THRUPÇMAY, MAY lSth, 15 VUE UA1NOWAJJIAN wrA'rp:,MA Pi M< IWRAqWTi -- Ft~*~-~V~~IPA L'M Y4epu3d21 Gordon Aqnew, Edilor be*,gations LengthenNecsl eftay' ouncl M et*Has New wv~y Cunil eeing Restaurarn C et * 0NEWCASTLE - A new r( turant- ta be known as "T t .es- The i ts *NEWCASTLE - With thei curb the practice. these matters with the High- 4Çounties Assessor present toe Mn. H. Tims of the Crusaders ways Department. discues the village's assessment Land Development and Con- Final readings were* given proglems, numerous delegations struction Companv addressed, by-laws for the Imposition of Waiting to be heard and a yeti- council at some length explain- non-payment of taxes and for tion presented on behaif of a ing bis company's interest in discount on tax payment. group of citizens protesting1 Housing Development south of Autharization was given to speedlng on residential streets the C.N. Railway in Newcastle Coundillor Rickard, chairman of the village, the local coundil and seeking information as te of the idewalks commjttee ta had a mest busy session on Mon- the possibility of services sucil advertise for tenders for side- day evening lasting until 1.001 as water and sewerage in the cillor construction and ta coun- * a.m. 1ncar future. Council assured cillor Paterson chairman of the Mr. Ed. Barchard, represent- Mr. Tims bis company woiild. Roads Committee to adve-tise Ing the Public Scbool Board,i be given top priority xvben for tenders fo r crushed road ]Presented an agreement for ra- plans for land development gravel. tification by the council which were made. Building Inspector George turns over 66 feet of land at Mess rs. George Walton and Meadows reported building per- the southern extremity of thbe iH. S.Britton rcpresenting the mits had been issued to Grant school property to council in Hydro Comiission 'addressed Cooper for alterations te fis exchange for the closing o! Col- council in regard to street light- dwelling and to Fred Adair for lege St . whîch runs thrôugb the ing on Church and Mill street.i the construction of a garage. school nroperty at the north Of as it will be affected by the John Heatlie was granted a li- -the school building. The agree- construction of Highway 401.1 cense for the openation of a mzent v'as accepted bv council Mr. Walton stated that the side- restaurant. d College St. when the agree- walks -are also being destroyed The, clerk was instructed to 1Int is completed will be at amd there is no provision being advertise a warning ta dog *e south of the scbool proper- made for the rebuilding of sie- owners informing them that tY - walks. After some discussicu j by-1awv No. 701 relating to dogs Protest Excessive Speed council decided the Department running at large would lie Messrs. D. G. Walton and of Highways should be asked strictly enforced. The clerk was Jack Nesbitt presented a peti- to send an official to Newcastle' also asked te write to the To- tlan signed by 32 residents of to meet with the Council and ronto Star with regard to the ]Beaver street protesting the members of the local Hydrol street name signs on wblch de- ineeding that is prevalent on Commission to straighten out1l ivery was promised last faîl. I street, stating that tbey ear children in this nesidential area are going ta be seriously tijured if nat killed if some pction is not taken ta stop this unnecessany use af- the stree t for a raeeway. Councillor Hoan, chairman ai the Police Corn- rnittee promised ta have police patral this area ta attemp t Ilewca st/e cSocaI anci' fersonal Mrs. Keith F. Aiken and son Keith are visiting with her son, Petty Officer R. J. Aiken and family in Halifax, NS. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Tuf! and the Misses Florence and Mary Tuff o! Toronto, wene weekend visitons with Mrs. Frank Bran- tan, Sunday dinnen guests with Mn. and Mns. Stanley Powell and family were Mn. and Ms.. Paul Shetlen and family ai Osh- awa, Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Flintoif and !amily and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Powell. NOTICE TO PARENTS WISHING TO START THEIR CHILDREN. TO SCHOOL IN SEPTEMBER Children will be accepted who were five years of age as of March 31st, 19581 NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Please be advised that the following clauses of By-Law No. 701 of the Corporation of the Village cf Newcastle are now in force and will be strictly enforced following publication of this notice. "Every dog which is found off the premises upon which it is habitually-kept, with or without a tag, and flot unden the control of any penson may b. destroyed. Ail dogs must be kept tied fnom .April lst to October lst. " The harbouner, ownen or possessor of adog who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be subject to a penalty of not more than $10.00 and flot Iess than $1.00 exclusive of costs. "Ail such penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario Sunimany Convictions Act." MRS. NETTIE BUTLER. Clerk. Mn. Jackc Hawley o! Newmat- ket spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould and family. Children presented for bap- tlsm Bt the United Churel on Sunday morning laat were, Enmma Marie Ruth Andrews, daughter ai Mn. aud Mrs. Non- man Andrews; Catherine Joan Hockin, daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hackin; Denise Lynn Jones, daughter o! Mn. and Mrs. Vernon Jones; John Albert Lempen, son of Mr. aud Mns. Has Lempen and Beverley Kent Wilson. son.o! Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson. Mr. and Ms..I-H. S. Britton visited in Belleville on Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Neil Britton and daughter Janie. Mn. aud Mra. H. C. Pedwell spent Mothen's Day in St. Cath- arines and attended the chnis- tening ai their gjd1 n Rb ent Blair Pdwe1. Evening Brandi Hears Report W.A. Meeting NEWCASTLE - Members o: the Evening Branch of St George's Woman's Auxiliar)ý met in the Parish Hall on Wed. nesday evening. May 7th. Aitez the opening prayers reports wene given by the Treasurer and Darcas and Flowen Secre. taries. The Little Helpers' Convenaz announced the next meeting o: this graup would b. held in the Parish Hall an May 20, from3 to 5 p.m. A 'Thank You' note was read iram Mrs. Hazel Crowther fan Flowers receivec from the Bnanch when she was ln hospital. During the remainder of the meeting the members sewed or articles for the bale while the President, Mrs. D. R. Dewdney gave a report o! the Annual Woman's Auxiliary meeting which she attended recently ini Toronto. The meeting adjourned aiter the serving ai refneshments and it was announced the next meet- ing would be held on May 31st. RUST-PROOF CARS Brockville Recorder and Times In building better cars, the manufacturers cauld very weil Put a little more emphasis on producing a model that vill withstand the onslauglit o! rust. They could offer it ta the public &s an alternative ta the present models. Our Sincere Thanks To, the merchants and citizens of Newcastle andi friends for the fine support given the opening of our restaurant THE FLYING SCOTrSMAN MRS. E. M. HEATLIE, Prop. Conssi' and Mill Streets Phone 3136 Newcastle )1 Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Toronto, y, spent the weekend with Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Partner. 7eFlfn 0-4etiu r Mn an Mrs TopleWhiby, Thunderbird GO inake it style sud Mer. wand sgupeta a! Mn, performianoe champion 01 its clan.ý r and Mrs. A. Milison. * Mrs. B. Gillmour and daugh-f ter Tammy, Orono, were Wed- - nesday guests o! Mrs. H. Mur- ,f phy.Ford.s strei LI Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron of 3Tyrone and Mrs. Wm. Penwar- Sden were Sunday supper guests lo! Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron jand Mr. and Mrs. Keith Porter1 were Saturday supper guest.s o! e c the Cameron's. were recent guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke, Bunketon. Mrs. H. Stephens and daughter js n ot mlyÙ nwwyt Moira, Ayr, Scotland, have JS fSIOC~ ô'llo h i rbeen istn with her.sister, great new Ford ia every man's favorili 40 years since these two sisters land-craft. Here is new style in. steel. Ne' have seen one another sq it bas been a neyer ta be forgotten l0W, Jean lines that linger with you lonI reunion.. after you lms siglit of the sculptured reai Mn. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra were Sunday guests of deck. Inside, fine-car appointments anè Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Strong, trimi you'd expect to find only in highei Ballyduff. Mrs. Orme Miller visited lier priced cars. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClelland, Tara, over the But look agoinl There's brawn beneath thE weekend. bat.srnt iht Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Smith, euy Ford'B ùent bees i thth Bowmanville, were Sunday supper guests of their parents, Mn. and Mrs. F. G. Smith. .Mrs. May Johns received a Ford'à exclusive Glont4Grip Double- telegrani last Friday from Tuc- SueId brakes arm aelf-energizing, son, Arizona, stating her bnoth- provide superior braking power, er, Mn. Mac Martin had passed are ruggedly built for longer Life. away Thursday, May 8, follow- ing a bout ai the flu. Mn. Mar- tin's body arrived in Bowman- ville for bunial !rom Morris' Funenal Home on Wednesday aiternoon ta Bond Head Cerne- tery at Newcastle. Mn. Martin lived for many years witb bis sister, Mrs. Johns, an bis farm farmerly owned by the late Harry Hooe. Sympathy ai the carnmunity is extended ta his sister and all his relatives. Mrs. Gertie Baker, Aldershot, ivisiting her son Gardon and Ride StabilIier. Pord buflde in this iamiv, iso he m. Bownfront etabilizer bar on ail modela.. family. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Gives aou more positîve steering Baker and Mrs. Baker atter4ded 1cnri rae iigcmot the funeral ai Mrs. Baker's 1nrgetrriigcr ot sister, Mrs. Arthur Brisbin,1 Lindsay, on Thursday. Mn. Charles Ross, Dunbartorr Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, th eue with Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletcher on Sunday. Mns. Gertie Baker visited her sister Mrs. Wrn. Brown an Sun- AVE Club 50 presented their Ford Dealer for Bc 'IVariety Show" in Tyrone £""'.~Prs ~e~1 ~ wcs1 Saturday night ta a ful house.! b owroom Prt D poRItNe catl More particulars next week. Home and School Club meetal »R01A B"maU »YUTNA Vum Cm OR TRUCK#, Friday night, May 16.A Lakeshore ScheIule Pee Wees end Bontams day. Under the management of. E. M. Heatlie, this a'ew eating' place is situated in the buildingi fonmerly known as Randall's, Groceny at the corner o! King; and Mill Streets. The building bias been com-1 pletely renovated with modern washrooms iastalled as well as the latest ia cooking equipment. The restau-ant bas a 6-stonl refreshment bar and table seat- ing accommodation for 30 per- sous with a staff of six ta serve the patrons. The Flying Scotsman, wîll' serve your needs whether for a snack or a full course meal and is open from 7 a.m. ta mid- niglit seven days a week ta serve a huugry public. WESLEY VILLE Highliglit of last week's news was the Sprng Musicale at Port Hope High School wbich thc majority o! interested fniends and relatives o! local students atteuded with keen pleasure' on Fniday evening. Bannie, Marie, and Pearl Austin, Donna Ough- tned and Bill Barnowclough took part in the band, orchestra on glee club, on bath. The air is full o! the hum af busy tractons as most farmens are well on with spring wonk, and the deeper roar o! big ma- chines as they change the face o! the cauntryside fan the new highway. Mather's Day was honored et Sunday School with a special service shaned by the children them.selves. Paul Austin and Glen Clarke received the af- !ening while Pearl Austin ex- plained its special purpose and gave the dedicatory prayer. Scnipture was read by Bill Bar- rowclough, prayen by Wanda Fard and the mornlng stany by Marie Austin. SupeSintendent Murray Payne was ln chargeý and every little boy and girl wore a lovely flower for Muin- My. At the evening service the choir sang twa anthems, anc af them dedîcated to, Mothers. Miss J, Blokland was a guest of the Theysmeyers for the Theysmeyens fon the week and we will be looking farward te ber visits again for Miss Blok- land has recently nioved ta Part H-ope from Belleville. Mn. and Mrs. E. Kanvonen of- Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Rus- sell Dow o! Vernan, visited with Mr'. and Mrs. E. Berrowclough during the weekend. Birds were filling fhe air with music this weekend, lange numbers af bnown thrashëns, catbirds, bluejays, white crawns, bobolinks wene amaong the many different birds. LONG SAULT NEWCASTLYr-The firat halt ai the schedules for the Pee Wee and Bantani sections af the Lakeshore Minor Basebail As- sociation have beenread and are puhlished beloW. The finst games la each o! these sections will be played on Sat- urday af this week with games at Onono, Caurtice and New- castle. PEE WEE SCHEDULE May -9 17-Bawmanville at Orono 17-Maple Graove at Newcastle 19-Cobourg T. S. at Cobourg 19-Port Hope ùt Bowmgnvilie 21-Orono at Maple Grave 21-Cobourg at Port Hope 21-Bow'ville at Cobouig T. 8. 