1 ~ ~- - ý ý u TRUEUDAT, APRIL 24th, 1958 TECANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV1LI, ONTrARIO PAGE SEVENTUII In Memoriam GRIFFIN-In Ioving memory of dearhusband, father and ,, s âather, Rchard B . Griffin, oD passed4 tv, April 29, 1957. Neyer will the e loved From memns away, For deep in~~arts live Mernories of one we shall neyer forget. -Ever remembered by bis wife and iamily. 17-1* LAMB-In memory of our fath- er, Mr. William R. Larnb who passed away April 26, 1957. One year has passed since that sad day When the one we loved was à caled away. Go took. him home, it was His will But in our hearts, he liveth stili. --Sadly missed by the family. 17-1 LARKIN-In loving memory af rny dear husband, James F. Lai-kin who passed away April 21, 1954. The world chang-es year ta year And friends frorn day ta day But neyer wi1l the ane I loved From rnernry pass away. --Sadly missed by wife Eliza- beth. 17-1 KING-In loving memory of aur dear mother Mrs. Emma King who departed this life Aprîl 2th, 1949; alsa aur fath- er, Charles King who passed àW ay May 6th, 1954; aur broth- Frank, 2nd Battalian No. '45409, killed at Vimy Ridge, April l2th, 1917. Along the road ta ycsterday That leads us straight ta you Are memories ai the happy days Tagether we once knew. And always every evening We seern ta have a way 0f wandering back ta meet you On the road ta yesterday. -Lavingly remembered by their OTT-In loving memory of my Dad Elmer Louis, who passed away in Bowrnanville, Ontario, April 25th, 1953. I think about Dad day by day And miss him mare than words can say." -Sal. 17-1 "«Smlith Thomas" "In loving and cherished znemary of a dear Brother & ITncle." "A Tender Heart & Helping Hand" "Sister Mary" Neices - Mabel, Helen, Wilma, Jessie 7i Repairký, Prompt service. Plck up and delivery. Lamne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone M4A 3-5713. 2-tf S24-H-OUR expert repair Tele- vision Service, toa ah makes. Al p arts and work guaranteed. Television Service Co., MArketl .3-3883. 50-tf RIEPAIES toalal makes of re- :frigerators, domestie and coin- zne-cial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf WATCH REPAIRS Ail Work Guaranteed Ccztlfied Member of Canadian Watchniakers Institute M A RR #S JEWELLERY 48 Ring St. West ]Bawmanvllle 15-tf REPAIR S TO ALL MAKES 0Fr CARS and TRUCKS COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 Ring St. E. MA 3-5689 BOWMAN VILLE 16-tf Cards of Thans I wish ta express my ap- preciation and ta thank fniends,I neighbouns and relatives for their carda, gifts and visita dur- ing my stay in hospital and at home. J. W. Pearce. 17-1-1 We wish ta thank all oui- friends, relatives and neigh- bours who so kindly rernember- cd us with a receptian, gifis. and carda on the occasion of aur 5th wedding anniversany. Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Stephens. 17-1 * I wish ta extend thanks ta Dr. Storey and Dr. Austin, the nurs- es and staff af Memanial Hos- pital during my stay there, also thanks ta frienda and neigh- bars for carda and enquinies about nme. Mrs. Ruth White. 17 - 1* We wish ta extend ta aur fienda and ncighbaurs aur thanks for the lovely gis, floiw- ens and cards on aur Mw-d-ing anniversary, also special thanks ta those who in any w-as' elped ta make the panty a happy' occasion. Russell and Grace Penkins. 