PAGE TWELYE T~ CWAflAW TA'rqgTL 7~RAflT .~f~M9AUM Publish Soccer Shdl SSPORTOISLztA Ific For DarlingtonLegs Ey Frank Mohun - Phone MA 3-2943 This week aur sparts coiumnist, Frank Mohun, Is basking ln thc sunlight somewhere in Florda. We had hoped ta have an air mail report of the activities r. variaus types connected with sparts in that warm part af the continent, but either the 'planes were grounded or he was. To date, his copy bas flot arrived, Q so we are doing a fast substitution._______________ AI Osborne adviscs that there arc stili a fcw tickets avail- able for to-night's Bowmanville Basebal - Banquet in the Legion Hall. Good cntcrtainment, plus a chance ta money in 3 0 0 H ocke a draw will fallow a deliciaus dinner. Only 200 guests can be accommodated, but, if yau would likc ta came and haven't a ticket, thcy will try ta make room if you present yourself at the n oB i f ad The Intermediates have donc a great deai af scrambling ll h 'T o h adchanging over in their prcparatory pre-season arrangements. It bas now lcen definitely cstablishcd that a practice of these Nearly 300 yaung hockey International Harvesters will be held on Friday evcning at 6:30, players were the guests of the on Vincent Massey School grounds. Playing Manager Fred "Buck" Bowmanville Recreation De- Cowlc has rcceived and accepted this new appaintment which partment at the seventh annuai will give him picnty af scope for bis field and bench ability. Tom Minor hcey rophy mNigt Cowan hopes ta have bis sponsarcd group turn out with a top hendttre LiensdCommnity, notch tcam. No date has been annaunced for the opening game. May 7th. George Elliott, praprictor of Martyn's Bowling Emporium, At tjhe head table werc Town Councillor A. H. Sturrock repre- says that he would welcome some more local tcams in the big senting Mayor Nelson Osborne; Centennial bowling tournament naw underway. To date, there Jack Lander, chairman of the have been some excellent games, but not too many local teams Recreation Department; Keith have been in the competition. Ail that is nccessary is ta gather Carruthers, vice-president of the Ontario Little N.H.L., and up a group of feilow alley loyers and make arrangements with Doug Rigg, recreation director George for time. The last day of the big tourncy is May 24th, for Bowmanville. Ai Cuthbert- flot toa far away. son presided. The hockey players werc wcl- The senior football squad from Bowmanvillc bas had at comed by Mr. Cuthbertsani, who least anc workout, when Jack Baker, the coach-manager, put congratulated them on the fine bis recruits through their paces at Memorial Park. The schcdulc 1scason they had had this year. annDears in anther ',.lumnn si Ablooks vrv chli scee The boys were alsa commended is caming back to town. There are rumars fiaating araund naw that Bowmanvilie may aiso have a junior tcam in the Dariington picture. Memorial Park was laaded on Manday nlght when pcc wees and midgets were roaming ail over the park in their first practices. Fram ail appearances, there shauid be no shortage of bail players for many years ta came. That's about ail we can dig up on short notice, unicss the sparts cditor's column arrives befare we go ta press. It is between seasan's anyway, but next week, there shauld be marly new developments. Incidcntally, Arnold Wade should have some information on scheduies by that time for minar-league bail. Until aur awn icagues get underway, why not take ant evcning and trot up to Toranto ta sec the Mapie Leafs. They scem ta be playing good ball and the evenings are getting a bit warmer. f t i t t STOP PRESS SPORT REPORT Br Frank Mohun enroute t. Florida Wefl you ail, this is your southcrn correspondent, reparting from rainy Savannah, Georgia. It has apparently rained here ail day, but I have the sunburn ta prove that it didn't ram cearlier to-day in South Carolina. I haît hopcd ta report on thc Prcakness at Pirnilco race track in