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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1958, p. 16

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By Verna Foranà Talent Nlght On Friday evening at the Talent Exchange in Ajax, Mar- got Rankine af- 12A was chasen best individual performer. She sang the beautiful "Blcss This Hause". Congratulations ta you, Margot and ta youm accomnpan- ist, Elcanor Heard 12B. B.H.S. tied for second place with O.C.V.I. The exchange was won by O.C.V.I. and they de- serve much credit because thcy were really, supcrb. Those re- prescnting B.H.S. were Margoti Rankine (12A), Eleanon Heard (12B), Manjorie Bruder (9B), Dixie Gili ((9B), Kanlie Pal- mer (12C), Wayne Purdy (12B), Ralph Nichais (9), and the B.H.S. senior band. Mn. Matthewson actcd as the Baw- mnanville judge and 1ïr. Peters conducted his fine orchestra. We ccrtainly think that' al af these fine penformens deserve a great deal oi praise because thev cetainl.y worked very liard for the honour af B.H.S. Thanks, folks, you ivere alil wonderful and we arc ail veny iproud oi yau. Pictures Last Thursday the pîctures of the various organizations and teams were taken which wil' appear in aur school year book. By the way you ma ' order your magazine from your forro representative ai the Scrcech Owl staff naw. Girls' Basketball In girls' basketbali on Tues- day ai last week B.H.S. juniors defeated Part Hope by a score of 23 ta 16 with Donna Bragg, scarîng seven points and Be%,. McRobbie scoriog six. The senior girls won by a score of 25 ta 24 i a verY c]lose and GET lu E0u4o-STORY TODA Y! no obligationa & Ie s $119.00. JACK B-RUUGHI PLUMBING Division MA 3-5615 and REATING Street South BOIVMAN VILLE creec/z (9wI and Charlie Trini fast game. C. Smith was hig scaren with 14 points. Juniors Win Three On Friday ai last wcelc t] finst tournament ai the ginl league was hcld in Bowmai ville. The B.H.S. juniors bega the searon in fine style as thE won ail three games. In ti first game the B.H.S. team di fcated O.C.C.I. 16 ta 6 wit Donna Bragg scorlng ten pain with Marie Caancy accountir for six af the team's points.1 the second game the score w. 15 ta 2 in favour af B.H.S. jur iars with Donna Bragg Icadin the teamn with six points ar Bey McRobbie scaring thrE points. The team they defeate in the second' game 'was Pic], ering. In the final game again! O.C.V.I. the B.H.S. team wo by a score ai 20 ta 7t Lini. Rackham was the star and lcaè ing scarer as she scored I points. Donna Bragg had fou. points. Congratulations ta th undefeatcd juniors but pleas keep up your winning way The teamn is made up ai the fal lowing girls: B. McRobbie, r Bragg, L. Rackam, M. Var stane, L. Mutton. M. Cooncy,. Ormiston. J. Jeifeny, K. McAr thur. K. Ormiston, M. Petersai S. Chaskavich. .Seniors Win One In the senior gamnes on Fri dax' night O.C.V.l. defeateý B.H.S. by a close score oi 1 ta Il with Barbara Bathgal scoring five points. B.H.S. de feated Pickering by a larg, score of 22 ta 7 with Bev Wraight scaring 7 points and C Smith getting nine. O.C.C.I. de feated B.H.S. seniors byi score of 29 ta 25 with Be, Wraight picking up ten point, C. Smith scored nine and Bari Bathgate picked up six points The following are the girls whi play on the senior tcam; C Smith, B. Smith, M. Butten, B. Brown, B. Bathgate, B Wraight, P. Simpson and Mv Harvey. Boys' Basketball Last Tuesday in Pickering the Bantams won by a score cl 27 ta 22 with Greg Cooper scor- ing 9 points with John JreE getting seven. The juniors wcre deieated by the Whitby tear 53 ta 19 with James getting eight points and Allun three. Bantams Win On Friday nigbt in Oshawa the B.H.S. BanitaIns defeated O.C.C.I. by a score of 25 to 20 in a tough fast game. John James was high scorer with 13 points. Cooper had four and Wiseman had thnee. The Ban- tams have yet ta lose a league game and Iet's hope they keep up the good record. Juniors Lose The juniors were defeated by a score ai 61 ta 19. The game was vcny fast and the B.H.S. tcamn found a great dii- ference in the size ai the court. Cattran was the high scorer wîth cight points and he sure There's One LeA for You! Amazing Bar gains in Reconditioned and Demonstrator SEWING MACHINES ALL FULLY GUARANTEED 1 SINGER TREADLE $15 FULL PRICE ONLY $9.5- I SINGER PORTABLE (New Case) 2 SINGER Reverse Sich CONSOLES NEIV PRICE $232.50 NOWONY ~ Dwn NOW ONL . 