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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1958, p. 11

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mLtTRSIAY, APRIL l7th, 1958 ____________________________THE±IL ANkAANTATESMAN, IIOWMANVILLL. ONTARIO AE!VW J. Cruickshank of Hampton At Peterh John Cructànk of Hamp <ton was awa -c~d the gi-an( championsbîp in the seeci grai: division of the Central Ontarfi Spring Show on a peck of Roci rney oats that placeci fi-st iu tbg class foi- late or medium varie ties. The special prize xvas ai eiectric fnying paxi.. For the om championsbip be won the $1 prize of the Quaker Oats Cc The champion barlcy wmý thownl...Y Gai-net Rickard o: Bowmarhvillc, a peck of Braný that won a silven trmy. The champion wbeat was o: the Dawbul varicty exhibited b3 Robent Armstrong of Cavan winnen of a $10 prize. In Top Class These thi-ce Dui-bam fmi-merý PUMPS & SOFTENERLI LIMITED PF 92 LON DON CANADJI JACK BRIOUGH PLUMBING and HEATING Division Street South MA 3-5615 BOIVNIANVILLE1 ýoro ugh spi )have been consistently in th ýd top company of the Spring Sho ni for years, and their champior io ships afford new evidence( lthe prominence of their county igrain growers in Central Or tario. n~ Albert Hockley of Claremor tI grew the best entry of potatoe: 0 the old favorite Green Mour . tain variety that won for hir is the $10 prize donated by Peter )f borough Exhibition Board. it The Peck Entries )f Results of the judging of th grain shown in peck lots werE y' Early oats: 1. J. W. Boyd ai Son, Orono, Larrain; 2. Russe] Morrison, Beaverton, Lanark. S Late or medium oats: 1. Johi Cruickshank, Hampton, Rodney 2. Clare Vernon, Port Perry, Nc L2, Garry; 3. Harold Swair Nestieton, Gar-y; 4. Heber Down Brooklin, Rodney; 5. Wayri Hope, Keene. * Winter wheat: 1. Robert Arn *strong. Cavan, Dawbul; 2. Wil liam Curie, Campbellford, Gen essee; 3. Heber Down; 4. Johi Cruickshank; 5. Seymour Han ilton, Belleville; 6. Russeli Mo: rison, Beaverton. Barley: 1. Garnet Rickard * owmanville, Brant; 2. Harol( Swain, Barboff; 3. J. Cruick shank; 4. Robert Armstrong;5 E. Desmond Hay, Campbellford Parkland; 6. R. Morrison; 7.J W. Boyd and Son. Soybeans: Gai-net Rickard only one entry. Rye: E. D. Hay, Tetra Petkus 2. Harold Norton, Claremont Tetra Petkus. . O-Bushel Lots (Registered or Certifled) Qats: 1. J. Cruickshank, Roc. ney; 2. Harold Swain, Rodney 3. R. Mor-îson, Rodney; 4. Ro. bert Armstrong, Rodney; 5. H- Swain, Garry; 6. J. W. Boyd anè Son; 7. Russell Morrison, Beavx erton. Barley: 1. Harold Swain, Barb: off; 2. Garnet Rickard, Barboff 3. J. Cruickshank, Parkland;4 Robert Armstrong, Parkland;5 Arthur Brackenridge, Milîbrool Parkland. Early potatoes: 1. Harold Nor. ton, Claremont, Warba. Intermediate potatoes: 1. Al- bert Hockley, Claremont, Katah- din; 2-. Ivan Norton, Goodwooc, Katahdin; 3. H. Norton, Clare- mont. Late potatoes: 1. A. Hockley, Green Mountain (champion); 2 Milton Weatherilt and Sons, Bethany, Sebago; 3. H. Norton, Claremont,, Sebago; 4. Ivan Nor- ton, Goodwood, Sebago. For New Entries Classes open to farm'ers who had not exhibited at this showA in the last five years. Twelve entr;es. Oats: 1. Keith Page, Uxbridge, No. 2, Gar-y; 2. Jackie Croates, Brooklin, Garry; 3. Normai- Down, Oshawa. Rodney; 4. Hugh Dobson, Uxbridge, Gai-iy; 5. Wayne Hope. Keene No. 1 ; 6. .James Cryderman, Bowman- ville, No. 2. Barley: 1. E. D. Hay, Camp- belîford, Parkland. Winter wheat: 1. Seymnour Hamilton, Belleville, Genessee. 