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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1958, p. 16

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PAGE antrrw _______________________________________________ *~ ~AS* A £~ £ &VA&~~~ ~'.J TV S5AS2L~ Y A.L*5J~*~ ~JA~ ,LiLKbL~J ~UW ~ A ~? A flYA W oe~ A ~ A W ~Ps~II A ~~m? V ~ A U?~ - W W r THrURSAY, MAY Bth, 1958 E ~. Pv, qww - Biths CARR - Donald and Blanche Carr wish to announce the ar- rival of their daughter Joanne Grace on Saturday, May 3rd, 1958, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville. A sister for Car- olyn, Leon, Kenneth and Ivan. 19-1* CRAGO-To Keith and Shirley, May 2nd, 1958, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, a daughter, Beverley Lorraine, a sister fori Arn and Cathryn. 19-1 PATTRICK-Jean and Phil Pat- trick are bappy to announce the arrivaI of their son Kevin Charles, on Saturday, May 3rd in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A brother for Brian and Christine. 19-1* YELLOWLEES-Mr. and Mrs. Don Yellowlees are happy to announce the birth of their baby daughter, Michelle Ann, 7 lbs., 6 ozs., at the Royal Alex- ander Hospital, Edmonton, Ai- berta, a sister for Gregory and Cindy Lou, April 27, 1958. 19-1* Deaths DEMPSTER, Cassie Maud-At Long Branch, on Monday, AprilI 28, 1958, at her late residence, 31 36th St., Cassie Maud Ruse, dearly beloved wife of the late James C. Dempster, and loving stepmother of James Jr., Toron- to; Robert, Port Hope, anid Grace (Mrs. V. Shebaeff), Vank- leek Hill; dear sister of Clark, Rosalie, Frank, Mary, Regn., William and Joseph. Rested at the Arthur B. Ridley Funeral Hlome Ltd., 980 Lakeshore Rd. (at l4th St.), New Toronto. Funeral service was held in the chapel on Wednesday, April 30. Interment Prospect Cemetery. 19-11 IDIXSON-At ber residence, 41 Church St., Bowmanville, on lBaturday, May 3rd, 1958, Louisa Orme Dixsori, in ber 87th year, beloved wife of the late Lewis Dixson and dean mother of Percy, -Barrie; Ted, Oshawa;, Gladys (Mrs. S. W. Bumstead), 'I'oronto ; Violet (Mrs. N. C. Fan- ley), St. Thomas, and predeceas- ed by Walter and Joyce. Grand- mother of six grandchildr'en, Beulah, Bryce, Shirley, Bob, Dora and Molly. Service was beld at the Morr~is Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville,. on Tues- day, May 6, at 1 o'clock. Inter- mTent Evergneen Cemetery, Tren- ton. 19-1 HULL, Nelson B.-Suddenly on Thursday, May 1, 1958, at the Wellesly Hospital, Nelson B, HIull, late of 112 Amelia St., in bis 73rd year, beloved busband of the late Grace Hull, dean fatb- er of Kenneth, Bowmanville, Ont.; Gertrude (Mrs. A. Orm- Iston, Monicton, N.B.), and broth- er of Arthur of Toronto. Service was held at the Joseph P. '1'hompson Funeral Home on Monday, May th. Irterment Mount Vernon Cemetery. 19-1 MORRISON-Suddenly, at her home, 137 Bridge Street East, Belleville, on Monday, May tb, 1958, Isabelle Cobleîgh Clapham (Belle), in her 72nd year, belov- ed wife of William J. Morrison, former Principal Bowmanville High School, dean mother of Major John C. Morison, Otta- wa, Isabelle of London, and Kathleen, Brockville; grand- mother of Robent anid Richard, Ottawa, and sister of Marvel A. Clapham, Toronto; Mrs. C. E. Marchell and George B. Cla- p ham, Hamilton. Restirig at the Pirkston and Luscombe Funeral Home, Belleville, until 12 noon, 'Thursday. Service in Bridge St. United Church on Thursday,! May 8, at 2 p.m. Interment Belleville Cemetery. 