'?RTJRSDAY, YAK. SOth, 1958 TH~ CANADIAN STATESMAII. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO DýeceatInfkeviIews I By Douglas Rigg Junior Stamp Club ';There will be an organization mneeting Thursday (tonight) Jan. 3th, at ' Lions Com- I"nity CentrW :00 p.m. to tanize a Junior Stamp Club. 1.l Junior collectors are in- vîted ta attend this meeting. Mr. D. R. Morrison, President of the Senior Startip Club will be in charge of th e meeting. Little N.H.L. The executive of the Ontario Little N.H.L. will be holdinga :meeting with the local Little N.H.L. executive this coming Saturday, February lst. The reason for the meeting is tc inalize plans for the forthcom- Ing Little N.H.L. Tournameni ta be held here in Bowmanville on April 10-11-12 of this year. The three Bowmanville en- tries in the Little N.H.L. have had exhibition games with out Cf town teams and have nol fared sa well. The Atomn teani dlropped a 6-1 gaine ta Cobourg. The Pee Wee team dropped a close 3-2 gaine ta Port Hope and the Bantain teamn defeated a Port Hope teain 6-1. The lo- cal Pee Wee team has an ex- hibition gaine , th Oshawa to- nlight (Thursda '; at 6:15 p.m. In the Cshawa Children's Are- ina. There is a good possibility that the local Pee Wee Ail Star 1te arn xiii be entered in the _Wj'nth Annual East Central Pee Wee Hockey Tournament ta be held in Lindso'y on February l5th and 22nd. The Bowmaax- 'ville teamn will probably play their game on February 22nd If thev do ente- the tournainent. A total of fa rteen teams will take part in nhe Lindsay Tour- nament. Minor Hockey Last Saturday saw the corn- piletion of the Pee Wee and Bantamn Leagues' regular sched- ule. The league playoffs for the ]Bantarn and Pee Wee leagues wilI get under way this Satur- day, Feb. lst. This year ail six teains in each league w.Ill be In the playoffs. The semi-finals wilI be a round robin series with each teamn playing every other tearn once. The two top PMNEQUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS or STAFFORD 1 BRO. ý'F$LfwJ M0NUEbIT"ý'qDide Staff ord Dro.. IgmmenalWorks, Phone Wbitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundan St. E., WhItby JMEMORIA * Bowmi Aduits 40e Saturday, February 1 INTERMEDIATE "A" 8:30 p.m. Lindsay VS. Bowma nvillie Orono Combines ADMISSION- ---------- - -Aduits 75e for Rescrved Seats and General Admission Students and Children - - - - - - 50e Wednesday, Febr uary 5 Children's Skating 3:30 - 53 p.m. Aduits accompanying children - - - - 25e Wednesday, February .5 HOCKEY 7:00 p.m. Li ndsay Legionnaires JUNIOR "C" HOCKEY 8:30 p.m. Au rora Ro -onPontiacs (Tce ei ,i.1 is valid for This Game') ADMISSION--------------------Aduits 50e Students and Children35 teams at the end of the round nrobin will play off for the league championship on Minor Hockey Night, March 29th. The 0rpmaining four teamas will play off for the "Mug". Teains 3 and -5 in the final standing of the Round Robin will play a sud- den death gaine. 1'eams 4 and the first place Braves. Paul 6 in the final standing will play Gearing scored the Tigers' goal. a sudden death game. The win- John Twist accaunted for the ners of the two sudden death Huskies' single goal. Doug.1 games will then play a sudden James of the Huskies collected cdeath garne for the "Mug" the only penalty of the gaine Et The saine playoff set up will for tripping. ebe used by theAo ge Atom League H when they start their playoffs AonLau an Saturday, eray8h In the Atoin League gaine February 8th. epîayed last Saturday morning Pee We Legue 1 the Barons and Bisons played t In the first Pee Wee game of t3 a 1-1 tie. Larry Perris scor- the marning the Leafs defeat- ,e6 the Barons' lone goal early ed the Canadians 6-2 ta clinch 1ini the final period. Dan Mt'- first place in the final league, Murter accounted for the Bi- standings. Mickey Dickens MI), son' goal. Nlîke Leddy (slash- Doug. Lane (2), Gary Griffin j ing), Dennis Secord (chargîng) t(Rod. Taylor) were the goal Ibath of the Bisons collected