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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1958, p. 12

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TW!LV! - - w~-. - C~C ~ .~ TV JT.LLI~A1 Y AA.ALi, JAI ~2LR.LLF THUDAY, A~ iq~ 1 .-~ PAVAftAV ~A~'IDAW Ui~~eA~v '*~W * ic. adinton Champs A&s Officiai Season Closes The local badminton season titie. de!. P. Lucas and B. Lobb, M. o>fficially closedi Saturday night, Roy Swindells took an easy James and A. Strike de!. M. when the Bowmanville Badmin- first game win, but was extend- Kent and E. Cale. ton Club's champions in ail ed to extra points ta take the Finals events for the '57-'58 season second cantest from Frank C. Hutchinson and P. Frank were decided. Mahun. Swindells' win gave de!. M. James and A. Strike. No major upsets took place him the singles charnpianship Men's Doubles during the tournament. aver Mahun, the previaus titie- First Round Action started ait 7:00 p.m. holder. Friday night and because of a Keith Siemon performed brUl- M. Burgess and B. Burgess large entry, several players liantly. as he and Marion James de!. G. Hadgsan and R. Kelly, were stili on the court at 1:00 took the first mixed doubles A. Hoaper and D. Allun de!. J. a.m. Saturday morning. game from Peggy Frank and Lyons and C. Rankine, F. Play continued up to the final Bill Burgess. The James - Sle- Mohun and R. Swindells def. D. round, and championship games mon combination ran up an 8-2 Venton and J. Parkhill, L. Mik- began on Saturday at 8:00 p.m. lead in the second game before los and J. Straub def. E. King The troph-ýies were presented and running out of gas. Frank and and C. Schwarz. all participants and spectators Burgess went an ta take 13 of Serni-Finals were treated to a buffet lunch. the next 14 points and a decisive M. Burgess and B. Burgess Dancing followed to bring the third game victory for the won aver A. Hooper and D. AI- curtain clown on the badminton champîonship. lin by default. F. Mohun and scene and close the club until Peggy Frank combined with R. Swindells def. L. Miklos and riext October. Coleen Hutchinson ta take an J. Straub. Peggy Frank and Bill Burgess easy twa straight win over Anna each were in on twa t1ties, be- Strike and Marion James, ta be- ing the big winners in the corne the new ladies' doubles tournament. In ladies' singles champs. campetitian, there were only Lad by Bill Burgess' hard two women brave enough ta smashing tactics, the brother act Legion 1 enter. Marion Swindells de- o! Bill and Mel Burgess came feated Coleen Hutchinson in on strong in the laite stages of h einbolr ope two straight games ta take the each game ta knock off Roy T he eond oles cdule-o Swindaes.adFakMhni bowling ast Tuesday night wiht1 Clubgames ntDn eno no change in the standing from MClubthePresentaL'on f he the previaus week. Jim Fair's Rsention aon heteam had clinched first place hawads. o rsStries n by at least one point, last week. *. doubles trophy, while Stu James The league leaders warmed up1 presented the Marion and Stu for the playof! by trouncing1 Ross McKnight's team ta the l James' mixed doubles trophy. tnea7-.PtDobs'u- - HE LI G The club has plans ta hold the e it,-which basbeen s utin THE Li Nf G C.O.B.A. Tourney here aanft hc a ensupn KEEnext seasan.agn steadily for the past ot , SKELE went down ta a 7-0 Pasting ait1 Men's Singles the hands of- Ernie Perfect's1 D FrstondRou. nd, firmly entrenched in last1 V'etonde! J The other game wvent ta - Burgess dlef. E. King, J. Park- Bill Bates' bowlers by a 4-3 hihi de!. C. Rankine, C. Schwarz score over Frank Samis' teami. de!. R. Kelly. Byes went ta R.MageGoreEhttrve Swindells, J. Straub, M. Burgess that the pins would faîl, by an ecF.dMahun. blasting out a 746 triple. Ernie1 SecndRondPerfect bowled a fine 720 ta-1 ].Burgess de!. D. Venton, IR. tai, while Morley Etcher camne1 C.P'.Swindelhs de!. J. Straub, M. in with a 682 score. Burgss d!. . Pakhil, ~ Ernie Perfect's 343 game took Mohun de!. C. Schwarz. high single honours, follawed Seri-Finals by Bruce MacDonald (332) andI R. Swindells de!. B. Burgess George Eliatt (290). 