TKURSDAT, APRffl7lh, 1958THE ANAflIAW TA'r1MM. BO~fWMAI MLL. ONT9wAI? AA In Memoicxm IOWLER-In lovlng memory *0 M. John. Fowler who pass- raway ApzUllth, 1954. e sgriebb not forgotten, And as dawînother year >In our lonelyElVs of thinking Thoughts of ber are always neàr. Day. of sadness wiUl corne 'er us, Fnfends may think the wound la healed But they lttle know the sorrow That lies withln the heart concealed. -Lovlngly remembered by ber daughter (Virgie) Mrs. Frederick Evaa*. of Newcastle, also ber son-in-law Mr. Frederick Evans. 16-10 IIURLBERT-In loving memory of our dear son-in-law the late HoWa C. Hulbert who passed away April 15, 1947. 'Till memory fades and life departs You live forever in our hearts. -Lovingly remembered, Mother and Dad Spencer. - 16-if SMITH, Thomas - In loving xnemory af my dear l4usband Tom who passed away so sud- denly, April l5th, 1955. He would flot wish for sorrow He would not wish for tears But just to be remembered Thraughout the passing years. i-Sadly missed by wife Mabel. 16-1 4 dÉOWDEN-In loving memory ý* Mr. Samuel Snowden who passed ta his heavenly re- Ward, April 2lst, 1955. Al1ways a smile instead of a frown, Always a hand when one was down, Always Sa true and thoughtful and kind, What a wonderful memory he leit behind. -Ever remembered by wife, children, grandchildren. 16-1* 'THOMPSON-In laving memory of rny parents Amelia Bradley Thompson who passed away April l9th, 1957, and Thomas C. ]Bradley, April l5th, 1911. -Sadly missed and ever re- znembered by daughter Vanda. 16-1 * Found DOG-black retriever, may be bcd. by praving praperty and paying for advt. Phone MA 3-5539.16-1 Piano Tuning .ARTHUR Coilison. ',elephone MArket 3-3900. 35-tf Celt our Price For Tour Liveslock STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Phone NA 3-2753 Help Wanted SINGLE man for beef farm, ta start immediately. Neil Werry, Nestieton, R.R. 2, Phone Black- stock 71-4. 16-1* $2.00 HOURLY possible doing light assembly work at homne. Lee Mfg., 466 S. Robertson, Los Angeles 48, Cal. 16-1* QUALIFIED licensed mechanie. G. M.' experience preferred. Write Advertiser 802, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 16-1l PART time help required to assist at Bowmanvllle Public Library. Apply to P.O. Box t629, Bowmanville, in writing, statIi education, age and experience. 16-2 EARN Up to $30 a week or more full or part time selling Raw- leigh Products. Good opportun- ity for retired men. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept. D-140-6, 40051 Richelieu, Montreal. 16-1 GIRL to clerk in store, full time.1 Good wages if dependable an d willing to work. No experience necessary. Write Advertiser 801, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 16-1* CAR salesman-experience pre- ferred but flot essential. Good future for the man interested and willing to work. Write Advertîser 802, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 16-1 AVON Products requires repre- sentatives in parts of Clarke and Hope Townships. Good earn- ing opportunitv for capable, ambitious woman. Car a neces- sity. Write Mrs. G. Tate, 304 Frederick Ave.,' Peterboroughi. 16-2* AGENTS wanted ta seli hîgh quality products at low price. Excellent commission. Wonder- fui opportunities. Do flot miss this money-making proposition. Write for details to Familex, Dept. 32, 1600 Delorimier, Mont- real. 16-1 APPRENTICE WANTED - for STATESMAN OFFICE Good opportunlty for ambitlous boy, not over 18, to learn a worthwhile trade. Apply ln writing to The Canadian Sialesman P.O. BOX 190, BOWMANVILLE ______________16-1 or cali in at 22 DIVISION ST. SPRING VACATION CHECK INQUIRE ABOUT OUR .. . F ull Service Complote check fnom bunipen to bumper Regular Price $21.00 Inpection SIPECIAL $1 5.00 ALSO ~r~SfeyEconomy 6-cyl. $ 7 Special$87 Service Charta on ab vo evcsae vial o Special $10. 50 Ads Comîng Events May lst -3lst: Red Shield Appeal of The Salvation Army, Bowmanville. 