the scorers for the Leafs. Tedi only penalties of the gaine. Canadians' goal.s. Brian Brad- gaine played last Monday after- ley of the Canadians picked up naon the Rains pulled a big an assist. upet by defeating the league1 In the second Pee Wee game leeading Hornets 3-2. John the Brâins defeated the Red Hughes scored ail three goals Wings 2-1 ta finish in secord for the Rams. Wayne Burgess soot in the league standingts of the Rams picked up two as- Rae Pickell scored bath goals sists. Danny Wilkins (Steven for the Bruins. John Phillips Burns) and Ricky Gay (Wrayi scored the lone Red Wing goal. Rendell) were the goal scorersz Three p-,nalties were handed for the Harnets. out in the gaine Gene Balson In the second Atoin gaine of( (slashing) and Jin Coyle (trip-, Monday afternoon the Indians ping) of the Red Wings. Bob and Bears played ta a 1-1 tie. Sleep (hook-*ng) of the Bruins The tic moved the Bears ta accounted for the other penalty. within twa points of the league In the third and final, Pee îeading Hornets. Ran Hooper Wee gaine of the morning the accounted for the Indians' lone Rangers came up with their goal. Chris Quintan scored the fîrst win of the seasan by de- Bears' only goal of the gaine. feating the fourth place Black Atoin League gaine sched- Hawks 4-0. Doug. Nichaisi uled for Saturday, February (Scott Rudeil), Jon Hancock, Ilst. - Scott Ruddell and David Thomp- i 11:45 a.m.-Rams vs. Barons son were the goal getters for 1 Atoin gaines scheduled for the Rangers. Monday, February 3rd- Bantm Legue4:30 p.m.-Bisans vs. indians InteftBanta in Le gie 5:10 p.n'.-Bears vs. Hornets the morning the Lions defe~at.. Midget League ed the Pirates 7-3 to move into In the flrst Midget League a second place tie in the final gaine played iast Saturday af- league standings. Don Bagneli ternoon the Raiders chalked up (4), John Bruce (Robert Black- their sixth straight win of the burn), Scott Essery (Don Bag- season by defeating the second!; neli), and John Bruce were thce place Comets 3-2. Dan Cattran: goal scorers for the Lions. Alex (Gary McCullaugh), Irving Gi1 Wiseman (Ken Caverly), Lelgh (Dan Cattran) and Gary Mc- Sommerscales (Daug. Gibsan) Cullough (Irving Gil, Brian1 and Ken Coverly accounbed for Butson) were the goal scorers1 the Pirates' goals. John Carter for the Raiders. Bill Osborne1 (cross checklng) of the Pirates (Wayne Mavin) and Paul Her-1 and John Bruce (tripping) of bert (Bull Osborne) accounted1 the Lions picked up the only for the Comets' goals. Irving2 penalties cf the gaine. Gill (hooking) and Gary Mc-2 In the second Bantam game Cullough (cross checking) both l of the mornlng the Cubs and of the Raiders, collected the Braves played to a 3-3 tie. The only penalties of the gaine. tic gaine enabled the Braves In the second Midget gaine to hold on ta a one point lead of the afternoon the Orphans1 in the final league standings. picked up their first win of the1 Rager Meadows, Joe Bothwell season by defeating the Dod-1 and Lee Rackham were the gers 5-4 ta move ita third place1 gal crr for the Cubs. Grant In the league standings. Paul slntof(2)>and Don Kerr ae- McCullough (2), Winnie Van-b counted for the Braves' three stone, Wayne Therteil (2) were 1 goals. the goal getters for the Or- In the third and final Bantain phans. Robent Allun (2), Paul gazne of the morning the Tigers McCullough, Aluin Cale and and Huskies played to a 1.1 Wayne Therteil collected as- tie. The tie left the Tigers bled sists an the Orphans' goals Bill with the Lions onc point behind Crossey (2), Robent Burgess and Gerald Ba-son accounted for the Dodgers' goals. Ron Pollard. Don Oke and Charles Hester picked up assists on the IL ARENA Dodgers' goals. Midget gaines scheduled for this coming Saturday, February 3:00ll p.m.-Dodgers vs.Radr NE mai EM 1.3:50 p.m.