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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1958, p. 6

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TM CANIAtn" ISTATESMAN. EOWMANVnIL.OTNTAM TEM7SDAY, JAN. 2fth, 1958 Clarke Township School Area Issue Report to Rafepayers The Board hav'ing studied the expenditures and receipts of the past years, has prepared the tentative budget for 1958 and wish to present it for your in- formation along with the pro- Iposed building project for 1958 and future need for classroom accommodation. Budget of Operating Costs for 1958 Redeco rating? Maybe your properiy insurance needs a "new look"", tool Make sure your praperty insurance is up ta date. It should caver you for the full current value of yaur home and belongiags... al!owing for improve.. nients, additions and ta- day's higher costs. Then, in case af fine or other penil, you can replace what was destnoyed wilh- out financial handship. STUART B. JAMES INSURANCE REAL ESTATI Office MA 8-5681 Kint Street IL Reuidence MA 3-5493 BewmanVmle1 Estimnated expenditunes - --- ------- -- -----$35,31 5.00 Estimnated Receipt- Prov. Grant $18,000 <approximate) Twp. Grant 4,600 Local Tax Levy __12.715 Included ln the estimated Provincial Grant is the annual grant ta Township Scbaol Areas at the rate af $300.00 per for- mer school section totalling $2,- 100.00. On the basis of the 1957 as- sessment of the Clarke T.S.A. of $1,152,073 the local or trus- tees' levy will require a mil rate oa 11 milîs. Proposed Building For 1958 It is pnoposed 10 build a four- raom school to serve the New- tonvihle-Pont Grandby area in which there will he 142 pupils attending scbool ta the next five years acconding ta a sur- vey of pre-scbool children. Sketch plans bave been -repar- ed. Based on the architect's es- timate the total cost including contract pnice. architect's fees, furniture and contingencies, will be $72,000. It is also praposed ta build a two-room scbooh ta servca Lackhart's or former S. S. No. 9 where the survey showed 59 pupils will need accommoda- tion. Sketch plans fon this school bave heen prepared. The total estimated cost ai this school is $38,000.00. Sites have been purcbased for eacb af these scbools and everything is beiag done ta have these schools ready for use by September 1, 1958. The design ai bath ai these schools provides for the addi- tion of more classrooras wi-en the need arises. The beating plant aad the wasbroom faculi- lies are planned ta accommo- date additioaal classrooms. It is planned ta reduce the ize of the debentures by ap- plying tbe greaten part of the accumulaled surplus towards the cost of the scbools. The leglalative grant will he paid on Ibis payment as well as on 1 - Saiurdav - 2,n.m. EXTRA- U3 LITTLE BOYS" (Cartoon) and Disney's "GRAND CANYONSCOPE" Two complete shows at 7 and 9.20 EXT NON. TO WED - FEB3 - 5 "Beau James" Clr New York's Playboy Mayor of the 1920's Jimmy Walkeý: with BOB HOPE and VERA MILES Also "Naked Paradise' Adult Entertainment (Color) eacb dehenture issue at the an- nual rate. The amount of the debenture. spnead aven twenty years, and the cost to the ratepayers can he calculated as follows: Cost of Newtonville School -------$72,000.00 Cost of No.9 School ------ - - 38,000.00 $1 10,000.00 Less transfen from Current Funds 20,000.00 $90,000.00 Recently a debenture for $30,- 000.00 for twenty years at 55c was issucd on which the annual payments of principal and In- terest amount to $2550.00. On this hasis the annual debenture payments on $90,000.00 would be $7,650.00 The Legislative Grant on de- benture payments in the Clarke T.S.A. wvould bave been 401X this year. This leaves 60 % of .7,650.00 or $4,590.00 as the net cost to the ratepayers. On an assessment of $1,152,- 073 a miii rate of 4 milîs would raise $4,608.00 and cover the de- benture payments. Since the first dehenture puy- ment would not faîl due until 19,59 and since il appears that a local levv of il milîs wil cover operating costs, the miii rate for 1958 should not exceed 11 milîs and for 1959, 15 milis. Thus new modern accommoda- tions x%,ith improved lighting, Iheating and toilet facilities can be provided for the majonity of our pupils at no increase in the mili rate oven the past three years. Future Classroom Needs Future building needs in the Antioch district must be con- sidered in relation to the prob- able incorporation of Orono and the decision af the High Sehool District Board regard- ing a new Secondary Scbooh. Three schools are now being the Kendal, Mac-, Lean's and Sixth Line part ai the Area with a total enrol- ment of approximately 60 pu- pils. To provide the same mod- ern accommodation for these pupils it seenis advisable to consider the building of a two- room scbool in Kendal, in the near future. On the basis af the same dehenture rates and as- suming the cost of this school to be the same as that ini No. 9 the additional depenture cost would be 60 % of $3230 or $1938.00. This would require about 1 ½h mis on the present assessment. 