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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1958, p. 11

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?HUSDAY, MAY Sth, 1958 TWZ CAXADIAN STATESMAIT, BOWMvANVILLE. ONTARIO PArLr Evmt tcordoi w Highway1 I An editorial appearing in the April 24th issue of the Statesman entitled "Orono May Get Some Action" brought us ta the conclusion Newcastle must be using the wrong meth*ds ta get action on a similar situation. The portion of the editorial we refer ta reads as follows: "One controversial quesion on which Major Foote assured us some action could be expected wvas the rather hazardous entrances ta the Village of Orono. Apparently, since Highwav 115 'was completed, the abrupt cut-offs at bath the south and north end of Orono have resulted in a traffic hazard. Major Foote stated that he has been in direct contact with the Minister of Highways on several occasions in an effort to hav ethis situation corrected and that recently the Minister assured hlm he would look into the matter. A team of experts may be expected ta visit the area in the near f uture ta analyze the entire picture and prepare remedies". Now, it just sa happens that the eut- off from this same Highway leading to N~ewcastle is also abrupt and besides, has no widening of the highway at this point, as, the case of the Orono entrances. The 115 Cut -Off Newcastle entrance has been the scene of numerous accidents since the highway was completed, one of which resulted in a double fatality. This matter was discuss- ed at a public meeting held in the New- castle Community Hall last summer when some three or four Highways Department Engineers were in attendance and the people of Newcastle xvere assured* this intersection would be visited by experts and remedies carried out if reported necessary. That is the last anyone has heard of this matter and the only change which has been made is, a large signboard has *been erected pointing the direction ta Newcastle. We eertainly hope Major Foate has been able ta canvince the Department that changes are Orono and that the changes are made at those dangeraus intersections soan. It would, however. be rather a ridiculous mave on the part of the Department ta make the suggested changes at Orono without, at the same time, making similar changes at "Trickey's Corners", the Newcastle eut-off, whieh was left in worse condition and has already been the seene of two fatalities. E ar Iy Returns Indicate Fîreworks Display May 19 To Be Outstanding E vent NEWCASTLE - If early re- turns are any indication of the final resuit, the Lions sponsor- ed Community Fireworks Dis- play ta be held in the local Community Park on Victoria Day, May l9th should be the finest such display ever seen in N~ewcastle. According ta Keith Aiken, chairman of the committee in charge, the puojeet is receiving very good response ta date and he is hopeful of having a dis- play of ground and aerial fire- works which should entertain the kiddies, and adults, who znay attend for a period of ane to two hours, if proceeds con- Is YOVU EAVESTROUGH Ready for SPRING CALL GGULD HEATING NEWCASTLE 4331 tinue ta corne in atthe cpuesent e rate. A number o!finembers of the Lions Club have been cenvass- îng the villaKe equesting par- ents wbo would be spending money on firewouks ta pool their resources so that e wouth- while display may be seen in safety witbout the usual burns and other injuries ta, persan and puopeuty which s0 often uesults with the baphazard llghting o! e couple o! dollars' woutb o! these explosives et variaus