5 ( Dor ns45 DEMONSTRATORS 5 Year Guarantee 1 ELECTRIC PORTABLE - Like New <1NLYs750 $69.50 Down or Cash 2 SLANT NEEDLE PORTABLE OR CONSOLES - 5 YR. GUARANTEE PORTABLE PRICE Reg. $229.75 À j Console NOW ONLY s 17f97 5Jsilightly Hlgher 5 NOBEL 306 AUTOMATIC PORTABLES OR CABINET NODELS. Portable Pnice Reg. $299.75 NOw %4975$z53751)w EASY TERMS - EXTRA GENEROUS TRADE-IN HURRY! Singer 14 Ontario St. Oshawa MIURRY ! Sewing Center RA 5-i443 fought through the whole game. iN Seniors SWell there are hardy enough words ta describe the senior 'game and the senior tearn. They leit B.H.S. with five strong and returned atter they qhad put up a great battle. The score was real close at first-Il ghmean the first two or three se- i conds. The final outcome was1 114 O.C.C.I. and 14 for the B.i H.S. squad. The school is prob- heably wondering why the five ls' boys are waiking around with i-their h eads turned and looking anupwards. They might be pray- ey ing but you would have a sore he neck if you saw 57 basketballs l- scored over your head. Mason th and Lewis each scored six ts points. If yau would like ta 19get a look at this wonder (*')1 [n team and also the BantarasI 'asj and Juniors, came out this Fni- n- day. night here in Bowmanvilie j ng and sec the boys play hast taoi nd Cobourg High at 6.00 o'clock. eeMeetings T CANA~AN STA~AW. ~flWItM.Vff LU. fl~AW!e ?WTTWMflA~. m. ~. 1 TV Star to Be Commentator Ist 1 each day painting and cuttin rn their decorations, for the "At daHome". On Monday the Stu- d-dents' Council met ta descnibe 1their plans for the "At Home" Thene is stili no word about uthe rings ardercd last month, se0s please have patience. s. General Notices 1- The band members are pnac- ). tising fan the festival in Apnil n- which will be in Peterborough. f. The girls' and boys' gyr r- teams are practising for thec n, Cadet Inspection each niorning. jPlans are undenway for the Ca- det Inspection aiten Easten. Charlie Trim 12A will me- ýd present B.H.S. in the district Miss Carol Starkmari 13 public speaking cantcst this1 television, will be the comm e month, prcsented by the In-j Show being presentcd by dustriai Accident Preventian sponsored by Club 15. The Association. e! P. 5.-Get out and support 6 in Bowmanville High S5< your baskctball teams in thein shown by professional mode] -last home games. Canada's 1957 represÈntativi a Con test, and Mary Anne La KE RO Tickets may be procured fr( S.1 An event af the wcck at Ke- f Ojdran was the largely attended m-ruze uY >ui 1 social evening, arrangcd unden 1','ausic aiofthe Doubles Club 3.and heid in Kedron Lower HalW ie C n I.~ onSaturday evcning, when mcm- bers ai Columbus and Kedroni "Thi.s year's White Cane chairs were guests. Mn. an d Week theme'Prize Your Eyes!' ig Mrs. Wmn. Rosnak convencd thej is 'a message from thousands af pnogram cammittee, assisted by Canadians wha have a mark- -Mn. and Mrs. B. Hitchen. L. cd dcgree ai restrictcd sight,' ~Van Monjous, Lamne Tregun- said Mn. Donald Williams, -e na, and Wilfrcd Pascoe. Wom- Chairman ai the West Dur- ,n hpwscanducted by Lois ham Advisor Committee. "Nat ýg Teguna.President Grant Gbo- ail these people are blind. but ver welcomed ahl, and the fol- the term applies ta mare than lowing prognam was pncscnted. 