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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1958, p. 9

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p ~ J , Y. P . M lmî, TM MAMMDI SA71MEN. OWV.ANVILLU. ONTABIO PAGE NMm Counties Plowing Association Going Af ter International *latch for Durham 'in 1963 The e and Northumb-1 erland z ZAt>'Association -àgd their a-iual meeting i *,ILlbourg on January 14th. Pre- Ndent Howard Quantrili ex- 'pressed satisfaction with the ac- tivities ai the past year and a desire ta keep Uic organization Useful ta agriculture. The min- utes read by Secnetary Ralph ]Banbury were accepted as was the financial statement. District DirectonrHoward« Henry reported an the 1957 In- : ternational in Norfolk County. « Discussion bnought forth the suggestion that consideration be given ta bringing the Inter- national match to Durhamn County in 1963. This would be 10 years aiter the warld Match featured near Cobourg. Hast- ings County is considering the miatch in 1961. The local match beld at the farin o! Don Budd waà feit ta be a satisiactory effort. The ]Bank ai Toronto cup, Millbronk Branch for boys' work was ne- f orted reccived and presented. t wyas suggested that the teri novice shouid be defined in the Plowing Match next year. Stanley Macklin neported on the cairn and it was znoved by Percy Goading and seconded by Don Budd that Stanley Mac- Sklin be empowercd ta have the plaugh repaited and any fur- ther upkeep necessary done and present the biUs ta the Treasurer. Offie,, EIIIt These officers were élected for 1958: Hon. Pru., LU H. Wlnslow, Millbrook; Perey Gooding, Hil- ton; Past Pres., Howard Quan- trili, Campbellcroft No. 1; President, Wésley Down, Hil- ton; lut Vice, Don Budd, Port Hope No. 1; 2nd Vice, Stan ley Macklin, Cobourg; Sec. Treas., Ralph C. Banbury, Brighton; Directors. Edwin Wilson, Gar- denhili; 1. W. Larmer, Mill- brook; Mervin Heard, Port Hope Na. 2; Wil Allun, New- castle; Howard Henry, Camp- belicrofi No. 2; Howard Cry- derman, Bowmanville No. 3; Howard Allun, Newcastle, On- tario; Harry Campbell, South Monaghan; Earl Drope, Han- wood; Bruce Eagleson, Cobourg No. 4; Gordon McGee, Brighton No. 1; Frank Tinney, Cobourg No. 6; Earl Linton, Cobourg No. 1; Don Carruthens, Cobourg No. 5; Stan Allun, Onono No. 1. A committee composed cf Howard Henry, and Harry Camnpbell with power ta add ta their numbens was recauested ta visit Counties Council for grant support. It was announced that Imperial Oul have a film of the Wonld Match taken in England ini 1956 which is available from J. A. Lewis, Advertising De- partment, Toronto. Consideration was given tai holding the 1958 match in Brighton Township along No. 30 highway and that it be pre- cedcd by a coaching day for boys teains. A Committee com- posed of President Down, Per- ey Gooding and Secretary Ban- bury are ta scout the situation and report at a June meeting. The Plowing Match local, ini- ternational and world has been a good show window for Agri- culture. More young farmens should be intenested in the con- test oi plowing, and this can be. donc, as machinery equip- ment on aur farina was neyer as good as Ait tday. The plow and plenty have gone together. Whenc soil preparatian is donc with poon quality equipment and plowmen, hunger la the lot af the people. OBITUARY FRANCIS WALTER RTTNDLE Following a short illneas the death occurred at the family residence, 105 Nassau St., this morning af Francis Walter Run- die, beloved husband af the former Mary Letitia Worden. Mr. Rundle was in bis 89th year. A son oi the late Mr. and Mrs. James Rundle, the deceas- cd was born in Darlington township on January 11, 1870, and farmed in Dùrlington until his netinement ta Oshawa il yearS ago. Mr. Rundie was an adhcrent of Ebenezer United Church and sang in the church choir for more than 