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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1958, p. 11

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?WT~UDAYAPRZ 340, 138 * ~ ~L*~ * Â ~~ I. W ~I5VVU44~ LJC<~¶.f3TJ ASU .UYU A A oY S.Y A lU A , ONTARIOA * -~ ,flwcasde50 Yrs. an D, M. Berna Socteal and Liersonal Wih0 ife0 Mr:~ and'ÇI(s. J. H. Jose and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walton son Douglas visited wihh Mr.1 of Gorînley were weekend vis- and Mrs. Donald Jose and fam- iters wihh Mrs., Lydia Grahiam. ily in Brampton on Sunday. Mrs. Steila Anderson vas a MsB. S. Mclntosh has re- recent visitor in Toronto. turn'd home tollowing a visit Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Graham in Toroento, have returned ho their home Mr. George Bull and Mrs. hero following their winter va- Davidson of Toronto, spent a cation in Florîda. day lash week ah their cottage Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trewin here. and daugliter Anna o! Toronto T-ho many friends o! Mr.s. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lance Ward (the former Ca- George Allin and other friends therine Tucker) will be sorrv in the village on Saturday. . te learn o! the death of ber Mr.SmHp1x f0b father the Rev. John T. Tuck- awa spent Sunday visiting with er in Lisbon, Portugal, last Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis.& weok. The late Mr. Turker wâ i Miss Olive Thorne bas left a missionary in Angola for the 1 on a three ueeks' trip ho Kin-- United Churcli for many yea -s.1 ston, Buffalo, Oswego and Nia- A Memorial Service in his mem-1 gara Falls. ory is being heid in Rosedal? Mrs. Sam Powell ai-d Mis. United Churcb in Toronto nt Marie Garishore spent Mondav 7.30 p.m. Sunday. The sympa- evening with their cousins. Mrs;. thy of her many friends andî Wm. Grieve and Miss Celia fellow shudents in this district Groce in Whitby. wil go out te Catherine in lier Celebrate Fortiethi ti5ne o! bereavement. A very pleasant evening was oMr and Mrs. Cleland Lane spent at the home o! Mr. and àd Barrv o! Newhonville wore Mrs. Jack Crago on Apnil l9t.l Sunday guests with Mr. and wben relatives gathered ho Mrs. George Kimbaîl and tami- honour the 4th wedding anni- ily. versai-y o! Mr. and Mrs. Sanm Dr. A. C. Higbee and Mr. and Powell, parents of Mrs. Crago. Mrs. Jark Higbee o! Burling- A game o! progressive euchire ton were Sunday visitors with was enioved with Mis. Powel Mr .and Mrs. C. R. Carveth. and Donna Coulter xinning high Mrs. Rodgzers, widow o! the andi consolation ladies prizes, lahe Rev. W. P. Rodgers is respectively. and Russel Poxx spending twek iitin. 1 ell, higb, and Ronald PowellI with Mas. Frank Parker and consolation prizes, foi' the mn.n renewing friendships in the vil- A dainix' lunch y-as served lage. Mrs. Rodgers had dinner after which the bride and groom on Sunday at her old home, the o! April 20. 1918, were present- United Church parsonage as cd witb a beautiful coffee table. iguegt of Rev. M. C. and Mrs. Out o! town guests were Mr. Fisher. and Mrs. L. Lafferty (Edna Mr-. and Mrs. John Eccleston Powell), Mr. and Mas. E. Ton- of t'oronte) visited with Mr. and km <(Margaret Powell) and Mr. Mrs. Gordon Agnew on Wed- Wm. Powell, ah o! Oshawa, Mr. resday. Mr. and Mrs. Ercleston Alan Holdaway and Mas. AI- (fiee Norma Agnow) were re- fred Holdaway (Sarah Pow.ell) turning home following their o! Port Hope; and Mrs. Mau- wedding trip hrough the Adir-j rire Coultor and childi-en of ondack Mountains. Downsview. D. M.1 NEWCASTLE - Having boon For a Sale and SaRe a member of the Loyal Orange IlAssociation ofBritish Amerira VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION for more than 50 years, D. M. Bernard o! Newcastle was lion- ootrb ur Fireworks Dollars te the ouaed rocently. The offirers and â4n itpolfor a big mem bers o! his Lodge, L.O.L. A y No. 2384, Bowmanville. o! whirb