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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1958, p. 3

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un , PAGr TJIREU Festi'vc, of Music PalSDR!r:eswr conducted at Kedron on Sun- W iII eatue Seviceday afternoon, with the sermon ~ i * Doffering wifl be taken forth ,At armoy UntedM. and M. fund. 1 service will also be held AFestiV,,ia,,- Easter Music wl be augmented by several' in Kedron Church on Good Fni- has been p elb.v Ross S. guest singers, some from this. day evening at eight o'clock for Metcalf, A.R.cI>, organist and district, and Mrs. Albert Cole, the two congregations of Col- choirmaster of H4armony Unit- A.T.C.M.. Bowmanville, wil umbus and Kedron. The film *) ed Church, for the even *ing ser- be the accompanjst. "Judgment and Crucifixion" vice on Easter Sunday at 7 p.m. Mrlb reetd uscb h Mr. Meteaif is also Supervisor MrT Kiemi Hambourg, A.R., chairs, and eiders of both of Music for the South Dar- C.T., a violinjst well known to churches will assist in Ieading lington School -Area and well Bowmanville. will contribute a. worship. know inBowanvîîeforhisgraup of violin solos and assist This week, Rev. R. H. Rick- muswil otribuin formany with violin obligato in a vocal adwill use as Morning Devo- organizations. soo MrHmiougha e n iÇs themes-on Monday, "Si- heard in concerts here and. mon, the Cyrenian": Tuesday, Mr. Metcalf and his choir wilî taught violin classes in the "Dismas the Penitent", Wednes- present a short Lenten cantata, public schools. He is teaching a,"h Un ow Slde: "'The Story of Calvary" by P. violin in Peterborough schools Thday, Th"Mar- Slie" A.Snecker, and a program of at present. Thrdy Mrf, Mother of Jesus", and on Friday, "Joseph Easter anthems, duets and solos. Rev. N. Holmes will ot give of Arimathea". These Passion Soloists in the cantata will be a sermon in the evening. Other Week devotions take place each Mrs. William MarshLill, sa- than the Scripture reading, the' morning at 9.15 over Station prano, Mrs. M. Devers, con- service will be entirely given CKLB. tralto; Mr. E. Maycock, bass; aver to music. The C. K. Doubles Club are Mr. C. King, tenor. The choir sosrn aiyNgtwt hsi stialofe aseMu pot- luck supper at Kedron, on AirsRail or Steamshippresente U on Friday evening, April 11. ir R Ki E TrStasi Good Friday evening at 8 p.m.~ The "Bunny Hop" held in T1 EVEYWHS in Hampton United Church. Kedron Community Centre on TO EVEYWHERENo doubt many fromn this Saturday evening was attend- Consult1 area will avail themselves Of! ed by 38 teen-agers. This was J [U R Y & L 0 V E L L the opportunity of atternding the first in a series of social 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 either on Good Fniday or Sur.- evening being arranged for this Bowmanville day evening ta hear this spe- age group by Committee Mrs. _______________________ cial service of Easter music. B. Reeves, Mrs. L. Tregunna, and Mrs. M. Mountjoy. Following the final presen- tation of Musicana '58 in Han- mony Church Hall on Friday evening, the Junior Farmers ap- preciated the coffee party serv- ed them by members of the Harmony Couples Club. The~ County choir members and .... ..... .. .. .friends also enjayed the hospi- * . ~tality of Mr. and Mrs. Murray ro ..... . Mountjoy at their home, when f( a "Sock" dance and other re- t e - creation formed the program. ~ tRepresentatives of the CBC were present at Harmony ta record the "Musicana" numbers for broadcasting in the near future. - As President of Ontario ».' County Holstein Association, .