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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1958, p. 10

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-. w-. -. - - ~ - .- - PACE Tm THM CAMADIM( STATESMAIi, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THIURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1§5Sý Bethany Athletic Assn. Fifty Years OId in 1958 BETHANY-Verne Mulligan was elected president of the Betbany Athletic Association at the annual meeting Thursday evening in the Town Hall. Other officers are: Immediate past president, Reg. Edmunds: first vice-president, Ross Davidson: 2nd vice-president, Thomas Currie, secretary, Mrs. Harry Ryley, treasurer, Glenn Went- wortb;, auditor, Bruce Ryley; trustees o! the Athletic Park, Vncent Jackson, one year; Bruce Ryley, two years; Robert Ryley, three years; Park Com- niittee, Harry Ryley, Verne Mulligan, Robert Ryley, Orlo Wright. It was decided to hold a Field Day May 19 with a dance in the evening, also to bold a Pa- rade prior to the bail games. Reg. Edmunds, Glenn Went- wortlb, Ross Davidson and Mrs. Harry Ryley were appointed LENONADE 6-oz. tin 2For 29c BI.KDS EYE Grapefruit Juice 6-oz. tUn 2 For 37c an entertainment committee with Reg. Edmunds and Vin- cent Jackson to arrange for the sports. These will include races for the small children, base- bahl and softball games. The parade officiais are Verne Mulligan, Oroe Wright and Ronald Pomeroy. Bruce Wright and Thomas Currie wil] arrange for the prizes. A basebail comniittee was formed: Vincent Jackson, Har- ry Ryley and Orboe Challice; softball committee, Roy Ferren and Mrs. Audrey Mulligan. Glen Wentwortb and Walter Neals were named ticket tak- ers at the park gate for the season. The skating rink com- mittee are Orloe Wright, Clarke Pomeroy, Ronald Pomeroy and Robert Ryley. Tbis year the Bethany Ath- letic 'Association celebrates its 5th anniversary and of the Chicken Turkey Pot Roast DINNERS il-oz. pkg. 79e FRENCH PRIES 9-oz. pkg. 2 Fer 3 7c . - BIRDS EVE ]Brussel Sproils 10-oz. pkg. 33c Swift's .dAli Fresh Mïik FE Shank Portion VeaU1 Leg ROAST lb. Knuckle Removed VeaU Rump ROAST IL Fresh, young, sliced Pork Liver Bd Veal 59c 63c lb. 27c Swift's sliced, rindless, Eversweet - lb. sealed Bacon m m 69C Swift's Preminim - Sliced Bologna m m lb. 35c FEATURE Maple Leaf SOAP FLAKES 10c Off Pack - Giant Pkg. 65c Success PASTE WAX "New Heavy Duty" - Clear White lb. tin 63c Society DGG FOOD 20-oz. tin 3 for 3 9c Kraft VELVEETA CHEESE 1 lb. pkg.45 9 C E. D. Srnith's CHERRY PIE FILLING 20-oz. tin 3 5c Refreshing, zestful àlm nA1 Select, tender, crisp GREEN BEANS charter members there are only two living in the village, Dr. DA B o h r Hannah, both of whom retain their interest in sports. in A w r Prioiwm Awardthrehd ee no organized sports in the vil- The American Industrial De- elage and at the fi-st meeting velopment Councîl now meet-, 1a field committee was formed ing at the Annual Convention' eand their first duty was to pro- in Atlanta, Georgia, has an- scure suitable grounds. The "Old. nounced that the Lake Ontario Show Ground" where in earlier Development Assoclation's In- years fail fairs were held seem- dustrial Brochure has been eed to be the most suitable and named a top award winner in Lthis property was purchased the "Excellent" class for indus- efor the sum of S335 and the: trial brochures. drill shed site adjoining was 1 There are seven hundred rented from the Government1 members of the Council in for $1.00 per year. North America and there were Reminiscing, Dr. J. J. Ham- oer one thousand entries in the ilton says, "It took a lot of dig- industrial brochure contest. The n ging to get that first $335.00. entries which were judged by Wbile everyone wanted an Ath-! a committee of the Council were !letie Park, all 'considered it a narrowed down to tbirty-five, :risky money venture. Finally, and these were divided int'o two b is father, Frank Hamilton Sr., categories, namely, "Superior" L- advanced tbe amount on a note and "Excellent". esigned by 10 sports-minded It wvas in the second classifi- I citizens. A football team was cation that L.O.D.A. won itsi organized and the charter award of first mention. The *members of this team were judges. in awarding the Devel- ,sHerb. Price, goal: C. H. Morton, opm ent Association brochure eWalter Price, J. G. Staples, Wm. first mention in