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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1958, p. 10

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PAGE TEN 'I£ f!NATTW T 9 A 1 UAMýlT .9'rF' Â 1LILJ 1 rII Ij.ILE IP EDITORIAL Ne wcastle Coun cil Resents Un favorable Daily Pub lîcity Due to Fire in Newtonville Failure of the Clarke Township Council ta make el any provision for f ire protection for any of its citizens i Murray Walton of the Rockets outside of Orono bas caused much unfavourable publicitv who ended at the top of the for the Village of Newcastle because of the refusai of this' schedule. In presenting this ta cntiue t be"th goa" i suplyig f f~ tnophy, Mr. Rîckard expressed village tcotnet e"h otinsplngfee fire l the ho pe that the coaches migbt protection for Township residents, while leaving local j be able to award this trophy in taxpayers unprotected. ! future to the best aIl around The people of Newcastle are in complete sympathy team in the league, not neces- wit th Netonill failyupo whm tagey sruc insailv the team winning the withtheNewtnvile amil upn whrn ragd Vol-uc ost games but taking into the early hours of last Friday morning. Even the co-eonsideration attendances at unteer Fire Brigade and members of the village council, games, low penalty score, res- who were painted as "hard hearted" by the daily papersl pect for coaches and referees, and radio newscasters, are interested in preventing such 1etAc. rpy oatdh tî,gic events as we shhpoentisaic.I the Merry Marnied Couples' The writer, having reported most of the counicil, Club for the înost outstandînq, meetings in this village over the past 10 years, can vouch 1 goalie in the league was pnes- fortheman ties he ewcstl Fie Dparmen hs ernted by the president of the for he anytime th Necaste Fre eparmen h club, Ross Allun to George Rick- been called out ta fires in this township over the years ard who played bis finst year wihthe promise the fee would be paid. It was distressing as a goalie. Aceording ta the ta hear read, at a later council meeting, a letter listing chairman he was the. choice of h te i qustin nt b orwh coaches and piax-ers in the. excuses of whyth partyinqeto was ntae, o h league xithout exception as the hie shouldn't be asked ta pay and, in other cases, down- outstanding goalie of the league. riiht refusai ta take any responsibility for payment. Fires The Sportsman's Club Tro- of'this nature in whîch the department has been reimburs- pby awarded to the most im- proved player of the season ed, even partîally, over the past 10) years, could be counted w as presented ta Timmy Gray on the fingers of one hand. Stili the calls cantinued and by Paul Delaney on bebaîf of the department responded until two years ago when the club. council ruled the f ire pumper must not leave the village Mn. Jack Eilbeck, of the Re- excet i repone t muualaid cils fom thr dpat 1creation Branch of the Ontario excet i resons tomuuui c~~s ror otier Ât~arLDepantment of Education, spoke ments in the area.' veîy briefiy congratuiating the. Some five years ago the Newcastle Council went boys and their coaches for the ta considerable trouble and expense hax'ing agreement fine nesuits being attained in forins prepared and printed and advertised in local papers Newcastle. He stated hockey is sso at the crossroads right now and askirig anyone in the township south of the 4th Concessin these young boys bold the key wishing f ire protection ta sign the agreement which would as to wbether the game ad- give the fire department location of the property, location vances to give more enjoyable and amount of water supply, etc., and guarantee of payment netimtorfdsno f or f ighting f ires at an hourly rate. Only f ive residents in He urged the boys to observe this large area, which includes Newtonville, were inter- the rules and to remember that ested enough ta bother ta sign this agreement, yet the referet. is the judge and numeouscall frrn his reahavebee reeive sicebis decision should always be numeouscais fom tis reahav bee reeivd snceaccepted without objection. He for fire protection. said if the boys would respect Some two years ago, when Newcastle was con- their coaches and Play the game