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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1958, p. 15

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7U1WAT, MAT lot, 1058 THE URNADJJAL SA J.flM.lLN, BW £LAI VLLUOrr.rAm Arnica Club' s m Two Plays Well Direcîed and Presentedj MT-wn yTetwo y the e ica Club, of Trinity United ureh last Thursday and Fr!- day were, well cast, directed, and presented to appreciative audiences. Last yean the Arnica Club won first place in the Play competition for the Osb- awa Presbytery# and went on tO take first place in the Bay 01 Quinte Conference. This Year the club will enter the s ' nd of the plays presen- ted, "R Certain Man Had Two Sons",.,fn the Presbyteny com- Petition being held at Onono. "Utter Relaxation" was the flnst play on the program, a deligbtful comedy. What hap- pens wben a tired husband, Wilbur Edmondson (Ken Kel- ly) with a slight cold, is unged bY bis wife Amy (Bea Rad- dick) ta stay in bed for the day and enjay "utter relaxa- tion"? Utter chaos. Mr. Edmandsan's bedroom is Hall Last Week invaded first by the maid Ella (Eleanor Leightan) with mop, pail and broom; next by a friend of Amy's (Joyce Kirk- patrick) with whom she dis- cusses the latest fashions; Wil- bur's boss, played by Gordon Adams, and finally the tele- phone repairman, (Barr Cowl- ing). Amidst haminering, sing- ing and talking, the lire neels arrive, and, the bouse being on fire, Wilbur's bedroom cjuickly empties. The play brought many laugbs. Lighting was well handled by Jae-Markle. The play was directed by Miss Caral McMil- lan, who deser-ved xnuch credit. At intermission, Miss June Wood entertained witb several pleasing piano selectians, and Mn. Gardon Adams as Master of Ceremonies kept the audi- ence amused while the stage was being prepared for the se- cond play. County Rate Unchanged Pass Budget $757,304 A budget of $757,304 was ap- pnov~ by the United Counties Couc1i in the closing boums of its on -day meeting at the Unit- ed Counties building, Cobourg, Thuusday. Thene will be no change in the ate of il milîs adopted Apnil 12, 1957. The 1958 levy of Il milîs on a total assessment of $66,773,115 will produce $734,504. In 1957, a similar levy of il milîs raised $686,619. This yean the assess- ment increased by $4,353,454. In a breakdown af the budget, general gavennment is estimated ta absorb $75,800, law enfonce- ment $82,100, public wonks, highways and bridges $333,865, public welfare $ 197,950, registmy o fIf i c e $ 1,000, efoestation $2,000, scholanships $2,200, wolf and fox bounty $1,000, Cobourg Genenal Hospital building grant $13,500, contingencies $5,009, the 1957 deficit $10,685, and de- bentures on municipal building $32,193. Total estimated expenditures of $757,304 wene educed by miscellaneous revenue of $22,800 ta make a net budget of $737,504. In a camparson wtb the 1957 LESKAR11n Mr. Arthur Newma ~ived In Canada from England and Is staying with Mn. and Mms. E. Green and family. Mn. and Mms. Ross Rabbins Lnd Gail, Toronto, with M. and -s.A. Rabbins. 'Mn.and Mrs. R. Eade with Mr. and Mns. George Eade. Mn. and Mrs. Art Young and son, Mr. and Mrs. E. Puckrin, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. Mrs. Muir, Orono, spent the day withMrs. Angus Watson. Mns. Rhoda Campbell bas ne- turned ta ber home in Tymone alten spending the winten with Mms. A. Watson. Mrs. Palmer, Kingston, was a recent visitor with ber daugbt- er, Mn. and Mns. R. Lee and daughtens. Weekend visitons with Mn. and Mns. E. Green and family were Mn. and Mrs. Jack Swam- brick, Maureen and John, Buf- falo; Mn. and Mns. A. Waite and Canolyn, Wîlowdale; M. and SJ. Mansb, Geoff and Nigel, U'sing; Mr. and Mrs. E. Law, iO*Eawa, We are sorry ta hear that Mn. and Mns. W. Boyd and family are moving ta Oshawa. We wish them every success in thein new home. Mms. Viola Nilîson, Mns. E. Green, attended a tunkey ban- quet at Part Hope on the 45th aniversany of the Ganaraska Re- bekah Lodge. Mn. A. Newman visited- with Mn. F. Rabbins and Mns. P. Bradsbaw, Oshawa.. budget, public healtb tops the list of increases by $25,750. Otb- er increases occur in public wonks, $2 1,766, law enfoncement $ 18,300 and genemal govenment $3,200. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp were visitons at Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson's, Port Hope. Messrs. Glen and Harold Spny, Rochester, N.Y., wene weekend guests of Mr. and Mms. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lorma, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mms. G. Yea. Ron Clemens, Hampton, was a Sunday tea guest with Edgar Wright's and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weston wene Sunday evening tea guests af Mn. and Mms. Wallace Giffin's. Sorry ta hea.r of Mn. Lloyd Ashton being taken ta Mem- anial Hospital, Bowmanville. We wish him a speedy necovery. Clark Wenmy, Toronto Uni- versity spent the weekend atl home with bis parents, Mr. andj Mns. E. A. Werny. Mn. J. A. Wenry, Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Werny and Betty Jane weme Sunday callers at the Werry's at Roselandvale fanm, Sauina. We, the members of the chairs, wisb ta remind you o! aur veny warm and cordial in- vitation ta aur special service on Sunday, May llth at 7.30 in the cbunch when aur Hanm- mond ongan will be dedicated. Mrs. C. Barrett, A.T.C.M. wilI be the guest onganist. Our finance committee, Mes- dames E. Wright, E. A. Werry and O. C. Ashton are happy ta report that donations have been genenous and are still coming in and we are hopeful that by Dedication day aur mission will be fulfilhed. Mm. and Mrs. W. Jade, Mn. and Mns. H. Smith, Mr. G. E. Walton, Taranto, wene visitons with Mn. and Mms. H. Stevens and Gardon. Mn. O. Beckett and Anvella, Tyrane, Mn. Bob Brown, Ma- ple Grave, were visitons at Mn. and Mms. F. Beckett's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson and family, Mms. M. Vanvoîken- burg, Bowmanvilhe, with Mn. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt, and Mrs. E. Page, were Sundav visitons at Mn. and Mrs. H. Bradley's, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Keitb, Toronto, spent Wednesday with Mn. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mns. Roy Hunten, Grand Valley, Miss Inene Fer- guson and Ken Henington, Osh- I I OLDSMOBILE 88-98 wUw O . K. USED CARS BRUCE CAVERLY NICHOLS MOTOR SALES Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3353 A Young People's Drama Festival THE KING STREET, OSHAWA, PRESBYTERY presents "S"peakrng o/U-'tctures".« Bowmanville Trinify Church presents ~Ji Certain 77]an 0 J(adc Çwo Sons"5 eD1N ted Church Auditorium ýMay 2 at 8:15 pm 4ISSION - 50C e "A Certain Man Had Two Sons" was a modern version of the Prodigal Son, the setting a farm house in thbe mid-west. The story concerns the home-. coming of the younger son, Ed- die, (Jini Allun) wbo had le! t the farm eigbt years ago after receiving bis share. The eider son who bas remained at home, was portrayed by Alvin Sta- cey. Ted Colwell was the fath- er, Molly Bennett the mother. and June Wood the daughter of the family. Make-up wbich was very effective was by Ei- leen Spicer. The sets for both plays were excellent. John Rice was in charge of propertieb. At the conclusion, President 1Ken Kelly, stili dressçd in py- j amas from the first play, pre- sented roses to Miss MvcMillan, director of the first play, a glft to Mr. A. Merkley wbo directed tbe second, awa, were Sunday visitars of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- ton were recent callers at Mii- ton Tamblyn's and J. D. Brown's, Orona. Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Dickinson, Miss Heather Bennett, Oshawa, were with Mm. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfmed Sander- son, Columbus, Oliver Hubbard, Oshawa, Eldon Hubbard, Bur- keton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. EarI Cross and family, Maple Grave, Ken Gia- bam, Haydon, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. W. Howell.s. Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton and family weme visitons at C. Mils' and Mr. and Mrs. IR. Hope's, Part Ferry. Mms. Lorne Lamb, Mrs. Fred Toms, Mms. M. J. Hobbs and Mms. Gardon Yeo, Enniskillen; Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Mrs.' C. Rankine, Haydon, attended W. A. Pesbytery at Brooklin last Thursday. Miss Bannie Beech, Maple Grave, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and family. Misses Lorna Weann andi Mary Griffin attended the Spring Convention, Oshawa Presbytemy Young People's Un- ion, at Trinity Cburcb, Bow-1 manville, on Sunday. Miss Lorna Wearn was made the assistant convenar of Faith and Evangelism.1 Mms. Gardon Yea and Linda, v.isited Mrs. Georgina Phare, Tyrone, on Sunday. Mr. and Mms. Charles Gibson and family, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mms. Ed Cox. Mns. Pat Tresise and girls, Misses Annie and Effa Wright, Oshawa, were callers at Mm. and Mns. N. E. Wight's. Glad to report Mr. Haward Pye is home feeling fine. Sympatby to Mrs. Arthur Leadbeater. on the passing o! ber brother in Toronto. A number of young people, attended tbe Young People's Union Convention at Trinity, Cbunch, Bowmanvllle, on Sat- urday evening. BLACKSTOCK News is scance this week. The I farmens are busy with spring seeding, housewives are bouse- cleaning, teachens and pupils pneparing for the Music Festi- val in Peterborough in which tbey expect ta compete on Thursday and Fniday. Wo-He-Lo Mission Band met Tuesday aftem .,sehool. Bobby Kyte received the offerin g which was folhowed by prayer. Judy Mountjoy nead a scrip- ture verse and Mrs. Glenn Lan- mer gave a wonship talk based on 'this verse and offened pnay- er. Sharan Larmen read the minutes and roll cahl which was answered by "my favourite bymn". A new sang was leann- ed, then Nancy Dorrell ead a poem, "Whene Is God?" and Mrs. H. Kyte told the stony,l "The New Home". Alter closing, games wene played. Mesdames Roy McLaughlin, John Carnaghan, Wilbert Ar- cher, Harold McLaughlin, Ce- cil Hill, Ernest Larmer and Glenn Larmen attended the an- nual meeting o! Oshawa Pres- bytemy Woman's Association in Bnooklin United Cburch, Thuns- day. The Men's Club o! the An- glican chunch held thein lasti euchne o! the season Thursday night. Thene wene ten tables and winners were: high lady, Mrs. Wilbent Wenry, second, Mns. F. Staniland; high gent, Mms. H. Shontridge (playing as a man), second Mn. E. Mains. Lucky dnaw, Miss Eva Parr. David Ballingal was hast ta several of bis you7g friends Friday evening on the occasion aI bisIluth bitbday. Mn. and Mns. J. Ballingal and David spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. David Harris, Scanbonough, and brougbt Di- anne home. Joanne had spent a week with the Harris'. Mn. and Mns. Percy Van Camp and Aileen spent the weekend with Mm. and Mns. Norton Van Camp and family. Listowel. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Lamb and Canal spent a few days with Mns. Thos. Smith. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Staniland on their, golden wedding anniversary. Mn. and Mrs. Hector Short- ridge and Billy entertained at a dinner Party Saturday even- ing with the following guests: Mn. and Mns. Arthur Lelghton, Mn. and Mns. Frank Bailey and Allan;, Miss Marilyn Bray and Mn. and Mr. Fines, Port Penny; Mrs. Burnham and Mr. Hardy, Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ks'te, David, Floyd. Lynda and Bob, The Beauties of Nature Pretty as the capital city's Civil Service girls are Ottawa's million tulips which bloom during the Canaclian Tulip Festival from May 15 to 30. Shown here is one small corner of Ottawa's largest tulip b%d where 70,000 flowers bloom. In the back- ground is Dow's Lake and the Driveway. The national capital expects the greatest influ.x of visitors ever to see the tulips this year. spent the weekend 1with rela-I tives in TillsonburgI Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston are visiting witb Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnstan, Belleville. Mrs. Osmond Wright spent last week with ber daughters in Toronto. Saturday she at- tended the funeral of a cousin, Mn. Nathan Rumney in Mid- land. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Staniland Jr., Penny and Lynne, Toronto. spent Saturday witb bis par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Stani- land Sm. Mrs. Robt. Ford returned home Satunday fram Toronto wbere she spent the winten. Mrs. Oakley Caley spent Tuesday with Mn. and Mns. Clarence Manlow and Bill. Mm. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp, Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Lar- mer, Mm. and Mrs. Stuart Dan- rell, Misses Joyce Graham, Doneen Van Camp, and Phyllis Stmong, Messrs. Alan and Clif- fond Dayes attended the Osh- awa Pnesbytery Young People's Spring Convention in Trinity Church, Bowmanvihle, Saturday and Sunday. Mn. and Mns. R. G. Lamb, Mn. and Mns. John Lamb and Peter, Lindsay, visited Mrs. T. Smith, Sunday. Mn. and Mms. Grant Fergu- son, Ian and Mary, Mn. and Mns. Roy Dmummafld7 Tomanta, visîted the Roy Fergusofl's Sunday afternaon. Mr. Vincent Archaer, Bow- manville, Mn. and Mns. Wilbert Archer and Mn. Alex Dever visited her sister, Mn. and Mns. Frank Cool1 Beaventan, jSunday. elon Falls, visited Mn. and Mrs. Menvyn Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hfarris and family, Sunday. Messrs. Blake Gunten, Roy Turner, Bian Hamilton and Neil Bailey spent the weekend at the Turner cottage. Coe HIli. Mn. and Mns. Gea. Bray, Raglan, called on ber uncle, Mn. Jas. Avery, Sunday. Mn. and Mms. Wil Fonder were Sunday dinner guests aI Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Wright, Pont Ferry, and Mr. and Mrs. Benson Dunn, Oshawa, wene suppen guests of the Forders. Mary and Betty Bradburn were Satunday guests. Mn. Stanley Malcolm has ne- tunned home from Flonida. Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin ne- turned ta ber home in Burke- ton last week aften spending the winten with Mrs. F. Bailey. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Griffin and boys, Bunketon, Mn. and Mns. Russel McLaugblin, Bow- jmanville, were Sunday guests of Mn, and Mrs. Carl McLaugh- lin. Mn. and Mrs. Stuart Donrell wene Sunday dinnen and supper guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville. Attendance was not as lange as usual at the United Church Sunday morning. Mr. Paul Agnew of Ontario Tempenance Federatian gave a fine sermon. The choir of five ladies <nest wene at Y.P.U. convention) nendered a f ine three-part chorus "Open Mine Eyes". IBETHANY Mn. and Mrs. Cecil McGill, Mm. and Mns. Chester Termini, ahi of Toronto, were guests with Mn. and Mns. James Mc- Kinnon during the weekend. Mns. Harold White and in- fant daughter are now home from Peterborough Hospital. Mm. William Sheen spent sev- enal days hast week with friends in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Sander- son motored ta Guelph on Sat- urday ta visit with Mn. and Mrs. H. F. Rayson. Mns. Ronald Pomenoy and infant son are home from Civic Hospital, Peterborough, Miss Joan Bristow, Oshawa, Jwas borne for the weekend with b er mother, Mrs. Hiliard ýBriý- taw. Be Care fui Wîth Fire That time of yean has arriv- whîch at a later date miglitE ed when mosit people like ta cause considerahhe damage. Be-1 get outside in the cool fresh fore these fines are set a couple8 of turns anound the perimeten sunlight, ta putter around the of the anea ta be burned with ganden and bouse cleaning UP a phough sbould be sufficient the winten's accumulation of ta provide a safe fine guard and trash. Same of this trash willh ta prevent the fine from spread- bunn, and togeth&,; with a pilc ing ta other areas, but it is al- of gathened dead grass can bc wavs wîse ta keep a few wet eliminated with ane smail fire. sacks and shovels handy ta In order ta prevent this f ire smother any jump acnoss the fnom getting out of band cen- plougbed line. tain precautions should be It is a bad practice ta let used. Neyer stant a fine on a grass burn ight ta and around windv day. especiallv if there stems of young trees, since the are flash fuels adjacent such heat of the fine will kill the as long dead grass. The best growing tissue beneath the time ta burn is in the evenixlg thin bank, theneby causing the when the breeze bas gone down tree ta die. In the early spring and the humidity is increasing. and late faîl, wbile the buds These conditions will assist in on the trees are in a state af neducing tbe rate of burning dormancy, fines should be plac- and give you better control of ed sa that the heat of radiation youn fine. There are dry grassy from the fine, and cantained aneas in the rural aneas that heat within the smoke, will not will be burned off under con- be bigah enough ta wanma the trol as a precautian against the1 buds up and initiate a change unexpected and accidental fine fnom the dormant condition, 4 Kging Si. W. 1 1: si ci fc West Caurtice Scbool recent- ly held their first Open H'ouse, sponsored by the Homne and i School Association. Brightly decorated rooms gneeted about 35 parents. On the blackboard in