4-H Club Exhibits Oats: 1. Joan Webster, Wood- ville, Garry; 2. Grant Elmhirst, SEE WHAT SIMAZINE CAN DO FOR YOUR CORN " Sirnaziuic* 30W, a pre-emnergence herbicide, formns a '"chernical lid" on your soil which kilis grasses and broadicaf weeds, including 2,4-D resistant varieties. " Sinazine lirniintes need for cutvation; three culti- xations cest apprexirnatcly $6.75 per acre. " Because Simazine 50W liminates weed competition and i-cet damnage fi-cm cultivation, yields eau be increaseci up te '25c'i. " Safe te use-nec-poisonous te humans or animais. " Apply wvith a standard farmn sprayer-no clogging or corrosion whlen using Simazine 50W. *SIMAZINE is a registered trode mark of the Geig y Ch.micol Corporation. Simozine 50W is a product of the Gelgy Chemical Corporation and is dltributed in Canada by: CHIPMAN CHEMICALS LIMUTED, 519 Parkdale Ave. N., Hamilton. ChIH IP-MAÀi002: Available from *R 3 N~ csteGEO. WALTON FRANCIS WERRY Newcastle 3261 B.R.1, nidsj1lui~MA 3-25391 LrnITtÇMARTI NURSERYi IR.R. 1, Bomilam~Ile 3MA 3-5012' th( om D. n n ýn er le ir nd hn qI. rn- 5. .-, J. is. t, ci rf; 5. ck, *1, Tobacco Gr LE 'JI I '~ ~ ~ Forty paid-p members were rin Ienrolled in the newly-formed g ~ ~r4 i ,Durham and Northumberland ringI1ShowV Flue-Cured Tobacco Gnowens' Association at a meeting held Apnil 9th in the Orange Hall in Indian River; 3. David McVety, Port Hope. A meeting wiil be Warkworth; 4. Donna Toi-rey, called in the next two weeks to Woodville; 5. Murray Carson, elect officers. Claremont; 6. Frank< Bankey, A resolution to foi-m an as- Clanemont: 7. Mel Chamberlain1 sociation was passed at a public Otonabee; 8. Ruth Tonrey, Wood- meeting of ail anea tobacco ville. gnowers in the town hall Jan. 2. Potatoes: 1. Doris Heckley, Wednesday night's meeting was Clanement: 2. Murray Hockiey,I cailed by a cemmittee fonmed Claremont; 3. Joseph Norton, at that time to promote forma- Claremont. tion of the association. Hope Jun'ior Farmers Hear Talk on Flowers, The highlight cf the April meeting cf the Hope Township Junior Farmers was a talk on flowcrs and flowvei arranging by Mrs. Abrams of Abrams Flowcr Sbop in Port Hope. She stated that fioxver ai-- ranging is an ai-t and that the *resuit is remliy the personaliiy cf the person involveci. Wben *ari-anging, neyer crowd the flowers, use those of pleasing *colour combications, mnd use watcr that is dlean, cîcar and pure. Proportion and balance are .ver-'y important. The floxv- ens should be onc and one-baif the height cf a large container mnd that arnount of the width of a small container. An uneven number cf flewers should be uscd for best results. keeping lu mind uceven height as well. One type cf arrangement is tbc mass or fulairangement with large flowers cf dai-ken colours at tbe base. The stems cf carnationîs acd roses eau be wired for more effective an- ranging. Avoîd confusion in the arrangement and use bolci, vi- vid contrasts for beautiful i-e- suits. Undcrwatcr dispîmys us- ing sweet peas or i-oses ai-e very attractive for table decor-1 ation. Mrs. Abrams concluded herl talk by stating