im.__ ., '- % , ' PAGI TEU - ---- - -P- * * AT ID £ ME MW V - P % A nt ?KuESDAy, E. t, 98THfE VANADIAN 51 AI fSbbAiN. DL>w IAviJL~VLLi. ~~i'. St. Joihn's Has Good Year Couple Anna'm Reports Show A Most optinistic and en- roof and tower, the Parish Hall : COUraging Ilote Was struck at and basenient. The platfor m % Ar. Anua ., r Metngo!was removed ta make more %U.Jo ' AgicnCburch space for Sunday Scol and' O(nday eveAing, when ahl the hall was redecorated and rebôrts O! the year'u activities new drapes installed. Changes:- Were -given. m were made in the kitchen and Tbe Wardielils it coupled stairway to the basement. Fi-:,ý W*A the. Ineuu1ftbent's report nancially they were in a better ahd~ a steàdyý growth in the position than for sanie tme. eh membership and that af Tbey had a conifortable bal- U, the Sunday' School. The 1957 ance and ail accounts paid. The'. church census' showed a larger Mission Account, AllottmentS& ziumber o! iÛdividuals and fani- $1,450 ,Synod Assess. $198.00, !l'es who cali tbernselves An- Total Receipts froni ail sources glicans than was known ta the $14,166.50, Dishursements $13,-1 Church Rail. There were sanie 184.75, Balance $3,362.97. 353 children now on the churcb Diocesan Church Extensionýè lîsts. Thé increase in Sunday $200 had been allocated. They School attendance at bath 10.00Ô are planning ta instaîl a Bronze &.mn. and 11.00 a.m.- had ne- Memorial Plaque in the Church cessitated an added number for dedication within the next ta the t*ching staff. few months. Al arganizationst 1 The Rector, Rev. A. C. Her- showed a most successful andýý bert thanked aIl the church busy year's work. Suffice it ta 1 officers, wardens and choirmas- say all their obligations were ter. "I have enjoyed the full- met in full. 1 est co-'opeýation. We have The Restoration Fund, pre- wvorked as a teani throughout, sented by Miss Evelyn Flax- in canducting the services each man bas a total of $18,404.64. wMso that aur people rnav Receipts in 1958 amounted toý offfer ta God on behaîf of ail $4,552.83. The Envelope Secre- MTen the worship wbich is His tary reported 180 users of du- Due", he said.. "We have en- plex envelopes, 91 were using; joyed a busy and happy year the Pink envelope for Restora-1 together". tion Fund. -iminute's sulent prayer waý Officers eiected: Rector's lheid for those members o! thisý Warden-J. R. Nichais; People's' *Church who have now entered Warden-E. G. Henning; Dele-! the Church Invisible-Mr. and gates ta Synod-Mark Roenigk' Mrs. H. G. Mitchell; Mr. J. L. J. A. Living; Alternate or Sub-1 Poolton: Miss Grace A. H,-il; stitute delegates-Geo. Carter MisNanc Ann Mitchell; Mr. and Miss E. Flaxman; Envelopel C*s B.en t. Secretary - Miss Evelyn Flax-; 'nWres Messrs. Elnier man; Parochial Tribunasl-R e.ected for '58) reported on the Humphrey, Mr. Gea. Carter,; changes and repairs ta Church Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston, Mr. R. r-.- Pictured Church at Port fomr Miss Fei Say "'Be My Valentine" with a Coulis Hallmark or a Rusi Crafi Card There are lacy ones - sentimental ones - for every age, every taste inW4r large selection. Corne in and chuckleeat the humorous ones! PENNY VALENTINES with envelopes by Coutts - 30 in a package Wed, in'PortHp, 4-n i' are Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Lane ot Scotia, who wene married in the United tHope in December. The bride is the rn McCracken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ri f hurnh St., Port Hope. Mr. Lane is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane of Newtonville, Ont. -Photo by Udvanhelyi Studio, Port Hope Winter Wedding _of lnterest for only 29c W. have just received a new shiprnent of diarnonds in tinie for 1VALENTINE'S DAY We wiIl be glad to show our selection to you h. , at your convenience. sJewellery & Gift Shop :)WMAN VILLE MA 3-5747 I M r. and Mrs. Samuel Francis Bingham Jr. were !married in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. The bride is the former Miss Joyce Gertrude Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell Martin. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Francis Bingham, Toronto. -Photos by Rehder Reid, Mr. J. A. Living. 