CGNNUNITY FIREWGRKS DISPLA he has beeri ebe ic Organized by the Newcastle Lions Club ed him withan Honorary Lit e under the chairmanship of Keith Aiken Membership Certifrate "In re- cogntion of fitty years o! devot- A canvass of the village is being made and - ed service ho the Loyal Orange yout siupport twlr i' e appýeciated. Association o riih mria order in 1906 wlien ho became a member o! Champion L.O.L. ____________________________________________ in Darnley, Prince Edward. Is- land. This Lodge later amalga- mated with the Excelsior L. OL. ah Prince River, P.E.I., of whioh ho was a member for a Replyto onnumbea o! years.: Reply to anMoving ho Bedeque, P.E.I., some years latea Mn. Bernard transferred ho the King Edward pen Leter: No.1,664. During hic O pen L tter. years in the Onder in the Mar- To - The Citizens of Newcastle and South Clarke who published an Open Letter to the Durham County District High School Board in The Canadian Statesrnan of March l3th, 1958. The Members of the Durham County District Righ School Board, who voted for the central site fer the new high school to be erected at this time for the 'purpose of relieving over-crowding at our Bowmanville and Orono Schools, fully appreciate your interest in this matter and wish to set forth the following in the hope that the questions raised in your Open Letter may be satisfactorily answered., Our Board and a Special Committee of fine members have, continuously since Oct. l6th., studied and considered what would be the best location fçQr a new school to meet the needs of our District at the present tim e and as part of a long range plan. There has been nothing haphazard about the investi- gation and, finally, after many meetings over several months and in spite of a democratic difference of opinion, a majority of the Board voted for the Orono location. The school sections to be served will be those which can be economically transported from the Newcastle, Clarke and parts of Darlington which might be required to relieve the pressure on Bow- manville. 1h is net the intention of the Board to transport pupils from the Milibrook area to the new sehool and it is specifically flot the intention of the ~eard to close any of ihe existing schools. We think that the central location selected by our Board on Feb. 26th, 1958, will result in a mpinimum cost of transportation and will serve these areas adequately. With the anticipated growth in South-West Darlington, we realize that before very long our District will very iikely have a considerabie high school population there. And the pressure on Bow- manville will in ail iikeiihood have ho be further relieved by anothýV school in the Dariington area ini the not too dis fànt future. Ail the things mentioned in the Letter on ,NwcastIes behaîf were given careful consideration and those who voted for Orono did so in f ull knowledge of the facts at hand. Publie and High School present and future enrolments were studied in detail. Urban and suburban growth potential was cornpared. Fi'e protection and sites were con- sidered. And maps pinpointed with pupil locations, ,aisportation routes, etc., examined. Each mnernber of the Board had access to ail the (acts and voted accordin g to his assessment of the problem. The fart that the majority voting in i favour of Orono was small has no effect on the resuit in a ý 1«amtarv votîng procedu ce. d¶r Inserted by Durham, CoÙnty District High School Board Orangeman 7rd Hon ored Wembership Bernard ilin practically ail offices in the Primna7- and District Ledges adws for three years Grandi Marschallo! the Grand Lodge i o! Prince Edwaad Island, while ah the tîme lie moved ho this district lie held the office of Junior Deputy Grand Master o! the Grand Lodge o! Prince Edwaî-d Island.j Mr. Bernard played the rolei o! King William III on numea- ous occasions leading the Pa- rade on the Glorious - Twelftli