TME tANAD!ANSTA'1UMM. EOWWMttL. O1"Am AG SV cc~a & (erso nal Phone MA 3-3303Il Mleu rne Casbourn, Hamil- 1 wau referred te the Centennal *m ment last weekend with her Comrmttee. 2 e0!, Mr.H. H. Casbourn. Bowmanvifle Goodyear Em- 11;.and Mrs. Stanley.Snow- ployees Recreation Club held L and fairY,..isted with Mr. another enjoyable dance in and ~ Xr Cn onay the Legien Hall Saturday even- an. d Mrsr'ÔS. GOOdfel- ing with 65 couples in attend- Toronto, were Sunday ance. Dancing was to the mu- ofst e Mr. and Mrs. E. V. sic ef Bryce Brown and his fIOiý Sevenaires of Oshawa. A small Mr. and Mrs. C. Jehns visit- lunch was served. Russ Olce ed their daughter and son-in- and the executive committee Iaw and family In Belleville were in charge ef the evenirig. last weekend. Two Bowmanville boys were Mr. and Mru. Keith Smith, among graduates et General Gà1t, spent the weekend with Mtrs,1 lth Dale Carnegie her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WiJ.- public speaking class which frid Carruthers. held its gradqation banquet in Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames and the Picadilly Roomn at the Gen- .711 sipexn; the weekend with Mr. osha Hotel recently. They are and Mrs. R. E. Dutnafl and Bruce Colwell, son of Mr. and David, Islington. Mrs. Eric Colwell, Horsey St., The canvass by the Service and Bill Harndeni. son et Mr. Club girls ef Enniskillen realiz- and Mrs. E. S. Harnden of ed $88.88 for the Canadian Ontario St. Each class mem- March of Dimes. ber was presented with a grad- Dr. Eardly AllUn, Edmionton, uation certif icate. Aita., and his sister, Mrs. J. Mrs. Maud Jones, Mrs. Emma Toontomeryad son ohantCollacott, Miss A. Bragg, Mrs. Tr. orm cll on te ant Minnie Fry, Mr. Roly Cousins Mrs.Normn Aln onTuesay.with guides Miss Florence Werry~ Youngsters are enjoying sleigh and Mrs. D. Armistead joined riding these days, the recent with the Humoresque Clu b, snowtalls making this sport pos- Oshawa, on Jan. 23 for a cele- sible at last after an almost bration of the club's eighth an- snowless winter. niversary. Mr. Donald Williams, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Annis Chaîrman of the Bowmanville- and daughters, Toronto, visit- West Durham Advisory Commit-1 ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. tee ef the C.N.I.B., sang twe ë. J. H. Cann and attended the solos duing the evening, with ( orning service at Trinity Un- Miss Bertha Colville acting as 4ed Church. his accompanist. Rod Taylor, Miss Tanya Goddard, daugh- Bowmanville's yeung ventrueo- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence, quist, aise performed. Goddard, is one of four Queen's Mr. Wilfrid Carruthers, University delegates who will Reeve et Bowmanville;, Mr. Visit State Teachers' College in Victor Wilson, Reeve of Hope Potsdam, N.Y. this weekend onl Township and Mr. Bruce Ash- an exchange plan. ton, Reeve of Cartwright, are Miss Lynne Bagneli et the Durham County delegates from Shipstads and Johnson Ice Fol- Counties' Council at a twe- lies now playing in the Maple day conference et the Ontario Leat Gardens, Toronto, was in Agricultural Council, Feb. 5 town on Wednesday visitiflg and 6. Representatives of Coun- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ties' Councils in Ontario meet' W. Bagnell, and paid The with Government representa- Statesman ottice a eall. tives at the Parliament Build-] "The Screech Owl", Bow- ings at this conference at manville High Scheol annual which problems et ceunty gev - publication, will be a truly amn- ernment are taken up with thel bitious preject in leeeping with provincial body. Mr. Carru- the Centennial Year, Ceuncil thers is chairman et the Agri- were intormed. The school's re- cultural Committee et North- quest for the town te place an umberland and Durham Coun- advertlsement in the magazine ties' Council. Plans Are Completed Littie N.H.L. Tourne y To Be Hdýoe April 10-12 More than 100 hoc ey teams Our billeting