40 ycars. The famiiy was a Pioneer anc i the district and gave the land on which Ebenezer Church is situated. Besides his wife he leaves a daughter, Miss Hazel Rund le, o! Oshawa and a son, Walter, af Bowmanvillc. He was pre- deceased by a daughiter, Flan-1 ence, in 1912. Also surviving are a sister Mrs. R. E. Osborne, of Bow- manville; three grandchildren and cight great-gra2ndchildrer3. Rev. Harold Stainton, min-j ister of Ebenezer United Church. conducted the memonial ser- vice at the Armstrong Funenal Chapel at 3 p.m. on Thursday, January 30. Intenment was in Ebenezer Cemetery. Palibearers were Messrs. Charles Osborne, Murray Os- borne Glenn Pickell, Ebenezen; Albert Rundie, Oshawa; A. E. Rundie, Dr. O. O. Wonden, To- ronto. OBITUARY MISS MARY, GREEN The funeral af Miss Mary Green was held Tuesday monn- ing, Jan. 28, from the North- cutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division street, ta St. Jas- eph's Roman Catholic Church for Requiem Mass at 10 'clock. The Rev. F. K. Malane, the nec- tar, afiiciated. The pallbearers wene Frank Bottreil, Paul Led- dy, John Regan, Fat Lieddy, Cliu Allin, and Gienhalme Hughes. Interment was in Bowmanville Ccmeteny. Miss Green died Jan. 24 at ber home, R. R. 3, Bawman- ville. She is survived by three brothens, Charles, Joseph, and Lea Green, weil known district farmers. A sister, Miss Susan Green, R.N, Detroit, died in June, 1954. Miss Green was a daughter ai the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Green, Cobourg. Her parents came ta this coun- try fnom Ireland and purcbased a farm near. Cobaurg. Miss Green was born there, and cdu- cated in the local schools. Fol- lowing their father's dcath the Green brothers came ta Bow- manville and bought a lange farm on R. R. 3. Their mother, Mns. P. J. Green, dicd thene in Apnil 1928. Miss Green con- tinued ta make ber home at the family farmn hene. In her -yaung- Onty $149y GET THRU TO RELIEVE e Muceular aches a Stiffnoss alid sorenesss 0 Simple Nouritis a Muscular Lumbago a Minor rhoumatic pains ALSO IN JELLY FORM THRU-Rexall's new liquid penê, trating analgesic-acts directly thru the skin. ?rings quick, positive relief right where it hurts via the circu]atory systent. THRU is a cool, sootl'ing liquid, pleasantly scented. Will not humn, redden or irritate normal skin. Try this advanced new discovery today. Backed by Rexal's famous money-back guarantee. An Exclusive Rexail Product JURY & LOVELL NIA 4778Bowmanville A HOW HEALTHY Ns YOUR E STATE?&e The conditiop of your estate should concern you És much as your personalI health. Estate Administration is an im rt nundertaking-not something to 'hndld b pepleunfamiliar with estate management. At Sterling Trusts we have experienced Estate Officers. They will advise and assist you in the. planning ci your estate. Call on us at any tinle or write for ouw free booket "IIo.prW t NuYour NmIIy' THE STELIGTRUSTS C RP RA T 1 0 N Head OÇq6s Branch Office: j372 Bey S4 ro@ 13 Dunop St., Dawid I s., New Con adians Take Oath of* Aile giance Be fore Judge Miller A record total of 80 new Canadians who received citizen- ship certificates Jan. 27 at Co- bourg, were told by Mr. Justice Minler that immigrants and their descendants had made Canada great, and that they could make the country even greater. Flanked by the scarlet-coated constables, G. W. Lochhead and A. Michalow of the Cobourg Detachment of the R.C.M.P., Mr. Justice Miller told the New Canadians in the courtroom of the United Counties building: "It must be samething of a shock, especially for those of you who are older, to be asked to renounce your old loyalties. But you cannot be citizens of two countries. "You have had five years, some af you more, to think af the step which you are now making and I hope you have now lost the feeling that you are strangers in a strange land. It takes tinte ta adapt yourseil to a new life and I hope it will flot be long before you begin ta cal this your home. "Y ou have no doubt heard yourseli referred ta as immi- grants. 