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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1958, p. 2

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- -- - ----- ~ -k it TNE CANADIAII aTATM"A. HO WMANf!LLZONTÂRIO Gratifying- Reports Given Af Con gregational Meeting 0f .Trinîty United Church Wednesclay evenipg, January 26, the congregation ai Teinity TUited Church held its annual zneetiingin the church with the Rev. T.,A Morgan presiding. Mn. A. A. Merkley, the Record- ing Steward, took the minutes. The meeting opened with a worrhip service conducted by Mr. Morgan. Chenyll .Ann Lux- ton reported for the Elxplorer Girls led b y Mrs. M. Slute and Mr. C. Trewin. Mr. Bruce Coiwell,- leader o! thie Tyro beys, ?eportçd for that group. Mir. Bilan Van Nest I. leader of thè second Tyno gnotip. Au- drey Spler réported for the C.G,.I. Tned ii> Miss Dora Pur- don, and i M'a Marlon Beliman. Miss Eleanor Leighton, past preîldeuit ai the Amica Cluil, ipresented the report ai the Arnica Club ,the yaung pea- pic'. organization, and Mr. AI Strike, past president of thé Jack and Jili Club, reported for that young adult group. Mn. Jack Dunn, secretary treasurer, TIRE 3SCORE AND TEH..* People nowadayae often lie be- yorad the biblical &pan of 70 Ye«". neT is.we Mau ensures that he will flot outhive bis in- rnme. A retirernent policy of the Sun Life A"uyance Company et Canada will give you a guar- anteed incarne for au long u :ok live. Stat saving todsv - eal Danner Passant Representativo 5..3-3258 53 Brown Mt nowmaavill!e Free!l aud Mr. Denis Piekard. super- intendent, reported for the Suli- day School. Christiani Education DePt. Tht Christian' Education De- partment reports showed a good year ai activity for the seven mid-week groups and the Sun- day School. The mid-week groupa raised a total ai $2,520), and the Sunday School $1,205. The Sunday Sehool reparted there are forty-two teachers and oiiiçers on the staff and that thé average attendance du ring, 1957 was 342. Tht Arn- Ica Cub, wlth 35 members, won conférence as well as presbytery honors, in tthe an- nual drama contest, and sof bail tounnaments. The Jack and Jill Slub bas PU6 ment- bers, and ia planning a Connz- a-Poppin' présentation this year centering around the Centen- niai theme. Tht yaunger graups ail reparted a ise in memn- bership, and a ! .111 program af activities. W.M.S. Groupa The five groups of the W.M. S. presented glowiug reports. Tht Baby Band, reponted by Mrs. S. McMurter, the su-perin- tendent, bas 180 enrolied. The Boy's Mission Band. reported on by Douglas MeFeeters, is led by Mrs. S. James, Mrs. R. Kelly sud Mn.. F. Bail. Mrs. J, Van Nést is leader o! tht Girl's Mission Band. These two groups have a membership of 42. Mns. S. McMurter reported for the Evening Group of the W.M.S. aud Mns. H. Gibbs for the Aiternoon Group o! the W.M.S. These groups have sent $1,589 towand the work of the W.M.S. and have made a total, of over 3,000 calis on the sicli and on newcomers, at homne and iu hospîtai. Woman's Association Thé Womnan's Association re- port was presented by Mrs. L. Deweil, secretary, and Mrs. R. Ames, treasuner. There are 14 groups lu tht W.A. w4th a to- tal of 377 meinbers. Tht W. A. naised $4,460 in 1957, ai whlch $3,000 was, presented ta the Organ Fund. There wére 3,273 cails rmade iu homes and at the hospital. Comniittee of Stewards The report ai, the Carniittee af Stewards wvas presented by Mr. Forbes Heyland, chairman, aud Mr. R. J. Dilling, treasurer. Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every. purcha-se of gas Vi at Vgor Oul SERVICE,.STATION ÇOR.NER FOrtIANVEItS ROAI> AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phope 3A9J91 Vigor 9qGA Stanard OCincluding fax (lasoli ne 3 Vigor Super A 9 GL H ig h Test Iii1 OC taludini tax Conîplete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENJNGS AND SUNDAYS a The major improvements In 1957 were the installation of a 3 manual Casavant organ, the painting of the extenior ai the church, thé repair o! épves. troughis and brickwork, and the installation ai bird prool screens an the front af thé tow. er. General collections in 1957 wvere $14,500, tht Thank-offer. ing ivas $3,136 and contribu- tions ta tht Orgazi fund totalied $6,247. Tht church debt on the ongan Is $24,500, aud there is $5,557 in the Organ Fund to. ward tht retiremeut o! this debt. Chureh Mtmbership The Session report was presented by Mrs. Morgan aud Mr. E. Osborne. There are 564 familles beicnging ta the con- gregation, and 1155 members, Fifty-one r.ew unembers were received in 1957, of which 2() came fram the Sunday Sehool. There were 60 baptisms, 3o1 weddings and 36 funerals. Three new eiders were elected, W. J. Bragg, A. E. Coverley and Philip Passinore. Tht Official Board reports ciosed tht meeting. Mr. H. Cryderman presented tht re- part af tht Chair, who had a successful year under tht di- rection ai Mr. Arthur Collison. Mr. Gardon Ellilott reparted for the Auiditor's Conimittet. The M. sud M. Committet report was presented by Mr. Gardon Eliiott, chairman, aud Mr. S. R. James, treasurer. In 1957, $7,8001 was forwarded ta tht M. and M. treasurer in Toronto. Congregatlon's Appréciation Mn. L. W. Dippell, reporting for tht Pastoral Relations Coni- Dnittee, expres:sed th-, congre- 'ation's appreciation' of 'the leadership giveni the corgr&-ga- tion by Rev. and MsIs.T. -A. Morgan. An expres:>ion of thanks ta Mr. Collison for his leadership ai tht miuistry of music, sud ta Mr. and Mrs. R. Schiingtnsiepen, tht church of- ficers, followed. Tht meeting, was closel with the benediction aud tht W.A. served tes ta tht memnbers present in the Sunday Schoo] Hall. BURKETON Mr. and I4ns. Stan Payne, Toronto. were wtekend visitors of Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Hadge. Mn. aud Mrs. Rau Ginu, Blackstock, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lemlie Argue Friday evening. t Mr. Çverett.-Strutt spent, a .ewr dav's luPeterborough asud Belleville last week ' visiting friends. lHe returned honmeo Menbens o! the W.A. are ne. rninded ai the Valexithié ý'riend- ship Tes which will be held in the Church Hall on Feb. 13. Ail ladies ai the camuiunity are cordially inx'ited ta attendl. Mr. Joe Stephenson Nv'as in Oshawa on Stîuday'visiting Mn. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheli. The Young People's argani- zatian witl meet an Tuesdsy 1evening in the church hall. Weekend visitons at the home of Mrs. John Carter were Mr. and Mrs.* Kenneth Cargill ani Mrs. George Stevens, former- l.Y Mr-F. Colville, ai Toronto, Mn. Bob Carter of Whitby, Mr. George Ca-'ter, Bowntvvilli-, and Mr. Fred Carter, U.T.S. Toronta. Sunday visitors at the home of M". Pnd Ms R. Bone were, Mr. and M\,rs. George Wallen anCû Nancy, Mr. andi Mrs. Ge-o. Lnwson and Gayle and Pattie, ail ai Mar ni . Mr. and M\irs. Don Cannao- chan and Donaida, Oshawa, visited Mn. Thoi:. Trick and Mu's. Esther Caruochan, Sun- day. Next Suudsyý, Feb. 9, tht Young Peoy)le's Organization will participate iu the marning sel-vice. Conigratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Eric Marchand ou tht birth of a son in Memnorial Hospital, ,Bowmanville. Tle Pie. Social which was held on Thursday evening