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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1958, p. 14

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iAM o rm ',u~1! WVW~U~A'tVDAI? ~~d w ,.~~~'JTV~LLL V£ILR, J~CILZLLIJ Blackstock W.!. Aids Many Fine Pro jects Annual Reports Show Br Doris Marli A summary of the Blackstock Women's from April lst, 1957 t 3lst, 1958 was presentei Treasumer at the annu. ing. We had a pleasant., ycar in our. Institute. was raised ta carry work by holding a spi zaar, genemous collect our meetings, our mer fees, exhibiting at tt faims, sponsoring cuci tics and serving afterr to a political meeting. We spent a tidy am money and cnded the y( a substantial balance. Here are some of tl Our moniey was spent to as many ways as possil Cartwmight War Memori i5 cared for solely by stitute. We buy the plan wvhen needed, pay thei er and the hydro for tI We donated money Canadian Institute oaIth ta the Cartwright Agri Society; ta Bowmanv.l Port Perry hospitals; C:angidinn Mental Heal gram.: ta the Save theC Fund: Assistance ta thE w ed area of Ceylon, a parcel fc worlc of the Unitarian Service commii Institute tee of Canada and to the Bo% ta March manville Salvation Army. d by the For the children of the mcii ial meet- bers, wc had a summer holi day picnic and a Christma Iy active pamty, Money We helped defmay the cos on aur of fixing cupboamds in the Conr oring ba- munity Hall. tions at ýmbershi Our sister Institute in Eng theloalan d was teated at Chmistma hre loal- ta a hamper of Canadien ep 'noon tea pls jWe encourage education bi nount of giving prizes for Home Econ iar with omics and shop-work at thi local High School. Our memý the wavs bers and visitors weme teatec ohelp in ta a speaker on the subjec, bic. The "Food makes the difference' ial Park in the Hall. Our sick members Sthe. In- the shut-ins, and ncw babieý nts, loamn arc emembered. 0f course WE caretak- meet aur Fce Sheet demand5 the liglit. which includes a small amouni ta the ta the Fedemation of Agricul- he Blind, ture and the Girls' Club Worl .icultural Prograin. ille and Our members and some visit- ta th e ors,. cnjoyed a bus trip ta the Ith pro- Daîziel Pioncer Famm in Vau- Children ghan Township and ta the Dale ce flood-1 Estate in Brampton last June. 94-6A DOSCO FARM FENCE F.ncing time 15 here and 1 respectfully suggest you drop in and se. me for your requirements of Cattie Fonce, Hog Fonce, Poultry Fence, Gates, Posts, Barb Wire, etc. A long Iasting fonce must have a superior çoating of zinc and 1 know that the DOSCO Fence which 1 carry in stock wiII serve you for many y.ars to corne. 100% CANADIAN CONTINT McGregor Hardware Limited 95 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE, PHONE MArket 3-3386 ONT. $1.05 $1.45 $1.65 FARN FENCING Available in 20, 30 and 40 rod roils 6 lino - 42"---- per rod 8 line - 42"___- per rod 9 lino - 48" per rod HOC FENCE 10 in - "--------------- - ---per rod $1.45 BARBED WJRE 80 rod spools Light - 5o lbs.---------per spool $ 7.45 Heavy - 75 lbs.------------------ ---- per spool $10.95 IPOULTIRY FENCÈE 10 rod roils only Light Wcight- 48"pe roll $11,55 Liglit Weight- 60" per roll $12.80 M1ediurn Weight - 48" --- -per roll $14.95 Mediumî Weight - 60" per roll $16.75 Extra Heavy - 48" ---------------per roll $23.75 GAIRDEN FENCE Beautify your grounds ivith paintcd green Dosco Fence Cornes in 100 f t. ols but available eut by ft. Gree - 611 Single Scroil Green- 36"$26.00 per 100 Green - 4211 $28.00 per 100 Double Scroll Green- 36" $36.60 per 100m Green - 42"----$39.75 per 100q CHAIN LINK FENCE or 28e per