16-2 Dance in Kendal Cammunity Hall, Saturday, April - lSth. Music by the Homesteaders. 16-1 Corne and dance ta Mel Lavigne and bis Blue Water Boys, Orange Hall, Pontypool, April 25. General admission, $1.00. 16-2 On April 24th and 25th at Town Hall, Bowmanville, thel Arnica Club will present two ane-act plays at 8:15 p.m. Ad- mission 50c. 16-2 Plan to attend dance at Var- coe's Hall every Saturday, featuring Cy McLean with Peggy Stevens, vocalist. Admission $2.50 per couple. 16-tf St. John's Evening Branch W. A. Spring Tea, bazaar and bomemade baking, April 18, 2:30 to 5 o'clock in the Parish Hall, Bowmanville. 15-2* Variety concert presented by Enniskillen Junior Choir in Hampton Cburch basement, Fni- day evening, April 18. Auspices of Hampton C.G.I.T. Adults 40c and children 20c. 16-1 Fourth Cub Pack will collect pop botties from housebolders1 south of Queen Street to the Lake, Saturday. April 26,a t 10 a.rn. Pnoceeds to aid l eader- ship training courses. 16-11 Bowmanville Branch aithe Canadian Cancer Sacierty is holding its quartenly meeting in the Lions Centre, 8:00 p.m.,l Tucsday, Apnil 22nd. Films on! cancer will be shown. The pub-1 lic is cordially invited. 16-11 Bowmanville Choral Society Centennial Concert will be held in the Town Hall, Friday and Saturday, Aprîl 18 and 19, at 8:15 p.m. Aduits 75c, students 50c. No reserved seats. 15-2 Dance in aid of Darlington Township Volunteer Fire Bri- gade, Friday, April 18th at Varcoe's Hall. Doug Rackham's Orchestra. Spot dances and lucky pnizes. $3.00 per couple. 15-2 Orana Odd Fellows draw and dance in their Community Cen- tre Saturday, April 19. Ten cash prizes, value one hundred and fifty dollars. Farrow's arches2* tra. Admission 50c per persan. 16-1* Women's Canadian Club open meeting, Monday, April 21, 3:30 p.m. at St. John's Parish Hall. Speaker, Wilfrid Carruthers, Reeve ai Bowmanville, on "Can- adian Citizensbip." Visitors 50c. 16-1 Lions Club Binga, Monday, April 2lst, 8 p.m., at Lions Centre. Two jackpots: lst jack- pot $50 il1 numbers; 2nd jack- pot $50 - 5 numbers. 20 games $8.00; two special games. Ad- mission $1.00. 15-2 Woodview Cammunity Centre -Manster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf A Silver Medal Speaking Con- test, sponsored by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, will be beld in the Newcastle United Church Sunday School Auditorium Frîday, April 25th, at 8 p.rn. Silver collection. 16-1 Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third weck in the manth which wvil1 be held an Tuesdays in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and two $25 jackpot games. No game under $3.00. Admission 50C. 52-tf Ckussified LONG SAULT fMrs. Aihan Baker and famn- ily, Cookstown, spent a few days with Mm. and Mrs. G. Baker. Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Ton- anto, ith bis parents aven the weekend. Mn. and Mns. F. O. Smith, Gloria and Bob, Bowmianvilie, were Sunday supper guests ai Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith, cel- ebrating Mrs. Smith's 82nd binthday. Mn. and Mns. J. C. Cook were Manday supper guests at tbe Smith's. Mm. and Mns. McLaughlin, Hahey's, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Jobns- M.and Mrs. Chas. Penwan- den and family wene Sunday supper guests ai Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Visitons and caîhers ai Mr. 'and Mis. A. Mihîson were Mr. and Mrs. E. Topple, Pont Hope, Mn. T. Gailagber, Bowman- ville, and Mn. and Mis. F. Partner. Home and School Friday evening, Apnil 18. Club 50 ladies met at the home ai Mrs. Jane Woodley with 1l members present. Ai- ter the business periad the evening was spent in womk and making arrangements for entertainment in the near fu- ture. Mrs. McLaggan read bhe scriptune and Mis. Mary Pen- warden took the devotional. May meeting ta be held, May 4, at home ai Mis. Gwen Murphy. Misses Barbara Fry and Vena Fenwick, Toronto Teach- ens' Coilege, are students at the scbool this week. Cards of Thanks I waVhd like ta bake this ap- portunity ta th ank friends and neighbons for gifts, cards and flowers received during my ne- cent illness. Mns. H. Layman. 