1 would remind you, howevcr, that we are ail immi- grants or descedants of imimi- grants. This cauntry is what it ls today because af the immi- grants and the descendants of immigrants, and its future de- p ends on you and your children. You can do much ta make this country greater still. "You have, in the main, corne from coun tries whîch have been demnocratic for yeans and it is not difficuit for you to under- stand the importance af law and I wauld like you ta feel con- fident nat only in aur laws but jhir minennc. th is true that the courts are Business Directory- IAccouniancy- WM. J. H. COOGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor Co.New Libnary Building Co.King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 MONTIETH - MONTIETH RIEHL & CO. Chartened Accountants 135 Samcoe St. N. Oshawa F RA 5-3527. Partners : J. W. Monteîth, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Tnethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. TALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accauntants and Auditors 64 King St. E.. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CP.A J. Hunter, C.P.A._ C h ir opr a c ic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofie:Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. 1 Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment 1 D e nial1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanviile Office fours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SIS SON, L.D.S., D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Haurs: 9 a.nx. ta 6 p.m: daily 9 a.m. to 12 noan Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 1 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily only. Morigages LEROY HAMILTON - ORONOI Phone 1 r 16 Firsk Motgage Fu:d Residences - Farri Business Propertios Op fo m e r y KEITH A. BILLETT Optomietnist 141 King St. E. - Bowmnanville! Office Hours: Bv appaintnient Telephone MArket 3-3232 Monday ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. _-L Wednesdays: 9 ta 12 _ not always right but they' are constantly trying ta achieve thel and this should inspire you wîth coniidence. "On behalf of Canada and of thc United Counties of Narth- umberland and Durhamn, I bld you welcomc to this land and I wish you -eveny success," Hia Honour concluded. Each new citizen received a Bible presented by the Upper Canada Bible Saciety arid all the ladies present neceivcd a maple leat pin from the Business and Professional Women's Club oi Cobourg, who wene hasts ta ail at a neceptian and tea heid, after the ceremony, in the rotun- da. In charge ai a reception corn- mittec ai the Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club ai Co- bourg wa.s Mrs. May Baker, social convener. Present fon the occasion wenc Mrs. A. Kyte, president, Miss Madeline Roo- ney, Misses Helen and Mary Reynar, Mns. Mari ony Pewtress, Mrs. Lena Fisher, Mrs. B. Mc- Tague, Miss B. Fullertan, Mrs. M. McGuire, Miss B. Floyd, Mrs. D. McCullagh, Mrs. C. Bou.itbee, Mrs. A. Crabbe and Miss V. Beedham. Short addresses af welcomne wcre terrdered by Mrs. Kyte and Harry R. Deyman, K.C., who weicomed the new citizens on behaif ai the United Counties. New Canadians who took the oath of ailegiance befone Judge Miller in Cobourg, Jan. 27, are: Leonandus Adegeest, Wilbel- mina Bernardina Maria Ade- gcest. Campbellcroft; Sytze, (Cecii) Adema, Bowmanvillc; George Argyros, Cobourg; Mich- ael Buzma, Cabourg; Tjeerd Braersma, G r i e j e Broersma, Hastings; Freerk (Fred) de Jong, Bowmanville; Inte (Andrew) Devries, BQwmanviile; Hendrik- ui Cornelis De Wit, Cornelia Jacoba De Wit, Pont Hope; Jacob Theunis de Jong, Dirkje de