that flowersý have a double purpose: tbeyl beautify their surroundings1 and aise help people te express themselves. She compared flowei-s with humans in that they de net refuse te grew or live iu a garden wbere ether types or varieties bloom but ra- then, make tbe most cf their surroundings by adding mil that tbey can with their beauty and fragrance that >Goci gave thern. In the business part cf the meeting, a motion was mmde to tbc effeet that $25.00 be don- ated by tbc Hope group te the Eci. Sumnmers' Memorial funci. Also, a hard-times dance wasj pianned for tbe ceai- future. The meeting closed with i-e- creation and lunch. ZION (Hope Township), The committe. consistiug cf Mac Irwin, Moniish, chaix-man; Roy Foster', Kendal, and L. D. Sctterington, Centreton, agneeci te continue in office until the election cf officers. Deputy-Reeve Michael Wla- dyka of Port Hope xvas chair- mac cf the meeting, and Her-- bei-t K. Long, Port Hope, was secretary. )1 Honorary Chairman :1A resolution was passed by the meeting to thank R. H. Cook, vice-chairman of the On- taio Flue-Cured Marketing Board, for his devotion to the interests of tobacco growers in the area. Mr. Cook, who was present, was elected honorary chairman of the new association. Mr. Cook told the meeting of the progress of the new system of selling tobacco. Very slow at first, so th-at many growers feared they would stili have last year's crops on hand at seeding time, the system has worked very well, he said, and the aver- age price per pound of tobacco Business Direct ory Accouniancy WM. J. IL. CdGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MAi-ket 3-3612 MONTIETH - MONTIETH BIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants ,135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 IPartners :1 J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, IIUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander, B. Comm., C.P.A J. Ilunter, C.P.A. Chiropracîi c G. EDWIN MAN-N, D.C. t Chiropractor iOffice : 15 E£oiiun s., cor. of X-orscy St. Mr-. mnd Mi-s. Elsworth Cas- Phone MA 3-5509 wcll aticu-deci the funeral cf Office Heurs: By Appointment ber cousin, Mrs. Douglas, inj Oshawa last week. Dai Mrs. Rmlph Genow spent sev-ID e n fI ci-ml days hast week in Tor-onto,~ guest cf ber son, Mr-. ai-d Mns, DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Don Gerow. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. t, The Welcome Baseball Club 40 King St. W. Bewmanville held their final social evening Office Hours: for this season et the home cf 9 m.m. te 6 p.m. daily Mi-. acd Mrs. McNall Ii-win, Closeci Saturday and Sunday Tbunsday, Mai-ch 27. Office Phone - MA 3-5790 The death cf Mns. Florence House Phone - Newcastle 3551 Pearson teck place mt lber late residecce, Morrisb, Highway No. DR. E.111. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. 