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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1958, p. 11

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TM C D4J MANd VLLE. OTA2RI nVABU W. Solna Twe ds uî Hito y H spta Ad i iStatrfday morning service on Jan. attended sevceiOo S 26 for a service O'f dedication day and spent ine day ' At the Soshort programsfollowedand installation oof fficers. A andmMrs. 7Wm. Hoar.w AthSoiaWmnsIst-members can write down. At- of 0. A. C., Guelph, Rev. C.ssPar W. soe isnngsssJyeVni tum etInaryg o ave ua r y 9, e a it is h e is o toray o inh- Reynolds,. former pastor trof D e m O bo t ap n shi a satnd hA eCha Mr. . ary av areie o antywhchiscotiualyn- Clinton St. Methodist Chuhfof1 Sn TI Userved by Agroup 2 convened by filS the Solina Tweedsmujr village teresting to us and your village Toronto, George Hogart rh, D.A., for H t itam Mrs.H. talesyofuchewr Cihe Mrahmrtc history which contained many histories will be the oasis of a dentist in Detroit, Dr. M Arkt r n r.Jc LùWts which we feel will be of accurate tacts much valued by Pascoe of Taf t, California. R. Bowmanville Memorial Hos- ed at the annual meeting of eheThiisttabls of uchr wer Thi UciaI interest to mafiy of our historians of the future. I am Luther Werry, a member of the Pital was used .to full capaclty Hospital Board on Wednesday played at the party sponsored aeweek Mr. adMrs. le,.Ù'ÏààThe address follows: proud to think you caîl them staff of the Monitreal Family during 1957 Stanley Wilkins, of last week. by L.O.B.A. Wednesday night. r Mr a ~Winners were: Ladies' high, ahman ne sn Wlàps the Tweedsmuir "The Tweedsmuir Village His- Herald, and others. Many ofHsptlAmntrorre r- Patient days during 1957 Mrs. Frank Baileyi gents' hlgh PerY Village History? Let me read tories". Our parents owe much of their amounted to 15,171 as compar, a tie between Mr. Elgin Gray Mrs. Ewart Leask and you "the foreward", written by W. 1. Organized 1903 business training and charac- held first meeting of 1958 on ed with 14,190 in 1956 he point., and Mr. Osmond Wrght-Mr. garet Jean, Solina, are Lady Tweedsmuir, former Gov- The Solina Women's Insti- ter building to t.he old Division. Jan. 8 at Mrs. Herman Sweet- ed out. The average number Of1 Wright won the draw. Door lier parents, Mr. and ernor General's (Lord Tweed- tute w'as organized January 8, The First School man's. The new president, Mrs. patients pet day was 41.56 pa-. prize, Mrs. Staniford Vancamp., Wallace Marlow. Ewar muir's wife): "I arn so glad te 1903, by Miss Miller of the 0. The first sciiool in Semia was A. Muir, epened the meeting tients. Mnacu fS.Jh' hear that thsý Women's Insti- A.C., Guelph. The meeting \was a frame structure and it stood with a poemn and Eleanor The total bed capacity of the Men h os lub c aSt. Jhns tutes of Ontario are Moing te set for the 2nd Friday of each on the corner where Mr. and Brown took the devotional, hospital is 72, Mr. Wilkins,.ex- party Thursday night. Seven compile village history, bocks. month. Later, on April 8, 1909, Mrs. E. Spires and family re- giving some fine thoughts for plained. Wîth the excep~tion of tables were played. Winners: Events move very fast these the meeting day was changed side. The second school, a mod- the New Year. the Obstetrical Wing. the total Miss Eva Parr, Mrs. Arthur c1gys, houses are pulled down, to the 2nd Thursday which is ern two-storey brick building Ann Hoît read a message fol bed facilities were in use on' Leîghton, Don Green, Chas. new roads made and the aspect still the meeting date. was built in 1899 for $618.00 the New Year frônm the Mis- many occasions. "This resulted Smith. Door prize, Mr. F. Hodg- cf