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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1958, p. 13

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tWMURDAY, APIUL 1'1th, 1958 THE CANfADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTAMUO PAGE TMRTEEW -~SPORTroP;j By Frankc Mohun- Phone MA 3-2943, E N.H.L. TOURNAMENTC TÏ.'here âimply, aren't enough superlatives to describe Bow- Ile' jp,ý"t sporting venture. An idea born twa years ago became a rjetjlas t weekend before a total of 2,771 spectat- ors. This colu ~45 being used this week ta pay tribute ta the rnay idiidulsand g:o:ps who made it possible ta hold the: Little N.H.L. Tournament here on our Centennial Year. At 6: Leading the way was Bowmanville's Little N.H.L. organiza- operatio tion, headed by rsdnE.Rule Vice-President serepetait Piper, Secretary Don Gilhooly and Treasurer Morley Oke. These opening men and their exfcutive worked tirelessly for weeks ta put on Ed Rt thetounamnt.'Ya qoteon oftheme: "t tok lt o wok'manvilt thetounamnt.Toquoe oe o te mn: It oo a ot f wrkduced IV but it was well worth it." welcorr - Zhe Hockey Mothers, headed by President Edyth Rundle, ticipani. pitched in and handled the registration of the teams, made stream- welcomt ers nd lsodesgne an oreredbutons whch ereah oldor hase, ersandals deignd ad oderd bttos, hic wee al sldmaking out on Friday. things. In the earhy stages, the Women's Business and Professional Rev. Club telephoned ahl over tawn ta secure billets for the young players. How about the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, wbo efficiently put on a tremendous banquet for 540 players and guests? The Legion Pipe Band donated their services ta lead the teams on the parade througb town. The Little N.H.L. organization thought that the arena management wcre j ust terrifie and Bob Watt and 'Ducky' Neads wcre A-h". The arena, with Mrs. Betty Depew spending long hours in the ticket booth, handled the ticket sales and the riek-rat operations. Thirty, games without a snag is a record that speaks for itself. The Provincial Police spent long bours in action as ticket-takers. The Bowmanvillc Police performed very ably, directing traffic and safe-guarding the over 400 young players. SYou can't say too mucb about the generous bospitality o! it«tizens who provided billets for the boys. Many men made tbemselves and their cars available ta transport the players ta and from their "homes" How about the men and the teenage boys, who donated their services as scorers, timers, announcers, goal judges, etc.? Let's not farget the men who moved chairs before and after the banquet. Throughout the whole 30 gar Ingly good. Everyone who contributed s when Bill Peachy presented the1 Herbèrt and Ed. Rundle, for the trophy was for the community wh the year in furthering Little N.H.L comments were passed on ta the toi well the tournament was handled. The Centennial Committeei behind the Tournament 100%, were lous jobs done by ah of these gi remarks made by the out-of-town On behaîf of the Statesma: that this was an amazing display of! by aIl of these citizens. I hope th out, as they ail did a magnificent jol tournament was four minutes ahe. t ti ti AROUND THE TOWN - In Goder ail-girl forward line 1-p headlin from future participat Vn the tou Leafs must have their eyes an the picked as hockey executive of th magazine . . . . Unionville Jets, a lboop weý'e beaten in the Ontario fina - e fket's 6-2 win et home on Jr. % tille to Newmarket for th They were assisted by Bowmanvill( . .. . It's about time the O.H.A. ousig who used the league for practice ar winners .... Napanee defeated Gi but Georgetowni came back witha with our own Ross Hawe in their n The teams played in Georgetown Napanee, Saturday night ... . The a highly