Baltimare, but I "taofed", as the race isn't until next Saturday. Howcver, 1 did sec Baltimore Orioles defeat Boston RdSox, by a 5-2 count. Jack Harshman pitched a 5-hitter ta1 win, while Tom Brewer only permitted 4 hits in losing. The Red Sox hurler lost his own game when he walked the bases ].oaded In the sixth. One run scored on a sacrifice fly and when th4e next batter bounced back ta the,. mound, Brewer hcaved the bail into centre field attempting for Mec double play. Two singles compieted the outburst and broke the tic. Ted Williams contributed a single. and two strikeouts ta thc Bosox attack. I notlccd a high school basebail schedulc posted on a sign board in Virginia. The local team plays a 16-game schedule during May and June. Probably aur Intermediates don't play inuch more 'than that. The City of Richmond, Va., has a 250,000 population and supports a triple A bail team in a league with such large centres as Havana, Toronto, Montreal and Buffalo. There is a lot of deep sea fishing in South Carolina, where you arc guarantccd ta catch something big, but as I don't know one cnd of a fishing pale from another, I didn't land that big one, (the anc that la guarantced)., IREZ Finishes for New Woodwork PIK (the new Plastic Paint) PITTSBURGH PAINTS Interior and Exterior KEM TONE - KEM GLO - SUPER KEM TONE SPRED Satin -- SPRED Lustre - THIX Flat TIIIX Semi-Gloss LTJXOR Enamel- Gold Cross Paint é (Interior and Exterior) Gold Cross Enamel------___ Gold Cross Varnish_____ Vaîspar Varnish PARALAC Paints ----__ STEP-LADDERS, 21"______- $2.65 $2.95 $2.50 $2.75 $3.25 $1.95 $1.95 $1.95 $2.75 $1.25 $2.25 CLEARING THIX Gloss (ail colors except white) Reg. $2.75 - Qt.___$1.69____s's LIQUID TILE Reg. $2.39- Qt. __ $1._ 0 Brushes Putty Knives - Crystal Lacquer Roller Coaters - Paste Powder - Wallpaper Remover Resistane (makes wallpaper washable) Many other Odds and Ends of Paint and Wallpaper Remnants NOW AVAILABLE ... HALLIDAY'S GENERAL CATALOGUE If interested you may pick one up at the store ..or contact us and it will be mailed to you. A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WAILPAPER 33 King St. W.- MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILLE by Players : venin g ies Galore by Jack Lander for their good sportsmanship. Best Tournament The Bowmanvillc Little NIL. L. Committee and the boys were congratulated by Kcith Car- ruthers on the success of the provincial Little N.H.L. Tourna- ment held here this spring. He said it was the best tournament ta date. Councillor Sturrock said it was a pleasure ta sec the lads receive the awards for a job well donce. He told them that nat evcryone cauld win, but it is how the game is played that caunts. Presentation of Trophies The Teen Town Trophy was presented ta Ricky Gay, captain af the Atom League champion Hornets, by Dan Cattran. The Reg. Harding - Tom Gatchel Trophy was prcsented ta Ralph Cale, captain of the Pec Wee champion Red Wings by Tom Gatcheil. Councillor Sturrock prcsented the Miller Taxi Trophy ta Alex Wiseman, captain af the Bantam League champions. Raiph Mc- Intyre, the incoming presîdent of the Lions Club, presented thc Lions Club Trophy ta Dan Cat- tran, captaîn af the Midgct League champions. Ed Rundie presentcd the Ah Mavin - Bob Stephens Mug ta George Bail, captain of the con- solation series winners. Roy Neads presented the Roy Neads Mug ta Don Rickard, captain af the Pee Wce consolation win- ners. Bryan Hughes presented the Harry Hughes Mug ta Ross Turn- er, captain af the Bantam con- solation winners. The Art Hooper Mug was presented ta Ron Welsh, captain af the Midget League consolation win- ners, by Art Hooper. Kinsmen President Irvine (Jake) Brown prescnted the Town af Cobourg Trophy ta Bantam Ail Star captain Alex Top Bowlers in Goodyear League The team of happy trophy holders are the winners of the Goodyear Bowlin g League which concluded their season recently. From lef t ta