te cun asttryidecmet The irst president was Mrs. with teacher's salaries anging sionary Monthly. Reports were inf an overflow of surgical pa- son, Port Perry. I, f chaned ii shot tme. Thomas Baker-, who 25 years tromn $250 to $300 . given by Ann Gay for Stew- tients to the first two or fouij Ago ubrweepesdU E "It is a most useful and sa- later, in 1928 was acting presi. Several years age the school ardship; Jean Gay for Supplv reoms on maternity ward," ti' oo .me er lae tisfying 4ask for W. 1. members dent when a banquet was ar- ground was enlarged and it is work and the Treasurer's re- said. t see a littie snow and saine to see that nothing valuable is ranged to celebrate 25 years of now used as a community sport' port by Evelyn Sweetman, Other statistics troin his te- w%ýas able to get the rink into1 a lest or forgotten and wornen existence and all former mem- field where soccer games are showîng $206.05 sent in for port for the past year include shape. It opened Wednesday should be on the alert always bers of Solîna W.I., were in- played. Mr. R. J. McKessock 1957. the followîng: admissions, 2251; night with skating. There was .fs ta guard the traditions cf their vited -and -aise the. presidents was one cf the outstanding Pauline Elliott. read carres- births, 426; discharges, 2,598; curling Thursday night. Hockey fcs homes. The oldest people In and secretaies cf ah tihe teachers, having taught there pondence tromn the Hancock deaths, 67; still births, 6. practice Friday and skating Sat- the village 'vill tell us fascin- branches cf West Durham. The for over 25 years. Many out- family, aise from Major V. Mc- The-e was an increased num- urday afternoon for chidren HA? ating stories cf what they re- address cf welcome was given standing men have been edu- Lean for gift sent te the Sal- ber cf eperations with 397 ma- and at night for older folk;.uo inember which the younger by Mrs. T. -Baker. A bountiful cated here. vation Army at Ciristmnas. jor, 801 miner and 774 emer- Curling will be Monday and o supper was served fromn a Bradley's Sehool A ccmmittee cf Mildred Muir, gencies being perfermed. Tuesday nights. A miâget hoc- -s ~beautiful decorated table cen- The.first school built at Brad- Jean Gay, Ann Hoît and Babe "Our Director ef Nursing, key team cof Cartwright boys tred by a.birthday cake made lysscinwsa nane Brown, were named te work on Mrs. W. M. Morrison, is ta be has been organized under man- by Mrs. T. Baker and iced by frame building built on the plans for Spring Tea with the commnended for having a suffi- agement cf Chas. Clarke, Wil. Mrs. A. Milison. The first se- seuti east corner cf the then Afterncon Auxiliary. Members cient, even if at times a sorne- liam's Point. They have Joined cretary was Miss Editi Leask Bradley farm betweeen 1840 are asked te bring gcod warm what harrassed, staff, te ensure the O.M.H.A. The boys are and now there is only onc liv- andi-i 845. In 1862 the present used clothlng taocur next our patients the necessary care." busy practicing and hope te put ing charter member-Mrs. Ma- sehool was built on the nerth meeting at Mrs. Ross Hawkes "With tie growing population on saine exhi ,bition games. bel McKesscck cf Oshawa. east corner cf the then Mitch- Feb. 5 at 8.15. A visitation coin- cf Bewmanville and tie sur- A couple of rinks cf Cart- J R S -. In September 1928 the group ell farm. mittee was named te cail on rounding area and the introduc- wright curlers competed in the sYstem was intrcduced with six The history cf Baker's school any yeung ladies cf the cern- tien cf the Ontarie Govern- Fee Motors Bo:1spiel at Lindsay MA 3-5778 groups being formed with two is being complled