astride a white horse as ran be seen in the accompanying pic- hure taken ah Bneadalbane, Prince Edward Island, on July i2th 1935. Thougli suffering !aom a ser- I lous hieart condition for the past several years, Mr. Bernard is chili an ardent Orangeman and is iooking forward te Juiy l2th, 1958, when lie lopes ho be among the expected 5,0001 members o! the Order panading in Bowmanvjile on that day as part o! that Town's C enten-1 Local Group Entertains~ District Couples' Clubs At Social and Dance NEWCASTLE - The annual most 150 couples in attendancel social evoning and dance et the and a number o! spot dances Merry Married Couples ' Club were teatuned througliout the was held in the auditorium o! ovening. Pupils o! Mrs. Amyf the Newcastle Coînmunihy RaiL Vandeahooval o! Orono on- I on Friday evoning. Members o! tertained the gathering with a several Couples' Clubs in Osh- nuipber o! Tap and Ballet num- awa, Courtice and the Jack and bers which wore mucli enjoyed.1 Jill Club froin Bowmnanville A square dance compehition and a number o! Couple§, trom was hieid conducted witb ccv- j Orono, Newtonvîlle and'New- oral o! the clubs cornpeting and castle joined in an ovoning o! the Courtice Couples' Club won dancing and entoatainment. the prize for this competitno.1 Norm Williams and hic or- During the intermission re-, chestra, from Oshawa supplied tresh-ments were served by' the music for dancing for aI- members o! the Newcas tle Club.1 gardn Agw, UIorPon 362 Special Cor WîillArranç Comm un ity XxWCASTLE-There is every indication that this village msy have a saf. and sane celebration on Victoria Day, Monday, May lOth. A eomrnmittehas been appointed, undor the sponsor- ship of the Newcastle Lions Club, hteorangze a Community Fireworks Display for ah hto cee and enjo y without the fire haz- ards rauàed by numerous fire- works displiays throughout the village. The committee plans to make a canvass of the village, request- ing ail fanmiios who plan ho Lions E'lecf 0f ficers Plan Spring Pro gram At Thursday'Meeting NEWCASTLE-Charles Gilkes Hockey Teamn explaining that was e]ected President of tae the team had made a good Newcastle Lions Club for !esoga the tunieti year beginning July lst at t- hwn tth oraeti regular meeting of the Club Bowmanville, reaching the held on Thursday evening. The semi-finals befoie elimination.1 meeting was held in the dining- He said that though the teami roomn of the Queeri's Hotel with had won no charnpionships, h the outgoing President, Lion club could be proud of the bovs Roy Forrester presiding. who played well and respectedi FoUlowing the dinner, a busi- their coaches and co-operated ness session was conducted by in every way. Sponsorship of President Roy when a number the team had cost the club a of activities of the club du ring total of $54.55 for the season. the spring months were dis' It was decided the club should cussed. entertain these boys at a fu- Lion Irwin Colwill, chairman ture meetinga. Lion Milt Walker of the carnival committee. an- announced plans for the club's :îounced plans for tie annua1 annual Ladies' Night to be held carnival te be held in the Corn- in the Odd Fellows' Hall iii mUnity Park on Friday, June Orono on M~ay Ist when a good 27th. or in case of ramn, in tiie ProgF-am is planned for the M'emorial Arena. Lions and their ladies, aind The mnembers decided to hold guests. a Spring Auction Sale similar Officers Elected o the one held ]ast fail, at a Folliowing are the officers time and place to be announced. elected for the Year conmenc- and members were urged to ing July lst. Past President, keep this in mmid when doing Roy Forrester; president, Char- the spring house - cleaning les Gilkes: lst, 2nd and Srd round the home. Lion Ken vice president, Chas. Megit, Stephenson, chairman of theI Harry Jose and Archie Me- ommittee said donations for Laren. respectively. Secretary, this sale