points thuoughout the commun- ity.I Mr. Aiken infouns us that the canvess bas flot yet been eompleted and that there may be some wbo would like ta contribute who will be missed and steted that anyone wisbîng ta make e contribution may leeve it with Mu. J. C. Porter et the Bank of Commherce. The firewouks display will staut et dusk on Victoria Dey, auound 8.30 p.m. and wlll be free toalal who wish ta see it. This is flot, e puojeet sponsoued by the Lions Club ta raise funds nor do tbey intend ta spend club !unds, but is, rather, a pooling o! !unds thet would be spent enyway, in ouder to bave a leuger dîsplay for ail to sec. r Lions Enteh As Oshawa Mystifies A NEWCASTLE - The annual Ladies' Night of the Newcastle Lions Club was beld an Thurs- day evening in the Oddfellows Hall in Orono when a good turnout of members, their la- dies and guests enjoyed a deii- ciaus turkey dinner and an evening of entertainment. President Roy Forrester cor- ducted the meeting and amang the head-table guests were the Deputy District Governor Art Brunton of Part Perry and the Zone Chairman Steve Jex of Port Hope. Each lady was pre- sented with a corsage on enter- ing the hall. The toast ta the ladies was ably presented by Lion John Rickard with Lionette, Mrs. Kay Stephenson making the res- panse. The taast to the Inter- national Association of Lions Clubs was proposed by Lion Chaules Megit with Deputy Governor Brunton, responding in bis usual capable manner. During the evening lucky prizes were awarded ta Mus. le w Social1 LADIES' SUMNER DRESSES Newv range, ____$55 $55 reasonably priced - ----- $.95 0 $5la Moiher's Day Gifis and Cards j Spe c ial1 LADIES" DRESSES f Reg. 3.75 to 5.50 $1 .95 TO CLEAR -_ _ BOYS' SHIRTS AND JERSEYS75 Reg. 1.19 to 2.00 - To clear__- MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Long siceves, plain colours Reg. 4.95 to 5.50 - SPECIAL$39 BOYS' STREAMLINER OVERALLS Reg. 2.75$15 SPECIAL ------_ BOYS' SOCKS-4pr98 Sizes 6 - 7 - 8 -4__pr.____98c__ Extra Special MEN'S WINDDREAKERS AN» JACKETS$ Reg. $16.95$69 ONLY - - GIRLS' CAR COATS 4 to 6X y'ears Reg. 7.50 - SPECIAL.- - Children's Shorts- Sun Suits Pedal-Pushers TO ,,*STO-WEAR "Ne wcastle ana Fuiends of Mu. Thos. Brown will be soury ta leaun that lie is a patient in the Toronto Wes- tern Hospital wheue be is con- velesciag following an opera- tion peu!oumed lest week. He is uepouted ta be puogressing !avouuably. Mu. and Mus. C. J. Agnew and family o! Part Coîborne visited with Mr. and Mus. Gar- don Agnew on Thursdayoi Mr. and Mus. Sidney Voutt and daughter Buenda o! Ux- bridge, weue Sunday visitous with Mu. and Mus. John Voutt and family. Mu. and Mus. R. W. Mâgill and daughteu. Janice, o! Wood- stock, spent the weekend visit- ing with Mu. and Mus. George Allia. Mu. Adam Cassie and daugh- teu Ruith o! Brampton, visited with Mu. and Mus. D. M. Ber- nard on Moaday. Mu. and Mus. Jim Beedle and daughter Lee o! Toronto were Sundav visitars with Mu. and Mus. H. S. Bitton. Family Parti Regular WN NEWCASTLE - The May meeting of the Women's Mis- sionary Society of the United Church was held in the Sunday School Auditorium on Friday evening. May 2. The meeting took the fori of a famulv party with men-bers of the C.G.I.T., Explorers and Mission Band as guests of the Society. Mus. P. Hare opened the meeting with an appropriate poern and extended a hearty welcome to the guests of the E. Hoar and Mrs. A. Glenney wvho conducted the worship ser- 1 vice. Mrs. Hoar made the pues- entation of a Life Membership Certifîcate ta Mrs. E. Rainch. The guest speaker o! the evening. Mus. W. Gibb of West-i