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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1958, p. 9

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~-w----. - - IMU UDAyp MAT inlm U TEE CAKADIAN STATESUMN. OWMANVnLg. ONTAMO Young Bowm anville Man Learns He Has a Brother Locates Hlm in Lindsay Are cable family reun- Ion okceSaturday, April 19th in L ,wben. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Musen, o! R. R. 1, Little Britamn, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Don Whillans, a! Bow- manville. What made the meeting so remarkable is the fact that Don and Fred are brothers but did not kno* it until last Tuesday. "We're 'sf111 stunned by the Wihole thing," tbey told The Examiner in Lindsay Saturday. ,,,Neiherofus knew the other *1 exis ted." The joyaus reunion resulted fron the finding by Don of a letter written by the Lindsay legal firin o! Weldon and Lacey to bis adoptice parents in 1929, the year he was born. 13 Foster Homes Since that time, Don bas been in 13 different foster homes and institutions and neyer had the slightest idea be had any fan- ily o! bis own. Said the grinning Don as he clasped Fred's arn; "In those burners and WNritten Guarantee AutIiorized dependable service BACKED BY IMPERIAL OIL Pecause Esso Heating Equipment is eiiecred to meet your home's spe- cii rcquirements, you geý maximum !hc,'ting efficiency without any wastc. And, for the la.zt word in dependabie hecat, use Esso Fui nace Oib too. It burns super clean, greatiy reduces deposits on furnace parts-you get unifôrný higher quality in every gallon. consuit the Yeflow Pages of your phone dlrectory for your nurest EssoBunerDealer. £sso PRODUCTS ALWAYS LboK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST years when 1 was growbag up 1it was suggested to me more tthan once that I was born out of wedlock." "I don't know bow ta explai n the feeling I have right now," be added. "One day you have no relations and the next day you have the whole world in your hands."' The Mussen boys' mother was separated fran their father the year Don was born. After be was adopted, the mother left for England taking Fred with ber. The father's wbereabouts are not known. Raised In Englani! Fred was raised mainly by bis grandmother in England and returned ta Canada several times. At the outbreak o! the Second World War, he Joined the Canadian army in England and eventually married an English girl. After the war, he came back ta live in bis native Lindsay where he works with the Con- sumers' Gas Company. Now 31, he bas five children-Barry, 12; Ross, 9; Martin 7; Ricky, 3½ý, and Denise, one. Don, too. served in the army but did nat go averseas. He later married in Bowmanville and now bas a boy, Ian, aged 8, and a girl, Sheryl, 6. He is! emploved in Bowmanville by Houadille Industries Limited. Unfolding the remarkable story of the invcs'.gations which led ta the discovery o! bis bro- ther, Don said be was musing through a pile o! old letters and documents when be came upon the one written by A. T. Lacey, surviving partner of the firm of Weldon and Lacey. This was the first hint be ever bad o! bis true origin. Telephones Lawyer Thrilled ta know that, after aIl, be had had a family like everybody else, Don got an the 'phone ta Mr. Lacey, who in- vited hlm ta came up to Lind- say. Right next day he was here. Mr. Lacey looked at the letter Don bad braugbt with hlm and within minutes he was able ta produce from the firm's arch- ives File No. 134 containing the other documents relating to the Mussen fanily. Fron. these, Mr. Lacey was able ta supply the address: 68 Adelaide St., where Mrs. Kath- leen Mussen was living at the time Don was barn. Becoming more excited wlth every new revelation. Don has- tened ta Adelaide St., but could find no trace a! bis kitb and kmn at No. 68. But he did not give up there. Instead, be stayèd araund to talk to saine o! the aider residents o! the street. Remembers Mother Soon be met a M&s. Hicks, wbo said she remembered Ka- thleen Mussen. Wben be tald ber he was Mrs. Mussen's son, Mrs. Hicks replied: "Then you must be Freddy." Don told ber he was not and Mrs. Hicks said: "lWeil, if yau're not Freddy then you've oa brother in town." goa With that, the trail grew botter and It was nat long un- tii Fred was tracked down ta the Consumers' Gas Company. Exactly tbree haurs and 20 minutes after he arrived in Lindsay, Don walked up toaa street excavation wbere