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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1958, p. 14

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&4 OU-TE TE ANAflIA!1STATESMAN, BE0WMNMfLE, ONTAM THIM~DAY, APRIL 1'th, 1958 ç-~-- rv' Births ABERNETHY-Ray and Muriel are happy to announce the ar- rivai of their daughter, Jili .Arline at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on April 7, 1958. A sister for Douglas, Laurel, Alan and Ronald. 16-11 BRUNT-Joan and Byron are happy to announce the arrivai of their son, Gerald Byron, on April 7, 1958, at Memorial Hos- Sita1, Bowmanville. A brother or Larry. 16-1 KENNEDY - Don and Verna wish to announce the arrivai of a daughter, Sharon Elaine, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on March 31, 1958, a sister for Rosemary. 16-i SARGINSON-Royce and Verna Sarginson are happy to an- nounce the arrivaI of their son, James Royce at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on April 10, 1958, a brother for Karen. 16-1* MULHOLLAND - Norman and Peggy Mulholland are proud to announce the birth of their son, John Howard, born April 9, 1958, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Weight 7 lbs., 14 ozs. A brother for Gail and Karen. 16-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Moorcraft wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Donna Marie to Mr. Albert Popert, son of Mrs. Popert and the late Mr. William E. Popert of Toronto. Marriage to take place on Friday evening, May 2nd. 16-1 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Dob- son wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Miary Louise, to M\r. Clifford William Fonk, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fonk of Burk's Falls. Wedding to take place at 3 p.m. in Shiloh United Church, New- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Murdoch announce the engagement of their daughter Gwendolyn May to Thomas P. Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gould, Bowman- ville. The marriage will take place Friday, May 16, 1958, at 7:30 o'clock in St!e Paui's Unit- ed Church, Bowmanville. 16-1* Deaths BRESLIN, Morris-At his resi- dence, 3 Ridge Hill Drive, 'Toronto, on Tuesday, April 15, 1958, Morris Breslin, beloved husband of Edith Breslin- and father of Edward, Pearl (Mrs. L. Greenbaum), Richard and David. Resting at Park Memor- jal Chapel for service in Beth Tzedic Synagogue, 1700 Bath- urst St., Toronto, at 12 noon, '1'hursday, April i7th. It would be appreciated if a donation were made to the Heart Founda- tion, instead of sending flowers. 16-1 flOY-At Oshawa General Hos- . ital on Tuesday, April 15, 1958, dna J. Gilroy in ber Stb year, beloved wife of C. Alex Hoy, R.R. 4, Oshawa, and dear, mother of Dale A., Donald G., and A. Grant. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- inanville. Service in the Chapel on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. 16-1 For Rent FURNISHED room, gentleman. 28 Wellington St. 16-1 'rHREE-roomed apartment in Tyrone. Phone MA 3-2600. 16-2* EIGHTY-five a c r e s pasture. Archie Brown. Phone New- castle 2148. 16-1* FOUR-roomed bouse, east of Newcastle, decorated.Phn Newcastle 3776. 16-1 FIVE-room flat, East Beach, Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-2875 after five. 16-tf FORTY-TWO acres workable land, some plowed. Mrs. F. Cat- or, R.R. 5, Salem, MA 3-2360. 16-1* UPSTAIRS heated apartment. Seif-contained, immediate pos- session. Phone MA 3-5891 or MA 3-2088. 14-tf THREE-roomed ground floor apartment, separated entrance and bathroom; beated. Phone MA 3-3633. 16-1* PASTURE to rent, also cattie taken in. Polled Hereford bull for sale. R. T. Currelly, Wel- come 2336. 16-1 OFFICE space - room for tbree offices, steam beated, light sup- plied, 1 with walk-in vault. Ap- fi ly Specialty Paper Products. owmanville, or your real estate agent. 