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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1958, p. 2

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MHE CAKADIAN STATEMAI . OWMANVILLE. ONTAIO Select Five Adjudicat ors To Judge -Festival Entries This year, for the first time,j It wifl take five adjudicators to k!udge entries in Peterborough iwanis Music Festival, which opens Monday, April 28. Two, Dr. Leon Forrester and Mrs. Barbara Meiklejohn, have .udged in the festival before. Ëh others, Stanley Vann, Boris> Berlin and Martin Boundy, will help judge special sections in the six-day festival. Dr. Forrester will be general adjudicator judging ail classes, particularly non-vocal. He is an English composer, perforrner and teacher. He has been organ concerto soloist with the Halle Orchestra and broadcast fre- quently before the Second World War. He has written a sym- phony and works for organ, g lano, strings and recorder. ince the war he has adjudicat- ed widely in the U.K. and Cana- da. Choral Sections W. Stanley Vann will judge- mainly in the choral sections. He is from Peterborough, Engi- land, where he is master o! music ta Peterborough Cathed- nal. He is also conductar o! the Peterborough Philharmonic Chair and Orchestra and special commîssioner for the Royal School o! Church Music. Martin Boundy, who will judge brasa and woodwind sec- tions, is now conductor o! the London (Ont.) Symphony Or- chestra, organist and choirmast- er ta Calvary United Chunch, London, and conductor o! the London Police Boys' Club Band. He is also President o! the Canadian Bandmasters Associa- tion. Piano classes wiil be judged by Bonis Berlin, a member o! the piano faculty at the Royal Conservatony o! Music, Toron- ta. He studied under Mark Ham bourg and Leonid Kreutzer. Hie is an experienced teacher, authon o! works on piano, teaching and adjudicator. DONT TAKE CHANCES!l TERRIFIC BRAKE HEAT AND WEAR FACTORS are the problems of today's brace.s. Imagine pressing your hand against a brake drum of sixty miles an houri The heat generated is such that it could make a cheap brake ining completely useless ofter one fast stop!I Raybestos brake inings are specially mode to resist heot and wear-for your safety. OIT A COMPLITI BRAKE CHECKC 153 YAK£ YOURt CAR TO OUR " a DALEJ CANADAI S EST-JCNOWN AND LANOEST.SEILING BRAKE LINING STOCKER'S GARAGE 1King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5804 Mrs. Barbara Meiklejohn, of Ottawa, will judge speech class- es. She is well known ta Peter- borough contestants and audi- ences. Grant Glaspeil New President 0f Swine Clubi The organization night for the West Durham Swine Club, as well as other Durham 4-H clubs,1 wvas held in the Odd Fellows'l Hall, Orono, on April lOth ati 8:00 p.m. Ron Brooks opened the meet- ing after whîch a film was shûwn. The general nules of 4-H Club work were outlined, and the variaus projects were des- cribed. Following these taiks, the ex- ecutive for the West Durham Swine Club xvas elected, these being the persans elected: Pre- sident, Grant Glaspel: Vice president, Bruce Bowman: Sce- cnetary, Ed Kowal; Publicity, Director, John Allin. OBITUARY THIOMAS SYKES Thomas T:. D. Sykes, wel known fam-er of this district, died in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, on Apnil 18, 1958, in. his 79th yean. Mn. Sykes had been in poor health for several months but with Mns. Sykes and bis family was able ta enjoy the celebrati9n o! the Sthi anni- versary o! theii; wedding in, March. Born iii Warkworth, Mn. Sykes moved ta Toronto where he worked as a building con- Iractor from 1908 ta 1917. He farmed on R.R. 6 for 40 years, retiring from active