ft. or 30e per f t. or 40c per ft. or 43c per ft. Cones ini 100 ft. rolis but also available cut by f t. Medium - 13 gauge by 1% mesh 36e9 $14,75 per 100 42" ________________ $17.25 per 100 48y> ___________ $19-45 per 100 Complote Assortment of .. METAL GATES - POSTS M STAPLES BRACE WIRE - ALL FENCING REQUIREMENTS McGregor Hardware Limited 95 KING ST. W. MA 3-3386 ý'sl S-I y- J ;n1ÎjIe---ewîne,--nd"&1 ýs e d the Johnny James Troh eand indivîdual trophies. ýs Ted Chant reccived the ýt sprtsman tophy which was presented by Mm. Reed. k Harold McLaughjin received th e high average trophy with high average aof 232, Hamold also had high triple score 826, but as anc persan can only me- eceive anc trophy it was pre- sented ta Neil Bailey who was second place with score of 7.90.* Euchre was played after the banquet and following are the wi nnems and prîzes: High lady, Mis.cTed McLaughlin, 16 piece pincset; high gent, Ted Mc- 1 BEATINQ AND SEATING ACCOMMODATION Phono MA 3-3303 I All going met their own ex- penss. lElect Off icers for Year Country" is always at the front n u lC r i g Ba q e of our thoughts; From our op-1 eiOde"amoto "For Homin d ti to meet, In friendship's circle1 BLACKSTOCK - On Wcd- Stinson, Harvey Malcolmn, Clar- bight", and our Mary Stewart, nesday evening April 16 the an- ence Page and Norman Wilson, petcs ;lc us be Lre in, nual banquet of the Cartwright pizes-tie clasp and cuff links; ptough;t, usword a e in Curling Club was hcld in the third place rink-Memlin Sug- ________i_____and____. Parish Hall. President Merlin gitt, Harold Martyn, Roy Wer- Suggitt weicoxned the curlers. ry and Fred Coibear, prizes-. A delicious turkey dinner water glasses. was semved by the ladies of the Foilowing officers were elect- Trophies Are W. A.* of the Anglican church. cd for the 1958-59 season: Pre- gPast president Harold Swain sident, -Brian Hamilton; Vice thanked the ladies for the splen- pres., Dave Wilson; Sec'y- Presented to did. meal. Treas., Neil Werry; Committe Neil Bailey gave the Treas- -Wallace Malow, Floyd St-n- R u a o l rs uersand Scmetary's reports, son, od A r;a it sH - BLACKSTOCK - The Rural por-t by Wallace Marlow. Team A representation fmom Port Mcn's Bowling League held standings for the curling schcd- Perry Curling Club was on ther anua baque Fmdayule were presented by Brian hand ta ask the Cartwright evn ntheiralaqktockRe-a Hamilton. The committee club ta jain with them. The creatinaln te wikt 78 Res- members, Roy McLaughlin, Port Pemmy club propose ta ceant. A Ccitsreaw as servre- Dave Wilson andHoward Mal- build a new artificial ice curl- cn.dhelitcd Church asr- colm, presentcd the winning ing rînk. rid CoheUpl e Cub. Mr rinks with their prizes as fol- After much discussion it was Enniskillen Senior Team - lows: First place rink - Neil decided that the Cartwright Lawrence Wearn (Captaun), Werry, Brian Hamilton, and club would carry on as usual Joh Semo, ordn tepen Harry Van Camp, prizes, en- on their own ice. A film on the Bihn Wsleo,GTedoChn t, Adangmaved ashtrays; second place 1956 Tankard was shown and Sharp Wetad Ted Robanon Adam rink-Howard Malcolm, Floyd much enjoyed. lwlady, Mrs. Hammy Knox, aluminum tray; low gent, Wal- ~ter Giffin, ash tray holding SItwo decks of cards; lucky lady, IMiss Partner, tray of glasses. Executive for next year is, pesden, Jirn Marlaw; vice- president, Cccil Mills; secre- tary, Ted Robinsn; treasurer, tieAlan Wemry and Roy Pas- BLACKSTOCK The Young Peop!e's Union of the United Chumch met ini the Sunday Sohoal momr Sunday evening with 19 present. It was dccidcd ta enter a baseb'all team ini the