1automatic coffee maker and a Advîsory Council - Rector,1 suni of money. Wardens, Lay delegates to Sy- Don and his bride were much nod. Appointed by Rector-Mr. surprised at the lovely gifts and F. Hooper. Mr. Geo. Carter, after a few moments of enibar- Mr. Robt. L. Evans and Mr. V. rasment expressed their thanks Snider; Appointed by Vestry- in a few well cliosen words. Miss E. Flaxman, Mr. D. V. H. The gathering then joined in the Gibson, Mr. L. Lucas, Mrs. V. 1aid refrain "They are joliy good H. Storey; Han. Member-Mrs. fellows". A social tume was en- W. H. Densern and presidents1 joyed during which the young of Choir, Men's Club, W.A.'s-,1 couple met many new and old IGuild, a nd Guildettes; Vestry friends. A dainty lunch was Cierk-Mrs. F. A. Dilling. served by committee and friends, Restoration Committee-Rec- tine carne for good-nights and tor, Church Wardens, E. L. 0li- another happy get-together was ver, W. J. E. Ormiston, Mrs. J. over wvhen Mr. and Mrs. Donald 0. Pessn an Mis EvlynBebee were receivcd into the FlaPressn. adMs Eey fellowship of friends in Morrish, Faxman. I . lieran Port Hope and vicinity. Thomas Gatchell. Organist and iltn steodro h Choi lederMr. * j at Mrs. M. J. Osborne's on Evans. Monday, February 3rd, s0 please, any lady good at scwing dont Ail organizations reported be bashful, get your needie and full their activities, ailotments thimble and corne along. Youi and obligations for the past will be most welcome. year. Ail showed these ta haveŽ Regular church service was been concluded happily and lield at 10 arn. on Sunday, Feb. passed on their appreciation 2nd. There was a very good to the~ Rector and ail the con-cnreainndteevA.W gregation for their assistance Harding wvas in charge. We wvere and support of this, a most suc- plae1ahv u raitMs cessfu YearHelen McHolm with us again Luncheon of hot coffee and after a siege of sickness. The doughnuts was served by sev- selection' given by the Junior erai of the gentlemen. Choir was rather special, "The Sinner and the Song", Elaine Anderson taking the solo part, M O RIS the choir siniging the part of the1 adPlesentation lof My soul"Xhm ess oe Sunday School was hoeld At Adance and prescnitatiofl forila-n. There wcre 53 present, Mrs. Donald Bebee (lice a surc sign of bctter health once iMercer). was held in Newton- lagain alter a long period of ville Hall on Saturday evening, sickness in rnany hms i ,Jan. 25. Dancing continued un- assistant teachers were on duty;1 'tii a late hour when tired and Mr. George Harness took the nimble feet were giad o! a rest office of Assistant Superinten-_ 'and the commnittee in charge took dent and Mrs. J. Briniacomb that over. of teacher of Adult Bible Class. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bebee were1 The poor old ground-hog cer- then called ta the front of hall1 tainly saw his shadow today so and asked to be seated in the î back hie gc'es to finish out the chairs awaiting them. Mrs. Her-i winter in 'varm comfort during bert Pearce o! Welcorne read the! which time we rnay have to0 address to this popular couple; shiver. -,ade through and shovel aftcr which the follovving gifts pilcF nM snow f or tilc ncIl(, were presented hy the eommit-;weeks. Prctt>- coid comfort, £or tee. a coffec table, waii nuxrror, ua. WEDDING BINGEAM - MARTLX Holly decorated the pews of Trinity United Church, Baw- manville, for the December. 2lst wedding of Joyce Gertrude Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell Martin of Bowmanville, and Samuel Francis Blngham Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Francis Bingham of Toronto. Baskets of white chrysanthemums an.d poinsettias formed the back- ground for the double ring cere-I mony performTed by Rev. T. A. Morgan, assisted by Rev. M. C. Fisher, of Newcastle. Mr. Arthur Collison playedi the wedding music and acconi- panied MÉs. James Brown, cou- sin of the bride, who sang "The Lord's Prayer". and "Because". 1 Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a ful length gown of white French silk velvet, the skirt featuring a gathered back and sheath front panel. The fitted bodice was fashioned with portrait necklîne and long sleeves -end- ing in points over the hands. The bride wore' a three ,,trand neekiace of pearîs, thegito the groom. A snug lace cap trimrned with rhînestone tear drops heldj her scalloped veil of silk illu-! sion and she carried a white Bible adorned with a white orchid and white chrysanthe-1 munis. Miss Mary Margaret Bona- than, Toronto, was maid of honour, and bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy Stapleton, King- ston, and Miss Dorts Martin, Bowmanville, cousin and sister of the bride. They wore iden- tical princess style gowns of crimson velvet in waltz length with matching headdresses, gloves and shoes, and carried nosegays of white chrysanthe-ý munis and red carnations. Best man was Mr. Fred Ewart, Toronto, and ushers were Mr. Ross Robbins and Mr. IGerald Wright of Toronto, and