the Excellent L. Hannab, Dr. J. J. Hamilton, Icîass, stated that this brochure Elmo Sisson, Kari Sisson, C.f was an excellent basic pres- M. Sheren. With Walter Price. dustrial mailing. as their captain, tbey en tered M r. Don Kingdon, General the Midland League and Beth-Mage of the Association. at- any boys became quite famous. Mnaer h nutilDvlp At the meeting it was decid-teddth InstalDvop ed to hold a Field Day on Mavl ment Counicil Convention last 24th and through the years this week in Atlanta and was ex- bas come to be known as Beth- 1 pected to Peterborough this any's Big Day and people from Te 19endenio of the' miles around attend, alwaÇs CThe 1959 ConentldinMn being assured of a good time. ICuclwl enl nMn It is recalled that on thairs trea 1, Quebec. sports day, mneals were served o ak at the Park by the ladies of the ton were appointed omk Presbyterian Cburcb and that arrang-ements to accommodate two tents were erected to ac- borses! commodate the People. And in 1Tbrough tbe years the foot- this day and age it sounds bail team worked bard, practîs- srneto read in the minutes ing tbree nigbts a week. Their o hs first meeting that the last officiai game was played Cairns _ Bros. and Charles Mor- in 1919. The grounds at that: time were in a very rough con- ditio n and on June 6 of that yr a voluntary bee was held to level the field. More than 601I U~people came and worked ail!, day. l ru * In 1917 a real innovation oc- V curred when it was decided that ladies be admitted as membersi of the association and due to tbem being the weaker sex, their fee was set at 25 cents instead of the 50 cents paid by the men. In this year the first girls' softball team was organ- ized, the members being Effie, Bae, Ada Rowan, Olive Row- an,ay Ward, Alice Rhley, Neta Coulter, Alice Cairns, Lii- hian Westlake, Bena Spencer and Laura Reynolds. ~ : In 1920 baseball became more ~ : prominent and the Bethany team was organized with M. F. Panton as Manager and play- ing first base; Ray Staples, r~-1~rigbt field; Charles. Staples, * pitcher; Bruce Ryley, pitcher; Thos. Staples, catcher, Kari Sis- OLI GREEN Strawberries son, short stop and Captain; BEANS Walter Price, centre field; Lew- RS BANS 15-oz. pkg. is Bigelow, right field, Gerald b!cC artney, second base, Nel- pkg. 1O-oz. pkg. son Brown, third base; Harry 3For Johnston, left field; Dr. J. J., 2 Fr 4c ~ $1.00 Hlamilton, treasurer (he later, Hannah, president and Perry C. BIRDS EYE Brown, secretary. 1 In 1923 an additional acre of Cod Fsh Sicks ground was purcbased from Walter Jakeman. Dr. Hamilton 8-oz. pkg. was appointed to look after the work of improving the field and 33c again he tells, "It was simply *j amazing how everyone turned eut and helped. On one day in BEST BUY particular 23 busy farmers came with their teams 10 do their INZ BABY FOOD)S share, others worked with ga ders, shovels, rollers and rakes (no modemn bulldozers then)., Hector Hamilton, a surveyor tins 1.0 0home on bolîdays planned the field and had it levelled until the result was almost as smooth, as a table top. Ail this work B3EST BUY was done voluntarily and the resuits, in. the opinion of Alex KAZOL CILKay, well-known baseball uni- mond between Belleville and 32-oz. bottie Toronto". In 1924 players'j bootbs and benches were erect- ed and in that year Betbhany 7 3c Team won the cbampionship 73of th e East Peteprborouahf m 1llb. 21c Tasty, homne-grown - Large bunches GREEN ONRIONS 2 for 1 5C Fromn Eg3 pt - New~ Crup COOKING ONIONS 3 lbs. 2.9c IMild, stiniulatig, hiothouise - Large slicers CUCUMBEIRS - - ea. 23c THERE'#S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE- Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO- Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth'1s Market large snowy reci blooms whicb»i came from Oughtred's. The annual clean-up bee was hield at the cemetery on Tues- day last with four men present. One large tree' was removed fromn the grounds where it was interfering with grass cuttîn. On Friday evening the Moth- ers' Club of Port Britain School held a social evening in the school and everyone enjoyed poressive euchre. They also quilted a quilt at the home of 1 Mrs. F. Theysmeyer during the past week. Srhool attendance is oncel again at a x'ery low ebb with many fainilies out with nieasles. Sunday Sehool, too, was affect-[ ed for only 49 were present Sun- day mornîng. Seripttùre was read by Yvone Parnell. Mr., Harding's good sermon was con- cerned witb attitudes toward re- More rest is required before Mrs. Tutt is able to be about her usual chores again but ail are happy to hear that Mr. A. Hold- away came home on Sunday fromn his long sojourn in a Peter- borough hospital. Miss Doreen Milison of New-, casile visited with Muriel!1 Austin during the weekend, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nichols and son Douglas of Bowmanville called at W. Tufford's and E. Barrowclougli's on SundaY. Hy7dro was turned on at thel home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tuf- tord last week.