work aboutI 10 years ago, but continued tal live on the farrn homestead. Hie leaves bis wife, the former Margaret Knox; son Thomnas o! Toronto who is head o! the Re- search Department of the Toron- ta Daîly Star; daughter Elinor (Mrs. G. Brent) of Tyrone, and four grandchîldnen. Also sur- viving are two brothers, George and Ray o! Warkworth. He was p redeceased by three brothers, Edward, Jesse and .William. Mn. Sykes was a member of Hampton United Church. Funcral service wvas conducted by bis minister, Rev. F. Reed o! Hampton, at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, Bowman- ville, on Monday, April 21. Mns. L. Ayre presided at the argan. Friends and relatives were present from Toronto, Oshawa, Cobourg, Warkworth, Campbell- ford, Peterborough, Bowman- ville and district. There were many beautiful floral tnibutes. Palîbeanens were Messrs. H. Rundie, E. Adamson, J. Cock- burn, A. Carrick. L. Clemens and F. Honey. Interment wvas in Bowmanville Cemeteny. 1 Soinebody's daughter . 0 The He!rptndn Frrt and ilid Iumn oTuci, It couldn't, of course, be YOUR daughter. This girl bas no one ta cane for her and her unborn child. Bath face a future dark with shame and bitterness, fruit of folly and betrayal. But flot without hope. In the havens, homes and hospitals o! The Salvation Arinv'the., inwe.4 mother and R E Objective $4,150.00 Treasurer - H. Geo. Hacking Contributions may be sent compassionate care and the chance ta build virtuouig and happy lives. Aren't you glad there is a Salvation Army? To ail who have falien by the wayside from whatever cause, The Salvation Army offers refuge and hope. To equip its faithful warkers for these tasks of mà*rr. an rit.nqciLJuif L d her babe are given relies confidently on YOU. SALVATION ARMY D'SH IELD APPFEAL Chairman John M. James May lst to 3lst Campaign Headquarters -35 Division St. Telephone MA 3-3761ý to Canadien Bank of Commerce, Bowinanville Elecf Russell Osborne Vice Pres. Ç Harold Detlor o! Stirling is the 1958 President o! the Quinte District Cattie Breedlng Associa- tion, succeeding Stanley Mack- lin o! Cobourg. Russell Osborne of Newcastle is Ist vice-president; Aylmer' Petherick, Campbell!ard, is 2nd vice-pres., and executive mem- bers are Fred Hubbs of Bloom- field and Stanley Macklin. The Holstein sire selection committee are: Fred Hubbs, fiarold McCaul, Napanee, and Stanley Macklin. Dual Purpose Shorthorn sire committee: Scott Gilmore, Tam- worth; Donian Cassîdy, Erins- ville, and Harold Jîbb, Cold- springs. Scotch Shorthorn çire selection commlttee: Russell Osborne and John Lean, Cobourg. The directors decided on a policy of exclusion o! Holstein sires that are known carriers of the recessive red factor that somnetimes shows in the black and white breeding. J. M. MeLcan, manager of the Quinte association, reports that the directors considered the I rime responsibility of a breed- ng association wvas ta offer the )uin te Assn. services of buils that are breed improvers, and at the same time do not possess undesirable breed characteristics. Excinde Two Sires The institution o! this policy meant that two sires, Rosafe Domino and Glenafton Top- notch had ta be disposed o! im- mediately because they were known carriers of this genetic red factor. Mr. McLean said: "The Association can now offer the service o! any o! the sires in their Holstcin's line and know that none af them are carriers." Since the introduction o! pure- bred Hoîsteins into this country, he said, there have always been some blood lines which carry a hidden recessive characteristic which wvould occasianally rear its head in the form of a red and white Holstein cal!, which has as its parents two