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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1958, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO 'rHURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1958 Rotarian Guests of B. & P. Club Heur Motion Picture Executive Describe. Details of His Industry The onile Businessi vice-president of the Rotarv and Professional Women's Club Club, Miss Helen Neiles, the and the Bowmanvilie Rotarv pianist, wvho was the acting se- Club Centennial Dinner held at icretarv: and Arch H. Jolleý, the Lions Communitv Centre' Hamilton, the special speaker. oni Thursday evening was a de- Pink tlups in a low ceramic c.ded success. Members of the bowl surrounded bv crystal iBotarv Club were guests of the swans formcd the effective. ceni- B3. and B. Club. trepi"ce on the head table. Pink Miss Velma Gav, president was also used in the decoration of the Business and Profession- of the other long tables. There al Womens' Club, presided andj were 70) members of the two welcomed the gîîesls. Others at c1ubs at tic enjoyable event. the head table were Dr. Keit*o After dinner Walter DeGeer wvas Slemon. president of the Ro- a. ,ked ta act as Centennial song tarv Club. the Rev. A. C. Hpc- leader. H1e ably led the crowd b-ýrt. chairman Of the Boxx'- in a good sing song o! old fa- r -anville Centennial Committee., vourites. andi several peppy 1MIs Madivon Wiicoy, vice-prr- selections. s*dent o! the B. and P. Club, The guest speaker. Arcb H. Mes. H-erbert,. Rex Walters, ,iolîev, was introduccd bY' Miss __________________________ adivo,, Wilcox, the vice-presi- dient. Mi- s Wilcox told the au- A Cordial Invitation dience that Mr. Jallev, a lead- is extended to vou and mng figure in Canadian theatri- your friends to attend the cal Pand motion picture circles, .?s harn in Wint.ham., Ontario. H'ý fai'.-ý mov'-d to 1-laniltain ll1U ~AL whcn he' was a boy and lie xvas cdîîcated there and at Ridley NEETING Collegýe in St.Cahrns Mr. Jollev,, obtained his first of the th catrical raie in 1902. Miss Ad Wilcox said. In 1908 lie started Children's i in vaudeville and atained con- siderable success. For several ye a-s Mr. JolieY was a director z0vel o the Motion Pictîire Exhihi- of tors of Canada. H1e is vice-pre- sident of the Musical Protec- .NORTHUMBERLAND tion Sacietv af Canada, execLI- & DURHAM tive secretarv, of the Theatre In b hed intheAssociation for Ontario. thc In- to b hed lutheternational Varietv Club. and Auditorium of Dr. Power's the Toronto Board of Trade. Publie Sehool, Port Hope A Responsible Industry Tues Apri ,f 58 Ms a representatîx'e of the 8:00P.M.cil o! Canada, Mr. Jolley point- 8:00 p.m, cul that one a! bhc aims of Speaker: the Council is ta draw attention JUDGE ta the facî Ihat the motion pic- V. LORNE STEWA RT turc industrv is honest, intel- Family Court of ligent. and compietelY aware of Metropolitan Toronto ils responsibilities ta the peo- pie, andi ils obligations ta the Snation. Specials 2 Halo Shampoo - 65e size for 98c 63c Coigate Tooth Pasto 1 Bail Point Pen Both for 63e Coigate's Paste and Brush 1.05 Value for 70e Seltzer 34 - 68e Bufferin Tablets 39c-79c-l.23 Anacin Tablets 25c-79c-1.19 Prevent Math Damage Dee Tee Math Killer --- 59a Larvex Spray-- 1.09, 1.69 Larvex Bomb --------- --1J.98 FIy Tox Math Proofer 1.39 Dichloricide - Math Balls, 1 Bloekettes --- -Nivea Creme - 63e - 1.10 Cîcarasil -_____69e 1.19 Suave ------- - -----60ec -1.00 Odo-ro-no Cream 49c 75e Ban Deodorant 1.25 Stoppette. 1.25 size 98e 98e Lustre Creme 79e 1.25 Lustre Creme ___99e 2.50 Lustre Creme 1.98 1--------- 75o lb. - ---- 230 -- 15e and 25o Gin PUIS 69e - 1.19 Dodd's PUIS 69C Vacuum Bottles 79e 1 . P hospho-Plex Absorbine Jr.