Oshawa Presbytcm- ial Basebaîl League. Arrange- ments were made rcgarding tic Y.P.U. convention which is ta be held in Trinity church, Bowmanvillc, Apmil 26, and 27. Miss Molly Bennett and Mr. Ted Colwell, Bowmanville, cach gave a fine talk on "What Young People's Has Meant Ta Me". Meeting was closed with a worship service. Sunday week Mr' and Mrs. jRoy McLaughlin and Dennis picked Up Mrs. Edith Murphy and Donna McLaughlin who had spent -the -week -with hem grandmother at Tyrone, and went ta Toronto and visitcd Mr. and Mms. Isaac Murphy. Mrs. Cccil Femguson, Mr. and Mms. Sidney Ferguson and girls, Newcastle, spent Sunday with *Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Lindsay, were Sunday guests -of Mrs. Thos. Smith. Mr. and Mms. Lewis Henry accompanîed by Mr. and Mms. IMermil Henry and Linda af IBowmanviîle visited Mr. and JMrs. Jack Webb, Cooksvillc, M md a . e d M s r h r B i e Mrtumnd hme romhFur ida I laturweckoe. rmFlr Mms. Wm. Lawrrenson, Toron- ta, spent Saturday with the Ed Albert Wright's. _, r i ' a n d M s . La e w a n n onh e Catariners, woree Snday guests af Mr. and Mms. Ivan Mountjoy and family. Mm. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp,, Mm. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp and Ai- leen, attended the dedication service af the new addition ta St. Stephen's Church, Oshawa, Sunday aftemnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mal- colm, Taranto, spent the wcck- end with Mr. and Mms. Merrili iVan Camp and chîldren. JMiss Pearl Wright, Toronto, spent the weckend with her Parents and sistems. Dr. and Mms. J. A. McArthur, Misses Jessie and Betty, visitcd his sister who is ili and other ficnds in Stmatfomd Satumday night and Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Harris and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc- Laughlin and boys visited Mr. and, Mrs. Joe Flett, Bo,ýman- ville, Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer attended the funcral of Miss Rose Sommemscaîes in Bow- manvile Sunday aftemnoon. On Wednesday Mesdames Dalton Domell, Roy McLaugh- lin, Carl McLaughlin, John Car- naghan, Harold Kyte, Ivan Thompson attended the annuel luncheon of- Melville Presbyter- ian Church, West Hill, and viewed the ncw addition ta their chumeh. Miss Chrystal Falis, Port Pupils Model Own Work At Popular WlI. Bazaar BLACKSTOCK - Thursday creation centre. afternaon saw a splendid at- President Mrs. Lamne Thomp- tendance and a lovely assart- ment of fancy work, home bak- son welcomed the ladies and ing, candy, shrubs and what called on Mrs. Gea. Wolfe, have yvou for sale, at the Womn. home econamics teacher, who en's Institute bazaar in the Re- introduced Nicole Forrest as their narrator and thity-five Eirîs framn her two classes, Hope, was weekend guest and those of. grades 5 and 6. Girls Mrs. A. Devîtt, Miss Helen De- of grades 7 and 8 pesentcd a vitt and Mms. Elva Beckett, fashion parade of the blousesi, Bowmanville, were Sunday skirts and dresses they had guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe made in school this year. Al Bradburn and family. made a very plcasing showing Mr. and Mrs. Russel Little and this is the only way same and three childrcn, Scarbarough, of the ladies can see what visited Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Car- splendid work Is being accam.- naghan and family Sunday. plished by the girls and thei r COU ~o'.I00 'Bsa. s COME DOWN Robson 166 King St. E. I 'WOOL The Government Deflcieney Payment applies only on properly graded wools. 'Secure the utmost by patronlzing yeur own ortanlzation. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Reglstered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, ont. Obtain sacks and twine without charge fromn ALFRED GRAY Neweastle, Ont. JOHN THOMPSON Kendal, Ont. or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROMIERS LLMITED P-17 Z& lit., Tomate, Canada teacher ln aur school. Special applause came for the girl with the li1e size doil which she had dressed. But then came an- other girl with a real live baby (perfectly behaved). Next a pu- pil with her two year and three year old sisters, all these dresses made by the girl deman- strating. These really recelved wonderful applause. At this point Mrs. Murray Byers introduced Mrs. Rickaby of Bowmanville who put on a ma6t interesting and helpful demonstration of gift wrapping. The president thanked all who had given such a pleasant afternoon and declared the sale opened. After the pocketbooks were getting quite lean a deliciaus afternoon tea was partaken of. Mrs. Leith Byers and Mrs. Os- car Graham poured tea. Prior to the bazaar tickets had been sold on a lovely drift- wood lamp made and donated by Neil Bailey, (shop work teacher). Mrs. W. H. Brown, Bowmanville District President of Women's Institute, drew the tickets and Mrs. Frank Hoskin was the lucky winner. A sec- ond draw was made for a pair of pillow cases which John Hamilton received and as third prize Robert Kyte's name was drawn and he received an Afri- can violet. Tickets were also sold on a beautifully decorated layer cake and Mrs. Geo. Wolfe's tickets won this. The Institute members were quite well pleased with the results of the bazaar and very grateful to ail who assisted in any way. Cet Cash To-day for Old Appliances througb -STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS VISIT YOUR L ONT1ACBBU ICkDEALER ýMotorsç Bowmanville MA 3-3321 and 3-3322 Limite> SPECIALS in Dosco Fencing , ,,. i Tffl CAMADUN 9TATV-quAm ýitmwrAwwwvw omntiLibiv% THURSDAY, APRIf. 24tbi il Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Potter Celebrate Anniversary A surprise party was held on a set of sterling silver cuff linkj@ Sunday, April l3th in honour and tie pin. of Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Potter, Those present for this happy Bowmanville, to celebrate their occasion were their 17 child. 35th wedding anniversary at the ren: Mr. and Mrs. William . home of her daughter, Mrs. ter, Mr. and Mr 4bert Wê.ý> Walter Connelly, Oshawva. ward (Gracm' Mm. and Mn. Taken by surprise this happy Robt. WhiUt, (May), Mr. couple wvere ushemed into the and Mrs. Wa~ Connelly (Ha. midst of their happy family zel), Mr. ald Mrs. Almyr Tom. who had gathered ta express linson (Kate), Mr. and Mrs. their best wîshes and congrat- Howard Patter, Mr. and Mrs, tulations. A dliclous supper, Vern Junkin (Reta), George, fllowed by an Anniversary Marie, Evelin, Betty, Lorna, cake was enoyed by al. Lola, Wilford, Clifford, Ray and The bride of 35 years ago Donald Potter. asQ,,their twelve was then pesentd with a grandchildren andý Miss Mare lovely set af pearl necklace and ion Mallerv and Mr. Bert. Ge. carrings, and the groom with boers of Bowmanville. A&uction Sale' $50..000 worth of Nerchandise Io le sold by Auction Items ncuded are: Small Houseware Appliances, Power Saws, Lamps, Power Drills, Deep Fryers, Dormeyer Mixers, Electric Shavers, Comforters, Cutlery, Field Glasses, Watches and Other Jewellery. PlIus many other items too numerous to mention FREE GIFTS To' be held at DURBAN COUNTY SALES ARENA, Friday, April I5th Sale Staris ai 7:30 p.m.

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