registered black and white Hoîsteins. "Because this colon character- istic is what is knowni as a simple recessive gene, it only appears when two animals bath canrying this factor are mated together. Even then such a mating resuits in a ned and white cal! 25 per cent o! the time. Club for Blind Enjoys Active Program in Year At a meeting of the Bowman- ville West Durhani Advisoýcy ICommittee of the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind on April 15, the annual report o! the Humoresque Club of the Blind, Oshawa, wvas given by Mrs. D. Armistead. Local blind persons attend these meetings. The report follows: There wvere eighit business meetings, held durin- the year under t.he leadership of Uic presidlent, Mrs. E. \Vakclev an.d one with Mrs. R. Pike. Six so- cial evenings were held under the convenorship of Mrs. Gat- cheil and Miss A. Bragg. A new feature for the club t this pastyear wvas the reading of the verse frorn Isaiahi 42, 16 for the blînd. In April the Club members were the guests of the Bowmianville West Durhamn Advisory Board C.N.I.B. at the Bowmanville Choral Society's spring concer-t. A dance was he]d in April, when the guests were members of two Clubs for the Blind, Kawartha White Cane Club, Lindsay, and The Louis Braille Society, Peterbor- ough. In May the report of the C. N.I.B. Conference at Sauît St. Marie.,xvas given by Miss Vera Siblock, the official delegate. On June 15, wve were guests of the Louis Braille Society, Pe- terborough, for turkey supper followed by a social and dance. On June 19 the president, Mrs. Wakelev held a garden party at her home for the Club mem- bers and their guides. July 10, a very nice picnic was held at Lakeside Park. Oshawa. We were the guests of the Oshawa Advisorv Board. In September the Humorettes Blind Bowling Club, commence. tOctober began the Faîl and winter season of1 the Club. In November naines were picked for the exchange of Christmas gifts and gitts were to be sent to Mrs. Dolton ln Fairview Lodge, and Mrs. Hall in a nurs- ing home- in Oshawa. On December 6, members at- tended, a dance, given by The Excelsior Club of Toronto at the C.N.I.B. Building, Toronto. On Dec. 12 the Christmas social for the Humoresque Club was held. Dec. 19, the annual Christmas party, for the regis- tered Blind was held at Christ Memonial Church, Oshawa. On Jan. 23 the leighth anni- versany of the Club was held at the C.R.A. Building, Osh'- awa. Guests wene present from Lindsay and Peterborough. A splendid programi was arranged and greatly appreciated. March 15 wve were the guests of the Oshawa Chapter of the Barber Shop Festival. March 23 we were the guests of Albert St. United Church for Sunday evenine service, and the musi- cal which followed. We wish te express to the Oshawa Advisory Board C.N. I.B. our sincere appreciation for continued lnterest in the Hu- Imoresque Club, to the Lions Clubs of Oshawa and Bowman- ville for making transportation avallable for the club members, to the Lionettes, under the e- ership of Mrs. Lambert for stxp- Shooting of Hiawks, Owls Prohibited Very soan great numbers of hawks wiil begin their annual migration northward to their winter hunting ternitories. A large number of the hawks willl undoubtedly faîl vcitims o! the guns of the trigger happy, ignorant type o! hunter, whose main purpose seems ta be ta destroy all wildlife to the best o! his ability. The irresponsible persan, at large with a gun in the great outdoors. la a menace te the countny's economy. Most species o! hawks as well as owls, are beneficial to the farmer by per- forming a free service in con- trolling t+heaoulton f r- plyinig andi serv ing refreshments ut our