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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1958, p. 15

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?HUItSDAY, MA'? OUi. 1950 ~U U9 AW7A1%?A~I O'~ A q~VM i ~? U~U7~1 A ~1W V U ~ A m.~ - -* ~ Cfl~~JV~, ~ TV £TLC2.&* V AL»~~ ~J~I .Lt~flA~J FA~U FIFT~~I and Mrs. Archie Watson, Anne and Larry, Water- Wlspent 9Sh0day with Mr. and Mrs. A!ex I&tson. ~ Mrs.Harve5inn visited Mis. Jas. Ginn,Nr. and Mrs. Glen Tennant Mnd f anily, .Mrs. Neil Porter and Miss Au- d4rey Billings wete weekend guests of Mr. and ýMrs. Jack jBaU, London. 4' ;Congratulatlbns to Mr. and 1M(rs. Gerald Rainey the for- mer Mviss Darlene Ann Danks, o' tjeir mariage in St. An- drew £nite Church, Oshawa. RV. Z rge Telford, M.A., D.D., officlated. Mr. and Mrs. Rainey Wîll reside on Liberty Street, South, Bowmanvifle. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, Toronto, visited Mrs. Chas. Awde on Tuesday. 1 Mrs. A. E. West is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mrs. J. J. Cornish returned fromn Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, on Monday and is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin. ,Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman, Enniskillen, at- tended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Cassie Ruse Demp- ster, Long Branch, last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. »ell, Osh- awa Mr. and Mrs. e. G. Hay, Isý ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ndcf4àan Allun and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne, Marion and Allun, Morrish, vis- ited his sister, Mr. and Mrs. i Brooks Cowan and family an Sunday. Mr. Everett Brown left ani Sunday by plane on a six weeks' business trip to the western Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Cecil Powcrs. Among the out of town guests at the Rainey-Dank2 wedding in Oshawa on Ma: 3rd, 1958 were Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Raincy. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Windsor, Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Allîn, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martin, New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Cain, Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott, Brantford. Mrs. J. T. Pearce, Newton- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ma- dison Hall on Sunday. Miss Marion Brown, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor, visited Mrs. Geo. Lath- angue, Belleville. Mrs. Davey, Bowmanvillc, attended the 4th birthday 'of ber grand-daughter, Knistia Dent last Tbursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Agner, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown visitcd Mr. and Mis. Sam Brown. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Morton on their 40tlh wedding anniversary, May 2nd. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Scott, Brantford, wcre weekcnd guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rainey. Mrs. D. N. Myles visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis and fam- ily, Bowmanville. The Clark Township teach- crs held their Federation Ban- quet Wedncsday cvcning at the Nortbway Restaurant. Mrs. J. E. Richards attend- cd a Spencer meeting Friday at the Royal York Hotel, To- ronto., Miss Marjorie Pearson, Mr. Gea. Tyner, Oakvile, Mrs. Ida Plumb, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Plumb, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morton. Mrs. Lamne Bowins bas re- turned home fromn visiting in r 8 i Fr. I r1 Downtown Office and Showroom 84 S SCOE ST. fOSHAWA Phone RA 8-1617 Yar lui Office and Showroom COUITICE - Phones: MA3-213@ - RA 8-1611 s f n 'j a' -I E1 i Il Durham District High Scbool Board To our knowledge this is the first photo of the compýlete Durham Bruce Tink. Back row: Dr. J. W. Wright, Clare Allun, Clarence Alun, District High School Board to be published this year. It wa taken at a Secretary-Treasurer W. B. Reynolds, H. S. Winfield, Dr. R. Richardson, recent meeting in Orono. From left to right, front row: R. allis, D. A. Alan Strike, W. E. Trunmer and Carlos Tamblyn. -Photo by Kehcel MeGregor, R. R. Waddell, Chairman Carroll Nichols, Norman' Strong and Fireworks Display Wili Be Held May 19 For Orono Citizen s Orono Chamber of Commerce met recently with twelvc pres- cnt, and approved a Fireworks edisplay for May 19th. The meet- ing was beld in the Orono Rest- aurant wbcn a great deal of business was handled by the group. The fircworks dispiay was most enthusiastically supported *by the group and a committee of