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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1958, p. 2

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¶'~ ~ANADTM< STATEMIL&N ~6WMANVILLE. ONTAMO THtISDA?, MAX th, 2153 * ,-Cordon Litisty Siitn-' A L.t From a Littie oo ieals can be taken out of Just becrause thc backy"ard Is aoplot no more than a dozen tlnY is no valid excuse for not feet or sa ecd way and the * t ew vegetables. It is quality, of course, is thc best. resaly autonlshlng how manyOf course, ln these reatricted DON'T TAKE CHANCES! TERRIFIC DRAKE HEAT AND WEAR FACTORS are the problems of ioda y's brakes. Imagine pressing your hcind against a brok. drum at sixty miles on houri The heat generatsd is such that it could moke a cheep Irake ining completely useless aftsr one fast stop! Raybestos brake inlngs are spècially made ta resist hect and wer-for your safety. OIT A COMPLET RAKE CHCK \I TAKE TIOUR CAR 'TO YOUR "M ý DEALER CAMADAS BIST-ICNOWN AND LARGU5T-SEUtNO IRAKE LUNON STOCKER'S GARAGE 153 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5804i M Free! Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase -ýof -gas ai Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND F1FTII CONCESSION Phone M 3-2919 Vigor 9qA Standard 3 U oci ,-ldGraL (lasoline Vigor Super 9GqL. Hig h Test 43 1 Oc ineluding ta% Complete Lubrication at a Ibeasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT TÉE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS canota ~eets lettu e nch and no an, that takes up a mninimum aof apace and yield big I returns. Staked tomnatoes, cu- twa oi corn are alzo worth con- siernffis bcasethypro- A duce a lofa eatlng for the spaceA M eeting these thlngs must be grown right at the door if we are taoi Durham County Federation have them, really fresh. Ten 1Of Agriculture held their regu- feet of beans, carrots or beets lar monthly Directors' Meeting will pravide at least a dozen in the Orona Town~ship Hall on rneas for the average family, Wednesday eveuing, April 30. anld six tomato plants or cueum- Helpizig Iu thé arrangement bet vines will keep the same ai this meeting the County In- family supplied for several surance Camnmittce planned a weeks. In these concentrated talk and pictures ta be put on gardcns we fertilize freely, by Mr. Ray Hergott, Iid'Su- cultivate well, and have the pervisor ai the Ontario Feder- rowa not more than a foot apart. ation of- Agriculture. By alternating rows of different Mr. Ron Brooks and W. K~. sized vegetables and by making Nawak who attended the re- several plantings the output of cent Annual Meeting af the On- these smail plots is increased taria Poultry Producers' Asso- still marc. ciation and reported that in al Give the Kidusa Break likelihood there would be in Chilrencan asiy been-the near future, a pitition cdr. Chldre ca Cailybe fl.culated among ali poult-y pro- eouraged ta becomne allies of the dcr h ananafoko gardener lnstead ai enemies. dcr h ananatoka A1il that li necessary Is ta giveg 100 or more liens. A lev3r was them a littie plot ai their own, a being asked ai 2 cents per 30 few simple tools and some seeds. doz. case ai eggs and 1 cent per Theit awn row of radish or let- hien, ta bear the cost ai organ- tuce or a tomato plant or two ization and a Pranmotional Plan or nome flawers will malce aîî for eggs and fowl. Ron had sa the difference in the world. been appointed Zone Director And that new interest will grad; for - this district., ually sproad to the rest aof the The Secretary reported- he don tal to. The important had attended a meeting ai the garn hoeei o hr oLand Acquisition Commlttee, have sanie little corne r o hc iddatcifyw that is their very owntow agreements, compeiisatipns and rown-ups may have to give a damnage settiements between i;tleaidsud supervision at Farmers and Hydro. Mr. Harris times.Q.C. had attended this Mneeting tues.s and given legal advice. A draft Herbsoa these proposed recommenda- Most comman lherbs can be tions would in the near future rown tram seed and most Of'i be discussed with Hydro. threm i kewise will thrive in, A letter was read tramn Ox- poor soil. They shauld, howv- tard County Federation of Agri- ever, have full sun for flavour. culture asking for endorsation Grown as annuals, unless they