15-2 B~OUSE in Bowmanville area with hydro and garden. Avail- able May lst. References re- quired. Write Advertiser 803, C/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 16-1 BOUSE, 6 rooms, on Highway, one mile from town, near sehool. Heavy duty. wiring, large gar- den. Possession May 15. Write Advertiser 804, c/o Cariadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow-, mnanville. 16-1* Wanted to Rent A FARM or house by May ist. Chris. Jensen, R.R. 4, Uxbridge. Telephone 477 r 6, Port Perry, between 2 and 6. 16-1 SCHOOL teacher wishes ta ob- tain garage, centrally located. Write Advertiser 800, C/0 The Çanadian Statesman, P.O. Box M gowmavAfla,16-1 Articles for Sale EVERCOLD refrigerator. Phone Newcastle 377& 16-1 SPRING rye for seed. H. Lar- mer. Telephone Blackstock 82r4. 1 16-1* j ALL household furniture for sale. Mrs. R. McCulloch, Hamp- ton. 16-1 DRY light wood, stove length, $10 load delivered. Phone MA 3-2849. 12-tf ONE brown iron bedstead; one set of springs. Phone 2726 Newcastle. 16-11 GREENHOUSE plants for sale. Phone MA 3-5322 or caîl at 811 Hunt St. 16-11 DRY slab wood, mixed, $10 per cord, deiivered. Phone New- castle 3776. 16-1 CEDAR poles, ahl sizes; loose hay; parts for '55 Pontiac. Phone MA 3-2383. 16-1 HARDWOOD cuttings, large load, $10 delivered. Telephone Oshawa RA 5-1526. 14-4 BOY'S C.C.M. bicycle, in good condition, $18, or nearest offer. Phone Newcastle 2761. 16-1 KITCHEN cabinet, combination waffle and sandwich grill. Tele- phone MA 3-3974. 16-1* RASPBERRY canes, Latham and Taylor. A Laird, Maple Grove, Phone MA 3-2109. 16-2 CEDAR fence posts, clothes line posts and poles. M. L. Ciemens, Hampton, Pone MA 3-2436. 1 16-1* SAVE on lumber, direct fromn mil to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf SEAT covers, heavy clear plas- tic. Will fit 1955 or '56 Pontiac Sedan. Telephone Oshawa RA 5-5085. 16-11 HARD and soft water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf BOY'S sport model bicycle with full balloon tires, in good con- dition. G. Barrett, 42 Liberty ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 Xing St. E., Bowmariville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf SEED grain, clovers, pature, mixture, lawn seed; certified seed potatoes, fertilizer, feeds, etc. A. W. Glenney, Newcasle, Phone 2771. 16-2 HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgoni Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E.,l Bowmanville. Telephone MÀA 3-5438. 20-tf REGISTERED Garry and Rod- ney oats, $1.50 bus., Commercial, 1,31; registered Barboff barley, $2.00 a bus., Commercial, $1.75 a bus. Harold Swain, Nestleton, Ont., R.R. No. 2. Telephone Blackstock 71 - 2. 13-4 ADDING machines, typewriters, cash r e g i s t e r s, calculators, cheque writens, filîng cabinets, office furniture. New and uscd. Repairs to all makes. Frank Office Equiprnent, 177 Cbunch Street, Bowmanville. MAr!zet '3-3986. 8-tf PLANT your penennials carly. Good selection, bealthy, giant Pacific Delphinium, 50c. Roses, ' mums, lupins and rockery Telephone MA 3-2843 or MA 3-5618. 16-1 GRAVEL Chips - Threc-quarter Stone S~and - Itoad Gravel LELAND PAYNE SAND AND GRAVEL Newtonville - Phone Clarke 13041 13-tf SPECIALS: General Electric polishers, $42.95; Eureka De-' luxe model, $79.00; G.E. ketties, $12.95; two-piece chesterfields, $119.00 up: tbree-piece bedroom suites, $89.00 up; two only Sealey mattresses, $39.9.5. Trade-ins: Electrolux cleaner, $49.00; Hon- ver, $19.50. Murphy Co.. King St. W., Bowmanville, MA 3-3781. i ~16-1*1 FUEL OIL .TfVP fiT Aricles for Sale POTATOES, Sebago, table stock. Phone MA 3-2319. 16-1* TWENTY-ONE feet of ensilage. Phone MA 3-2903. 16-if BALED hay. Apply Eber Mill- son. Phone MA 3-2645. 16-1* ABOUT 800 feet maple floor- ing, miii run. MA 3-2904. 16-11 FOUR roll-away beds, 3 with spring mattresses. Phone MA 3-5195. 16-1 1,000 BALES of hay. Apply Herb Prescott, Enniskillen. MA 3-5193. 16-1* POTATOES for sale. A. W. Prescott, Hampton. Phone MA HAY-Alfalfa and timothy. Ap- ply Gray Brothers, 'phone 3556 Newcastle. 