1-i 1: The Ladies' Auxiliars', Bnanch 178, B.E.S.L., would like ta ex- press their thanks ta the High Sehool for the use of their facil- ities, ta the Community Centre for the boan af silverware, ta the men who belped transport equiprnent ta and frorn the High School and ta ahl those who helped aur i- mbers serve the dinner for ýthe Little N.H.L. Tournament. 17-1 The famiiy o! the late Rose Somenscales wishes ta tbank friends, relatives and neigb- bouma for the many kindnesses shown thern during their recent sad bereavement and during Rose's hospitalization, with a special thanks ta the Ladies' Auxiliary o! the Canadian Legion. Dr. Ferguson, nurses and staff ai Memroial Hospital. 17.1*1 I wish ta express my deepest appreciation and most sincece thanks ta the blood donors, who sa, kindly and willingly gave in my behal!. To these donors, a very special and grateful "Thank yau". A rnast sincei-e thanks ta rny frienda for flowers. fruit and carda; also ta Drs. McKenzie and Miklos, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowrnan- ville, for their cane and kind- ness. Mmi. Bertha Grahamn. 17-1* In the midst of aur sorrow, we wish ta express aur heartfelt thanks and appreciatian ta aur many relatives, friends and neighbors, for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of aur beloved wîfe and mother. We especially wish ta thank al the donors af the many beautiful floral offerings, the palibearers, the nurses and staff of Bowman- ville and Oshawa Hospitals, Drs. Rundle and Shaw and also thank Rev. Stainton for bis consoling words and he]p in aur sad bereavement. Alex Hoy and Famil.y. 17-1' Wanted to Buy BARN or shed, 30' x 50' with a goad roof. Phone MA 3-2075. 17-1* HAND-wound phonagraph, good tone, cabinet unimpartant. Tele- phone MA 3-3308.172 PIANO, by South Darlinigtoni School Area Board. Apply Mr'. M. J. Hobbs, Enniskillen. MA 3-2984. 17-1 HIGHEST prices paid for lîve paultry, goase feathers, feather tieks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RiA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf ALL kînds af live poultry want- cd. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or sinal quantities. We have Our owni mnark<et. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone collect ta Bethans' 7 r 13. 28-tf A Coming Events JMay lst - 3lst: Red Shield 1 Appeal of The Salvation Army, Bowmanville. 16.2 Dance in Pontypool Hall on Saturday, April .26th. Music by the Hornesteaders. 17.1* Plan to attend the dance at Tyrone Hall this Saturday under auspices of Tyrorie L.O.B.A. Bill Holroyd's Orchestra. 17-1 Dance at Enniskillen Hall, Sat- urday, April 26, from 8:30 to 12. Music by Rawhide Ramblers. Evcryone welcorne. Admission 50C. 17-1 Corne and dance ta Mel Lavigne and bis Bluè Water Boys, Orange Hall, Pontypool. April 25. General admission, $1.00. 16-2 On April 24th and 25th at Town Hall, Bowrnanville, the Arnica Club will present two one-act plays at 8:15 p.m. Ad- mission 50c. 16-2 Long Sault Club 50 presents a variety show May 10 in Ty- rone Hall at 8 p.m. Admission 50e and 25c. Proceed.i in aid of church wvork. 17-3 Plan to attend dance at Var- coe's Hall every Saturday, featuring Cy McLean with Peggy Stevens, vocalist. Admission $2,50 per couple. 16-tf A variety concert will be held in the Enfield Church Friday, April 25, 8 p.m. The pragrarn includes one-aet cornedy play, "Junior" by the Pathfinders and noted outside talent. 17-1 Variety Concert presented by Blackstock Anglican Y o u ng People in Tyrone Hall, Friday, April 25th at 8 o'elock. Admis- sion 25e and 50c. Auspices of Tyrone Junior Young People. 