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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1958, p. 16

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PAGE SIXT!EN TW! CANADIAN ~TAT~MA!1. ~OWMM~VTLT~ ~ D e D1iTUS GRAHAM-Mr. and Mrs. James Graham are pleased to announce the birth of their third son Gregory John, a brother for Garfield and Gordon, April 17, 1958, at Memorial Hpspital, Bowman ille.171* HUGHES-Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las F. Hughes are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son, Doug- las Peter, at Halifax on April 21st, 1958, first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes. 17-1* MOIR-On April 16, 1958, to Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Moir, (nee Hey- land), a daughter, Sheila Mar- garet, at the Ottawa Civic Hos- pital. 17-1* MORRIS-Don and Dorothy an- nounce the birth of their daught- er, Jane. Louise, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tues- day, April 22nd, 1958, a sister for Paul, John and Anne. 17-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. P. Hayward wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Grace Rosetna, to Mr. Ray Champa, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Champa of Cleve- land, Ohio, U .S.A. Marriage ta take place in Trinity United Church on May 17 at 7 o'clock. 17-1* Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Crowe, Bowmanville, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Eleanor Edith, to Vctor F. Auger, son of Mr. Victor E. Auger and the late Mrs. Auger of Ottawa. The mnarriage to take place on May 24th at 10:30 arn. in St. Joseph's Church, Bowmanvîlle. 17.1* Marriagres WOODS - HAGERMAN - Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hagerman, New- castle, announce the marriage of their youngestdaughter )Vanda Marie, to Larry Elliott, son of Mrs. Woods and the late Mr. George Murray Woods, Niagara Falls, Ont. The marriage was solemnized by the Rev. 1. J. Beach at 4 o'clock, Saturday, April 19, 1958, in North Haven Church, Welland. 17-1 Deaths MAYER-At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Leighton Powell, 33 Empress Ave., Hamn- ilton, an Monday, April 21, 1958, Otto Mayer, beloved husband of the late Margaret Ann Maynard i.n bis 88th year. Resting at the J. B. Marlatt Funeral Home, Hiamilton. Service in Marlatt Memorial Chapel on Thursday et 1 p.m. Interment Woodland Cemetery. 17-1 SOMERSCALES - At Memorial Hlospital, Bowmanville, on Fni- dlay, April l9th, 1958, Rose Violet Somerscales, aged 48 yeaars, beloved daughter of Mrs. Violet S omerscalas and dear sister of Dorothy (Mrs. Elmer Archer), Wh it bY;' Leonard, Vuourtice; Geargina (Mrs. Thos. Carter), George, Margaret (Mrs.j Milton Corsan) and Lorraine1 (Mrs. Stanley Pingle), all of ]Bowmanville. Service was haid at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bawmanville, on Sunday, April 2th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowrnanville Cemetery, 17-1 SYKES, Thornas L. D.-At Me- rnoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, on Frîday, Apnil l8th, 1958, Thomas L. D. Sykes, beioved husband of Margaret Knox, and dear fathan of Thomas R. Sykes of Toronto and Elinor (Mrs. Gordyn Brant), Tyrone, Ont., in his 79th year. Rested at North- cutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Service was held on Monday, Apnil 21 at 2 p.m. Interment Bowman'ville Cametery. 