Miss Coons' room was a spe- cial message "Welcame ta Open House". On each cbild's desk was bis or ber name and orne of the books displayed for the parents ta loak at. As parents entered the scbool, tbey signed a guest list. A special attraction made by grades 3 and 4 was a miniature vjllage scene, depicting places of in- terest in Countice. Bags of can- dy weme sald ta raise funds for the Home and School Associa- tion. Miss, Coons and Miss H!o1mes, teachers at West Cour- ice scbool, were on hand ta chat with the parents and give any explanations about the dis- play of work. The executive of West Courtice Home and School Association served a generous lunch with a cup of tea ta all the guests. The euchne party recently held at the West Courtice School was well attended. Master Leonard, youngest son of Mn. and Mms. John Gib- son, is in Oshawa Hospital witb pneumonia. We are sorr-y ta hear that Mr. Hall bas been a patient in Oshawa Hospital for some time.1 SWe are glad ta see Mrs. Hec-i tor Adams out again afte r a stay in Memonial Hospital. Bowmanville.1 Mrs. Baird, Greenbank, mpent swmaavilIe supp@zt the I RED SHIELD lillAPPEALI Have You PRINTI 'e PRO BLEU S Let The Statesman solve your commercial printing problems for you. Your printing requirements will be given prompt attention by fully experienced and qualified printers and pressmen. *PRO GRAMS *CIRCULARS *PAMPHLETS *LETTERHEADS *ENVELOPES *DODGERS *BLOTTIERS e BOOKLETS e e e e LABELS WINDOW CARDS S TA TEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS, *RULE FORMS e INVOICES Phone MA 3-3303 e WEDDING INVITATIONS The Canadian Statesman COMMERCIAL' PRINTING DEPT. t' &In~ce there is frost LurlntheS nights at these Ures 01 th! t year, and hence these buds willi be killed. The County Forests are as-c sisted in being protected fromn lire by fireguards. These fire-r guards are plougbed or discedc borders, 8 :ft. t%~ 10 ft. widleE between the plantfation and any' road which is used by tbe pub- lic. These guards are kept clear so that minerai soil is ex-I posed.1 Whenever a f ire is set out,I constant attention is necessary ta prevent it from becoming un-1 controllable and under no cir- cumstances sbould it be lf until it is completely extiri- guished. COURTICE her daughter, Mns. C&cii Sim- nons. Mrs. Cecil Adams, Mrs. Ce- cil Simmons and Mrs. Clarence Penfound attended the annual meeting of the Woman's Assci- ciation of Oshawa Presbytervý on Tbursday at Brooklin, Unît- ed Church. The Courtice Circuit Country Couples' Club will bold their annual Bowling nigbt in Osh- awa on Saturday pight. On Friday nlght, the Session, Board of Stewards and Trus- tee Board met at the church ta consider ways and means of establishing a better financial organizatian. A letter wiIl be sent to each member and adher- ent announcing the visitati3rl and the purpose. About 176 cnildren and aduits greeted Supt. Edd:e Warburton at Sunday School, where practise is continuin 1 for the anniversary. Special contribution on Sunday was a true story which held the un- divided attention of ail, told so forcefully by Mr. Linton Her- non. Don't forget to corne next Feknday to find out wbat is an the othen side of Mr. Walter Shortt's sign, I'You Are Late". The Sunday evening congre- gation was specially favoured to bave Miss Margaret Brown. Who spent oven 40 years in China, as speaker. She told thie story of how the church is cay- rying on its work among týi many thousands of Chinese whô bave made the long trek to Hong Kong. She painted a vivid word picture of Hor% Kong with its overcrowded streets and homes and the ex- tra responsibilities for health, education, food and housing, a.; well as meligious needs whi"ii have been added. Miss Browil also told how at two crucial times, substantial gifts of mon- ey had arrived to relieve the suffering and ta build up fres'i hope. The choir under the lead- ership of Mr. Frank Walter sang, "The Lard is My Shep- herd". Rev. Harold Staintoni an- nounced the baptismal service for babies and cbildren up to 12 years of age to be held on~ parents wishing ta have their childmen baptized are ta contact Mr. W. E. Warburton, the clerk ;of the Session. mon 00041= -b*Docoo ---- PAGE FILIPTEEN www «IqmAqmelgàw AIMÀWle% 1 '

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