19-1 Mortgages IMMEDIATELY available for First Mortgage on improved towri or rural property, $5,000, $3,000 aend $2,000 in separate rnortgages. Five year open; interest payable semi-annually. Leroy Hamilton, Broker, Orono 1 r 16. 19-1 Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorie Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf 24-HOUR expert repair Tele- vision Service, to ail makes. All p arts and work guaranteed. Television Service Co., MArket 3-3883. 50-tf IREPAIRS to ail makes of ne-1 frigerators, domestic and com- mnercial; milking coolers. Hig- gori Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Phonie MA 3-5438. 25-tf WATCH REPAIRS Ail Work Guaranteed Certltled Meniber cf Canadian Watchmakers Inptltute MA RR'S JEWELLERY 43 Kt St. West Bowimanvllle 15-tf IfO ALL MAKES 01P CARS and TRUCKS COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E. MA 8-5689 »0OWAANVILLE f Aricles for Sale POTATOES for sale. George Gilbert. Phone MA 3-2801. 19-1 DRY light wood, stove length, $10 load delivered. Phone MA 3-2849. 12-tf BLUEBERRY bushes, raspberry canes. Mrs. E. A. Summers, MA 3-3523. 19-1* ONE table saw, extra large table, 1/ h.p. motor, complete. MArket 3-2994. 191* SILENT GLOW space heater, $15. Lewis Rundle, telephone MArket 3-2116. 19-1*, GREENHOUSE plants for sale, 81 Hunt St., corner of Base Line. Phone MA 3-5322. 19-1 AFRICAN violets for Mother's Day, single and double. Tele- phone MA 3-2853. 19-1* BARN 30 x 40. Apply Keith Bradley, Pontypool, Ont. Tele- phone Orono 8 r 12. 17-3 SAVE on lumber, direct from mill to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r IL1.1lt, KEYS cut automatically h ile you wait, at Mason & DeHa rd- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD and soft water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale.! Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf GREENHOUSE plants, Dunlop strawberry plants and gladioli bulbs for sale, C. de Mooy. Phone 18 r 8, Orono. 18-2* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774., 43-tf DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-77 REGISTERED and Commercial Garry and Rodney oats, Brant barley and grass seeds. Swain Seed Cleaners, Blackstock. 16-tf HAY for sale. Quantity of first class mixed hay, 30c a bale. De- livered, .05c extra. J. A. Car- scadden, telehone Orono 35 r 9. 18-2 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship' guaranteed. 'F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf CERTIFIED seed potatoes, also No:~ 1 table stock, special pýrices on both. Seed corn, feedsec A. W. Glenney. Phone New- castle 2771. 1- HEARING aid service. -Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electnic Limited, 38 King St. E.,I Bowmanviile. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf PLANT your perennials early. Good selection, bealthy, giant Pacific delphinium, 50c. Roses, mums, lupins arid rockery plants, etc. Mrs. Abrams, telephone MA 3-2843 or MA 3-5522. 17-tf ADDING machines, typewriterE,I cash r e g i s t e r s, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets,: office furniture. New and used. Repairs to ail makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanville. MArkzet 3-3986. 