17-1 Tenders Wanted Town of Bowmanville Tenders for Concrele Work Bealed* tenders, plainly marked as to contents, wlll be recelved by the underslgned until 5 p.m., FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, D. S. T. for the construction of the foi- lowlng works. CONTRACT A - SIDEWALKS 8,000 square'teet of Replacement CONTRACT B - CURBS 400 lineal feet of New The above are approximate quantities only Particulars and specifications may be obtained fromn the Works Foraman Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LLOYD QUINTON, Works Foreman. A. J. LYLE, Clerk, Town of flowmanvllle. .16-2 Teachers Wanted TEACHÈRS - Iminediate sum- mer employment. Opportunity for part and full time summer employment with guaranteed incarne. Teachers must have at least two years experience. Apply to Mr. Wm. Hayes, Suite 801, 85 Bloor M. Bq Toron-j M-1 A N1~ I . - - - Atircies or FIVE h.p. Viking Newcastle 4411. outboard. . 17-11 250 BALES of mixed hay. Tele- phone MA 3-2903. 17-1 COLUMBIA raspberry canes. E.» J. Gibbs, 49 Liberty St. N. 17-1 BOY'S C.C.M. bicycle, good con- dition. Phone MA 3-5454. 17-1* WOMAN'S bicycle, reasonable. Phone MA 3-3904, 67 Duke St. 17-1* FOUR hundred bales hay, Cob- bler potatoes. Phone MA 3-2380. 17-1 * DRY light w ood, stove length, $10 load delivered. Phone MA 3-2849. 12-tf PLOW, Ford hydraulic lift, two l0-inch furrows. Phone MA 3-2315. 17-1 GLADIOLI bulbs. Mrs. Clar- ence Tink, Hampton. Telephone MA 3-2361. 17-1 SEED potatoes, Chippewa and Irish Cobbler. Phone Black- stock 94 r 22. 17-1* HARDWOOD cuttings, large load, $10 delivered. Telephone Oshawa RA 5-1526. 14-4 BARN 30 x 40. Apply Keith Bradley, Pontypool, Ont.Te- phone Orono 8 r 12. 1- SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinrniunt, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf liARD and soft water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5416 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf GARDEN tractor with plow, disk, grass cutter, $250.00. Apply to Mrs. A. Emerton, South Nestieton. 17-1 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta electrîcal appliances, large and srnall. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO yaur own floors-Rent -a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., ýBowmanviile. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf, 1INSULATION, blowing method, with.rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L.- Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf BOXED plants, ail kinds, vege- tables and garden flowers. Corn- er Base Line and Hunt St., form- erly aparated by Mr. George Petty. 17-1 SEED grain, clovers, pasture mixture, lawn se'ed; certified saed potatoes, fertilizer, feeds, etc. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle, Phone 2771. 16-21 DUPLEX -Sprarnotor sprayer, 150 gallon tank with air caoled Wisconson angine, in good work- ing corder. O. K. Osborne. Tele- phone MA 3-2480. 17-2* SUITE of wine chesterfield and chair and one green chair, good condition; two venetian blinds, 32" wide x 60" and 44" x 60". Phone MA 3-5454. 17-11 ONE 6-ft. tiller, No. 26 cultivator, 3-furrow No. 28 plow and 44 diesel tractor, all Massey-Har- ris. Merlin Suggitt, R.R. No. 2, Nestleton. Phone Blackstock 17 r 11. 17-1 HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tfl 21" ADMIRAL TV and acrial, Westinghousa refrigerator, oven controlled rangette and Beatty washing machine. Ail in splend- id condition. Mrs. Robert Mc- Cullough, Hampton. 17-1 BEAVER riding tractor. 6.9 h.p., dual whaels, trailer, 2 plows, one with rolling coulter. culti- vators, excellent condition, orig- inal value over $800; will take $300. Phone Newcastle 3066. 17-1 * ADDING machines, tvpewritars, cash r e g i s t e r s, calculators, chaque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs ta all makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Chturch- Street, Bowmanville. MAr'oet 3-3986. 