of a resolution ta the Federal are taken in for the winter, are Department of Agriculture ask- rosemary, tarragon and swect Ijing that the compensation paid marjorani and dilI. Truly per- i for T.B. and Brucellosis re-ac- ennial are thyme, sage, chives, tors be increased froni the pte- the mints (appýle, orange, pep-I sent $40 for grade and $100 for iermit and spearnint) and pure-bred catte to $80 for grade lavage. Parsley is perennial, and $150 for pure-bred. The but gthe flnest flavour cornes' resolution was Passed on motion from plants that are started I y Dalton Dorrell and Albert every season. Soak the seed Arnold. overuight ta hasten germina- Sunimers Fund Rteaches 81,10 tion. twsanued vteE Tarragan, however, must be ItvaanondbyheE started tram root cuttings and usualiy are chive plants which lT1TM as well as being used ta flavour E H N salads are decarative, disease- freC and don't need watering. Mrs. Preston Neals, Mrs. R. Mints need a maist spot. R. Bonsteel, Mrs. T. J. Jackson, Eaiy C*re Mrs. 0. Spencer and Mrs. G. Mulligan represented the Worn- Don't worry if you haven't en's Assaciati6n ai the United gat your garden started yet. Church at the Presbyterial There is still lots ofi tue. In- meeting held in Mark St. Unit- deed there are several quick ed Church, Peterborough, last growiug thiugs whichi will make week. abundant bloom or fine imealsi rsJmeMo t, lt n th e.Tb e epe siflnteiToronto, were weekend guests delat inJne heepet, c with Mr. aud Mrs. Milton denalyalay warn the be- Wright, wha returned home ginner ta takçe it easy, ta pre- thtmon uda .vin pare the sailiweIl, and wabt un- awill rhemai Sn fr a eik tii the spring weather has really anwifredsin Toronto. we arrived. 0f course, one should wt re ShieyoWoo .Da get nursery stock and some ai Rv hre Wos ..o the hardier sorts of* flowers and Saskatoon, Sask., aud Mr. John vogetables planted as soon as Woods ai Perth, visited during psblbut the main sowings the past week with their bro- ar tpos, until around there, Noel Wo and Rupert this tume or even later. Woods and their familles. Spreading the plantings, too, Mr. and Mrs. R. Whoolans. aven a fairly long~ period, riglît Toronto, were- guests with Mrs. up ta early July in the warmer May Webb for the weekend. parts af Canada, is always ad- Bethany Cornmunîty Banàd visable. In this way the harvest are to be congratulated on Win- ai tlowers and vegetables is nbng first place in class 325, spread out tao. open to Brass and Reed Bands Next Weekat the Kiwanis Music Festival, Vtmnext lVeeadkFuit in Peterborough and were high-; Vitmin, Brds an Frit. lv commended for their per- formance by Adjudicator Stan- IW O Oley Vann, who awarded thern 82y points. WOOL~ Mr. and Mrs. !Ially McMa- hon, ýPeterborough, visited with Mrs. Ina Palmer during the The Governmnent Defieiency weekend. Payment applies oniy an With lier daughtor, Dianne, properly graded wools. Mrs. Morgan Blgelow attended Secure the utmost by patronizing your own arganization. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Retlittered Warehouse No. 11 Westou, Ont. Obtain sacks and twine wlthout charge from ALFRED GRAY Newcastie, Ont. JOHN THOMPSON W Kendal. Ont. or by writing ta CANADIAN C;D-OrERATIVE WOOL GtOIVERS LIMITED zlîISARY M., Torno, Canada Servite. la avalable from bulle of ail the common breeds of dairy eud beef cattie. Bath day you bave a choice of sevetal bulIt. Last yesr afticially sired cattie produced 24 pounds more butter- fat than their stable mates sired through natitral servie. That represents $2400 more inteme te you, each y*ar, fùv .aéh eéw! JAAN TAAVÉT Walcomno 2231 DICK WOOD Bowmanville MArket 3.1.405 tue ±v±uner anadiiaugnter LC0t- ice Party at the Keuner Col- legiate iu Peterborough hast week, the eveut being sponsor- ed by the Girls' Athletic Asso- c iation. There was an interest- Idoue during the year iucluding rhythmical exorcises, folk dan- ces,~ etc., and along with other students, Dianne received her Athletic award. On Suuday, Mr. Rupert IWoods left by plane from Mal- ton Airport ta go ta Corner- brook, Newfouudland, where he has been appointed as the Goverument Agricultural Re- presentative. Mr. Woods leaves many iniends in Bet.hauy, whose best wishes go wbth hbm ta his uew position. Mns. Woods and family will romain here until