11-1* ONE white enamel ice box in good condition, capacity 75 lbs. Phone MA 3-2031. 16-1 INTERNATIONAL Harvester row-crop "M" tractor, excellent condition. Telephone Orono 5 r 6. 16-1* ONE thousand bales mixed hay, will seli or take stock. Have pasture with water for twenty head cattle. Blackstock 72 - 3. 16-1* HAY for sale. Quantity of first. class mixed hay, 30c a bale. De- livered, .05c extra. J. A. Car- scadden, telephone Orono 35 r 9. 16-1 REGISTERED and Commercial Garry and Rodney oats, Brant barley and grass seeds. Swain Seed Cleaners, Blackstock. 16-tf NEW bicycles, made in Canada, 100%o guaranteed. Boys' - girls', $35.95 up. McNulty's Sports, Cycle & Toys, Bowmanville, MA 3-3531. 16-2 VIKING cream separator, used about two years, in good con- dition. Can be used by hand or electric power. Three-drum steel land roller with foot-board. Meadowmount Farms, Route 3, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2811. 16-1 RESTAURANT - Building 20' x 30' and contents, fully equip- ped. To be moved from present site. Good buy for someone wanting to start. Apply The Village Grill, 7A Highway, Nestieton. Phone Blackstock 40 r 21. 16-1* ONE used Case D tractor; 1 used Case S tractor; 1 used Case fer- tilizer sower; International "45" baler; power lawn mowers; refrigerators and deep freezers; used Farmail "A" with scuffler. Swift's fertilizer. W. H. Brown, 91 King St. W., Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-5497. 16-11 SEED POTATES P.E.I. Foundation and Certified Cobblers, Sebagos & Kathadin R. C. GRAHM PHONE MArket -273 16-tf THE Public Trustee as the Ad- ministrator of the estate of Michael Zisko, offers for sale 20 hives of bees, presently in the possession of Mr. Steve Za- dorozny, on the property known as part of Lot 23, Concession 2, Townîship of Darlington, Bow- manville, Ontario. Terms cash. Offers to purchase should be forwarded to the Public Trustee, [145 Quecn Street West, Toronto, quoting thereon the file No. CR. 5838-JHL. 16-2 USED FARM EQUIPMENT Tractors INTE1NNATIONAL WD6 FARMALL CUB with fulll une of equipment MAS SEY-HARRIS "22"l CASE V.A.C. with mountcd mower and 2-row cultivator AUl of these tractors have beeni overhauled1 MACHINERY No. 76 New Holland BALER Engine Driven INTERNATIONAL 3-FURROW PLOW on steel MASSEY 8-ft. TANDEM DISC CO-OP 4-wheel SPREADER *on rubber COCKSHUTT No. 6 2-lVheel TRACTOR SPREADER No. 45 INTERNATIONAL P.T.O. BALER COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E., Bowmnanvillei Phone MA 3-5689 16-1 Wanted I.J.1 ~ L ~II.5 G OOD home for female pup. Automatie Metered Parnt spaniel. Telephone MArket 3-5872. 16-1* 24-Hour Delivery Service DEAD and crippled farm stock, À. H.STUR OCK picked Up promptly. Phone MA A. H STU ROC 3-279.Margwill Fur Farm, AND SONS Tyrone. 13-tf PASTURE ta rent for ten to IMPERLNL ESSO DEALER twelve bead of cattle. Must be alone or with fully accneditedi Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. and Federally listed cattle. J. BOIWMA&NVILLE Russell Ormîston. Phone MA 45-tf 3-235à. 16-1 Cars for Sale MERCURY haîf-ton pick-up, $185. Phone MA 3-2548. 16-1l '53 CHEV. Coach, radio, heater, best offer. Phone MA 3-5040. 16-1 '52 HARLEY-Davidson motor- cycle, Model K. Best of fer. 135 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 16-1* '48 OLDSMOBILE sedan, auto- matic, radio, good dlean con- dition. Phone MArket 3-3147. 16-1* ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%7. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf 1951 PLYMOUTH coacli, radio, heater, excellent condition. Nice dlean car. Bargain for quick sale. Elgie Harnden, 44 Ontario Street. 16-1 '51 Pontiac Fleelline "six $225 Full Price In Good Running Condition Kuri's Fîna-Service Liberty St. S. Bowmnanville MArket 3-5063 16-1 '51 Ford Custom Sedan $395 Full Price F RE E FOUI ]BRAND NEW TIRES Kurt's Fina Service Liberty St. S. Bowmanville MArket 3-5063 16-1 'USED CARS AND TRUCKS Used Cars 1946 CHEV. SEDAN Special - $75.00 1950 STUDEBAKER SEDAN with Overdrive - Rcpainted Good Tires - One Owner Trucks 1951 MERCURY '4..ton 1956 INTERNATIONAL 3-160 3-ton COWAN EQUJPMENT CO. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5689 1- SPRJNG SPECIALS '51 DODGE Spec. 4-dr $495 Newtone '50 DeSOTO 4-door ___ $395 New paint '50 HILLMAN 4-door - $1251 Also 10 Good Popular USED CARS Clean and Guaranteed from 1952 to 1957 OUTBOARD MOTORS AND POWER LAWN MOWERS PALMER MOTOR SALES Plymouth - Chrysier Cars Fargo Trucks 20 King St. E. Bowmanvilie Phone MA 3-5487 161 BUYING A CAR ? BEFORE YOU DO SEE "I-IONEST ED"I or "IRISH STEW"I *Neyer Undersold *Top Dollar for Trades *Written Guarantee * .Q EayTrnis ----RAndolph 3-4431---- 16-1* Livestock for Sale THREE Jersev calves. suitable for vealing. Phone MA 3-2298.J 16-1 GOOD pasture with water and shade availabie. Phone 14 r 16,1 Orono. 16-21 BABY Chicks - We have the dealersbip for DeKalb Hybridiz- - ed Chix. We also hatch and recommend White Leghorn, Bar- red Rock and the popular New Hampsh ire X Barred Rock Hy- brid. Write or 'phone for priceJ list. H-. J. Brooks. MArket 3-3961.1 '2-ti Notices Bowmanville Lions Club is holding a meeting to line up the catering service for the next two year term. This meeting will be held Tuesday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Rose Room, upstairs, of the Lions Commun- ity Centre. Representatives of aIl women's groups interested in catering are invited to be present. 15-2 O NTA RIO ONTARIO FUEL BOARD IN THE MATTER 0F The Muni- cipal Franchises Act, Chapter 249, R. S. O. 1950, Section 8, as amended, and IN THE MATTER 0F Applica- tions ly The Consumers' Gas Company for Certificates of Public Convenience and Neces- sity to construet works and to supply natural gas to the in- habitants of the under-mention- ed municipalities. Corporation of the Town of Campbellford. Corporation of the Township of Tiny. Corporation of the Township of Manvers. Corporation of the Township of Kitley. Corporation of the Township of Wolford. Corporation of the Village of Merrickville. Corporation of the Village of1 of Tottenham. Corporation of the Village of of Havelock. Corporation of the Village of of Millbrook. NOTICE 0F HEARING Ontario Fuel Board hereby appoints Tuesday, the 22nd day of April, 1958, at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon, Eastern Stand- ard Time, at the offices of the Board, Suite 311, 4 Richmond Street East, Toronto, for the hearing of the above Applica- tions, and ail persons interested therein. Copies of the Applications may be inspected, and further particulars obtained at the offices of the Clerks of the above municipalities, the Applicant, the Solicitors for the Applicant, iMessrs. Zimmerman, Haywood and Turville, 111 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario, or this Board. DATED at Toronto, this 8th day of April, 1958. ONTARIO FUEL BOARD "A. R. Crozier" Chairman '«J. J. Wingfelder" Commissioner Tenders Wanted OR coo Town of Bowmanville Tenders for Concrete Work Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to contents, will be receied by the undersigned until 5 p.m., FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, D. S. T. for the construction of the fol- lowing works: CONTRACT A - SIDEWALKS 8,000 square feet of Replacement CONTRACT B - CURBS 400 lineal feet of New The above are approximate quantities only Particulars and specifications may be obtained from the Works Foreman Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LLOYD QUINTON, Works Foreman. A. J. LYLE, Clerk, Town of Bowmanville. 