8-tf SEED POTATOES P.E.I. Foundation and Certlfled Cobblers, Sebagos & Kathadin, R. C. GRAHAM PHONE MArket 3-2473 16-tf FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Automatie Metered 24-Hour Delivery Service A. H. STURROCK AN~D SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. ROWMANVILLE 45-tf LAWN SEED Stewant's Super Growth Mxtur Consists entirely of the finest dwarf, perennial and evengreen grasses for a beautiful dense lawn. Reg. $ 1.10 lb. -____1 lb. 80e Stewart's Terrace Brand Mixture A blend of quick growing grass- es that produce a smootlh, com-1 pact, lasting turf of fine quality. Reg. 75e lb. 1 lb. 60ej Stewant's Back Yard or Cottage Mixture A strorig, quick growing mixture to stand up urider bard usage. 2 lb. bag 90e 3 lbs. on over 40e lb. LAWN AND GARDEN FERTILIZERS FRESH BULK GARDEN SEEDS CERTIFED SEED POTATOES STEWART'S SEEDS 33 Division St. Bowmanville 18-11 Aricles for Sale CEDAR trees suitable for hed- ges. Phone MA 3-.2298., 19-1 18 ft. ALUMINUM house tràiler. Phorie MA 3-5200. 19-3* BABY carniage and mattress, $20. Telephone MA 3-3062. 19-1 ONE lady's and two men's bicycles. Phone MA 3-3939. 19-1 EXHIBITION Dahlias, mixed, three for $ 1.00. Mrs. Abrams, 3 Church St. 19-1 HARDWOOD cuttings, large load, $10 delivered. Phone Osh- awa RA 5-1526. 19-2* SOD for sale-Delivered or laid. Prompt delivery. Telephone Osh- awa RA 5-8552. 19-1 ONE large size crib with springs and mattress, good condition. Telephone MA 3-3991. 19-1l USED push lawn mowers at great savings. Lander Hard- ware, 7 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5774. 19-1 1941 DeSOTO, good runningi condition. Apple wood, assorted, lengths. Robert H. Cale, tele- phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805.1 19-1*1 ONE used bathroom ensemble complete.. AIl kirids of used lumber. Used doors and witidows, one two-wheeled trail- er; '46 Ford truck; orie car radio. Telephone MA 3-5981. 19-1 ONE' chicken brooder, 200 sîze, in A-1 condition, $10.00, electric. Power lawn mower, Maxwell, 18" 4-cycle, as riew, best offer. One Quebec heater, good con- dition, $ý.00. J. Lajoie, RR 2, Newcastle. 19-1 * HO NEY Extractor and Smoker; twenty quart butter churri; wheelbarrow; two section bar- rows; Frigidaire, suitable for cottage; power canning machine, sîze one gal. caris also two large boxes of caris, ail good condition. Phone RA 8-1505. 19-1* ONE used Case D tractor; 1 used Case S tractor; 1 used Case fer- tilizer sower; International "45" baler; power lawn mowers; refrigerators anid deep freezers; used Farmaîl "A" with scuffler. Swift's fertilizer. W. H. Erwn 91 King St. W., Bowmanvle Phone MArket 3-5497. 19-1l BOWMANVILLE Home Im- provements. We carry a com- plete line of floor and wall tiles, linoleums, "Vina" rug floor cov- erings, aluminum windows and doors, awnings and railings. Complete installation. For free estimates telephone MA 325 or drop in at 22 DivisionSt GRAVEL Chips - Three-quarter Stone Sand - Road Gravel LELAND PAYNE SAND AND GRAVEL Newtonvilie - Phone Clarke 1304 13-tf TURKEYS Junior Roasters 6 to 10 lbs. dnessed PHIL FINNEY .MAPLE GROVE Phone MArkei 3-5058 19-tf MOTHER'S Day Specials: Sun- beam frypans, $19.95; G.E. pol-ý ishers, $42.95; Eureka vacuum,l $69.00; magazine racks, pictures, lamps, arbonite coffee and enid tables at lowest pnices. Trade- in allowance on cbesterfield, bedroom and kitcheri suites; used electnic refnigerator, 7 eu. ft., newly painted, guaranteed, $75.00; chesterfield, $29.50, com- plete with new slipcovers; Hoo- ver vacuum, $19.50; Electrolux $49.00. Two years to pay. Murphy Co., King St. West, Bowmanville. 