successful season with t] closing party on Saturday night.. Tighe's team, Major League bowl' James Trophy . . .. Also ta the Ofl Bowling championship .... Commn hail League Banquet this Friday .. this Saturday . - - . Mc'. Major B ~<pril 26th, al at the Balmoral Hotel ln May 3rd. Murray Tigh Wins Major Last Wednesday night, April lè Murray Tigbe's team, first sehedule winners met Morley Oke's outfit, wieners o! the second schedule for the John M. James tropby, symbol o! the Men's Major League Champion- ship. Tighe took tbe win by a 2-1 count. The first game went to the Tighe team by a 116 pin margin. Oke's "wildmen" were only able ta came up witb a single 200 game, that a 214 effort by Trew- in. The totals were 1058 ta 942. Witb Gard Sellers rolling a 286 score, Oke's bowlers held on ta take the second game by a slim 2 points. Tighe rolled 1062, wbile Oke totalled 1064. Bath teams bowled their best In the rubber game, but it was Tighe's team, led by Russ Hall- man's 327, that took th-" game thq P. D. D. F. M. G. R. teE M. B. G. G. S. D. M. Brin collea They'l1 heurty port and our deft thanks mittee that v by the E d Ru preside off the ficialiy Toroni Toroi too mu scored lad, anc za ta "IA's" 1 Bob effort Bowma shots o goalie. Daeby Trippin ry of t Se; Scarl oronto ,apture dter :45 p.m. Thursday night, an "Little N.H.L." was nto motion. Nearly 400 tors were on hand for the« ýgcrmois iundie, president of Bow- Ie's Little N.H.L., intra- Mlayor Nels Osborne, wha ned ail out of town pa ,r- ts. The Mayor, in bis ne speech, stated that win ! being a good sport and gfriends, were the main Herbert expressed the o! the Centennial Com- for the wonderful job was being accomplished Littie N.H.L. Committee. indle and Little N.H.L. ýnt Bilh Peachey, faced puck at centre ice ta of- open the tournament. (Junior "A") tto Twp. 3-Bow'vilie O ýto Township just had ach on the baîl, as they once in the opening per- ýd twice in the final stan- defeat Bowmanville Jr. by a 3-0 count. James turned in a fine [n the local nets, while anville had few good )n the Toronto Township Shoan scored twice and had one for the winners. g penalties went ta Wer- the hocals and Fisk. (A.H.L.) ,rboro 3-Port Hope 1 boro held Port Hope ace mes, the re!ereeing was exceed- Fau I enchiUin IchJLeck fort101 final period, and scored twice so much, must have felt proud over Port Hope in the first A. trophy ta Don Gilbooly, Rev. H. L. contest. Town o! Bowmanville. This Aldridge scorcd first fr Terenchi came back wîth the Lactivities. Many enthusiastie' equalizer less than two min- ournament organization on how utes later, with Scarboro short- 1. bacded. and the Town, whl'ch were Ie the last period Sullivan tallieci an early marker, witb -e well rewarded by the marvel-1 Minor firicg the clincher with roups and the complimentary 54 seconds remnaieieg. Penalties ivisitors. went ta Purdy o! Port Hope ýsparts page I'd like ta say1 and Minor and Capelli of Scar- bard work and pulling together' bora. (... ýhat we haven't le!t any group Toronto (Np. 4.L.) Hoe )b. At the end o! 30 games, the A sotw-p4-Po roeto ad of schedule. Township outfit ran up a four jt j goal lead, before Port Hope ýric's ee ee Turnmen anwas able ta break into the scor- richs Pe We Turnmen aning colume. Ackers scored the nes, but they have been barred lone goal o! the first period at urney. . .. The Toronto Maple the 5:37 mark. In the second right man, as Wren Blair was session Tutt, Johnson, and In- he year by Hockey Pictorial son upped the lead, before Smitb scored Port Hope's first tJr. "D" team len our Jr. "C" goal near the end o! the period. tals in four straight games ....