13-15, 18-16, 15-7. F. Mohun Bates, winner a! the first dçf. M. Burgess 9-15, 15-9, 15-12. schedule will now meet Fair, 1/on't be a Sim Jim Finals second scheduhe winners forJ Thin and scon R. Swindelhs cde!. F. Mahun. the Legion Bowling Trophy. 1 Drink plenty of milk' Ladies' Singles Final Tearn Standing 1 And be big and brawny. . Finals Pont M.Swindells de!. C. Hutch- Points________ I7 insan. . atesr__71___ 6 Ladies' Doubles F. Samis 69________ 15 1)M. FistRondR McKnight - 45J M.James and A. Strike de!. p.obn ____4 ~~~ ~M. Swindells and M ogo.EPerfetbbins ____ 4315' Byes went ta Lucas and Lobb, Pret -- 5- Hutchinson and. Frank and Kent J n~C~:. n~P.Frnk Ladies' M aji Monday night the two topi teams bath posted shutauts in « the final week o! bowling in F the second scheduhe. BernieceC Budai's win over June Baker ' by a 3-0 caunt maintained theirF three point spread over LolaL Wright's team and gave themJ (Budai) the second scheduleL championship. Wrhght's 3-0L shutout over Peggy Haynes' I team broke a second place dead-A l i t lock with Lil Hooper's outfit,E who dropped a 2-1 decisian ta J Hilda Brock's bowlers. JoyceE ivith kmupMajor's crew toak a 2-1 win E from Ena Etcher's team, whileB contest, Lydia Bates' bowlers NI drapped Norma Gay's teamn by D CANADU N a 2ice. Budai rolled the J S CANCER hîgh triple o! 694 ta avercarne D 4S~SOC ETYaxverge by a single point. àJ Joyce Major bowled 635, while S NEv Sweetman had a 609 total D and Hilda Brock scored 608. m N 'Ev Sweetman took high sin- Si ~'gle honours with a 283 game, E' Joyce Major 260, Vi Coole 250, H r. -livehn mbley 245;and Donliy T 6 BoG DÀAYS MONDAY, APRIL 28 THRU SATURDAY, MAY 3 JURY & L@VELL MA 3-5408 Bowmanvile 36 King St LE Pts. B. Buda! ________28 L. Wright 25 L. Hooper 23 H. Brock _________23 0. Patfield ________22 L. Bates 22 J. Major 21 O. Etcher _________20 P. Haynes 20 J. Baker _______16 ½' N. Gay --16 E. Etcher 15!/- Final Averages Games Ave. Bernice Budal ___ 42 212 ]Hilda Brock 42 211 Larraine Martyn 39 208 Doris Joli--- - 24 203 Onie Etcher 42 202 Norma Ga v 42 192 Helen Dunn . 30 192 Betty Westhake 42 191 Ev Sweetman 42 190 Kay Beauprie .16 190 Vi Coole -' 42 189 Eleanor Larmer - 39 188 Joyce Majar 42 187 Lydia Bates____ 42 187 WiIma Bates____ 39 186 Joyce Tennant 42 184 Donna Preston 42 181 Lou Lyle --. - 39 181 Audrey Bickehh, 42 179 Sahîy Bissonette - 33 1-491 Ena Etche.r - 42 178 1 Young Dowmanville Hockey Player. la Parade owling Averages Dabbins ________241 Elliott _________234 Perfect _________231 Martyn 226 Fair _______ __219 Bates _________214 Samis 211_______ Graham _______207 McKnîght 206 ý Taylor_____20 Lobb ________202 m' Corson _________202 ~-- Benet 2001 Bowmanville's three teams in the Little N.H.L. the high schoal for the banquet. They looked vr smart Grant ______ 199 Tournament played the perfect hosts by allowing (flot at the end of the parade in their green and white sweaters. McDonaid______ 199 willingly) their guests to defeat them. Oniy the N.H.L. At right af picture is Morley Oke who was treasurer of Veitch_______ 197 team won a game, but ail came close. This photo shows the tournament. Geddes 196f some of the local players with their coaches about to enter Shotter ________194 Robinson _______194- Etcher ii Hea ds Mothers Toronto Township Wins A.HOL. Championship Murdock __19____ Burns _________192 Welsh _________191 Sheehan _______ 89 MeDonald ______188 Cale -______ _ 16 Potts ________184,- Rogers 181 Lockhart _1731.__ Wilson' _______1711~ Belsey 169g Leask _ __167 - Morris _________1651. Smith _________160 Evans 1591i-- -- Hilton 148i ior BowlingI 1 Jean Luxton 42 178 Ada Richards 39 178:' Hehen Piper 42 1771I Ollie Patfield 4à 177 Waneta Young 36 177 Peggy Haynes 42 176 Lil Hoaper -___ 42 176 June Baker ___ 39 176 Lina Hagermaai 39 17 Lola Wright 39 1761 Dot Crombie ___ 42 1751 M~yra Cooper 33 174, Doreen Charles - 15 174' Essie Cox -___ 42 173 Emma Bromeil 42 172 Eileen Holroyd 42 171 Helen Corden ___ 36 1711 Eva Whitehead 36 1711 im Stringer -- 36 170 Anne Hohdsto>ck - 35 170 VIohly Hendersan - 42 169 Dot Brooks -. 