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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1958, p. 15

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rnr- - -, - -~ AP~ H~ flN ANADIAN UTATMAN. UÔWMAIIV!LT.U. ÔN?ÂU!O A #IW _____________________________________________________________________ Zfl~T~. ~ A Mrs. Cryderma n Elected President M. Grove W.. President Mis. Chas. Green- tees were gîven by Mns. J. Mur- hain presided for the business rie (for Mrs. Chas. Kerr'a of the annuel meeting of Maple group), Mrs. Stephen Jeffrey, *Gravýe Womnen's Institute on Mrs. H. Allison, MS. Cecil Je!- ,ïih*ril 14th. Mrs. I. Munday, frey and Mrs. L. C. Snowden. w»Wistriet dMnteonducted r.JHuieCovn f 'Which Inte..' bçe" w-as well congratulations and 15 carda of enswered. Sympathy sent out. Nine Valen- Mrs. Greenharn gave ber tine baskets, flowers, carda and Présidentiel report which indi- golden wedding congratulations cated a year of worthwhile were also distributec and sent. activities, the major project be- Mrs. F. P. Stevens submitted Ing an improvement in the narnes from nominating commit- ehurch k.j.then. tee for election of officers. With Secretary-treasurer Mrs. Mor- no other nominations the follow- ley Flintoff reported finances in ing were duly elected officers a moderately satisfactory con- for 1958-59. Past President- Étion. Average attendance for Mrs. Chas. Greenham; Presi- fffeyear, 33, and members' at- dent-Mrs. Howard Cryderman; tendance 25. lst Vice-Mrs. K. Hopkins; 2nd Reports of standing commit- Vki'-Mrs. Howard Bradley; Wedding Invitauiwts Thmvto.engraved (nÀAfsLm r??ERTNô> Wedding and engagement announcements, birth announce- ments, confirmation invitations, golden snd silver anniversary announcements, e. Thermo.engraving <EAIED LETTEiRiNO>) Looks and fd. 1ke the finest band engravini. ThÏfetersi bave an elegance and individufty onfly the fincet band m.- graving con match. Thermo-engraving <RAISED LETTERINC>' Cos about halfoqmuh as han<l enraving, because it eii. ates the coppr ,at makes band engravmg so expeSdve AND»"IT"A READY WITHIN THE WEEK Of course you can order matching enclosure carde, reception, response, thank you and at home cards, etc. Select from aur giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers. Il distinctive styles of lettering. Weddings priced as low as 50 for 89.00 and 100 for $13.50, com- plet. with double envelopes and tisses. Availabe at Iit - - am 2aW.u SeStary-Treaurer-UMrsMar- ley Tlinto!!; District Director- Mns. I. Munday. Branch Directors--Mrs. R. ID. Trimble, Mrs. L. C. White, Mns J. R. Metcalfe; Pianist-Mrs; Wm. Laird; Auditors--Mrs. Wmn Laird, Miss S. Laird; Conveners of Standing Cornmittees: Agri- culture and Canadian Industries -Mrs. W. H. Brown; Home Economics and Health-Mrs. Cecil Mlii; Citizenship and Education-Mrs. Stephen Jef- frey; Historical Research and Curent Events-Mrs. L. C. Snowden; Good Neighbors' Com- mittee-Mrs. J. Hurrie, Mrs. Chester McGrath, Mrs. Stephen Doyle, Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Membership Committee - Mrs. Stuart Morton, Mrs. F. R. Stev- ens, Mrs. E. Foley. President Mrs. H. Cryderman took the chair for a short pro- gram arranged by the executive. The motto "The life you live is the lesson you teach," com- posed by Mrs. E. (Ted) Hoar was read by Mirs. I. Munday. To illustrate this motto thnee examples were given o! great gifts and talents making the lives lived lessons to others even less gîfted. Dr. Albert Schweit- zer found the ans.wen for the use of his gifts and talents of music, philosophy and the art of heal- ing where the need was great- est rather than winning renown in less needful, easier situations. Jane Froman, a talented sing- er, gave her best to the war- weary and discouraged in. mi..