- Smith netted bis second score ri Saturday night brougbt the le the third stanza. Tutt (board- uc second trne in three~ years- Ina) and .Ackers (interference) le's Vince Vanstone in the nets (Ju p niors A" ed the Ottawa-Hull Canadians, Pary Juni orenton i id received a bye ta meet the Hat-tricsndby Orrand Dra- ,ereow 22leteoener, per paved the way for a rue- a 4-1 win ie the second game away 10-1 win by Parry Sound nets. Their goalie was injured. over Trenton. Parry Sound ran ilast night. Next game le up a 7-0 first perîod lead, be- fore Hubbard scored Trenton's ýe local Badminton Club ended single goal at 7:30 o! the hast their club ch-ýmpionships and period. . . Congratulations ta Murray The Sounders completed the ling winners o! the John M. scoring with tbree goals in the ffie, innrs f te Godyarlast minute and 14 seconds o! ~tie. innrs ! te Godyarthe game. Besides Orr and Dra- tg Events .. Lakeshore Base- per, ]Bloomfield connccted twice . . Goodyear Bowling Banquet and Thurston and Gilchrist add- Bowling Banquet on Saturday, cd single markers. Orr picked 1...Mixed Bowling Banquet up two penalties in the fray. i ' (A.H.L.) Huntsville 4-Bowmanville 2 Huntsville's two first-period 1' 'Jgoals proved ta be the differ- es ieani ence, as bath teams fought on e s ea' meven terms le the final stanza. Marshall ad Grummett did the scoring for Huntsville in B ow ling the openieg period. Graydon Colville tallied for Bowman- totais ereville early in the final period y154 pins. The I as eewitb McLennan caming back Rus6 Haîmad1a106.lesfioe secnslleaer. tean Rus alm0 e ta 1106. ,for etcnsile a miue n îling the high single - 327 and Wright scored at 14:30 mark ie high triple - 759. and Colville matched that one The individuals totals were, witb bis second goal tbirty- y Txghe's team: 1 ccn seconds later. Sleep and Dabbins ___ 667 Budai o! the locals and Wood- McKnight- - 636 ru!! collected penalties. Little _______ 532 (N.H.L.) Hoopr --637Newmarket 5-Collingwood 2 Tigher-_____ 9 bregas3e7s ta i P. iphe59 minthesgoatse idle famei Halîman75 helped ta gîve Newmarket the win. The Qnly goal o! the first The individual totals by Oke's period went ta Burling. Need- ýarn were: l er, Cain, and White all scar- 1Larmer _______ 565 cd in the second session against __________ 534 a single reply by Cohingwood's Clarkott4r captain Pbilhips. Sellers _______ 710 Mca counted for Colling- Trewi 677woodwith Newmarket short- Tarewn514 77handed le the third period. Talor --------- ----------5914 White bagged bis second score. Oke 591late le tihe game. A total o! seven penalties were imposed, five ta Newmarket. WFRATED TOPS (Junior "A") Scarboro 3-Midland 2 Y BUSNESS ENIn a terrifie tussle, Syl Apps ýY BU INES MEN Jr. scored at 1:40 of the first mg your clients and overtime veriad ta give Scar- bora the win. agues here for luncheon. Sheritt scared the lace mark- b. delighted with our er o! the opening period ta give ion ofgod fodScarbeo the lead. Midway in donsof ood oodthe final stanza Mac Ritchie up- service. ped the lead ta 2-0. Clayton struck back little over a minute later and Robit- 55caille knotted the caunt witha Luncheon 55 minute and f ifty seconds ieft in regulation time. 'Wright and Mastin drew Scarboro penal- tics. Make This Your Headquarters for Good Foodi at Reasonable Prices. : (A.H.L.) St. Catharines 2-Pcnetang O A goal by Roberts in eachi of the first and second periods gave St. Catharines their twa goal margin aver Penetang in a bard fought battie. Penetang penalties went ta Devillers and LaPage. Bowmanville 3-Parry Sound ' Bowmanvilile took, the win. in a rugged contest. on Ae Wisetan'â Boal withii our se- 30 Area Three Hecti onds left ta play in the game. Parry Sound drew a penalty after 15 seconds of play, and the locals capitalized on Terry Black's score, the only goal of the first period. There was nd scoring throu- ghout the second session. Two quîck goals in less