for the boc!,, munity whe would be interest- ment Hospital Plan, we can on Saturday but were net suc- r ~meetings each. Ncw there are at the present time. ed. in coming te our meetifigs, look forward to an ever grew- cessful. Two Saturdays pre- fîea gepswthte etig 'Eleanor Brown, Maude Ni- "Our hospital is reaching the home ni ce prizes. b1 ~ 1' In 1927 Kate Aitken, a for- rnf rrt chols, Ev. Sweetman and Ede age cf extensive decorating and Wallace Marlew Co. enter- mer popular radie commente- CO MME ULIGearing te make the cails. A many miner repairs are neces-1 tained their staff and the mnilk < tor, spoke here on W. I. work. social tinie was enjcyed. sary. We expect that much cf shippers and wives te a turkey War Activities (Intended for last week> Your correspondent apologi- this work will be. donc along dinner in the recreatien centre The 18th Scout Mothers' zes for net having been able te with ipoeet n teTedyeeig u lowsA B E R w ar cf n d1939. e d o n atio n sth ea n d f o t e m e Wnt eWus a v n n . h s a s Mayan are wr teAuxiliary held their regular get news gathered and in the grounds te enable us te present the annual meeting. Present activities of theW.I. duringtemnthly meeting Jan. 8, at the paper last week cwing te sick- a cheery aspect for our patients trom Dcrland Dairy, Tarante, DUB P Pofinc 19e 3 9.'ults, 5 bonankets home cf Mrs. James Willis, the ness. adfrteBewmanville Cen- were Mr. Ford, general man- -L A 25 aMP inlren's59 belts, 32 cases, president. Mrs. Charles Archer Some cf the items which tennial celebrations."1 ager and Mrs. Ford, Mr. Bee, 25a,.*' blt, 2caeso presided. Reports were given shculd have appeared appear tic chemist. and Mrs, Bec; Mr. em l8a.wt er ...m»g 1..é jam, 3 cases cf heney, 37 ditty by the Social Sunshine and below: Coshorne, secretary, and an- 1bags, 60 boxes te our boys and Swn ovnr.Rprso Mr. and Mrs. Horace Vetzal A K T C other gentleman, entertained L UR DURO Water Sys- girls overseas. Eecutve ConciRepsrgivon had as guests for New Year's ]DLAC ST with piano accordion music Am m C)tem gives un fresh, pure In December 1945 a Welcoine by Mrs. Carman Thompson. dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Vet- Mr-odlda icsinc water when and where We Home banquet was given our Lunch was served by the hcst- zal and family, Bowmanville; St. John's W.A.Mr odle adicsin n need it... adds tea ur cou- tic general pros and cens of vSm ad cofor of<hü boys and girls. ess and her commlttee. Next Mrs. Olive Meredith, Miss Nor- W. A. cf St. John's Anglican general milk siipping. Mr. Con- lueO5th Anniveraary meeting will be held at the ma Sanderson and Mr. Robent chunci met in tic Paisi Hall, homne provlded music for - m.On June 11, 1953. tic w.I. home of Mrs. Hareld La Cia- McLjmond Jr., Toronto; Mn. and Jan. 16 wlth 16 members Pres- games and dancing. Banquet ocf I DURO Pumps rea it. UL eelebrated their 5th anniver- pelle on second Wednesday cf Mrs. Robert McLlmond and cnt. Glewing reports from ail 78 was catered te by the ladies able in ffai ses to meet in- sary. One cf tic -interesting February. Blarbara, Miss Marg. Crumb, cemmittees shcwed a year cf cf the O.N.O. dfridal needs. Sec your events was presenting cf lite Several men from this com- Oshawa; Mn. Short ie Vetzal, splendid accomplisiments. It Friends and relatives attend- 'Plumber cc DURO dealer membership pins te Miss Nora munity attended tic Bretier- Mr. and Mirs. George Vetzal. was decided that memenial cd tic follcwing funerals tuis fe funl information or write Werry, Mns-. Addlc Tink, Mrs. hood meeting at Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. Lonne Pcn- flowems would be placed on tic past week: Thursday, Lorne