8-tf GRAVEL Chips Three-quarter Stone Sand - Road Gravel LELAND PAYNE SAND AND GRAVEL Newtonville - Phone Clarke 1304 .13-tf FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Automatie Metered 24-Hour Dellvery Service «A. H. STURROCK AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER tho» MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. BOWIRANVUILE OOW* 44-11 Piicies ior CHILD'S dress, size back and front, $4. 3-2741. GIRL'S bicycle, in dition, balloon tires. 3-3468. GTRL'S three speedre ,Sale Articles for Sale 7, smocked LATHAM and Newbury rasp- Phone MA berry canes and strawberry 17-1 plants. J. C. Alldread, 55 Lib- »» ý erty St. N. P.O. Box 1167. gaod con- 17-1 Phone MA 17-1 USED ,ae hir-vcle. -- -- -- $25: also lawn mower. MA 3-1 3949. 117-1* CEDAR posts, ahl sizes, poles and clothes ] posts. Phone. MA 3-2436. 17.1*' PRIVET shrubs for hedge, $5.00 per 100, welI rooted. Phone MA 3-5336. 17-1* HENDERSON motor bike, in perfect condition, $100. Phone MA 3-3986. 17-11 ALSCO aluminum windows and' doors. Lorne Allun, telephonel MArket 3-3871. 17-1*1 PRESSURE Ilose for orchard spraying, used one season, forty! feet. Phone MA 3-2596. 17.1*1 ,GARDEN tractor, 3 h.p., with. plough, cultivator and grader blade. Phone MA 3-3178. 17-1 500 BALES mixed hay, large FARM EQUIPMENT * Traciors INTERNATIONAL WDB Diesel MASSEY-HARRIS «12211 CASE V.A.C. with mounted mower and 2-row cultivator INTERNATIONAL W4 overhauled MACHINERY No. 76 New Holland BALER Engine Driven INTERNATIONAL 3-FURROW PLOW on steel MVA&00FY R -1t LZ TAMfVL ~ LP]La size. Arthur Harvey, Tyrone, RR 1. Phone Orono 3621. 17-1* CO-OP 4-wheel SPREADER NINE-PIECE oak dining-room COC nSH UTTNobe 2Whe suite, good condition, very I TCHTRNoSP6READER reasonable. Phone MA 3-5683. j RCO SRAE 17-1* No. 45 INTERNATIONAL CHESTERFIELD suite, kitchen P.T.O. BALER buffet and four chairs, electric O A 1mangle. Phone Newcastle 2205. O A 25-FOOT inboard mator boatP ENCO Willys Jeep motor, Kermath con- 134 King St. E., Bowmanville version. Kari Bickell, Clarke Phone MA 3-5689 13 r 13. 17-.1* 17-11 NEARLY new 13-disc Cock- 1 shutt grain and fertilizer drill, Cars for Sale Frank Dorland. Phone MArket1 3-2335. 17-1 '47 PLYMOUTH, good shape. COMPARE thîs! Home grownPhnMA385.1- potatoes from certified seed, '37 CHEV., good shape. TaIe- $1.75 bushel delivered. Phone phone MA 3-5334 after six.71 MA 3-5482. 17-111- TWO pair matching unlined 1"52 GMC dump, good tires, run- drapes, 81", ivory background i ning order. Priced to sell. Tele- with green predominating, $15. 1 phone 3 r il Orono. 17-1* Phone Newcastle -3936. -----7.1- REGISTERED and Commercial IGarry and Rodney oats,Brn barley and grass seeds. Swain Seed Cleaners, Blackstock. 16-tf NEW bicycles, made in Canada, 100% guaranteed. Boys' - girls', $35.95 up. McNulty's Sports, Cycle & Toys, Bowmanville, MA 3-3531. 16-21I RASPBERRY canes, Columbian and Viking; strawberry plants, rhubarb roats, lily-of-the-valley, 8-piece oak dîning-room suite, sewing machine, wool suit, size 18. 41 Liberty St. North. 17-1* PLANT your perennials early. Good selection, healthy, giant Pacific delphinium, 50c. Roses, mums, lupins and rockery plants, etc. Mrs.' Abrams, telephone MA 3-2843 or MA 3-5522. 17-tf RASPBERRY bushes, Madawas- ka and Newbury, Latham and Viking, 6c each; Premier, îrn- proved Senator Dunlop straw- berry plants, 2c each. Ivan Far- row, Orono, Telephone 34r2.' 17-1 ONE used Case D tractor; 1 used ICase S tractor; 1 used Case fer- tilizer sawer; International 1145"1 baler; power lawn rnawers; refrigeratars and deep freezers; used Farmall "A" with scuffler. Swift's fertilizer. W. H. Brown, 91 King St. W., Bawmanville. Phone MArket 3-5497. 17-1 BEDROOM suite, double dres- ser,, bookcase bcd, $129; two- piece chcsterfialds, $119: chrome kitchen suites, $49; G.E. floor polisher, $42.95; G.E. kettle, $11.95. Trade-ins: chesterfield, $29; Hoover vacuum cleaner, $19.50. Murphy Ca., King W. Phone MA 3-3781. 