sidering the purchase of some new equipment, a joint we wouid be seeing tbem play- meeting of the Newcastle and Clarke Couneils was held. ing on television in the years Newcastle pWfposed the forming of a "fire area" where Mr. Eilbeck also urged 'the Newcastle would supply the men and equipment for the parents ta attend as many dcnoartment with ail taxpayers in the area (township and games as possible to encourage village) being taxed equally for the costs, and supplying the boys and brougbt the pro- gram to a close witb the show- protection for the whole area, similar ta other plans now ing on the screen o! a film of in operatian throughout the province. The Clarke Council the bigbiights of the 1957 Stan- would have no part of this plan so at the next regular ley Cup series between Boston meeting the village council passed the regulation forbid- and Montreal. uîng LteUJdeartment LU aiiwer callIs uL51Ud Lthe village. These are the true facts concerning the reason for the Newcastle Fire Department's refusai to answer the cail to Newtonville last week and we challenge the daily papers and radio newscasters ta give the truth the same coverage they gave the story of Newcastle's refusai ta give aid the morning of the fire. AIL three Toronto dailies telephoned Councillor Frank Hoar, Chairman of the Fire Committee, the day of the fire and were given the reason for the refusai but failed ta include this information in their sensational stories. When the truth cornes out the story is no longer scnsational. Present Many Trophies Min or Hockey Banquet Prepared by Mothers The Lions Room of the New- castle Community Hall, taste- fully decorated, formed a love-j ly setting for the second annual, banquet of the players of the Newcastle Minor H o c k e y League, their fathers and guests on Tuesday evening. Place caîrds, made to order for the occasion complete with hockexv sticks. were used for the guests while miniature hoc- ke ' sticks complete with tape aild prinited "'Newcastle Minor lck-y1957-58" were set at the place ofaeach boy as a sou- venir These sticks were made and( clonated for the occasion by Mr. Ross Cobbledick. Douglas Walton, chairman of IS YOUR EAVESTROUGHI Ready for SPRING CALL GOULD HEATING NEWVCASTLE 4331 the Newcastle Recreation As sociation who sponsor thi league, was the chairman fc the evening and introduced th, guests following the deliciot. dinner o! ham, scalloped pota toes, corn and peas plus a largi choice o! loveiy homemade pif, prepaned and senved by th, mothers of the players. A vote of thanks ta the moth ers was moved in gloxing term by Don Colwill and was second ed by Irvin McCuilough ne presenting the fathers. Thiý was responded ta by Mrs. D. J Cunningham on behaîf of thE Mothers. Reeve Cunningbarn spoke briefly saying he wa! samewhat disappointed in th( progress made in hockey thi! year. This was not the fault oý the boys, he said, but rather th( facilities we bave for them. H( said he was tnying ta promoti artificial ice for the arena anc hopes it will be supported b.Y the people. He said money in- vested in artificial ice for thi arena is moneY invested in in- surance against juvenile deliîî quency. The tropby for the boy hav- ing the higbest scoring record for the season, donated by the Newcastle Sportsman's Clul: was presented by Mn. Paul De- laney ta Verne Rowe. The R. B. Riekard Trophy for the best team was presented ta Coach~ PROCLAMATION Daylight Saving Time STARTS SUNDAY, APRIL 27 at 2 ar. By authority of a resolution passed by the Couincil of the Village of Newcastle 1 request al citizens of the village to observe Daylight Saving Tine from 2 a.m., Sunday, April 27th, until further notice. Please set your dlocks and watches one hour ahead at this tiine. #~ D. J. Cunningham, Reeve, Village of New castle. -GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 's Dr e 's ye s J. ýe Is e c Executive of Rural League U Ail Re - Elected ho NEWCASTLE - The South Durham Rural Basebaîl Leaguen opened its 1958 season witb a t banquet in the St. Lawrence r Hotel, Port Hope, when thea 1957 Executîve composed ofP President Arnold Wade, New- tonville; Vice-Presdent Milton Walker, Newcastle, and Alan0 Holdaway, Port Hope, was re-S elected by acclamation. it