- itary camps, and Alfonso D'An- tega, composer and conducton, after days of preparation to give his best for a symphony con- cert was dismayed to learn that his scores had been stolen. The long-time thief, finding instead of money, music, recognized words learned in a boyhood song. The words of this song turned him, into an honest man. Three years later he was priv- ileged to meet the composer and told his story.. Because of D'Artega always giving of his best, his life was a lesson. Much enjoyed were two solos by Mrs. (Rev) Harold Stainton, "First Love" and "A Proposai", accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Laird and two vocal duets "Going to Get Along Without You" and "Hop Scotch Polka". Mrs. Hoar accompanied the girls. May meeting in charge of Agriculture and Canadian Industries Com- mittee. A social time was en- j oyed with refreshments senved by the executive. If one would be successful in the future, let him make the most o! the present-Mary Bak- er Eddy. FAST RELIEF FOR HEAD COLODS SPECIAL!At/ te &scr~ ibet à? lh.ul I ,l for a big my *iMXRIFC". tool Tisis lB iotbUtoulUl mbsbMmlflfl...Reg 1.9-SAVE 10c Youft eatadf /r Chioken Noodi. Rm> 2 pkgs U.-BAVE 4o LIPTON SOUP 2pkgs2lc Quaker Reg. pkg 5.o-BAVE lis CORN FLAKES 212-oz pkgs 49 C Shirriff'u Chooolats & Wh%@.Reg. phu 850-BAVE ô* CAKE MIX 3 1&P1s.OO Kraft Reg. Uc-BAVE 40 CHIEZ WHIZ 16-ex ar49c Jase Parker RagMo SAVE0 CHERRY PIE 0.049< Jan* Parkcer $punk& Rm.48.-BAVE 4e BAR CAKE one 3 9c AIP ~or. B.. .d Reg. tic 31.-BAVE 70 Orange Juice 2 4"z Wh& 359C A&P Reg. t tise USo-BAVE Se Green Bean.s 42-ztn . Standard Queloi ' g. 2 tins 38.-BAVE 7à lonc Peachea 1zws. A£P Panoy Quallty Reg. t tinsa 31.-AV£ 4o SA VE MfONEY PLAN BUDGET MEALS Grade "A", Ready to Cook, 3 to 4-lb Average FOWL b41c Essex Brand WIENERS 1bceto Pkg 41C Lean BoilingCule BRISKET BIEF l Extra Lean MINCED BIEF ib 3 Essex Brand, $malt Link or tountry'Blyl. Pure Pork SAUSAGI v 41 Lean Me«W PORK HOCKS Nb2 9C 9e .9c 19C lb29c J.lied Pock HEAD CHEESI 3-Ib iaf 89c Bee BOLOGNA -b n.i.u663 c Ba" 8«1"e COD FILLETS' 2ros49c KERNEL CORN 214oztins29c AAP Fanoy Quellty Re. 2 tins 81oS AVer APPL UCI 4 &« fi53 W Paew ECIALI1 Tumnt.Julc fUe nAtil SMurd*8. April Ceremony for Couple B B' J Pictured following their marriage in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on April 3, are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Laverne Martin. The bride is the former Marion Jean Stalker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Staiker of Maple Grove, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.rthur W. Martin of Bowmanville. -Photo by Bowmanville Studio WEDDING TANE - PONICKY pink snapdranthe pes ad Yellow chapranthemumws ad signated with white moire bows, formed the setting in King. Street United Chunch, Oshawa for a wedding at 3 o'ciock Sat- urday afternoon, Apnil 19th, wVhen Eva Ponicky was united in manniage with William David Tane. The bride is the daugh. ter o! Mn. and Mns. Andnew Ponicky o! Oshawa, and thE bridegroomn is the son o! Mnr and Mns. J. D. Tâne cf Oshawa, and grandson o! Mr. and Mrs, L. Nichoils cf Bowmanville, Ontario. Rev. Mervin Bury perform- cd the double ring ceremnony. Mr. Rhydid Williams presided ai the organ and accompanied the soloisi, Mn. Robent Dargan, who sang "'Because"y, "The Lord's Prayer"' and "O Perfect Love" Given iu marniage by her father, the bride wone a floor length gown o! carnation white silk orgahza oven net and silk faille, designed - with an oval neckiine accented with French lace and iorrg sheath sleeves. A. shirred princess panel outlin- ed with lace was inset in the front of the gown and the booped skirt featured flat bows at the back. A cnown of seed pearls and sequins held ber finger tip veil, bondened w-ith wide lace, and worn. aven the face, and she carried a cascade o! ned roses and leathened white carnations. Miss Mary Ponicky was maicd o! honon for ber sister and the bnidesmaids wene Miss Patricia Tane, sisten of the bridegroom, Miss Joyce,Wolosewich and Miss Gloria Wolosewich wiih Miss Anne Penicka as junior brides- maid. Ail wore identical baller- ina length gowns cf ail-over embroidened 'powden blue ta!