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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1958, p. 7

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~Ay~ - ,,~ - TEE ~AI~ADTAN STÂTESMAN. EOW~LU. O~WAWY~ ___ FA~i~ 5EVW Dr. Donotby James, Toronto, petthe weekend i Litb ber ner, Mrs&N£ ames. s. Mac Ie ast Lans- hig, Micb 'a svisi ber brotb- er, Mn. C.E. and Mns. Behder. I Mr. and Mns. Douglas Mc- Kinley, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Kari Hall. Mr. and Mns. Maurice Con- way and fan3jjy spýnt the week- end i Ottawa visiting rela- tives and friends. Mn. and Mns. C. Johns, Bow- inanville, visited their daughten Rev.'àbd Mrs. Stanley Snowden, Bancroft, over the weekend. Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Francis and Dennis spent Sunday witb. the later's fathen, Mn. Russell Franklin and relatives in Cale- don. Mrs. R. B. Clark, Liberty Sotreet, has neturned home aften spending several days witb ber daugbter, Mis. M. Edwards and farnily, North Bay. Mns. Sewand Dowson, Mn. and Mns. Alvin Dowson, Bowman- ville, called on Miss Mabel Lytie, a patient at Tamblyn's Rest Home, 23 Russell St., Lindsay, on Sunday. Miss Alice Stevenson, Wil- lowdale, Mrs. Ernest Gilligan, Desoroato, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. F. J. Lee and family and attended the G4Wyear Girls' Reunion panty. '2ýkending the Tanc-Ponicky TRINITY UJNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. il a.m. and 7 p.m. - OSHAWA PRESBYTERY YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPRING CONVENTION Speaker Rev. Lors Carlson B.A., B.D. of George St., Peterborough Organist: Mr. Arthur CoFion, Mus. Bach., JL ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Third Sunlay Aller Easter MOLY COMMUNION 16e and i11 SCHURCH SCHOOL MORNING PRAYER EVENING PRAYER brother, Town Councillor Keith Lathangue wene the populan propnietors of King Taxi bere for many years. They sold that business to Lorne Haynes, the well known owncr of Cab 500, this spring. Mn. Lathangue is a member of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club. The Humonesque Club of the Blind fnom Oshawa, încluding local blind pensons, wene en- tcntained Friday evcnîng follow- ing the Centennial Concert of the Bowmanville Choral Society. About 30 members of the club and drivers, membens of thel Oshawa Lions Club, attended the concert in the Town Hall aad wene served refresbmentsi in the Lions Centre. Mrs, W. R. Stnike convencd tbe nefreshmcat committee. Mns. Donald Wil- liams and Miss Helen Cryden- man pnesided at the coffee urns, while Mrs. Stanley Payne pro- vidcd pleasing background music at the piano. TYRONE W.M.S. Tbank-offering Sei vice on Sunday monning wi well attended. The Missio Band and Explorers sat la body along with W.M.S. ladiE which added much to the sei vice. Susan Broome and Jol Hamnilton received the offerni Rev. F. Jackson iatnaduced th speaker, Mrs. W. C. Ivesc Bowmanvillc. She told the chi] dren a story on , "Two Littl Birthday Candles" and also ga' the adults a very fine messag( Miss Jacqueline Rosevear wa pianist. The tea and sale beld by th, West Group of W.A. was ver successful, realizing about $32 *Centennial Church Parade under auspices of Floren ce..Nightin gale Lodge No. 6 6 INDEPENDENT ORDER 0F ODD FELLOWS wiII be held on SUNDAYI, APRIL 27 a t 3:3 0 p.m t0 the Town Hall, Bowmanville D)ivine Service [GUOST SPEAKER: REV. BRO. R. J. McNAUGHT of t14e Grand Lodge of Ontario, will give the sermon. kev. A. C. Herbert, Rev. H. A. Turner and À*ptain Norman Coles wiIl assist in the service. 'gâwmanviiie Salvation Ariny Band wilI supply music Sistprs of the Rebekah Lodge and Cantons will participate. Dowmmnflle gion Pipe Band and Oshawa Boy rpt &oTt8um and wil Iead the parade which forms up J*'Cen tral School Grounds. 