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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1958, p. 5

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?ERMAT, MxR. 2mt, 1958 CANAnTAN ft¶'ATI!MMAT< flflWMA?~7VIT.T.U fl~A Rfl A ~ Toronto-mDominion Bank Opens Saturday Af ternoon tligh- Officiais to Attend ]Bowmanvil'UVÇi t branch of The TorqDtar'iinion Bank opens for usinéss Monday, (March 24) at 37 Temperance Street under the management of B. L. Burk. Bowmanville citizens will have .an earlier opportunity ta p r. Burk and his staff an also see the liew branch an Saturday aiter- .noon fram 3:00 ta 5:00 p.m. when an "Open House" wiil be held. His Warship Mayor Nelson E. Osborne will oiiicially open the branch during the "Open H& rt 11, aiong with Mr. B. S. Van!tone. retired Chairman ai the Board ai The Bank, a na- tive ai Bowmanville. Other bank officiais attending Satur- day aiternoon wili include Mr. A. T. Lambert, General Man- ager ai The Bank. Mr. Burk cornes ta his new managerjal position with more than 20 years of banking exper- ience. He joined The Bank at Thornbury, Ontario in 1937 and served there until 1941. Aiter campleting five years in the ROAF in the Second Warld War, he returned ta the Owen Sound branch of The Bank. Mr. Burk was transferred two years later ta Gaspe, Quebec, and in 1951 xvas appointed Accountant ai the office at Kitchener. Prior ta his new appointment, he was Accountant at the Brockville branch. The new Bowmanvile office, one ai the most modern bank buildings in this area, is de- signed for banking in bright and cheerful surroundings. AUl walls, wherever possible, have been constructed ai glass and steel sash ta use natural light. High-intensity units af flua- erscent lighting, provîde ade- quate artificial illumination. Main feature ai the interiar ai the office is the speed with which portable teller stations can be put into operation ta take came of banking durIng peak hours and on company payroll days. As many tellers' stations can be operated as ne- cessary with ample space ir the custamers' area along the counter running almost the full iength ai the office. Another feature is the con. centration ai ail machine equip- ment in a service centre at the rear ai the usual staff warkinçg area. This centre is walled ail from the main wýorking space, eliminating excess noise in the auter office. Also contained ini this service centre is storage space, washrooms and the em- ployees' launge. Interior walis of the Bank~ have been painted in pleasing pastel tanes and are comple- mentary ta the new style af office furniture and fittings that have been designed ta eiim- inate unnecessary comnices, mouldings and onamentatian that attracts and holds dust. The Bowmanvilie office is the third branch ai The Toron- to-Dominion ta be built usine this new design in bank archi- tecture. The first two wpre op- ened recently at Dixie, just west ai Toronto, and Pembroke. A fourth is under construction at Elliott Lake. The Toronto-Dominion Bank, although a newcomer ta Bow- manville, has more than 490 branches throughout Canada including offices in London, England and New York. Assets ai The Bank exceed $1,382 bil- lions. Warble FIy Inspectors Appol nted A special Manvers council meeting was heid- on Friday aiternoon, March i4th. On the agenda were:, the ap- paintment ai Mr. Cecil Bulmer and Mr. Walter Neais as Wamble1 Fiy Inspectors and aperatars at $1.25 per hour. Spmaying this year ta start on April 10. Rates for 1958 spray- ing as iollows: inspection ai cattle at 5c per head, spraying and inspection at 15e per head with two applications at a three weeks interval. Compuisory in 1958 anly ta treat animais that' are iniected with warbles. Also on the agenda the appli- cation ta Municipal Board (Dept. ai Highways) for permission ta extend the purchase price ai a road maintainer over a 3-year term. ELIZABETH VILLE On Tuesday evening .th~ Home and School Club meta Perrytown school. A good flum ber attended the meeting. Mr! Thickson, president, occupiei the chair. A repart on the eu chre party was given by Mr B. Wilson. It was decided t cancel the next meeting whicl falîs in the Easter holidays. Fc the May meeting, which is t be at Elizabethviile school, w are asking one af the hig] school teachers or the principa Mr. Bigelow ta speak ta u on the value of further eduix tian for aur grade eighters. Our inspector, Mr. Holmes spoke ta us on the growth c aur rural schools froftx the be ginning of schools in this coun, ty and continuing up until reý cent times, also comparing th( rural school education with th( urban school. The girls of Perrytown schoo: rendered two musical numbers Lunch was served by the Fer- rytown ladies. Mrs. M. McAlister and Mrs Thickson attended the 4-E Club classes at BawmanvillE Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Bey GraY and Mrs. W. Dean ïGarden Hill, aiso attended. ThE 0 0*0 ae n- 'S. d rh al 's 276 Liberty St. N. Phone MArket 3-3613 Bowmanville We Congratulate.. THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK OPENING -their new branch in Bowma nyile We