than a min- ute by Badger and Renshaw gave the Sounders the lead only in the third period. Wiseman tied the score with Parry Sound again shorthand- ed, to set the stage for his win- ning marker. Ten penalties wcre dished out, o! which Par- ry Sound drew 7. (Junior "A") Welland 3-Camp Borden 1 The lone tally o! the openîngi period was fired by Wyelland's Gohm at the 18:12 mark. Two early second scssion goals by Perry and Swain made it 3-t0 before Mac Allan scored thie only Camp Borden goal of the game. No penalties were given in the cleanly played contest. <A.ll.L.) Toronto Twp. 3-Camp Borden 2 Toronto Township was forc- ed into a third overtime period. before centre player Stanfield rapped in the winner. Actually the Toronto tearn put both Camp Borden goals into their own nets. O'Keefe got credit for the f irst Camp Borden goal, but Watts and Gladman came back to give the Township the lead at the end of the first per- iod. The second Camp Borden score wvas awarded ta Baker, three minutes before the end of reculation time. The stage was set for the winner at 1:40 of thoc third overtime session. <N.H.L.) Thorold 8-Beeton 1 Thorold spotted Beeton an early lead on Sinclair's goal, before ramrning in eight straight talles. Weir and Naude fired first period goals. In the second ses sion Filfpow scored twice within 21 secondà and Boucock added another. Naude scored his second, withi Gorham and Allan adding the final markers within 20 sec- onds of each other. Beeton drew all four penalties handed out. (Junior "A") Trenton i-Bowmanville O Gregg's first period score at 17:27 stood up throughout the game, as Trenton eliminated the Bowmanville crew from further competition. This was the f irst consolation game. Each team picked up a pair of tripping sentences. (A.H.L.> Port Hope 2-Bowmanville 1 In a thrill-packed contest, the Port Hope team nipped the local pee wees, ta drap the sec- ond Bowmanville team fromn the running. Taylor gave Port Hope the lead at 17:20 of the first period. With time running out, Ricky Gay tied the score at 17:27 of the final stanza, only to have Taylor net bis second, a minute and two seconds later. With two Port Hopers in the bin and the goalie out, Bow- manville came within an eye- lash of knotting the count, but Port Hope held off the rally. (N.H.L.) Port Hope 2-Collingwood 1 In another exciting match, Heard's rising shot after three minutes and 45 seconds of over- time, gave the win ta Port Hope. There was no scoring ine Teams Trophiles ic Games either the first or third per- iods. McKay gave Collingwood the lead at 3:14 o! the middle frame, with Ryan tieing the score near the end of the period. (Junior "A") Midlanàd 4-Camp Borden 0 A crawd-pleasing Midland atom team scored twice in each period ta advance ini consola- tion play. Robitaille and Claytan scared in the last three minutes o! the first perîod, with Howard and Chayton wrapping up the scor- ing in the final frame. Midlaed drew ail six penalties handed out. (A.H.L.) Camp Borden 5-Penetang 1 Two first period goals by Mike Hoare, and second period tallies by Baker, Mack, and O'Keefe paced Camp Borden ta a decisive 5-1 win. Le Page collected Penetang's lone score. The game was mar- red by the tourney's first [c- .jury, when Bob Delorme sus- tained a broken wrist, as he feil ail by hiniself. Hoare pick- cd up two trippicg sentences. (N.H.L.) Beeton 5-Parry Sound 2 Beeton spotted Parry Sound an eariy two goal lcad, before roaring back witb three coun- ters before the first period ended. (Gignac and Brown scor- ed for Parry Sound, only to have Moran, Morrow and Rit- chie fire three Beeton goals in the hast three minutes o!thie first period. Morro\v added his second in the middle stanza and Ritchie potted his second score in tic third period. (Junior "A") Parry Sound 3-Toronto Twp. 0 Let by defecceman Bobby Orr, Parry Sound atoms skated ta a 3-0 s hutout win and a spot in the Junior "A" finals. MacDonald and Draper cal- lected first period goals, with Orr's third period tally, putting the game beyond Toronto's reach. Tburston and McKenna picked up Parry Sound penal- ties. A.H.L.) Scarboro 3-Huntsville 1 Three first period goals by Scarboro's Alldridge, Capelli. and Minor setthed the issue early. Huntsville hcld the Scarbor- ites scoreless in the second ses- sion, but were able ta pick up oely a single score tbemselves. The Scarboro teamn drew two penalties during the game. (N.H.L.) Toronto Twp. 2-Newmarket 1 In a rugged tilt, during wbich a Newmarket player suffered a slight concussion, wben heavily boarded, Toronto Township ad- vanced ta the finals. After a scoreless first periocl. Jobnston and Belford scored Toronto goals in the second session. Needles collected for Newmarket early ln the third stanza, but they were held for the rest o! the game. Each team drew four penalties. (Junior "A") Scarboro 6-Welland 2 A powerful Scarboro team outscored Welland 3-1 in each period ta oust Welland and advance ta the finals. Mac Ritchie scored a break- away goal and Swain stick- handled through the whole Scarboro team ta tie the score minutes later. Sherritt scored with -Welland sborthanded, and Office Downs Combines in Goodyear Bowling M~f TF....1 Combines, and second schedule P. Bathgate 677 winners, the Office, wagcd J. Potts ------___594 quite a battle hast Thursday J. Bond-------------- 61.2 night, before the Office were R. Campbell absent able ta take a narrow 2-1 de- cision. The office won the first Final Averages and third games by slim mar- Arnold Lobb --211 gins, whiie the Combines over- Ray Westlake 205 whelmed the Office ie the se- Archie Cowey 205 cond game. TmGaa 0 Despite a terrifie late game Tm Gaa 0 rally, the Combines felI six Art Spicer ---_____201 pins short o! the Office total. Ken Flint _____201 Bill Shotter's clutch strike was Bill Holroyd- 197 the big blow. The scores were Jack Bond 197 1068 ta 1062. John Staieton 196 Witb their backs against the Howard Davey ---196 wail, Pete Bathgate bowled a Farewell Blackburn 196 284 single ta lead the Combines Pete Bathgate 19-_--- _j3 ta a buge 198 pin win over the Bill Shotter ------ --- 192 Office crew. The scores were Jim Allie 192 117ta 959. Frank Mohun 191 The third and deciding gane LloyadBFose ---- -----189) saw bath teams battling rigt LJacdPottsey189 down ta the wire. The Office Jacm Houck--___189 rtllcd 1150 ta the Combine's i Hoc18 1111 ta capture the third game Tom Masterson ____-187 aed the Goodyear Tropby byMuryGatI 39 pis.Bennv .King -_____186 John Stainton's steady bowl- Stu Craga--------186 ing gave hlm high triple ha - Ralp Amperon- 184 ours with a 697 total. Pete Pal Armtrong184 Bathgate's 284 effort took the Frekdunnm ----t - ------ 184 bigh single. bolinnba Jac HDnsen ---- _----- 84- TeGood 'vear bErinnie- H asn ----------------- 1,32 quet will be heid at the Bal- SuPiCron-- ------ moral Hotel on Saturday, April JePpr ---------------- 12 19t. ll owersar reuet-George Dadson ------- 181 l9 t. ailbtend. reruet-Mike Kowal-.------------ - 181 etaatn.Jack Honcyman - ---------_180 Individual totals for the of. Murrav Bate - ---------- 18() fice \\cic.:- Doug Smith . 