2, on Sundm-y monning, Mai-eh j Office le bis home 2lst. Service was beld the same' 100 Liberty S~t. N. - Bowrnanville cvening, 8 p.i., at George Foc- Office Heuý1rs: eral Parleurs, Port Hope. ln- 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily' terment service at St. Jehn's 9 a.m. te 12 noce Wedncsday Cemetery, Nerway, Toronto, Closed Sunday Saturday, Mai-ch 22nd at 11 mm. Phone MA 3-5È04 The late Mrs. Pearson resideci at Zion with the late Mr-. Miltonj DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. G. Weich for many years, be- Office fore moving te Morrisb. She j23 Kin-, St. E. - Bowus-auville leaves txvosens, Berna-ciof i Office i-our.s: Toi-ente, mcd Ewart cf Cherry 9am o6pm al Valey 1Closeci Satur-<iy' anciSunday Mr. acd Mrs. Haroldi Caswell Tcephoce: Office MA 3-5459 spent Gooci Friday with t hein, son, Mn. and Mns. Bnian Cas- Mrs. E. Rutbiven spent lestLegai Saturday iu Toronto. STRIKE and STRIKE WV. A. Meeting- Barristers, Solicitors The Manch meeting cf bbc Notaries Public Zion Woman's AsSocmation n-as W. R. Strike, Q.C. bield Tbursday cvoniuig cf thc A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 27h t Mrs. Chas. Meneile.'.3 40 KngSt. W. - Eowmanville berne. There wene Il membens TlKing A -59 present. Secretary Mrs. Deug- TepbeMA359 las Whitney reaci bbc minuotes. W. ICAY LYCETT, B.A. Cori-espoccience aise was i-ccd. Barrister and Solicitor Treasure- Mrs. E. Ruthven gave In the offices cf a full report: much business wc's R. R. Waddcll, Q.C. discusseci. The big item wms Main Street, Oreno, Ontanio the painting cf the basement Friday, 7 p.m. te 10 p.m. and cburcb xxali. A cemmittee J Saturdmy: 9 arn. te 5 p.m. xvms apueinteci to look aften this: Mrs. F. Tufford, Mrs. Del. LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Whitney, Mrs. R. Moi-ton. ILb Barrîster, Solicitor xvas agi-ced we start tbc travel-I Notai-y Public l ing basket again. King St. W. - Bowmanville Whctber or net, ta send wooi- Phones: Office MA 3-5688 lens away this yean was left te Residenre MA 3-5553 decide et next meeting. Mein- MS AH . OGN bei-s were msked te brng maga- MISSAPHA e SliciorG zincs te the April meeting and, NBanrtePulicr arrangements will be madc toNti- ubi have tbem left at tbc Counties' Temperance St. - Bowmanviile Home, Cobourg.1 E. RICHARD LOVEKIN Canetakers for tbc chu-ch U.E., B.A., LLB. [will be appointeci montbiy, tcBohe eycsi same as iast yean. Mns. Men-Bx9 ecsl cillcy and Miss H. Raby Volun r Phone Newcastlc 2246 teereci for April. The Api-il Consultation by appointmcnt j meeting wiil be beld at Mi-s. Mýc- only.j Nail hr~' ot-ne. Lunch cern mittcc wiil be: Mi-s. H. J1. An-j M o r g a ge s der.-on. Miss L. Hamilton- Pue grain Cceuiittec l- I\iss H. Raby, ILEO AITN-OOO Mrs. Men-eille. HeollCmlli- $LRY AITN1 R Hints on Heuse Cieanung. Phonie 1 r 16 Mrs. H. Cmsweii. Mn... Roy First Mortgage Foinds 1 Best, assîsteci bv Mis. F. Tuf- Residences - Fmi-ms 1 ford and Mi-s. R. Gcrow gave a BuiesPjete lovely Easter devotieuial perod. The Program Comrnittec, Ms E. Caswcll, Mrs. Kcuineth Wbit-I Up fo m e 1r y ney, wcre assusteci bv Mrs. Ilai- od Caswell whe gave a lengthy KEITII A. BILLETT andi uost interesting biognrapby I Optometrist of the great Dr-. Albert Scbweit- 141 King St. E. -Bwavie zeci. Mi-:. Douglas Wbitneyý reac^ Office Heurs: -By appointrnen:! a pocm; tbis xvas followed by a Tlephone M\Ai-ket 3-3252 i contc~.t. Lue 'c- cei-vcd b-: Monda\' teSatn,.rday thc, hnlze.zs acii Inn-h P.. n.e. 9i. 1e o c5 .n bringiuig a pleasant exening te a WVedriezdp'.s- 9 ,)12 c.lose. Thursday evenings ni-k State. Tiîev sc)ent .Satur- a ' v nngwith Dr. minci Mrs.