the end ai the school term, in June. Ladies' Guild Spring Tes A Spring Tes aud Sale af [Home Baking, arranged by the Ladies' Guild, was held at the Rectory ai St. Paul's Anglican Church on Saturday afternoon and evening, with gratilying f i- nancial resuis. The guests were welcomeçi by the Rev. G. E. Meades, Mrs. Meades, Mrs. Morgan Bigelow, president ai the Guild, sud Mns. Glenn Wentworth.. The Tea Table was dsiutly arranged with lace clath sud floral centropiece ai yellow tulips, flanked with yellow snd green tapers iu silver caudle- sticks sud twva silver tes ser- vices. Mrs. Roy Jarvis sud Mi$à Florence Smith poured tea. Serving the guesta were Mrs. Rupert Woods, Mrs. Metvin Smith and Mrs. Robert Sissani: with Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy and Mrs. Charles Smith assisting in the kitchen. Mrs. Hector Morton aud Mrs. Carl Smith were in charge ai the Hoie Bakiug Sale table. Mrs. John Palmer sold the admission tickets sud thc lucky door prize, a ibuen table cloth wss won by Mrs. F. S. Gray. The home was attractively decorated throughout with. bas- kets of spring ilowers, forsy- thia, tulips sud dafiodils. On ry vNin te Bé Hnaniar eweinwte B h iany camxnunity hoonod t*o newly-weds, Mn. Levi McG41i sud his bride, the former lie- Ion Rusk ai Cavan and preserat. ed thernw1th a teleivitlon set. Mr. C harles MeGihl reêa4tti. address ai congratulations sud good wvislhes, also welcorning Mrs. McGill ta this commuuity.J Jack Neals sud Robent Ryley presented the gift. Directors )n Insurance in Orono A. Sumniers Memorial Coni- mittee that the Memonial Fun-i had now lroached approximate- ,y $1,100, wlth stili umoro sour- ces to be heard trom. A Trophy bas been ordered ta be present- m d at the Rayai Wlnter Pair as la peretual Memorial ta the lae r. Summers ta the boy obtsiniug the highest scoto bn the iuter-county catnpetition. The manner ai applylng the re- inainder ai the Fuud bas as yet nat been decided by the Cani- mittee., 'Mr. Ted Buruside, assistant Agrieultpre Bepre$ent*tjve for the summner months under M4r. Oliver Dalvmple, was iutroduc- ed ta thé meeting sud calod on for a iew remnarks. Ho ex- pressed his pleasure' in being statloned lu Durhami County aud hoped ta become betten ac- quainted as turnewent an. Te F111 Farmers' Need Mr. He&gott wvas then callei on and gave a very, comprehen- sive talk on C.I.A. Insu7ance, dating his nemarks ta the for- mation ai the Association, its needs, ideals aud objectives. The Co-Operators' Insurance Association had been formed to f111, a réal Insurauce uegd to farmers at ,a cast they cou-Id afotd ta pay, hg said. It had started with auto in- surance and had gradually dc- veloped until ruow it covered almost every insurance need af the fanmer anud alsa mauy oth- ors. Ho outlined the grawth ai thé Association aud told how lu 1956 the loss ratio ai aIl coi- paules had been sa hlgh that almost ail had lost xxoney an auto isurance iu that year. Due Extension Services ta tbiahigh leus-ratio C.T.A. haîtI iound It necessai7 to raise its pr.mlumis ln Uic latter part ai 1958. Many ai the compan'.esi had net doneses until 1957 and hsd thoni made two raisos bu that yoar. Recause C.I.A. h#d raised its rates eanly it had suftered sanie cancellatian af policies early i1957. Howeven, when other comipaniès had made two ralses compared with one ralso for C.I.A. many ros- tarationa beogan pouning in the latter part a 1957. A compara- tive ligure. takèn n l à inst threc nionths ci 1056-7-8 show: cd thc ttend-1956-àOO poli- clos ln torce; 1957-2800; 1958- 5600. He #îsa told of the montes re- tuned to Agriculture by C.I.A. In 1057: $18,2Ù8.00 ta County- Fedoetions, $902.50 intereat 0. F.A. shgres, $10,000.00 O.F.A. General Promotion, $4,000.00 O.F.A. Joint publlc.ity, $2,000.00 OFPA. Saiety Campaign, $2,. 500.00 OPA. Field Service- 3 moihths, *16,000.00 Rural Ca- Opea toansd te afiJliatè~s ad aisociates, $2,000.00 Parm For- um $1,20.00 Medicai Services Uecieration, $4,000.00 Co-op. Union ei Ontario, $1.500.00U C.O., $10,063.00 Ont. Crédit Un- ton League, $l,200.