19-1* USED FARM EQUIPMENT Tr'aciors INTERNATIONAL WDB Diesel MAS SEY-HARRIS «"22" CASE V.A.C. with mourited mower and 2-row cultivator INTERNATIONAL W4 . CASE V.A.C. with hydraulie plow, ivide front end Ail of these tractons have overhauled MACHINERY been1 No. 45 INTERNATIONAL P.T.O. BALER No. 76 New Holland BALER Engine Diven 2 INTERNATIONAL 3-FURROW PLOWS on steel CO-OP 4-wheel SPREADER on rubber 7 tt. INTERNATIONAL CULTIVATOR on rubber COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E.. Bowmanville ]Phone MA 3-5689 19-1 Articles for Sale SAVE $60.00 on Westinghouse DeLuxe Laundramai Weigh-to-save Door Fuily Automatie lVash 10% OFF on Roto Type Power Mowers Self-propelled ILander Hardware 7 King St. E. Bowmanvile Phone MA 3-5774 19-1 Perennials for Bloom! Amerna, Anemone, Bleeding Hearts, Chrysanthemums, 14 var. Chives, Columbine, Carnations, jDaisy, Delphinium, Doronicum, Dwiarf Asters, Euphorbia, Flax, Gaillardia, Helianthus, Lunine, Nepcta, Phlox <Divarf), Pyre- thrum, Pinks, Primula, Pul- maria, Sedums. Biennials for Beauty English Daisy, Pansy Sweet William Box Plants for Bedding- Asters, Marigolds, Zinnia, Salvia, Cabbages, Onions, Tomatoes Peppers Van Belle Gardens 18 Mill Lane Bowmanville Phone MArket 3-5757 Cars for Sale 1- '40 CHEV., good tires and motor, $50-00. Phone MA 3-2415. 19-1 '47 DeLUXE Plymouth, built-in radio, two-tone, good condition. Phone MA 3-3856. 19-1* '50 CHEV. sedan, '51 Chev. coach, '53 Chev. sedan, '50 Chev. 2-ton stake, reasoriable; also 248 G.M.C. motor and '53 Heniry J 4-cylinder motor, will fit Willys. Phone Clarke 3902. 19-1 B3ABY Chicks -We have the dealership for DeKalb Hybridiz- ed Chix. We also hatch and recommend White Leghorn, Bar- red Rock and the popular New Hampshire X Barred Rock Hy- brid. Write or 'phone forpnicej list. H. J. Brooks. MArket 3-3961.1 for a L*ood LDeal NEW AND USED CARS ROBSON MOTORS LTD. Phone MA 3-3321 or MA 3-5135 19-tf Used Car Specials 19-1 * '53 METEOR COACH Radio - White Wall Tires Very dlean iritenior '51 DODGE REGENT SEDAN Completely recoriditioned '50 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN Excellent condition - Very dlean '48 PLYMOUTH COACH Good running condition '38 DODGE SEDAN Runs good Cash - Trade or Tenms ]Blackstock Motors Blackstock Phone 70 Aften hours telephone 77 JBUYING A CAR ? BEFORE YOU DO SEE "HONEST ED" on "«IRISH STEW" *Neyer Undersold *Top Dollar for Trades *Written Guaranteé *Easy Tennis 50 PONTIAC ----- $195 f Good motor Needs somne body work 50 CHEV. ____$395 Sound car 51 HILLMAN - $395 Reconditioned and Refinisbed 55 CHEVS.- $1.295 up Always 3 to choose fromn Most papular used car New Look- Low Pnice 55 FORD- $1,295 Fairlane -Sharp '55 BUICK -_ --_-------$1,695 Hardtop . Dynaflow Custom Radio - White Wails Two Tone AND MANY MORE AND NOW HILLMAN OFFERS Manumatie, Selective Automatie Transmission 'You are invlted to test drive this car without obligation. 58 METROPOLITAN $-- 1,845 New, Hardtop, Custom Radio Two Tone, Signais Continental Tire Mount 36 MONTHS TO PAY ON NEW CARS AT W EL LM AN'S 0Authorlzedl RAMBLER and HILLMAN Sales and Service Nonquon Rd. Oshawa RAndolph 3-4431 Open Until 9 p.m. Work Wanted IT'S Spning - for clean-up and take-away jobs - MA 3-2849. 16-tf HIGH school boy will cut lawns. Phone MA 3-3050, after school hours. 19-1* CAPA13LE woman wants bouse- work two or three days a week. Phone MA 3-3954. 19-1* Fast' Prompt Service 26 Ontario St. Bowmanville Corner King and Ontario 15-tf SEPTIC TANKS Compieteiy Instaiied Government Inspected $225 JOHN BARRETT RR. 4 Bowmanville 19-1 * DELIVERY SERVICE Bowmanville fo Oshawa Daily WEEK DAYS Have cails in by 12 noon SATURDAYS - 9:30 a.m. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING A. D. BROOKING TELEPHONE MArket 3-3821 280 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvilie 18-tf Livestock for Sale GOOD quiet work horse, arourid 1,500 lbs. Phone MA 3-2253. 19-1 PUREBRED Guernsey cow, fresh May 31. Good R.O.P. record. Phone MA 3-2234. 19. Cars for Sale ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf SPRING SPECIALS '51 CHEV. COACH ----- $5951 Excellent condition HIGH Scbool boy -desires work icims cutting and tnimmirig lawns. 1 50 CHEV. DELUXE ---. $495 Phone MA 3-3854. 19-1 Rfiipasent- Coupe !BRICK work anid plastering. '9M Norman Pingle, 72 Elgin St. 49 MNARCH SEDAN --$325 Phone MA 3-5518. 10-tf i' Ai condition - Radio HAVEyou pant orkdone 1 4 MERCURY COACH - $295 now. Lowest price anid best lacr job. Phone MAnket 3-3157. 49 MONARCH COUPE ---- $325 g1-1 Black - Radio and Heater' PLUMBING, beating, eaves- 1 '49 METEOR COACH- - $295 trougbing; free e s ti m a t e s.1 Good condition Harvey Partrier, Tyrone. MA These cars can be bought for a 3-2240. 12-tf low down payment :FOR any electnicai work, 'newB CK' B DY HO or rewiirig, also appliarices ne- BU KSBO Y S O ipaîred. Free estîmate. Tele 11BlrStE. Ohw phonie Jim Colliss, MA 3-2891. 1361A loo-45.1.3 R A -45 1 8 -tf1 9 -1 HAVE your garderi roto-tilled. Makes neady to plant. Very For Rent 'reasonable. For estimate tele- phone B. Brunt, MA 3-3971. FURNISHED room, ceritrally 1 19-11located. Phone MA 3-3939. COLOURED patio slabs sold and i- 'laid. Brick and storie barbecues THREE-roomed apartment, 19i for sale. For free estimates and Tyrone. Phone MA 3-2600. delivery telephone Oshawa RAj 19-1* 3-321 cllet. 5-tTHREE-roomed self-contained EXPERT wth lc n apartmerit. Phone MA 3-3408. iptchc-llkand j19-il jewV1lery LrJ1ir. M1V1ae"s jWatch & Clock Clînie. Watcbes, dlocks, jewellery and Rorison ligbters. Orono, Ont. 8-tf RELIABLE high school boy, 16 holidays. Write Advertiser 812, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmariville. 19.1* Bowmanville Studio PHOTOGRAPHY Aduit- and Children's Portraits Weddings - Photo Copylng PHONE MArket 3-3672 1 19-4*' Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCOD AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf MOVED TO NEW LOCATION 85 ACRES pasture, water and shade. Archie Brown, New- castle 2148. 19-1* THREE-roomed beated apart- ment, available June 1. Týele- phone MA .3-5578. 19-1* THREE-roomed heateci spart- ment, modern conveniences, îm- mediate possession. Teleph one MArket 3-5813. 19.1l* IN Newcastle, small modern apartment. Heated, three-piece bath, cupboards, $45.00. Tele- phone MA 3-5589. 19-1 THREE-roomed ground floor apartment, separate entrance and bathroom, heated. Phone MA 3-3633. Write Advertiser, 811, c/o Canadian Statesman,' P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 19-1* Wanted DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked up promptly. Phorie MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 13-tf Notices L. C. Mason Law OÎffice closed to May 26th next, . 184* Dr. Storey's office will be closed May l4th to 28th inclus- ive. 18-2N' Nu Memorial Hospital BOWMANVILLE Hospital Room Rates Effective May 15, 1958. Per Da rsery, while Mother n Hospital ---------- $ 4.C Nursery, after Mother Discharged Children's Ward Standard Ward---- )ay 5001 5.001 8.001 Semi-Pnivate 11.00 Pnivate, without toilet- 13.00 Private, with toilet - 14.00 Local Improvement Notice TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. 