fSr FRZ folder, "Rumnug A .Ble n isLn on Tiursday nigit wien Rev. fudwr guests cf Mr. and altar by the W.A. in memory Knpp Oshawa; Friday, Mmi. W~ toFae Taylor. Miss Anna Lewis wa Clinten Cross, Recton cf St. Mrs. Norman Irwln, Red Wing cf deccased members. The JhArgue, Bowmanville; Sat- tic quest speaker en this imcm- George's Anglican Churci, Orchards, at a New Year's Eve flowers to be placed on the urday, Pency Philp, West Hill. onable occasion. Oshawa, was guest speaker. party. Bowling, dancing and sitar on tic Sunday ncarest ta Sympathy is extended tic fam- In closing this part 1 sheuld Congratulations te Keith and cards were enjoyed. St. Andrew's Day. Members flics. like te pay tibute te tic la- Shirley Taite, the new presi- Mr. and Mrs. Sim Penfeund were reminded cf tic World Misses Pearl Wright and Ger- dies wio 50 years age werc dents cof tic Ceurtice Circuit entertained after the New Day cf Prayer service on Feb. trude Henry, Toronto, at their inspired te organize a W, I. and Country Ccuples Club. This Ycar's Eve Country Couples' 21, in Nestîcton Presbyterian respective homes. te lay tic feundatien, uponycar tic meetings wiil be held party, Mn. and Mfrs. Don Thom- Chunci. There was a discussion Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wat- our pres- cin. f the presidents. Cutiesert an-d Mn. and Mrs. Horace Vet- srnall building attacied te tic and Mrs. Fred Bradbunn, Jan- - Enl Bltoy c Slia Vllge f issd tmnowng e iczal. hall, te hanse tic furnace sa etvllle, were Satunday guests - i arly s ttf iers we ge ofm at pedents rn e it avath- Oshawa and district was sad- tiat more space would be cf Mn. and Mrs. Ban Bradbunn. .,. Cornwal and Deven, England. able tram Countice, but we are dened at tic passing of Mns. R. available in tic kitchen, whcre Mr. and Mns. Harold Martyn A nman, naned Kit Mitchell expecting better luck next S. McLaugilin. It is anotier the fumnace is situated at pres- and beys visited tic AI Mar- named tich town alter a Cor- time. Several Couples froru iinik witî tic past midssing as cnt. It was decided ta iold a tyns, Oshawa. _ nii is, Plcarton. InCpruc ateddicCop e i corespondcnt's mother and membership drive and a visit- Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Fergu- 1860 It was changcd te Solina Club meeting on Wedncsday Mrs. McLaugilin attcnded ing commnittee was. appointed, son, West Bank, B.C., arc vis- i~ C AN by Jon Hughes. nigit at Maple Grove and ne- Whitby Ladies' College at tic cf Mns. Langfcld, Mns. P. Stani- lting his sistens, Mr. and Mrs. I A O P I Ti ilg cnand a port a pîcasant cveming. sanie trne. A lasting impression .-land NMrs. H. McLaugilin, and Earl Demrdil and Mr. and Mns. Thacksilhagep carpinter nStradr n was formcd whcn sic opencd Mrs.' John Hamilton. A dons- J. A. Joinston and otienr tal- ru~ OTN Rc uîop, a jobbîng chp a post- Siii Penfound attended the tic Bazaam for our Weman's tien cof two cquilt tops from an tives. fIINITUSOM ME & oilficeunaalstfreircousin, helate Association a dc' all aonymous dnrwsgrate- Mns. Gco. Fewlem, Oshawa, L 1 fÈ< musie teacier, and piiotegra- Mn. William MacGilvray wîo Sic strcsscd thc importance cf fuliy accepted. wlth Mms. Cecil Hamilton. W MNON - CANAD» pher., A ncwspaper was als was accidcntally killed in Lon- filling one's mmnd with a gal- Canon Ciapenlin congratu.. Miss Leta Thomas and Mr.PA T prlnted heme. don. lcry cf Bible verses whllc young lated tic W.A. members on its Ross Hughes, Burgessviljc, PAI BO J' AclK B E O U G HofTmyrncarl Sipmn 1id je sfrry t ed cornpani'on in oîder years year and a'sked that all tic cx- mer. 3KgS. . ThiIs w known as Darling- hear tlîat sic îad tie mlsfer- when th ic md is net se keen. ecutive be present afthti Sun- Mr. and Mri. Ernest Larnier IUI NGma l NATNO ton Centre, No. 238, was Organ- tunc ta fracture hem anm on Ized. Meetings wcne held ini Satunday. DMIeIM Street Bouti Baker's scheol. Axnong tuose Congratulations te Mr. and MA 3-5015 B]30MALLE wio heve gene out from Semia Mrs John Welsh on tic recent Division are such men as Dr. arial cf a young son, Tim- h r ' J. B. R ynolds, past president ethy. Ieeitelor Countice has made tic iead- actio....