17-1* SEED POMATES P.E.I. Foundation and Certlfied Cobblers, Sebagos & Kathadin R. C. "GRAHAM PHONE MArket 3-2473 l6-tf~ THE Public Trustee as the Ad-y ministratar of the estate of Michael Zisko, oflers for sale: 20 hives of bees, presently in the possession of Mr. Steve Za- dorozny, on the property known as part of Lot 23, Concession 2,1 Township of Darlington, Bow-1 manville, Ontario. Terms cash.1 Offers ta purchase should be 1 forwar1eto Mthe Pubhlic Truste.I '55 CHEV. Býel-Air, two tone, overdrive, radio, tinted glass, $1,400. Phone MA 3-5219. 17-1* '55 BUICK two-door hardtop, Dyna-flow, radio, actual mile- age 17,000. L. Clemens, Hamp- ton. Phone MA 3-2436. 17-1 * ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect.-2-tf USED CARS AND TRUCKS Used Cars 1946 CHEV. SEDAN Special - $75.00 Trucks 1951 MERCURY 14-ton 1956 INTERNATIONAL S-160 3-kon COWAN EQUIPMENT 00. 134 King St. E. Bowmanvllle MA 3-5689 17-1 BUYING A CAR? BEFORE YOU DO SEE "'HONEST ED"I or "IRISH STEW" *Neyer Undersold *Top Dollar for Trades *Written Guarantee *Easy Terms Beller Used Cars 501 HILLMAN -. - ----$325 Refinished and Reconditioned One Owner - Smail Mileage Economical car Starlight Five-passenger Coupe Customn Radio 50 METEOR - --------$495 Customiine - Good Motor Na Rust 55 FORD ..$1.295 Customlina -Radio 55 CHEV. $-___ 1,295 Two Tone -Saund Car 55 BUICK --- -- -------- S 1,595, Century Sedan - Custom Radio A beauty 14 Qee Sret es, frnt, em, Lightweight TRAILER quoting thareon'the file No. CR: Complete witb Hitch, Tail light, 5838-JHL. 16-21 etc.____ $1351 58 METROPOLITAN - $1,8451 L AWN SEED New, Hardtap, Customn Radio Consîsts entirely af the finast, 58 HILLMAN - -$.9 dwarf, perannial and evergreen New, Deluxa Sada------Two-- Ton95 gasse fo a beautiful densej Signais, ail filter Reg. 1.10lb. i. g E 36 Months to Pay on New Cars Rag.$110lb. lb.80cat Stewart's Terrace Brand Mixture A blend of quick grawing grass- as that produca a smooth, com- pact, lasting turf af fine quality. Reg. 75cIL.--___ 1 lb. 60c, Stewart's Back Yard or Cottage Mixture A strong, quick growing mixture ta stand up under bard usage. 2 lb. bag 90e 5 lbs. or over 40e lb. LAWN AND GARDEN FERTILIZERS FRESH BULK GARDEN SEEDS, CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES STEWART'S SEEDS 33 Divàisio t. DowinanvilleI WELLMAN'S Authorized RAMBLER and HILLMAN S'ales and Service Nonquon Rd. Oshawa RAndolph 3-4431 Open Until 9 P.M. Pets for Sale PUREBRED- Boxer dog, nine rnonths. Reasonable offer ac- cepted. Phone MA 3-516. 17-1 Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison- Telephone MArket 3-3900. - N-9 Work Wanted CONTRACTS for cutting large lawns. Phone MA 3-3660. 17- IT'S Spring - for clean-up and take-away jobs - MA 3-2849. 16-tf GARDENS to, roto-tili. Phonei MA 3-5718. Lester Highfield.~ BRICK work and plastering. INorman Pingle, 72 Elgin St. Phone MA 3-5518. 10-tf IWILL plough, cultivate anid 'harrow large gardens, or farm land. Phone MA 3-2794. 17-1* ANYONE wanting gardens ploughed and cultivated, by horse. Phone MA 3-3677. 17-1 CEDAR hedges planted, trees supplied and ahl labor complet- ed. Phone MArket 3-3073. 17-2* PLUMBING, heating, eaves-1 troughing; free e s timates. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf FOR any electrical work, new~ or rewiring, also appliances re-~ paired. Phone Jim Colliss, MA 3-2891. 17-1* NEW plastering and repairs. Stucco and cernent plastering. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf HAVE your garden roto-tilled. Makes it ready to plant. Very reasonable. For estirnate Phone B. Brunt, MA 3-3971. 