Three entries were received 0 to date, Newtonville, Welcome. and Grafton with Newcastle andb Coiborne as possible additional c entries. April 29th was set as ai the final date for making entries i into this league and a further t meeting was called for this date b at the St. Lawrence Hotel, Port t Hope, at 8 p.m., to make furth- ai er plans for the season and c make arrangements for drawing ,t up the schedule. ai There was considerable dis- ai cussion on the subject of play- cc ing home and home games with teams in the North Durham League in an inter-IockingI schedule but no definite action tO was taken on this mnatter wbicb in will probably lie on the agenda A for the next meeting. n ewc cS?ýoca/and1 y Mr. and Mrs. Joe GriffithsJ -and baby of Hamilton xvene v e Easter holiday weekend guests1 di -with Mn. and Mrs. H. S. Bnit-' ton.1M Master Neil Voutt spent a I portion of bis 'Easter bolidays ti a nToronto visiting with Mn. V and Mns. Sidniey Byam and sen R Terv. A Misses Diana and Isobel tl, tPearce spent the xeekend in ri Port Hope visiting with their ol aunt and uncle, Mn. and Mrs.. ai Sam Sculthrope.m Mr. and Mns. Bob Selby and b( famil-.' wene Sunday visitonsi with Mrs. Carl Selby and Don- G een. U! Mr. and Mrs. George Lewins mr and Mvrs. Overy of Bowman- ville visited with Mr. and Mrs. te DM.Bernard and Erie on Sat- d y ave\-ening. M Their granddau.ghter Jaie W Bitton of Belleville and Mrs. W. H. Wakelin and Miss Judiih Fr c*el f Port Hope, soient iast M wek vîsitihg wý,ith MVr. and Mrs. H-. S. Britton. g Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Byamn it') and Terry of Toronto and Mn. hj and Mrs. Leslie Kinnell o! of Lnsav were Surida 'v visitons an Lind Mn. and Mrs. John Voutt fir afarniiv. Mnr. and >Mrç,. !'. L. Agnew and thi Mirs. E G. 'i:-ook cf Petcrb,-r-,%wý ohMr. qic M-Z . .B.1 I1 lAgnem. of M.lýlbrock and MnI. jM4 and Mis, Hi. C. Agnew and son 1sa A nnual "Reports Heard JWl Officers Elected ISOLINA-The Womnen's In-1 Phon ~91stitute met on Thursday after- Phone 3621 noon, Mrs. E. R. Taylor, presi-1 dent, in the chair. The treasur-i balance of $138.63. The group àIwill be notified of the Etn Reporti ho s sion Course at a later date.i L ibrary Had Mrs.Ewart Leask and Mrs. this matter and decide whether ~Active Year or flot to Priiae Pearl Leach reported that5 The annual report of the the wvoollens have been sent, Newcastle Memorial Library away for blankets, eetc., Mrs.t shows that 8,860 books have Harvey Ye1lowlees~ as leader been loaned for home use dur- of the Girl's Club spoke brief- ing 1957 and approximately 500 iy of their work. A donation of reference books were used in $ 15.00 will be forwarded to the the library. There were 291 3lst, 172 aduits and 119 ehild-E1A ET IT T ren. There were 2,771 boys' and E IA E H IL girls' books loaned during the year xith adults taking out 1 - Congratulations to Mr. and( 824 classed books and 4,265 fic- Mrs. Henry Shepherd on theE tion books. arrivai of another grandson,( After discarding. 61 books in so of Mr. and Mrs. Haroldt 1957 the library had on han d Shepherd.1 December 3lst, 1,562 adult Mrs. Culpack is ill in bed. classed books, 3,381 adult fie- j Hope she is soon up again. tion books and 2,164 boys' and! The W. I. held another eu- girls' books for a total of 7,- chre party at Mrs. Violet Wal- 107. ter's on Friday nîght. Nine ta- Nineteen fifty-eight members bles were played. of the Memorial Library Board; Misses Joan and Carol Elliott, are Reeve Douglas Cunning- shawa. with Miss Gloria, ham: Chairman, C. R. Carveth;j Quantrili for the weekend. t Secretar-y, John Nesbitt; Treas- IMiss Darlene Thickson wîth urer, Miss Lillian Aiken, and Miss BerylTikoTrno Mrs. M. Walton, Mrs. M. C for a few days.t Fisher and J. C. Porter. Mrs. H. Thickson is in To- FinncalStaemnt ronto General Hospital for at Receipts cekp Balance from 1956 ---- $ 545.74c Municipal grant ---- - 861.00<)LNAl Prov. Govt. grant ---- 648.09a Fees. fines, etc------ 70.06~ The C.G.I.T. group enter-E Bond interest 22.75 tained their mothers at their Refund --- 9.47 meeting on Wednesday evening. t - - Pat Davis led the worship ser- C Total -------- $2,157.11 vice, Mrs. R. Fraser favoredn Dishursements with vocal solos with