~RU'ESDAY, ~. OUI, 1958 TRI CA1~ADLMi STATESMAN. EOWMAIIVIILN. PAGE FIVI -. housing ln the village for tea- Cronchers if the new High School Lyn Bagneil Playing in Toro o.,.,Foi Se .% D tes was located near Orono. A re- 6 iew was made of N.H.A. hous- For Faull Fauir Sept. .5 m- ing and also of c-prtv The annual meeting of the also to have the Caif Club ceive further discussion. Durham Central Agricuitural members parade their exhibits Mr. Rutherford stated a Society was held Jan. 22 in the before the grapdstand and also meeting could be arranged with Orono Public Schoolt Orono Town Hall with a good a folk or square dancing con-BoronFb2nwhnads attendance and Carl Billings, test.BoronFb dwh ais ' *president, presided. A motion passed to have a cussion would follow on the It was reported that the 1957 committee purchase a Merrv- effects of Incorporation on the -rEl3ack and WhJte Show held in Go-Round for the fair. This re- school area and possible steps conjunction AÉ the Orono sulted from the disappointment which couid be taken to set up j7air was tl3r,'qest ever held of last year when no rides turn- a more desirabie area. *nd was a wnderful showing ed up at the Orono fair.co- heTutsartoeean * the b'reed. This year the fair will cn audience with R. R. Waddell, The president reported that duct only the Oat Field Crop Jan. 30th, to discuss progressI they expected a cleanup pro- competition. Last year they in the incorporation of the vil-I gram for the grounds this year held both a corn and oat corn- lage of Orono. The Board is toi and with greater effort could petition. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn tour the village to view treesl corne up- with il better fair in was appointed chairman of the which have been recjuested re- 1958. Entertainment committee. Don- moved. It is hoped to have The matter of increasing in- aid Staples was appointed to this work done n February. surance was laid over until the have a play entered in the Dra- R. C. Forrester pointed out first directors meeting. matic contest fromn Orono. that a representative of the A. E, Morton reported on the A. Morton, Carl Billings and planning with the Trustees and delegates' meeting in Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard werc Township members be held. and sj id that the dates of Sep- appointed delegates to attend He stated that Donald Staples temb? 5 and 6 had been set the convention in Toronto. had consented to draw a plan aside for the Orono Fair this E. Dent suggested that they for the village, if the neces-1 year. set up a camp site in the fair sary information could be ob- A discussion followed on grounds to accommodate over- tained. ways and means to improve night camping. By such a Orono Chamber of Com-' the Orono Fair this year and means they would be able to merce will endeavor to seek a among mentioned items was a collect some revenue from the location for a dentist in Orono. horseshoe pitching contest and ground. Better washroom fa- Roy Forrester thought a den- cilities would be needed for tist could use the space over such a scheme. However it the fire hall providing the space; S . a îo rswas felt that these were ai- was renovated. Other locations St. aviur redy nede onthegrounds. were suggested by Mr. Mercer In presenting the financial and Mr. Rutherford. A further ÀA . statement it was pointed Out study is to be made of avali- Yesiry eeting that a balance existed of $1.86. able offices suitable for a de'n- The gate receipts for the 1957 tist. The annual vestry meeting of fair was up over $200 in coin -___________ St. Saviour's Church, Orono, parison with the 1956 fair. was held Jan. 21 with 13 mem-ZON9 bers present. Rev. D. R. Dewd-MO (Hope Towns p liey opened the meeting with rr " KOlc Congratulations are extended ..Arayer. Mrs. H. Murray was toMrrannMs.PimoDikeso liominated secretary, very ably tonthad r.Si.Dckn f;.lling a vacancy left when Mr. I~ e it falti agtr P. I-inton moved to England. Tru stees M e Saturday, Jan. 25. Following the minutes, read Several from the community by Mrs. Murray, Mr. DewdneyA attended the social evening held referred to the various happen- Re '.ron o ,rea at Mr. Dawson Bebee's last