0f course the as- sessment on the pipe line will he of considerable assistance when il is added. Therefore it is possible that ia the nean future ahl the child- ren in the Clarke Township School Area can have the bene- fit af graded schools Instruc- tion in up-to-date accommoda- tions to which teachers will be attracted. The Clarke T.S.A. Board BETHANY The Ladies Orange Lodge beld a very successful social evening in the Orange Hall on Fniday. There were thirteen ta- bles ai players for progressive euchre. Mrs. Alvin Olan and John Palmer won lb. pri.zes for bigh scores; consolation awards ta Miss Dianne Bige- [low and Gardon Kirk. Lodge served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scott, Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs. Walten Neals. Mrs. Ray Stinson and sons, Danny and Kenny, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ma- tle. Mn. and Mrs. Myles Finale, Peterborough, with Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Rajski. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Rey- nolds spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Bob Balton at Agin- court, Mrs. Reynolds going on ta Owen Souind ta visit ber fa- ther, Mr. Arthur Magili. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Driver CECILB.DEMILLES THE TEN COMMANDMENTS A PARAMOUIJNTPICTIJE lm VISTAVISION AND rECmwlCOEOR )ff5TON - BRYNNER" BAXIER -ROBIN50N ;e oir- CBRA POH04 DE cARLO:--PAG E'DE R[J visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Fuller in Toronto. Mrs. Donald Lowes, Mrs. 0. Spencer, Mrs. M. Porteous, Mrs. T. Jackson and Mrs. Clarence Rowan represented Bethany branch at Peterborough Preç- byterial of the W.M.S. held in Grace United Cburch last week. Miss Joan Bristow, Oshawa, was home with hier mother, Mrs. Hilliard Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Byers, Cavan, were guests wlth Mrs. John White. Blrthday Party Mrs. Fluena Davis celebrated ber 86th binthday on January 25th, receiving many gifts, cards and telephone caîls from relatives and fniends. A family gathering was held at thc sup- per hour, the table centred witb a hilge birtbday cake. Those present were her sons and daughters and tbree of the grandchildren: Mr. and Mrs. Hally McMahon, Mrs. Rhoda Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Davis and Miss Judy Davis, al of Peterborough; Mrs. Hifliard Bristow, Allan Bristow, Miss Joan Bristow of Osbawa, also Mrs. Ina Palmer. The evening was pleasantly spent in playing cards and taking pictures. Mrs. Davis, the former Flue- na Smith was born in Bohsay- geon. Her muother died wben Fluena was only 13 days old. With ber father, at the age of seven, she moved to Bethany, where she bas lived ever since. Mrs. Davis, who shanes the home of bier daughter, Mrs. Bristow (Mildned), enioys ex- cellent bealth, except for a few days earlier in the winter when she was ili with the flu. She keeps busy with bousehold du- ties and belped in the prepana- tion of the birtbday supper. She also does much sewing and knitting. Wben the weatber Is favor- able sbe loves to visit with ber daugliter and sons in Peterbor- bough; tbe grandchildren, who number seventeen, and ber great grandcbuldren, wbo total twenty-one. Mrs. Davis thoroughly enjoy- ed ber birtbday party and is looking forward to celebrating many more birthdays with her f amily. OBITUARY FREDERICK J. SCHILLING Mr. Frederick Johann Schill- ing, Bethany, died suddenly on January 23rd, aged 68 years. Mr. Schilling, was born In Osnabruck, Germany, and had lived there during most af bis lifetime. He was an employee of Uic Germnan Railway Com- pany, an engineer on passenger trains for 38 years. On retire- ment, in 1951, he and his wife arrangcd to take a trip to Can- ada and to visit with their daughter and family at Beth- any. Mr. Schilling found lie en- joyed ý.)untry living and de- clded to stay here and inake this their home. Well past mid- dle age, he was