17-1 Woodview Cornmunity Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty gaines -twenty dollars: five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackçpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 pn RedBarnî, Oshawa. 4â-t'f flegular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third week in the month which wlll be held on Tuesdays in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and two $25 jackpot gaines. No game under $3.00. Admission 50c. 52-tf Friday night Jamboree. Dance to Radio Stars, Chuck Fortune and Band fromn Toronto's Palace Pier. Features Jimmy and Johnny, the Shey Bras.;. Phil Exton, Fortune Quartette, and guests. Every Friday. Admis- sion 75c. Red Barn, Oshawa. 12-tf Help Wcxnted BOY for farn xvork. Apply Wesley -Hilis, MA 3-2682. 17-1 MOTHERLY lady ta care for ane child while mother works. Telephone MA 3-5905. 17-1* CARETAKER - for Mernorial Park. Only written applications accepted. Must be in by May 13. Write ta Mrs. Jean Harness, P.O. Box 783. 17-1 QUALIFIED liccnsed mechanic. G. M. experience preferred. Write Advertiser 802, c/a The Canadian Statesman, P.0. Box 190, Bowmanville. 17-1 PART time help required ta assist at Bowrnanville Public Library. A pply ta P-0. Box 629, Bowrnanvil le, in writing, stating eduication, age and experience. 16-2 RESPONSIBLE waman ta act as practical nurse and coin- pansion ta elderly woman in Whitby. Write Advertiser 806, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowrnanville. 17-1 EARN $10 in profit an $20 sales. Established districts avail- able. 170 Rawleigh produets, full or part tirne. No mnoney needed. Write Rawleigh's Dept. D-140-HH, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 17-1 URGENT-Elderly lady or lady with ane child ta look after children while mother works. Live in or rnay rent three-roomn apartment at law rent under saine agreement. Phone MA 3- 2127. 17-1 CAR salesman-experience pre- Icrred but not essential. Good future for the man interested and willing to work. Write Advertiser 802, e/a The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 17-1 AVON Produets requires repre- sentatives in parts of Clarke and Hope Townships. Good earn- îng opportunity for capable, amnbitiaus woman. Car a neces- sity. Write Mrs. G. Tate, 304 Frederick Ave., Peterborough. 16-2* ADD ý30 Io $77, weckly ta your iniconic. Sell in your'surround- inigs quality praduets ineluding cosrnetics, hausehald necessities, farrn specialties. Fi-cc catalogue and details. T. Gardner, Dept. 33, 100 Deloî'irier, Montreal. 17-1 REFINED middle aged lady ta 1tjk after one-year-old child in mnodern Scarboz'a home white niother teaches. Weekends and hol idla *s free. Good wages. Write Advertiser 807, e/a Can- adiAni Stalesmani,P.0. Box 190n. Bown~nvî 1<'.17-1' Lost THREE-strand pearl neeklacC, brilliant clasp. 19 Carlile, MA 3-5832. 17-1* Personal HYGENIC supplies - (IRubboe goods) malled pottpald in plain sealcd envelope with price list. Six sarnples 23c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, No%,.-Riubber Ca., Box ai, Ham-~ ilto n On51. Ckussimf.ed Name o! Street Base Line1 Liberty Street 883 Feet East I ta Crcek. and intends ta specially assess aj part of the cosi upon tbe landr abutting direetly on the work. 2. The estimated cosi aiflihe work is $45,865.00 o! wbîeh i $19,153.40 is ta be paid by the Corporation. The cstirnated Owners' coat per foot frontage is i $3,50 on Liberty Street and$20 per foot frontage on Base Linoe. The special assessinent is ta be paid i n fifteen (15) equal annual insta1rnents and the estimateti awners' rate per foot frontage onj Liberty Street is 35e and an the Base Line ia 20e.I 3. Application wi llbe made by the*Corporation ta The On- i tail Municipal Board for ilsi approval o! the undertaking E the said work and any owner1i niay, within twenty-one days aiter the firsi publication o! this notice, file with the Board bis objection ta the said work be- ing undertaken. 