bas been arranl amc expected te be participating cd by the Business and Prote theUi Ontario Little N.H.L. sional Women's Club, hoe saii uament being held in Bew- Billets have already beon ai nville April 10, Il and 12. ranged for 132 boys ton Thur fo nneuncement was made day evening and for 300 ho; ecutive at a joint meeting et the Thene will ho a banquet fc Bowmanville and Ontario Little the players at noon Saturda: N.H.L. Committees held in the Wc expect 500 beys wili ho a Legion Hall Satunday atternoon. tending. They will parade trei Plans for the tournament were the Arena te Bowmanville Hig cempleted and reports wcre Scheol where the dinner is bg heard from cach et the district ing held, hie told the cemmitte, commissioners.- Ed. Rundie, Bowmanville Legion Pi1 Presidevit et the Bowmanvilo Band will head the parade. Tli Little N.H.L. Committee gave a catering will bo donc hy th detaied report et the arrange- Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. 'W ments being made by the local are presently arranging ton cômmittee. guest speaker for tbe dinne Registration Centre Mn. Rundie advised. Mr. Rundle said the Bowman- Adequate Parking ville LawnBowling Clubh's club Parking facilities for visitei hbeuse would ho uscd as 'a reg- have aise been attended te, h ..,Itratiori centre. This is con- informed the meeting. BUSE fý'#enJently located opposite the will use the Higb School pan] arena and could ho used by the ing lot, wbile cars will be par] Executive as a meeting place, hoe ed behind the Arena. Four bar pointed eut. ners will he placed in the toxw ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Sexagesima HOLY COMMUNION 10 And Il - CHURCE SCHOOL il- MORNING FRAYER 7- EVENING FRAYER TEINITY' IJNTED -CIIURCH -Ministen: Rev. T. Arthuri Morgan, B.A. Il -A.M. - The Ten Commandmenis (2) aMarriage and Family Life" 7I P.M. - >' Harmless as Doves I ~f.Arthur Ce, Mus. Bach., LR I g9- .d. ar- rs- )YTs for ay. :e- ee. le a er, nrs 5e i-kI rn, announcing the event, tbree at the entrances te tewn and one at the Arena. Mn. Peachey cengratuiated M.! Rundle and the Bowmanville rangmteentsthe havellaetonr Congmteentsthe aecellenoan the event. "I have known tbe Bowmanville greup since I came into the Little N.H.L. tour years ago," Mn. Peachey said, "and the co-operation bere bas been won- derful." Commends Motiiers He cemmended the Bowvman- ville Hockey Mothens' Associa- tion for their contributieii et hockey pants te each et tbe flw- manville Little N.H.L. teams. The pants were presented te the team coaches by Mrs. Ed. runde, Mrs. Mcl Wiseman end MsLloyd Hancock, at the opening efthte meeting. Thel pants were purchased with tunds raised in a recent blanket draw.. 11 wisb that other towns hav- ing Little -'.H.L. tcams ceuld have heen hero te sec this pre- sentation," Mn. Peacbey said. "If ail towas weuld do as Bowman- ville did today, there weuld bo ne juvenilo delinquency." Founder Speaks Mn. Peacbey thon introduced Gond Alcott, tounder and past president et the Little N.H.L. Mr. Aicott said he was plcased te be at the meeting. "It was in Georgetown that I started the Little N.H.L.," ho rccalled.i "In^the past tive years it hasi flounished fan hcyond aur cx- pectations. Aten this tourna- ment is over and you have wit- nessed the dcpontment et these I yeung lads taking part, you will realize its importance," be point- cd eut. Prescnts Trophy Mn. Alcott then pnescntcd a trophy te Mr. Peachey for the consolation winncn et the Littlc N.H.L. (Bantam Division) et the teurnament. "This is the most important trophy we bave," Mn. Peachey said in thanking Mn. Alcett ton the beautitul silven trophy.j "Owing te the grewth et the Little N. H.L. there is a shortage et trophies fer the vanieus senies." Mn. Peachey said. "We need additional enes. Seven ai- together if we are te give tro-' phies te the many winners in the tournam=et" hoiwcasd Durham County Mon Dies in Vancouver Et.,. Arthur James