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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1958, p. 10

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?jar fA flA T New Executive HoIv Name Societv Pictured with the Rev. F. K. Malane and the Most to right: Bert Payne, secretary; Norman Hannan, presi- Rev. F. A. Marrocco, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, dent; Father Malane, Bishop Marrocco, Joseph Cuddahee, at the Holy Name Society Communion Breakfast held at treasurer; J. C. Nowlan, vice-president, and Don Thompson, the Balmoral Hotel on Sunday morning are the new marshall. executive of the Holy Name Society. Reading from left Both Fire Trucks Called to Brooks Fire When it became obvious that Bowmanville firemen with one truck would be - ,unable ta curb the blaze at Orchland Hatcheries on Sunday night, the second truck was brought to the scene to supply additional water power to save the nearby build- ings. Deputy Fire Chief Walter Hackney came with this truck and is shawn talking to Ron Brooks who was in the hatchery building when he noticed smoke pouring f rom the lof t. Wreath Laid at Cenotaph During Auxiliary RaIIy Crowds lining the route on Sunday afternoon viewed the Zone Rally parade of the La- dies' Auxiliaries af the Cana- dian Legion. It was led by the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band headed by Drum Major Jack Knight. Ernie Perfect was the parade marshal. The Colour Party with the massed flags from the seven auxiliaries in the Zone, Bow- manville, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Dunbarton, Sunderland, Uxbridge and Claremont, was an inspiring sight. There were sixteen standard bearers. Re- presenting Bownanville Ladies' ýIuxiliary were Comrade Edythe Rundle, sergeant-at-arms, and Comrade Audrey Fletcher, act- 1.ig standard bearer. Zone Commander Leads The Zone Commander, Com- rade Rose Bate, Bowmanville, * ed the smartly marching mem- bers of the auxiliaries headed by the Provincial Presîdent, *Comrade M. Richardson, Ta- ranto; the President of the Bow- rnanville Auxiliary, Comrade Ann Piper; Provincial Secre- 1 ' I tary Edna McMillan, Cobourg-, and the presidents of the other seven auxiliaries. There was an inspiring cere- mony at the Cenotaph. A large and beautiful wreath was laid on the monument by the Pro- vincial president, Comrade Ricli- ardson accampanied by the pre- sident of the Bowmanville aux- iliary, Comrade, Piper, and Zone Commander Bate. Cenotaph Ceremony Prayers were said by the Rev. A. C. Herbert, Padre of Branch 178 of the Canadian Le- gion. A bugler, Comrade Jirn Hazelton sounded the Last Post and Reveille. The Bowmanvjlle Legion Pipe Band played The Lament. Following the ceremony ati the Cenotaph the parade mar-I ched back to the Legion Hall via Church, Scugog, King, Ont- ariô and Queen Streets. Againi scores of People watched. Cam- eras were much in evidence as many took photographs as the parade passed. The Legion Hall was attrac- tively decorated. There were PHONE MA 3-3136 seven shields surmounted by crossed flags placed around on the walls ai the spaciaus bail. Each carried the message "Wel- came" follawed by a name ai anc ai the seven visiting aux- iliaries. Tables ln Tri-color The long tables were centred by runners in red, white and blue, and attractive favours were at each place. The clever and original place cards at the bead table were miniature card- board figures dressed in the Ladies' Auxiliary uniforms, grev skirts, navy blue blazers, and berets. They werc made by Camradc Florence Knigbt, de- caration canvenor. Comrade 1 Millie Bates was the canvenor ofi the Bowmanville Auxiliary committee that catcred forth delicious dinner. President Ann Piper presid- r d at the dinner. She welcomed the delegates and guests, and introduced the bead table. Grace was said by the Rcv. A. C. Her- bert, Legian Padre, and chair- man ai the Bowmanville Cen- tennial