'The Council of the Corpora- tion of the Towni of Bowman- ville intends to construct as ai local impravement, a storrn sew- er on the following streets be- tween the points mentioried: Name of Street REGISTERED Landrace boars, I ro Liberty Street T six <Weeks ta four moriths oldIFomT -THýREE young cattle at stocker! Base Line pnice. Three young purebred Liberty Street C3 Feet EastPe rKo a Shonthor cows, fresh or due to to Creek. Pfe o a fresheri soon. Stanley Taylor, and intends to specially assess a REAL ESTATE BROKER Bunketon, Ont. 19-i1 part of the cost upon the land GENERAL INSURANCE abutting directly on the wark. 99 King St. L. Bowmanville Los j2. The estimated cost of the Telephone MA 3-5868 ____________________ work is $45,865.00 Of which Box 817 WHELBAROW T e d y$19,153.40 is to be paid by the Salesmian - 3. A. Barton wHest'BAROWHTon.e Picase; Corporation. The estimated fMA 3-3098 night,~~~~~ Owners' cost per foot frontage is o nMrinRa,10 Phone MAnket 3-5445. 19-1* $3,50 on Liberty Street and $2.0 otonMa165.n, 00 IBLACK leather wallet with per foot frontage on Base Line. 6 rooni 2 storey brick home personal papers and initials The speciai assessmerit is to be very ccntrally located. Ou hleat- R.M., between Bery's Book paid iri fifteeri (15) equal annual in,4peebthusar,2 Store and Trinity Church. Tele-1 instalments anid the estimated in,4piece bath up sntaiSun2- phone MA 3-2073. 19-1 owners' rate per foot frontage oniipee ahiibsenn.Sn Liberty Street is 35e and an the! room on south. Attached garage.j ONE pair of dark rirn glasses ini Base Lîne is 20c. Picd o ly $ cot3,500.00. ce brown leather case. Vicinity. of 3. Application will be made 'Tkw 3romctagefuns at Rice Arena and King Street; bigh by the Corporation to The On-e Laket iesai.unihd school studerit. Phone MAnket1 tanlo Municipal Board for its 1 bik una 3-5120 after 3 p.m. 19-1*1 approval of the undertaking of ' owqubedmomentwrcklbunga- - - ~~~~the said womk and any owner'lw ut etacoet mawtj wet-n asehool. Full basement. Lovely Wanted to Rent l awîintwnyoed~iuvingroom.~ nice kitchen, lovely FOUR or five-bedroom bouse ta notice, filé witb the Board bis 1tîle floors. Cash, trade, terms.I ent near scbools. Wanted by objection ta the said work be- 5 room home on Third Street. incomirig Higb Schooi teacher ing undertaken.1 Requires some fnishing. Oul and family. To occupy during 4. The said Board may ap-1 furnace. full basemerit. Only I'ummer. Contact Ronald Scott, prove of the said Nvork beirg, $6,800.00. $3,000.00 down. S t. Andrew's Street, Mitchell, 1 undertaken but, before doing so,. 6 roorn 1 ½h storey brick in IOntario. Phone 530W. 17-5 it may appoint a time and place nice esidential district. Ouil -wben ariy objection ta the said furriace. Nicely landscaped. Pets for Sale work will be corisidered.. This is a very nice home ait L ab ra do rfemle1 Dat cd at Bowmanville this reasonable price. Good terms. IBLACK Lardr2ml 3rd day of Apnil, 1958. 6 room frame home on 2 acres. puppy, 10 weeks aId, goad stock,j A. J. LYLE, Asking only $6,500.00. reasonable. Telephone Oshawai Town Clerk. We need farms for wailing' IRAndolph 3-5021. 19-1 17-3 clients. 19-1 Real Estate for Sale Real Est~ for Sale FOR moderate priced bornes REAL ESTA!1E FOR SALER and buildings Phone RAndolph Properties Sold, Rented r5-9877, Oshawa. 18-tf Managed and Appraised BUILDING lot, 60. fi. x 120 ft., L in Newcastle. Phone Doug. . Anlilf jWalton, Newcastle 2091. 