Honey On Jan. 7th, 1958, in hospi- tai at Vanvoucer, B. C., the deatb occurred ftrom a heart attack et a few heurs duration, ef Mn. Arthur James Honey, be-n in Newcastle, Ontario, on March 3th, 1869. The late Mr. Honey became apprenticed te the Canadian Statesman et Bowmanvifle, IOnt., around the age et four- teen years. As a young man be moved te Toronto, shortly at- terward marrying Miss Jennie Tucker et Bowmanville, in 1892. His wife predeceased birn in 1903 leaving one daughter. Mildred. In 1905 he married Miss Em- ma Grant et Toronto, former- ly et Bowmanville, and in 1907 the family went te western Canada. Mn. Honey opened a Job Pninting tirm at Edmon- ton, Alta., but atter a year started a weekly newspaper in Sedgewick, Alta., called "Thel Sedgewick Sentinel". He own- ed and pubiished this for ten years at which time he moved te Vancouver ,B.C., wbere he worked at the printing trade until bis retirement. Even up te the Christmas et 1954 be was on the sub list and enjoyed going down te proot-read on the local newspaper when it became short-handed. Atter his first heart attack in the spring et* 1955 he ne longer worked. His optimistie spirit was ne- ver downed by ilînnesses and it may be remembered by fniends in Bowmanville that the summer et 1955 he spent six weeks visiting bis old tniends there; Ontario was always bis He nemained very active te the end tbeugh he did have te give up beîng an active lawn bowler a tew years back, a pas- time be had se greatly enjoy- ed for over thirty years. Even up te the Sunday two days be- fore bis death he attended churcb in the morning, then went te the Symphony Con- cert in tbe atternoon, his love et good music was constant al through lite. His upright carniage and bnisk waik beiied bis years and bis triends tound it bard te believe bis true age. On bis 85th birthday a local newspa- per pinted "Many Happy Re- turns te Arthur J. Honey et 4595 West 6th Avenue, who was 85 this week and doesn't look a day over 70!" His wite Emma predeceased bim in 1941 and since that time be had made bis home with bis daughter. Botb the late Mn. and Mrs. Honey had been members et Canadian Memonial Cburcb since its in- ception, and Mr. Honey had been a member et the Board for many years; Envelope Stew- ard for about sixteen years, then an Eider and at the time et bis deatb an Honorary Ei- der. The tuneral was held in the church wbere he had worked and worsbipped for se many years and a great rnany tniends gatbered there te do bim hon- or. Palibearers were ail Eiders et the cburch, oncet them be- ing bis grandson-in-law, Mn. Kenncth Dakin. The minister, Dr. J .G. Gorwill spoke very sincerely and bigbly efthte late Mn. Honey, the theme et his address being that it sbould net be a tîme et grief and mourn- ing, but a time et great grati- tude te God for the blessing et having known the deceased. Mn. Honey was a member et the I.O.O.F. and a member of the Typographical Union, botn organizations honoring himi witb beautiful tiower wreaths and with representative attend- ance at the service. The late Mn. Honey is great-1 ly missed by bis daugbter, Mrs. Carl L. A. Lietze, and bis grand-daughter, Mrs. J. Ken- neth Dakin, botb et Vancou- ver, and bis grandson Dr. Ar- thur C. Lietze et Corfallis, Ore- gon, U.S.A., who attended bis grandtatber's funerai; Also sur- vived by nieces and nephews, those in Bewmanville being Mn. Charles Bickle, Mrs. G. F. Jamiesen and Mr. Howard Biekie; in Toronto Mn. W. A. J. Honey; Mrs. Cecil Upper, et Peterborough, Ontario, and Mrs. P. Wytenbroek et Vancouver, and Mrs. Neil MeKay et Ed- menton wbo came te Vancou- ver for the service. Mn. Honey bad looked for- ward te the expected arrivàI et bis first great-grandchild but although the baby boy did net corne in time for a',ieeting be- tween the two, stili in bis mid- dle Christian name be wiIl carry on that et bis great-, grandfatber, the baby being Michael Arthur Phiiip Dakin, son et Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Dakin. Former Su pt. of B.T.S. Kenneth G. Werry Passesi At Toronto Western i Kennetb G. Werry, fermer Supenintendent efthte Ontario Training School ton Boys, Bow- manville, and prominent resi- dent et this area, died in To- rente Western Hospital on Saturday, February ist, 1958. Mn. Werry who was 47, had been in poor bealtb for some time. Mn. Werry had heen on the staff et the Ontario Training Scbool ton Boys ton 20 years, beginning bis service there as a bouse tather. Laten be was on the Placement staff and be- came Senior Placement Otti- cen. Following the death et Mn. J. J. Brown, Superintendent, Z r. Werry was appointed te that position in July 1955. He conducted bis duties ably but struggled against iii health whicb torced him te resign the position in January 1957. He rcsumed the position et Senior C.N.I.B. Thanks Statesman for ,Assistance' Mrs. R. Lunney, Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Mrs. Lunney: Please accept the sincere thanks et the Bowmanville- West Durham Advisory Cern- niittee et the C.N.I.B. for your. help and ce-operatien in ac-1 quainting the Statesman read- ens et our activities and the work et the Blind in this Dis- trict. We feel that yeur writ- ing has done much te, help us achieve oun financial objec- tives. Sincereiy yeurs, Mary E. JeweIll. 1 Secretar.N, Bowman- i viie-West Duriiam Ad- 1 visorv Committee. il C.N.& 1 Placement Officer which he held until bis death. Mn. Werry, a son et Mrs. Wesley G. Werry and the late Mr. Werny et R. R. 6, Bew-1 manvilie, was a lite-long resi- dent et this district. He attend. ed Bowmanville Public andj Higb Scbools and was a grad- uate et Peterborough Normal Scbool. He taugbt for four years prier te jeining the On- tarie Training Schoel staff. Keenly interested ln cern- munity attairs, Mn. Werry was entening in bis fifth year as a member et South Dariington Schooi Mcea Board and was chairman for 1958. He was a member et the Bowmanvllle Rotary Club and a past master et Jerusalemn Lodge A.F. & A. M., Bowmanvilie. He was an eider et St. Paul's United Church. During bis youth he attended Salem Church., Mn. Werny was a keen sports- man and in bis younger years played basebali and hockey. Tbe tlag at the Ontario Training School for Boys flew at hait mast following Mr. Werry's deatb until atter bis funeral on Tuesday. February 4th. Rev. D. R. Dewdney, cbap- lain et the institution, otticiat- cd et a memorial service for Mn. Werry held in the auditor- ium et the school on Monday morning A large number et Bowman- ville Rotary Club members at- tended at the Morris Funenali Chapel on Sunday evoning oe pay their respects te their tel- low member. On Monday evening at 8 p.m., Jerusalem f Lodge A.F. &A.M. conducted~ a Masonie service at tbe cha- pel, attended by many mcm-1 bers. The tuneral service was heldI Tuesday atternoon, Februar 4th, in St. Paui's United Churen which was tilled with fniends and relatives. The minister, Rev. Harold Turner, otici ated. 1 There weri- man': bDra 1 tiftîl1 flîowers, ie 'a. oh: friends pa:d 'r bbute Io tus memnoryiâ-y Lùrougki iecitri- butions te the Library Fund ot sien of uympathy and at thc samne Bewmanville Rotary Club, in time aid in the research et thc accerdance with a request made disease, thc Cancer Society has by his widow. This wîll assist intneduccd the tollowing idea. in a pnoject in which Mr. Wer- In Memoriam cards have been ry was keenly intenested as a turned even to the local under- Retanian but wbich becauEe et takers and when these carda are ill health, he was unable te help used, the contributor is given an with as actively as be wished. official. Cancen Society receipt. Henorary pallbearers wene The In Memoriam carda are used Mn. A. R. Virgin, former Su- instead ot flowers and placed perintendent et the Ontario beside the casket. When thisi Training School for Boys and procedure is nequested it is present Director et