24 167 Duaine Palmer - 39 166, Joan Engley 42 1651J Dorc Mutton 39 165 VIabel Lewis 39 165 Mrs. Ed. Rundle wife o! Bowmanville's Little N. H.L. Presidcnt, and herself President o! the Hockey Moth- ers' Association which did such an outstanding job of register- ing ahi players as they arrived in town. The Hockey Mothers, earlier, presented the local Ahh Star teamis with new hockey pants and raised a large fund by making special badges for sale. They also sold programs at the Arena. Mrs. Rundle and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock presented crests ta same of the losing teams on Saturday evcning. I Il Captain Bill Watts of the Toronto Township A.H.L. team accepts trophy' from Regional Vice-President of Littie N.H.L., Keith' Carruthers of Port Hope. They defeated Scarboro 3-1 in the final for the championship, with Bill Watts carrying much of the load. He was chosen the mo st valuabie player of the A.H.L. series. Joy McCracken 36 165 a j (W IU V Shirley Davis 42 164 Dell Vinson 39 164I By M!el McNuhty 30 163 Stella Brown 39 162 ElaDes JFr42ne16021621 he Choral oa ConcertSaJ Iigh Single, E. Sweetman 283 ciety are holding their Conten- High Triple, B.» Budai, 694' nial Concert in the Eowinan- High Average, B. Budai 212 ville Town Hall this comning Friday and Saturday, April 18th and 19th starting at 8:15 ZION p.m. The guest artist for this con- <Intended for last week) cert wilh be Mrs. Norma Mar- W. A.had avervtin. W.A.ha ave. good at- Tickets can be obtained fromn tendance, 21 members, three any memnber o! the Choral Sa- visitors and two chihdren. Mrs. ciety or at Rickaby's "Big 20", Farohd Bennett apened the de- Hlooper's Jewelhery or at the votional with a poem fahlowed Recreation Office in the Lions by Scripture and prayer. It was Commrunity Centre. Emissionary meeting and Mrs. The Chorah Society will pr e- Bennett read a hetter from Miss miere Mrs. Harvey Palmer 's Irene Moore, a nurse at the Centennial Marcli. Leger colony at Hong Kong. Playg-rouiid Supervisr Ars. Foster Snowden sang a sr o01o, "The Stranger o! Gali]iÊe"., Application !orms are still Mrs. Young showed cololed~ avaihable for anyone interesteci 1ides on "Japan Taday", witht in obtaining a sumrmer job as Ki-s. Reed giving the -commen- a playground supervisor. Tne Lry. Mrs. Snowden gave an- chosing date for applications is )ther soho, "Bless This House". this Saturday, April l9th. 'he group, Mrs. Harold Ben- The wagc scahe will run !rom ett, Mrs. Garfield Trevail,! $15-00 ta '$30.00 per tveek, ac- \Irs. Wes Cameran, served de- cording ta qualifications and Iciaus refreshments and ahi en- experience, and the hours 'wih oyed a nice afternoan. be fromn 9:00 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- five days a week. Employment ike, Jr., and !amily, Sauina, will be for seven weeks start- reregueti t NesonFic' July 7th. ffer gusts t NlsonFicls. Application forms are avail- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Yellaw- able at the Recreatian Offic ees, Solina, visited at Mrs. in the Lions Community Cen- Donald Yeiiowlees. tre. Ail applications must be Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart, returned ta the Recreation Of- Ur. and Mrs. Fred Dart, Ar- f ice no later than Saturday, hur Dart, and Bob Dart, at- April l9th. ;nded the funeral o! Ronnie Minor Hockey Trophy Night 'art, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Arrangements are under way )art, West Hill, on Wednes- for Minor Hockey Trophy Night lay. ta be held at the Lions Com- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Stain. munity Centre on Wednesday, on arrived home from Florida May 