~Harold Werry and Mrs. WerrvlF were amang guests at the an- nual banquet of York Countv( radio faine as the featured THE BEST 0F CAR E! Mr.F Sodnv bie er hE Even the finest watch should be cleaneci bas been ili in Bowmanville Is:i General Hospital. Pa and oled at Ieast once a year. Neglect today- Mn. and Mrs. Murton Wal- bui trnrrw.ter and Dorothy visited Mr. t may mean.costly repairbil o row and Mrs. Clarence Allen, New-1's Uet tu inspect your watch. It's worth a few moments castie, priar to Mr. Allen's de- Cc parture with Mr. Jack Arnott, îf of your trne to find ont whether aII's weiI. on an extended trip to Califor- in Thee'sno hare o obigtio fo ths srvienia and other Western points. th Ther'e n chrge r oligaionfor hisservce.Several Maxwell's ladies en- bo fly ot drop in today? jayed the Northminster Fash- to ion Show of last week, when ca little Misses Joan 0gle and bo In servicing your Shelley Fisher were among the ca Bu lova Watch .. . we use youthful models. onl GNUNE ULVAThe Night of Cards at Max- in onlyGENUNE BLOVAwell Heights School was a high- gil FACTORY PARTSI ly successful event on Tuesday cie evening with 144 players at 35 d tables. Prizes were awaded for , .high euchre scores to Reg. frc Harding, Fred Goodman and aw SLean Wright, with additional Ch M RRES prizes ta Mr. Wood and Mrs. ( M. McGregor. President o h i J~w LL R YAssociation, Mrs. Kenneth La thc JEWELLERYSalle, drew the namnes of other1 King St. WN. Bowmanville lucky winnens, including A. Le- Se Blanc, M. Bnisco, S. Hanna, sti Mrs. J. R. Backus, Mrs. M. - Bickle, Merton Walter, Fred jor Wood, Russell Lindsey, Norma Bentley, Mrs. Ann Dunford, ce Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Wad- Ru dington, Mrs. Donald Souch, Mrs. Greta Larmer, Mrs. Carl E ASTE RBradley, Mrs. D. Harnden, Mrs. è R Fà « IE RJoan Pollard, Mrs. J. Milîs, and P. Campbell. President Mrs. La Salle ex- 1 m V ORII7L tended a warmn welcome and Civ appreciation ta thase wha at- wit tended, and to the many donors Wa. of the prizes-also ta the So- hor cial convenon, Mrs. Betty I lac( Brosand her assistants, Mrs.j an V L'1 ~ '>~ « ltAnd TayoR. i ieî ..........r__ ho er ~ OnMac 6b h girls at the h elÏc office of Geaeral Printers, where Mar( Miss Bryant is employed toak er the bride and ber mothen ta mun "Sandalwood" fan a lavely din- largE ner. They later pnesented ber and Iwith an electric steam iran and Choi kettle. Hard s .On March lOth Mrs. Wm, son Barer,245Windsor Ave., Osha- Con. Necklaces - Earrings - Etc. wa, was24hastess at a kitchen Be shower; 18 neighbours wene colle, present. The bride received East( $1. 0 i many useful kitchen gifts. en ~M W W U ~On Marcb l3th Misses Pat by ti SM arr and Judy Goodman gave press Donna a miscellaneous sbower thar] Also Large Assortnient of. at Miss Manr's home. Several cellei FEATHER EAIRRINGS sn n iends wleevepne Co and was spent playing games and ten5 an jcontests. for 1 On March l7tb, Mrs. Ray es Other Glamorous CotmBlwluL.igdon, 250 Baldwin St., Oh-w Cosume~e eiirywa, entertained appnaximately know Se u idwfor Large Display 10 neighbours. They presented the c' See ur indw IMiss Bryant that evening witb stron an aluminum ironing board and for1 accessanles. muni On Mrcb l8th The Salvation muni Armyhelda Carps shawer for Sui M *R R the bride. Approximately 35 Il a.r KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLÉ Miss Bryant received manv interý Unti 9 prn.beautifui gifts at these showers! lSundi Open Tbursday Ei'ening Utl9pm for wvhich she expressed her d ca '. appreciation. a rec Married ln St. Andrew's Pictured following their marriage which took place in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Bowmanville, recently are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goshl. The bride is the aormer Joan McCoy, sister of Mr. E. M. McCoy of Burke-' ton. The bride and groom are both of Oshawa. -Photo by Gannet Beifry, Oshawa __ The annual Sunday School Girls LearnFilm Festival will be beld at Canton on Tuesday, Apnil 8tb 7:30 p.m. Teachers and Fine Points chiidren, are asked ta epeet Mr.Vera Anderson left by bson Fi'iday to visit her broth- Of M a eui( Mn. anid Mrs. Eph Holdawa'y a ii4aeu adfamiiy at Dtot h a On Mrch 6th n Oio!iomet at Windsor by ber son Mn. On Mrch 6th ii OonoNeil Anderson whene after a rown Hall the Junior Farmens nest she