ý LJ. Noble and, farmilv. A ax,. Mi-. ancid s onR'cPe orcîto, visited Mrii. and MriVîr: a-I WriQllt. Wcdnesdav.P Mi-. and Mrs. Rcisýe l IioLtnt-Pa )v sPent Tlîursclay w itih.* With a GoId MedE ster, Mi-s. CL-cil Ferýgu-.iSCI. edal rated dam (Pabst B ýwcqstle, and Mrs. John Al- 2e scr. thedaywithfrindstop record niaternal sister 1Bowmavnnilie. greatest young sire to conr Mi-, andi Mrs. Anson Tavlor A d ber pere'-. MMr.andMLi rown, ail cf Osh;, YE ! EA da': supper griests of bisprî: Don't delay! Imp tsr. anci _Mrs. RoMrxii' iation association. aderi \-I,Î*d .i lMr. zýn1.i For service or information oi-'l and Mi-. and _Mrs.J.. )heston MeedaY and 'l'Li r dàv. D css.Rupt. andi i':ý',--KEITII WOOD Mi-. andi Mrs. Ilerb THce endedcihe edcdif !'Dr. JAAN TAAVAT- ui--a.~ c c A i sJ0.eDICK WOOD .,- x ieKin.9ston, rMuùî, iddi-il 't; 1. ?Vu-s. John Scott and fathwnr,UR rCamnbeli, spent la-.t week Te.ronto. Phone vlrs. Herb Taylor spcnt a Tractor Stalis on Trucks Struck by CPR Dayliner 5 0 couple of days with the LaWV- mowers Join ~rence Malcolms, etltn Marilyn Archer, Whitbvy, re- *Aturned home FridayN af ter spending a week with ber ies A SSOC. grandparents, r.W has been higher than the board, Archer went home with her had expected. and spent the day with the El- Practically the entire 1957 to-mrAces bacco crop in Durl-érn andi Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill, Paul Northumberland has been sold. and Carol Rahm. spent Satur- Designate Areas day xvith Cecil's aunt, Mrs. E. By-laws presented to the J. Patterson. who xili be 98 meeting by the interim commit- y ears voung on Wednesday, teedesgnae toseares, om-April l6th, also with his cou- prising in Area 1, Cartwright, Cnnl, r wod r.ChsMe Manvers and Clar-ke Townships: onlNrod in Area 2. Hope, Cavan and Miss Gertrudv Henry, Toron- Hamilton Townshios, and in to, was home for the 'weekend. Ai-ca 3, Haldimand, Cramahe. Mi-. and Mrs. L. Byam, Tyronc, Alnwvick and Percy Towvnships.1 and thei- grandson, Douglas The board of di-ectors of the i Parks, were Sdriday visîtors of association xill consist Of four 1 the Henrys. members elected from cachý Mrs. Harold 'Beacock and Mr. district, of which at least three Ernest White, Port Perry, vis- must be farmn owners. The of- ited Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- ficers will be elccted by the cock, Sunday.- directorate from among thei- Mi-. and Mrs. Ber-t Morris and own members. four cbildrcn, Ottawa, Mr. and Objects of the association de- Mrs. Exvart Leask, Solina, were clared in the by-laws are to Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. study the problems of tobacco 1IIVan Thompson and family. gi-owcrs, te obtain and give out! Mi-. and Mrs. John B. Stan- information of interest te te-! iland, Toronto, spent Sunday bacco growers. and te promnote With bis parents, Mi-. and Mrs.. the intercsts cf tobacco groxvcrs Cee. Staniland. in the United Counties. Mrs. Loi-ne Ross, Mamnie and IJoann c St. Marys, spent a cou- pie cf davs xvith ber sister, Mrs. BLACKSTOCK Glenn Lai-mer and Glenn. Miss Judith Charles, Lang- The April meeting cf the W. staff, spent the wcekend with M.S. xvas heid at the home of Miss Elaine Mountjoy. Mrs. Dalton Don-cil on Wed- Carolyn Henry, Oshawa, spent nesday afterncon wîihtc\-thec weekcnd 'ith Judy Swain. three ladies and eht chjicr ,n; Mr. and Mrs. Aif Gerrard, i