Retorm. In- usually published in the dlea 's stitutions; W. Frank Rickard, notice. M. J. Hobbs, Dr. Harold Fergu-J A notice of when meetings et son, R. Kyle Squair, Hubert the local branch et the Society Foster.j will be held, appnoximately once Palibearers were Messrs. every four months, will appear Garnet Rickard, Sam Buttery, in The Statesman unden Coming James Houck, Jim Thompson, Events. Anyone interested in Gordon Barrie and Elton Wer- attending will be welcomed. ry. Members et the staff et the It was peinted eut that any- Training Scbool acted as flow- one wishing te have the services er bearers. previded by the Society which Mn. Werry leaves te mourn include dressings, transportation, his passin.g, his wife, the fer- etc., sbould contact thein doctor mer Winnitred Rickard; tour or minister. cbildnen, David, Ruth, Peter and Margaret; his mether, Mrs. Wesley G. Werry; and a sister, Mrs. Ross Lane, R. R. 4, Bow- Townl manville. Many fniends and associates will also miss him from their midst. '.u uncil Tmntprnpn. ursct n éla n fh Many Improvements Needed at, Cemetery Including More Land A great many improvements are needed at the Bowmanville Cemetery Coun. Ab Sturrock, chairman et the Cemetery Committee, told Town Councîl Monday evening. IThe eld building at the cern- etery should be taken eut and a new brick building erected in its place," he said. "An of- fice would be a great conven- lence at the cemetery as would toilet facilities." Consideratien, he thought, should be given te suitable huril grounds for small child-, ren. He suggested that land be set aside fer this purpese. Space at the cemetery Is be.. cerning limited, Coun. Sturrock went on te report, and recomn- mended that more cemetery land be bought in the near tfu- ture. He aise spoke on the im- portance et supporting the con- servation program in Bowman- ville specitically te develop a municipal park. "We baven't a picnic park in the town although we do have several natural set-ups," ho peinted eut. He mentioned the success et the park at Orono which attracts thousands et people. Brilliant Acts Planned For Skating Carnival interm n ascie icni tiî tamily plot, Bethesda Cerne- (Continued frein page onel The Centennial Carnival te be There will aise be pairs, tries, tery. en autherity by the Board to presented by the Bewmanville , andtfours, have specifications and tender Skating Club in the Memnorial The Tots are always a special eorms drawn up te cever side- Arena on Friday and Saturday, attraction in the annual Carni- Iwalks, curbs, etc. The specifi- February 21st and 22nd, prom- vals. This year 40 Tots will Locali Branc catbon's ilbdrw upwt ises te be outstanding entertain- skate in a "Day at the Circus". he wll b dran upwithment. More than a hundred girls There vill aise be seme Tots on teassistance of George Tet- and boys will take part in the 'VntnesPnd15,.Ti tencolrfu prgram Thre vil beis a picturesque number, and CancerStorm Sewer Survey glamorous numbers, feats et: will include a variety of attrac- Mr. Totten will aise be ask- skiîî and daring, and clever tiens. \. a a g ~~ed te start the survey for storm comedy."WeCuhWewilba Pln C aign sei i in the town. The Board Carl Harrison et the Granit "WoCuhWo? ilba is recommending that the sur- Club, Toronto, Men's Junior fintg rstai.The The Bowmanville Branch et vey start at the lower end et Champion et Canada, 1958 wilî bears, a hunter and even a skunk the Canadian Cancer Society Liberty Street. solo. Another sole will be by will be in it! The Precis'on organized last September, held Mr. Quinton has advised the Miss Eleanor McLeod, the Gran- Number will be enacted by 16 a meeting in the Lions Centre Board that several catch ha- ite Club, Toronto, runner-up te attractive young ladies. on Tuesday evening, Jan. 28 with sins would have te be censtruc- the Junior Ladies' Champion et The "Salute te Bowmanville" President D. R. Mornison presid- ted this year as well as some Canada, 