are happy to have taken a small part in its completion Se G. Preston & Son 25 Centre St. DECORATORS Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5912 'I________________________ M Congratulations THE TORONTO-DOMIN IONý BNK ON THE OPENI G unit for this term tis <Being U ~edrese tWelGo Chairmon Visits Alliston Teseniors at school went ta s R r l L tioH afternoon when the teachers and music teacher selected the children ta take part in the On Saturday March l5th the Town of Alliaton, at which Musical Festival at Peterbor- Provincial Playdowns of the about 200 boys and 75 adults ough later on in April. Rural Little N.H.L. were heid were present. About 30 mathers On Friday evening the WA at the Alliston Memorial Arena. of the hockey boys af Alliston hel thir arc metig at The Rev. A. C. Herbert. chair- provided a wonderful turke-, he. ld retheir Mrc eetnome man oi the Bowmanville Cen- supper. A great deal af credit Theme for the meeting was tennial Committee, visited AI- gaes ta Mr. Paul McKelvey o: prayer. Mrs. Trew, the presi- liston and. was present at the Alliston and the Commissioner dent, opened the meeting. Mrs. games, to gain some knowledge for the Rural Little N.H.L. for Milford White read the Scrip- ta pass along ta the Bowman- the efficiency and smoathness ture reading. ville Little N.H.L. Organiza- in which the day's events were It was decided ta get a carpet tion sa that the people of the carried thraugh. sweeper ta dlean the church Town will be assured that they The Little N.H.L. Executive carpet. On behalf of the Farm are giving the best haspitality were present for the day. anc Forum Mrs. V. Peacock moved possible when Bowmanville is gave the chairman of the Bow- that the money leit in the trea- invaded by about 500 Little manville Centennial Commit- sury be given ta the church, N.H.L. players during the Eas- tee a warm welcome and goc seconded by Mrs. M. White. ter holidays, April 10,11, and hospitalit.y. The Rev. Herbert The brie! case which was l2th. assured ail concerned that the purchased by the farm farum I h Rural Little N.H.L. Bowmanville Little N.H.L. Or- for carrying the secretary'sichampionship and consolation ganization had their plans and notes will be used by the W.A. series there were teams pres- schedule well in hand and were Secretary for the time bein.g.i ent from Alliston, Beeton, looking forwvard ta giving the The meeting was turned over Camp Borden. McKerrow, Mill- best haspitality possible wher ta Mrs. Wheeler, the Missionary brook, and. Swastika. in ail the Town is hast ta several hun- convenor, who gave us an ex - about 300 boys, between 'the dred future hockey "greats" cellent talk on Japan her peo- ages ai eight and fourteen, ta- during Easter halidays in this pie and religion. Mrs. Qua-1 ehr with their trainers and the Centennial Year of the trill compared a train ride in managers, invaded Alliston. Town of Bawmanville. Japan with one here which was The games were piayed bet- quite interesting. Lunch ilpm Th served afterwards. lenthusiasmn and good skating Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Durward, and playing that these young- Sunderland, and two boys, with boys put into their garnes was f n g r Mr. an Mrs.Quantrili, Sun- îndeed electrifying. The games dav. BrrmTe n w were closelyv played, and the daughters, Sudbury, with his finals of the Junior A it taok mother, Mrs. S. McMillen arnd 22 minutes af aver-time for the Mr. McMillen on Satu-day, RCAF Camp Borden team tao- S11eMore Active In Groups Women should be encaurag- ed ta take a mare active part in farm organization said On- tario Farm Forum when the v discussed the topic Ladies and Gentlemen on March 10. The Forums agreed that wonicn should not only participate in meetings but they should have! the appartunity ta take office if they bave the time and abil- ity. They pointed out when ai woman is interested in attend- ing farm meetings. she is bet- ter equipped ta help her hus- band because she understands his problems and can discuss, them with hlm. Programmes ai special inter- est ta wamen, ladies.nights, in- vitations ta wives on notices. ai meetings, women on planning committees for meetings were ail suggestions irom the For- ums as ideas ta encourage wives ta attend meeting. t Jwas mentioned that W7omse' Institutes and Farm Forumrs have helped teach women how; ta participate in meetings. Some Forums said that men aiten aren't as interested in their organizations as they should be, and when the wom- en's interest is aroused, it is aiten her enthusiasmn that gets hlm ta attend meetings more regularly. In order ta give Iwomen a chance ta, serve in office, same Forums suggested it would be a good idea ta have a man and woman alternate for each term ai office. Many ai the Forums express- ed the opinion that women were as interested in farm or- ganization ar the men but were content ta sit back and not take an active part. Some ai the groups sugges'ted it would be beneficial ta the cammunity if women also took a greater in- terest in municipal affairs, such as school boards, municipal gov- ernment and hospital boards. In the cases where there are children, it was suggested that there could be baby-sitting fa- cilities, nursery facilities or su- pervised recreation sa the chul- dren could be brought along -ta thie meeting andi let the mo- ýe ther take part in the discussion. e Teenage Bowling 3. Saturday afternoon, the twxo 1, top teams won their games in e the boys' section. Lowell High- f ield's outiit still holds top spot as a resuit ai its 5-2 win over i Larry Piper's team. Ken Park's crew blasted Alvin Masterson's team 7-0 ta stay within range oi Highiield. The Thompsans held the spotlight, as Ben Thompsan rolled the high single game ai 247, and Larry Thampson had the high three game score ai 648. Team Standing L. Highfield. 