-Comets lvs. Orphans. E Ifinor Hockey League Standings Atom League W L T Pts Hornets_____ 7 2 0 14 Bears 5 2 2 12 Rarns _ _ _5 3111l Indians_____ 3 2 4 10 Barons _____ 1 5 3 5 Bisons ____ 0 7 2 2 Pee Wee League Final Standings W L T Pts Leafs ____ 6 1 3 15 Bruins _____ 6 2 2 14 R. Wings 4 3 3 Il B. Hawks _ _3 4 3 9 Canadians____ 3 5 2 8 Rangers - 1 8 1 3 Bantam League Final Standing-s W L T Pts Braves ___ 5 1 4 14 Tigers 6 3 1 13 ILions ____ 5 2 3 13 Huskies_____ 3 3 4 10 Pirates 3 5 2 8 Cubs - ---------------- o 8 2 2 Midget League W L T Pts Raiders ____ 6 0 O 12 ~Cornets --__.2 3 1 5 Orphans ~.1 32 4 Dodgers - ------i1 4 1 3 Minan Hockey Playoffs Gaine Tirnes lst gaie- 7:00 arn. 2nd ganie- 7:45 a.m. 3rd gaie- 8:40 ai. 4th gaie- 9:20 ar. 5th game-10:20 ai. 6th game-l 1:05 ai. 1Bantam League February 1 - lst-Tigers vs. Huskies 2nd-Lions vs. Cubs 3rd-Pirates vs. Braves Februktry 8 - 4th-Tigers vs. Braves th-Cubs vs. Pirates 6th-Huskies vs. Lions February 15 - .lst-Lions vs. Pirates 2nd-Huskics vs. Braves i 3rd-Tigers vs. Cubs jMarch 8 - 4th-Huskies vs. Cubs th-Braves vs. Lions 6th-Pirates vs. Tigers March 15 - lst-Cubs vs. Braves 2nd-Lions vs. Tigers 3rd-Pirates vs. Huskies iMarch 22-"Mug", Series 1 March 29-NMug" Series 'March 29-7:00 p. in. MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT Pee Wee League February 1 - 14th-Bruins vs. Leafs 6th -Canadians vs. R. Wings February 8 - ! st-Canadians vs. Bruins 2nd-Rangers %--; R. Wings h'c Lefsvs. B. Ha-wk1s February 1.3 - 4thi-B. H-awkâ va. R. Winga - Milier's Hold Lead in Town League Gomes Miller's Taxi edged Courtice Rackets 6-4, and Murdoch and Welsh Blockbusters swamped Front St. 21-2, in Town League Hockey action at Meinorial Arena Thursday of last week. Marvin Brooks started the Taximen rolling at 7.07 of the first peniod when he fined a pass froin Tim Cox into the corner. Miller's began early again in the middle franie as Bob Guthrie counted twice froin Don Childs ta give thain a 3-0 edge. Rackets bounced back In the final three minutes ta tie the score. Jin Richards gat their first at 17.18 and Kelvin Blake added a pair in just 21 seconds. Courtice gained the lead for over a minute in the final framne wvhen Bob Harnion clicked for an early goal. Then Danny Girardi tîed the caunt at 4.48 and Miller's went ahead as Bob Guthrie complet- 5th-Leafs vs. Canadians 6th-Bruins vs. Rangers Mareh 8 - lst Leafs vs. Rangers 2nd-Canadians vs. B. Hawks 3rd-Bruins vs. R. Wings March 15 - 4th-Canadians vs. Rangers Sth-Hawks vs. Bruins 6th-R. Wings vs. Leafs March 22-"Mug" Series March 29 -"Mug" Series March 29-7:00 p.m.- MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT Atom League Game Timxes Saturday 11:45 a.m. lst gamne-4:10 pi. ýnd gamne-5:10 p.ni. February - 8-Barons vs. Rams lO-Indians vs. Bears 10-Bisons vs. Horneta 15-Barons vs. Bisons 17-Ranis vs. Bears 17-Hornets vs. Indians 24-Bears vs. Bisons 24-Indians vs. Barons March - 3-Bears vs. Hornets 3-Bisons vs. Ram., 8-Hornets va. Barons 10-Rains vs. Hornets lO-Indians vs. Bisons 15--Bears vs. Barons 17-Indians vs. Rans March 22-"MVug"' Serles 'e. March 29-"Mug" Seriez March 29-7:00 pi.. MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT ed bis hat tr.ick performance. Lar-y Yearwood tallied the iii- surance marker with just 47 seconds ta go in the gaine. Bow- manvîlle - Orono Combines goalie, Ross Hawe, served in the nets for Courtice in the fray. Phil Giin-er paced Blockbus- bers ta their one-sided victary as he notched four goals. Bun rWelsh and Johnny Mason had three each, while Bill Cale, Jim Murphy and Lloyd Stain- ton clicked for two apiece. Tom Gould, Butch Cale, Jacki Marshall, Bob Shearer, and Howard Quinney added singles for the Construction lads. Ted Davis scored for Front St. in opening pcriod and Jer- ry Marjernison added their fi- nal goal at the midway mark of the final stanza. Town League Standing W L T Pts Miller's------------ 10 1 2 22 Murdoch & Welsh 8 3 2 18 Front Street-------- 5 8 0 10 Courtice -----_ ---1 12 0 2 Town League Scoring Leaders GP G A Pts D. Masters, M - B. Welsh, M&W - D. Childs, M - C. Kilpatrick, - FS M. Richards, M - D. Bishop,FS A. Crossey, M --- B. Marjerrison, FS B. Guthrie, M - D. Prout, M B. Shearer, M&W H. Quinney, M&W1 B. Perfect, M 1 K. I>iake, C 1 T. Gould, M&W - P. Gilmer, M&W - T. Masters, M&W1 B. Sheridan, FS - M. Brooks, M -1 24 25 16 17 12 19 18 9 16 9 7 17 11 12 7 16 13 9 10 il 12 8 515 10 9 Il 7 7 1l 2 16 4 13 5 il Rod &Gun Club Will Hold Social Night Goodyear Rad and Gun Club are holding a social nîght at the Goodyear Recreation Hall Saturday, Feb. 8, beginning at 8 p.m., it was announced at their regular meeting held Sat- urday, Jan. 4. The'programme wil include one and a haîf hours of films, lunch and dancing. A motion was passed that dues for 1958 will be $2 for members and $2.50 for associate members. Members were reminded of an agreement the club have with the Darlington Game Commis- sion whereby no membcrshiip fees will be received after Sept. 1, of any year. Members saw two films at the meeting. The first was about Canadian Sm.ail Mouth Salmon and their journey ta the spawning grounds, hatch- ing of the young and their growth. The second was about the raising and training of Sheep Dogs. A brief cartoon comedy was enjoyed by al. Midget Ail-Stars Chalk Up Wins On Weekend Bowmanville Midget All-Stars chalked up a pair of wins over the weekend, blanking Oshawa 5-0 Saturday and downing Port, Hope 6-3 Sunday, in exhibition games.1 Býryan Hughes paced them ta their shutout win Saturday as he clicked for a pair. IrvIng: Gill, Larry Piper and Grant Flintoff added singles. Brenton Hughes and Doug James shared a four-goal effort as they led Bowmanville ta the win Sunday. Bryan Hughes and Irving Gill aci -ed insurance singles. 10DM EYACID$ Rob your Rest.. Mai,7 people neyer a..M te gmt a good nilh'a rest. Tii.y tara and tosa-blam it on 'nsri'ea-wbma it may be Ibsir kidneya. M"sfikar poisons and exceu Had ros he YbloodIf they flaU and Inipwiliea tay in the. aysteni--istrbed rut tu eollows. If you don't reat wefl Z t une Dodd's Kidn y Pilla. Dodd's the kidneys 80o that you can rest better-mnd feel better. 136 Dodd idneyPilis1 B. Mitchell RoUis 699 Mixed Bowling League Team Standing Teai W L Etcher - 6 3 Mitchell 5 4 Brock 5 4 Spicer 5 4 Stringer 4 5 Richards 27 Averages Pins 8451 8294 8175 7902 7543 8107 Ga. Brock 9 Brock ______9 Etcher ______9 Spicer -____9 Stringer -___9 Etcher -----9 Mitchell -____9 Oke ---__9 Cox -.-_ _ 9 Stringer 9 Gould ___-9 Mutton _____9 Richards - -9 Mutton ~9 Hickling -~ 9 Mutton .----- .9 Eldridge .- ------- 9 Reynolds 9 Brarnell ------9 Ave. 241 222 209 204 204 203 201 193 189 1 ?8 186 182 18() 17"19 177 175 175 1", 17d3 B. Edmondstone - 9 111 C. Evans -____ 9 164 J. Co'c-------9 164 A. Holdstock - 9 162 E. Bromell_____ 9 160 R. Mitchell____ 9 153 A. Winacott ____ 9 153 J. Evans 9 151 D. Edmondstone - 6 151 D. Charles -___ 9 145 B. Charles _____ 9 140 P. Bartelîs_____ 9 137 C. Reynolds ____ 6 137 J. Eldridge 9 136 1%. Spicer 9 125 M. Hickling 5 121 E. Winacott 6 110 Higrh Single, E. Brock - 289 High Triple, B. Mitchell- 699 High Average, E. Brock- 241 At niid-October of 1957 Cana- da's civilian labour force totalled 6,005,000 persans, an increase of 248,000 from one year prev- iously: the total persans with jobs was 5,797,000, an increase of 123,000 from a year previaus- ly. PLASTICeCOATED W-rALLPAPERS alre the sensatiOfl of the nctionl WE HAVE THEM AL.. J. H. ABERNETHY' 85 King Street West Phone MA 3-5431 STILLANOTHERPO TI C PLUS! or4iE ,R Op& I4CH GýIÀ%II ICILIEARAI«IE!«R Iower than ever before ... yet engineering wizardry lias added a full i to road clearancée ... plus more interior room, too! Pontiac means new horizons of easy travel . a. over rugged and rutted roads you couldn't make before. -"v-s, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Robson PONTIAC - BUICK 166 King St. E. P-1 118A MA 3-3321 and 3-3322 m« ý. - -- , -, ý i k- -ý-- - , wpIMDLIw ~ SKATING Friday, January 31 8 10 p.m. Children 25e Motors - VAUXHALL CARS Bowmanville etl L.'mited - GMC TRUCKS twumDAT, JAN. soth, iose TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE EIZMM Tii