Jan. Quitè a iiumber of pies wore brought in by the ladies and wvere sold ta the gentlemen. Prizes were won by Mrs. Leslie Argue and Mrs. Newton Tay- lor, Mr. John Stephenson and Mr. Edgar Strutt for high and iow euchre scores. Mrs. B. Ilubbard was Wlnner of the. bingo, Lawrence Carnochan for crokinole and Stanley Taylor fer eheekers. Lunch wees erv- ed by Mrs. L. Argue, Mrs. Bert Dean, Mrs. E. M. Adams, Mr. Aiden Hubbard and Mrs. R., Bone. It was deeided to hold a' "Hard Tinies" party at the home of the Bonts on Feb. 13.1 Prizes wili b. awarded lor the best côstumés. Sa get ouit your "sad raga" and came and en- joy an e%'enirug o!f£un and re- laxation. Mr. and Mrn. Murray Abbottl and Cathy, Bowmanvillé, were1 weekerid guesta ôf hIe parents,l Mr. anid Mi'.. HowArd Abbett.1 Mr. Saridy Van Dam had the misfortuné ta faT! sand breaki hie nos@ réeenttiy. Mr. and Mré. Edgar Rubbard. Hamilton, visited with Mr. anid Mrm B. Hubbard on Sundcay% and attended the funeral of Mrs. James Curran. The village was saddened by the paasxng aiMr&. James Curran, a 11e-long résident af Burketon, tI Oshawa Gener,4l Hospital on Jan. 30, foliowing an iliness af three weeks' dur- ation. She leaves to mourn ber los, er husband, Mr. James Curran, two daughters, Mrs. Van Vallçenburg (Suit), Mrm John Smith <Bertie) and ane grandson, Orvus Smnith, al of Burkéton. Mrs. Curran was in ber ft4th year. Thé reniglns Need for Aduit Hobbies Stressed ut Conference Recreation is for everyane was the theme braught out at tht Conierence attended by more than one hundred dele- gates of the East Central Zone which' extends east frorniOuh- awa ta Belleville notth ta Linidsày and Bancroft, were welcomed by Mayor John D. Burnet in Cobourg Coflegiate Institute on Jau. 25. Doug Rigg, director, and Miss Dora Purdon, secretary o! Bow- manville Recreation Départ- meut, were among those at- teuiding. The day-long conference was- opened at 11i a.m. by Cobourg *recreation director Jini Munra aud Ro,, Dadge chairman ai the committee, who were hasts for the meeting. T. A. Leishman, Field Super- vison of the C.P.B., Toronto, addressed the delegates ini the moning and later at the pavil- lon in the evening. At the morning session Mr. Leishman stressed the point ai home-de- velopment of sparts pro- grammes, especialiy in hockey. The trend had been ta import playens, but he claimed this led ta a lack ai interest. Bringing the players along t ram the mid- get teamis created a keener fln- terest whcin the bigger leagues were entered. "Not ail the same recreation is good for ail people, you have ta get down ta where the peu, pie are ta find out what they want", he said. reTe ar iNoneLiU ana5U nitn L Mr. Earl Tun-umonds, Prince Funeral Home, BawmanviIle, Abratne h uea tiil Sunday, then te Burketon MAibK.ent, atcde ttfunerl, Uuited Church for service *aid a r. .Krkootfo bunial li Blackstoclç Union Saturday; Cenietery. Rey. R. B. Green of-IMn. and Mrs. Mervirn Gra- ficiated at the funenal service, ham and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Iwich wvas largely atténded. Harr~is, Jiru, Lamna, Shi'iey, Frieuds and relatives attend- Rota, and Verua, Mr. and Mrs. ed froni Hamilton, Toront, Carl McLaughliu ,attenided tht Peterborough, Oshawva and Beers-Fictt wedding ln Bow- Eowiranvile. Tht many floral mnauvilie, Saturday.