16-2 Tenders Wanted DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP MITCHELL'S CORNERS TENDERS FOR TWO-CLASSROOM ADDITION Sealed tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by the undersigned until 4 p.m., Tues- day, April 22nd, 1958, for a pro- posed two-classroom addition to the school at Mitcbeîl's Corners for South Darlington School Area Board. Plans and specifications may I be obtained by general contract- ors only after Monday, April 7th from office of architects and en- gineers on deposit of $50.00; certified cheques payable to arcbitects and engineers, wbich will be returned when plans and specifications are returned in goQ)d condition. Lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. Jackson, Ypes and Associates, Architects and Engineers, 24 Northtown Shopping 'Centre 5385 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ont. 1- Teachers Wanted TEACHERS - Immediate sum- mer employment. Opportunity for part and full time summer employment with guaranteed income. Teachers must have at least two years experience. Apply to Mr. Wm. Hlayes, Suite 301, 85 Bloor St. E., Toron- to. 16-2 Work Wanted IT'S Spring - for dlean-up and take-away jobs - MA 3-2849. 16-tf CUSTOM work done, also ploughing gardens. Telephone MA 3-2186. 16-1* EVERT Vierhout, carpenter, cupboards and repairs. Phone 2%8 Newcastle. 12-4* È RICK work and plastering. Norman Pingle, 72 Elgin St. Phone MA 3-5518. 10-tf PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing; free e sti mate s. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf NEW plastering and repairs. Stucco and cement piastering. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf GARDENS ploughed, cultivated, lawns cut, baby-sitting. 67 Temperance St. Phone MArket 3-2039. 16-1* CONCRETE and mason work, new or repair. Chimneys. foundations, floors, walks, etc. L. Turner. Téléphone MArket 3-3231. 41-tf HAVE your garden roto-tilled. IMakes ready to plant. Very reasonable. For estimate phone B. Brunt MA 3-3971. 16-1 COLOURED patio slabs sold and laid. Brick and stone barbecues for sale. For free estimates and delivery telephone Oshawa RA 3-3291 collect. 15-tf EXPERT watch, dlock and jewellery repair. MacKaye's Watch & Clock Clinic. Watches, dlocks, jewellery and Ronson, lighters. Orono, Ont. 8-tf NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT Kitehens, Bedrooms, Landings, etc. Any part of your home in- cluding basement. Low hourly rate. For a quick smart job Phone MA 3-3157. 16-1 EXPERIENCED secretary de- sires a good office position in Town of Bowmanville. Write Advertiser 799, c/o Canadian St4tesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 16-1 Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS MOR-SUN DEALER GAS - OIL 66 King St. W. MA 3-517Z BOWMANVILLE 12-6 MOVED TO NEW LOCATION Save Money at Dave's Shoe Repair Fast, 26 Ontario Corne r Prompt Service St. Bowmanvllle King and Ontario 15-tf MOVING LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Ail loads fully însured P.C.V. - D, C, Hl and F IA. D. BROOKING PHONE MArket 3-3821 2180 Liberty N. Bowmanville 14-3 Auction Sales Mr. George Hamilton, Lot 24, Con. 4, Hope Township, 3 miles west of Canton, is giving Up farming and will scîl by public auction on Saturday, April l9th at 1 p.m., all bis farmn stock, Allis-Chalmers baler, tractor, seed drill, Ferguson cultivator, full line of ncarly new tractor macbinery. Further particulars sec bis. Tcrms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 16-1* Eighty head of blood and TB tested registered Jersey cattie. Complete dispersal sale of the Bondmyn herd. Two tractors, New Holland baler, complete line of nearly ncw tractor machincry, lwo milking ma- chines, 25 can bullk cooler and automatic washer, the propcrtyj of Mr. William Willton, Lot 2,1 Concession 1, Dariington Town- ship, 2 miles east of Bowman- ville on No. 2 Highway, to be sold by public auction on Friday, April l8th. Sale to commence promptly at 1 p.rn. Cattle sale at 3 p.m. For further particulars, sec bis. Termns cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. Eastern Ontario Hereford Club SPRING SALE PETERBOROI-GII FAIR GROUNDS Saturday, April 26th, 12:30 p.m. 25 Rcgistered Hlereford Bulis and Females bot Horncd and Polied AnimaIs Approved by Dominion I-ealth of Animals Branch andi Ontario Livestock Branch Up to $60.00 Grant on Bulîs, according to Ontario Bull Prcmium. Sale Under Cover R.R. 3, Peterborough 1V. MOOD. Secretary Birdsall Reail Estate f or Sale EXCHANGE-Modern gas-heat- ed home, seven rooms, in Bow- manville, for gravel pit (with or without home) in surround- ing district. Write P.O. Box 1343, Bowmanville. 