faced with thc difficulty of learning a new language and ne wcustoms. In Germany, hc had been a mem- ber of the Reform Lutheran Cburch. Since coming to Betb- any, he had been faitbful in at- tendance at St Paul's Anglican Cburch. Mr. Schilling had made many friends in this district. Lan- guage difficulties formed no bannier ta bis klndly, nelghbor- ly deeds and bis cheerful, hap- py way of living. The large at- tendance -at bis funeral service was a tribute to these qualifi- cations. He is survivcd by his wife, the former Meta Wentland: a daughter, Mrs. Joseph Rajski (Gertrude) both of Bethany; and onc granddaugbter, Mrs. Myles Finnie (Ingrid) of Peter- borough. The funeral service was held from St. Paul's Anglican Church, conducted by Rev. George E. Meades, wîth the One Show Nightly at 7:-30 Sut. and Wed. Matinees ai 1-.30 Tickets available at the theatre Phone MA 3-55U9 Four Members Initiated Into Canadian Legion Four new members Joined the rariks of Bowmanville Brapch 1'78, Canadian Legion. in an impressive initiation cere- mony at their regular meeting held at the Legion Hall Thurs- day of last week. Bruce Lunney, Bruce Mac- Donald, Leonard Jones and James Williams were installed by the initiation team of Pre- sident Ah Mavîn, Ist Vice-pre- sident Ed Rundle and Sgt.-at- Arms Ernie Perfect. Alex Cam- eron was reinstated as a mcm- ber. The Installation of 1958 off 1- cers who were absent at the last meeting was conducted. Fa- dre A. C. Herbert was installed by President Ah Mavin. Bulle- ENFIELD There was a W.A. sponsored social evening in the school Saturday evening. Miss Louise Hartman showed a large num- ber of beautiful colored slides taken on an extended bus trip last summer tbrough Western Canada, United States and a short jaunt into Mexico. Mrs. Fred Griffin led in a sing song; Bruce Bowman, Donna Samis and Laura Bow- man played piano solos. Judy Lee entertained with tap and ballet dance numbers, and Donnie Lee played several ac- cordion selections. The ladies served lunch. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Adams, Bowmanvflle, visited at L. Cochrane's. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Gray and Bohhie, Mn. and Mrs. AI Petitt, Mr. Bob Higgens and Mr. Wm. Barry, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. W. Gray. Miss Elsie Samis visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Simpson and boys are spending a month ini Flonida. ELIZABETH VILLE On Monday evening the an- nual congregational meeting was held. Rev. Bryson acted as chairman and Vernon Peacock was secretary. Reports were given from various organizations. Lunch was served. Tuesday evening the Young People presented their three-act play at Canton1 entitled "Too Many Relatives'i. The cast of characters was as followu: Harry Savage, a young writer, played by Mr. John Bell; Mabel Savage, his recent bride, Miss Darlene Thickson; Mrs. Donnelly, their landlady, Miss Marie Mercer; Gracie Evans, Ivabel's sister, Miss Shirley Muldrew; Jasper Wilkins, her bashful beau, Mr. T. Dehaas; Officer Butterfield, a poetic policeman, Mr. Ray- mond Gowland; Lucy, a maid, Miss Sybol Sheppard; Ermin- trtlde Evans, Mabel's aunt, Miss Suzanne Thickson; Otto Savage, Harry's uncle, Mr. Garry Camp- bell; Smokey McGee, a desperate criminal, Miss E. Bannister. About $60 was reallzed. They expect to give the play Jan. 31 at Cambellcrot Hall. Friday eve.îing the 4H- Club met at Mrs. McAllister's with all members present. Misses Darlene and Suzanne Thickson demonstrated a "buy by grade" project which the girls bad been preparing. Plans were made for Achievement Day. ?&s. Mc- Allister served cream puifs and cocon. Mr. Cecil Quantrili underwent an operation in Oshawa Hos- pital last week. Mrs. W. W. Trew who Is In Port Hope Hospital la restlng easier. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantril and famîly visited his father, Mr. Quantriil, Oshawa. At church services on Sunday Misses Shirley and Dorothy Mul- drew sang a duet. Rev. Bryson conducted the service. YELVERTON Crokinole ]Party On Friday evening lbe W.A. ladies cornered tbe crokinole party concession from the Fam- ily Club hy holding the first Party ai Ibis season iChurch Hall. Seven tables were played under the supervision ai the Art Rawans-bosts ai the even- ing. Miss Lorraine McGill was declared bigh lady thus aug- menting ber "hapefu] cbest". Faur gentlemen were lied fan top gent-Ciarence Page, Jack Wilson, Sterling McGill and Bruce Luwson. Aften playofis