17-1* COLOURED patio slabs sold and laid. Brick and stone barbecues for sale. For free estimates and delivery telephone Oshawa RA 3-3291 collect. 15-tf EXPERT watch, dlock and jewellery repair. MacKaye's Watch & Clock Clinic. Watches,! dlocks, jewellery and Ronson' llghters. Orono, Ont. 8-tf i NOW is the time to paint- Kitchens, bedrooms, landings, etc. Any part of your home in-' cluding basement. Low hourly; rate. For a quick, smart jobf Phone MA 3-3 1 57. 17-1 'SEPTIC TANKS Completely Installed Government Inspected $225 1R.R. 4 JOHN BARRETT Bowmanville, Ont. Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf PLTJMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING T.rONY BAARS MOR-SUN DEALER GAS - ýOIL 6à King St. W. MA 3-51721 BOWMANVILLE 12-6 MOVED TO NEW LOCATION Save Money at Dave's Shoe Repair Fast, Prompt Service 26 Ontario St. Bowmanville Corner King and Ontario 15-tf For Rent THREE-roomed apartment in Tyrone, Phone MA 3-2600. 16-2* FURNISHED room, centrally located. Phone MA 3-3939. 17-1 PASTURE for 15 head cattle. Eber Milîson, Enniskillen. MAI 3-2645. 17-2* TWENTY-TWO acres workable land, some plowed. Phone MA 3-2360. 17-tf APARTMENT, modern con- veniences.. Phone MA 3-5878 after 4. 17-1* Real Estate for Sale i Real Est.ate for Sale IF YOU WANT TO LOT in Newcastle, 60 ft. x 150 BUY OR SELL PROPERTY ft., opposite the ball park. Mrs. "1C" Stella Anderson. 17-1 FOUR roomed bouse on Higb- Evans - Broker way No. 2, East af Newcastle. ORONO PHONE 33 - 17' ahna Newcastle 2156. 17-1 13-tf NEW attached garage, ranch -- type brick bungalow, centre REAL ESTATE FOR SA& hall, L-shaped living and dining. Managrte adApraised kitchen, forgpe bath withan PropetieandpRnted ktnoom f3olrge batoons an vanity and tiled walls. Forced L. M. Allison air heating. Apply J. Flett, 29 Centre Street, Bowrnanvillc. Real Estate Broker 17-2 * Phxone 2566 - Newcastle. Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal iNewcastle 5-tf James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 47 Queen St. Bowmanville1 Box 941 MA 3-56821 4-room frame house, hydro, well, town water available, large, lot, $3,000. $700 down, balance in monthly payments. Pontypool - 6 room frame house, two separate apartments, 2 kitchens, built-in cupboards, heavy wiring, furnished, $1 ,700, immediate possession. $500 down. 6 room cottage, West Beach, insulated, hydro, inside conven- iences, some furniture. $3,250 - $1,000 down. Grocery store on good. lot,i merchandise, ail for $3,000. Im-i mediate possession. 6 room brick, oul furnace, 3- piece bath, hydro, approximate- ly 3,4 acre, garage. Salesman - Nina Neads MA 3-3355 17-1*, Orm Gerry REALTOR ORONO Box 71 Phone 119' 140 acres dlay loam, samt bush and permanent pasture oodles af water; 10 noom bous, with bath and funnace anc modemn kitchen close ta paveý ment, Bowmanville and Osha. wa. Barns naad same nepair! but reducad pnice takes cane o: same. Asking now $15,000 Goad terms. 130 acres light dlay, bas aidei type house and fair barn. Idea. for cash crops. Close ta high. way. $9,500 with tarms. 100 acres best pasture lanè in township with yean round crack and small barn, in Kinb: area. $65 pan acre. Orono House 10 roam centre hall, easily duplcxed, has furnace. hydro, good watcr and in excellent la. cation for quick sale. $5,800 with terms. Othar homes at prices Up to $22,000. IMcQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board $1,000 down buys 5 rooxr house, Bowmanville Beach, with ail convaniencas. $5,000 full price. Nina raom bouse, King Street East, gaad business location. $ 13,000 with terms. Six raom frame ranch bunga- low on Taunton Road East. This beautifuil home must be sean to be appreciated. $15,000 with terms. Builder's opportunity: 20 acres levai land, excellent garden soil, close ta Bowmanville on paved road. Only $5,000 with terms. 