present. Presidont opened t1Uicý Tyrone, spent Sunday wjth ber meeting by recding -Little parents, Mr, n r.Lin Guide-posts on he Footpath Griffin. adMs on te Peace". Mrs. Lloyd Wri',,Iht 1 Mi-. and Mrs. Stan Rahm, gave a fine Eastcr dlevotional Paul andi Carol, visited bis apar- paper and offcred pra *-r. Roel ents, Mr-. and Mrs. Arthur caîl xvas answered hv anl'"Eas- Rahm, Tyrone, Sunday. ter gift te lMissions". Twcîitv. seven calîs on sick and sîîut- Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril ins were rcported macle during left this rncrning (Mcnday) by the- month, aise twenty-th-ce PMalle from Malton for a three books reaci. Considerable cor- xveeks' visit in the Bahamas resondncewasrea, cq'o- and Jamaica where tbey min- ary epots gvenand L . istereci frem 1947-1956. Dennis ai- rpotsgi'c a d asns IH ei is staying with Bill deait with. Mrs. Fred Daes Th psndrnteiabnc preside'd for the programmie. Topo uigiii bec 'Clourful Nikkco' was then e- and going to school. joyeci. Atter the elosing a daii-t Mi-. Rusqsel Spinks, Oshawa, lunch xvas served by 'the Nos- ws Sunday supper guest and ess and group and thi-eo carci. Mrs. Allan Moore, Shirley, spent were signed by ail] heial ladis t\vcdaYs witb Mrs. Ed Dai-cy. presenit to be sent te shut-inS. Mi-. andi Mrs. Wallace Holmes, St. John's IV.A. j John, Von andi Bonnie, Oshawa, St. John's W.A. met in the visited Mi-. and Mrs. Dalton Parislb Hall Wednesdàv, Apil Drrland family. 9, with fourteen members pres- Mrs. Harry Dawson and son ent. Meeting openiec with a Jiiri cf Millbrook, were Sunday hymn. Sci-ipture passage andi guesis cf Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Litany. Reports were hea'rd 1Wenry. rcm the treasurer and conven- 1 Mrs. Franks, Mi-. and Mrs. ers Of committees. There were Loi-ne Reynolds and son of Pe- discussions on varicus pi-ojects terbero, visited Mi-. and Mrs. fri raising money and -plans Leslie Mountjoy, Sunday. wvere fonmed to cari-y eut s0111<1 Mr-. and Mrs. Howard Harris, of tbese projeets. A represen- Wbitby, visited Mi-. and Mrs. :ativc, in the person cf Mrs. T. Albert Wright and Mns. R. Dic- Lmngfeld xvas mppointed te at- key, Sundav. tend tbc Deanery ccmmittee Mr n's.Fe Tew, metig nCooi-g for the rsFedTein Northubrlng Dramac Lloyd and Earl. were Sundmy ~o i-t l e1antDh bmai evening guests cf Mi-. and Mrs. The aenillt mnv. hht Raip.-h Glaspell and family, Ty- nembers ieceived -fricm the VT. o e A. before Lent was brou ght in and it xvas pleasing te note how J he initial sum bnci inereasedl. Ashort programme xvas enjoy-lTeacne rs Hear ed, which included twe poenms Easter" read bhv Mrs. Bonie: two ~ d s o 'ci-y intei-estiing items from tle 1e Living Messag-e' read by Miss Eva Par- and an article fri -upera nnuation, *ne cf the nexvspapcrs re,',arc1- ing aid given by the W.A.te il The Durham No. 1 Unit of a northcrn Diocese, rend 1-w the Federation cf Women Tea- Mr,-. J. Carter. It wýas decideri chers' Association cf Ontario, to bold thg ncxt and ail fiui,- Jheld a dinner meeting on ter meetings during the sum- lVarch 28 at St. John's Angli- mer ie the evening. Temc caol Parish Hall with the Pie- ig closcd xvith prayer by Can- isident, Miss Mvi-a Cooper, pi-e- n Chapenlin. sicli ng at the head table. At the bonspiel heic in uSun-ý Miss Margaret Aiken thank deiland i-ecently there w.