24-( Orono at Newcas4le 27-Cobqurg T.S. nt Port Hope~ 27-Cobourg at Maple Graove 27-Newcastle at Bowmanville 29-Cobourg at Cobourg T.S. 29-Port Hope at Newcastle 31-Maple Grave at Onono jJ une- I2-Orona et Bowmanville 3-Newcastle at Poý,t Hope 3-Coboung T.S. at Ma. Grave 5-Cobourg at Onono 5-Bowmanville at, Newcastle 6-Ma. Grove at Cobourg T.S. 6-Port Hope 'at' Cobourg il--Port Hope at Bowmanville 1 1-Maple Grave at Newcastlc 12-Onono at Port Hope BANTAM SCHEDULE May - 17-Millbrook at Caurtice 19-Bowmanville at Orono 19-Cobourg at Port Hope 21-Courtice at Millbrook 22-Onono at Cobourg 22-Pont Hope at Bowmanville 24-Bowmanville at Countice 24-Millbrook at Orono 24-Port Hopeý at Cobourg 26--Onono at Bowmanville 26-Port Hope at Millbroolc 26--Courtice et Cobourg SOLINA 14autiful Piowers, as ioving tributes ta mothers. graced the church altar Family Day, on Sunday afternoon. The Sunday School superin- tendent John Knox, conducted the service, following the print- ed orders of service issued by the Ontario Council of Chris- tian Edu.cation. The stories were very well presented by Mrs. Ewart Leask and Mrs. Don Taylor and scripture passages were read by Edgar Werry and Larry Broome. Recitations were given by Neil Tink and Joan Westlake. Musical numbeers by the choir included a trio by Dianne Tink, Marie Flett and Evelyn Hockaday, aMOT}IER nd a double duet, "When Motrier Prayed" sung by Gail Baker, Fat Knox, Helen Knox and Pat Davis. The babies presented for baptism by Rev. Mr. Reed were Neil Stuart Taylor. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Wil- liam Douglas' Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor, Mar- garet Jean Leask, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask; Heather Annie Milison, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milison and Hilary Christine Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrn. C. Johnson of London. Each child was presented with a Bible, a gift from the church board, by Mrs. B. Tink, superintendent of the Nursery ROI]. The C.G.I.T. group met on Saturday aiternoon. The lait chapter in the study book was presented by Mrs. Chas. Lang- maid. and Marie Flett led in the worship service. Pat K.nox favored wîth a piano solo. The program closed wlth a contest in charge of Anne Werry. On May 30 the Ennisklllen C.G.I.T. grOUP .will b. guests of Solina C.G.I.T. The Sunday School anniver- sary service will be on Sunday, May 25 at 2.30 o'clock with Mr. Savage of Oshawa, au guest speaker. Se« Coming £vents for further details. Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Mr. Chas.-Affin and Miss Ethel Axtord, Bowmanviile, were Sunday tes guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlee a nd sono. Several other relatives jolned the gathering In the everung. Church service next Sunday, May 18, will be at 9.45 o'elock with Sunday School following at 10.45 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tlnk June - 2-Orono at Millbrook j2-Courtice at.Port Hope 2-Bowmanville at Cobourg 5-Millbrook at Bowmanvll.le 5-Cobourg at Orono 5-Port Hope at Courtice 9-Bowmanville at Port Hope 9-Orono at Courtice 9-Cobourg at Millbrook 11-Courtice at Cobourg Il-Port Hope at Orono 12-Millbrook at Bowmanville 1 always admire the windom of those who corne to me for advice. More people commit suicide with a fank, than wlth a knife. Every woman seems ta har- bour a secret desire to write-i checks. md family attended a birthd~y - - .c~2Z2z~irj 744 Jeawca/ WALTONIA PICNIC PAR.K NEWCASTLE wilI open for ftheiseason SATURDAT, MAT 171h For reservations for picnics Phone Newcastle 3276 or 3261 ogth 18 uty-wrapped li ?w ar er le frame *taelf-the great new Inner Ford.' Ite heavy frame rails are bowed out to let yoii ride inside the chassis for nmaximu.m safety and comfort; and it's welded, braced and bonded to form one