Jong, Henry de Jang, Newcastle; Jan Danyliw, Helene Danyliw, Part Hope; Roy Anderson Faut- er, Kendal; Stephanie Galsztain, Cabourg; Frans Gysbert Glas- bergen, Erzcbet Magdoina Glas- bergen, Pieter George Giasberg- en, Orano; Mania Garncarz, Stan- islaw Garncarz, Cobourg; Jo- hanres Grocn, Fanny Groen, Bowmanviiie; Kornelis Elecnin- ga, Sipiena Heeringa, Fraser- ville; Bemardus Aibertus Haog- kamp, Maria Gerharda Hoog- kamp. Newcas tic; Andnies Hof- stscle, Lutske Hoistede, Bowman- ville; Mania lHryniuka, Newton- ville. Jacomina Hovestadt, Christ- iaan Hovestadt, Bowmanville; Cornelis Nichoiaas Koamen, Pet- rus Jacobus Koomen, Coiborne; Adrianus Kieywect, Nceltje Kleywect, Canrying Place; Jase- fine Korinsek, Cobourg; Fred Klinker, Part Hope; Fritz Rel- mut Krlstahn, Elisabeth Mathilda Kistahn, Bowmanville; Rendnlk Oldejans, Gernit Jan Oldejans, Bawmanviile; Gerrit Pracee, Tryntje Procee, Port Hope; Janis Miller, Anna Miller, Brighton; Theodarus Mainus Nulders, Helena Theodara Nulders, Cav- an; Jan Maartense, Christina Maartense, Onano; Andries Ad- rianus Munneke, Jannetje Han- mina Munneke, Orana; Beike Rputra Akke Rypstra, Bow- m vie; Bugen Rlndfleisch, Bowmanvllle; Harmen Snyder, Bawmanviile; Berend Scboon, Elisabeth Schoon, Part Ho pe; Richardus Sehippers, Mathilda Johanna Scbippers, Port Hope; Petrus Antonius Strybosch, Hen- nica Petronella Strybosch, Port T-7ope, Huko Sooicpp, Juta Sool- epp Morganston. Virve Taavet, Pont Hope; Aric Vandertoorn, Elizabeth Vander- toorn, Carrying Place; Mvanten Van Dijk, Elizabeth Van Dijk, Bawmanville; Jocabuis Picter Venhuizen, Hidde Henderikus Venhuizen, Carnelia Venhuizen, Cobourg; Peter Vogel, Maria Vogel, Onono; Max Friedrich Ernst Johann Wolff, Meta Hed- wig Wolff, Codington. OBITUARY REV. FRANK B. ruFILD The memorlal service far Rev. Frank B. Fifield, minister aif the NE WTON VILLE Intended for last week) We note the passing at Osh- awa of Mr. Frederick Gibbs, aged 72 vears. The Gibbs fam- ily lived at Newtonvile for a numben of yeans. Fred, now de- ceased, was the aldest son ai Mn. Fred Gibb, Sr. Miss Alice Ncsbitt, Toronto, with ber sistor, Miss Anne Nes- biât. Mrs. Victor Wagg, Mankham is with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown. Mr. Earl Wa]key attended County Council last week. Mn. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Port McNicol, with ber parents, Mnr. and ira. Wm. Stapleton. à# MdM -àfuu paGg4 Sandra and Donna, visitod Cpi. 'and Mms. Bar Richardson at Camp Borden. Mr. and Mrg. Chas. Watters and mau Bruce, Blind River, and Mnr. Florence McGee, Toronto, with lMr. and lins. Raymond Bruce. When doing the barn chorea on Sunday, Mr. Wm. Laing sud- f ered a bad f ail, injuring his back. Reois at present in Mcm- oriel Hospital, Eowmanville. Annual meeting af Newton- ville United Church was held Thunsday evening January 23rd. Rev. R. C. White was chaininan and C. M. Joues was secretary. Secretaries and treasuners of the various organizations gave very gratifylng reports on the year's work. Phlilp Gilmer was appointed ta the board of stew- ards ta replace Mn. Howard Or- mistan who has moved ta, Bow- manville. Mrs. Frank Gimer was re-appointed onganist, C. M. Jones;, Treasurer and C. H. Lane, auditon, for. 1958. Lunch was senved by the W.A. execu- tive and a social hall haur was enjoyed by all. The Bible Today Aiter World War II a niove- ment begart in Bavaria called the lIeuse Bible Circle. Its pur- pose was ta issue helps toaa wider study of the Bible in the home and the movement bas now grown until some 20,000 homes now receive their lesson helps in many parts ai Ger- xnany. What this has meant ta the spiritual life of Gerrmany can 'hardly be estirnated. The dis- ruption of normal life caused by the mavemnent ai refugees and internees and others Ibrought a considerable drift away from the Church. Yet there was evident a great hun- ger for community which ls showing itself in an increased demand for the Word of God. Through the Bible Society anmd its suppiy of Scriptures, and the House Bible Circles with their encouragement to nead and tudy this Word of God, thousanda oi weary scep- tica.l people have found a new orientation in ice. Suggested readings for next week. Sunday-Ephes. 