mieetings ai-d the dan- ces. To everyone who in any way helpeci the club during the past year, we offer our sincere thank von. We the pass- ing of one member, Mr. A. Ar- nold in Dec. 1957. There are 26 registered blind and 14 social members. Famiiy Dinner For Couple on Anniversary A very happ7' event took place at "the Acres," on Satur- day ev'ening. April l9th, when Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundle, their seven children, daughters- in-law, sons-in-law ai-d grand- children celebrated with them their 48th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Rundie were mar- ried April 2Oth, 1910. Mrs. Maty Cann pinned a beautiful corsage o! rose pink carnations on her mnother, and Miss Joan Cann a white carna- tion on ber grandfather. They were escor Led to the head table with their eldest daughter and son seated on either side of them, the reniaining childre.n and their families at the side tables, seating 35 in ail. A deliclous turkey dinner PRO-CAP ADHESIVE TAPE Plastic, flesh coloured, waterproof. Less lrritatlng ta the skin. 'AK x 5 yds. Reg. 40&2/41« Va' x 10 yds. waterproof. Reg. 59i. 2/60e ~Ix 5yds. waterproof. Reg.59.2/60eA 11/ c5 yds. waterproof. Triple cut ta wIdths cf 149 MONOGRAM CLINICAL THER MOM ETERS 1 MINUTE TYPE. Bakelite case. Made ln England. Reg. 1.50. 2/1.51 REXALL BISMA-REX MATES Fast, gentie relief f rom acid indiges- tion and upst stomach. Pleasant mtf lavaured tablets in à handy pakage for pocket or purse. 24s. Ic Reg. 39c. 2/40J was served by Mns. McClurej and her assistants. The evening was spent by 'the younig folk dancing in the recreation room and the older, folk having a good gamne of cards both euchre and lost heir. an.d the wee folk having a good time just being together. The family presented their parents with a basket of mixed flowers consisting of carnations. ~large and small 'mumJa and snapdragons. 100 Attend Steel Union; Dinner Dance A hundred people enjoyed the banquet and dance given by Local 2375 of the Steel Wofkers of America Union in the Legion Hall on Friday evening. Frank Blunt was chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements for the event. Other members of the commit- tee were Bud Fogg, Ray Shane, and Andy Todd. SpeciaI guests present were C. E. Rehder, and Tom Rehder, of the Bowman- ville Foundryv Company, Ltd. The Toast to the Qucen was given by Hugli (Scottv) Coutts, president of the Union. The ta- bles wvcre attractively decorat- ed, and there were novelties ga- lore. The Ladies' Auxiiary of the Canadian Legion catered for the delicious dinner. Mrs. Anne Piper was the catering convenor. The door prizes were wvon by Miss Jean Harness, Mrs. How- ard Potter, Miss Evelyn Wool- ner, Miss May Todd, Miss J. Stacey, and Miss Normna Cowle. The winners of the spot dances wvere: Mrs. H. Coutts and Geo. Lewins, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, Miss May Todd and H. Coutts, Miss Norma Cowle and Clint Ferguson. Clarke Wilson and Frank Woolner as two hillybillies were the life of the party. Their arnusing antics, and hu- mourous activities were reward- eci wit.h gales of laughter. Danc- ing was enjoyed to the music o! Taylor's orchestra. MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS 4 ld r <M. .. F $\TAFFORD B0OS. jdutAorfd DiaIff Stafford Dros. Monumental Works 3189 Dundas St. E.. Whitby Phono Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 MEDICINE CHEST BOYS AGA.REX compound-16 oz. Reg. 1.50. 2/1.51 ANAESTHETIC HEMORRHOID OINTMENT-1 oz. KEZ Reg. 1.00. 2/1.01 KLNOAntiseptic mauthwash and grl-6o.Reg. OS.. 2/99c LIN.A-SEPTIC LINIMENT-10oza. Reg. 1.50. 2/1.51 BACHELOR TOILETRIES BACHELOR DEODORANT STICK- 21)4 oz. Reg. 1.00. 