100 acre mixed farm northeast of Bowmanville. 10 room insul brick house with conveniances. Large barns. Only $11,000 with terms. We have farms of ail týpes from 14 acres ta 2,000 acres, pric- ed from $40 acre up. Businesses-We have motels, restaurants, snack bars, service stations, grocery stores, summer resorts and a lumber business. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 1-398611 Bowmanville 17-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER Wellington St. home, 7 raams, ncw ail furnace, deconated,_ ex- FOURroonedbous, Smpsn Jcellant grounlds, garage. Low Ave. Blake Short, MA 3-3057 jdw amn.Cnaeofc after 7pm 17-1 1 for furthcr information. 7 p.m.King St. East - town limits- THREE-roomed apartmcnt, sep- 1 '2-storcy modemn home on arate antrance. Phone MA 3-3969 1 2/3 acres. A top prize winner aitan .1 o'clock. 17.1 in iast year's Ontario iandscap- îng competition. Pnîce $11,000. FIVE-room flat, East Beach, Terms arranged. Bawrnanvilie. Phone MAi-ket A home of distinction. Almost 3-2875 after five. 16-tf naw ranch brick 60' x 30', base- HOUS, cntrlly ocaedailboard haating, bat water, ail- canveiens. P o en ay fircd, basswood trim, broadlaom 15vnne. Poes3-582. 17- and tile floors, iandscapcd, 15. honeMA 35822 17- garage. In top residential sec- I THREE or faur-roomed self- tion. contained apartment; bright and i bedroom brick and farne, central. Phone MA 3-3535. 3 years old, forced air ail beat, 17-4*f 4-pieca bath, tilad floons. Must ha sold. lnspcct and make an THREE-noomed graund floor offaer. apantment, sapanate entrance and: Bunketan, white marne bunga- bathraom, beated. Phone MA! iaw, 6 years aid. 41/2raams, 3-3633. 17-1 $4,000. Low down payment. Suit retircd coupla. THREE-noomcd beated apart- Duke St., on watar and sewer, ment, modern conveniences, im- close ta school, new frame mediate possession. Phone MA bungalow, full basament, laun- 3-.5813. 17-11 dry tubs, elcctric hot water, 1 coppar plumbing, ail beat, at- Wanted tractive and reasonably priced. Wantd I$2,000 dawn, balance less than2L DEAD and crippled farrn stock, rent. picked up promptly. Phone MA 150 acres, stncam, well fanced, 3-2679. Margwill % Fur Fanm, 1 good pastune. Price $7,500. Tyrone. 13-tf 6 acres, Maple Grave, suitable for nursery or gardcning.* FOR VOUR' Several 10 and 15 acre lots SPRING ALTERATIONS, ETC.' for spning building. NEW ORKOR RPAI Looking for a productive NEW ORK R REAIR farm, witb good buildings and r Houses, Garages, Milk HOuses, at a price in lina with financial General Buildings, etc., farrn returns? We have several. Chimneys. Fireplaces, etc. M1A 3-2453 or 3-?762 L. TURNER j alesman, John Hulis le". ru18 hon. 3-3231 MA 3-249à ýi1 ie e ;e Leask Real Esiale - 4 room bungalow, low taxes, oil heated, attached garage, extra double garage on an extra lot; 4 piece bath. Central. $9,500. Terms. 11/2 storey house, 6 rooms, 4-1 piece tiled bath, double garage, 3 bedrooms, early possession. Immaculate. Terms. We have brick bungalows, farms, houses, lots and cotagesb. Consult us before buying. M. E. LEASK, BROKER 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 H. H. Barton, Salesman, Oshawa RA 3-4941 17-1 L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd, 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa fRA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761 IFor Sale or Exchange Bowmanville store and dwel- ing, centrally located, store about 18 x 32 ft. with fixtures for groccry, plus 6 raam dwell- ing attached, modemn kitchen, Idining-room, large living-room, 3 bednooms, 3-piece bath, forced air ail heating, $1,500 down and stock at invoice, about $1,500. I65 Acre Farm IExceptionai buildings, fully 1modern, batbnoorn, furnace, bat and cold water, heavy wiring, bakbrs1ihrnin-ae New-bungalw-on-No.