4. The said Board may ap- prove ai the said work being undertaken but, before daing so, it may appoint a urne and placej when any objection ta the said! work will be cansidereti. Dated ai Bawmanville this 23rd day ai April, 1958. A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk. 17-3 Business Opportunity ONE MORE DISTRIBUTOR WANTED by TOWER NUTS (Registered) Ju Bawmanville Area You rnay be able ta Join our established dealers for an in-J vestrnent sufficient ta caVer in-1 ventai-y and stock. Evci-ything furnished ta qualifled applicant, beautiful Ipackaglng and adver- tising Watei-iaI. We do flot want a bot shot as there Is na selling involved, but a steady dependable Individual ai- tirnta service accounts that are establlshed for yau. Opportunlty for a financially responsible pai-ty able ta secure franchise with nominal inven- tai-y purchase ta Jain weil estab- Iished arganization and profit accordingly. Ilrite glvlngr brief resurne and Phone number ta ADVERTISER 805, e/a Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box, 190, Bawmanville. 17-1* Auction Sales Eastern Ontario Hereford Club SPRING SALE FTRORI'î FAIR GROUNDS Saturday, April 261h 12.30 p.rn. 25 Reilstered Hereford flullâ and Feniales bath 1-orned and Polled Animais Approveti by Dominion Health af Animnais Brancli anti Ontario Livestock Bcanich Up ta $60.00 Grant on Bulîs, according ta Ontario Bull Premimi. Sale L'nder Cover milton cornlsh. Pî'eýîdent A.R. 3, Petei-baroughi IV. ]WOOD, Secretary Birdsall 19-2 Wanted ta Rent POUR or five-bedrom bouse ta] ent niai- schools. Wanted by incamning High School teacher and famils'. To occupy duning sun-irer. Contact Ronald Scatt. St. Andrew'x Stréet, Mitchell. Ontario. Phone 530W. - 17-ô The stars' of 'Humnan Hands' %vas the themne of the devotion, ai taken by the Floyd Sti'i-I sons wvith. Dale rcadini g the seripture and Marjrino thc'. tapie, etc., Recation xvas provided by Pat Wri ght who Nvas also the bostess of the occasion. Lunch e'neiuded the cvening. Aliio in business, the oppointinent af Norman Wilson as 2 nd Vice President. On Apr. 15 and 16. Manvers Council viewed roads in the township in order ta plan the year's road budget ta best aid- vantage. Due ta the beneva- lent weatberman this spring, roads (with exceptions of course) were better than cx- pected, althought a few 1)aCK roads were stili blocked with snow. A Most unusual spring as regards spring xvork here -I eclertan. Cultivation, even seeding bas startcd, but here and there portions have ta be skipped, with snow banks still pensisting ini shadeci fence places. Another case of rnps in Yclverton. The last case in tlie vicinit.v affectcd oui' Mr. Ern- est Stacey who, hax-ing accurn- iîlated his threc score and t",n plus, no doubt considered hum- Wanted to lient YOUNG couple require 3 or 4 room apartrnent by June 1lst. Write Advertiseî' 808, c/o Theý Canadian Statesnin .PO. Box 190, Bovilaîville. 