2/1.01 BACHELOR CREAM SHAMPOO with lanolin. 2Va oz. Reg. 85c. 2/86c BACHELOR AFTERSHAVE LOTION- 4 oz. Reg. ISc. 2/90OC BACHELOR SMOKERS' TOOTH POWDER with sodium perborate. Reg. 65c. 2/66C EVERYDAY ITEMS OILLFOLDS-Top grain leatherfor men or women. Reg. 2.50. 2/2.51 TOPPS EXPANSION WATCH BANDS- Varioussizes and finishes. Reg. 2.00. 2/2.01 KEY CASES-Top grain leather for nmen orwnmen. Reg.45c» 2/46e RAIN MATE BON NETS ln clear vinyl plastic. Reg. 30t. 2/31e Port Hope Club Re -Hires Pro Barbara Burgoyne, skating pro and instructress the last two seasons, was re-hired for next season by the Port Hope Figure Skating Club at its annual meet- ing. Miss Burgoyne wiil also divide hier time in teaching in Bowmanville where she served the past season. I Dead, 01 nd Crip~ FARM STOCK Picked Up Free of Cl 24 Hour Service> Phone Collect Cobourg FR 2-372 Peterborouth RI 2- Peterborough Jled arte ont. SEE WHAT SIMAZIN~ CAN DO FOR YOUR CO09N " Sîmnazine* 50W, a pre-mergence herbicide, for s a "chemnical lid" on your soil which kilis grasses nd broadleaf weeds, including 2,4-D resistant varie ies. " Simazine eliminates need for cultivation; three c alti- vations cost approximately $6.75 per acre. " Because Simazine 50W eliminates weed competition. and root damnage from cultivation, yields can be increased Up ta 25%. " Safe to use-non-poisonous to bumnans or animais. " Apply with a standard farm asprayer-no clogging or corrosion when using Simazine 50W. *SIA4AZINE 18 a f rade mark of th. Geigy CIt.micl Corporlion. Simazine S0W le a product of the Gelgy Chemical Corporation and la dlstributed in Canada bys CHIPMAN CHEMICALS LIMITED, 519 Parkdale Ave. N., Hiamilton. Available from GEO. WALTON B.R. ), Newcastle FRANCIS Jt.R. 1. Enniskilien Newcastle 32611 ". -2539 FRITZ MARTI NURSERY R.R. 4, Bowmanville MA 3-5012 't HOUSEHOLD NEEDS I<Ienzo Household Rubber Gloves- Medium or large-Non-Slip. M I Reg. 1.49. 2/1.50 L 1QOI Elkay's Math Fume Crystas-3 oz. L AENDER LATHER Reg. 35c. 2/36c SHAVE CREfiMmentholated Elkay's Wick-Style Air Deodorant- ptain or brushless Reg. 65c. 2/66e 6 oz. Reg. 79c. 2/80c Fiashflght Batteries-Suze D. 2/ A GLOS. KREME Reg. 20t. 2/21.lA complet. hairdressing. Non-rany. D R E N N C O M E T C S Smartly paclced tube. R e. Oc ADRIENNE ALL PIJRPOSE CREAM- 3'/i oz. Reg. 1.10. 2/1.11 ADRIENNE BATH POWDER with puff. Reg. 2.00. 2/2.01 ADRIENNE LIQUID BRILLIANTINE- 2 ai. Reg. 1.00. 2/1.01 ADRIENNE SPRAY HAIR NET,with lanolin. 5oz. Reg. 1.50. 2/1.51 Il oz. Reg. 1.95. 2/1.96 1 oz. reg. 59C 2 oz. reg. 89c REXALL EN VELOPES UJ !nen finish, 20s. 1Reg. 15t. 2/16c Blue Iined, 22s. Reg. 15C. 2/16c E Air Mail, white woven, 6½z'x3Ys. 23s. Reg. 25C. 2/26c 'Ntw SUNGLASSESI ADRIENNE FOR MEN AND WOMEN DEODORANT smart modern sunglassesina wide range CREAM of styles ta suit every taste. Men': Aviation Style. Reg. 1. 69. 2/1.70 E-Z-CITE deluxe. For men or women each 2/60c with case. Reg. 2.98. 2/2.99 2/90c Rg.5c 276 j EVEYDAY GREETING CARDS-14 cards ln attractive box. REXLI AMI.YBO STTINER-2 Reg. 2.10 Valute................ 894 c~~:J REXALL RADIANCE RXL AIYBXSAINR- boxes "For Hlm and Her. HN IEIMRoi. 2.50 Value.............. 1.69 QUIK BANDW HADLOTCIN REXWAY BATHROOM SCALES wIh mgiyn es Assorted Colours K* Tyesocooefom ~ A fragrant, pearly pink FORSUR LO A-Self Pollshlng llquid wax or piste wax. 1) 33's -Pii lotion at a mhodest price. Reg. 659 Value ........... Ech 434 2) 33s-Mercurochrome NO1W OflIy 89C SAC$4ELOR AEROSOL SHAVE CREAM. Reg. 580aleRe.Sc. 2/69c ~ Reg.H@ alue.............. 69 15 KING ST. WEST JURY Pl 'ONE MX 3-5778 & LOVELL i 1 tAGE TWO à TffUPMAT, MAT ý 1938 am

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