- S and hydro, hn house with 1 Highway close ta Newcastle, )f electric light tima dlock, 40 acres 6 nooms, heavy wiring, pressure excellent market garden soil, systam, hot and cold watan, lot balance in bush and pasture,I 100' x 200', $5,000. $1,250 down, rgreat possibilities fan summen balance ane mortgage. Il cottage lots on south shore af Newcastle 3856 -Lake Scugag. Funther par- 17-1 ticulars at office. d-Ideal Farin and Location ]Peter Kowal d 120 acres excellent land, mod- with running water and hydra, GE i L INSURANCE lien bouse and pig pan, silo, im- 99 King St. E. Bowmanville yr plamant shed, colony bouse, la- Telephone MA 3-5868 catad on paved road nean Bow- Box 817 manville. For further par- Salesman - J. A. Barton 0iticulars and appointmcnt ta in- MA 3-3098 spect calaur office. Hene is a home of distinction DPhone RA 5-8761 or RA 3-9810 and prestige. We ana honoured Membars of the ta have bean instructed-to offar Local Real Estate Board this beautîful home for your in- 17-1 spection. Two-storey brick con- sisting of large living-room with De Wih Ral Eiate fireplace; lovely dining-room, t Memben Oshawa ahd District porch on first floor. Thnee Real Estate Board spacious bedrooms and ana aof the most beautful bathnoorns in j370 acre dairy farrn on laka- tawn on the second floor. Eshore with 2 sets af buildings,j The floors are aIl hardwood 2 houses, bulk cooler, 240 acres with the exception ai tule in workable, cneek, 25 acres wood. the kitchen, sun porchand bath. tPrica $43,000 witb terms arang- Laundry roomn and 2-piece bath ed. in basement. Oil--fired forced 90 acre farm aon lakeshore, air beating. Attached garage, west of Bowmanville, with 87, Locatedvr eta navr acres wonkable, 10 acres in nice ldt.erhicentral onca iema rasphennies, 60' x 40' bank barn, life-tima buy at a very reason- drive shed, etc.; 7 roomed frame & able price of ouly $13,500.00. By4 home in good repair with un appointment onîy. ace, hardwood floors. Price Hera arc two vcmy nica *lots $30,000 with termis arranged. for your choice: 100 x 165 an 50 acre farrn with 35 acres Martin Rd., 75 x 135 on Conces- workable, 62' x 30' bank barn, sion St. E. First coma first serv- drive shed, etc.; 8 roamed stone cd. bouse with furnace, heavy wir- Loveiy 64 foot ranch style ed. Asking $10,000 with balf bungalow with 2-car attached cash. garage. 3 bedraoms, living- 100 acre farm with 50 acres room, dining-room, nice kitch- workable, 50 acres wood, crack, an, colourcd bath, and dan on 54' x 32' bank barn, implement main floor. Lovely recreation shed, han bouse, garage; 7 roam- room with a 2-piece bath in the cd frame housa with furnace, basement. Beautifuily land- kitchen cupboards. Price $7,000 scaped lot. Offered at only with terns arranged. 514,000.00 with terms. 1 / acre ai land witb barn f6'room 1I1 ,-storey brick home and new unfinishad home with in thc southeast district ai town naw ail furnace, beavy duty with 3 bedrooms, living-room, wincd. Some young apple and dining-roorn, bath, nice kitch- pear trees. Pnice 58,000. an, ail furnace. Hardwood and 135 acre farm with 100 acres lino floors. Asking only 512,000 workable, the hast tornato land, with ternis. crack, 105' x 30' bank barn, haen Trade or Terms bouse, implement shed, garage; New 3 badroom brick and 9 raamed brick house, heavyI stone bungalow in central loca- duty wired. Pnice $22,000 witb tion on smaîî lot. Large living- terms arranged. 1 noarn, lovaly kitchan, 4-piece 6 roomed, new brick veneer 1 tule bath. Laun dry tubs. Full bungalow in Bowmanville with1 Ibasement with gas furnace. hardwoad and tile floors, 0'l Plcnty af closet space. Asking furnace, 4-piece bath, modemrnîv l.y $1,500.00 with tarms. kitchen witb built-in cupbaards, We rcspectfuîîy solîcit yaur electric water heaten. Price listings. 