3 p.rn. Service nt tntahfollowing service. r- 1 ras "I Dare You"1 Will Be Theme Of~ ýConventionl The Spring Convention of the Oshawa Prcsbyteny Y.P.U. is being held this weekend in Bow- manville, Apnil 26 and 27, at TityUnited Churcb. The cneton theme is "I Dane You" and theme speaker wh' jwill speak on Saturday evening and at churcb services in Tria. I ity Sunday monning and even- ing, is Rcv. Lors W. Carlson, B.A., B.D., ministen of George Street United Churcb, Peter- borough. Mayor Nelson Osborne will welcome the visitons to Bow. manville at the banquet being beld on Satunday eveniag, and Mn. A. A. Menklcy will give the wclcome to the church. Bus. iness manager for the conven- tion is Mn. Ted Colwell and registrar Eleanor Lcighton. Taking part will be Rev. *T. A. Morgan, Rev. Harold TuPrner ,eI May 23rd a young lady delegate from a Scottish farmers'asso- ciation will arrive for a vii in Durham County. It was an- ranged that she will first stay with Betty McHolm, Welcome, and then be guest of Mn. and: Mrs. Ron Brooks, R. R. 3, Bow- manville, for the nemainder of ber visit. She will be ententain- cd by other Junior Farmens members. Shirley Pollock and Jean Butteny are to choose a gift for ber.1 Skcating club - (Continued from page oac) sist in working bard to make J the Carnival profitable because witbout these funds cach year 9there would be no skating club, 1 Sid Murdoch, the Carnival Bchairman said in makîng his report. iHe pointed out that in spite of making a profit of $700 on this jcec show this winter, the club i $10 in the ncd. The Car- (in £%:V.KIýtuIu-À1-17nival is an annual means of aiof Bowraanville; Rev. M. C. hehping finance the club. With- IFisher of Newcastle, and FrancisI out it, fees would have to be es1Jose, president of Boy of Quinte raisd 0 high that many chu.- r- Coaference, amoag othens. dren could not afford to skate. LEe job donc by Mns. Ada Richards, of MA PLE J.iUVE as costume convenor. Mn. Mur- il- doch also asserted the club was le Mn. and Mrs. Jos. Hornby and fontunate in having Miss Bar- ve 1 yva ihan newn bara Ana Burgoyne as the skat- ,. - dinnen guests of Mn. and Mrs. Jigpoesoa.H xlie asJ Fred Stevens on Sunday. that one of the big factors in Mn. and Mrs. Frank Ollisse,j carnival profits was the sale of he Stouffville, were Monday guests $ 1,024 in adventising in the pro- rY of Mn. and Mns. Fred Stevens. grain. Mn. and Mns. Glen 3. Mn. Jack Lord and Dianne,I Hughes sold 75 per cent of thîs -Mns. Mary Thompson, Michael amount, he said, while advocat- and Mary, Toronto, were Sun- ing that more members of the day guests of Mn. and Mns. How- club should participate by sel]- ard Cryderman. ing pnogram advertising. Mn. and Mns. Howard Crv- 1Frank Blunt, lst vice-presi- derman and Mns. Mary Thom .p-j dent and Family Skating chair- son and Mn. Jack Lord callcd man, rcported that despite the Jon Mrs. Ruby Somenville, Or- change in the houns of skating ono, on Sunday aftennoon. on Sunday afternoons the saine IVeny plcascd ta report that1 numnber of familles joined the John McGuirk is home froin club this yean as last. the hospital. President Hughes, in bis ad- Miss Mary Jane Laventy cen- dtess, referned ta the reports Joyed a trip to Montreal over of Mns. H. G. Hacking, Mn. Mur- the wcekend. doch and Mr. Blunt, and said Mn. and Mns. Cecil Milîs and it was hangely duc ta thein cf- family visited with Mn. Charles fonts that the club did as wel Milîs, Port Penny, on Sunday. financially regardiess of the 15 Mn. Chester Milîs, Mns. Vera bclow weathen at the time Car- Milis, Enniskillen, Miss Shin- nival tickets wene on sale. ley Milîs, nurse-in- training, Pc- tenborough, and Miss Marlon May Use Local Judges Mallony. Bowmanvillc, were «'I arn very gatoelyou Sa .dy sùpper guests of Mn.ý that we are almost sure ta have Gn retns. CociApilbrtda jthree .