budget te mulitary purposes, Eboping Ibal wc wlll neyer bave to make use of it." Education Criticisin Before closing, -Dr. Vivian discussed bbc present educalion sysîem o! Canadians as coin- pared with bbc Russians. The ;speaker felItbtat Canadian children are net given the op- portunity te work bard eneugb and in addition are net being made, te work bard. More consideration should be given 10 tbc physical fibness o! cbildren and they sbould be enceuraged te parbicipate in sports te develop their bodies. Dr. Vivian was inîroduced by Da vc Higgon and thanked by Forbes Heyiand. Port Hope Hosto As Bowmanville won bbc ope- ci4j attendanM-._,contest over Port Hope, bbc Port Hopc club is arranging a dinner for bbc Bowmanville Rotarians. Belated, birthday greeîings were passed on to Mark Roc- nigk. A two-year perfect at- tendance pin was presenîed te Ken Morris. This week's hockey draw was won by Walt DeGeer. Three Osbawa Rotarians, Merv Cryderman, Reg Geen and Tom Dobbie, were visibors. Appointed Chairmeun (Centinued frorn page one) belephoning Ibese naines sbould be-availablc by Jan. 31. This will be in lime for an executive meeting o! the N.H.L. being beld here Pcb. 1. Ed Run- die reperting on this cvent said that feliowing a meeting in the morning, il is hoped te bave a dinner te wbîch Torontoj sports reporters and others will be invited, as well as local of- ficials. Il is planned te bave sîickers advertising bbc Little N.H.L. bournament bere. M. Shute reported that ban- ners te stretch across bbce streel arc bcing procurcd forj bbc same event. D. R. Morri- son said bbc Centennial book 'being prepared by bbc 'Histori- cal Committce is rnaking pro- grcss, with much work baving been donc and matenial stili being written. In Gencral Manager Ken Morris' excellent report for Dec. 10 te Jan, 13 it was re- vcalcd Ibal tbc Home and School Association andme- bers of service clubs bave ask- ed wbat tbey can do wbicb suggests extensive belp is available frein Ibese sources. THE IIEVERY DAY"I WAY TO REsT TIREP NERVES HECTIC PACE GMTING YOUJ DOWN? ITS 50 EASY TO RELAX JUST TAKE PHOSPHO-PLEX RELIEVE THAT JUMPY, "TIRED AIL, THE TIME" FEELING. ENJOY LIFE PHOSPHO-PLEX IS THE EVERYDAY WAY TO RELIEVE NERVOUS TENSION. Wampole PHOSPHO-PLEX i. a modern nerve food and tonic, ricli in 8 compound Vitamins and other important restorative ingredients. Ask ycur Druggist for PHOSPHO-PLEX in either easy-to.take tablets or conven- jent iquid form. A F ULL THREE WEEK TREATMINT 50 TABLETS 16 OUNCES 2.50 I2.50 BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUF Gives you fast effective re- lief frein cougbs, chesî cehds and throat tickle. 8-ounce bottie_______ 75c BRONCHIDA COL» CAPSULES Quickly nelieve sneezing, runny nose and cîher cohd symptoins oflen witbin 24 heurs. SPECIALS' Hinds Honey and Almond Cream Twcr.regular 65e size (1.30 value)'- ---98C I.D.A. Saccharin Tableis % Grain 1/2Grain 10018 500's 1000'8 100'3 500'. 0 0' Reg. 20e Reg. 55e Reg. 79e Reg. 23e Reg. 65e Reg. 98e 14c 39c 59c 17c 49c 79c I.D.A. "Easi-Gloss" Pasie Floor Wax 1-lb. regular 59ce __4C 2 For,,89C I.D.A. Paper Napkins 70's white 1c o Regular 18c 2 for 35e ----6,2 UA3c j L.D.A. Toilet Tissue 1750 sof t white strong sheets Regular 2 for 27e ___ 2 F., 25c Wash Cloihs Excellent quality in very attractive patterns. and colours - some with carved effect 19e value - ------------------------- - 2 For 25c I.D.A. Wax Paper 12 inch x 100 foot roll Regular 31c - 2 , Fr55C I.D.A. Halibuf Liver 011 Cap'tu1es 100'8 f 250l's 89500'% Reg. 1.1,5 _ 89C Reg. 2.29 --18 Reg. 4.29 -3 49 I.D.A. Cod Liver 011 Capsules 1DO'g, Regular 1.19--------------89C Noxzema Skin Cream Large lO-oz. jar *ABSORBENT JOHSof. * TERILIZED PU JOHNSON'S STER îLE GAUlE PADS SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR ý2"P x 2" 12's 45c -3"x 3" 12'560c / GIN PILLS MOR THE KliDNEYS' economy 1.09 Cashmere rolis 25C ,,I'I4'MAN srn -i Nomzma 3-Way Insfant Shave 98c size Aerosol Bomb -__59___SC BrylcreernSpecial Offer! With the purchase of i-ach 69e tube you get a HIGH QUALITY COMB absolutely FREE PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store 7ý007-11 Zý>-m«,tOý otl f SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! 