17-1 SCHOOL teachet' wishcs ta ob- tain garage, centraly located.1 Write Advertiser 800, c/o Thel Canadian Statesmnan, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanx.ile. 17- Cheesemian andI Linda, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. F. Maybe1c. and fainils'. Toronto, Mr. Ken Grahamn, Has'don, xvere visitons of Mn. and Mrs. W. Howells. Mi's. H. Grubb is ini St. Mieli- aei's Hospital. Wc wisb bier a specdv î'ecovcny fi'oni an c, e o pe rat ion - Mi'. and Mrs. Ed Coombs ancd Chanlene, Tor-onto. wene with ber mothen. Mns. E. Page. Mr .and Mrs. Clifford Stain- tan and son, John,- Toronto, visited with Mn. and Mns. H. Stevxe ns. Mr. and Mns. Ralph Vintue were neceni visitons witb Mr. and Mî's. AI Martin, Bowrnan- ville. Mr. andi Mns. Fred Wrighti andi famils', Bowmanvilie, wce callc"s at Mn. and Mns. N. E. Wright's. Mn. andi Mrs. Anfles' Wernp!. Mi'. and Mns. Seymour Pethiek, Mca. Johnson and Babby, To- conta, mwene Satundas' visitons ai Mr. and Mî's. S. R. Pcibiek. Mrs. Will Fonder, Bllackstock, visited Mi-. and Mrs. Fred Tains. Mr. andi Mrs. Allan Werry and l'anil.\ were Sundas' tea guesis ai Mr'. anti Mrs. Ross Lee and Bijan. Kcdî-on . Mr'. E. G. Xalton, Toronto, spent a wcek xih bis grand- parents, Mri. and Mca. H. Stev- ens and Gardon. Mi-. and Mca. Floy'd Pcthick and Robin, Toronto, wene withj Mi-. and Mca. S. R. Pethick and Mi'Fs Nancy' Wood. Mr'. and Mcs. -lacold Ashton and hos'svs vere %vith S. Keracy's, Haminpion. Mi's. Wallac-e Gî'ifiin andi chiltircu, were Sundav te a guests ai ber parents, Mr. andi Mns. N. Collacutt, Bowmari- v'ille. Mi'. nnd Mca. Ralpb Virtuc 1--iced %with îîntforeseen hoiischold eies~ AVant tanakc soie spccial mnajor Pur- chase? Need money for taxes-or ta mect a family emergency? Personal boans Io help people meet just such situations are being mnade by the chartered banks every day. You're flot asking a favour when you visit a chartcrcd bank ta arrange a pcrsonal loanl. 1 hcmanager %elcorncç npportunitieq Io niake loans, rcpaýabJe oui of earaîngs in convenient instainients. And at a chartered bank, you can always count on privacy and courteous considera- tion, whether you are arranging a boan or using other valuable services the banlc rrovidcs. t.TAID'T'l'LTself relatively saf e. Guess the. HAMP ON 1mumps have no i-ev crence tan I age. M:and Mrs. Clarence Cook, A tast.v rews bit escaped I MyteStation, visited at Loi-- aur noatice until necently. A enz Trll' lat wek.local resident came home fi-rn Mr.Bessie Sanderson, Toron-1 town and forgot his wife - ____________________________________________Tenders SATated ta, spent the w'eckend withi Mr. atone sober and in broad day- an d Mrs. Douglas Higgins. light. Apparently, he thougli; BA RLINGTON TOWNSHIP Mrs. H. Rutta spent the she w~as caming in anotherî TENDERS FOR weekend with Mr. and Mrs. carload, and they thought she1 BETESA CHOL Gardon Baker. Tyrone. wvas caming with hlm. MarcI BETHEDA SHOOLMr. and Mrs. Oucîlette and fun' Wonder if anyone spen Sealed tenders (stipulated1 childi-en, Oshawva, visited Mr' a night in the dog bouse? sum) will be reccived by the and Mrs. J. Gailant on Sunday W\edncsday cvening, Messrs undersigned until 4 pin., Wed- 1 evening. Fl1 tno, omn Wl nesday, May 7th, 1958, for a pro- Mrs. Elmer Wilbur attended son, Howard Malcolmn, Harves' posed one-classroom, Be th esd a th e Stocks - Leask xedding at Malcolmn (Clarence Page ab'- Sehool for S.S. Na. 10, Darling-- Solina on Saturdas'. sent) attended Cartwright's1 ton Township. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo TruIl Curlincg Club banquet-saie Plans and specifications may spent the w'eekend at their cot- feed it' was foc. Our Yelverton 1 be obtained by General Con- tage ai \Villiamns' Point. team w-as folunate in winning,' tractai-s only, after 12 p.m-. Wcd- Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. second plaee in the year r nesday, fi-rn the office of the L. Ss'kes and family !in the standingc and were recipient,.s Architects and Engineers, on de-j death of busband and father of snappy cur'ling cufflinks pasit o! a $50.00 Certified wha '%Vas bighly respected by and mnatching tic pin sets. 1 Cheque, payable ta Architects neighbouns and friends of the Recent visitors with the, and Engîneers, whicb wiîi be comnîunîty. The funeral servie Hugh McGills were thle Arnoi returned when plans and specifi- was held ai the Northcutt & famýilics of Peterbarough. cations ai-e rcturned in good con- Smiîth Funeral Home oni Mon- Mn. and Mrs. WV. H. Stinson dition. day afiernoon and burial was 1.1 spent Tuesda.v vith Mrs. Dal- Lowest or any tender flot Bowmanville Cemeters'. ton Brawn of Fleetwvood. necessarily accepted. Ladies' Service Club are con- -___________ Jackson, Ypes and Associates, fductitig a canvass for the Cancer' Architects and Engincers Fund on the everting af Apnil ENNISKILLEN 24 Northtown Shopping lýlaza, 29th. 5385 Yonge St., The variety concert under the Mr. and Mrs 1-Haward Carnn- Willowdalc, Ontario. 17-1 auspices af the C.G.I.T. present- ca.adNreMrlwr ed b th Juior hoi ofEn-with Mir. and Mis. A. Bi unt. Notices niskillen on Friday eve-ýnig was Mrs Keith MeGilI opened bier The office o! Dr. L. S. MksIalI bI. cons;sted af a short pla'. 1 ometa the Service Club on Mkoa dialogaue. and vocL'l seîectioiîîs Vedncsday-. April 16. Seveî-al Newcastle, ill revent ta suin- by the Girls' Quar'tette and a ;i temns weî e handcd in for a ur mer huso a da coin- tortivùmiin-, bazaar. Aria.e hars Sauray Igi-oup of son-s hv the ful choir. .1t er oclddfr ane- rning May 3rd. Sat uxday Re v. F. J. jak of yon niTro e t cecncue o oficie hours xill be fnrn 11-00 rummage sale ta be beld Apnil a.m. ta 1:00 p.m-. 30. ~< ~ ~ Sevenal of the ladies work- iwith his ciever tricks ofi magie.'- Mrs. Reed on hehaif f ai e11 c, on bzaar itemrs and a pleas- Hampton C.G.I.T. made a fexv ant evening closed with lunch intraductons' remarks and -wel- served by Mrs. E. MeNair and comed the griends. Mr. Bcrt hostess. Nexi regular meeting, Werr xvs cairmn fr te JMax' 14, ai the homoc of Mî's. E. " Enniskillen Young ,xPeoplc. iRabson. __________________Mr. H. Allen and fî'iend, To- ronto, \vith Mr. and Mns. A. Y ELVERTON M.adMs .Seven M. Local Improvemeni G. Stevens, visitcd with Mn. Family Club Pnd Mrs. W. C. Stainton, Tc- Notice Monthîs' meeting af Yelvec- ranto. ton Famils' Club xvas held on Mr. and Mrs. Cea. Irwin and TAKE NOTICE THIAT t Fnidas' evening in th-e Churuih Rodne.\, were visitons of Mr. 1. The Council af the Corpora- Hall with President Raiph Mal- and iMrs. A. Scott. Oshawa.. tion af the Town o! Bowman- colin presiding. Following the Miss Shirley Milîs. niurse-rn- ville intends ta construet as a1 busincss session -whieh includcd Itr'aining, Peîerbor.ough, bas i-e- local improvernent, a stonni sew- details of foithcoming May-Day tuî'ned homne inoi Pcrth anîd cm on the following stceets bc-, dance 'oniFi-idas', Mav 9, fca- is spending a io\v days wvith tween the points rnentioned: turin., the selection of a '*Quecn hier- other, Mcs. H. Milîs. ani Narne o! Street ofaithe May"' (Sec a future cci- bî'othicrs. Bruce and Chester. Libei-ty Street tion in Comiing Events); com- Mr. and Mis. Caicn Pi-arn T inittce in charge to bc the Hov.