16-1* 1 wish ta thank Dr. Rundhe and tbc doutors wha assisted him and also the entire staff ai the hospitai for the cane and kindness shown ta my baby and myself. Joyce Semibch. Friday night Jamboree. Dance 1 wish ta convey my sincere ta, Radia Stars, Cbuck FortuneIban taaltsewo et and Band from Tononto's Palace tak oaltoewosn Pier. Featnes andcards, letters, flowcrs, etc., also Pier. Featres immy and1 ta those wba visited me whihe Johnny, the Sbey Bras.; Phuj in the Oshawa Gencrai Hospital. Exton, Fortune Quartette, and. It was very mucb appneciated. guests. Evemy Friday. Admis-' Ms hserMGah sion 75c. Red Barn, Oshawa. 16Mns-hetr cnab D ANCEi1 wlsb ta express my tban ks DANCEta my friends and ahi those who ta te muie o sent me cards, flowers and giits; Gary De Lorme and his Rockabiilys Sal. Night, April 191h Corne One - Corne Ail - t. the Ponlypool Town Hall Dancing 9 to 12 Admission 75e Hi-Teen Admission 50e Stars of Radio and Stage 16-1 Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and deiivery. Lamne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf 24-HOUR expert repair Tele- vision Service, toalal makes. Al parts and work guaranteed. Television Service Ca., MArket 3-3883. 50-tf REPAIRS to all malees ai ne- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 23-tf TO ALL MAKES OF' CARS andi TRUCKS COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E. MA 3-56891 B01iMbUNVIULE also LUeLthe nurses arid staff, special tbanks ta Dr. K. Siemon, Dr. H. Rundle and Dr. A. B. Sylvester during my stay in the hospital. Thanking you again. Eleanor Maguire. 16-14 1 wauld like ta take this op- portunity ta tbank the relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards, flowers and gifts I ne- ceived wbile in the hospital and at home. A special thanks ta Dr. Keith Siemon and the nurses oi Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Lela Blackburn. 16-1*' Mr. anid Mrs. Sam Olver and family wauld like ta express their tbanks ta Rev. and Mrs. Leno, Dr. Hubbard, nurses and staff of the Memarial Hospital and also ta the special nurses on duty. A special thanks for ail the beautiful cards, flowers and fruit sent during Mr. Olver's recent illness. 16-1 We wish ta sincerely thank our neigbbours and the people of the Newtonviile district wbo warked so bard ta save aur home and hausehoid effects dur- ing aur recent fine. Our ap- preciation is alsa extended ta the Bowmanville and Part Hope Fixe Departments. Vera and Fred Nesbitt. RIepair WATCH REPAIRS Ail Work Guaranteeti Certifleti Member of Canadian Watchmakers Institute MA RR'S JEWELLERY 43 King St. West Bowmanville 15-tf McGregor Hardware Ltd. Grand Chaplain W~iI Conduct 1.O.O.F. Service The annual cburch service of Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, I.O.O.F., will, this year, be ini keeping with the Centennial theme, and is to be beld in the Town Hall on Sunday, Apnil 27 at 3:30 p.m. It ia boped that representatives from lodges in the Toronto ta Ottawa districts will be in at- tendance. The Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band and Oshawa Boy Scouts Trumpet Band wilea th parade which will form up at ICentral Scbool grounids at 3 p.m. The local Salvation Anmy Band will pravide sacred music for the service. Guest speaker will be the Grand Chaplain af the Onder, Rev. R. J. McNaugbt ai Queens- ville. Re was born nean Ca- bourg, and following gradua- tion from Queen's in 1944 was ordained ta the Christian min- istry ai the UnIted Cburch ai Canada, at Ottawa, the same yean. Ne served in Saskatche- wan four years, nine yeans at Lanark, and since 1957 in Queensviile. The Grand Cbap- lain wili be