22,000." Mr. Williamns continu- Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, Osh- cd. Blindness in Canada means ,a awa, was the speaker, wlth al that visual efi iciency has beer splendid and cntetaining ad- destroycd and that the nemain- Sdress on "Opera". Mr. Albert ing portion ai sight is not im- SWedgcry, Oshawa, was vocal praved by glasses on other vis- 3 soloist, and contributed the ual aids. Mr. Williams painted d numbers "Invictus". "I Met Her out that "when a persan car- 1- in the Garden", "To My Moth- rying a white can is seen ac- e cm", a number which thle sing- tualiY looking at samething, cme dedicated ta, his mother who hie is using his tiny pencentage was then celebnating ber 77th ai sight as best he can. And birthday. Miss Gail Hitchen who would quarrel with that? d, playcd a piano sala "Winter If yau last the use aof ine fin. el Wondeland", and Gus Van gens would yau not try ta use IMonjous showcd pictures of the rernaining finger if there IHoiland. Bountiful ncfrcshmcnts, was a job it could do? 1 thinl< -Iwere served. J. Francis for Ko- j so, and considening how impan- ndron chair, and Mrs. Frank tant sight is, anc can hardly eSmith, for Columbus chair, ex- cniticize those with limited pressed appreciatian ta the hasts vision for using it ta its fuilest ai the evening. extent." Sunday School was largely Sometimes a pantialiy sighted attended. Supeintendent Han- ol Mrs.B.Revpes and hem clas js aid W e epessand theras t rz for the Tempenance program, W n rz and ta Lois Dyck who gave a neading, ta Donna Reeves, who was namator for the film, and ta June Davis, pianist. "The Great Commission" was the sermon theme, by Rev. R. H. Riekard. Special youth service will be held next Sun- day, with Scouts and Young IPeople takinig parts in the ser- vice. Members are remindc'd ai the election ai new eiders ta take place on Feb. 9, imme- diately aiter the service. PeeansComniyClub ~ - met on Friday cvening at th e OL school, for progressive cuchre . . with the committee, Mn. and jMrs. Roy Pereman, Mr. and .... Mrs. Dick Fowlen. Six tables Ferry Charles Joyce were played and prizes won bv jhigh score haiders, Mn. and aged one yean, had the distinc- Mrs. Norman Gîmbiett. Mn. and tion ai winning a pnize when his iMrs. Frank Hancock, Mn. and parents, Mn. and Mrs. Vernon H. Mrs. Stewart were named ta Joyce (nee Blanc!-'e Cnowe) ai convene anothen evening ai Monroe', Washington, U.S.A., cards at the school. Fcb. 21, submitted his picture in a na- when all intenested arc invited tion-widi" contest sponsaned by ta attend. the makers ai a baby strolien Many Kedron folk paid tri.- through ý.he Bon Marche Storel bute ta the late Thomas Flot( in Everett, Washington. There who iarmed in Pereman's cam-lwere over 23,00(0 entnies and 90 j nunity until bis retirement aljprize winnens. The youngma iew years aga whien bis son is the grandson oi Mr. and Mrs. Bob taok aven. Finm friend- Frank Crowe ai Elgin Street, ships were formed with the Bowrnanviile. A -copy ai the Flett iamilv, and ta Mrs. Fiett actual photo submitted was not and sons John, Douglas, Ron-1 available here but this is an- aId and Bob, sincere sympa- other view ai Penny Charles. thy is extended, as neighbour.s .ljoin ln mourning the passing the home ai Mn. and Mrs. Bryce ofa anothen fine citizen anci Reeves. 1 friend. Sincere gaod wishes and con- gratulations are extended to Mn. and Mrs. Harny James who ceiebrated thein golden wedding annivensenv on Sun- day, with a neception et thc home ai their son. George and bis wic. at their Pleasune Val- ley home. Mn. and Mrs. James, Alice, George, John, and Nom- man were residents at thein iarm home here ior many years, and, cantributed ta the ife ai this community. Kedron folk, who attended the At Home, reviewed meny lovely m emonies and wishcd continu- edhappiness and gaod health for the honoured couple in years ta corne. 1 Welcame ta a new Kedran nesident. baby daughter of Mn.1 and Mns. Clifford Hopkinis, bornaet Oshawa General Hos- pital, on Fridey, Jan. 31. 