53; K. Parks, 45; L. Piper, 31; A. Masterson, 25. High averages: L. Highfield, 185; K. Park, 183; L. Piper, 1839; B. Thampson, 182; D. Bagnell, 181; D, James, 179; J. Clark, 179; H. Rundie, 176; W. Ther- tell, 174; D. Skirk. 173. Girls' Section In the girls' division, Carole Oke's team, although stili tied in -points for iirst place, was finaliy displaced in total pins by Virginia Brown's bowlers. Eleanor Pickard's teamn upset Oke by a decisive 7-0 margin, while last-place Barbara Brown's outfit went dlown ta a 5-2 loss ta Virginia Brown. Barbara Brown rolled a fine I 244 game ta take honors for high single and Virginia Broýr J kept the Brown's name al:bej with her 576 triple. JTeam- standing: V. Brown, 46;, C. Oke, 46; E. Pickard, 38; B. Brown, 24. High averages: C. Oke, 18.5, V. Brown, 173; B. Bmown, 169; E. Pickard, 158; W. Wilson, 153; D. Akey, 148; J. Leddy, 142, C. Osmond, 140; D. Staîker, 140;I K. McMurter, 138. God is good, and gaod is the reward ai aIl who diligen-Jy seek God. - Mary Baker Eddy. The ablest men in al walks Jlo! lieare rmen of Laith, . Bruce Barton. euge 1iill L wo goals io one. That was quite a feat for nine yerodboys to be continuaus- ly layngfor 60 minutes. In the evening a grand ban- quet was given by the hast What Others Say IIOSTS 0F MEETINGS A lady complained ta us the other day that although the organization she was secretar-V of was bringing in good speak- ers frorn Ottawva and other pla- ces the attendance at its meet- ings was unsatisfactory. To aur mind the reason for this is verv plain and is flot due to the fact that the speakers have ceased ta be appreciated. The trouble is that there are some 54 public or semi-public organizations in this tawn of 3,030. People are tired ta death going ta meetings. - Aimonte Gazette. LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local government autside the city af St. Jahn's will have its 2th anniversary this year for it was not until 1938 that the tawn of Windsor became the first ta be incorporated under the legisiation passed by the Commission of Government. Since then, the number of in- corporated areas has grown ta 65-St. John's News. AIR. B. L. BrRK 13ranch Manager i f ~Congratulations i The Toronto m Dominion Bank on the' op ENING of their Bowmanville Branch RL. TAFT PLASTERING 69 King St. E. tula fions . - STUCCO MA 3-5030 0 0 a 0 The Toronto m Dominion Bank G of their new branch in Bowmanvilfle We are hpnpy tb have laken pari in the complelion of this new, modern building. Higgn EIec fric Lt d. 38 King Si. Bowmanville MA 3-5438 I THE TORONTO,,-DOMINION BANIK opens a new brandi at 37 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ont. W. hope you will be able to corne ta our Open Hanse and look over aur new prernises. Bring your family and friends. A warrn welcome awaits you. Mr. B. L. Burk, manager of this new branch, wi11 bave as; bis special guests, Bis Worsbip Nelson E. Osborne, and Byron S. Vanstone, former Chairman of the Board of "The Bank" and a native of Bowrnanville, to participate in the apening cereniony. Mfr. Burk and bis staff will be on hand and are hoping, ta meet you Personally. Experienced in ail phases of banking, Mr. Burk brings te bis new post many years of banking experience gained with "The Bank" since 1946. He bas served at branches throughout Ontario and Quebec, and was accountant of the Brockville Brancb frorn 1953 until tbis most recent appointment If vou are unable ta attend on Saturdav afternoon, plan to visit us soon. Enjoy tbe courteous, personal service that makes your Toronto-Dominion Bank a friendly place ta do business. Our Principal Services Savinuo Accossit Current Acceourtu Joint Accotants geank-by-Maîi TreveII.ri' Choque. money Tranî Sofety Deposit LX"s Personal and Business tocat NHA Mortgug Leoani Hanse Improvement Loan Wight Deposifory Parm luprovemeni Loaus Foreign Exchsange S.eUrlieboucht end Sold Louler$ of Credht Sofo1e.pine Congratulations... to THE TORONTO - DOMINION BANK on the Opening ai their new hranch in Bowmanville W., A. KILPATRICK PLUMBING AND HEATING ON THE OPENI 0F THEIR NEW BRANCH IN BOWMANVI LLE TEMPERANCE ST. Jackson Bros. Builders Ltd. 20 BA RETT ST. PORT HOPE TORONTO-DOMINION c THE BANK THAT L-OOKS AHEAD W THE, li= 1 TIEM CARADUN STATESMAN. BOW74ANVffýLE. ONTAIUD qbàoqlp lm"» m lWo men Should

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