assisted by Rev. A. C. Herbert ai St. John's Church, and Centenniai Chairman; Rev. H. A. Turner, St. Pauh's Cbunch, and Captain Norman Cales ai 'the Salvation Army. Membens ai the Rebekabs and Cantons wili participate. A memorial service at the Ceno- taph wili also be beld. HAYDON TYRONE W.M.S. Tbankoffering service will be beld Sunday morning witb Mrs. W. C. Ives, Bowman- ville as guest speaker. Mission Band met Sunday morning hast. Purpose and 23rd Psalm were repeated. Ken Stainton read the scripture, Laurence Cook gave the Study Book. The Mission Band is ta attend cburch Sunday manning in a body. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Shields and family, Whitney, visited ber sister, Rev. and Mns. F. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. K.,Cohbary. Mr. F. L. Byam bas made big impravement in bis store, assisted by bis two sans, Clii- ford and Grenville. Mns. Florence Scott also bas made an improvement ta ber home by a sunroom, Mr. W. Vivian. carpenter. Congratulations ta Mms. Fred Smith, Long Sault, on celebrat- ing ber birthday an Monday. Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Cook were suppen guests. Mr. Cccil Alhdread, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Alldread and Mr. James Alldread. Mrs. P. Phillips, Maidstone; Mr. and Mrs. G. McCoy, Bow- manville: Mr. Wilfred Sameils, Miss Rose Mountjoy. Nestîcton, visited Mrs. G. Phare and Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Phare. Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. K. Lamb, Port Cre- dit. Mrs. Editb Murphy accam- panied Mn. and Mns. R. Mc- Laugblin and family ai Nes- tleton to visit Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Murphy and family, To- ronto. Mr. Ross Wonnacott, Toronto-, Ralph Shaw, Oshawa, visited John Virtue on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Rahrn, Burketon, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.ý Cook, Miss Grace Smith, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Watson, Oran- geville, also called on Mrs. J. C. Cook Sr., Geomgetown. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Tnewin and famiiy, Blackstock, were Sunday visitars of Mn. and Mns. R. Glaspell. Sandra Johnston. Kinby, spent a few days with Linda Smith. Linda neturned borne with Sandra for a hoiiday. Mn. and Mms. Leslie Webb and Maureen, Leaside, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mn. and Mns. Ted Ott, To- ronto, were Sunday calleri ai Mn. and Mrs. R. Coombes. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bigneil, Linda and Manlene. Toronto, were Good Friday visitors ai Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Annis. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk and Diane visited Mrs. V. Hotner, Wbitby. Mm. and Mrs. W. Park visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Murney, Peter- borough. Mn. and Mms. F. L. Byamn and Doug Park with Mr. and Mrs. James Murdoch, Bowmanville. Mrs. Mary Koss and childnen, Mr. and Mrs. P. Kowalski and boys, Oshawa, with Mn and Mms. M. Dubyk. Mrs. Ronald.- McDonahd and cbildren, Belleville, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Broome. Mrs. Ken Burnside, Mon- treal; Mr. and Mms. Paul Chant and girls. Bowmanville, wene Easter guests ai Mn. and Mrs. R. Coombes. Mr.' and Mrs. Gemald Kehoe, Enniskillen, were Sunday even- ing callers ai Mr. and Mns. S. Gable. Mr. and Mns. Lamne Annis visited Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Thompson, Port Hope. Hon .and Mns. W. A. Good- fellow and Phil, Codrington, were Sunday visitons of Mr. and Mrs, H. Pbilp. Jacqueline Rosevean is prae- tise teachin g at, Vincent Ma&- sey School,, Bowxnanviile, this week. Thinty-tW~o ladies attended the combined meeting af W.A. at the home ai Mns. Lamne Annis with Pres. Mns. A. Hamilton-in the chair. Vaniaus reports were given by graups. 