- feta on sheath lines with sa- bnina necklines and cap sîceves and having a bouffant over- skirt and cummerbund, also long mnittens of matching silk organza. .Matenial nratching their gowns fashioned their mushnoom picture bats, and they each carried a cascade cf white chrysanthemums. Mn. Paul D. Tane o! Toronto, Ontario, was best man for bis brother, and the ushers were Mr. Gary Copeland, Mn. Doug- las Tenwillegar, brotben-in-law o! the bnidegroom, Mn. Gardon Baker and Mn. Ronald Masul- ka. The reception was heldi In King Street United Church Cen- tennial Hall, Oshawa, whene the bride's mothen reeeived the guests wearing a Paisley print- ed silk dress on tailoned limes, a white bat, matcbing accesson- ies and a coràage of wbite car- nations. The bridegnoom's motb- en who assisted chose a dress of natunal beige Honan silk with a bolero jacket. A wide brimmed matching hat, and uc- cessories, along with a corsage of pink carnations completed hrie ensemble. The wedding dinnen was serv- ed by the Women's Association of King Street Cbuncb. Rev. Bury was toasimasten, and the toast ta thc bride was Proposed by Uic Rev. Nicholas Siblock. Several cOngratulatory tele- grams wene neoeived froin rela- tives and friends o! the bride fnom Czechoslovakia. Followmng the réception the wedding guests were entertain- ed at the home o! the bride's parents. For the honeymnoon trp ta Flonida, the bride donned an orange and gney sheatb dreasg vith orange duster, white hat and Rloves, orange accessanies ada corsage &f white canna- tions. On their return the bni- [ai couple will reside in Osh- wa. where the bridegnoom la n the staff o! the Oshawa Po- [ce Force. Mg-Ç W Bwrn Showers HeId By Friends For April Bride Miss Eva Ponicky whose mar- riage ta Mn. William David Tane iook place in King Street United Church, Oshawa, Sat- urday afternoon, Apnil l9th, has been feted at sevenal pre- nuptial events. Mrs. John Peu- icko of Oshawa assisted by ber daughter, Miss Anne Penicko, were hostesses ai a miscelllan- eous showen. Mrs. Charles Eder, Fennhill Boulevard, Oshawa, entertain- cd at a miscellaneous shower. Mns. Eden was hssisted by hen daughten, Miss Margaret Eder, Mrs. ,Walter Jackson and Mns. Hans Diedeniobsen. A kitchen shower was an- ranged by Mrs. Douglas Ter- willegar ai ber home, Johnston Street, Oshawa. Assisting the r ostess in serving w-ene Mns. Roy Terwillegar and Mise Pa- tzisa.Taa.Miss Mary Pou- icky, Miss Patnica Tane, Miss Joyce Wolosewich, Miss Gloria Wolosewioh and Miss Aune Penleko, who were the bnidal attendants entertained, at a miscelleneous sbowen. Mrs. Norman Pnice, Kingston Road, East, Oshawa, was host- ess ai a miscelianeous shower, with ber daughter, Mrs. Jack Kilburn and Mrs. William Me- Court assisting. On Thursday aftennoon Miss Ponicky was again honored when she neceived an electnic frying pan fnom ber co-work- ens o! the General Motons of Canada, Oshawa. Following the rebearsal Fnl- day evening, the bridai party was entertained ai the home o! Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Tane, Fenn- hili Boulevard, Oshawa, par- ents of the brîdegroom. ENNISKILLEN The project which aur choir bas undertaken in the purchas- ing of a Hammond electric on- gan for our church is nearing completion. The ongan is to ar- rive the f irst week in May and a dedication service wil be held on May llth at 7.30 with Mns. C. Barrett, A.T.C.M.. Bowmnan- ville, as guest onganist at this ceremony. We have several gzenerous gifts of money from friends outside cour community as well as local donations which have raised our fund so that we have à debt of $350 left on aur organ. With "the luck of the Irish" we hope that amount wiil be raised in the near fu- ture. We extend a cordial in- vitation toalal who wish ta at- tend the special service on Mà.