IMr. Alec Martin, Newcastle. A reception foliowed in Trin- ity Sunday School rooni, the bride's mother receiving the guests wearing blue gray bro- caded taffeta with bat of dusty rose velour, matching gloves and corsage of yellow roses. She was assisted by the groom' s mother who wore a dress of champagne rose French Chan- tilly lace with matchng at a-d glaves and corsage o! pink and red roses. The couple left on a wedding' trip ta Windsor and Detroit, the bride wearing a blue sheath suede dress with grey Persian lamb coat and hat and orchid corsage. They will reside at*34 Riverwood , Court Parkway, Apt. 22, Taronto. The bride is a publie schoal teacher at Etobidoke. She was educated at Newcastle and Bowmanville schaols and is a graduate of Peterborough Nor- mal School. The groom, a graduate of Huniberside Col- legiate Institute, Toronto and McMaster University, Hamilton, is also' teaching at Etobicoke. Liberals Ready To Select Candidate The noniinating comniittee of the Durhami County Liberal As- sociation appointed last week met in Newcastle Friday night ta report their findings. In search for candidates willxng ta stand for nomination they ne- ported success, and advised President Robent Kent and the i executive officers that tbey are ready tai have a date set for the nomJnating convention. Atentative date was set for the w~eek of February l7th, pend- igthe cctnvenience of their guest speaker. jJohn M. James, ex-M.P., was asked ta make the arrangement, and invite the Leader a! the Op- position. If Hon. Lester Pear- son is not available, the matter o! selection of a speaker was left ta Mr. James. The nominating coninittee was representative o! eacb town- ,ship in the riding and the towns of Port Hope and Bowmanville. A chaice o! several candidates will appear on the siate. Memorial Hospitai Weekly Report For the week o! Jan. 27-Feb. 2: Admissions ------ ----5 Birtbs, 4 male, 10 female ---- 14 Discharges ----------- 77 Major operations ---- - 10 Minor operations - ------ 19 Emengency tneatments ------- 16 Visiting hours 2.30 - 4.30 p.m. and 7 ta 8.30 p.m. The Ten Commondments Filmed on Very - Ground Thot Moses Trod The monumental dramatization of the life af Moses, Cecil B. De- Miile's Production, "The Ten Comniandments," marks the first tume in film history a Biblical story has been given the added majesty and meaning o! authent- ic Biblical settings. Scene o the Vista-Vision Technicalor De- Mille masterwork, arriving Feb. 7 at the Royal Theatre, Bownian- ville, wvere shot on a three- month location trip ta Egypt by DeMille,-Charlton Heston and a picked crew of tecbnicians on the very ground the Book of Exodus describes. The three-haur, 39-mninute Paraniaunt film, which stars Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, Edward G. Rab- inson, Yvonne De Carla, Debra Paget andl John Derek, along with a massive supporting cast of stars and 25,000 extras, con- tains key scenes made on the shores of the Red Sea in Egypt, in the deserts of the Sinai Pen- Insula and on the siopes of Mount Simai in the very places where thè Scripturcs-,tell us Moses sawv the Burning Bushi and heard the Voîce of God. ing the gates of the Pharaob's city, througb whicb the. great' mass o! Israeiites pass in the Exodus scene - screen histony'si Moses walked as Prince of Egypt. M 0S E As Moses, the great lawgiv'er, Charlton Heston heads the mas- sive starring cast o! Cecil B. De- Mille's Production "The' Ten Commandments," at the Royal Theatre, starting Friday, Feb. 7. Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, Ed- ward G. Robinson, Yvonne De Caria, Debra Paget also star. REMEMBER TO TAKE HOME Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Sale of Bath T@owels WALKER STORES LIMITED An Opportunity to Replenish Your Towel Supply At Great Savings "Lady Gait" Quali"ty Towels In "Seconds"" but beautiful as f irsts " STANDARD HIGH ABSORBENCY " WEAR SHOULD BE UNAFFECTED " BATH SIZES Wa*Iker's buyers secured the entire present factory stock to bring you these well-known, fmne quality, towels at special savings. The defecirs are slight and wear should be unaf fected-many are hard, to tell from "fi rsts". Here is a once-in-a-while opportunity to buy quality towels at bargain prices. You'Il see so many you'il want in the array of stripes, checks, patterns and plain weaves'- in a great variety of colors. Corne early for the best selection and choose f rom our four groups of these woter-hungry beauties. Worth much more than these tiny prices. GROUP 1 GROUP 2 47?EACI4 EACH GROUP 3 *97 EACH GROUP 4 1m9C WALKER STORES LIMITED 1 , 1