self ac-0 companiment on the guitar. An i Adult classed books $ 132.65 interesting talk of her three0 Boys' and Girls' books 169.69: months' holiday in Tampa,y Aduit fiction books ----- 252.821 Florida, was given by Mrs. S..1 Periodicals and E. Werry. Many beautifiilg Newspapers 106.55; scenes were viewed by thea Insurance--------- 5.00' group on postcards. Durîng the s Rent ---------------------- _360.00 social hour Pat Knox and Di-n Cards and Stationery - 19.09 anne Tink led in games. The f Express--------------------- 3.65 leaders served refreshments.d Salary -------- 520.00) Next meeting will be on Apriln Book supplies---- 23.16 26. Membership fees 5.30 Bradley's Community Club Gifts and flowers 44.00 will meet on Friday evening, Miscellaneous -------- 10.75 April 18. Mr. and Mrs. George Cash on hand Dec. 31 Wolfe of Blackstock, will show 1957 ---- ------ - .504.52 pictures of Ireland. Music by -the school. The meeting will Total _________$2,1r,7 il begin at 8.30 o'clock. Mrs. Stan Milîson presideda for the missionary program onT Sunday afternoon. Neil Tinkh 1 gave an Easter recitation and i Anne Werry favored with a piano solo. a Mr. Rudd of the Bible Socie-a Mr. . Agewfilm at the church service. This Mr. . Agewtold how the Bible came to New Editor, Guinea and how the natives0 The Newcastle Indiependent treasure their Bibles. Dear Sir: Mrs. Gordon Edye, Sharon, n, 1 have read your articles ôn Dawn and Frances of Norwood, e the Hîgh Sehool question with Man., were weekend guests of great interest. I arn îost to Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey. S understand why the Area Board Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees is W has not answered the "Open spending a week with her sis- le Letter" published in your paper ter, Miss Ida Reynolds in To- onMarch l3th. ronto. h 1i2Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellow- ir Knowing some of the board lees and Murray, were Sunday rnembers 1 cannot understand tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. pý the decision they have made in Br-yce Brown and children, B regards to the site. As fair backOsa . as 1949 or 1950 Newcastle was Msawa. ly MCrrla promised that, if some of the and Gwen Hancock. Peterbor- h( Eigh Schools were closed, New- ough. visited Mr. and Mrs. Wes P, castle would be the last becauseHiîan faiy of the fact we hqd the first High Mr.l and fmrs. E . alo M ichoolin the larea.i s teadof were Sunday guests of Mr. and di tn bleindh. at i steol Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Orono. W me losd.Mr. and Mrs. George Knox cc As fair as a new High School and chi]dren visited Mr. and b( being built, if the board bas any George Hamlin, Oshawa. n onsideration for your money Mr. and r.Bl aec and mine the only place for it Osaa vsd Mr.Band MgeeLc is south of the Third Line w1lere.Osraa vstaed Mr. transportation costs wîll be less, Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice and w because I feel, in the near fu- 1Douglas, Zion, were Sunday a Lure, Orono, Manvers, Cavan ta guests of Mr. and Mrs. cl and Millbrook will need a school _Frank Westlake, Jr., and fam- ar or that area. Let us look to -iîy. 1eé he future for the welfare of Mran s.C s.L g-i ill Le u beconcius hatwemaid and children were Sun- ch re spending public funds. The day tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. ce ,ost of school taxes bas gone D.' Flett and children. bY beyond every taxpayer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and co colud say. b t I ar fot1 ry -M.-nd rs M- .e B - _ e, the late Mr. Knight-'Wili be J "Robbie and Janet Large, emembered by many of the Bowmanville, visited their Ider residents of the village grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. nd the symDathy of the comn- Parrinder. unity will be extended to his Mr. and Mrs. D. Coates and ýreaved sisters. Phyllis, Whitby, were Sunday -Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Le- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan resley returned home on Sat- Milison and sons. rday following a two weeks' Mr. D. N. Spires, Toronto; otor trip to Florida. Mrs. ken James, Sault Ste. Ma- Mr.s. George Allun and daugh- rie; Mrs. J. Law, Thornhill: r Helen, spent a couple of Mrs. R. Bemnis, Oshawa, were lys last week visiting with with Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires on r. and Mlrs. R. W. Magill in Sundav-. 