à B. H.S. Rifle Team Leaves for Borden Shoot During Easter holidays, these High School Cadets homes without ever seeing the Borden range. Thoseý' from Bowmanville loaded into a bus, partially filled with included are, front row, lef t 10 right: Ken Williamson, Port Hope's High School Rifle Team for a day's Stratheona Brian Cox, John Marsh, Laird Wilton, Larry Hancock and shooting at Camp Borden. Unfortunately, just outside Paul McCullough; back row, John Mason, Paul Herbert, Toronto the army bus encountered engine trouble so the Ross Kossatz, Don Meehan, Peter Belsey, John James and would-be Bisley aspirants were forced to return 10 their Instructor Vince Mathewson. MANVERS STATION Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue and family, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith and Mr. Cecii Argue, Toronto, were Saturday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Argue. Mrs. Laura Horner has been on the sick list. We wish her a ýspeedy recovery. Mr. Wm. Fritz was in charge of tbe service on Sunday morn- ing and bad witb him Rev. ýStephenson, Toronto, Chaplain of Lambert Lodge, speaking on Temperance. Mrs. Murray Logan entertain- ed the members of the Woman's Association for their April meet- ing on Thursday afternoon witb nine members, one visitor and two cbildren present, the Presi- dent, Mrs. E. Cavano, presiding. Meeingopned with a prayer and Bible reading by Mrs. Olan. ýMinutes read by the secretary. Some of the talent money was turned in. The Easter topic "Contact with the source of power" was read by Mrs. Logan. 15 KING ST. WEST Repaîrs to the church were dis- cussed. Mrs. Bonsteel showed a film "Church Around the World" showing how the Bible is taught in the different coun- tries. At the conclusion a dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rogers, Mrs. V. O'Connor and Brenda,. Lindsay, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Th ompson. Mr. and Mrs. Brookes, Toron- to, spent the weekend at their summer home. i Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, Brampton, wcre weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johns- ton. Miss Helen Sutherland and Mr. Gordon Horner, Peterbor-j ough; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ruperti and Peter, Bowmanville; Mr. Jack Patton, Millbrook, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Horner. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Porter were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crowley, Millbrook;, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Porter and family, Peterborough. OWN- A BUSINESS WHICH: *You can mun even if now employed *Knows no slow season as product ls needed ail year round *Consists of servicing retail acceunts *Requires ne selling or salesmanship *Needs ne previeus experience as plan is simple *Has been tested and accepted by the public If you have ambition te succeed lu a business of your own and have the financial means te make an invest- .ment between $1,144.00 and $3,422.00 depending on time available and persen's qualifications. Covered by our re-purchase program. This person must have a faim knowledge of the area and only sincere applicants need apply as territory is ready for establishment now! Post cards cannot be answered. We need a complete letter about yourself including name, address, 'phone numb r, your am- bitions, your experience and financiiA3te urces. Address inquiries te QUAKER 0F CANADA Dept. 412 77 'York St. Toronto, Canada -J.' JURY& LOVELL MA 3-5778 I M OIDSMOBILE0K 8-98USED CARS BRUCE CAVERLY NICHOLS MOTOR SALES Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3353 'JK,&r:rKUI 1 6 for 3 9c a 0. K. 88-98

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