from members and Bill Storks: Treasurer. Harper the general public would be Kelsey; Lion Tamer, Johni Ko- ratef'ully received by the rom- ropatwa; Tail Twister, Jack rittee. Nesbitt; two year directer, Har- The members, after some dis- old Gibson and Lorne John. ,ussion, aise decided te organ- son* one year to serve as di- ze a Community Fireworks rector, Murray Paterson and )isplay for Victoria Day. Ac- John Rickard. ,ording to the plan, familles lanning to spend a few dol- ars on fireworl<s wiil be asked o donate this money to the SPO T und and instead of having nu- OT ierous small displays scatter- I E l throughout the village there B I F isplay in a central place. Per- NEWCASTLE - With the ons interested in joining in basebali season fast approaching, his community effort are re- two league meetings are in the ýuested to contact Lion Keith offing for the comîng week, iken chai-man of the commit- both of which are of interest te ee. basebali officiais and players in Lion Brenten Eickard gave the village. The closing date for report on the Lions Midget entries in the Lakeshore Minor r. ti ti ti ti cc fu n ed w< diý Ai te a Friendship Club Heuirs Talkç on New Yoirk Cityl NEWCASTLE - The April Mrs. Marjorie Gray gave a! meeting of the Friendship Clib talk on the Oxiel, Good ,Cern- was held at the home of Mrs. paniory Tour which she and Mrs. jLena Graham on Wednesday Helen Nesbitt had taken earlierý evernng of last week with 25 this month te New York City.' members in attendance. She described the many places; The meeting opened with the of interest they had seen and i snigof Easter hymns after passed around picture post cards jwhich a brief devotiona] service illustrating her talk. Mrs. Scptt ,Àas conducted by the Pres;- thanked the speaker fbr lier in- dent, Mrs. Wilma Scott with teresting taik anîd presented Mrs. Bessie Dean reading the hier with a gift as a memento 1 i Scriptîire lesson and Mrs. Kay of the occasion. 1 Kinibali leading iin praver. T'le merubers were favoured; Diî'n;ig hie business period with a vocal duet bv Mesdames there -xvazs considerable discus- Wilma Scott and Marjorie Pa- sion on plans for the rummage tersoit which a very much sali, and sale of home-bakinz efljoyed. Ibeimg sponsor-ed by the club in; Two contests. conduiLcted h-, *Max. The vaîîous convenorz . Mrs. Velmia Parker', tested the! wvere aopointed and generai skill of the mrebeis who were tplans -rade for this project. divided in groups of tive w-ith the group winning the highest! S-.--numbeor of points takinu the Ns TOUR prize. The winning group was omposed of Mesdames M. C.1 f LA E~T flII!H Fisher Rita Flîntot'f. Margaret Rudmnan, Jean McCullough and!I Barbara Hockin. A gift was pre'- 1 Ready for sented tu Mrs. Marion A ilin1 jwjo was celebrating a birthday., SPIJ.t4.LIResî-eshmentz conýist d 0of six vaities of deiiciaus bre a s CA>and several varieties of cheese GOULD REATING grJ Nîeg , i.f n NEWASTE 431 ree gn oved a -vnt of I una n- NEWCASTLE 433te to M :- ('anarnfor opening her 4 MO W tle I~ meet4u. , --- Lionettes Pledge Support To Artificial Ice Proj.ct ~mittee ;e Details Fireworks 1purchaso fireworks for their rhildren ho hurn ovor the two, threo or five dollars hheY 'plan ho spend, te the comnmittee. They will pool hhe resourcos of all ho purchase tiieworks whirb wiil make a wortliwhule display, presumably in the Communihy Park wliore alI can gather ho cee a properly arranged show. Keith Aiken i chairman o! the Community Fireworks Comn- mithoo and will be pleased ho receive your donations and sug- gestions for this communihy pooling o! resourres tor a worhh- I.Custom Tree cmndI Wood Cutting 1 NEWCASTLE - The regular neeting of the Newcastle Lion- ettes Club w~as held in the diii- ing-roomn of the Queen's Hotel on Mondav evening April 21st with 16 members and two gueshs in athendance. Following a delicious dinner, President Mrs. Orena Megit ronducted