mount %vas introdueed by Mus. M. C. Fisher and chose as heu tapie "Sailing the Waters of Life" and its uelationship to thel C.G.I.T. Motta: "Cheuish Healtih. Seek Truth. Know Gad and Serve Others". As secretary of No Change' In Tax Rate! For 195 8 NEWCASTLE-The 1938 tax rate for the village of Newcas- tle xvas stuucl< at a recent spe-, cial meeting of the village t couiîcil and wiîî remain un- LZ B T IL changed fuom last yeau at 5i milis for residential propeuties On Monday six girls frorn and 59.5 miuls fou commercial school, Misses Gloria Quantrill, Deana Buuley, Sharon Trew. praperty. These rates will raise Szan Thcsn Mrian $50,31.0 o!whic S2,038~ Genda Meucer, sang at the Pe- required for school levv and troog uia etvla aote 635fronypr a double tria. Perrytown scho poses.also had a number. They abtain- Cauncil plans ta spend $6,000 ed 77 marks, ours 76. Mus. 14. on roads, about the same as last Quantuill took the girls to Pe- yeau, while the sidewalks ap- terborough. propriation is eut about $1,000 On Fridav eleven of the sen- 'ta $1,500. The estimated cost of, lars along with ten of Peruy- Police ($2500) and Flue ($2000)~ town seniors sang as a rural protection is $4,500 while it chorus and took !iust place at will cost another $2,200 for the Festival. Co()ngratulations street ligbting and $700 fou vil-' are extended ta bath schools lage property maintenance. $1,- also ta aur music teacher, Mr.I 350 is set aside for Health and Lang, Port Hope. Welfare services and $1,580 for Rcn udy iîoswt Recreation and Community Ser- 1Mu. and us. Wvier Beatty vice. Bank interest charges are were: Ross Thampson-and Lar- estimated et $1,000 and it is rv Stewart, Mu,1. and Mrs. J. estimated that general Gave un- 1 Thompson and Laruy. Mill- ment and Administration char- ro;Mu. and Mus. Aubrey ges will cost the village $7.828 fou salaries, auditors. office ex- Gimore. Mu. and Mus. Oscar advrtiin an fIuwin and family, Oak Hill: Mr. penses, printing, avriigad and Mus. Dick Lindsay and son the other many odds and enîds Douglas, of Peterborough. Dou - o! administration.i glas is leaving fou Victoria very In addition to the general tex soon wbere he will be station- rate, it is estimated the. village 1 d. will receive some $6,800 in! Miss Donna Mercer and Alan grants. Mercer, Taronto, were home for the weekend. e e Mr. and Mrs. F. Yarrow and s two friends, Oshawa, bad din-î tain Ladies er with Mu. and Mus. E. Fow-E ra L diMlrsnAbertPowell who is inE I-Ivrnotçt Port Hope haspital isn't a bitt H yp notist welI. We hope she soon feelst better. ILittle Diana Beatty, daugbteu u dience Jof Mr. and Mus. Ross Beatty and grand-daughteu o! Mu. and Dave Gray, Mus. Dick Lovekin Mrs. C. Beatty, who bad ber and Mrs.. Rod Carveth whose1 tonsils out recently, bas bad the birthdays fell closest ta the datej measles and hasn't uecovered ass o! the meeting, May lst. well as they bad expected. We Enteutainment for the even- hope she soon is well again. ing was supplied by Mu. Harry Mr. Joe Gardon wbo stays at Ross, a hypnotist fuomn Oshawa, a rest home in Newcastle, su!