îudjges of aur own next J reing frArlbthas season," the president said. go to Michael and Teresa La-I "Mrs. Jack Leddy and Sid Mur- vertv, Raymond LaBrecke, doch have trial jadged many Glenn Fenncy and Nancy How- tests. and these nesults will go el. to Ottawa next month. I amn ICongratulations to Mr. and sure they will qualify. This Mrs. Don Martin, nec Marlon will mean we can hold prelim- Staîken, on their recent mar- i a ry and first tests without niage and welcome to our coin- importjng .iudges." The third munit '.y' judge is Mn. Hughes, wbo quai- iBilly Budai jiolidayed witb*fid Mr and Mrs. Leo Goulah, Bow- PrsnsCticae I ianville. rsnsCricae Sorny ta hear Mrs. Olive Mof- Mn. Hughes then pnesented *fat was iîl last week. certiicates for the C.F.S.A. Mn. and Mrs. D. Lavcnty and Tests as follows: 3rd figure familY, visited Mr. and Mm-s, skating test, Sandra Martin, Patrick MeGee and Mn. Laver- Paul IlLluenergard; 2nd !igure ty's mother, Mrs. Mary Laver- 1 skating test. John Wilson: lst ty. in Lonîdon for the weekerid. 1 figure skating test, Gail Arm- Mn. and M'rs. Turner were 1strong: preliminary figure skat- la Toronto on Mondav. ing test. MarilYn Stapleton, Mr .and Mrs. Mel Holmes i Michael Leddv, Mary J. Billett. were at Madawaska on Sundav j Dance tests: 1. The Dutcb Waltz. to vicw the remains of thei r Hazel Richards and Glenna burned cottage.J Park. MarilYn Stapleton, Su- JMn. John WValker is in the san Rivers, Michael Lcddy, Lor- Toronto General Hospital unden- r aine Brock, Mary J. Billett and jgoing tneatment. i Avelyne Lycett. 2. Canasta Tan- Mr&. John Walker, Bob and go, Dianne Goheen and Lynda Jack, wene Sunday visitons with Hateiy. 3. Fiesta Tango, Enhyne her brother, Mr. Goldy MeClel- Barnon, Canal Finnigan, Gail! Ian, Toronto. tArmstrnag and Sandra Martin.f Mns. Fnedrickson, Western i After the genenal meeting ad-' Canada. is spending a fewv days' jaunned the new board held al1 with ber daughter Mrs. Raiston. short meeting. The officers forý Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Nantais the cornîng \-ear will be named Md a ~i 0£ Oshawa visited a&the ii ezt .xeutive meeting. s; e O 794oi T"MRo9eASPIRIN Compared Io buying ASPIRIN ln tins of 12 Tabiets Family Size70 100 TABLETS 79 12 TABLETS 19C 24 TABLETrs 294 FAST RELIEF FROM HEADACHI, DISCOMFORTS OF COLDS, NIURITS, NEURALIA, AND RHEUMATISM IICW and softest ever N, uI&oex' with Wondersoft* covering YOUR CHOîCE 0F 3 SUZES Reular (Blue Panel)) Jinior (Green Panel)) Super (Rose Panel) KOTEX WVodform BE LT .dmatyisetedd oMr.wih Mr. and Mrs. Robert U Gondyn Brent, lier mothen. Mrs. Sheanen and Mr. and Mrs. Don R l N f M L. D. Sykes, on the passing of. Larusso on Sunday. ad mu Mr.ersanldSyk s. F. L Byarn vs- 1f Enniskillen with Mn. and Mns. u a Il Mn.r.and MMrs.Geusseli Mo1nMxîssyrMssy 3~ 33303 I lis, Cannington. 1Mns. Alymen Beech's brother. (Continued -from page one) _____________________ John Virtue spent the week- ' Mr. Claude Smith, has returned- Mr. Carnuthers asked. "The end with Ralph Shaw, Oshawa.: to his home in EnniskiUlen after. philosophy of something for* wedding in King Street Unitedl Little Debbie Miller has been: a two weeks' visit. nothing can undermine the in- Church, Oshawa, on Satunday, qtite il in the Oshawa Hospi- 1 Mn. W. Smith, Oshawa, Mrs dividual, and eventually the na- aftennoon, April 19, were Mr. tai also Mrs. Harold Macklin Kenneth Winchell, Toronto, and tion, 1 believe." and Mns. L. Nichoils, Mns. H. is in the Bowmanville Hospi- IMn. and Mns. Russell McLaugh- In telling bis audience to Wilson and Mr. and Mns. J. tai. Ilin, Bowmanvîlle, visited with value thein citizenship, the Grace.J L.O.B.A. Ladies are quilting Ms. Alymer Beech. speaker also gave figures on Mrs. Hilda Tighe, Bolton, has a quilt this week at the home JMr. and Mns. Allan Snowden, the great influx of immigrants, been visiting lier son, Mn. and! of Mrs. George Alldread. Jim, David, Sandra and Mar- some from countries whene Mrs. Gary Tighe in Oshawa, and MriGnonMxelan aMr Mn enr Gomnh freedom bas been curtailed or of Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs disappeared, as in Hungary. on the weekend visited in Bow- idaughten, Peterborough, visit- 1nwdnan*fi Thein progress in our country manville with Mn.