-re cd the ladies cf bbc parish for wentvfoe" inks empc i ad elicicus, well served tcTrkcv, )ne cf these ccmposcdet'd o , inneisr. ri Bide n Hamilton, Mei-ljin 'ilt, Mis arge hldersag Norman Dvsart and Ncil Bb ev ejoyable sciection of i Cartws ',rom vpopular songs. ia- '* c:îhe* A short business meeting. a ýame foui-tiiplace ad ea i-Crej condclutecice Nmnatieg eivd agalon f apl sxi-u. ommittee was chosen to selecti Another euichre part.v Spo.1- the siate cf officers for the! ;red by the L.O.B.A. was _Ield ycar 1958-59. A 16-year-old youth leaped from his stalled tractor on the C.P.R. tracks 112~ miles west of 'Burketon last Thursday seconds before it wvas struck and demol- ished by the C.P.R. Dayliner. The accident occurred at about 11:50 a. The Dayliner, driven by Dan Dewey of Toronto, was bound for Peterborough f rom Toronto. The youth, Bob Adams, of Osh- awa, was driving his tractor aiong -the rail line with the left xvheels inside one of the tràcks and the right wheels outside. when the vehicle be- came stalled. Suddenlv the Dayliner ap- peared over the brow of a hill, travelling at 65 miles an hour. Adams jumped for his life. The diesel train struck the tractor head on, showering it through the air in a hundred peces. lVheels Stuck Adams said his wheels were stuck on the line. The tractor belonged to his uncle, George Adams of Concession 4, Burke- ton. The train suffered heav v damage to the front end, the WANTED Dead, OId and Crippled FARM STOCK Picked Up- Free _ of Charge 24 Ilour Service Phone Collect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2030 NICK PECONI As many as 8 or 9 stations ROTOR ANTENNA Now is the lime to convert to a Rotor for more varicty and greater satisfaction in TV viewing. FO NEEESTV BILL LEASK MA 3-5522 ___RD SIRE ibst Sir Leader Rag Apple lai rated sire (Wis Leader - Excellent) and a Gold Burke Rag Apple De Kol - Excellent), with 5 V.G. 's and 2 GoId Medal maternai brothers, he is the re to the Quinte District in some time. N BE YOUR HAERD SIRE! prove your herd by joining your artificial insem. ýcall - URHAM COUNTY --- Orono 17110 ----- -- Welcome 2231 ___-Bowmanville MArket 3-3405 nte District Led'âng -Association NVO 2-filii: - Belleville MMM rqATATTAKr r crash cutting an oil Une and the second car diesel out of action. The vestibule and steps were badly bent. The train. delayed at the scene for about 45 minutes, ar- rived in Peterborough at 1:3,5 p.M.-75 minutes late. It Ipft later on the return trip to To. ronto. Flares were placed on the track after the collision to warn an oncoming freight. Betweeri 30 and 40 passengers were on the Dayliner. The track itself was undam. aged. WOOL The Government Deflclency PaYment applies only on properly graaed wools. Secure the utmnost by patronizin.- Your own organization. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Reglutered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ont. Obtain sacks and twinf- without charge from ALFRED GRAY Newcastle, Ont. JOHN THOMPSON Kendal, Ont. or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED P e eteranrEXTRA pOnn. a O217 T odBaly oroCnd * SnesnETRone TV eWER *O in tue k T ATINSenlYO GET N YOR PRSEe TV AEIALe

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