ÔO UC.FO., Total $73,663.80. A drive Io at present belng undartaken by C.I.A. Under- wrlters and Agents ta acqusint the fanmers ai the merits ai their Farni Liability Pahicy. Mt. Hergt outllned the benelit3 ot t h it policy ta every member ai the Farm Family lncluding Its hired help - protection against Its llability and against its accidents.. At the conclusion ai Mr. Her- gott's talk h. shoWed. &L set of ilîdes vivldly partraying many causes ai accidents ou and atouhd the faptm, and the tari- ors' great need of protection against labilhty and aécident. Mr. Hergott was thanked for his. very illuminating talk aud pictures and aiter belug served a very delicbous lunch by the ladies, the meeting adjourned. is best for Dept of Ag Undergo Ex Reflectlng the lncreascd de- mand for services on the part af agriculture. Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Minister ai Agri- culture, today aunouriced the appolntment of twelve agrîctil. tural college graduates ta the Extension Service ai the De- partmeut. Joining the staff as Assistant Agridultural flepresentatives are: Robent XK. Dechert ai Pros- ton wha las been assigued ta Essex Couuty; William D. Keys, Seaforth, assignect ta Kent Cauunty; James G. Hutchinsôn, HarrIstan, asslguêd ta Lincoln and Welland Caunties; Ray- mônd M. Smith, HlowIck, Que., asslguod ta York County; Clin- ton J. Nesbltt, Rupert, Que., as- signed ta Hastings Cauuty; Wil- helm Hermans, Macdonald Col- loge, Que., asslgned ta Renfrew County. Stanley J. Leuty", Cookoville, aud Byron E. Bec er, ai Kipg's Ca., Nova Scotia, have been Ip- pc'inted ta the Fruit sud Veget- able Extension Service. Mr. Leuty will be stationed at St. Thomas and Mr. Beeler at Pic- ton. To mieet the increaslng de- mand for engineering services four graduAtes af the Ontario ÀAgricultural College have been appointed ta thie Agricultural Engineering Service. A. A. Grunder ai Glamîls wili be stationed at Walkerton; J. E. McGavin, Guelph, wbll wôrk tram Guelph; R. E Cîsyton, Norwlch, will go ta Vlnelsnd Station aud L. W Argue, Fra- serville, will be locatéd atl Guelph.j Two trausiers are a]s n iricuIture 'Dan sion I alph S. Jantes Barrister and Sollcltor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa -RA 5-3525j OU'e CHEVY'S SPECTACULAR VOLUME MEANS SPECTACULAR VALUE FOR YOD! ACT NOW AND SAVE! No other new car bas ever brought you se rnuch for so little!1 Values like Safety-Girder construction . .. foot-operated parking brake . . . matchics uxury aud much more besides . . . standard equipment yen just cau't buy on others in Chevy's field. That's why Chevrolet is Canada's first choicé by far. And that's why your dealer cati aller you spectaculan volume savings during bis Spriug Sales Spectacular. Trade ,today, While value's at its peakl À OINERAL MtOTORS VALUE OVERWHELMING SALES SUCCESS FOR OLOSMOBILE BRINIS AN OUTSTANDING MUING OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU! OLDSmobility is thc new way to go, and Canadiaus everywherc arc going OLDS iu a big way! Yes Olds- mobile's stupendous sales success is so great that your dealer às holding a Spring Sales Spcctacular to celebrate. It!s Open House on valuo. Corne in and sec. Thriil to ail that OLDS offers you ... Racket engin. performance .. . choice ot two superb rides . .. pees giamtour and prestige. Then find out how low Oldsmobiie is prced... lowér than many inodels in Uic so-callod low-priced field. Step up to Oidsmobile now. Itj éasy during the Spring gSales Speetacular .. . the trades are terrificl <v* ROY W. NICHOLS COURTICE BOWMANVI LLE ne of t ose two . =àMoef, uAir mit. àu' THE CANADUX STATESUM. BOWMANV=X, ONTArUO a i nouanced. J1. A.* C e, Fru*t and Vegetable noi5QU Spe- clalist, has be ntaierred tram PIcton. ta x C,,unty. G. T. 0. Lovelesa, Engineering Spedialist bas been transi erred tram Vineland Station ta Star. mont County ta assist the Agri- cultural Represerit&ve. Undergraduates atpolnted as summner assistants to Agricul- tural Representativez are as tfolows: George W. Arnold, as- signed ta Brant County; EdwaJ B, Burnhide. EDurham Caw.. William. M. Chambers, Fron- tenac County,; Iobert Martin, Glcngarry and Prescatt, David A. A. Stager, Northumberland County; Andrew Watson, Dut- fern County. Summer assistants in Ai cultural Engineering; J. B. MC- Renzie, asÉigned to Lindsay; H. T. Seymour, Woodstock; W. A. Johriatan, Woodstock; M. D3. Brown, -Ridgetown; L. E. Ford. Ridgetown; D. E. Jackson, New. mark et IAViLABLE FOR NGEBTGAGES 7 ýý

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