- and Mns. ed Mr.nwde and Mr.E, Murray Tigbe and Mr. and Mns.e r Mrs. ..ussnell, Witbyanville; Mr. and Mns. Samn is sometimes a challenge to Snode an Ithose who were born here. Alan Osbone.Bgel rie spendng a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Aitchison, Black- "Pra emaetigto Mis Lyne agnli rniedMrs. K. Hardy and Mn. and stock; Mn. and Mrs. Ron Rodg-, easy for our children," Mn. homne Tuesday night for her Mrs. E. Pnescott. ers and Nancy and Mr. and Mrs C arnuthers suggested as he annual vacation, from the Ship- JMns. H. Partner and Mrs. T. Bill Davidson, Toronto, wene pointed out that the winners stads and Johnson ice Folliesl5Scott attended the Grand Lodge Sunday visitons witb Mn. andi in the recent public scbool Show. Lynne is with ber pan- Convention at Cornwall las Mrs. Howard Hagendora and speaking contests were both ents, Mr. and Mns. W. W. Bag- week. Bnian, Petersburg, on Sunday. New Canadians, who stanted nell, Scugog St. M.adMs ly e n r n r.RyVnCm out with the handicap of a new Mrs. F. M. Penfound anived family spent the weekend with and Mn. and Mns. Neil Brown- Prgag ovide Masetsd back from Clearwaten, Fia., ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. cil spent last week with Mrs. Thr weeM82r64e mms aften spending tbree months' Welsh, Bancroft. Sydney Lodge, Maryland, U... gr wteCanaa82,1957, crea vacation wîth ber daughter, Mrs. Edith Murphy. Mn. and The Evening Auxiliany 1 i gt andaor 974,00hoes, Mn. and Mns. Frank Sobil and Mrs. *W. Murphy and family holding its annual pot luck sup- with nesultant market for fur- family, formerly of Bowman-, were with Mn. and Mrs. H. per on Thursday evening (to.. nishings; spending a possible viller, r and sno vstinghr Murphy, Bowmanville. night) with the Aftennoon Aux- $110 million in food: earning,. dauhtr, n.andMn. Cai JMr. and Mrs. A. Knowlton iliary of the W.M.S. as guests.J as they become cstablisbed Allen and Wayne. Ivîsited ber parents, Mn. and around $400 million a year, of Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Gordon Mrs. K. Sidier, Belleville. Son-J which $100 million would be Bell, Mrs. Kowalcbuk and Mns.J ry to hear ber mother is in the I paid in taxes, Mr. Carruthers Lloyd Doran, Belleville, visited bospital. Junior FOIIIUVU stated. These are things to con- witb Mr. and Mrs. Art Majer- Mn. and Mrs. H. Wonnacot.t sider in, the question of curtail- nison, Flett St. The ladies wene and Ross, Miss Vena Carr, To-DI. 8.A , *I ment of immigration, he sug- on theik.',.way to Toronto wbene ronto; Mrs. C. Shaw and Ralph,I ln9 ug .us gested. Mrs. Beli and Mrs. Bradley left Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs.tI Provincial Problems Malton Airport by 'plane for E. A. Virtue and John, on Sun- \~*. ~ ~Mn. Carruthers spoke of two B.C. to join thein husbands who day. VUiU it to O ttawv a important matters coming un- are playing on the Belleville Mns. J. Herod, Weston, M ns. Dra uirFres s e rvniljrsitocu Senior Hockey Team in the L. Flewclling, Toronto, Mrs. J. DuhmJnoatre A-drPioniateluor prtob em Allan Cup playoffs. E. Gniffin, Enniskillen, visited sociation held an executive and Ecation isimportan or woblm Mn.and Mr. Athu LMrs. W. Rahm on Tuesday. directors' meeting in the On- edaonhes iraid forecus Phelps, Whitby, wcrc in towr yoeEpoeswshlnatnoAnclua or om the future of oun nation depends last wcek and callcd on Mrs. H. the Sunday School noom wheni'Bowrnanville, last wcck. Presi- on the type of education wr. are W. Foley and Mn. and Mrs. Gco. 20 members werc present . Pre- detRnBoks presided. providing today, and second, W. James. Mn. Phelps was re- sident Gwen GlaspelI called A committce was appoînted' because education takes a large cently appointed as broadcastr' the meeting to order and begari at the meeting to obtain fur- share of the tax dollar-at the of the radio program "Neigh - with th e Explorer Purpose and 1thýen information regarding ru- municipal level from 45 percent bounly News" beard each Sun-, a hymn.j rai mail box signs as a projcct to 55 percent. The municipali- day ornng. t i intresing Secretary Shelagh Murphiy to