17-1 $10,700 witb $3,000 down. 5 roomcd, new, veny attractive, ranch style bungalow at Maple 1 jta e Grave, with large modern kitcb -______________ an, ail furnace, electric waten IMMEDIATELY available for heater, 4-piece bath, bardwoodf first motaen mrvdtw and tila floors, storms and otaeo mrvdtw screns.Askng $2,00 wth or rural property, $3,000 and scees. Akng$200$ 2,000 in separate martgages. terms.Five year open; interest payable 6 roomed, new brick veneen semi-annually. Leroy Hamilton, bungalow in Bowvmanville with Broker, Orono 1 r 16. 17-1 tile floors, alectric wat* heater, 4-piece bath, ail furrnace, full basement, modemn kitchan. Pnice Liveatc S l $11,500 with tai-ms arranged. ___ stock___ for________ 8 roomcd, frama home suit- CALF for vealing. Telephone able for 2 families, west af Bow- MA 3-2844. 17-1 manville, with 2 kitchens, nun -_____________ ning watem, septic tank, garage. GOOD quiet wonk hanse, 1'~ Pnice $7,000 with law down lbs. Talephone MA 3-2676. paymcnt. 17-1 6 roomed insulated home in -* -. Newcastle on 1 1,s lot with bard- NINE good Yorkshire pigs, 8 waod and tile floons, ail furn- weeks aId. Phone MA 3-291K, ace, 4-piece bath, electric watar 17- J heaztenl, Zstrms and screens Pnice $8,500 with $1,500 down. SIX yearling heifers, Ani a Besies bovemenione weand Hereford. Phone MA 3-24 h esve aoyaenti20o medw% prapenties ta choose from. GOOD pasture withl' aten--d Contact: shade available. Phone 14 r 16, John F. De Wiih Oon.__ ____ 6- B ABY Chiecs - We bave the Realtor and General Insurance dealership 14f DeKalb Hybridiz.~.~ Newcastle Phone 3341: cd Chîx. -_ý alsa hatcb andf' Salesmn :i recommenid>»nhjte Leghorn, Bar- Donald MountJoy, Bowmanvllle, mcd lock ànd the popular N2vi MA 3-3950 !Hampshire X Barred Rock Hy- Daniel Boelîm - Canton; bnid. Write or 'phone for price Phono Welcome 2328 lit. HL. J. Brooks. MArket 3-3961: 12-U Real &1'1tfo Sa. Peler Feddema 'REAL ESTATE BROKER 135 acre pasture farm, fences igood repair. Plen4y of water. Price $40.00 per ýàcre. Easy ternis. '50 acres near Newcastle, frame bouse, hydro, good well, 2 barns. Prica $8,500.00. Ternis. ~ 8 acres, 4 roam insulbrick bouse, small barn, 4 miles narth af Bawmanville. Price $5,250.00. Ternis. 6 acres at Burketon, 6 rooni insulbrick house, barn, ham bouse, garage. garden tractor, plow, cultivator. Price $8,000.00. Down $1,000.00. 8 room house, fully modern, 4bcdrooms, large lot, garage, beated, near school and business section. Price $12,000. Ternis. 5 room insulbrick bouse, fuil basemant, double lot, garage. IPnice $6,500.00. Tcrnis. Several lots at good locations. 189 Scugog st. Bowmanvllle Phone MA 3-3644 17-1 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER j 128 acres goad soil, iar'je solid brick house, hot air heat- ing, bath, pressure system, bank barn 40' x 100', implement shed. garage, river stocked with trout. This .must be sold as ownar has other intarcsts. Down payment and easy ternis can be arrang- ed. 100 acres with modern brick bouse, large lawn, painted barn 60' x 90', steel stanchions, water bowls, litter carrier, pressure system, seeding donc. Owing ta ilI health this farm is being sacrificed at $16,000 for quick sale. Close ta bighway and school. 140 acres good soul and build- ings, traut stream. One of the hast farms in Cramahe Town- ship, North of Coîborne. $9,000, easy ternis. THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 196 ELL*BUY*TRADE*141RE&SE 0 Lo%çTand FOUND e SERVICE I aLirmR&OC MELP WANTED * lEMPLOYM THE CANADTAN STATEffl«, BOMfANVMLE, ONTARity j 1 1 1 PAGE grxTm oq

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