ý *offeningi were trihutes .to ti-e Several from here atteuded *esteeni in which Mrs. Curýran the annual Ontarin crop iru- *was held. proveunent association conven- tion ln Toronto. Mrs. Sam Robinson, Scarbor- B LCKSOCKough, is visiting lier daughter, Mrs. Charlotte Fonder, Bow- * W. A. Meeting manville, Mn. and Mrs. How- A very fine meeting of the ard Farder. held at tht home o! Mrs. Il:sr girls, Tynone. isited Mn. aud * ad Kyte Tuesday aiternoon, Mn.. Stan Rabm'. with 34 ladiesanad six chld. Mr. and Mrs. Art Qieuu, Mr. r en preseut. The new presi- and Mrs. Stan Paint, Toronto, dent, Mr&. Boy McLaughlin, and Mrs. Ira Argue, who le presided sud asked for the visitiug Mn. and Mns. Russel co-operation o! all in ber ne>i Spinks, Oshawa, speut Suuday undertaking. Mrs. Carnaghan with Mn. sud Mrs. Tomi read the Seipture aud gave a Hoidge. 4 fine addnéss on "Talents". Rcll Mr. aud Mrs. Lloyd Wright *cali was tht.uamt oi a ind sud childu'eu, Mr. Rov Fergu- I broufght with me sud éach son snd Misa Sandra, visited Mr. ont receivtd their mtuîbershipl aid Mrs. Gea. Dunubar sud Den- *card and prograni for the year, ise, Sunday. Mrs. Dunibar (Mo- A littît git was presentçd Mrs. na Fergusoul had thteiefor- Romeril as,,a token of eppre-1 tune of breakîng hier elbow. Slhe ciàtian -af lien work i printing asc visited tht Grant Fergu- tht prbgrarns,,,Trçasurer gave sous lu Tononto. a verjf" detailê4 'rèpor't - 1957 , WfrS. Albert- Wtight ud - Mms. wan su sowe fnances i:~ilEd Harnis'are vislting Mrs. W. 1goad shape. Sevenal than k you Laurenson, Toronto. Sorry ta notes were néad fromn those re- hear Mn. Laureusori is in bot- uiembened while Ill. pitai. A good deai ai business was Mn. sud Mrs. Ralph Glaspel deait with amnongst which was and Gwendlyn, Tyrone, wene tht decision ta have a turkey Sunday guests and Mn. sud Mrâ. *dinner in Marcb, esc ta pro-.1 Edgar Horne, Oshawa, Satur- vide the dinn-Ir snd lunches' uor daý-guests ai Mr. sud Mns. AI- the annuai Shorthorn salie, bert Wright and Mr. aud Mrs. Marchl 3th. IFred Trewvin. Mrm. Carl MeLaughlin, Mr.' Tht Explonens, C.G.I.T., Ty- Roy McLaughiu, Mrs. Harold ras and Cigoma C's sud their Martyn, Mn. .Hisoid Kyte und leaders, atteuded service lu tht Mr4. John Carnaglian presen- United Chunch Suuday maru- ted a very heipfui patnel di- î ng in a body. Rev. ,omneril cussion on, the purpasa sud told a story ai the Saint aud work ai the W.A. followed by the BOY especially for these canwnity sluging %vith Mrs. yaung people. Ht aiso preach- JNeil Werry at tht pia-no. Daina- cd a fine sermon on Fight for ty sud bountifui refneshmnents1 Faith. were served by thtefiostess sud -_________ group and a social time enjoy- Pnize winners st the tuchire 'N4ew Bookiet 1Party sponsored by thý- L.O. B.A. Wednesday nighlt we'.,1 r v n Mn. Fred Hodgsou high i : lPr ven Mr. red Cowigsthigh glad sd Mn. Gea. Crozier doouj a m ie prize. The ladies were happya r ie ta see such a b lange crowd, Vu amadFr"l h There wei'e urnie tables pia,)-1 ouFa ndir Ith ing. Plans ivere muade ta have titît of a new bookiet recentiy anothen party lu two weeks. prepared and publislied by the At he xplrergirs neet- OfiLce of the Ontario Fire At tTht Explorfernogirls eMarshial. The booklet is iu two iallowing change ai aificens vas c uâ n silutae il niade: Chief Explorer, Mai"'. drawiugs snd diagrnrs of Bnadbumn; keeper ai tht Log, safety mneasures snd fine haz- Linda Kyte, Keeper of tht ards.. Treasure, Alice Taylor; Devo- Tde sidta ep arnierslu tional Secretary, Margaret Car- dsge olepfresi uaghau. Some furthen study of nernoviug tht Possible causes Japan was carried on. Vie ai fine snd ta assist thein in girls are starting ta mnake tow- planning a fine prevention pro- el kits ta be sent ta girls of gramme for thein farmes. Near- ,Ithiir wn ae inJapa. Th y ]yail farn fines eau be tnaced treit- anstu Japan.Ty to tio basic causes: careless-1 ae asmaigsuedtstanese sud iaulty building con. rsc. Ga rse -ie structiaiî sud installations. borne Feb. 1 from a wveek orTeswf dvnio Fanm Union meetings ini the suand technology have brought Kingston ares. Mrs. Prasser many new fine bazarde ta the leit again Monday for two fanni. Thtenmodern fan ceoin- weeks ln Kent and LÈnibton bines aIl tht hazards of a CountiGe where &lhe will bé machine shop, a iactory, «aso.. guest speaker at 12 local, of line station snd a paint shop. Ontario Farmer's Unioôn.. with farne buildings trequent. 