gas company employees were lay- ing a new pipe. He recagnized bis brother straigbt away andi called ta hum: "If you want tau meet your brother get out o! that bale." Freddy got out of the hale and 10 minutes later he was asking bis boss for permission ta quit a littie abead o! time. This, o! course, was readily granted once the boss heard the reason. In-Iaws Meet Don returned ta Bowman- ville Tuesday but was back here Saturday with bis wife and family sa that ahl the in- laws could get acaiuainted. Now the boys are planning a trip ta England ta meet the mother Don bas neyer known. But one thing Don bas not yet decided - whether bie will change bis present naine back ta the famnily naine o! Mussen. -Peterborough Examiner. Show Films At Meeting Cancer Society The Canadian Cancer Socie- ty held their Quartcrly Mee' - .ng in theî Lions Commnunity" Ccntre recently with Presidenti "Bert" Syer prcsiding. 'lhere1 w.%cre 32 ruembers and fniends present. The minutes o! the last meet- ing were read and Mrs. B. Sy- er gave the report o! the Wamn- en's Service Committee. She mentioncd in this report that a registered nurse would be sent ta any cancer patient who need- ed ber for a period of one day ta instruet on the application o! dressings. Mr. M. Stephens gave bis re- port as ta the progress o! the Campaign. He said the district was aIl organized for the can- paign with the exception af a c, uple of towns, but expected to hav-e thiese organized by the end of the week. 'rwo very interesting fimns were shown an 'he subject a! cancer. Everyone present ap- preciated the generosity of Mr. Reg. Harding for donating bis tirne and projector ta show these films. W. would 11ke to mention at this tirne, anyone wishing to donate to the Cancer Society, who is rnissed in the campaign. please snd your donation ta: Mr. M. Stephens. 9 Jane St.. Bownxanvile, Ontario. Also anyone wishing assistance from: the Cancer Society, please con-1 tact your doctar or minister.1 r Plan Blind Campaign As a Blitz on Sept. 30 Ten members of the Bow- manville West Durham Coin- mittee of the Canad.ian Nation- ai Institute for the Blind met on Tuesday, April 15, at the Lions Centre with Mr. Donald Williams in the chair. Mr. Bob Padden, the new District Field Secretary, was present. Mrs. D. Armistead, secretary of the Humoresque Club, Osh- awa, whose meetings are atten- ded by a nûmber of blind per- sons in this district, read a re- port of the past year's activ- Mtes. This report appears in a separate write-up. Mr. Padden reported that an Investigation of the financial situation of registered persons In thil ares. is being under- taken in order to clarify the. obligations towards these per- sons wherein additional bl may be given. Arrangement-- of appointinents was made for' two persans now receiving help. It was learned that Mrs. Emma Collasott is in residence at Lin- well Hall, St. Catherines, fol- lowing an operation. Miss A. Bragg will also be going to Lin- well Hall after May 1. Campaign plans were dis- cussed and the committee dec- cided ta conduet a blitz cain- paign on Tuesday, Sept. 30. A special campaign committee will be in charge of this oper- ation. Minutes were read by Misa Mary Jewell. The next meet- ing will be held on Tuesday, June 3. at the Lions Centre. WN IV -IÉi&Yô - - - zIï _ -O Foundation walls are being Chartered Accountants Ilaid for the new storage build- 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa ? ng which the Port Hope San- RA 5-3527 itary Manlyfacturing Co. is Partners - erecting for the storage of bath- J. W. Montelth, M.P., F.«C.*A.* tubs, and the building should be A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. finished in early July, a spokes- G. W. Riebi, C.A. man said last week. (Licensed Trustee) The building will provide G. E. Trethewey, C.A. storage space for 10,000 tubs and R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. will eliminate the need to rent storage space. At present the YALE, FRIEDLANDER, company rents space in the HTJNTER & CO. exhibits building at the town Accountants and Auditors park and at other locations in 64.King St. E. RA 5-1621 town. Oshawa Built by Arnold Steele of B. L. Yale, C.A. Peterborough, the building will F. Friedlander, B. Comm., C.P.A. have about 25,000 square feet of J. Hunter, C.P.A. storage space and will have 14 feet clear of vertical space in- Chiropracti c ie r Location of the building im- G. EWIN ANND.C. mediately north of the plant and G. hDiN MraNND.C beside the west basin of the Of ce irprco harbor has made it necessary to Office H ove the railroad tracks which 15 Elgin St., cor, of! orsey St. now veer ta the east to pass Phone MA 3-550 along the east side of the new Office Hours: By Appomntment building. DR.W.M.RUEL . Home & School ý0fIfice: 1JuryJuilee 40 King St. W. Bowmanviile Office Hours: 9 a.m. to, 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 Hlouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 1DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 anm. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office L23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L e g ai STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, S olicitorsg Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephane MA 3-5791 W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phoneý: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HOI>GINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvillel E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LLB. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. Morîgages LEROX HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residences - Farina Business Properties Op 1o m eir y KEITIS A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointmeas Telephone MArket 3-3252 bionday ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thuray aveveiirga Hears Talk on Radio Amateur Maple Grave Home and Scboal Association held its regular meeting in the scbool on Wed- nesday, April l6th witb Mrs. O'Neil presiding. The meeting was opened in regular forin witb Mrs. A. Allun, Secretary, reading the minutes and Mrs. Cullen, Treasurer, the finan- cial report. The Association agreed ta belp the Women's Institute canvass the conmunity for the Cancer Fund with Mrs. S. Doyle as convener o! the committee. A motion was carried ta give each of the two scbools $20 ta purchase equipinent for sparts or other suitable purposes. Mrs. Cole's room won the Par- ents' Count. The speaker. Mrs. Warbur- tan from Oshawa, spoke on the Radio Amateur and bis hobby. His talk was very interesting and the thanks o! ail present were extended by Mrs. S. Doyle. Home and School Associa- tion approved holding a picnic for schol pupils in the latter part o! June. Lunch wvas served bv mothers o! Mrs. Moffatt's room. A nominating Committee was cbosen ta bring in a slate of officers at the next meeting ta be beld on May 14. Popular Couple Entertained by Many Friends Many fricnd.; hl z' c ctc:'. tained for Miss Bunice Lea.k and Dr. Allan Stocks prior ta their mariage at Eldad Churcb Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baldwin on Saturday, April 19. entertained at their borne vhen the guests %ere members of the profession with their wives. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Y. Grant gave an evening party when the guests were Brooklin friends. Mrs. Ray Pascoe was hostess for a miscellaneous sbower for Solina friends. Mrs. Ray Hall gave a ýup and saucer showcr wben Brookîju r ends wvere the guests. Mrs. Frank Peterson entertained at a aiscelianeous shower %,ýhen guests were members o! the brides's class at Oshawa Gezi- eral Hospital. Following the rehearsal on Friday evening the bridal par- ty were guests at the home of the bride'& parenté. AW Di ft solo number on the piano and then was accompanied by ber sister Joyce for a duet. Mrs. William Cook introduc- ed the guest speaker, Constable Harold Cornell of the Provin- cial Police at Bowmanville who spoke on safety, and showed an interesting film called "Let's Play it Safe". Mr. Harry Qyler thanked the Constable for hîs informative, talk and for showing the film. The meeting was adjourned and refreshinents served bv Mrs. Wes Cameron and ber committee. A stcessful home baking sale was, held after the meet- ing. Anyone wishing transporta- tion to Hampton Home and Sehool Association meeting on Wednesday. May 14, is request- ed to be at the sehool by 7:30 P.M.1 AT YOUR SERVICE 24 hours per day BOWMAN VILLE BRANCH NE WTON VILLE (Intended for lagt week) Mrs. Sadie Moffat of Toron- ta spent a few days with Mrs. Ralph Boughen. Mrn Eres Eley who has been time has returned home much ixnproved. Mrs. Arthur Tubb of Oshawa spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Ruby Reid. Mrs. McComb of Orono 1A staying with Mrs. Wm. Uglow. Mrs. Andrew Reichrath who ha Mr. nd Mr s. ClarevneGlo M asd en11 s. Clarevneg. er of Warkworth spent Sunday Iwith Mr. and Mrs. Wflhis Jones. Mrs. Jas. Payne of Toronto, who was in Wellesley Hospital with a fractured hip passed a-: way on Wednesday, April l6th.' Mrs. Payne was a former New- tonville girl. We extend our sympathy ta Mr. Payne and family. Congratulations to Mr. John Douglas Hatherley and Miss Lynda Gail Hudson of Port Hope who vwere married at the par- sonage Saturdav evening. Rev. R. C. White officiated. Mrs. Rod Gilmour and son Michael of Toronto, spent aj few days with her mother Mrs.1 Gea. Ovens. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade held a family dînner party on Sunday in honor of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henderson who were 48 years married. Mr. and Mrs. Ccil Henderson the newlyweds were also gucsts. Business Directory Àccounfancy WVM. 3. Il. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts.1 Phone MArket 3-3612 MONTIETH -MONTIETH SAFEGUARD CASH cheor bonking hours by using this WaIIet Depository. Our 24-Hour Deposltory Service gives you the big convenience of bath night-time and day-time banking. Here's how it works: (1) Customers with personal accounts can naw de- pasit cheques and up ta $100 cash, anytime day or night, in the Envelope Depository. Your deposit is promptly acknowledged by mail. (2) Merchants and businessmen holding sizeable sums of money after banking hours use the Wailet Depository Service - making big cash deposits feasible at any hour. Get full details on how this u)ew service ean benefit you. Ask for information at any o! aur branches soon. THE CANADIAN At H.&S. Clubl BANK 0F COMMERCE MITCHELL'S CORNERS - Home and Sehool Association met recently in the new school with Mrs. William Cook presid- ing. The secretary and treasur- er gave their reports. Miss Patsy Fisher played a 775 branches ocross Canada ready ta serve you BOWMANVILLE BRANCH - H. G. HACKING. Manager Coolk dinner and see a show for Eess than ..electrically! With electricity, you can cook dinner for your family. . and afterwards watch television for 4Y2 hour. .. for less than three cents! That's real ec'onomny! And it's just one more reason why you live better.. clectrically... the safe, cdean, modern way. ELECTRICITY DOES SQ MUCH . COSTS $0 LITTLE BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES W. Ross Strike, QC Chairman COMMISSION Geo. Van Bridger Manar er 4275A Many Top Speakers Vîsit Canadian Club During Past Season PAM 1FE NTN» Anriual reports were presen- ted at the Wemen's Canadian Club meeting on Monday af- ternoon. April 21, in St. John's Parish Hall, with President Mrs. E. G. Witherspoon presiding. A report was given by Mrs. W. Teeple as Recording Sec- retary, giving a resume of the year's meetings and speakers which included Rev. Gordon Domm; Mr. Gordon Hawkins, on Aduit Education; Dr. A. D. Tushingham, head of the div- ision of Art and Archaenlogy, Royal Ontario Museum, on An- cient Jericho; Mrs. Elsa Jen- Port Hope Sanitary Erects Storage kins, bead of the wamen's div- ision, Canadian National Ex- hibition an Peru; Miss Vida Peene, on the Canada Council; Dr. Winifred Bryce on India and the changes taking place there. Mrs. Teeple also read the re- port o! the Corresponding Sec- retary, Mrs. Lorne Allun. Mrs. I. Munday, Assistant Secretary, reported that the club had 93 members, which is down frai- last ycar's imembershi;- o! 127. With the record of such splenl- did speakers as the club heard this year, the president urged that next yeàr, members bring a friend to join. Treasuirer's report was read in the absence of Mrs. M. Roe- nigk by Mrs. I. Munday. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, a past pres- ident, took the chair for the election a! officers. Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin convenor o! the Nomination Comittee, presented a slate o! officers. This slate was accepted without further nominations: Past. Pres.- M-s. C. A. Wight; Pres.- Mrs. E. G. Witberspoan; lst Vice- Mrs. K. Werry; 2nd Vice- Mrs. W. Teeple; Rec. Sec.- Mrs. N. Osborne; Corr. Sec.- Mrs. L. Allin: Asst. Corr. Sec.- Mrs. I. Munday; Treas. -Mrs. M. Roenigk; Executive Committee - Mrs. A. G. Scott, Mrs. L. Mason, Mrs .L. Goddard, Mrs. C. Allin, Mrs. W. H. Birks, Mrs. E. V. Hoar; Pianist - Mrs. C. H. Dudley. Film Shown By Constable_ SAVE TIME by deposit. ing cheques and snaill cash in this Envolope Oepository ut an>'heur.

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