1957. Mr. Harrison and will be eye-catching. brilliant, ing. storm sewers. Miss McLeod wiil also skate te- and effective. "Rollicking on the Mrs. Stan McMurter gave the Public Property committee gether in one et their breath- Mississipi", will be anieng the report et the Women's Service has been given power te pro- taking dances. Don Cribar, gay and unusual numbers. Commîttee trom October 1957 te. ceed with a pregram te plant Barrie Skating Club, Inc., one etf- date. Mr. Maurice Stephens, a number et trees each year. the leading comedians et the campaign chairman, gave a re- Coun. Brough reported that skating world, will present two Cet rour Price port on the campaign fer 1958 the municipaity will adver- hilarieus new numbers. which will be held at the end et tise tor tenders te supply 5,000 Miss Barbara Ann Burgoyne, FrY u jonmi April in Bowmanville. The ex- yards et gravel for the Roads the club professional, will alsoiFrY u vetc act date has net yet been chos- Denartment. skate a solo. Local soloists will1 througb en. Canadian Pacific Railway is be Carol Kiapow, Sbawn Leddy, Owing te the number eM re- being instructed in regards te Hazel Richards, Yvonne Aneni-J STATESMNAN quests fer a service through the appreaches te the Elgin cbuk, Gail Armstrong, Gloria CLASSIFIEDS which tnîends et a deceased can- Street bridge Coun. BroughiBelida, Dereen Yeo, Sandrai Phone MA 3-3303 cer victim may show an expres-I concluded. Martin and Pamnela Ballantine.______________ COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE IegA IRU SJUI iTORE[S SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK MAKES COLD-STUFFED NOSE FEEL CLEARER. IN SECONDS! iz- J'IF f# 12 TABLE TS 25c 48TETPS 75c<w' 4'rnst ant une TrADSàmARK R". ONLYKLEENEX* HAS THt SERVaiAUTISSUE M ,4tLU Maintain Good Health with Alleuburys Haliborange - 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 Haliborange C Tablets 25'% 100'3 ___ 1.20, 3.80 Ayerst Paramettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 Enerjeta __________3.95 Front Ostoco Drops -___ 1.45, 2.40, 4.25 Horner's Maltievol __-___2.50 iMead'a Oleum Percomerphum 1.45, 3.75, 5,85 Mulcia 1.75, 3.00, 5.50 PoIy-vi-soI 1.95, 3.45, 4.90 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins ---- 1.40, 2.50, 3.95 Scott's Emulsion ____ 1.00, 2.00 Vita Diet_______ 1.95, 4.50 rWampole's Cod Liver r;Extraet 1.50, 2.75 îWaterbury's Compound - 1.50 PRESCRIPTIONS Got a Cold BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP Gives you quick' effective relief tram coughs, cbest colds and tbroat tickle.' 8-oz. bottle 75c BRONCHIDA COLD CAPSULES Q u iekly nelieves sneezing, r u n n y nose and other celd symptems. 1.25 VITAMINSI HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100's 250's 500's Reg. Reg. Reg. 1.15 2.29 4.29 89e 1.89 3.49 IDAMALT Extract of Malt and Cod Liver 011 1-1b. Reg. 79e 6se 2-lb. Reg. 1.29 98C 4-lb. Reg. 2.29 1.69 I.DA. COD LIVER CIL CAPSULES 100's - Regulan 1.19 890 with WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound if1. Tonlctime.WIntemcoughs ond coUds are just around the corner. HeIp your family to botter heilth this winter, build up their resistance te colds... give them Wampole Extroct r.gularly.. . Mart todaoy 15 OUNCES- $1.50 34 OUNCES - $2.75 ECONOMY MIZE9 SAVES YOU M5.. ie APlE xrit 'DA, A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Store Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 SPECIALS! A.S.A. TABLETS For headache, pain in genenal 100'8, 300'0 ____- 19c, 49e AQUAMARINE LOTION 10-oz. size - 2.00 value - 1.25 BAYER ASPIRIN 100's plus free trial size Nasal Spray -_____ 79e COLGATE LATHER SHAVE 65c size __________55e LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO 98c size tube ______-79c BRYLCREEN Speelal Offer! Tube with Free Comb - for regular price 69e HINDS HONEY and ALMOND CREAM - Reg. 65e size 2 for 98e Your Local I.D.A. Drug v PAGE SEVElq 20c 2 for 39c, jumiao sizii 3 3 c 2f., 65c