1Tht Couples Club mIt et thé ]y holding tons or thé moat pansonage with 14 couples près- combustible substances knèwn eut. An Iuterestnug dl;cussion t a-a u ta-n on tht enlai-gement o! the Sun. aIl thése with no hydrants or day School room was héld, nearby fin. departuients. deàling with it froni threean Crédit i. given ta the Na- gles.Firs-do yU t n- w tional Board oifPine Undor- need more room for Sunday sret fo oto tedti Schooi? Second - what would iùset frh la the. boolçlet. Tlie voit like ta sc ln tht addition" irtusé of this bookiet was et Thind-what can we do asa the Royal Agricultural i ter gu ta prornaté h ditoFair, frorn Novéinher lSth ta Thi oup fll thîsyrecea 23rd laït, when it was distnibu- Tis waefrshniolloaed yeré- ted froni tht Ontario Fire Mar- tionsr. ehnut udceo shais dlispiay booth. A limited tion te nwben onumber o! copies May be ob- j Owng a té sow ein *0tained by writiug to :lire Mer. wet lest Tuesday svening the shal ai Ontario, 210 Huron Y.P.U. were unablo ta ae tee Trot5,Otl. théit- sleigh ride sa held thaereeToot 3 n -ro negular meeting at thé homne ai Mr, aud Mrs. Glenn Lan- mer. Tlhey ae hopin-i for tiie siteh ride wee upk. " 7 0 YELVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson, Mr. snd Mn.ý Murray Malcolm accompanled Mn. sud Mrs. Howard Malcolm on a pléasure- business mator trip ta Preston on Tuesday. Yelverton , Badminton Club were the guests o! the Bethauy Club on Thursday evtulng when tht clubs matched skilis sud finished off the. eveniug with a, deliciaus, lunch. President ai Yél'vertan Club John Wright thanked aur hauts and eutended an invitation for a return match on Feb. 20. Vincent Jackson, Prosldent of eBthany Club, ex- pnesséd words of weicome. Mrs. Dalton Brown, Norman and Nelson vlelted on Wédnesday with tht W. H. Stiuson's. Local listenérs were pleased ta hem-r !rs. Harry Hendens salut- éd on Neighbouriy News "«Over 90 Birthday Club" Sunday morn- înýý, W,,,,,, Mr. and Ms._ PAGE TWO Mrs.- Estelle Hawley, a past premideitt af the O.R.A. and oditor of the magazine, spoke on the growth of the recreatian movemont whlch is =~1Y about ten years aid. She pointed to the chânging world since the end of World War II, creattng the rieed for more recreation activities froni childhood ta aid age. The forty.liour weelc and more leisure time lied brought about the need for aduit re. creation, and earli, retlremei¶t had showri the necesoity for finding worthwhile autlets fot the unused time of senior citi- zens. Ted Srlow, executive-ncrc- tary af O.R.A., Oshawa, who directed thé group conference af committee members pointed out the need for oducation in the humanities end put the. problem before mombqWo!f th mn nwho ta obaizied ta thé.as- sembly lire. and who doca iiot know what happon¶s to tiie woric al ter It passes hi.s operation, or what It will b. wlien It in fin. Islied. "This is soul dostroying and frustrating"l, liost-eoaed, "technolagy will press liard on the best brains .Provision nuit be made ta l'elieve the tensions. Opportunities for creativenesr shotlld be provided these peo- pie in their leisure