ý Il1 and will have more deta ils in the next two issues of this paper. Our new minister, Rev. Wal- iei Logan, who bas taken Rev. R. B. Gneen'à place, delivered bis finsi service on Sunday. SOLINA A wedding of wide intereat took place ini Eldad Church on Seturday alternoon w-hen Eu- nice Leask became the bride o! Dr. Alian 5tocks of Brook- lin. Rev. Reed! offlciated. Their many friends extend congratu- lations to this popular couple who are spending their honey- mnoon in Europe. The reception was beld ln the Community hall. Donna Vice and littie mem-. bers o! her Begînner's Sunday Sehool clasa led in the worship service on Sunday afternoon. Recitations were given by Ka- ren Yellowlees and Herbie Tink and the class sang two gongs. Donna also read a story. Communion service was ob- senvtd on Sunday afternoon. Two.tbaskets of white snapdra- gons from the Stocks-Leask wedding graced tne altar for the church service. The Solina Slick Sues held their second meeting at the home of Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees. The care of the skin, cleanliness and proper way to apply makeup were discussed. The leader told different ways o! finishing slips and making the most o! clothes. The way to shrink and straighten material was learned and also how ta make a bias sample. Lunch was served by Mrs. Yellowlees. The third meeting was held in the community hall when Mns. Don Taylor and Mis. C. Langmaid assisted the leaders, showing the girls how ta cut out their slips. The leaders served lunch. Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr., at.. tended the banquet for former Goodyear employees ln Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and famiiy, Millbrook, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox, Dean and Boyd, were Sunday visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Hil- ton Tink's, Ebenezen. Mrs. R. Bemnis. Oshawa, Mns. John Law, Thornhill, vislted at E. Spires'. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and children visited at F. Burnows and K. Bent's in Oshawa. Mrs. J. Dyer, Mrs. A. Bee- vor, Oshawa, Mrs. G. Glaspeli, Taunton, Mr. and Mrs. George Gilnoy and sons, Columbus, were at Rae Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pat and Mr. J. Yellowlees visited Miss Ida Reynolds in Toronto on Sundày. Mrs. J. Yellowiees returned home with themn after spending a week with ber sisten. Mn. and Mrs. E. Larmner, Biackstock, were Sunday tea JURY 15 KING ST. WEST rueste et MT. and Mns. Harvey Yelnwleec and dau*ttens. M.r. Chau. AlUn, Bowmen- ville, w-as a Sunday guest o! Mr. and Mars. Wes Yellowlees and sons. Mns. Addie Tink visited Mn. and Mns. Percy Dewell and family, Hampton. Mr. and Ms. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer, visited ai Bruce Tink's. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Knox, Brougham, 4Mn. and Mrs. G. Hamilin, Oshawa, were visitons with Mn. and Mrs. George Knox and famnily. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Revv. R. Sherwin, Belleville; Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, were with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tay- lor. Mr. and Mns. Reg. Land, Mns. Edith Marlowe, Mr. Sid Mit- chell, BowmanviLle, Mn. and Mrs. J. Ovenden and famiiy, *oshawa, visited Mn and Mns. Frank Westleke, Jr. Mrs. LU A.- McDougall, Miss M. Wimott. Mms. J. H. Jury aud Mrs. Isobel Reynolds o! Bowmianville. visited Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Wotten. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Westlake, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe, at. tended the bowling banquet at Blackstock on Friday evening. Miss Helen Baker, Mrs. Stewart and Miss Murray, To- routo, Mr. Edwin Ormiston, Ebenezer, visited at J. and Tom Baker's. Mr. and Mns. 1. Hardyv and Stanley, viîited at Roy Slack's at Ebenezer. Mvrs. W. Mountjoy and Elinor, Kedron. visited the Wenry's ai Rosejandvale. Mrs. Stan Millson. Glenn and Grant, spent last Tuesday in HARDWARE WEEK SP-ECIAL1 April I4th May 3rd Simpludf y, Washing Machines Mrodel No. 21-4 $139-00 with trade Can be purcbased on budget terma of $14.00 down payment and $6.38 per month Maso-n & Dale MA 3-5408 Hardware Limited Bowmanville 36 King St. E. PROMESPECIAL California new trop faney sugar sweet Vaencla ORANGES a5 lbS oio g 8 9c Smoked BACON SQUARES & LOVELL PHONE MA ý3-5778 flCHIfLhj iV TLLi MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR laVogue gacqueline Cor. Athol à CeI*aa Oshawa ME "MADUN BTATUDIM. BOWUAWVffl& ONTAlM 'Dar-qlp imrwmmrvým 1 1 -----------

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