Fri- ings of the past year in conne c- day. tion with the church. Consid- Orono Police Trustees met Friends of Mrs. Geo. Kaso- ering the *several changes within Jan. 21 with ail m gmbers pres- wick are pleased to hear she has the congregation, the averaget ent. Rev. Basil Long conduct- returned home after a long stay attendancé for 1957 xvas quite ed a short devotional and pray- in the hospital.j favorable, and the average of er. ZION 17NITED CHURCH communicants xvas 14. Searching of deeds in con- ANNUAL MEETING Adoption was nioved and sec- nection with certain road ai- Monday evening, Jan. 20, 1958, onded of the warden's financial lowances in the village as the annual Congregational Meet-j report and the W.A. report read shown on the original map of ing of Zion United Church (Wel- by Mr. G. Morton and Mrs. H. the village was reported by come Circuit), was held at the Murray, respectively. Adoption the secretary. It is the intention home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. of the Sunday School report, of the Trustees to caîl a meet- Raby. There was a good at- read by Mrs. NP. Morris and the îng of those concerned to dis- tendance. Rev. A. W. Harding, envelope secretary's report read cuss these roads and the pos- chairman, opened the meeting by Mrs. C. Grant were approved. sible opening of them. These, with prayer. 'The 1958 allotment for missions should be cleared up before Mrs. C. Raby, secretary, rend Is to remain the samne and Mr. they land the village in a posi- the minutes. These were adopt- Dewdney expressed the sincere tion where nothing can be ed. The following reports were lhope that in 1958 the mission in- done. It is possible that a sur- given: j corne will show a definite in- * veyor may have to be employ- Mr. Harding, for the Session;I crease. ed. Mr. Stanley Jones, treasurer, the Officerm elected: Rector's War- In discussing the enforcing financial report; for the W. As- dlen-C., Grant; People's Warden of the pedlar's by-law the pos- sociation, Mrs. N. Gerow, sec'y -G. Mrton;' Lay Delegates to bility of engaging a part7time report - Mrs. E. Ruthven, treas. Great Chapter-R. Morton, C. constable came up. It was report; for the Sunday School,: Stapleton; Rector's Sidesmen- thiought that such enforcemerit Mrs. N. Gerow, sec'y-treas. re- R, Fletcher, C. Stapleton; should be self-supporting from port; Mission Band, Mrs. Roy People's Sidesmen-R. Page, W. revenue from the by-law. Hir- Best. A. Tomlinson; Lay Dlegate to ing a part-time constable was J Ail reports showed excellent Synod for 1958 Sesst. G.Mrletorfrfuhr consier progress and a successful year. ton;. Envelope and Ymlssion Sec- ation. I A lengthy discussion concerigBononwanlo Ie Lynne Bagwnl o ne of the an adi retary-7Mrs. C. Grant; Auditor E. Hamm outlined the bis- the Centennial followed. 'It Jono abluwceFuesso owpaig n Mp -C., Grant; Sunday School tory of\ Orono Library and their decided to hold the service Sept. Those who have seen this year's show report it more b: rreasurer-Mrs. M. Morris. financial problem. In 1957 thie 21, 1958. A committee compos- than-ever. Lynne joined the show just two years ago aft à - A vote . of thanks was. moved 'Library showed a deficit of ed of members of the Session, the oot naeet h rsn oot nae pjLoMr. Grant for the auditing of $32.00 He asked if Trustees Mrs. H. Caswell, Mrs. W. J. Mce-oot naeet hepeetTrnoeggn jPffl"' book<s, and Mr. Fletcher could assist in any way. The Cullough were appointed to Frîday. Lynne's picture bas appeared during the past 'v b-' rnoved the6 formation of a ways Trustees feit that there wa§ a mhake plans for the special serv- Star and Globe and Mail with some of the other Canadiai and means committee to look need for such a service and ices. agtroM.an Ms W W.(ilBgelSuo Into immediate needs of the granted $25 to the Library A vote of thanks was extend-dagero Mran Mr.W W.