incredibiy strong and silent unit. These and other quality features are standard in every Ford at no extra cost to you. See your Ford Dealer soon, for the full, fine, low-priced story. sIX or V-S 0R the golng, Is greot 1 FR i MOTORS ýowmanville and District Phone Newcastle 3251 mE Sm »O O Q>f« OuURsm ush May is Safety Month &ICheck your car e' Check your driving bOCheck accidents For extra bu//t-NJ qai/y it no extra cost Io you/.. dea/er.' Congratulations te Mrs. E. M4. Heailie on the opening of ber New Restaurant GGULD HEATING iNecste - lne331 r& £ rý04nxL£l , JDi party honoring Mrs. Addle f amily, Miss Pearl Leach spd Tink, at the home of Mr. and Mr. J. Kiveil wene lgnday tea Mrs. Percy Dewell iIainPtwi, 1 quests ç£ Mr. and MT* A. Young Fniday evening. 1 man andsons, Tyrone, lially Lanrgmic visited Mr. Mr. and Mn, I]eatb McGz*. andM M. Wm. Ashton and fam- gar. Oshewa, visited at IL ily. Bradley's.1 Spires. Mr. and Mdrs. Bruce Tink and ?Miss Jean Cryderman, Mr. family visited- Mrs. W. A. Or- George Bittner, Osh~awa, vý$rt- mistan, Brooklin. ed on Mother's Day with Mr. Mrs. Addie Tink, Mr. and Ms and Mrs. E. Crydenman. Hanry Knox and sons attendezi Mn. and Mrs. C. Johnson and Ebenezer church pervice on family. Landon; Mr. aiuý Mrs. S4nqeýy wben Brian, son o MJ. maan r. d children, and Alrs. Walter Tink wvas bap- Hapton: Miss Helen Baker, tized and they were guests o! Tol*onto. were with the J. and the W. Tink's, aften the service.i Toni Baker's. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langma d! Mr. and~ Mrs. Rloy Slack anid were gfuests of Mn. and Mrs. Karen, Ebenezer, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Presto n and sons, Bow- Jdoe Snowden, were with Mn. nianville.. and Mrs. 1. Hardy and Stanlev. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Tink 1 Mr-. and Mrs. N. Metralt, MNr. visited Saturday evening at 'W. IR. Westlake, Oshawa, vii-t Bruce Tink's. cd the Werry's at Roielaiidvale. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- IMn. and Mrs. J. Lange, Ro-b- eny', Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, bie and Janet, - Bowmanville, Miss Evelyn Taylor. Peterbor-* were Sundav visitors with Mn. ough, and Miss Lena Taylor, aud Mrs. WV. Parrinder anid Bowmanville, wee Sunday tea Heleii. guests with Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mr. \VesleN- Powell, Miss Ma- Taylor and son .s. bel POWell, Oshawa, visited Mnr Mn. aud Mns. J, Knox and and Mrs, N, C, Wotten. family -visited at Mn. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker anid Grant Glover's, Kedron. children visited at Keitb Or. Following the baptism of! mistori's, Flbenezer. their son, William Douglas. onI Litie Shi-lev Westlake. dau, Sunday aiternoon, Mr. and Mrs.» ghter of Mr. and Mî-s. Frank Don Taylor had as tea guests,; Westlke Jr., asthrce vears Mr. and Mrs. M. Samnis, great- old on Mas' 9 and wvas pleas- jgnandpanents, Miss Elsie Samis, antly surprised when ber erand- EnilMiss Corsina Samîis, mother. Mrs. F. R. Cao and Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. auInt. Mrs. R. Land with Katliv Abernethy, grandparents, Mn. and Siephen, arnived with love- and Mns. Sandy Abernethy and ly refnesbments. Ellen, Oakwaod. Four genera- Congratulations to Jerry Heal, tians were represented on this sonQf iMn. and Mrs. Gardon pleasant occasion. Heal who gnaduated with han- Mn. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs arnd ors, standing iirst in bis class, family were Mothen's Dgy vis- in the Mechanlical alpd Indus- itons with Mn. and Mrs. M. Mc- trial Tecbniclogv Course at the Carnell and Marilyn, Omemee. Ryerson Inistituitc of Technology, Miss Marilyn Fice, Taunton, Toronto. visited ber grandparents, Mr. and Mns. Frank Westlalce, Sr. IlHYSYE Congratulations ta Pery and FIHYSYE Iva Westlake who on May 13 MODERATELY PRICE» observed their fifteenth wed- LADIES' WEAR ding anniversany. With thei childen, they were Sunday tea La Vogue guests od Mn. and Mrg. Frank Westlake Jr., and family. 1 Md . sons, visted Mn.y d B Mo r s. e l n. aond, Mnte . lod Brome acquei' John Broome and family, y rane. Cor. Athol 4CellinsOeUha M n. a n d M r s. D . F le tt a n d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ %Md et mft 1 r 1 »Afut M-EVIM 3 ti if 1