- 1.19 - 2.39 Relieves Tired Nerves Heet Liniment- 75c - 1.25 Tablets or Liquid nlescB m75 2.50 Deep Heat - --_----- 98e Rubher Gloves - 59c - 69c - 98c - 1.49 - 1.98 COuWulLING'S PHONE NIA 3.5695 DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES BOWMANVILLE ROYAL- MA -3-5589 TMIS THURS. TO SAT. - APR. 24 - 26 Nlaîinee Saturday - 2 p.m. Excellent Farnily Features! 't,, e , xj ft Plus "LAND 0F LAUGHTER"- Interesting and colorful isit tb Triinidad.* 'APRIL LOVE" at 7:20 and 9:25 NEXT MON. TO WED - APR. 28 - 30 "Cowboy" Superior color show starring GLENN FORD, JACK LEMMON, ANNA KASHFI Plus Short Features "QUEBEC WINTER CARNIVAL" and "CHAMPION STUNT DRIVERS" 'COWBOY" ai 7:20 and 9:20 Importance of a Theatre H1e emphasîzed the import- ance of a motion picture thea- tee ta anv business commun- ity.- "It is an attraction that gets people out o! their homes and downîown. This increases pro- fils for merchants. It is an enor- maois asset ta any business dis- trict. It also is a builder o! gen- eral morale, as well as a place o! ente'iainmcnt." Employs 15,000 ln Canada He also spoke of the size of the motion picture industry. There are some 20,000 motion picture theatres and drive-mns in the United States and Can- ada, and 108,986 throu.ghout the world. It entertains 65,000,000 people everyv week in North America. The,-e are 1782 indoor and drive-in theatres in Can- ada. More than 15,000 people are cmploved in motion picture theatres in Canada and share in an annual pavroîl of $19.- 420,463. The government coi- lected $9,266.528 in amusement tax last year from theatres in Canada. The local movie theatre pro- vides wholesome entertainment in comfortable. safe sueround- ings for the entire family at prices that are the most rea- sonablv low in the bistory of theatrical entertainment. be stated. Todav people can sec oîîtstanding shows in glamor- ous settings at a small cost 10 the viewer. Tribute to Royal Owners H1e paid tribute to Mr. and Mrs. R. Gi, of the Royal Thea- tre, Bowmanville, for securing the Ten Commandments for a special Centennial showin.g here. This is one of the most memorable pictures ever pre- sented, Mr. Jolley said, and us- ually is not presented in cities of under 50,000. Theatre Next to Church "It bas been said that ncxt to a church, tbe motion pîcture theatre is the most important institution in ta town, espe- ciallv as a morale builder," Mr. Jolley said. "If your local thea- Ire ever should close you would soon notice a lowering o! the morale of the people in town. There would be unrest and a movement away from town of labour and Young people." Morale Building Effeets H1e tld of the splendid Job donc by the motion picture theatres durine World War II in England. Tbey stayed open alI during the blitz. Their con- tribution 10 the morale of civil- ians and to the morale of tbc armed forces was recognized by bbc Government. Mr. Jolley also told of a large American concern looking over an Ontario town with the view of establishing a brancb factory. A place was decided on. Nego- lions were almost closcd when tbev asked if the town had a theatre capable of seating 500. Wben the repl 'v was no, they located in another town. Mr. Jolley said the firmn knew by experienee that a theatre would belp tbe morale of cmployees, keep tbcmn in town, and prevent a labour turnover. Good For Business <'Business men realize folks who stay,home are flot buving gasoline, snack's after the show, or seeing their ligbted store windows. It is not only towns- people who are attracted