13 T. Graham - -- --- 582 Chuck Wright ----------7_ ý9 J. Aluin- ------------5 31 j Howard Edmondson17 J. Stainton 697 Jim Bell ___-177 H. Davcy ___ 614 Ted Tice 171 F. Mohun - - 437 Dave Park _______1"0 rT. Dadson _____3,0 Ted Clarke -- _____ 7 B. Shotter _59__________595 Nesbitt -___ 168 J. Bell ------------------ ---603 .Bill Joli --_: ------- 165 Individuai totals for the Com-> Alex Cameron ------------- 162 bines wvere:- Ted Dadson ----162I D. Park -- é I Bill Harriso-r- - 157' B. King . - ------ 662 John Henderson -1321 B. Holroyd -_____ 512 Art Farrow -1____1_ N.H.L. FINALS Toronto Twp. 2-Thorold 0 On the thirtieth game of the tournament. Toronto Township and Thorold battled through two scoreless periods, before Barry Trustrum fired the winner at 5:44* of the third stanza. Johnstone's tally at the 10:27 1 Mixed Bowling League I With one week Ieft in the Mixed Bowling League sched- ule, Morley Etcher's 7-0 shut- oub over Elton Brock's bowl- ers, has put the Etcher teamn back in contention for the lead. Art Spicer's league leaders dropped a 5-2 game ta Bob Mitchell's team. The two points picked up by Spicer, repres- ent their first place margin. Jim Richard's outfit took a 5-2 win over Stringer's cellar- dwellers ta move into third place, one point ahead of Mit- chell. Brock slipped from third position down ta fifth place. Onie Etcher had things pret- ty much her own way, as she rolled the high single of 318 and also took the high triple hon- ours with a 710 total. Bob Mitchell also led in bath departments, rolling the men's high single game, 268 and the high triple of 691. Ail 6 teams will participate in the league playoff s, te week following the close of this schedule. Teams Standint W L Pts Spicer - ---------25 17 59 Etcher -------- --------24 18 57 Richards --------------- 21 21 4 3 Mitchell --------------- 20 22 47 Brock ---- 18 24 44 Stringer ---- ----- 18 24 40 mark sewed the game up and gave Toronto Township its sec- ond championship. Terry O'Brien played well ta earn the shutout. Thorold gain- ed a measure of satisfaction, when Ron Naude was chosen as the N.H.L.'s top performer. Jr. "A" Champions - Scar- boro. A.H.L. Champions - Toronto Township. N.H.L. Champions - Toronto Township. Jr. "~A" rnost valuable player A.H.L. rnost valuable player -Bill Watts. N.H.L. most valuable player -Ron Naude. Averages Games Ave. F. Brock _____ 42 225 H. Brock_____ 42 215 A. Spicer 42 206 M. Etcher_____ 42 199 J. Richards 39 199 0. Etcher ___ 39 194 B. Mitchell____- 42 192 G. Stringer 39 190 C. Oke _____ 42 189 A. Hickling 39 189 E. Stringer 39 188 C. Mutton ___- 39 188 E. Cox -------42 186 H. Bromeil 4-1 186 L. Eldridge 42 184 R. Mutton _____--.42 182 D. Reynolds 39 180 B. Edmondson 36 176 J. Cox ------ 42 174 P. Gould 42 172 A. Holdstock 42 170 A. Winacott ____ 39 169 E. Bromeli ____ 39 168 D. Mutton- - 39 166 C. Evans 42 158 B. Charles 42 156 C. Reynolds 33 155 R. Mitchell 42 134 D. Charles----- 42 153 J. Evans-.--------- ---- 39 149 D. Edmondson---- 33 143 P. Bartels ----------.-- 42 137 M. Hicklîng ----------- 35 137 J. Eldridge------------ 42 U5 E. Winacott ---------- 30 134 R. Spicer --------------42 121 Ladies' High Single - O. Etcher ---- ------- 318 Men's High Single - B. Mitchell------------------ 268 Ladies' Hligh Triple - O. Etcher ----- - ----- 7 10 Men's High Triple B. Mitchell ---------- 691 High Average - E. Brock - ----- - ------ Turn Old Furnilure inioCash witb STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Valance ended the f irst period by scoring while Scarboro was shorthanded. Beieg shorthanded paid off again for Scarboro, as Syl Apps (Jr.) tallied twice within twa minutes. A minute hater, Val- lance netted bis second and Gohm fired Welland's final goal le the hast minute o! play. (A.H.L.) Toronto Township 4 St. Catharines 1 Two late third period goals helped Toronto Township ta place, a second teami in the f i- nais. Gladman gave Toronto the lead with the only goal o! the first period. Milîs tied it at forty-two) seconds of the final stanza. Dunville scored the winner at the 12:45 mark, with Watts and Dunvilie's second score, icicg the game ln the, hast three minutes. (N.H.L.) Thorold 6-Bowmanville 3 Roc Naude's second per:od