W. H. Carman, E. Bowen, J. Moffat and B. Tennant was ap- jpointed ta make the final plans. The event is ta be beld on May l9th at the Orono Fair Grounds. *Through such a venture the children and aduits will be able ta enjoy an hour and a balf show-af ground and acriai fire works. Everyone in the area is invitcd. A canvass of the Village is ta be made ta finance the show fwhich will cast $100.00 plus a fcw extra small charges. The Orono Wolf Cubs are ta be ask. e d ta belp with the canvass *witb the donation ta be $1.00. It was statcd that for most fam- lilies the cost would be lcss than what thcy usually spcnd for this annual event. The secre- tary was autbarized ta obtain the$10.00display. If more mony than is necessary is cal- lectcd the surplus wili be turn- cd over ta belp rebuild the rink. jWatch for the canvassers this 1Friday evening. Mn. A. McLaren stated that a number bad mentioned build- ing lots available for sale but that ta date no anc had listcd any. jR. C. Forrester rcportcd that the Township Council was pur- suing the Counties ta, have "Stop" signs crected on streets in the Village intersccting witb the Counties road. It was aiso statcd that the Village was seek- ing ta have a Sub-division Con- trai By-law put into force. The Orono Chamber are te renew their membcrship in the Ontario Chamber and arc aiso ta support the Cobourg nom- incc at the convention as a di- rector. Civie Committee Mr. Gardon Cotter reported for the Civic Committee and re- ported that signs similar ta Ta- vistock had cost $200 for four. These signs werc 4 x 8 feet. lie also reported that tbey bad in- vestigatcd the parking on Mai n Street, Orono and had found that diagonal parking was pas- sible on bath sides lcaving 18j ffeet for tbrough traffic. Th el committec will submit their plan ta the next Police Trus- tees meeting. Debris an the Main Street was also commented on and a mo- tion was passed ta seek the as- sistance o! the business men ta dlean up in front of their stores each week and that the Police Trustees should sec that the 1debnis is picked up. This passed unanimously. Agricultural Committee Donald Staples reported for the Agricultural Com mittee stating that ail effort was being placcd an rebuilding the Agri- cultural Building and that this curtailcd the possible purchas- ëng ef a Merry-go-round. One great problcm in the Merry-Go- round was the operation as anc would need ta be a mechanie and such a persan ta be available Iwas almost impassible ta find. jMr. Carl Billings repartcd that the Fair Board bad obtain- cd a wbolc Midway for the fair this year and this would include a Ferris Wheci and a Merry- Go-Round. He also pointed out that ail plans were campleted ta repair the rink and that Work would start witbin a week. SohIe volunteer hclp may be nceded, be said, whcn the time came ta dlean up the north end and, this he felt would be the only time it would be needcd. The plan is ta repair the south portion before taking down the 1north end. This would relieve wind damage ta the portion of the building ta the south. Merchant's Committee Mr. Carman Cornish cf the Merchant's Committee neported that the cammittce was circu- lating two sets of petitions ta find the most papular ýstore bours. Each petition bas a dif- ferent set of bours. At present seven have signed the petitians, four favour anc set af bours and three the other. Nothing further had been donc in con- tacting a doctar or dentist ta establish in Orono. A commit- tee af S. B. Rutherford, A. Mc- Laren, A. McGili and C. Cor- nish was formed ta look after this in thc near future. The committee are ta travel ta To- ronto on April 30th if prior con- tacts arc made by phone. Mr. Arnold Wallace, treasur- er, reportcd that a bank bal- ance o! around $100.00 cxisted and the Chamber had 18 paid- Up members. Mr. E. H. Samuel askcd if anyone kncw o! a bouse ta rent as hc nccdcd anc for his plant foreman. Orono Joins L.O.D.A. Plan Clean Up-Paint Up Campaign for Village The Orona Police Trustees met on Monday, April 28 and were confronted witb consider- able business ta bandie. A dele- gation, o! five from the Orono Chamber o! Commerce was pre- sent ta discuss a number of probiems within the Village and 'ta seck some action. Paint-up Campaign The Civic Committec Chair- man, Gardon Cotter, o! the Or- ana Chamber prcscnted a ne- qucst for the Village ta partici- pate in a paint-up campaign. The Committee rccommendedI painting o! the dlock towcr and the firebali. This was apprav- cd by the Trustees who aise statcd that tbey would also be painting the guard rail posts ini the Village. It was aiso