19-1 Real Estattroker LARE bickhoue o aproxPhone 2566 - Newaastle, ont. LARGE bricobouse on pprox-nTw irnately 40 acres, 1 ½ miles nortb w blocksnotoftaiesgl ofBwanil on the Middle Newcastle 5-tf 1 D.oaa. Phnre MA3-2253.19-1 HAVE you a 4-bedroom brick house in Newcastle, Orono or Bowmanville for sale. Write P. O. Box 837, Bowmanville. 19-1 TEN acres with 8 room house, barri, small greenhouse and double driving shed. Haîf mile frontage on Bradshaw Street, Bowmanville. Good gardening jworked land. $12,000.00, haîf1 cash. Write or Phonie A .F.! Cox, 13 Elgin Street East, Osha- wa, RA 5-1497. 18.2* j IF YOU WANT TOj BUY OR SELL PROPERTY licit Evans ORONO - Broker1 PHONE 33 -171 13-tf NEW attacbed garage, ranch type brick bungalow, centre hall, L-shaped living anid dining- room; 3 large bedrooms anid kitchen, four piece bath with vanity and tiled walls. Fcrced air heating. Apply J. Flett, 291 Centre5 actreet. Bowaeanonille. 19-1' 95 acre ares lo a ohig5 wce ay wt 67acre kab60ex 25 fl y n Kd bn acre s pasatu e 60 x 4 c RuAv anumleen seK hndoue Members of Osbawa and District cement silo; 8 roomed frame Real Estate Board bouse with oil furnace, 4-piece 5j frme i bath, running water. Pice furnace, screened- veraridah, 290 acre farrn on No. 2 Higb- with one acre of land, $6,000 way with 175 acres workable, 50 with terms. acres wood, creek, ponds, 90' xc 60 acre market garderi farm 46' barik barri with steel stan.- on 'paved road, 5 miles from chions and water bowls, imple-. Bowmanville, 10 roomed stone ment shed, hen bouse, silo; 10 bouse and good barris. $16,000 roomed frame bouse with al wîth terms. icity coriveniences. rie$30.000 Cottages of aIl sizes and wit terms. Pic pnices. Iriquire at office for de- 100 acre dairy farm with milk tails. quota with 90 acres workable, jWe bave some good business- wells, 70' x 40' bank barri with es, such as motel, restaurant,1 rurinrg water, implement shed, garages, groceries and lumber. garage, heri bouse; 8 roomed WALTER FRANK lframe bouse, furnace, 4-piece 177 Church St. MA 3-3986! bath, modern kitchen, etc. Price Bowmanville $15,000 'ïth terms arrariged. 19-1 100 aw, ~rm with 90 acres workabl, ~cres wood, L-sbap- Peter Feddema ed bank býar..*, drive-in shed, ben bouse; 8 roomed frame bouse REAL ESTATE BROKER with furiace, 3-piece bath, bard. 50 acres near Newdastle - wood floors, modern kitchen. 5 room frame bouse, two barris, Full line of machinery. Asking.-,ý Price $8,500.00. Terms. $15,000 with terms. 5Ô acres near 401 cloverleaf-~ 135 acre farm with 100 acniis' 6 room irisul brick bouse, barri workable, the best of tomato 30 x 50. Pnice $6,500.00. Easy lanid, 30 acres pasture, stream. terms. 105' x 30' bank barri, heri bouse, 50 acres 2 miles from Newtoni- pig peris, garage; 9 roomed - ville, good garden lanid, creek. brick bouse with beavy dutyr Owner must sell, Give us an wiring. Asking pnice $22.000 offer. with $6,000 dowri. 3-apartment home in Bow- 5 roomed bouse near Bowman. manville in good iepair, ful ville with i1/2 acre of land. Hal modern. Priced to seli. oil fumnace, heavy duty wircd. 2-apartment borne in Orono, Barri, etc. Pnice $8,000. fully modern. Price $8,500.00. 6 roomed ranch style 'bunga. Terms. 'low iri Bowmanville with full 4 room bungalow, large lot, basemerit, 4-piece bath, ail furri- on pavement 4 miles from Bow- ace, tile floors, modern kitchen, manville. Price $5,250.00. Down electric water heater, etc. Pnice $500.00. $11,500 with terms. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville 6 roomed home in Newcastle Phono MA 3-3644 on large lot with bardwood 19-1 and tile floors, 4-piece bath, oiL, furnace, electnic water heater, .