16-11 FOUR-roomed frame bouse on highway west of Bowmanville. Ail conveniences. Will seli or consider trade for larger bouse in Oshawa or Bowmanville district. Phone MA 3-2114. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL 1'ROPERTY lici I Evans ORONO - Broker1 PHONE 33 -171 13-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont.. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER Apartment house, 8 suites and 1 store showing a good revenue,. on main street of Bowmanville. Can be bought on very easy terms. Owner anxious to sel on account of poor bealth. Three general stores in coun- try ail with post office arnd gas pumps. Doing good country trade. Open for of fer. Farms, ahl sizes f rom 10 to 200 acres, some on very easy terms. _Newýcastle â856 J. Van Nest 1- REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Hardware store with shoe re- pair included, doing nice bus-1 iness; apartment above. Cash of $5,500 for stock plus $1,000 down for buildings. Business building on King E., suitable for sales outiet, beauty parlor or office; all conveniences. Priced right. Two cottages on West Beach, one winterized. $800.00 cash re- quired on each. Seed cleaning plant with ful line of equipmcnt. Splendid in- vestment for semi-retired man for Spring and Faîl work. May we show you a nice bungalow. Listings wanted. 16-1 Leask Real Estate 8 room brick house, income home, new gas furnace, double garage, central. Owner moving out of town. Make an offer or wiil trade for smaller house. 5 room new brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece colored bath, landscaped lot, planter, alum- inum storms and screens, double garage, $11,000. Terms. 6 room house on Liberty St., heavy wiring, somne hardwood floors, lot 701 x 12, $4.500. Terms. We have soine fine building lots, also farms, etc. Consult us bcfore buying. M. E. LEASK, BROKER 65 Ontario St. Bowmanviile MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 16-1 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton -MA 3-3098 Lovely, highl, well-draîned lot on Concession St. E., 75' x 135'. Suitable for N.H.A. Very good buy at only $2,000.00. Hurry for this one. New 3-bcdroom brick and stone bungalow in south district of town. Very central. Best of materiais a n d workmanship. Will consider trade or terms. 5 room bungalow withi some finishing to be donc. Oil furn- ace. Only $6,800.00 with $3,000.00 down. 6 room frame on 2 acres north of Maple Grove. Plastered in- terior. Water pump in kitchen. Only $6,500.00 cash. House wanted to rent for a very reliable family. At least 5 rooms. Will pay fair rentai.1 We require aIl types of pro- perties for waitiîîg clients. Please list xvîth us. Mortgage funds available. Real EstfoSj Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres, 10 room insul-brick house, barn 32 x 100, implement 4 shed, ben house, garage. Price $11,000.00. -Termas. 250 acres, 5 room frame house, 2barns, ben bouse, 2 miles from Newcastle. Price only $8,500.00. i Terms. 91 , acres, 6 room insulbrick, hydro, good well, small barn, garage. Price $5,000.00. Easy terms. 6 acres, 6 room frame bouse, basement, bath, barn 30 x 35, ben bouse, garage; on pavement near Solîna. Price $11,000.00. Easy termas. 