(i)B neSco church. A suggestion was made Board. Mr. Rutherford asked ed Mr. Stanley Jones, retiring that a voluntary be played be- if the board would consider church treasurer, for the excel- fore the service each Sunday, to setting a student's fee and seck lent manner in which he con- 'which Mrs. Morris very kindly miembership from. the school. ducted his responsibility for a of te geera There are over sixty m em- great number of years. Mr. T he tiro io N% ewvs On ompeton f te enealbers in the local library. Douglas Whitney was appointed business a pleasant lunch was R. C. Forrester, chairman, to succeed Mr. Jones. enjoyed. pointed to the possible need for Mr. Del Whitney was re-ap-f eehn 2 pointed to the Session;Mr ephn12 Stanley Jones elected as the ______________________________ new Eider; the Board of Stew- ards was re-appointed - Messrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, 1 Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Ot- E. Ruthven, S. Jones, M. Irwin, To ronto, visited Mrs. Chas. tawa, spent the weekend with V IG O R O L C . L D . N Geow;OrgnistMis Hida wde n Snda. 1Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cotter. Raby Ast. rgaistMrs N. Mrand Mrs. Richard Mor-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryson Gerow. ton, Toronto, spent the week- and daughters, Peterborough. P RICES REDUCED ON At the close of the meeting a end with Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bn son and dainty lunch was served and Morton. daughters, Bowmanvil le, were PREMIUM QUAL1TY picasant social period enjoyed. Mrs. C. S. McLaren left Sun- Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. day for a holidayinCalifornia. Ernest Bryson, Kirby. Mrs. Les ai- TorontoSis Mn. and Mrs. Luther Barra- ST \/ C L O c per V .. H as o who recently moved to Orono bail spent the weedwt S O E O L 2C gal. . H a s o has rented Mrs. A. Allin's ap- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barrabail, artmet.Maple Gýrove. corn. Cotton is our 1l1eading tex-j iv' s.*f s wnuariror o n d Mrs. _Re-Su1to.non-u-. tile fibre, while in woo I the roto, spent the weekend with daye.utn nSn ROLLIN * breding sheep Mr. and Mrs. M. Chatterton, dy G R N D N G mRO LI Gselective bedn of bhe as Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatter- produced a very ex cellent ani- ton and Carol. mal fibre which is w armer Mr. Harold Hancock, Bow- E NIKL N ~I I ~than synthetics and more pli- avle iidMranMs. E NS IL N FWUUfIUMU able to human demands. mnilvstdM.adMs Linen was one of the first Bob Hancock and family. The first meeting of the W. Fili .m.ta6 .m.si dys w ek textiles to be used by an~. l Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middleton, A. was held at the home of Open8 ~is mostly imported uro- Mn. and Mrs. Cl ye pn John Siemon on an. 28 MillOpe 8 .m. o 6p.m sixday a eek pean countnies. Silk was the Saturday evening with Mr. and with 34 new members joining. fourth natural fibre she men- Mrs. John Cowan, 6th line. Devotional in charge of Mrs.I *tioned which was produced 1O. C. Ashton on '"Another from the filament of the silk- F AST RELIEF FOR 1Way". Bible neading by Mrs. Prize Wrnners: Rayon a pavedth way vc president, in charge of the fr15 new fabrics Rayon was i mleeting, extendeda ecm lt-M.LreAns yoethe first man-made fibre, re-M MU o our guests and new mem- lst- r.Lore nns, yrnecords showing its use as far I MU bers. Reports for the past year 2nd - Mr. Wallace Terry, Bowmanville '9 back as 1850.G e gvnbsvracomt Zrd - Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Haydon description of some of these the March of Dimes. There is new fibres and fabnics andt to be a pot luck supper on the 4t r uSl ite yoetheir uses, after which she 1 i I2th Feb., before the congrega- 4th Mr Ru~ei Vitue Tyoneconducted a fibre cquiz to see 1 LU t jonal meeting. Mrs. E. Wright,, how closely the members had Group 1 convenor, introduced *been listening. Mrs. Alîchin o Iur guest speaker, Mrs. Char- expressed the thanks of ail lie Nay]or, who had as ber W ilgal iku an eie organ those present. main thought "Christian Citi- We illgldlypik u ad dlier ou grinMrs. Perfect's group. will be Um.F.!enship". One thought sheexi fo oia hrein charge of the evening pro- @FES »IN" pressed was "Wicdomn is the fo anoialchrg.gram for February. rnil Thing", along with t ther thoughits on Temperance, JON HardC, ro.Social W½.irare. Svri JOH TORBEKPrp. Think twice. once for-youri- xv.l'ie pi gah ere __selfandonceforthe_______________d from