~, strs and screens. Pnice $8,500 Leask Real Estate withsmall down payment. 8 roomed solid brick home ini 5 room bungalow in country, village with 4-piece bath, bard- 5-minutes run fromn Bowman- wood and tile floors, oul furi- ville, 3 bedrooms, furnace, ace, electric water heater, mod- alumirium storms and screens. rýkthn iesnom ie $5,00 ull pri A Ul iri A -i condition. room Price $10.000 with terms. casleblok fom aincorer, 5roomed cottage on Pigeon 3-piece bath, oil furriace, goodlLake with 3-piece bath, fire- garage. This is a cosy, weil place, water under pressure, built bungalow. Terms. kitcheri cupboards, well, beavy 11/-storey bouse on Scugog wired, TV acnial, screens, etc. St., under N.H.A., easy terms, Asking price $6,750. Terms. 4-piece tiled bath, full base- Besides above mentioned we ment, 6 rooms with 3 bedrooms. have approximately 200 more Immaculate. Double garage. properties *to choose from. Terms. Three choice building lots, anc Contact: just off Centre St. - Counitry store witb 2 com- John IF. De With plete apartments, 2 baths. Good Realtor and General Insunance yearly income. Situated on1 Newcastle Phono 3341 main bighway in tbniving towri. Salesmen : We have bungalows, busin- Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvllle esses, lots, cottages, etc. MA 3-3950* Consult us before buyirig. Daniel Boehm - Canton M. E. LEASK, BROKER Phono Welcome 2328 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville __________ MA 3-5919 H. H., Barton, Salesman, Oshawa1 The Canadian Statesman Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER $1,000 down, full pnice $9,000, $70 monthly on balance, this 2 storey brick home, suitable for two families. Corner lot, New- castle, highway frohtage, ou - furnace, electnic bot water, bsth, built-in cupboards, laundry tubs. Woodworker's opportunity, 10 year-old building; bottom floor suitable for mariy different types of business, top floor fie 5 room apartment. Full pnice only $5,500. Low down pay- ment. 100 acres choice level dlay loam, small stream, good wheat land. Beautiful 2 storey brick home, ail conveniences, bank barri 32 x 85, bog pen 50 x 30, plus two upper stonies hen bous- es. Only $12,000. Terms. this before you buy.' 52 King St. W., Bowmanvillo MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman, John His MA 3-2495 De With Real Esftfe ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FOR lENT - HELP WAZ<TED CARS FOR SALE LOST FOUND . ETC. Cash Rate -.-- .4c per word wlth a minimum o0f60C Must be pai d by date of insertion Il charged, an additional 25e will be added. A charge of 25c will be made tSx ail replies dirqUted ta this office. NOTICES -COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 4c a word with a minimum oi $1.00 for 25 words or leu& SIRTHS . ENGAGEMEWTS MARRIAGES - DEATH& $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus Ioc a lino for vers. Display Classified ut $1.50 pei inch with a minimum of on, inch. Addiiono.1 insertions ai the *am*. rates. AIl Clossif.d Ads mu.i b. in this office flot laier thon 12 o'clock noon, Wedn.sdr. S.nd cash. stamps or maney .1d3 and save money. Clip ibis out for handy roforepce OFEjCE HOURS Mon ough Friday 8: 5iffl. ta .5p jLiurd y PM l:0a.mTto 12 Noin Dial MArk.t 3-3303 fer Classxfî.d Ad Servie. Ili if] a5 I I il y 1 Save Money at SEE STU PRESTON! Dave's Shoe Repair mmmm-- 1 TfM :y

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