2 acre lots at onfly $1,000 per lot. Bowmanville - 5 room frame bungalow, fully modern, full basement, double lot. $8,000.00. Terms. On pavement near Bowman- ville, four roomed bungalow, hydro, good well. Price $5,250. Very low down payment. Near Oshawa, 4 roomed bun- galow, kitchen cupboards, part basement, bydro, good well @ ben house. Price only $5,000.00. Down paymont $1,500.00.AU 189 Scugog St. BowraÀe Phone MA 3-3644 16-1 jDe With Real Estate Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 100 Acre dairy fanm witb a good miik quota, large strea.n, 80 acres workable, 70' x 50' bank barn with water bowls, water uxîdcr pressure, new steel drive shed, cernent silo, etc.; modern 7 roomed borne with all city conveniences, oul furn- ace, 4-piece bath, etc. Can be ought with or without ma- chineryan cattie. Price for the fam $ 18,000, witli terrns an- ranged. j100 Acre farrn in good farm- ing district with 90 acres work. a ble, 5 acres wood, L-shaped 'bank barn, pig pens, implement sefull une of macbinery; 8 roomed frame bouse witb 3- piece bath, furnace, running waten. Price, including ma- cbinery, $15,000 with termns ar- ranged. 107 Acre fanm with 70 acres workabic, 25 acres wood, large pond, 55' x 35' barn, ben bouse, etc.; !9.rlmcd brick bouse with runn1h-Mwater, bydro. Price $10,000 Mith easy terms. 135 acre farm with 100 acres workable, the best of tornato ] a nd, creek, 105' x 30' bank barn, ie(,n bouse, implemnent shed, ý'aragc; 9 roomed bric5r.bous hcaivy duty xired. ' 'g ,ý_2,J00 with casy terms. 95 acre dairy farm, close to Oshawva and Bowmanvilie, al wonkablc, 100' x 48' bank barft with water bowls, 2 silos, impIe- ment shed, hen bouse, etc.; 8 roorned frame home, hcavy wir- cd, in excellent repair. Prie and ternis arrangcd. 5 roomed, new, very attract- ive, ranch style butngalow at Mapie Grove (3 bednooms) with large m-odern kitchen, oil furn- a ce, electnic water beater, 4. piece bath. hardlwood and tule floors, alum-inurn storns and screens, etc. Asking $12,000 witb terrns arnanged. 7 roomed soîid brick home in Bowmanville centre with oul furnace, 4-piece bath, t iled wal1lin kitchen, hardwood and ti.D, fI oors, electric water heater. Ideal for income home. Price $9,300 with- $3,000 down. 8 roomed, frame home, suit- a bic for 2 farnilies, west of Bow- manville, with running waten, septic tank, garage. Price $7,250 Iw itb low down payment. 6 roomed, insuiated home in Newcastle on large lot with I ardwood and tule floors, oul funace, 4-piece bath, electria water heater, watcn under pres- sure. Stonms and sereens. Prie $8,500 with $1,500 down. 6 roomed, new, brick veneer bungalow in Bowmanville with full basement, hardwood and tule floors, oul furnace, 4-piece bath, modern kitchen with built- McQuay and Kidd Wanted to Buy REALTORS IIIGHEST prices 'paid for live r oom house oni King Street. pouîtry, goose feathers, feather Idcea] business location, $13,000, ticks, scnap iron, rags, metals ternis. and raw fur,, Phone RA 3-2043 ' 0 acres level market garden Oshawa, coilect. 48-tf ]and. WeilI uited for building on main highway near Bow- ALL kinds of live poultry want- manville. $5,000, terrns. ed. Top Toronto prices paid at 1001 acre pasture or sod farm your door for large or smnal with trout strearn, nean Orono. quantities. Wc have olu' owfl $6,000, tcrrns. market. M. Fiatt, Betb'a R 150 acre Christmas trce farm 1. Phone colleet ta Ban; at oniy $40 per acre. 7 x 13. 28-tf 60 acre market garden farm, good buildings, 5 miles from L s Bowmanvîl0e-o Taunton Road. Ls $16,000O, ternyi:ý-. r.W ag aehudp Fîshermen: If you are I ooking W lag maebud up for a strearn of your own, weltast Saturday'.On blcad have six to choose from at neas- tn, may have lost name off onable prices. These are ail collar, other black and t'. proven trout str'arns.Exeln spotted car and white ne Cottage Buyers - EcletTlephone MA 3-2226. 16-1 buys with low down paymýrents on Lake Ontario, Stureo Personal Lake, Couchicbing, etc. 1 For good buys in farms, HYGENIDJ supplies - (Rubber bornes, businesses, lots, be sure goods) Pt"%ed postpaid in plain to see Lus. sealed C lope with price list. WVALTER FRANK Six szaý?,plès 25c, 24 samples 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 $1.00. Mail Orden Dept. T-28, Jlowmanville Nov.-Ruhber Co., Box 91, Haro- 16-1 ilton, OnL. 1-52

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