TUE CA '..ZIL A~L! *I f AMENLAN, D IWNV..LNTANP IUIDY F.Ra1Wl Srcenes Fron,[leN5LKoce y Tourni Camp Bordez Team Wins Consolation Celebrilies Here for Banquet Sterling the El; Tournameni Roling on Thursday Paul MeXelvey, Central Ontario Little N.H.L. Commissioner, from Alliston, presents Most Valuable Plaver award ta Mike Hoare, while Capt. Bob Stedman h olds the big Consolation Trophy won by their Camp Borden Jr. A 1RCAF tearn. Toronto Township Wins N.H.L. Trophy, Defeating Thorold In the final game of the tournament, this Toronto, Thorold for the championship. TIownship squad scored twice in the third period to defeat 1 brand of hockey with several Trophies Presenled for the N.H.L. Series. Ronnie Naude, loft, captain of the Thorold N.Hl-.L. icam, rcceived the Most Valuable PlaYer Award from President Bill Pcachev. Caipt. Clarke Anderson of Td'ronto Township's championship team is holding their big trophy. leferees Do Ousanding Job Handling 30 Games Don Gilhoo]v, secretary of the Bowmanvilie Little à e N.H.L. organization, talks to Tod Sloan, Maple Leaf star, who was present for the banquet. Possibly they are Little N.H.L. President Bill Peachey of Parry Sound drops the opening puck discussing ways and means of growing better boards for on Thursday night, assisted by Bowmanville President Ed. Rundle. The big ,fcllow Bowmanville's Centennial celebrations. at the left, with the stick, is Bowmanville's Capt. Steven Burns facîng Toronto Town- ship's Ross Sloan. This was the opening Junior A game. ________________Scarboro Jr. A Team Wins Top Honors Over Parry Sound They played an excellent Syl Apps, son of the famous ex-Leaf centreman,1 against Parry Sound in a tough battie. He wvas playing individual stars. scored the only goal in the championship Junior A finals1 with the Scarboro team shown here with their new trophy. Head Table ai the Huge Banquet in the High School Gym nasinu Many celebrîties in the hockey world were present at the big Gilhooly, Whitby Dunlops Coach Sid Smith, Honorary President of the banquet on Saturday noon. This is only haif the head table, but includes, Little N.H.L. Tod Sloan of the Leafs, Recreation Director Doug Rigg, fromn lef t ta right: President Bd. Rundie, Mayor Nelson Osborne, Rev. Arena Manager Bob Watt, Dunnies Manager Wren Blair and top Dunnies A. C. Herbert, Chamber of Commerce Sec'y-Mgr. Ken Morris, Sec'y Don player Bob Attersiey. ______________Legion Pipe Band Leads Lengthy Parade of Players Ia Ban quet These six officiais handled every one of the 30! Sound; Xen Cox. Toronto-, Andy MvcLean, Camp Borden; games without having ta give oncr penalty for fightinz. JmC1ha.TonoBuPrecomavlead They are, £rom left Lu right. Parker Cameron PFarryj BihL Lttleton, Toronto. The streets wcre liincd with spectators for the na.jor S aturdaj. avejut 0£ the touxnaiaent, the big parade through town on the music Trh0 ei Pipe Band was on hand to providik and add a ouch of color to the proceedings, suw»qmmqpka.m Aýqw, MMMIL lu ma- qq". fqAVAINIFA%? anqàqme"ALW otqimAmvm