4:1-32 Monday-Phils. 2:1-30 Tuesday-1 Th~ess. 5:1-28 Wednesday-l Tim. 6:1-2ï Thursday-2 Tixn. 2:1-26 Friday-2 Tim. 4:1-22 Saturday-Heb. 8:1-13 Celt our Prico For Your Liveslock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Ganaraska Authorityý May Take ln the Wîlmot Creek Arec Elmore Scott of Garden HiU was chosen as Chairman of the Ganaraska River Conservation Authority for the coming year Friday afternoon at a meeting of the Authority at the Port Hope town hall. Mr. Scott, a former reeve of Hope Township, succeeded H. R. S. Ryan, Q .0.,, as chairman last fail when Mr. Ryan resýgned. Vice-Chairman ln 1958 will be W. J. Boggs of Manvers Town- ship, and the advisory board will consist of Mr. Scott, Hilton Har- ris of Hamilton Township, and J. L. Sylvester of Port Hope. Plans were made at the meet- ing for a field trip Feb. 20 to the Durham Forest, where thinning operations are going on. Ed. Yaungman, fonester in charge of the forest, told the authority that 400 cords of pulpwoad and 375 poles had been cut to date i the thinning program. Trees 014cr The Durham Forest la adjacent ta Ganaraska Authority planta. tions and the trecs are much aider than any planted by the authanity. Malcaolm Kirk, ai the Depart- ment of Planning and Develop- ment in Toronto, suggested te the Authonity that it might b. advisable for the Wilmot Creek watershed ta the west ta be in- corporated ini the autbority's jurisdliction. The initiative for such a mave wauld have ta corne fram Clarke Township and the Village of Newcastle, he said. A budget ai $ 10,000 was adopte ed at the meeting. Approxim. ate expenditures forseen for the year will be $6,000 for acqUIS. itian ai land, $1.500 for taxes, $1,400 for administration, $501Y for park landsanmd $500 for fanu ponds. UN SPUTE 0F NUS EFFORTS 820 WULL DIE THIS YEAR* gîxteen hundred offieers of the Ontario Prov!ncial Police spcnd 365 days of every yean covering every mile of Ontario's highways-trying ta stop motonihf3 from kllling themselves! Thcy do thi by seeing to it that car and truck drivera drive sensibly and safely. By co-operating with yaur O.P.P. and dnivi* withn the law you will help these meni to mal nazio's highways safer for everyone FVuLB m U Rf AT OR oll. A. KELSO RoIUI, ATINI t UUA l 0f UI ___________________________ <-i EXTRA ROOMI OR TWO? If you ceed more room for the children, more ail-round convenience for everybody ini the home, a spire room for visitera ... or if yau simply neod more space for relaxation, don't let a shortage of ready cash stop you tram going abead with building plans now. You cmxi build an extra room ini the attic or celarge your bous with a B of M Home Improvement Loin. HIL's ire inexpensive - intercat at oaly 6% pet arinum - and you a- n vav bac vontlan inu pur? 1oldcr ...fe di dny brdgcà, Bowmasvllle Branch: Oshawa Branch: le the best fi.. for indeor hme e4'4'< 4 utV4" JAMES BEL, Mansin FRANK BEDFORD, Manage REXALI ANNOUNCES a New Medical Discovery to Relieve Muscular Aches and Pains 1 cau isy itti yuu iva au mprovenwats. easy monthly instalmenti. Workmen or* more r.odlly Wby not tîlk over your ov&iîable ond borne improvemnent plans prices ore widh your nearest B of M E~~iiig manager. If youz propositionBA is sound, there*s nioncy for I4 )-OU yoacthe BofMX.e AAfr gl ô 30 ANK 0F MONTREÂL WORKING WITN CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK 0F tIF! SINCI 1817 1

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