down- t'own b ' a movie theatre, but people who ]ive 15 or 20 miles away in country areas. They 100 spend money in the town when they drive in in the af-' ternoon, shop, buy gas, have their 'supper in a restaurant and then go to a show," Mr. Jolly reminded bis bearees. Rex Walters moved a vote of thanks 10 Mr. Jolley for bis iin- formative addr.ess. H1e too paid tribute to the terrific job donc by picture thcatees as morale builders in England during the w ar. The Rex'. Mr. Herbert. chair- man of the Centennial Com- mittee, spoke of the help and co-oration all organizations in the town are giving in regard KEDRON Correct ion-Apologies ta Rcv. William J. March wbose name a ppeaeed incarrectly as bbc seilanniveesary preacher aI Kedron on Jonc 15. Rev. W. J. March, M.A.. PsD. D.Th., is the minister o! Qucen Street Uniteti Churcb, Lindsay, anti bas con- sented to he the speaker aI Ibis annual Sunday Scbool higbligbt. Mes. Mur'ray Mountjoy will train the Sunday Scbool Choie anti will welcomc ail girls anti boys wxho desire to attend bbc peac- lices. IPrizc-winnees at bbc Satur- day cvcning o! cards in Kedron Community Centre werc Mes. Wm. Woodward, Elmer Parks, Miss Jonc Davis anti Walter Davis. The new baedwooti floor laid in the Centre eccent- ly is a distinct improvement. Volunîcer workers, anti efforts o! Bill Snowdcn anti othees in purchase andti tucking kept tbc costs well under $20. The W. Snawden family with relatives !eorn Newmarket vcre among Sunda.-' evcning dinner guests o! Me. C. Knowlcs, Osba- j xa. Me. and Mes. R. Bisbop anti daughters weee visitors witbi iMes. Bishop's parents, Me. anti Mes. Eugene Swect, Belmont. jMe. anti Mes. Robert Fît jwee guesîs at the Golden Wed- ding Anniversary o! Me. andi Mes. W. J. Stephens o! Bow- manvilie. The reception was helti aI the lalter's siste's home, Mes. Roy Hooper, wherc the honoureti couple wcre presenteti Iwith a gifI o! moncy. 1 Congratulations ta Robert Farotiale who xvas a succcssful! candidate for bis meccanie'i ap- prentice papers ini recent exan-! ina tions, ta Centennial Celebration plans. The centennial events fid toi date have been successful, he1 said, and the programme forý Old Home Week. June 28th ta July 6th is excellent. "One of bbc highliglits o! bbc Centennial cear was duc ta thel risks Mr. and Mrs. Gill took ini securing anc of the most ar- rcsting and greatest films cver made, The Ten Commantiments, for Centenniai presentation in Ibis small town. Ib will live long in the mcmoey of the many people who saw il." Me. Herbeet also spoke of' bbe cxtremeiy interesting bis- tory o! Bowmanville ta be pub- lished this spring. Lt will be obtainable during Olti Home Weck. Several accordion selections plaved bv vaungz Owen Scott wcre mucb enjoyed, andi be was warmly applauded. Mes. E. Leask gave two cntertaining readings. "A Man Bv The Side of the Road" andi "The Statue o! Liberty". She also reciteti a tbought provoking poem enti- lied "Do You Just Belong?" Mr. Walters, in the absence of bbc president Dr. Keitb Sic- mon. who lefI early because of bis medical dubies, tbankcd the Business and Professional Wom- cn's Club on behaif of his fel- low Rotarians for the enjoya'ole evening. NE WTON VILLE (Lntended for last week) Group Co-mmittee Meets The Group Committce o! bbe lst Newtonville Cub Pack and Scout Teoop held a wcil attend- cd meeting at Crooketi Crcek School carly' Ibis montb. The new officees for 1958 aee: Chair- man, Ewart Robinson; Vice- Chairman, Arnold Wade; Secre- bary Treasurer, John Murphy. Committce members welcomcd are J. Dubcau, V. Wilson, H. Soucb, E. Walkey, L. Perault, M. Burlcy, M. Westheuscr, D. Vinkle, H. Wade. Tbcyrecgrctfully accepteti E. Robinson's resignation as As- sistant Scautmaster. Trueman Hendeeson; Ncwtonviile, will take bis place assisting Len Falls, Scoutmaster. Plans wee made for the spring pick-up of paper. Folks, please phone Len. Falls, Orono 16-r-10 or L. Perrault, Clare 2231. Mastcr Neil Randaîl of Osh- awa, spent Thuesday witb bis aunt, Miss Mînnie Randali. Mes. Wm. Uglow who spentj bbc winter witb fricnds, retuen- cd ta her own home on Friday. Mr. and Mes.