- wbo kept the Lions and their fered a weak speli. guests "spellbound" during n:'s Mu. H. Thickson tok Mu. J. performance. Strong and Miss Beatrice Rot,,- New Diat. Governor cliffe ta visit fuiends in Beth- Severel members o! the New- an Sunday. castle Lions Club and their" Mu. and Mus. H. Verrai and wives attended the Spring Zone.I tbree daughters, Mrs. Verrai Rally in Peteuboro ugh on Fi-i and two daugbteus, Toronto, day evening wben Lion R. E. visited with their aunt. Mus. Jemieson, Cobaconk physicien, C ulpack Sundey at Thickson's. was elected District Deputv Mr. and Mus. Quantrili andj Governor for the year beginý- Mus. Tbickson, spent Tuesdey ning July lst. Defeated candi- in Oshawa, calling on Mus. El- dates for the office were Lions liott and Mu. and Mus. C. Quan- Steve Jex o! Part Hope and' trill. Rufus Lambert o! Oshawa. Mr. and Mus. Clarcnce Bark- The meeting. oiginally plan- well, Tueherne, Man., are with' lied fou the Empress Hotel, was Mu. and Mus. Russell White. held in "The Pines" pavilion Tbey were visiting Mu. and Mrs. in Chemong Park due ta the Quantrill, Oshawa, on Sunday. complete destruction of the ha- They spent a few days in Part tel by l ire a week earlieu. Hope and visited Mu. and Mus. iOrme Beatty. ______________________ Mu. and Mus. Vernon Pea- cock took Mu. and Mus. Bauk- well out to Peterborough to caste jvisit with Mu. and Mus. E. Lee Cbuuch services were held ln the evening. Mu. and Mus. W. Muldrew, 1 Ç 'rsonal Oshawa, were down for the Te Boyn Scout spent their Murs. 1-ancock of Part Hope, annuel weekend at the Ganar- who bas been very' seriously ill aska Park, Coldspuings. is canvalescing at the home of Everyone who likes trout heu daughteu and son-in-lew, f ishing bas been busy fishing. Mu. and Mus. Clarence Allin. Little Mary Alice White Mu. and Mus. George Dean sprained ber ankle lest week o! the third line have moved but is better now. ta Barrie. Mr. and Mus. Cecil Quantrili, Mu. and Mus. Carl Gould and Oshawa, with Mu. and Mus. H. famnily spent the weekend visit- Quantuill, Sunday. ing with relatives in Newmeu- We are glad ta beau thet Mus. ket. Knox is home fuom the hospi- Weekend visitors witb Mu. tel and bas ber diet reguleted. and Mus. Gardon Agnew were Hope heu health improves. Mr. and Mus. F. L. Agnew o! diGarrnet and Leo Fallis had Peterborough and Mu. and Mus.diner an Monday with theïr Don Williams of Bowmanvile. grandperents, Mr. and Mus. W. Sundey Sehool and Mouning Beatty. Worship services in the United Cburch on Sunday, Motbeu's K 1f~ Day, will teke the theme o! K N A Christian Family Day. A num- ber o! babies will be puesented Misses Jane Foster and Mer- for the Sacrement o! Beptlsm garet Hayden, Mus. Gordonî at the morning worsbip service. Lengstaff and Haury Hill, weue Matheus and Fatheus are urgéd in tbe guoup who took the bus toaeccompany their childuen ta tour Sunday ta sec the blassoms Sunday School and all stay fou at.Niagara. were a number of iovely babyv iedtiruce jackets made by the Rils.wio Irs M. E. Nixon. While in To- were ebly assisted bv Mus. Bob! uanta, Mus. Little had-the plea- Williams. These will be for- sure of visiting M\,iss Leîîora wa-ded ta Korea. Henn, and' Mus. Halloweil. The memibers of the Mission Heuuy 1Hi11 uetu-ned fro-n Band under the leadership of Memorial Hospital uecently, Mus. Chas. Megit and Mus. Stan efteu undergoing an appendix Brown sang their Mission Band opration.j Hymn a.nd repeeted their Pr ay Geacli, Sue and Kathy Assistant for Aciricultural Reoresentative Recently Edward B. "Ted" Burnside, left, xvas appointed agrieultural assistant for the summe-r ta A. 0. Daîrymple, agricultural representative for Durham. A native of Mladoc in Hastings County, Mr. Burnside is 21 and a third year student at O.A.C., Guelph. He not only has had considerable experience in practical agriculture at home on their large farm, lie also has be2n a member of 12 1-H1 Club projects and is a capable exhibitor. At the Ottawa show. he with one brother and sister, won the Grand Champion award with their group of Holstein calves. His great grand- father settled on the farm