naise money for the organ- tics appeal 'to the province for day mrningt . Itisiecsftng ead the minutes and Charlotte ization. Membens of the coin- er was a Methodist minister on Annis took up the collection. milttce are Betty McHolm, Pauli the Tyrone and Countice circuits Election of officers was as Allun. Gerald Brown, and Jim and that he himse]f was born at follows: Secretary, Roslyn Tay- Coombes. IC MEIIE P Columbus while bis father was l on; President, Lynne Stainton: Places of interest for the Jun- O PTTV PR minister there. Treasurer, Charlotte Annis; ior Farmers' bus trip in August Press Reporter, Esther Anne werc considened. It was decid- Ray Lathangue is doing well Rosevear. cd to make a two-day trip toi in the neal estate business. He Mrs. H. Stainton read a stony Ottawa. Ed Kowal, GcraldI acceptcd a position witb Ristow called "Kenji". Two announce- Brown and Paul Aluin were ap- andOlen eator, sbaaments wene made. We repeated 1 pointed to make the arrange- some weeks ago, and is making the Explorer's Prayen andcls ments. a decided success of bis acw cd witb a game. anocdtat n venture. Mn. Lathangue and bis It___________________ oa, KOTEX SANITARY NAINS With Wonder- Soft Coveriflg Junior Regular super Box Of 12 45c " 2 for 89e EcoflomY pack Of 48 Regular size 1.3 ab larger grants, and they in turn appeal to the Dominion for a larger share of taxes for educa- Ition. On the question of liquor, Mr. Carruthers stated that the numa- ber of alcoholics has doubled in Ontario in the last ten years and asked if we are providing the type of education to enable our yoting people to cope with the problem of drinking . Are we doing enough to compete with the advertising of the 11- quor interests via TV and other media, he asked. The handling of this whole question can af- fect our citizenship, he said. Counties' Council Mr. Carruthers outlined Coun- ties' Council areas of jurisdic- tion. A new registry office will be built in Bowmanville at a cost of $30,000, and not as er- oneously appeared in The Statesman last week, $300,000 he pointed out. A new unit of the Home for the Aged at Co- bourg will also be bujit which will include accommodation for hospital bed patients and those who are mentally affected. Sub-division Control Mr. Carruthers commended Mayor Nelson Osborne for the time and leadership he has giv- en in municipal affairs and the Chamber of Commerce for its initiative in going after indus- try. He explained that the main reason for Council ,brin.ging in subdivision controls a few years ago xvas to protect the taxpay- ers from speculators who up to that time did not have to pro- vide services. The resuit in some municipalities was to put the debenture debt sky high. In conclusion the speaker said, "If we stand ready to make our contribution, however hum- ble it may be, we fulfill the true obligations of citizenship. We build a better community, we build a strong, virile Can- adian nation, a heritage worthy of passing on to our children." Mr. Carruthers was thanked by Mrs. Mel Staples of Orono. A pleasant social half-houx preceded the meeting. MCES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SHOP AT Guard AgaInst YOUR MO TIS DRUG BridgePort Moth DRUG Proofer Bomb STORE 1.89 Moth Rails and the depend- 1Flakes 1b.ox 25c ble place to 2 for 49e MOth Crystaîs uy ail your 2-lb. bag 59e medicines I.DA. and MOTH ILLER An effective, health lasting safeR means Of Pro- and tecting fabnies beautyfrom nioth needs 1- lb. tin __ e 9 SPECIALS! I.DA. AROMATIC CAS CARA Pleasant, gentie tonie and laxative 3-oz. reg. 35e 29e 6-oz. reg. 65e 49e I.D.A. MILK 0F MAGNESIA A creamy pleasant-tasting laxative and antaeid 16-oz., reg. 35e 29e 32-oz., reg. 60e --49e I.D.A. PAPER NAPKINS 70 white, embossed napkins ln dispenser box Reg. 18e 16e 2 For 35c 2 For 31c I.D.A. Shaving Cream Reg. 49c 39c *I.D.A. Saccharin Tablets 14 GRAIN 100,'s 500's 1000's Reg. 20e Reg. 55e Reg. 79c 14C 39c 59C 12 GRAIN I0's 500's 1000'5 Reg. 23c Reg. 65c Reg. 98C 17c 49C 79c