1 Mn. and Mrs. B. Pickard.1 Part Penny, wene necent gucsts ai the iattem's twin sîsten, Mrs.j Wm. Parny, and famfily, tai celebrate the joint birthday at a famiiy dinnen panty. Mn. and Mns. J. Dyck and family were Sunday guests ai Mn. and Mrs. James Yomk,I Scarborough. Mn. and Mns. O. L. Thamp- szon. Mn. John Thampson andj Miss Beveriy Martin, Toronto,j wero recent dinn& Su"sta.a Mr. and Mns, Hugh Gannon and farnily. Oshawa. were guests ni Mn. and Mrs. E. Mountjay. jMn. and Mrs. J. Elliott wr weekend visitons with the lattcr*s fathen, Mn. Fred Succe, Highland Grave. Keith Grass, Keith Martin, and Robent Spencer wcre among the students fnom Part Penny High School who enjoy-1 cd the Wednesday bus trip, ta tour the Hamilton Steel Plant, and later attend a hockey game in Toronto. Mrs. WV. L. Mountjoy and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wernýy, Ron and Jeanine, wcre among Saturday dinnen guests ofa Mn. and Mrs. Bert Luke, Toronto. Ron Werr-v was a Luke. Memberg of the F. Cross- ma family ivere necent din- ner guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe ion a pleasant famiiy get-togethen. Misses Marie and Helen Cale, Mankham, were Saturday vis- itons with Mrs. F. Werry and Wilma. Severa] Kedron farmers have visited the O.R.F.E.D.A. show in Toronto, during the past week ta hear addresses on their partiruiar !îne' nr farmingr, and ta sec new developmencats n Macinery and £arm nethoua idramatic and singing star of rientator for a Spring Fashion Breslin's Ladies' Wear and' eshow will be held on March ±ool. The costumes will be 'is including Miss Judy Welch, ve in the Miss World Beauty ,anchek, Miss Toronto of 1957. rom Club 15 members. Eyes Theme Week Feb. 91 le )t it :1 persan appears ta sec things betten at ane time than an- other. There may ho many neasons. The extent ai the eye injury, the nature ai the dis- order and the person's own background are important fac- tans. Dîfierent kinds ai visual handicaps affect different parts ai the eye. These factors esuit in diffement degrees ai sight. If the lens is clouded, for instance, little light may pass thmough ta the interian or "seeing" part oi the cye. If the sensitive film at the extreme back ai the cyc is damaged, vision will take place only in the undamaged sections. In man:. cases of blindness the central portion ai the fielId is destroyed by an injurv ta the optic nerve. This means that the sight is no langer s-1 fui at the centre. A persan with no central field rn-ay welli be able ta see by moving bis eyes irom side ta side or up and down sa that the blank spot moves ta the side. But When he looks directiy et some- thing it just isn't thene. He couid get about the street cas- iiy, but might have diificulty in locating a packet ai cigar- ettes in front ai him. His type ai sight is always confusing ta the fuliy sighted until it is ex- plained properly. This is White Cane Week end the time each yeen when the blind ask t haset xvho sec ta "Pnize Your Eyes"1 You cen neyer replace them. *COURTICE Several ladies of this com- munity participated on Tues- day afternoon and evening ini the "March of Dimes"-some1 calling on as many as 20 homnes.' Mrs. Cecil Adams and Mrs. Carl Down spent several days in Windsor with Mrs. William MacCabe at the time of the, sudden death af her husband.1 Sympathy is extended ta the! famiiy-of the late Mr. Franciq I Walter Ruindie who passed' awav last Tuesday at his home in Oshawa. The late Mr. Run- ie was a resident of Ebenezer for manY years, a faithful memn- ber of the church choir and an interested citizen ia everything and everyone in the commun- ity. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans, Charles, Douglas and Carol, of Bowmanvîlle, were supper vis- itors on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pen- found.1 Mr. and Mrs. Sim Penfound i attended the Bell Telephone i dinner in honour af Mr. Frank Williams an Friday nfigta the Lions Centre, Bowmn ville. Mrg. Clarence Penfound at-' tended a meeting of the Camp j1 Committee an Thursdav even-J ing ai Mrs. Horne's in Osh- 1 awa. Plans are again under way The», days moit people work und, pressure. worry more, aleep leu. Thisa strain on body and brai,, m"es physical fibnegsesaier to lse-liarder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered reaistance, oerwork. wory-any of the3e may affect normnal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, sassas acida and wutes remain in the syg*m. Thon backac'me distuydrut, tOut "ired-oue" heavy- headed eling often follow. %ht'a the âime te take od'a Kidnsy Pis. Dodd's iiulate the kidnys Io normal action. rhen you feel better-aleep better-worlc 4feter. Ask for Douda' Kidaey Pdls ai mn, drug couMae. 