the business meeting whon plans were discussed for the operation of the Lionettes Booth at the annual Lions Car- nival being held this year in League is Saturday, April 26th. A meeting o! the executive will be held that evening ah 8 p.m. in the Elmhurst Hotel when plans will be made for the drawing of the schedules in the various sections of the league. The South Durham Rural Basebaîl League which may have an entry fromn Newcashle this year has set Tuosday, April 29th as closing date for entries and the executive o! this league wvil1 meet the same evening at 8 p.m. (D.S.T.) in St. Lawrence Hôtel in Port Hope to make plans for drawing its schedule. These two meetings will pretty wvell take care of gehting things underway for the boys and mon o! the village, but we have had no word as yet Ps tho whether or not there -wili be ai ladies' or girls' softball league operating in these parts durîng the summer. According to a letter sent out to its members this week, the Newcastle Sportsman's Club has been active in making plans for the uproming fishing season. The letter announces a Trout Fishing Conhest for the season commenring May lst ai-d end- ing September l5th with trophies for the member catch- ing the heaviest fish during the season. Looks like trout fisher- men who have not yet joined the Sporhsman's Club better get in touch, with President Paul Delgney and join up so they will be able ho get in on thef Woodlols - Collage Silos PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL JOBS For Free Estirnates Phone Colleet DO C@RBETT OSHAWA -RA 5.7645 m Lakoironts FARMERS... SAVE NONS vY BY BUYING 3-POINT HITCH IMPLEMENTS BUILT BY FOR ANY 3-POINT HITCH TRACTOR 7-Ft. 14-Tooth Heavy Duty Cultivator $40 3-Point Hitch -149-00 7-Ft. Disk Harrow$2 80 3-Point Hitch --$40 7- Ft. 3,Point Hitch Mc 3-Furrow PIow SPECIAL Dwer - -- -$174-00 ONE LEFT 16-Marker Soed and Fertilizer D~rill, On low rujber wheels. Double ow - igasse 411rchment, liftiïng jac[ dusi proof -bearings, lnd mnue Soucier $737.00 TO CUI - a a a- a* 41 a 0 $595.00 Cowan- Equ'ipment Co# 134 King St. E. Ask for KEITH LATHANGUE Phone MA 3-5689 I the communihv parx en Friday, June 27th. After corne discussion, it was decided the club wvould assist the Artifirial Ice Committee in every way possible. The presi- dent stated this project could onlv be rarried through if it had the full support o! ail citi- zens of the commninty. A don- ation of ton dollars was gîven to help defray expenses of the recont Mînor Hockey Banquet. 1h was reported the G,:-l Guide Company had purchased a flag, pins and shoulder stravs wîth the money donated by the club at the last meeting am'd miembers of the Club were in- vihed Io attend the Guide meet- ing on Tuesday evening wheii the Fiag would be presentelJ. The Lionettes will be mak*mî'g their annuai canvass for the Salvation Army's Red Shield Drive during the month o! MaîW and members were asked te keep this in mind. Due ho the Victoria Day holi- day, the next meeting o! the Club will be heid on Tuesday, May 2Oth instead of Monday. Clocks Ahead This Weekend NEWCASTLE-Daylight Sav- ing Time commences in New- castle at 2 a.m. Sunday, April 27thh accoraing ho a resolution passed at the last meeting Af the village council, whicli will keep Newcastle in lino with most other muniripalities in the province. It is suggested citizens should put tiheir dlocks and watches ahead one hour before rotiring on Saturdav niglit so they wil flot miss Sunday Scliool, Chu rcii or that golfing or other ap. pointinent made for Sunday miornin. Remiember you put your dlock one hiour AHEAD, net back Saturday night and ail will go fine until faîl, and overyoiie w&ill be able ho enjoy that extra hour of daylight for the suaM- r q a F, 1 eff"NMAT, APRM 24m, 1958 lmwuàuuwvlp mwwàlewm 1 l" Ir Fence Rows m Orchard -ib m IIP $309,00 1

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