where his parents are living. He has two brothers and two sisters. A younger brother is attending Macdonald College, outside of Mont- real; one sister is teaching public school and a brother and sister are at home. When he returns ta O.A.C. in the fail he will be incoming President of Coliege Royal, one -of the eollege's highest hanors. Mr. Burnside has been an active athiete and is a real enthusiast on extension work which will be among his activities here during the summer months. Farter, aed Carol Little weuc in the schoal bus accident et the entuance of Orono park. WhIle the girls were badly scaued and su!feued shock when the bus turned aveu, we are very glad they ueceived no seriaus injury. Visitors with Wm, Meucer's Satuuday eveniag were Mu. and Mus. Vance Allen and family; Sunday Mu. and Mus. Haruy Mercer and Evan Quantrill called. Fuiends in Kendal were veuy saruy ta beau o! the passing of Edna Gilrby, wife o! Alex Hoy, Courtice, ia the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, on Apuil 15 . Edna guew up here and was one of aur popular Sixth Line young ladies, a member o! Kendal ý United church and chair. Our sympatby is extended ta heu fether, Ansan Giluoy, ta ber busband and sons, Dale, Don- ald ad Grant. Guests with Mus. Hattie Mr tinell this weekend were Mu. and Mus. Gardon Martinell o!f Roseneath, and Bob Martinîll of Peterborough, Another o! Kendal's well- known and bonouued pianeers, Wesley Elliott, passed away in Memoulal Hospital, Tuesday, April 22, efter being la poar. health 'fou some yeers. The1 funeral wes held ia Orono an' Fuiday, Apuil 25 with interment1 la Orono cemeteuy. The beaut- felt sympathy o! the commun-1 ity is extended ta Mrs. Elliott1 and the family, Irene (Mi a. Dunar) Peterborough, Alfred Toronto, and Reg o! Kendalan their families. Mu. and Mus. Arthur Grant, Uxbuîdee, visited Mu. end Mus. Wni. Meucer, Tuesday. - -~ -~ -1-tp- - r- PhonE STEV ALL PA 100 Ring st. BK rAxi BMA 3-5822 rENS" TAXI ASSENGERS INSURED BowmauylHs SLIPER-RIGHT QUIT fY MEA TS BEEF ROAST SALE B LADE blade bons removed JANE PARKER APPLE PIE Reg 5 9c .-Save 1Oc each 49c Heinz Strained & Junior BABY FOODS R zg 4 Tins 41c SAVI4c 10 5-oz tins 99C SHOULDER fl u Extra LEAN MINCED BEEF Short Cut PRIME RIB ROAST Smoked, Picnie Style PORK SHOULDERS b53C b39C b69c ib 49C Cooked Reg. Prie. 2 time 31c-IAVE te HEINZ SPAGHETTI 215oz tins 2 9 Low In Price-High In Quality Reg. 2 1-lb pkgs 63o>-SAVE 4o -SOLO MARGARINE 21-lb pkgs 49c Liquid JAVEX BLEACH Reg. Price 1btt 25e-BAVE 5c 2 32-oz btls 45c Skim MiJk Reg. Priqe 99C-SAVE 100 A&P INSTANT MILK 3-lb pkg89c PRODUE SPECIAL1 GREEN CABBAGE Fresh Spang Crop No 1 Grades Tender 16b8c Prkes Effe.-tive Until Saturday May loth, 1958 I!ue ukf <1/e/Vewole %4 M4u SAgnew, Edilor Phono 3621 A MU-il pose and Prayer. Miss Janet Graham favouued INew the meeting ,wîth a lovely piano solo, "Allegretto in C" which was veuy much enjoyed. A hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Gibb for ber most inspir. ing address was expressed by Mus. Buenton Rickard on be- haîf of the Society. In bringing the meeting ta a close, Mrs. Percy Hare ex- pressed heu appreciation o! the veuy lovely evening, and o! the 1wilÏilg assistance she had re- ceivec. fromn the members of the W.M.S. duuing, the past six months while she lias been act- ing as p'-esident. She asked for the sanie co-operation fr-om the niembers for the next Presi- dent, Mus. George Allia. Fallowing the meeting a so- cial haîf hour was enjoyed bs' the W.M.S. members and their guests. IL

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