7th, beginning at 7:00 pan. in Thursday and spent the AUl trophies and crests won on 'eekend at Tom Sobil's. Minor Hockey Night will be 'Miss Nancy Lammiman, Mrs. presented at this time. ýeslie Evans, Mrs. Frank Vice,! Ail players are reminded shawa, visited at Mrs. Donald that whether you- team won iellowhees. or hast you are ehigibie to at- Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawhey tend Trophy Night. rd Catharine, Peterborough, There are stili a nuinber of vere weekend visitors at Tom sweaters mnissing from the var- ;obih's. iaus hockey teams. Any person Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart who lias not returned bis swea- rid Kenneth, visited at Henry ter, will you please return it ta .eeler's, Maivern. the Recreation Office or brin g Mrs. Clarke Moore, Miss it with you when you came ta 3eth Moore, Mr. George Gor- Minor Hockey Trophy Niglit tn, Oshawa, were Sunday on May 7th? ipper guests at Keith Stain- Ontario Recreation Conference ons. The thirteenth Annual On- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stephen, tario Recreation Association ýruce and Diane. Peterbor- Conference wilh be held in lgh, cailed at R. C. Stainton's. &North Bay on May 2nd, 3rd and th te to Lt O Yi ar Ki BE dc su te Bi ou ,ue 9ecrea lion LRev'îews SDoug Rigg, Recreation Director 4th. It is hoped that Bowrnanville will have at ieast four repres- entatives at this confcrence. The O.RA. brings togethcr at its Annual Provincial Con- ference various groups of peo- ple interested in similar re- creation actîvities sa that ideas may be exchanged and new, ideas discussed. o! Michigan. The theme o! this year's con- ference wihl be "SpotligtO Leadership". Two outstandinc speakers have been arranged for. They are- Mr. John Farina, Assistant Professor o! Group Work School of Social Work, University o! Toronto, and Dr. Earle Zeigler, supervisor o! Physical Education, University 1956 BUICK SEDAN One owncr, Special This Week OnIy 1954 DODGE SEDAN__19 A-1 condition, New motor, new tires $1195_________ 1956 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Custom radio, 2-tone paint. overdrive transmission, good condition. 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN 4-Dr., automatic transmission, locally owned, one owner if You're TIRED Everybodygts a bit run-down now and then, tiredlout, heavy-headed, and maybe bothered by backacbez. Perhiaps notliing seriously wrong, just a tempoiary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pilis. Dodd'a stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then- you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pilla now. Look for the Mlue box with thne red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 1956 PONTIAC 1953 FORD SEDAN Customi radio, 2-tone paint Very good condition. ý 1952 BUICK SEDAN - 4-Dr., custom radio, standard transmission, just overhauled. Top condition, practically new Good Choice of Laie Nodel Cars From Which Io Choose Robson Motors L ited BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRU 5' DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville, MA 3-3321 I - Flash M. Burgess and B. Buref de!. R. SwandeUls and F. Mohun Mixed Doubles First Round M. Kent and J. Straub def. M. Hodgson and G. Hodgson, M. James and K. Slemon de!. E. Cale and C. Rankine, B. Lobb and M. Burgess de!. A. Strike I and R. Kelly, P. Frankc and B. Burgess % du. P. Lucas and D., Venton. Byes went ta Swindells and Parkhill and Hutchinson adMohun. Second Round M. James and K. Siemon de!. Molly Kent and J. Straub, C. Hutchinson and F. Mohun def. M. Swindells and J. Parkhill. Byes went to Lobb and Burgess and Frank and Burgess. Serni-Finals M. James and K. Slemon de!. B. Lobb and M. Burgess, P. Frank and B. Burgess de!. C. Hutchinsan and F. Mohun. Finals P. Frank and B. Burgess de!. M. James and K. Sleman. PAGE TWE TM EANAMAM OmAgmnwAlr Owlpiwvft m

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