the bcok -Mr. 7ùne:, nto This Weekl an girls in the Shipstads and e Leaf Gardens, Toronto. oreath-taking and glamorous ter being auditioned during Lent continues to-night and week in the Toronto Daily ns in the show. She is the g Street. Lamb favoured with a piano solo also a humorous reading by Mrs. Aima Yellowlees. Mrs. Wright moved a vote of thanks to our speaker, those on the program. and also Mrs. Siemon for opening her home which was seconded by Mrs. M. Stain- ton. Meeting closed with theme song and prayer follow- ed by lunch served by Group 2. Mrs. George Graham, Jr., Miss Anne Holdstock and Mr. Jack Holdstock, Bowmanville, were with Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Donald, were recent callers with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Banks, Grace and Be-.Yl, Mr. Mel Ma- dill, Weston, wîth Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin and famil.v. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Scott's, Oshawa. Master Rodney Irwin visited his cousin, Bob Scott, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamb, Port Credit; Miss Aithea John- son, Mr. Ronald Sharman, Fen- elon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Ralrnh Lamb, were visitors with Mr.- and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Allan Martin Bowman- ville, who have a new baby boy; also congratulations to the grandparents, Mr. and Mns. Arthur Brunt. Master Grant Martin and sister Manlene are staying with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt for holidays. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton on cele- brating their 25th wedding an- niversary on Saturday evening. Mn. and Mns. Edgar Wright and Lawrence, spent the week- end with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Spry, Rochester, N.Y. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Oke, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Oshawa, also Messrs. Walter, John and How- ard Oke, visited with Mn. How- ard Pye at Whitby Hospital. Mr. and Mns. Gordon Werry, Mns. W. C. Murray, Toronto, were Sunday callens at Mr. and Mns. R. J. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells were with Mn. and Mrs. Rus- sell Reid's, Ajax. Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Tur- ner, Miss Helen Turner, Mn. Ron Hotston, Oshawa, were with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dor- land. Miss Betty Jane Werr, spent Sunday with Miss Sandra Werry. Mr. and Mns. Sandy Moore, and Louise, Port Penny, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms, were Sun- day, visitons of Mn. and Mrs. E. Trewin. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ash- ton and boys were with Mn. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Hampton. Messrs. Jack St. Clair and Oswald Pethick, Barrie, werc recent visitons of Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick., Mr. Harry Ferguson, Osh- awa, were with Mn. and Mns. Albert Oke. Mn. and Mrs. Reg Weaving, Thornhill, were with Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Master Rick- ey went skiing at Collingwood with friends. Mn. and Mrs. W. Loveridge, Haydon, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Sharp, Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linda, were with Mn. and Mrs. Allan Weruî'. Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston attended the 5oth wedding an- niversary of Mn. and Mrs. Har- ry James, Oshawa, and were callers at Mn. and Mrs. How- ard Browns, Kedron, on Sun- day. Mr. Herb Rogers, Bowman- ville, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms wene recent dinnen guests with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Franklin, Oshawa, and called on Mn. and Mrs, Russell Spinks, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Werry and girls were recent callers at Mns. Douglas Coles and family, Bowmanville. Harold Spry, Rochester, N. Y., spent the weekend with Edgar Wrights and family. Mn, and Mrs. Ted Wenry and Patty were Wednesdav tea guests with thein grandfather, Mrs. J. A. Werry. Miss Sandra Werry, spent a few days with her grandpan- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron. HAMPTON Mrs. Arthur Sullivan and daughten Connie, Toronto, w,%ere guests of Mn, and Mrs. J. Gai- lant. Mr. and Mns. Dennis Marshall and son, Brampton, with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Gil- bert. Mrs, S. Kersey and Mrs. Jack Lyon visited Mn. and Mrs. Ravmond Burns, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Milton Gray, Lotus, with Mn. and Mrs. Mer- win Mountjoy. Recent callers at the A. W. Prescott home were, Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis, Al- bert and Stuart, M. and Ms. Herbent Presccott and Roge'r, Enfield, Mr. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Clare and Douglas, Enniskil- len, at S. Kensey's. 'rn the absenc-- e ofM iss M- Ho rticultural Society Orono Elects Officers Orono Horticultural Society met Jan. 23rd with record at- tendance. Presidcnt, Mrs. Carl Billings. presided and spoke briefly of some of the varied activities of the society and special conm- mittees during the year. Neil Porter, Secretany - Treasurer, read the minutes. Membership for 1958 bas already reached 136 and we hope to nealize oui' aim of 300 members. Nominating committee Mrs. Don Goode, Carl Billings and George Morton presented the following siate of officers ton 1958 which was carried: Presîdent, Mrs. Carl Billings; First Vice, Mrs. H. Barlow; Second Vice, Mns. Ed Milison; Press Secretany, Mrs. Normani Aluin; Directors 1958, Mrs. Gor- don WVatson, Mrs. Fred Tamb- lyn, Mrs. Ern Hamm, Lamne Bowin, Norman Allun. Dircctors for 1958-1959: Mrs. Lawrence Hooey, Mrs. Wm. Irwin, Mns. Carlos Tamblyn, Mrs. Norman Allun and Mrs. Carl Billings. Finiancial report was read bv' Mrs. Herb Murray and was ac- ceptcd. Gordon Watson sbowed mo- vies of local interest which, were very much enjoyed, A social hour closed a. Most interesting meeting., Executive appointed, Neil Porter. Secretary Treasurer and Mrs. l-erh Murray, N'DS. Neil Porter as auditors for 1958. BETHANY The Womnen's Institute held a successful sale of home bak- ing on Saturday afternoon at Walson's Store, w\ith Mrs. Vin- cenit Jackson and Mrs. Ralph Preston as salesiadies. Mvr. and Mrs. Emory Srnith left on Fnidav for Balmoral, Man.. called there by the citi- cal illness of Mrs. S mith's bro- ther, Mr. Aldus Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wright spent the past week in Liberty- ville, Ill., visiting with Mn. and Mrs. M. McCombs. Mr. and Mrs. James McKin- non are in Toronto this weekc visiting with thein daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McGill and Mn. and Mrs. J. Abren. Mn. George Waddell Is in Civic Hospital, Peterborough. for eye surgery. During bis ab- sence thein daughten, Mrs. Mel McGee of Raglan is staying with Mrs. Waddell. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Went- worth and son Ricky spent thq weekend in Bradford. Mrs. Charles Reynolds ne- turncd home on Fniday frora visiting with ber father, Mr. Arthur Magili at Owen Sound. The Bethany Badminton Club entertained the Yelver- Ion group on Thunsday even- ing for a friendly tournament. The local members served lunch. Mrs. Basil Earle and Miss Judith Rarle, Islington, visit- ed with Mn. and Mrs. Gordoni Woods on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Edmnunds and familv motored to Orillia on Stunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Reg McKnight and Mrs. M. McDowell. ~IAG -IOM£4 -th BACON Local Coal Bsiness Changes Hands Arrangements have been made as of FEBRUARY 4, 1958, whereby STEPHEN FUELS C.N.R. Yards, Bowmanville have purchased the stock of John A. Holgate & Son NOTE: We regret tbat due to circurnstances over which wve have no control, we now find it necessary to sever our connection % with the coal business. At this time we wish to thank our fricnds for their continued patronage over the years. We also regret that we shail not have an opportunity to introduce to you personally our successor, Mr. George Stephen, owner of Stephen Fuels. We know you will like bim, and we are asking you now te give him your continued support which we have enjeyed over se many years. Holgate accounts may be paid at 3 Div'ision Street as usual. Jessie R. Holgaf e Sybil Burk PAGE FI Vis 'M MAT. PM. @th, 1958 TEM eANADUN BTATESUM, BOWUAiqm=- ONTAM