53 for Girlie Church Camps at Camp Pretoria. We wene sonry ta hear Mrs. Harold Stainton had the mis- fortune ta fail on Saturday causing ber much distress. A speedy recovery is hoped for Litler1 Master Wayne Nim- imagan, Whitby, bas been en- jaying holidays at the home- of his aunt, Mns. Lamne Pen- iound. jOn Sunday evening Mr. Ste- phen Nimmagon, Whitby, vis- ited Wayne at Mr. and Mns. jLamne Penfound's. Mns. George Johnson has re- turned home after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Matthews. Toronto. We ware pieased ta hear that littie Miss Beverley Thompson is home from Oshawa General Hospital. somewhat improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Ste- phens left on Fniday marning for a month's visit in Flonida. Mn. and Mrs. Paul Antil spent a wcek reepntly, guests af Mr. and Mrs. £unnbull in Forest, jnear Sarnia. Mrs. Erma Snyder. Long Beach, Calif., was a guest ai 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Antil part aio last week. Mn. and Mns. Hale and Stephen af Syracuse, spent the weekend with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adair. iSorry ta hear that Mn. Albert .Philiips is quite iil in Oshawa ýGeneral Hospital. Giad ta repart that Mrs. Rai- son was not a patient in the hospital, but hem fricnds wvili be sorry ta hear that she bas moved fror oaur community ta be nearer her daughter, in To- ronto. The Finance Committee of the Woman's Association-Mns. Kinsman, Mrs. Warburton, iMrs. Simmons, with chairman, Mrs. Clarence Penfound, met atMrs. Kinsman's on Wednes- day aiternoon ta review the 1957 budget and prepare a bud- get ta be presented at, the Feb- ruary meeting. Mrs. Donald Thompson was unable ta at- tend. Mr. and Mns. Sirn Penfound, Mark Todd. Lee and Clame, arrd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pen- found callcd at the Staples ne- sidence on Sunday ta cxtend birthday greetings ta Miss Es- tella Penfound. C.G.I.T. met at the church on Weclnesday night after a long~ rccess ta resume the prograra planined early in the faîl by the girls. Janet Barber presid- ed until Jean Burtch. the pre- sident. arrived. Carolyn Chum- bly, secretary, brought the girls up ta date on the last two meetings before Christmas. The rest ai the time was spent in filling out the first report which will be sent an ta To- onta even if it is late. The two yearly reports are the anly direct link C.G.I.T. bas with the Ontario Girls' Work Board. The report was finished Mon- day at noon hour at the chunch when the girls met ta plan supper for this caming Wed- nesday night. Cou rtice couples are remind- cd ai the meeting af the Country Couples Clüb at Ebenezer Un- ited Church on Thursday of this week. The Christian Education group met at Mrs. Russell De Coe's an Monday evening ta make plans for the meeting af the W.A. an Feb. 27. alsoj funther arrangements for the Valentine Tea at Mrs. Stanley' Kinsman's. The Christian eu-1i cationi group are in charge fil bath the tea and the meeting under the capable convenorship of Mrs. Donald Thompson. At a meeting ot the Mission- ary group on Monday evening at the Courtice Church,_ - the plans for the World Day. f- Prayer Service were made.j The World Day of Prayer is observed this year in Courtice United Church, on Friday, Feb. 21 at 2.30 p.m. Ail ladies af the Courtice Circuit are invit- ed ta join in this yearly ser- vice of worship and feilowship. A quilt danated by Mri. Sim- mons is to be quîlted at a fui- ture date at Mrs. Cecil Adams under the auspices af the Mis- sionary