Committee, who also gave the toast ta the Qucen. Head Table Guests Others at the head table were His Worsbip, Nelson Osborne, Mayor af Bowmanville; Zone Commander Rose Bate, the Provincial President ai the La- dies' Auxiliaries of the Cana- dian Legion, Comi-ade M. Rich- ardson, Toronto; Comrade E. McMillan, Cobourg, provincial secretary; Cami-ade Dot Fair, 2nd vice-president, Bowman- ville; Cami-ade I. Rennie, presi- dent. Claremont, Camrade R. Palmer. treasurer. Bowman- ville; Comi-ade I. Porter, presi- dent Dunharton; Comi-ade Au- drey Bate, secretarv, Bowman- ville: Comi-ade F. Purdon, pre- sident. Ajax: Camrade Ab Ma- vin, president ai Branch 178 the Canadian Legion, Bawman- ville; Camrade Florence Knight, past president, Bowmanville Ladies' Auxiliary; Comrade C. Brown, president, Wbitby; Com- rade E. Brabazon, president, Sunderland; Drumn Major Jack Knight. president ai the Bow- manvîlle Legion Pipe Band; Camarde Helen Wallis, lst vice- president. Bowmanv'ille: Coni- rade A. Simmon. president Oso- R\wa: Comrade E. Stalex'. pro- srdent, Uxbridge: Comi-ade 17. Evans, past Zone Commander; IComrade Edythe Rundlc, ser- Igeant - at - arms, Bowmanvjlle; Comrade Beryl Hughes, The ICanadian Statesman, Bowman- ville; and Comrade Ernest Per- fect, marshal ai the parade. M1ayor Welcomes In welcoming the visitîngl auxiliaries ta Bowmanville, Mayor Nelson Osborne pointed out the official slogan, Bow- manville, the Friendly Town. "This friendliness is not limit- ed ta pleasant greetings, but is alsa exemplified in the service club spirit among all the organ- izatians here", he said. -One af the best arganiza-j tions" in this town is the Bow-1 manville Ladies' Auxiliary ta the Canadian Legion. At the variaus functions I attend I see mnembers ai the auxiliary work- ing ta make them a success. If your auxiliaries are as active as aur Bowmanville one they are a great belp ta your cam- munities, and an asset ta your towns," the Mayor stated* em- phatically. Auxiliary Complimented Provincial President Richard- son said she was delighted tai be present at this successiul Zone Rally. She camplimented the Bowmanville Auxiliary for the parade arrangements, and, also the men wbo put them j through their paces. Camradef McMillan, the provincial secre- I tai-y, also expressed ber bappi- i ness at being able ta attend the 1 Zone Rally, and said she was glad ta again meet so many aId iriends, Beautiful floral corsages were presented ta Zone Commander' Bate, Provincial President Rich- ardson, Provincial Secretary McMillan and Past Zone Coin- mander Evans. Proud To Cail You Comrade President Ab Mavin ai Brancb 178 the Canadian Legion told the delegates that he was "'tru- Iy proud ta caîl yau all com- rades. During the Bowmanville Centennial celebrations I will i be called upon ta make differ- j cnt speeches ai wlecome at var- ious events. But ai tbem ail it is the greatest banour ta, wel- came aIl the auxiliary members on behali ai the Bowmanville Legion Branch", be said. "If you all ca-operate and work as well as aur own aux- iliary dacs then, I know the Zone is in good bands, and will iulfill the aims and ideals ai' ithe Legion," Comirade MavinI said. Drum Major Jack Knight told the assembly the Bowman- ville Legian Pipe Band had been proud ta march in front ai tbemn in the parade. "On bebaîf ai tbe Bowman - ville Centennial Committec it! gives me pleasure ta express sincere appreciatian and grati- tude ta the Bowmanville La- dies' Auxiliary ai the LegionI and tbe Zone executive for1 making the Zone Rally pas-! sible here this year," the Rev,! A. C. Herbert, the special speak- er stated. Speaks of Drumhead He spoke of the Legion Dis - trict Drumbead Service ta be, bcld in Bowmanvillc on Sun-I1 day, July 6th, as a worthwhilei finale ta the Old Home Wee k1 celebration ai the.,Bowmanvi]lel -~ Mr. Herbert rcierred to thec large banner decorating the wall 1 bcbind the bead table, and I