continued the trip by .eld thein Manch meeting. auto with Neil. After a bnief The meeting opened with a visit Neil returned to Windsor îng sang. During the business Ita resume teaching. During art the treasurer's repart for vacation lie expects ta spend a 1957 was given. It. was decided few days with relatives in De- ýinvestigate the. possibiiity of trait before ireturning home ;eling mail box signs. Jim with bis mothen. ýoombes was appointed ta sc Mrs. William McHolm was a .the quartet would participate guest last weekend of Mn. and n the evening programme at Mrs. M. McHolm, Weicome. îe Spring Seed Show in Peter- Miss Beckett bad dinner. witb )oough. Members were asked Mrs. F. Cornish, Pont Hope. ,apply for their bîrth certifi- stes at the same time as thev The lovely spring weather of )ought thein 1958 membership last- week certainiy stanted irds. things moving. Storm doors and The pnogram was divided windows came off. wood piles nto boys and girls sections. The made tidy, papenhangers and iris leanned how ta apply fa- painters wene in demand and ai makeup correctiy.. This obnoxious weeds and grass of tmonstnation was put on bv last summer burned off. Seems ns. Gnose and Mis. Brownkr.' h ke we ail have that lavely rom Beauty Counselor in Osh- Spring feeling. va. The boys heard Mn. Jack' 'hambens, fieldman for Purina peak ta them on animal ti- in, He aiso showed a film a .e same subjeet. Is P Mrs. Steeves the District ecretary for the Women's In-p1 itute, told the girls about Jun-i )r Institutes. A vote was taken -favour of fonming one. The meeting closed with ne- reatian led by Richard and .iby Van Camp. K E PONTYPOOL Mn. Fred Youngman is in th a hadiy fractured leg. Fred as working on a roof at the: mre of W. J. Boggs wvhen the A UT M T Uder siipped. He underweîît iaperatian on Satunday and hl be laid up for at least eight :____ eeks. I The stork bas been making ___ tular calîs ini aur village. No ortage of cigars in the village centby. Vins. Grace Burk was taken hospitai again necentiy. No sign of any necession at chardson's Garage as several vw cars have been sold necent- . The Liberal meeting xvas bet- .attended on Wednesday ening. A bounteaus lunch is served by some of the W.A.I mbens.. )ver 100 boxes of groceries ýre sold at good prices Satun-I yat C. Fallis' auction sale. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and! ýe visitons in the village, Sat- I lay. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gary, Toron-! were recent visitors in aur' MORPLRISH egulan cbunch service wasi Id at 10 a.m. on Sunday, rch 30. This was a pne-East- service witb Holy Com- nion. Thene was a much *er congregation than usual 1all mrembens of the Junior; in were present. Rev. A. W. rding officiated and Mn. Daw- 1Beebe assisted during the mmunian Service. Mr. Hary ýkett and Mn. Genald Byens lcted the offerings. An' Ier anthem "This Glad East- Day" was very niceiy sung; the choir. Mn. Harding ex- sed bis appreciation and nks ta the choir for their ex-> mt rendering of this laveiy hem. :ntinuing the theme of Len- sermans Mn. Harding took bis lext "Ye shall be wit- ses unto me." As Christians are called upan ta ac- vledge Christ as the head of' church and ta stand as true, îg and faitbfui witnesses Him at ail times. Com- ion follawed with 30 com- iicants. unday School was beid at i.m. There were 53 prescrnt. ;as canducted by the Super- ident Mrs. Fred MeConneil. dav iîexi will hc assistant' It is he-ped lhere wili bc :ord attendance at 11 a.m. ' N EWTON VILLE Ruby Reid, William Stapleton,SA E NEWTONVILE CecilStapleton, Mrs. WillisSA E Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Miss Evelyn Huggins under- Farrow. Communion servicc *%vas held went an appendix operation at Newtonviîîe W.A. at church an Sunday, Miss Ger- Memonial Hospital, Bowman- da Cnaig sang a lovely solc, ville, an Friday. The March meeting of the '*The Palms." The ouse old effe ts o th W om en's Institute w as eld