houixi." Sports, hobbies, cralts and social or cultural pursuits were recomrnended ta f iU the var- i6us needs. A dispiay at hand work was on vîewv in Uhe gymnasiurn where the camprra clubs and artist groupa h«d eo-operatecl in the showing of varlous lei- sure Urne activities. Fine sqm- pies of wark in the riewing. weaving, crocheting, smocking, knitting and other needle work as weli as hat-making were on exhibit. Pu ppetry in a special- ty ln Peterborough~ where they have a Puppetry Gulld and the demonstration wigs especialiy fine. It was used later in the entertainnient alter the ban- quet. Jessie Slemoiî, Elizabeth Knox and Alice P4tterson of the Bawxnanville Art Clus. had six paintings on display. Wadcarvin 1d4Pla. was of profesin! aibre; d*lf twood showed some varieties ini the finiahing, tcopper tooling ln pIctures, t519e lamps, costume jeweliery, cigarette cases anad other items wçre attractively filodhod. At the. eommittet £08 j8R5 there were several sugoeations On how to wini frIends forire. crtation, whore soaie local town eouncil8 wore logthe ta Vote grants to carry on the wark. Channel 17 Buffalo UHF You cari now receive this UHF Station and ail other UHF Stations ihat Corne wiih the, REGENCEY ALL-CHANNEL CON VERTER It can be added to any set now ini operation PRICE FOR CHANNEL 17.AERIAL AND THE CONVEFLTER,"S s4 5.00 cail *TOWNE TV BILL LEASK Phone MA 3-5522 Bowmanville q You CAN have Bètter TV, Reception .. even in,.- Deep ---Fringe Areas . .. .. .. ... .... "Travdling *Wave" princip le used by strengthens picture pick-upý Don't rasipu yourself to poor TV rooption Just becaueo you happer bo live i a difficuit reception area, Af ter years of electronic raemr1, Channiel Muster han developed th' T-W antexuis - especially de. àigned to bring in those far away btatiOns that y~ have not be able to 84 . W' aU macle poMbl by thé 'X-W's revolutionary OVER 5 TIMES STROGR 71W. "Iay ,igg t.'rW etie woe beud or W hwmg la th@ worst weth tonditions Ail uluihm, tas-cajine" 'vuat. You' enio~y Ion* yiu et trouble fre. reception wh.= you um tii Channei Mate T-W ainténna. Prevents T-W from ftine b"p<», wida Phone MA '0W v le y n' "TFraveling Wavetp principle. T his remnarkable antenna actualy re- inforces Pie.Ùure signais electro»-: icaly -on all chcznnels (2-13), No other antenna works so powerfull to lalimninate 'anow,' 'ghoets' and interferenoe ... to bring in etatioiu beyond the raîige of oydinary. antennas.à Th Performanme 'f T he Channel Master T-W Antennea oChannel$ eLusts ysars longer NE TV BILL LEASK 3-5522 Bowmanvîille --r W. H. BROWN'S CASE HOWIN BRING THE FAMILY AND ENJOY An Evening's- Entertaînmen FRIDAY. FEB. 7th 8:00 P.M. BQWMANVILLE TQWN HALL Hirst Class Entertainment - Refreshments - REE ADMISSION - J'.' 'p -71t]MYSAT, Hugh MeGill home ýXfWO a mw journ with theïr foragr Mt Toronto snd Port P"rr uaas Christmas. The Yelverton ladies hold 6-41 baking sale lu Lindsay ont - i day at tht office,o! oCnsumeWa Gass who kindly provided thé.. facilities for the sale. Offéred., for purchase were cakes of a shapes and slzes -, 4lctj chocolaté ca ces, banae.~ augel cakeidrvl cakes (angél ceaJ4at didafl lt pass the test), e well as et . ont upuide-down-cake' (ltera~ speaking too). Aloo eea g tht finicky apptit.. of our town cousins vere 'squares" o! Cvey, shape - rounçl, oblong, reta- ular - everytiipg but square'. A tidy smn w1 ealze'd. * Average hourly wge in Canadian manufacturlng at Oct 1, 1957, was 100.5 enlts, corn.' pared ta 153.3 cents one year earlier, and 129.2 cep ive years carlier. nom Mmm om eu e, ILI m.8 r

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