ý Noel ýBrooksof Monteal spent a fcw days at the Robb cottage. Mr. anti Mes. Murray Porteri spent tbc wcckend with Me., anti Mes. Roy McKay, Bronte.1 Mes. G. W. Joncs is confineti ta, ber home with a bati dose o! shingles. Miss Bertha Thompson o! To0- ranto was in tbc village on Satueday. Me. and Mes. Lauence Gil-j mer of Buffalo spent th e week- endi witb bis parents, Me. and Mes. Frank Giinier. The many frientis of Mes. Jas. Payne of Toronto, wili beý sorry ta icarn that she bas bati a faîl anti fracturcd ber bip. Mes. Payne is rcsting in Wel- lesley hospital. Me. anti Mes. Peter Bo-yie and son Dennis o! Ajax accampan- icti by Mrs. Boyle's father and mother. Me. anti Mes. Hamil- ton Kilby o! Golden Lake. wcre Sundav visitors with Me. anti Mes. Raymond Beuce. Mes. Margaret Day of Toron- to. spent a fcw days with Me. anti Mes. Clinton Brown. Landmark Bites Dust One marc olti landmaek bites the dust. propcrt "v which for sixty or seventv \'ears xvas the home o! bbc village doctor, but presentlv owned by Mes. Bessie Walkcy o! Bowmanville. About anc o'clock Fridav morning a passing motorist saxv smoke issuing from thi1s resi- tience anti not knowingz the bouse was cmpty anti thinkinf ta arouse the occupants smasbcti in the front door. Flames burst forth. From then on it was a bla z- ing infeeno. The motorist cous-1 cd the Nesbitts next door andi Buriey's garage. Help was quickly on the scene. Bowman- ville anti Port Hope fiee bri- gades respondedti 1 the calI. They saiti batiBowmanville been a few minutes later, Nes- bitt's bouse would have gone too, anti if il hati, there is na tciiing whcre tbc fiee would have stoppeti for nearly evcry 'Place here bas an aId frame baen handeti down from the days wý,hen evervbotiv kept a horse, a cow. anti a few bens. BURKETON Me. and Mes. Wm. Sheldon. Brantford, calleti on Me. Jamesi Cueran on Satuedav.* Me. anti Mrs. Don Parker, former resitienîs o! Bueketon, now living at West Hill, calleti on Mr. anti Mes. George Ahli- son Satuedav evenîng. j Little KalhY Ramsev, small daugbtee o! Mr. anti Mes. San- tiy Ramsey, undcrwent a« tonsil- 1 ccomv operation in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc, on Sat- urday. Me. anti Mes. Erie Simpson anti family, spent the wcckenti in Oriand anti Brighton visiting relatives. Me. Walter MeDonalti. a ic- sident of Bueketon during the wintcr anti who movedti l Brighton underwent surery in Trenton General Hospital. Mr. anti Mes. Frank Allison, Oshawa. werc Satîirtav visita 's of Mes. Pearl Avcrv anti Me. anet Mes. George Allison, A warm welcome was extend- ed to Rev. Mr. Logan and Mrs. 1c Logan, wvho is in charge of theCommunity three churches in the circuit until a permanent minister is instaUed. Mr. Logan deiiveeed or C ouples a verv fine address and the church service was very wel KDO-e adMs v attended. rsEv erett Mountjoy were honoured Mr. and Mes. Sam Grant, guests on Thursday evening at Oshawa, spent Sunday with hec a community party held by mother, Mes. R. Da vey. their friends in Kýedron Lower Me. and Mes. A. Bryan, Hall. The local attendance was Courtice, Mr. and Mes. Walter augmented