group for Overseas Relief or wherever needed most. Mrs. K. Ellis is the con- venor in charge of this active group and will be planning the study on Japan. Sunday School had an at- ~tendance of 179. Mrs. Cecil Adams read the Scripture pas-1 sage and Superintendent Ed- die Warburton told the chiid- ren a story. Sunday evenîng church service wvas an occa- sion ta be remembered. when an induction service was con- ducted for the newly appoint- ed eiders. Mr. W. E. Warbur- ton, as Cierk of the Session, read the following names - Mr. Robert Cook, Mr. Harry Baldwin, Mr. Walter Shortt, Mr. Sim Penfound, Mr. Orme Robertson and Mr. Donaldi Thompson. Communion was dispensed at the close of the service. T1he choir under the capable -directi="tif--Mr. Fran. Walter sang a processional also "0 Lamb af God". Rev. Hamld Stainton's sermon wagý most appÉopniate, "ering oi%- the First Lord'a SrXPer an&! the followers of Je!Ms. Mter the regular se lmcti Fpiïeside Hourýe: f1in thé church basement is unde> the leadership ai Rev. Harc~ Stainton. The choir sa 'g 'Steal 'way ta Jesus" as t bufnt the pro* eiders were invited to sin#* hymn which they did, U hcarsed -and in good voice. special contribution was ta given by Mr. Stainton's sister. Mrs. Asho4,ùd ber daughter, who were <[icame visitors at the service. "Rev..: H. Staintoix said the Fireside ýhad twa pur,. poses-f irst, ta say thank yau, specially ta the- choir. On thit note ai suspense, he called on' Mr. W; E. Warburtôn who ex- pressed -a special p~ciation ta Mr. Frank Waltenij or bis faithful services as0chIr lead- er and amganist ai,-the church. An envelope cantaining a $ 00 was pesented ta Frank whLse bis surprise and sinceré "Thankc After more sangs. the ladies of the- Citizehship group ai the Waman's Association' served a cup af tea and lunch. There anc two kinds ai polite- ness: anc sayq, 'Sce liqw poliý« I arn": the ather "T would maki yau happv,."-Tomlineson. up to5 Years tO"Payj PORK LOIN SALEj Oil Burner OSHAWA 125 Canant St. RA 3-7718 (collect) I...uwmss-u ~~ww EXiTRA SPECIA L MONARCH MARGARINE 2 Ibs 49C Rog. Prie* 2-lb, 55o--SAVE 0* Rib End Tenderloin End Sales -ë BOWMANVïI Telephone MA 3-5516 LORIE CHANGE!I On* week's P&topping et A&P w;ll provoetto you that yo>u #av@ en your tétal food billlier.. STORE- WIDE law priçes on the many fobds 'ou neé d o--the tri'ti. A&P *aveu you money onl 50 many of the faods in your basket . . . in addition to "speciail . e . that- saving cornes naturally. Check uP . - . yau'il check out with CASH saving i - ' 3 te 31/&-Ib average 3 te 3'h1Abaverage 1Centre Cuts or Ckops Clark'$ - Reg. 2 tins 23o-SAVE 4p TOMATO SOUP 6 0o is65 Miracraft Waxed Reg. pkg 2&-SAVE 13o GARBAGE BAGS 2 pkgs of 20 45e A&P Nectar Reu. 66o-8AVE 16o TEA BAGS box of 60 49C Paste Wax Reg. 87*o-SAVE 12o SIMONIZ 1-b tn 5 c Jane Parker Reg. 16e-SAVE 6o BLUIBERRY PIE *ach 59C p4~ ~ TMMAtI AT ANLAUa AoeCOM luCOWAMY LMI Price. Effective Until Saturd..-. February Sth. 1958. 1645C lb 5 5C. PRODLICE SPICIALS! Californie, Nô. 1 Grade, Sunkist, Bmud 118 Navel Oranges dozen 5.c* Wathinaton, No. 1 Grae, arge Si. An jeu Pears - 5 for 3 9c Califcrnîa, No. 1 Gradé, Large White Heads, Cauliflower rpe 6»s3I t.- l i Enjoy the.-finest ail year round comfort with an Esse, forced air furnace in your home. These units may be purchased on Esso's Easy Payment Plan with 10% down and payments as low as $1250 PER MONTH Liberal allowance on your present heating equipment Esse conversion hurner: may ais. b. jif alled in your present furnace wif h $25.00 down and paymenf, as, low'as $5.83 per monlh FIEE ESTIMATES, DAY OR NiGHT GEORGE %#HOMSON ONLY$550)$49.50 Down Cash SUPER-RICHT QUALITY ÀMEATS EXTRA SPEC141SI R.gT A to. Prie, lb 7lo-SAVI Z.1 4bp&fg 6 9e ALP Faney RedI Sockeye SALM O NB>I'I Reg. Prie* tin 47e.-BAVE 2 /12s tins, 89 K- mi INIT14 LOI 'q "M CMAMM STATEM"v. - CMAFIM C IMCTM THO tSDAT. M. @th. IM 1 leo*Wgsn &%#le M rý,.4-ýP)!;uper Murkets4

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