hat-trick led Thorold ta the win, shattering the locals' chance af reaching the finals. The lace score af the firs, period xvent ta Gorham of Tho- raid. Two by Naude and a sini- gle marker by Fiiipow increas- cd the lcad, before Lee Somer- scales finally broke the ice. Naude's third goal came in the last minute o! the second ses- sion. Gorham picked up Thorold's final score, with Ray Crombie's two goals in 21 seconds cornin.g too late. Each team picked up four penalties. CONSOLATION FINALS (Junior *'A") Mi'diand 4-Trenton 3 Bath teams packed sevcn goals in the first 12 minutes o! the first period, and playedý the remaining time wîthout a single score. Robitaille fired the first Mid- land goal early le the period, with Hubbard tieing the score minutes later. Claytoe again gave Midland the lead, but Scape tied it within 24 seconds. Robitaille's second marker again gave Midland the lead, only ta have Hubbard's second tally tie it again withie 30 sec- onds. Little over a minutie later Bobby Clayton scored the win-ý ner on an unassisted effort.j Midland drew 3 of the 4 penal- ties. CONSOLATION FINALS (A.H.L.) Camp Borden 2-Port Hope i Hoare took advantage of a Port Hope penalty ta break up a tîght game and give Camp Borden the consolation A.H.L. title. Gregory fired the first goal after 21 seconds o! the first period. Taylor's qcore at 1:23 o! the second session, tied the game for Port Hope, and set the stage for Hoar's xinner at the 8:04 mark. Port Hope collected 4 of the 6 penalties. CONSOLATION FINALS (N.H.L.) Beeton 1-Port Hope O Nolan Morrow's goal at 5:27 o! the second session was the only and winning marker o! a keenly 9ontested gamne, as Port Hope lost by one goal again. Beeton was given four penal- ties to Part Hope's two. JR. "A" FINALS Searboro 1-Parry Sound ô Syl Apps proved ta be a "ch;p off the old block", as his unas- sisted power play goal at 11:37 of the first period gave Scar- boro the Jr. "A" champion- ship. Bobby Orr, who won the Jr. "A" outstanding player trophy, was off for holding the puck at the time. A.H.L. FINALS Toronto Twp. 3-Scarboro 1 Winger Bill Watts showed why he was picked, as the A. H.L.'s best, by leading Toronto Township ta the title over their Scarboro neighbours. Watts opened the scoring a!- ter exactly anc minute o! pay Garbutt's groal made it 2-0 be Choose yours from the C.C.M. family of fine bikes, in 3 ranges... Canadian t5t-SABRE=- IMPERIAL Cyco Il~ MASON & DALE HARDWARE LTD. 36 King St. E. MA 3-5408 *e tMlcNULTY'S SPORTS, CYCLE & TOYS IV6 King St. E. MA 3-3531 OSBORNE SPORTS & CYCLE 26 King St. E. MA 3-5897 ONTARIO OPPORTUN ITY' Why Gamble on the Future? Here is a Proven Plan, Offered by an AIi-Canadian Company. No Selling Involved. No Previaus Experience Necessary. No Credit Risk.s WE WANT- .SINCERE applicants %vho can spare at least 2 hours per week. and are Interested l l ?wning a fuil-time business in the future. If accepted, must be able to start ixnmediately, servicing established accounts. WE OFFER-M ('omplete Individuai, Manual Instruction Pcriods. Complete Namne Brand Inventory. Liberai Company Finance Plan. Immediate W'eekly Income. Repurchase Agree- ment After Trial Period If Not Satisfled. NOTE: APPLICANTS selected must have a minimum of $675 for complets sftock. 6V* EXISTING obligations prevent us from accepting applications ln: SUDBURY, j SORRY OT ASRIGDEIH TAA IGTN PLFASE! No triflers! If you ar# sincere and desire a Company Interview, pl«e write giving age. past experience. address and phone number to Advertiser 798, e/o The Canadian Statesman, P. O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. !"Business Nen's v OLYMPIA RESTAURKANT KING Under New Management My ik...ce- -J 1 rir.f celia,1,1. i.,innpre flia ,

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