35c Drugs Phone MA "3-5792 BOWMANVILLE STUDIO Adults' and Children's Portraits Weddings Passport Photos - 3-hour service 8-hour4ervjce Custom Photo Finish 14 Divisjoze'Ç3*eet MA 3-3672 1 rDart and Joan MeMaster gave a piano solo. Delicious refresh- tments were served by the ggroup, Mrs. Arthur Dart, Mrs. jGlen Glaspell, Mrs. Hans Geiss- Sberger, Mrs. Gerry Glaspeli. February groups are: Mrs. Jim Stainton, Mrs. Alex McMaster, Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, Mrs. August Geissberger, Sr. Neighbourly Doubles mnet on 1Saturday night with a good at- tendance. Devobional was bak- en by Boyd and Irene Ayre, Don and Chris White. Doreen Tre- vail showed pictures baken on her recent brip te Europe and also pictures of the Expedition, that went te the North Pole. Boyd Ayrc and Don White took charge cf the games. Lunch was served by January group: Boyd and Irene Ayre, Don and Chris White, Ross and Gloria Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy.Leach, Ep- som; Mn. and Mrs. Basil Van Dusen, Joe and Mark, Marlbank; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webster and Alfred, Little Britain; Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Fisher, Veron- ica, Roy'and Jim, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parrinder, Myrtle, aI Allan Fisher's. Mr. Ed. Burns, Peterborough, was at John Monaban's. Mr. Alvin Fisher atîended the wedding of Fred Gabourie and Donna Buckley at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Day, Nancy and Winston, Oshawa, at Allan Fisbcr's. Mrs. Allan Fisher visited ber grandson, Jin Fisher, at the General Hospital, Oshawa. He bas since returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Luins- den, Toronto, were at John Monaban's. Bob Forsythe and Arthur Whitney, Wooler, visited Alvin Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Humph- rey's and Randy, Oshawa, at Chuck Terry's. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mog- gy, Manitouwaning, Manitou- lin Islands, Mr. Ace Abbott, Oshawa, at Percy Davidson's. Beverley Cameron, Petawa- wa, was at Ray Cameron's. Mrs. Percy Davidson and Mrs. Chuck Terry visited'Mrs. 1 Laurier McKenna, Oshawa, and 1 Mrs. Elmer Down, Ebenezer. 1 1 ENFIELD The Patbtinders met at the home of their leader, Mrs. W. Bowman, Friday evening. The devotional was conducted by Donna Gail Irwtn, Anne Stin- son, Norman Lee and Miss Hart- man. The lunch was followed by a sing-song. Mr. and Mrs.ý W. Bowman and family bad Sunday tea with Mrs. R. Best and Mr. and Mrà. G. Carson, Orono. Mn. and Mrs. D. McLean and Heber. Blackstock. were Sunday visitors at R. Parr's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Blatch, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, Oshawa. were at I. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe, Miss- es Evelyn Pascoe and Louise Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bow- man, Miss Mary Helen and Roland attended a birthday din- ner, Sunday, at H. Beaton'q, Oshawa, on Mrs. Bowman'501h birthday. Mrs. G. Bowers spent Satur- day in Toronto witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland and Mr. and Mrs. Jin Tamblyn, Orono, were -Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Jin McKay and Ross, - Oakville. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robin AIl- dred. Miss Barbara-Ann Alldred spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred and Doreen and Joan, Otono. Miss Blanche Wotten, Oshawa, spent Sunday wIth Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery.. Mrs. W. Adams and Kcîth visiteçi on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutherford, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Alldred, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and Ross visited on Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whit- ney, Newcastle. The Lakeshore Ladies' K. S. and C. Club met at the home o! Mrs. W. Holmes, Jan. 8.* The next meeting will be at the home cf Mrs. Bey. Jaynes, Jan. 22nd. NEW, MODERN 1 WAMPOLE PHOSPHO-PIEX PPIIOSPHO.PIE hhtL Tau MAT. ZAN loth. 1958 TM CANAD" STATESMAN, BOWMAMrILTE. ONTARIC) 'DArIv- -«W-qlw.m n 1.251