-..f..f........ ___Unes - Congratulations te. Mr. --ic---------- and Mms. R. P. McQuaid on the MBik e P if ~ arrival cf tic first baby te be Buick, thmough ai -- bcrn in Mcmcrial Hospital, yet redaju Bowmanvflle, on New Year'sprcda U ~r Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans Speioeùz 9.dor Rivieraoetanaal '~and Canol, Bowmanvilic, visit- ! e d wltiMr. and Mmi. Clarence -C E__ Pcnfound at th i S Penfound about the car of thé _~iu Y resienceon aturday After- Graes eromnc enpun 1Woman's Association Jan. 3, ~osse fun'I IE p el Let id«. A #Me e abg tyoo «s m Mme l Pm8 lI1 or1957 and Plans made for W . h g o f * >d . . 0 a u - d k t . . s . e r t h e en r e p o rtla s w e r e d e f i rl e nU t i m a t e i n m a g n i f i c e n t m o t i o n . . peblofdmhver. A A..cIaub p m ru.u.p vVWlu rsc. fe, 1 5Pan s w e maor ti lob ans .. ieN $fo. up fh d .p r o u d y pre sen ted ... p ro u d ly p o ssessed . dute. it .n . d'e'P - e Ja u y meing on tic even- , ing cf tiche23md at tic ciurch . - .This is th c LIM IT E D ,B uick's new est, ** Bt0. 0o V Pl$" * D' > P Mft"LA hi v tr~ hWo. when tic Executive will be in finest, most exclusive model. me, w.oe @ pgo" ymbgW e Idaof lu' urmi. charge cf tic m eeting. -a Md- ee«reSf0 YU M « 1~ l ~ ~ ' M n. and Mrs. Lone Pen- w uoMd uu Am. S IU~<Nf.p neig 'l"S fcund avail tiemselves cf tic - .qq d rnlu, nskb fe.~privilege te bowl eaci Mon- day nigit at Red Wing Orch- ards Recreation Hall. Mn. George Johnson visitcd A& C A D IA N is sister, Mr. and lé". Mat- Efl~ E.Mr. and MI&. Barry Johnson A GNEALMOOR parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keatir. - N M itT AUTOMOIU.u A and Bobby, Guelph. and Mr. and Mrs. Lemne Pen- and found accompanied Miss Judy Postr of Witby to Toronto on SP CI LITSWednesday and spent ticevn SHIRT SEILS inrg with their au::, Miss Edna i Robswuuzgtrs mm'u I.DomayJi h.. &33~Salisbury. Lemne aise had aL Pik-p d el~oyRoy Penfound, Toronto. PONTIAC - BUICK - VAUJXHALL CARS - GAM for E iàypadDfvr Mr. and Mrs. EarI Shipman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pen- WAVnA ' WDNESAY -found %vere dinner guests of EEDY AYFIBAY, i M and Mrs. Sim Penfour.d 166 King St. E.Bwm nil MA 3-3321 ISunday nxght, o m nil Ebenezezr Evening Auxiiiary _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ I n, no Sun- wlth Mn. g, Irene Stecle, is. Ven- Penny, k Rahmi. and sic S. Allan in Pont id Mar- re witi I Mms. pended on you. - Laumence rt aIse Joncs. spent the weekmnd with ts Mr. and Mm. Neil *Bhile1 Mrs. Howard Eailey and 11 Catherine, Mmi. Fred Baileyan Mms. Wm. MLugMi, wen guesta cf tue SandyDawsonse Oshawa, in honor of Catuernw Bailey and Kathmyn Dawson'i birthdays. Mr. and Mmi. John Lindsay' and Mmi. Ed Fice, Oshawa@ cailed on Mr#. Bd. Damcy. Pray as if it ail deperideci on Ged, but work as if it ail dc- &LO VELLA Bowmanvilll. NETHY'S LPAPER and TSCARFEIE R r'S- LANGMIM VELVET FINISH VETHY'S àWALLPAPER OWMAN VIL MA -NUM k-the fée-the àt on wheels in~ ECIAL* This in and through it a feu' dollars er cari. than niýaiî6- m BULT SUIc W&L SUILe THIM--UIq- *ited 3-3322 and f r t- TffU tSDAY, JTAN. 23r&, 1958 1 i and ..à ýL- mi-

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