To45e Andrew's. Liver Sali sz for 69C COLMAE DENTAL CREAM. Twn 35e tubes and 35e Tooth Brush for ---70c Dr. West TOOTH BRUSHES Richard Hudnut NYLON G RM H PC Regularly 29e each EGCRMSH PO Gives hair radiance and 3 For 59c softness 8 (Each 3 ail hard or 1.25 size -98___ medium) Brylcreem Special Offer! Tube witb FREE COMB for regular price 69c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Yo ur Local I.DA. Drug Store Society Choral (Contînued frorn nage one) Performance of this in Bow- manville a few years ago, has neyer been forgottea. Mrs. Mar- tin's 1958 nepeat performance was richly enjoyed. The last sweet notes dying into silence lef t a bush of appreciation oven the audience. The choir was heard in two funther gnoups, the finst corn- posed of The Happy Wandener, Annie Launie, and selections fnom The King and 1; and the second, of selections fnorn Bni- gadoon and Oklaboma. Following intermission the members panaded up tbe aisle la old time costumes, the dress- es of the ladies being panticu- larly lovely. Quite a bell was accompanist Mrs. Mary Cole, dnessed in a glittening black se- quiaed dness. She was gallant- ly escorted on the arn of direc- ton Hugh Martin. OId Time Fiddler Lew Wood on the violin and Les Collacutt at the piano en- tertained audiences and choral membens with some square dance pieces, and some of the choraliers led by Mn. Martin, took a few tunns around the stage to the infectious -rhythm, The musicians were loudly ap- plauded. The choir sang three old time songs, For Ahl We Know, The Gang That Sang Heant of My Heart and Home for the Holiday. The latter was revised to be appropniate for those coming back to, town for Old Home Week. Mrs. Martin, in charrning old time costume, sang three songs of the past century. "I imagine a good maay Scottish people settlcd in Bowmanville ia the early days, and so I arn going to sing 'My Ain Folk'," Mrs. Martin told the audience. Her rendition of this old Scottish 1 hl1.S - Il G 111111ru] -MELOSO.DErUWPI SUPER STRENGTH. DRY-OR WET! 3 ,BIG B0X-3-PLY., with WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Livor Compound ts Tonictime. Winters coughs und colds are just around the corner. HeIp your family te botter heqith this winter, build up their resistance to cods... give them Wompole Extroct regularly. . . atrt todayl1 1.5 OUNCES - $1.50 34 OUNCES - $2.75 ECONOMY SIZE r SAVES YOU -V5 lit i Il Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 I SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK sang was delightful. Next Mr& Martin sang Mickey and Listeu to the Mockingbird. She asked the audience to join with hep in the choruses, and this they did most happily. Another wvhirl of old trne fiddling was given by Wally McKnight who was accompo ied by a gentleman young, 1.m heart, Mr. Herb Osborne. Theée two played several numbers with great enthusiasm, and were loudlv applauded. Old Towvn Hall In a final group. the choir sang Clancy Lowered the Boomn. In the Old Town Hall, and the Centennial March. In the Old Town Hall was enlivened by several bits of stage business. First of ail, accornpanist Mary Cole came down to the piano on the auditorium floor and made a great show of lowering the piano stool, which protest- ed wîth loud shrieks. When she began to play, the piano gave forth with old time tinny tones. This wvas produced with the aid of thumb tacks in the kilts, sa it was later found. Durîng the performance of the song, an amusing littie skit en whether or not chiekens should be prevented from roost- ing around the town hall was performed by John Phillips. president of the Society, Reita Hobbs, Art Oswald and Jack Allin. It was decided to exclude not only chickens, but pigs, from the prernises. Sin-ging of the Centennial March brought the concert to a close. Turn OId Fûrnilure inioCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 AM 1 3-57921 1 ARUM W1114 ý- TEE MNAIDIM STATZBUM, e"Al" -la à àqm Phone MA

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