'oodstock, Wedding belis are ringing! Miss Glenda Johnson spent j Correction-The Easter pro- ridav visiting with her friend 1 gram presented in Sundav iss Janie Pollard in Courtice. j School wvas prepared by the Mem bers of the Sigma-C committee in charge of special 'oup meeting in the commun- Iprograms - Mrs. Wes Werry* , y hall on Monday eveningitMrs. Ross Cr.,vderman and Mrs. eard a most favourable report Frank Westlake Jr., and notI asý ftheir first paper collection appeared in the paper b 'Mrs nd after some discussion de- Frank Westlake Jr., and her nitelv decided to make a pa- elass. r collection in the village on Bowmanville Pire Brad ie first Mondax' in each montl- was called to a prasc; fire on .th the next collecti on schedi- the farm of Eber Milîson, b' cd for Monda':, Max S5th com- on arri'.'al the fîre had heç-n iencingz at six p.m. daylight extingui shed by neighbours ving tiune. who bad qulckly rallied. 1.. Canadian Cancer Society, Mrs. Roy Langmaid moved that the Institute be composed of five groups. Mrs. C. Vice read the letter from the Eng- lish sister W.I. Tbe roll caîl, "a Canadian mineral and its use" and pay your fee xvas well answered with two new mem- bers %welcomed. District director Mrs. Wes Yellowlees, presided for the election of officers: President, Mrs. E. R. Taylor; lst vice pre- sident, Mrs. T. Baker: 2nd vice president, Mrs. R. Davis: secre- tary, Mrs. B. Hooey; treasurer, Mrs. H. Milîson; Branch direc- tors, Mrs. G. Heal, Mrs. E. Cry- derman, Mrs. Gordon Leask. Mrs. Roy Langmaid, auditors, Mrs. Wes Hilîs, Mrs. Bruce Taylor*, pianist, (to be decided): assistant, -Mrs. Don Taylor. The reports of the standing committees were well present- ed. Mrs. G. Leask, leader of Group 5 was in the chair for the program. An omitted motto froni a former meeting, "Soi]. like mnan, deteriorates when it is abused"', was commented on by Mrs. Tom Baker who en- larged on the wants o! the soil, e.g. water, cultivation. Simil- ariy, man's mind needs culti- vation at ail times. Mrs. C. Pascoe commented on the current motto "Life is like a garden, it bears the fruit we sow". Txvo gardens given to two diffenent boys were eom- pared. One bo « broke off oni v the paît of the weeds that showed whiie the second one pulled themn out by the rootr. In conclusion, a poem 'Life's, Changing Seenes" was read. Mrs. Don Taylor favored with a piano seleetion "In the Sweet Bye and Bye". Mrs. J. Knox presented the tapie "How Wheat Comes to Dur Table". Grain first made rnen farmers. The eanly meth- ods of cultîvation and process- ing were explained and îneth- ods of grinding throughi the vears were tnaced. As late as, 190,0 stones were stili used for grinding at Orono. Wheat packs a great nutritional value in a small space. The story of the miliing prncess was described from the farm to flour. The different grades of flour xvene named from which comes the- produets of our table. ZION Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Mvr. and Mrs. Adam Hawiey and Catharine, Mr. and Mî's. Tom Sobil were guests at Al- lan Werry's, Enniskillen, Sat- urday nigbt. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Launie, were supper guests at Harry Poloz, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mrs. Paul Sobil Jr., and baby Paul, bave returned home from 1 Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dou'glas Skin- ner and family, Oshawa, visit- ed at Jim Stainton's. Mn. Wilfred Frank, Ottawa, ;pent the weekend with bis wife at Robert Killen's before eaving for Belgium. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton have returned to their home in Peterborough. Mrs. Allan Thompson is a patient in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, for surgery. About 45 fniends, relatives and neighbours gatbered at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Russell Penkins on Thursday evening, March 27, to give them a sur- prise partv on their 4Otb wed- ing anniversary. The bride vas presented with à. lovely corsage and the groom with a boutonniere. Ivan Law, as rnaster of eeremonies called the ompany ta order, and Mrs. Lorenzo Truli read an address in verse to the couple. They were presented with a hassock, asmoker stand, an electric iock and a television lamp. Mn. ind Mrs. Perkins both express- d their tbanks and the even- Ig was spent in cards and bit-chat. A very pretty cake ýentred the table. It was made :y Mrs. Carl Bradley and de- ýorated by Mrs. Lorenzo TrulI., 7k. //ewcad/ 4&p#d# hLd.Eetdwr:Peiet Custom Tree and Wood Cutting Woodlois - Cottage Sites ýe'ILakefronts PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL JOBS For Free Estiniates Phone Collect De CORBETT OSHAWA RBA 5-7645 PRE-CAST CONCRETE - Septic Tanks- - Sidewalk Slabs- -Colo'ured ]Patio Slabs - -Unit Steps - Railings- -Barb-B-Q's- - Curbing - Broolklin Concrete Products LIMITED PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Market Gardeners Fruit, Growers and A Nursery Men! Have you seen Martis New *OLO GARDEN S IMPLEMENTS Here's a big welcome to cail in for a get-acquainfed demonstration at RIPLEY'S Highway 401 and Rickard's Bd. soin Phone MA 3-25B This Saturday, April l9th 1:30 p.m. Look them over, see for yourself the answer to your gardener's problems. See how you can cultivate easier, faster, more econom- ically. T Ilfo Read Professor L. G. Heimpel's "New TÀ o Tillage and Spraying" in last week's issue of The Statesnian on page two. Bowmanville, Maple Grave and Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stainton and Clarke, visited Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and family, Burketon, were at Wes Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stain- ton visited at Albert Balson's Solina. Miss Laurie Stainton spent th7e weekend with ber grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Sternhen. Oshawa. Mrs. Ray Cameron is still a patient at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Variety Concert To Aid Library SOLINA-The vaniety con- cert sponsored by Solina Libra- ry last Friday evening was in the opinion of everyone pres- ent, a decided success. The concert was not promot- ed expressly to make money but to bring to the attention of the public the service a library can mnean to a local communitx'. Rex'. F. Reed, our popular pastor, was chairman. Master Allan Frazer's speech on "Con- servation", the accordion selec- tions by George Macko and Miss Joan Zubkovîch of Oshawa, the solos by Mrs. Lloyd Ayre of Bowmanville, were of a very bigh order and well rendered. Without detracting from the excellence of the above num- bers, special mention must go -to Miss Nan Allun of Toronto for ber pictures of ber Europ- ean tour and splendid commen- tary. The performance of the bag- pipe artist of the Brooklin la- dies Tunebusters' group, was a knockout. Holy Namne Soc. Elect Officers Plan Social The President, Norman Han- nan, presided at -the meeting of the Holy Name Society held on Monday evening at the Union Hall, King Street. The meeting was opened with a prayer by the Rev. F. K. Malane. ,The election o! officers for the coming year, 1958-59 was 1LilSERVICE co. JU338 OMNIL Norman Hannan: Vice-Presi- dent, J. C. Nowlan; Treasurer, Joseph Cuddahee; Secretary. Bert Payne, and Marshall, Don- ald Thompson. A board of con- sultants will be named at a future meeting. Plans were completed for a social evening to be beld by the Holy Name Society on Saturday evening, May 3rd, at the L*~ Community Centre for members of the 1 of!'S. Joseph's Roman %17 Oié ~Church, Bowmanville, affi~ St. John'g Church, NewcasTié. There -xvill be dancing to the music of Jim, Hazelton's orchestra, cards xviii be played and there will be a varied program of entertain- ment. It was decided to hold the Holy Name Soeiety's annual Communion Breakfast on Sun- day morning, May 4th, at il o'clock at the Balmoral Hotel. Dermot Laverty and Tolfr'Mas- terson are in charge of arrange- ments for the event. Turn OId Furniture inboCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFI EDS Phone MA 3-3303 So. TVie *vDLLP> MAI~" THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. nowmAmvmLLF- MNTARM MqT-"Tl:?ýQnÀv A-PIPIT. IFF+It loits, 9 m Etc. Fence Rows m Orchards

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