quoted the inscription on it.I "Lord God ai Hasts be witb usj yet, Lest we forget, Lest w e forget." This quotation from the Re- cessional written for Queeni Victoria's Jubilce by Rudvard Kipling bas certain important meanings, "Mr-. Herbert point- ed out. "I am confident the Canadian Legion and the.entirel British Empire Service Leaguec k ceps*the important meaning mi mind. 1 "Tremendous scicntifi dis-! coveries bave been made byl men during the last 15 ycars.1 In aur hands taday is a great force that is frightening ta those who know how ta use it. It is! frightenjng ta cantemplate what could happen ta the human race fram it." Mr. Herbert said. i He explained lthat anly a sens- HSMA, EOWMANVILLE,_ONTAMO Idespota, Hit.ler and Mussolini. He related the disturhing event which had taken place in the London boraugh af St. Pan- cremas on May Day when the local Municipal council had hoisted the red flag aver the town hall. "I defy anyone ta say the Union Jack is a flag of war and destruction," Mr. Herbert stated, and cammended the work the Canadian Legion is doing with Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. These yaung peo- ple learn the true meaning of the flag, and of its different Iparts, the Cross af St. George, the Cross of St. Andrew, and teCross o St. Patrick and o how ail began in the Christian Church. Mr. Herbert paid tribute ta the work being donc by the Ladies' Auxiliaries of the Le- gion in Ontario. He spoke of itheir help ta 'the men who had scrved in Warld War I, World i War II, or Korea, and ai their assistance ta afflictcd men and wamcn. "This is an outstand- ing service," Mr. Herbert said. He urged ahl members ta al- ways remember the wondcrful thought "Lord God ai Hasts be with us yet, Lest we forget, Lest we forget." The president, Comrade Pl- per thanked Mr. Herbert for the memorable message in his address. Mothers -To - Be WiIl Attend Special Classes A series of nine classes for expectant mothers is being an- fnounced by Dr. C. M. Horner, M.O.H., ta start an the after- noon af Wednesday, May l4th, at the Lions Centre, Bowmari- ville. They will be taught by 'Miss R. Cunningham, Senior Nurse. Northumberland - Dur- ham Health Unit. Most ai those attending will be rererred by their physicians. The classes do not replace, but merely supplement, the instruc- tions ai the physician. The.v should help the mother ta loouk Iforward ta the caming of her baby with good bealth, confi- dence, and a better understand- ing bi his care.a COURTICE We welcome ta aur commun- ity, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Camp- bell and Anita who bave mov- ed from Whitby into their new home south of Prestonvale corner. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Harrow, Burlington, were weekcnd guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kinsman. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Clai-ke, Brantford, visited with ber sis- ter, Mrs. Clarence Peniound, on Sunday evening. Mrs. Clarke is staying for a few days. Mr. Earle Shipman is a pa- tient at Thornhill Hospital this week. We wîsh bim a speedy rccovery. Ml.Vrs. Ruius Clarke and Mrs. Carence Penfound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gilette, Osh- awa, on Monday night. Mrs. Clarence Peniound at- tcnded the Camp Committee meeting at Mrs. E. A. MacMil- lan's on Tuesday evening wben the main item ai business was adequate leadership for Giri's Camps at Camp Pretoria. Mr. Frank Chumbley was the gucst ai the C.G.I.T. group on Wedncsday night when the girls were cnthusiastic about the instruction which be gave in leathcrcraft. On Thursday evening the Sunday Scbool executive meti THfURSDAY, MAY Sth, 1958' at the church to complete plans for the Sunday Sciiool Anniver- sary, also to make arrange- ments for the Mother's Dýy Service on Sunday morning at Sunday School at 11 o'clock in the church auditorium. A special service at church next Sunday night will include a -baptismal service. Ail parents who wish ta present their chil- dren for baptism are invited ta contact the clerk of the Ses- sion, Mr. W. E. Warburton. On Saturday evening fram 7 till 10 o'clock, Rev. Harold Stainton and Mrs. Stainton will entertain aIl who can attend from Caurtice, Ebenezer and Maple Grove congregations at the parsonage in Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Warbur- ton and family attended St. Paul's United Church, Avenue Road, Toronto, on Sunday evenîng to hear his friend, Rev. T. Hazelwood. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Balson, Carolyn and Barbara, have moved ta Wilson Rd. North in Oshawa. Several couples from this community enjoyed the bowl- ing night at Motor Cijly Bowl- ing Alleys, Oshawa, on Satur- day nigbt under the auspices of Courtice Country Couples Club. Lunch was served afterward at Ebenezer United Churcb. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pen- found attended the Work Day beld at Camp Pretoria on Sat- urday when improvemnents were added, screens, windows and shutters repaired in pre- paratian for the summer camps. Father and Son Banquet HeId by Courtice Scouts COURTICE - On Saturday, evening, April 26, the 18th Scaut graup hcld its third Fath- er and Son Banquet at the Cour- tice United Church basement. An excellent attendance ai 'Fa- thers showed their intercst ta- wvard this graup. Aiter alI were seated at the tables, which were decorated with chrysanthemums. the ban- quet gat under way with the graup comn-ittee chairman, Mr. Robert Cook, prcsiding. Gracel was given by the Rev. Harold Stainton. The gucsts at the bead table were int.roduced by Mr. R. Cook. He extended ap- preciation on behalf of thei graup cammittcc for the ban- quet which the Scout Mathers' Auxiliarý had served and for the work wbich these ladies have been daing for the group. The charter which the group received when it was arganiz- cd, bas been framcd and is ta be placcd in the church. Rev. H. Stainton accepted this char- ter on bebali or the church and vaiced his appreciatian on being present at this occasion. i Mrs. Harold Staintan who favoured with a skit and a solo, accompanied by Mrs. William Wade, was grcatly enjoyed by ail. Mrs. 'R. E. Stenhenson. As- sistant District Commissioner for Oshawa Cub Packs gave a short talk on Scout and q Ib work. Scout Leader., ohn Norris and Assistant ris Tooley presentcd Secon lass badges ta John Adams4, b WfIlis and Jim Archer. Ak> la Walter Ellis and assistants, Don Cowle and George Pidduck, prcsented Cubsg with the following badges-lst eye service Badge ta Jerry Reynolds and Imer Patrick; 3rd year star and house order- ly badge ta Jim Homenuick: 3rd year Star and Guide badge to Rickey Ellis; Hause Orderly badge ta David Tonkin, Nor- man Thompson, Dennis Htimen- uick, Wayne Elliott. House Or- dcrly and teama player badge ta Greg Coucb. Projectionist Mr. Hartsborn, Oshawa, presented a couple af very interesting films "Miracle ai the Bee" and "The Mightvr Muskie", These were much en- joyed. No man is useless wvhile he has a friend.-Rabert Louis Stevenson. I put the relation ai a fine teacher ta a student just below the relation of a mother ta a son, and I don't think I could saýy mare than tbis.-Thomas Wolfe. SAVE A DOLLAR' q Helena Rubinstein 's COLOR-TONE SHAMF'OS Giant 3.00) size N 0W 2.00 WASH YOUR HAIR WITH COLOR - with Helena Rubinstein's Color-Tone Shampoo, the shanipoo that enriches the calar of yaur hair as it washes lt uinging dlean - leaves it manageable and gleaming! No permanent dyes, nor bleaches - but a safe, temporary color for every hair shade. Once-a-year offer on a six month's supply. A custom-blended shade for every hair colar: Blonde-Tone Shampao, Brunette-Tone Shampoo, Brown-GIow Shampoo, Silver-Tone Shampao, ]Red-Head Shampoo. Limited Tiýne Only JURY & LOVELL' PAGE TM! THE CANAIDIAN STATIC

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