by the presence of Keuntz and Darlene, Oshawa, I 'rany former Kedron folk and were Sunday supper guests o, bv close relatives of the bride Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard d and gomo 5~-as 1Aiden.Re.RH.Rkad rsie The village extends a war for teven . igsfuad ar-d wclcome ta Mrs. Wm. McLaugli-foth vng'fuladar lin, wbo bas returned to ber ied programi which had been home here after spcnding thc arra ngcd by Mes. Ross E. Lec, winer n Backtoc attheFrank Hancock, and William wincr n Backtoc atbbcWerey. Following the chair- home of Mes. Maude Bailcy. Me. and Mrs. Ron Scott and man's opening remarks whicb Gary, Oshawa, spent the week - explained. the gathering ta the end at the home of bier parents, fete d couple, g coup singing was Me. and Mrs. Sidney Irons. led by W. Werry. Mes. H. Cross- Mr. and Mes. Wm. Steaohen- man gave two readings, "Wed- son, visited Mr. and Mes. Bruce ding Aliniversary"' and <'Shar- Stepenso, Mavers on un-ing'". Mes. T. Scott playeti as a dapesoy.vronSn piano solo, a medley of favour- Me. Wm. Hoskins suffereti a weck spel L asI wcek and was taken ta Memorial Hospital on Monday for a check-up. The village bopes be will soon be feeling up ta par again. Mr. AI Reid o! Boweston, IOhio, wbo is rcprcsenting the G R.Kirk Co. of Tacoma, Washington, bas retuened to the ivillage for a short visit. Mr. and Mes. A. E. Ribey mo- toredti t Atbe-lev on Sunday and attended the United Cbuech service there. Mr. and Mes. E. M. Adams, Me. anti Mes. Leslie Argue andi Me. anti Mes. R. Banc, spent a vcry picasant cvcning at the [home of Me. and M-s. Fred Wil- son, Myrtle, lasI Thuesday. Mr. Wilson bas just recenbly retir- cd from the C.P.R. after 48 yeaes of service. Norlh Nesîletonl W.A. Meeting The W.A. held their April meeting at thc home of Mes. Lawrence Malcolm wîth the first vice-president, Mes. Grant Campbell in the chair, 19 ladies present anti some childeen. Minutes o! lasI meeting werc rcad. Mes. A. Bcacock took tbc devotional and prayer. Mes. Wilford Jackson gave a very inteesting talk on Christian fcilowship. There wcrc several items of business discusscd. Mes. Ehi Maies, Mes. Allan Beacock and Mes. Aticîbeet Beacock gave interesting eeadîngs. Mes. Geace jackson conduct- cd a contest, "Naming Veget- ables", won by Mes. Allan Wil- son. Dainty lunch and a cîip o! tea, brought a delightful meeting ta a close. Me. and Mes. Meevyn Mount- jov, Hampton, spent Sunday with Mr. andi Mes. Kenneth Samelîs and Mes. Smith. Mrs. Herbert Vine, Mes. R. Davison, Mes. M. Emerson, Miss Ruth Peout anti Mes. Cccii Wilson, attendcd a W.I. execu- ive' meeting at Maple Grave on Tuestiay. tMe. and Mes. Gco. Johns werc supper guests o! Me. andi Mes. Gea. Chapman, Ballyduf! on Sunday. Mr. and Mes. Don Stutt andi Miss Y. Chant, Bowmanville, and Miss Irene Emerson, Osh- awa, spent Wcdncsday with Mr. and Mes. Malcolm Emerson. celebrating Mr. anti Mes. Stutt's third wedding anniversary. ite songs of Mvr. and Mrs. Mount- joy, playing ber own arrange- ment. Mrs. Ray Scott read "'Old PONTYPOOL This village and community is saddencd by the death of one of ils beloved citizens in the person of Norton D. Chambers. Deceased spent almost six months of the year at lis home here. Always interested in our church and community, in bis carlier years he was an active member of the choir. Funeral service was held Monday, April 21 from the United Church with interment in the local cemetery. Another former resident pass- cd away in Niagara Falls re- ccntly, Mr. Perey "Tricky" Gra- ham who was born here and for several years was employed in Richardson Bros. Bakery. A veteran of World