learn-i cd that the Township Council1 had a]iotted a sum o! maney ta " have the outsidc of the Town- ship Hall painted. The Chamber aise requested that "Stop Signs" be placed on streets intersecting with Main and Miii Streets and that Main Street be the stop street, as it has been, whcrc it intersects with Mill Street. Parking The Civic Committee also1 Woodstock and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Horne, Wbitby, visited Mrs. Fred Tamblyn last week. Mrs. Laura Cooper, widow o! Mr. Francis J. Cooper, passed away at ber daughters, Mrs. O. Cowan on Monday. Funcral was on Wednesday from Oronci United Cburcb. Interment Or- ona Cemeter.y. Visiting iast Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Lemoy Hamilton was the formcr's brother. Jiidge Frank A. E. Hamilton of Win- zûP.g, Man. brought before the Trustees a rough map sbowing a plan for parking on the Main Street in the Village. It was their find- ing Ibat cars could be angle parked on bath sides of the business section, at a 40 degrec angle and this wauld leave a 19 foot passage for througb tnaffic. In this manner 68 cars could be parked fram Logan's Tinshop at the south ta Cen- tre St. and slightiy north aiong the botel. A detailcd plan is ta be drawn up and bath the Trus- tees and Chamber arc ta check the number of cars parked in this section on Fniday night ta lcarn whether or nat the plan will make for marc parking or not. The Chamber also rccam- mendcd that bath bodies should be on the lookout for further parking areas and anc such arca was suggested behind the fine- hall. Sub-Division Contre! A letter was received framn Dcpartment o! Planning and Dcvelopment approving thc Sub-Divisîon Contrai By-law as dra!ted by the Police Trustees. This by-law contrais the sale of property in a parcel less than, ten acres wbere ne registercd plan is submitted. The purpase o! the by-law is ta contrai pro- per planning of the arca. Trans- ferring o! propcrty, if the by- law is passcd, must meet with the approval o! the governing body and the Minister. The area descnibed in the by-iaw takes in lot 27, 28, 29 and 30 in the fourth, fifth and the sou th quarter o!. Concession 6. The Trustees passed a motion, ta again- submit the by-iaw ta the Township for. thcIr considera tUon and pas&in,,. Join, Development Asaociationj The Orono -Police Trustees1 rcceived communication from. ta the Association's manager. considered this year being norti the Lake Ontario Devélopment Seeka Counties Assistance of the schoal on Church Street Association that tbey had beený H. M. Mercer and S. B. Ruth.- from Station St. south or adopted into the Association. R. erford moved that the Counties' Chuncb Street and a sectior C. Forrester and Gardon Cotter Road Engineer be contacted to south of Cobblcdick on Churci were appaintcd Orono repres- have the Tannery Hill paved on St. These are ta be viewed bi eçtatives ta the Association and' the cast side as it was on the' the Trustees and again consid. are ta complete the ncccssary west side in 1957. Also the ercd. Loose fili soutb of Statiai forms for the Associations In- Counties arc ta be asked ta have Street is thought ta hold Ur dustrial Brochure. Andrew Mc- tetopolrtes nfotthis project this ycar, howevc: Gili was appointed ta obtain ail o! Mrs. Morris' bouse remov2d. it is ta be formed and a grave: information on available build- Sdwlsbs ad ings in Orono which might be Sdwlsbs ad used for industry. This infor- The chairman submittcd three Village Roads mation is ta be sent promptly sections of new sidcwalks ta bel S. B. Rutherford pointcd oui 1-The Orono News Telephon. 127 " geL MOTF-I[R g9DAYfreMýrnenft 6eIERY qE 'Every time I go to DOMINION I feel Bk* sornebod' very special. Its the friendlinosi, the warma sincerity of the people, always eagor te holp in2. any way. I also know that If, for any reamon, I'm not completely satisfied with anything I buy, al I have to do is mention it and theyll stand on their heads to make it rigfit. And of course there's the money I save. Wh nyo're feeding a growlng family, every penny counts. There's convenience toa, practically everything I need la at my fingertipa at DOMINION. I wouldn't shop anywhere else. My Iriends leel the same way. If youre flot already at DOMINION try it this week and sec what we fthflai: - * BUDGET SAVING VALUES Delicious Served with Ice Cream, Choice - Halves - in Syrup 28-oz. tin SPECIAL Van Vale Peaches 29c Tender and Sweet Culverhouse - Ungraded 20-oz. tin SPECIAL as ften 3 for 47c 20-oz. tin SPECIAL lice 2 for 29c Dominion features low everydal Aunt Sally's - With Pectin .