ý- Osiava, wei'e Sunday cvcic King Stct aeLille ard Malcolii-L,. John Wriglihs caller.s ut Mr'. and Mrs. A. Okc's. 1957 Pontiac 1956 Buick Sedan DeLuxe 2-Dno, 4-Door, anc awner, anceaivuer, locally locally owncd. awned, very dlean car, 5 new tires. 1955 uick edan 1954 Pontiac Sedais 1955 uick edan4-Door. Locally Power equlpped owned, vei-y good One owner. condition. This Week's SpeciaI, '1954 Ford Coach s$ lO A-1 condition ------1 9 1952 Chev. Coach 1951 Duick Sedan' DeLuxe, Powerglide Custom radia, good Vcry clean, 37,000 tires. Very good miles. L o c a 1l y condition through- owvned car. out. Good Choice of Late Maclel Cars froni Which ta Choose Robson Motors Limited BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. MA 3-3321 I %, we-e Sunday visitons of Earl Master's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethicl-, attended the funenal o! his Siý- ter, Mrs. Jamnes Payne, Toron- to. Syrnpathy ta Mn. Pethick. Miss Sheila Jackson and Mr-.j Bill Begley. Bowvmanville, were i Sunday tea guests with Mis. H. Mîlîs and boys. HAYDON- Mr. and Mns. Chivens an d family, Toronto, wene Wednes- day evening visitons at Mn. and 1Mrs. M. Bcrtrim's. SGrant, Donald and Debbie Thompsan, Bowmanviilc, visit- ed their grandmother. Mns. W. Thompson. Mrs. Edna MeLaugbhin, Bur- keton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and famils' Satur- da-, iMr. and Mns. Harold Ga", Oshawa, were Saturday even-. ing visitons at Mn. and Mna C Garrard's. Sundas' visitons were' Mn. and Mrs. Frank Denby,j Eownianville. and Mn. and Mrs. I Alfred Garrard. Mc. and Mrs. Chnis She- field and Susan, Oshawa, MIr. and Mrs. Walter Rahin Ts'- i rone. at Mn. and Mrs. Ronald' Rab in' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. En- niskillen, were Sunday- supper eucs.s at Mr, and Mrs. Llo.ydl Slemon's. Mî'. and Mî-s. Alfred Ca--ardl 1 Nere supper guests ai Mr. an d Mi-s. Cloin Rabm's. Wednesdas'. Mn. and Mns. David Monro, t Toronto, x'isitcd Mrî. and Mr:s.! Ar-thur Trewin. Mns. WV. Martin returned home on Sunda.v having spent i a -week with reclatives at Osh- awxa. Mr. and Mî's. M. Bert:'im, Mr. and Mcs. George Bentini, Taunton, Mns. Ron Marrison, Oshawa, attended Mn. Bertrim'3 father's funeral service ai Crow Lake, Mondax-. Miss Kas' Moore, Bowmari. ville, Mn. Douglas Moore, Mis. C. Saper, Mn. and Mrs. F. He- l Bownîanville ..so bothi are borrowing from a ban.k THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY bu'rn. Oshawa, visitéd Mr-. and Mrs. Rd MeNeil. Congratulations ta Mr-. and Mrs. Richard McNe;1l on theoe goldeni wedding anniversary. Dr. and Mrs. Wmn. Corrlgan and family. Toronto, vere Sun- day visitors at Mr. C. Ran. kine's. Mrs. A. MeNeil spent the wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herlo Stainton, Hampton, and accompanied Mr. and Mr&. Stainton and Mr. and Mrs. Ing- lish on a m'otor trip ta Petér- borough, Lakefield and other points. Department of Hlghwaye NOTICE TO SUfl'LIERS 0F DALED STRAW FOR SEZD1146 Separate sealéd bld ntiarkt4 "Bld for Supply of Straw, Ééu't Hope, No. '1 District" wil be recejved by the District EnOn. eer. Mr. IL D. Duft, P~ort Ilope. Ontario, until 12:00 o'cloek nooin, E.S.T. Nonday, May 51h, 1958 Specifications, Bld Foi-Ms end Bid Envelopes may be obtained fi-rn the District Entineer et the above address. The lowest or any quotation n*t necessarily accepted. Depariment of Highways, 0niaàrio PORT HOPE, DISTRICT A il-£16£%i 1 ý il PAGE StVEIMM