War I, he served with the l36th Battalion. His brother, Mr. Fred Graham, left Saturday to attend the fun- eral. Weekcefid rains helped to re- move some of the serious fie hazard. Quick work by the local fiee brigade and neighbours curbed a serious grass f ire which threatened to destroy the home of Mr. Deibert Bowins. We are going to be able to hear and dance to Mel Lavinge and bis Blue Water Boys at the Orange Hall, Friday, April 25. Many people enjoy their pro- grammes over TV station 3, (Bar ie), on Tuesday evenings at 10:30 p.m. We were sorry to learri that Mr. Izzy Bernstein is very low in Toronto. Mr. Bernstein has spent most of bis life in this community. His many friends are glad to sec Mr. Fred Youngmnan back with us again. After spending about three weeks in hospital with a badly feacturcd leg. Fred is able to get around with the aid of crutches. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of April 14 - 20 Adm issions - --- ----------- 57 Births-4 maie, 6 female __10 Discharges-_------------------ -68 Major operations -------13 Minor operations -------__21 Emergency treatments -----9 Visiting hours 2:30-4:30 p.m. and 7 to 8:30 p.m. ,vere Inter prssented to the 'H olds Party bride. MO-inlg pictures o! the An niversary by Iu-i Gannon. froin outside this communihy Fricnds". Miss jean Hancock We-e Miss Sy-bil Langmaid, To. 1plaYed a piano solo: M\rs. F'1'- ronto; M:ss Florence Lang. ter Snowden contributed tWO1 maid, MiEss E Ida '\Iountjoy, MVr. vocal solos, "'I'l Walk Besici ndMs.H Cnnon d IYou" and "When Your H:,ir childi-ci, Mi s 3e!atrie c3 IH as Turned to Silver". and Mrs. jov','Mr. n ad Harry Rose gave a reading b *aol " ~ n rsEr Edga Gust.Fice, Mr. o ln~ Wesley Hos-.ý Sebastian Hobmann delight- t;kmn, rs. Ve%_ Lov e and Nr cd ail with his novelty musical' and MUrs. Lcslie Hancock, and > numbers. A male quartette manv others. consisting of Grant Spencer, William Wcrrv, Murray Mount- MONUMENTS AND joy and Ronald Werrv san-, îthree numbers. Mrs. R.. E. Lee FINE QUALITY was the accompanist. MR~JS Escorted to the front by Fran'k Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. Mount- i 4 I~tee fBM »a.Y joy, an addrcss was read to them by Mrs. Harvey Pascoc. j a TAFFýQ4D At the conclusion of the ad- R . dress, the ncw stage curtainsi were drawn to reveal the gifts of a platform rocking-chair. daAt floor lamp, a magazine tholder *Da and clectric pop-up toaster. Bath the honoured bride and Safr rs her groom exprcssed their derp Safr rs thanks. and a social hour rich with reminiscence and happ.Y Monumental Works fellowship followed. The e table laid with a blue cloth 318 Dundas St. E.., Vhtby fringed in white was centrced Phoneo Whitby with an arrangement of whi*e MOak835 snapdragons and stocks which ____________8-3552___ FOR SHOP AT W. H. Brown's 91 KING ST. W. BO W MAN VILLE. Fires ton e REFRIGERATOR 9¾l cubic feet 0 Freezer Across Top Special - - $199.50 DEEP F REZE Cornes in 15.5 cu. ft. and ft.. models POWUR LAWN MOWERS AT REDUCED PRICES CASE DEALER 91 King St. W. Bowmanville OPPORTUN ITY "'SAVE BV THE SET"PI Buy 4-5 Piece PLACE SETTINOS This $1800 Chest is FREE MA 3-5497 e, I e (ABoya nRICS APPLY TO PRELUDE,, ENCHANTRESS, JOAN 0F ARC, DESSERT Si ZE - RHAPSODY AND ROYAL DANISH SLIGHTLY I'IGHER) HOOPER'S Bowmanville 29 King St. E. JEWELLE!!ý[& GIFT ShbP Phone MA 3-5747 OGNINGC "Joker is Wild" - MIay 5 - 7 "Sayonara" - May 12 - 14 "Peyton Place" - June 16 - 19 THTJRSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1058 1 v THE CANAIDIANSTATESMAN, IROWMANVnýLE, ONTARIO Rolit --- 98C PAGE Sm

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