-12 Strawberry Jam Aunt Sally's - Two Fruit - V Marmalade Pantry Shelf Boneless Canned Chicken Canned Meat 1 ty food values 24-oz. jax 47c 24-oz. jar 33c ,.oz. tin 39c L2-oz. tin Solo Regular lb. pkg. SPECIAL , B *"""""" 47 Margarine 2 for 49c Geblin Bad1-z i Spic ToatoFlaourBraised Steak 39c. Hunt's 6-oz. tin SPECIAL Dl rn 0e.ln 4-z i Toma! o Sauce 3 for 29C Pineapple Juice i for 31c 33c For your pet - better get ca Spa - hlorJlid - 1ozln Dr. Ballard's Champion - Regular - 15-oz. tin SPECIAL OcaSpy-WhlorJlid - Dog or Cat Food 4 for 49c Cranberry Sauce 2.5c Heinz il-or. bottle SPECIAL Shirriff - Pure i 9-oz. jar Tomato Ketchup 2for45c Grape Jelly 31c For Mother's Day - Sunday, May llth Canadian Maid 16..oz. lin Regency - Assorted lEvaporated M l Box Chocolates lb. 75c Aylmer Brand Choice MI h Ml Tomatoes Culverhouse - Choice Red *Fresh, Crisp Heads Ideal for Salads - California Pitted Cherries 1 I-f a ira 1 n> Il -%P I akleaf Young, Tender and Crisp Local Home Grown Green Onions The Pick of the Crop Fresh, Delicious, California .Strawberries Prince Edward Island No. 1 White Fluffy Cookers - Potatoes Sunkist - Size 138,s Oranges 'ou'i #a 3 bunchos i9 c box 39c 50-lb. bag $189 SPECIAL doz. 49c Values effectivje in Bowmanville until closing time Saturday, May lOtb, 1958 DOMINION STORES LIMITE» 3 for 43C 20-oz. tin 22c 15-oz. tin 2ic li-oz. tin Mandarin'Orangesl for 3 7c Ilorsey Brand 15-oz. tin Grapefruit Sections 2 for 3 9c Libby's - Deep Browned 15-oz. tin Beans with Pork I for 37c Stokely Fancy 15-oz. tin Golden Corn 2for3 3c Cut Bread Costs - Carry it home and save Sliced 'White 24-or. loaf Richmello Bread 18c AUl merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is unconditionallv sfaranteed to give 100% satisfaction that Church Street north of the school had been staked and was ready to have the road con- structed. Also the Board is ta petition ta have the Township open the road east of the Mili- son Hill road. This road shows on the Town plan but has nevýr been opened. It also has been partially staked and will be completed shortly. Other road work which they are seeking to have donc include a proper ditch on the north of Milîson Hili and proper grading and gravelling of Rowe Ave. and i front of Mrs. K. Gamsby's. Some improvement is being sought at the road near the Or- ana cemetery. Set New Policy R. C. Forrester drcw atten- tion to the fact that a number of new streets may be opened in Orono this year and that the Trustees should set up a defin- ite poiicy ta finance their con- struction. As these new streets will benefit only those wha have. lot.s to seli or benefit those who purchase, it was decided on motion by Mercer and Ru- therford that the cost of con- struction of new roads in a de- -velopment would be born through a local improvement h tax on a frontage basis on the tproperties affected. n Cleaner Business Section n Debris of wrappers, paper 2and dirt on the Main Street of h Orono was discussed and the y' Trustees are seeking the assist- 1- &ncc of the local merchants ta n dlean up in front of their stores P every Monday morning when rprovision be made to have the Idebris picked-up. A ncw mercu-y-vapour street light is ta be installed in the it north of the Village. RICY I. %0.auau 4 AT OSBORN ES SPORT STORE 26 King St. E. MA 3-5897 LADY'S or GENT'S 28 x 1/%" wheel------------- -- $38.95 Boy's or Girl's SIDEWALK with balance 1 heeis - - -------- - $29.95 BABE;Y STR ~RS -------$7.49 TIRES, 260 ot -$149 $195 TUBES, 26 or 28 ____75e .89c OSHAWA WOOD PRGDUCTS *@@FING METHOD Hore's the. NEWST ... SÂFEST ... boit troatmont Yor built-up roofs . . . the. GLASCOR ROOFING M ETHOD. Oshawa Wood Prdues rooimund GLASC9R R@@FING bocause: 9 Stter low cost system for new roof instellotion or re-newing old buit up roofs. @ This method TESTED ond PROVEN in the. United Stotes for yeors. e CoId method appilceion Is SIMPLE. . EASY end SPEEDY. 9 No kotties required. e Absolutely no FIRE HAZARD. 9 lnstollation il 50 simple YOU Con Do-it-Yoquosif end save monoy. e Guoronteed for e poriod of 10 yeerm if epplied in occordonce with the directions supplied. Now you mkea m«gmey roof re. polnin h.n.>. md of we*,.-h in »w or m www - w»N h",v.@looIk NPI.. APp8.d ,IgI*er wet ,grou., PIofi AIW.ihr MAhIcprov3d.a owo.r. pre. dwmblP"s,-""op.look$ indoriyt AvUW. hin vuts mnd co.w. YOUR ENQUIRIES ARE INYITED et: OS-HAWA WOOD0 PRODUCTS LTD. 1411 FOODjI CK.S.Ii JAT JOW.]'1I[IN r TEU L9DAT, MAT 904 IM TM CAMAMAN #%WopAlovf% M.Mm 1 - Choice Pet Serve Chilled - Serve 0ft Bright's Fancy Toma o i Ecnnmin,1 nr&n..A

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