Clarence retained top bonours Ibus adding anather steel tape line ta bis collection. On the ather end ai the scale were Kenny Wilson, Terry Malcolm and others who shall be nume- less. Lunch concluded the even- ing's play. Over $8,00 was real- ized for the hurd-pressed la- dies' arganization. Wood Bee On Monday morning eigb t trucks, 2 chain saws, around a dozen assistants, invaded Mur- ray Malcolm's woodland sanc- tuary to manufacture and trans- plant one ai its denizens ta Yel- verton Chunch Hall. In the af- ternoon inroads were made into Balfoun Moorc's rail pile at a circling bee ta provide mare ai the same. Such conmunity activities are ta be commended -"'a community that works and plays together stays toge- ther". A committee meeting was beld ut lbe Murray M-ilcolms an Saturday evening ne forth- coming Valentine party on Feb. 14. Sorny ta repart that Iittle<?i Howard «Malcolm icllout ai his, high-chain and hurt bis ankle' painfully, if not seniously. In the interest ai self presenvation we basten ta add that Howard bas ceased la take on bis nutri- ments fram Ibhis vantage point, but was using said vehicle to assist in changing a light fix- lune wh-:n said furniture col-1 lapsed thus incurring bis bu-i miiatingz aisiortun. ti Editor Don Marsden was installed by Past President Jini Firth. Treasurer Jack Rice read bis annual financial statement and a round of applause was given him for bis efficient work dur- ing the past yean. George Graham, secrctary of the Le- gion Centennial Committee re- portcd that a $10 prize was be- ing offered ta any member of the Legion Brancb, Ladies' Auxiiary or Pipe Band, wbo presents the best design for a float for the Centennial Parade. It was reported that tbe Dis- trict "F" Council bad been in- vited to hold their Winter Dis- trict Coundil Meeting in Bow- manville. A letten bas been sent to the Trenton Branch congratulating them on the official opening of their new bail. The Annual Ladies' Niglit will be behd Saturday, Apnil 19, it was announced. The Legion Carnival will be held Friday, Aug. 8. Members unanimously decld- ed that President Ah Mavin or a representative attend the "Bon Voyage Dinner" being sponsored by the Whitby Le- gion for the Wbitby Dunlop Hockey Club. AI Fletcher show- ed twa films wbich were en- joyed by ail. BURKETON Mn. Everett Strutt bas neturn- ed home fnam visiting friends in Belleville. Mrs. Gardiner, wbo is stay- ing with ber cousin, Mrs. Flon- ence Caugbill, attended the funeral oi ber brotben-in-law in St. Catharines on Manday. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. White, McLaughlin Fisheries, were Fniday evening guests of Mn. and Mrs. R. Bone. Sorry ta, report Canai Abbott was taken la, Bowmanville Memonial Hospital an Saturday. Mrs. James Curran la still in Oshawa General Hospital. Her condition seems ta be improv- ing a lîttlc. Amputation of anc ai ber tocs Ih imminent. Mn. James Stephenson was taken 111 ut wonk lasI week and was taken to Whitby Hospital for trealment. Ruxnmage and home baking sale, sponsorcd by the Building Fund and thc W.A. waa very poorly attended on Saturday, duc ta the bad weathen and slippery roads. Howeven, the proceeds wcre very gaad con- sidering tbe small number who attended. During the sale, caf- fee and daugbnuts werc sold. Mr. Alden Hubbard was a Sunday supper guest af Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone. Don't forget the Pie Social being. held on Thursday even- ing at the home of Mn. and Mns. R. Banc in aid of the Building Fund. Sympathy la extended ta Mrm. Thos. Bowman and family, En- field, In tbe loss ai ber husband. Mr. Gerald Ward, ROAF, Camp Barden, was guesi a! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pedersen. Mn. Walter McDonald who bas abtained a position with a detective agency in Toronto, was home with bis family. Mr. and Mrm. Walter Hicks, Bowmanville, visited Mn. and Mns. Leslie Argue. Mr. and Mns. George AlIlisan and Mrs. Pearl Avery vislted Mn. and Mrs. Frank Ailison, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and Judy, Nestleton, Mn. and Mrs. Albert Adams and girls, Oshawa, ivith Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams. Mn. and Mi. Dave Gatchel and Beverly, Osbawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephienson. Mr. and Mrs. Orvilleý Greer and girls, Oshawa, visited Mrs. W. Bryan. Next Sunday, Rev. H. R. Green will address the Young People's Organization. Mn. Ron Hubbard, Enfield was à guest of Mn. and Mrs. B. Hubbard and Alden, Fnlday. If sold for lhe value of Ils chemical elements, the human body would b. worth about, 98 cents. BO WMAN VILLE North Nesîlelon Nestleton W.A. met at tbe home of Mrs. Malcolm Emer- son with president Mrs. Allan Wilson in the chair and twen- ty ladies and some children present. Mrs. Carl Adams took devotional and prayer. A social bah bhour was enjoyed over cup of tea. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Malcolm at, Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Ginns, Cadmus. Mrs. M. Emerson and Mrs. V. Malcolm called an Mrs. Chas Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler and girls anl Mr. Wilfred Wil-; llams were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. Mal- colmns. Littlc Miss Lyn McGill la guest of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbell. Farmers' Union sponsored a cuchre party at Blackstock on Fniday evening with seven ta- bles playîng. Hlgh scores went ta Mrs. Hector Sbortnidgc and Mn. Vernon Asseltine. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bird and family. Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolmn Emerson. CADMUS Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. met Jan. 21st at the borne of Mrs. Schwartz with 22 members present and President Mrs. J. McFayden presiding. Devotion- ai was given by Mrs. Milton Gray, on the "Abundant Life". Frayer was offered by Mrs. Mc- Fayden. Roll cail was answercd by paying the dues. Tbank you cards were read and a thank you letter irom Mrs. Hanna which included $1.00 donation ta oun W.A. A Christmas greet- ing from Rev. and Mrs. Hutton and family from Alberta was read, also a letter of thanks from Miss Mary Romneril, Rev. P. Romeril's daughter, Lans- downe Nursing Station, up In the north, for tbe bale of cloth- ing sent by the W.A. for the Indian children. Mrs. Les John- ston gave the treasuren's report. It was moved that thc W.A. give Dorotby Gray a quilt In appreciation of ber making aur hymn books. A plant wil be sent to Elmer Neshitt. A cro- kinole party and pic social is, ta be held with Group 1inh charge. A play Is planned witb commlttee, Mrs. Ken Gray, Mrs. Sucre!. due Fertunun 890 - 1.191 Slap Coughs and Calds Coldene Liquid 1.10 Coldene Tableis 1.25 Brome Quinine - 49C-790 Pinex Cough Sywup 800-1.00 Vicko Vaporub - 0oc-1.09 Vicks Couth Syrup -f83o Super AnahIst -SOc-1.00 Buckley's Mixture 59c-85o Buokley's Capsules 45e-SOc WHITE DONT WAIT PHlONE MA 3-5699 M. McKee an.d Mrs. James Fal. lis. Meeting next month at the home of Mrs. Les. Johnston. Group 2 in charge. Roll cal. an article for the bazaar. Mrs. Schwa-tz nead a chapter frorn the Study Book on Japan. Mrs. McFayden read the W.A. Bul- letin. Prognam consisted of read. ings by Mrs. James Fallsana!%, Mrs. Gordon Stinson. A test was conducted hy Mrs. - Rohrer wvite*Miss E. Sheppa rd winning th rize. Consolation prize wen*u 3f:s. Lowell l lis. A vote of thanks was ed to Mrs. Schwvartz forthie of ber homre and a lovely lunch was served by Group 1 and a social hour spent. A man wbose normal weight is 150 pounds would weigh a- bout 50 pounds if ahl the water in bis system were dried up. HALF Pu uINT W os*sot@m Phlox or@ vermitopi Our milk will win you betcha c billion. AIka-Belizer "verte 34e - 680 c 390-690-1.19 Take ]Extra Vilamins Wae-le's Extract 1.50-2.70 scotw,'Emuluion - 1.00-2.00 Scoti'a Emulelon Capsules 1.65 - 3.00 Alphamettee« 0-.53# Frouais N.C.F. caps _____1.95-3.45-7.65 Frossis N.C.F. Liquid - 1.85, S. 6.85 On. A Day Multiple Tableta 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.95 - 7.9S PHONE MA 3-5774 SAL E WE FI TRUSSES -q ý-uf DeVllbiss Nyal Eno'. Kkovah Vaporizer Croophoe Fruit Salta Salta $9.96 SI."5 60 c- 1.09 350 - 590-8De Home Permanents Hazel Bishop Tron! -______1.00 - 2.29 Lipatlok -____ 98Do-1.79 Crest 79______ Zo Llquid Make Up - 1.211 Tonett _______ 1.75 Nail Poliah -__ _ 5_9oc Hudnut Quick 2___ .00 Complexion Glow - 1.15 Hot Waler Boalles 1.29 - 1.98 - 2.39 - 2.75 COWLI NG'S DRUG STORE February 7th to February l5th * X~An inspiring motion pictursé->,, Aoe the most significant 6 ~ entertainment of our time! There's neyer been a smarler line lo buy.. aa..a smarler lime la buy 1 Lander Hardware1 Invites you to the THIRD ANNUAL WES TINGHO USE See the finest White Sale Specials ever If you need any appliance . . . don'! pass up the oulsland- ing values in Ihis Westinghouse January Clearance! COME IN TëýY! 1

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