in lTheuehVc o alson erfe tis- 26tb School room, March Salem W.A. hwld their March poedVico Muon aturda. sLloyd with Mrs. Jack Elliott's meeting at the home of Mrs. S. posed of o Saturdav.Lloyd Butery. The preiet r.E C l y s a l e w a s t h e a u c i o n e n . g r au p i n c h a r g e o f t h e d e v o - B t e i e t r . E Clysalewastheaucioner. tional program. Mns. Edgerton Twist. conducted the busioiess. Congratulations ta Mrs. Joel, read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton- and her Workman who will be 87 on[ Ms. T. Henderson the leaflet group were in charge of mneet- Apnîl 7th. She still lives on:ý and pray'er. îng. An Easter devotional ser- the home place and her daugh- 1 The minutes were read b vice \vas given with Mrs. R._ ter, Miss Lublie Workman lives:b Shackleton, Mrs. E. Twist. Mrýs. with her. aur new secretany, Miss Ine7 Gerald Shackleton. taking part. 1 Gardon, replacing Mns. Wm Several Eastcr hymns were Mrs. Gilmer Smith eiitered, Reid who bas moved ta O nana. sn.~ Gro hclt Memonial Hospital, Bowman- Anniversary services ta be hel gave a humorous readiîig on ville, on Monda.) for a check~ Sunday, May' 25th, 7.30 p.m. the niew fashions for this vear. up. Moved by Mns. M. Jones, sec- Several thank Yo cards were Cangratulations ta Mn. Cecil onded by Mrs. S. Lancaster, a read fromn those who had re- Henderson and Miss Venna saiad supper follow an the Wed- ceived flowers. A social tinie Wright of Tyrone, who were nesday evening, May 28th. Comn- was enjoyed aften the mneeting. marnied on Saturday, March mittee ta arrange fon saame, M 29t. Rev. S. J. Pike f Onon- Mrs. M. Jones, Ms. C. Farrow, Misses Grace Blackburn, Mar- daga. officiated. Mrs. Arnold Wade, Ms. W' ion Buttey, Bea Craig and M. and Mrs. Arnold Wade, Wood. Waneta Young spet Satuirdpv Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Mrs. W. Jones, Mrs. S. Lan- in Toronto and visited M\iss and M. and Ms. Geo. Hen- caster take cae of ordering the Doeen Richards in Toronto desn, attended the Hender-1 chuch. envelpes, and tickets General Hospital. san-Wright nuptials at Tyrone 1 fan the supper. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Fole «v, on Saturay. W.A. ladies agreed ta pay o r adMs . oe.xee Thene was a splendid turnout tank full of ail, $51 for the Sunday visitons with Mn. and on Palm Sunday when the fol- chuncb. On motion of Mns. A. Mns. E. Twist. Iowing were addled ta the mem- Wade and Mrs. W. Cox. Mrs. Farewell Blackburn is a bership of Newtonville United Moved by Mrs. J. Elliott, sec- patient in Memorial Hospi4al Church: By transfer - Mrs. netar îv Mrs. Pearce, $37 be paid foliowing an operation. Best James Caswcll. Wesley Eliiott,i towand the projector and screen wishes for a speedY rccover-\. Mrs. Roy Best, Mns. Wilfned whîch Rev. White had punchas- A numben froin- here ejx Cax. B-y profession of faith -' ed for the circuit. Corntz-A-Polppin at the Tow~n Jean Best, Canalyn Ciysdale, Following benedictian. M-s hall iast voeek. Doris Clysdale, Carol Reichrath, W. Cox gave an interesting talk ___________ Mr. and Mrs. Raymnond Shaw, on ber recent Christmas trip Mn. and Mns. Kenneth Clarke, ta California, and showed us The year 1957 saw Caniad'an John Howard Walkey,, Mrs. many beautiful pictures. Pacific Airlines inaugurate Reid Wood. Mns. Fred Saun- A deliciaus lunch was served three new international serv'ices ders, George Stapleton, Mrg. by Mrs. Elliott and hen gnoup. 1-ta, Spain and Chue. (P4?es wîithout filling T itim moderns thrive on light food and drink. And today's Pepsi, neyer heavy, neyer too sweet, keeps right along with this trend. Pepsi reiresiies witliotit filling. Remember tu pick up a supply Loday. letp Buy it in the handy 6-bottle carton SMITH REVERAGES LTD., 124 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. I I TirTTPRý1A'V. APRTT. Ir&, 195 -.~--i I 1 L., TIM CANADTAW STATLFSNLAN. ROWNIAWVffLllt IMIMAIM

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