1New hymn books had been bought for choir. The meeting opened with motta and theme sang. Devo- tianal "'His Gifts" by Mrs. H. Phiilips. Arvella Beckett had charge af program and called an Mns. A. Hoar and daugbten Joanne for a piano number. A reacling an "Friendship" by Mrs .Wesley Taylor. Mrs. G. Brent played records ai Mar- ion Anderson, "Nobody" and "Wene Yau There?" Lunch and a social time were enjay- ed. Several farmena are out an the land. We trust ail who bave been on the sicklc ist, wiil feel better this sunny weather. Resu rrection Is Topic W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Tbe reguhar monthy meet- ing of St. Andrew's W.M.S. was held at the home ai the Presi- dent, Miss F. M. Galbraith, King St. E., on Tucsday aiter- noan, April 15. An Eastem pragram prepaned by Miss Isabel McConneil, R.N., who for 25 years served as nurse and nurses' instructor at Vellore Hospital, India, was follawed. The theme was "Hle Is Risen". The Cail ta Worship and Scripture wene taken by the President and prayer given by Mrs. A. G. Scott. During the business meeting, minutes were read by Secre- tary Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, and reports ai the treasurer and committee convenors wene read and approved. Discussion on the supply money ta be sent ta the Presbyterial folhowed.' Rall cali and offering weme taken by the secretany, and Mrs. Hatei'P gave the oiiertory prayen. Mns. Crawford took as ber topic, "Gospel ai Resurrec- tion". which was in keeping witb the theme and veny beau- tiful. Mrs. Marjarie Ferguson sang an Easten selection at the close. A social haif-bour followed, the bostesses for the aiternoon being Mrs. Kitson, Sr., and Mns. A. G. Scott. HAMPTON Mns. Leslie Hoskin, Tharnt- on's Corners, visited ber mother for sevenai days recently. Also Anson and Mrs. Balson, Rich- mond Hill, bad Sunday dinner with bis mother and aiterwards at the hospital with dad. Mns. R. McCuhloch is leaving Hampton and wiil take up resi- dence in Toronto. Remember the concert In the church basement Friday night by Enniskîhlen Young People, sponsored by the C.G.I.T. Mn. and Mns. Hayes Woadley, Mrs. J. Dickson and Mrs. John Forbes ai Dundas viisted their sisten Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed. Miss Eleanon Burke ai Toron- ta, was a weekend guest ai Mn. and Mrs. T. M. Chant and Canal. Miss Nancy Johns, Tu-r-nt-, spent Easter week with hen sister, Mns. Wili White. Mrs. Pbilp, Willowdahe, was a recent visitor with ber sisten, Mrs. D. Higgins. Other visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Higgins last week were Miss Dorothy Colvin and Miss 1 Elizabeth Spoares ai Swanea Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooh1ernad fam.ily, Oshawa, wene Sundayi visitons with Mn. and Mns. Jack Bowma nvi lie Home Improvement We carry a complete line cf FLOOR AND WALL TILES and MULTI-LITE ROCKET TRACK ALUMINUM WINDOWS THE MERCURY 1" DOOR coniplete with hardware AIR SHADE ALUMINUM AWNINGS AND RAILINGS - For Free Estimates - Parkview Snack Bar Sai Memorial Park OPEN FOR BUSINESS Hours: 6 p.m. le 12 Midnighi We hope to enjoy the patronage of the former owiaer, Mn. Jim Crombie. I. C. Beauprie, Prop. 7our convenlence at our garage. RoBSpN MOTORS BUI i eLIMITED BMCK Pè AC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bownanville NIA 3-3321 'f 1 , MW YY IT1,M41 V LIýàlM, %Jll JL £%£tlbp rmLizi r«lr",IZmln Lyon. Mn. and Mrs. Raymnond Petit and family, Part Credit; Miss Cecile Petit, Toronto, and Mnl.1 and Mrs. Gondon Shackleton, Sahem, wene. Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Chap- man. Mn. and Mrs. Harland TruhI visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bounsail, Milton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Kihlens and childnen visited relatives at Bloomfield during the weekend; Douglas and Linda Lee retunn- ed home with tbem aiter spend- ingafew days there. Mrs. H. Ruttan bas returned, having enjayed a conducted bus trip ta Florida duning the East- er holidays. Mr. Hanmy Winterburn, Toron- ta, who was enraute ta Ottawa, cahhed on Mrs. K. Winterburn an Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel McCune, Cheryl and Kathy, and Mrs. Bea McCune, Oshawa, visited at S. Kersey's on Saturday. Mn. and Mns. Hariand Trul were recent visitons with Mns. Eva McMillan at the home ai Mr. and Mns. W. R. Young, BrIdgenorth. Callens at A. W. Prescott's wene Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Pres- catt, Master David Prescott, ai Enfield, Misses Linda and Mar- lene Harris, Wbitby, Mm. Ross Smith and Murray ai Oshawla, Mn. and Mrs. Dave Baker an cbildren, Brooklin. Mr. and Mns. Rahph Virtue, and Miss Ruby Virtue, Tyrone, at Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hig- gins' last week. Miss Linda Smahe had hem tonsils removed at Mernorial Hospital, Bowrnanville 'on Fmi- day and is convalescing favor- ably. The cast ai the play "Bache- ion Bride" presented bere on Mamch 17 unden the auspices af the Women's Institute have been invited ta give it at Bunketon. Communion service was holdi on Sunday monning in charge!1 ai aur pastor xvhose inspiring1 message was in keeping with1 the occasion. Official Board met here on Monday evening. Mns. B. Kihlen and Mrs. Ger- ahd Balson attended the On- tario Federation Home and Schaol convention at the Royal Connaugbt Hotel, Hamilton, iast week, as nepresentatives from aur gnoup. Around 1500 delegates attended. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Petens, Oshawa, Messrs. Ted and Frank Wilbur, Toronto, visited at Gil- bert Advock's. Mr. and Mrs. Bull Harrison and Kim, Mrs. Adcock and Harry, visited in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fon- taine and Neil, Toronto; Mr. ani Mrs. Douglas- Bothwell aîi-A famiiy, Maple Grave, wvere Siii. day visitors at Mrs. A. McNeil%'. Visitons at Mm. and iMrs. M. Bentrim's wene: Mrs. Weslt yr Bentrim and Douglas, Windsor:-- Mn. and Mrs. George Bertri and family, Taunton; Mr. ard Mrs. Ron Mlorison and Dougi, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Frank Osmoiud and family, Donald and Ax t Tbompson. Bowmanville, visite d Mns. W. Thompson. Mn. Leslie Cowling, Salei, spent Saturday evening witi Mn. and Mrs. George Tabb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Co\vlinig, lhackstock, visited Mn. and Mrs. Richard McNeih, Sunday. Visitons at Mrs. Wm. Tre\w- in's and Mn. and Mrs. WVall *er Lovenidge were Mn. Allan Stain ton, Enniskillen;; Mn. and Ms Jlm Martyn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trewini and Judiiii, Bowmanville; Mn. and M1,1. David Monrow. Miss Grace Tnewin, Mn. Fned Castle, Toron- ta. Mrs. Lloyd Shemon visitecd Mrs. Helen White, Hampton. National Film Board picturca3 will be shown in Mei churcaý Tuesday evening, April 221,(1 Sympathy is extencd to D'.; M. Bertrim in thle 1assing of Ii father. Mr. George Bertrim Crow Lake, on Saturday v ing. Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Rc>:,t and Lynne visitcd Mr. and M~ Clayton Rcad, Peterborouý,.î, on Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. BertAlv' and family, Tor~onto, ny Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Ai- thur Trewin, were Sundav surp- per gitests art Mr. and Mrs. . Potts. .lIrs. W. Martin is visiti;ý Mrs. George Ferguson, 0sI,- awa. Mrs. Lloyd Slernon, lVrs. V\. Blackburn, Mrs. C. RaC ?t' , were appointed delegates to t convention at Brookhi4n on Api 24th. Mrs. Walter Loveridge's pra- gram consisted ai readings, M\ý , C. Gamard and Mrs. K. Co%,: - ing; piano duet, Mrs. A. Rc' t. and Miss Ina Beryl Rcad; solo. Miss Margot Rankine. Mrs. K. Cawhing gave a ta 'c on lier trip ta Flonida. Follor. - ing the program lunch w senved wbich consisteci af cher- ry pie and ice cnearn. May W.A. meeting will be held at I'Ni -. W. Blackbunn's and Mrs. K'. Cowling's. TNURSDAT, APRIL 17th, 1038 1 PAMIM lm 114 [,Pqàpàm 1