right, front row. John Stainton, Jim Allin, Tom Graham; back row, Frank Mohun, Bill Shotter, Howard Davey, Ted Dadson and Jim Bell. -Photo by Russ Oke Surrounded By Hockey Trophies &creec.4 (94I By Verna Foran and Charlie Trim Posture Day Last Friday Gail Armstrong lOA and Paul McCuiiough, 11B, were voted as the posture king and qucen. We hope everyane wiil continue in this matter ai dress each day, as weli as Fni- days. Devitt and Ferguson Award Yesterday the students fromn grade ten on, voted for the De- vitt and Ferguson Award, which is awarded ta the girl and boy in Fifth Form who must have these qualities: Diligence in studies and al other school activities; Cheerful submission ta au- tharity; Self-respect and indepen- dence af character; Readincss ta forgive offence; Desire ta conciliate the dii- ference ai others; Moral courage and unflinch- ing truthiuIness. The winners wili be in next week's paper. * Visit Hospital On, tondyafternoon, May 2, h girls from grades 9, 10, 11i, and 12 visited the local hospital. If ail the girls that visited the hospital become nur- ses I think lil become sick. O.A.L.C. This year Myrna Peterson and Gary McCullough will re- present B.H.S. at the Ontario Athletic Leadership Camp at Lake Couchiching this sum- mer. Debates On Tuesday, May 13, 9B the grade nine champions, debatcd against Grade 10A who won the grade ten titie. The winner will be the junior debating cham- pions. No resuits were ready at press time. Around The Sehool Today in Oshawa the C.O.S. S.A. track-meet was held but no resuits were available. 1 Hauseleague soccer is undcrway f~or the boys while houselcague basketball and sof t bail games are played by the girls. Students arc reminded that tomarraw, 1 May 16, we get out at noon and fnext Monday is a holiday but I don't think most of us had forgotten. To-morrow will be posture and good grooming day again, so let's wash and dlean up. NOTE-The teachers have' asked me ta remind ail the pu- puls of dear aid B.H.S. that ex- aminations are just around the corner. Wiseman. The Bantam Al Stars won the Eastern Ontario Little N.H.L. Playoffs. The John M. James Trophy was presented by John James, Jr., ta Terry Black, wha was selected as the most valuable player in the Little N.H.L. Play- offs held in Cobourg.. Steveri 1 Burns was presented with the fTip Top Tailors Most Valuable Player Traphy by Keith Car- ruthers. Morley Oke prcscnted the El- wood Hawes - Morley Oke Trophy ta the captains of the Bantam and Atom Ail Star teams. Barry Cowling was absent, and will be prescntcd with the Bartlett Trophy at an- other time. The Bartlett Trophy is emblematic of the most out- standing ability, team play and spartsmanship, and is given annually ta the best player from any team in town. Coaches of the winning tcams receivcd crests which werc dis- tributed by them ta the play- ers. A presentation was made ta the coaches and referees by Douglas Rigg, who was given an ovation. Refreshments wcrc served by the coaches with Dan Gilhooly and Russell Oke in charge.. Movies were shawn by Tom Turner. BARBECUED Senior Scneaule May- 19-Maple Grave at Enniskilien 2i-Bowmanville at Sauina Hampton at Zion 24-Tyrone at Courtice Enniskilcn at Bowmanville 26-Maple Grave at SaUina 28-Zion at Tyrone Courtice at Hampton 3 1-Bow'ville at Mapie Grave Enniskillen at Zion June- 4-Hampton at Tyrone Sauina at Courtice 7-Maple Grave at Von Tyrone at Enniskillcn I 1-Courtice at Bowmanvillc Sauina at Hampton 14--Zion at Courtice Bowmanville at Tyrone 18-Hampton at Maple Grave 21-Solina at Enniskillen Courtice at Maple Grave 25-Enniskillen at Hampton Tyrone at Sauina 28-Zion at Bowmanville July- 2-Maple Grave at Tyran. Enniskillen at Courtice 5-Zion at Sauina Bowmanville at Hampton 9-Enniskilîen at Maple Grave Zion at Hampton 12-Sauina at Bowmanvilce Courtice at Tyrone 16-Bawmanville at Enniskillen Tyrone at Zion 19-Sauina at Maple Grave Hampton at Courtice 23-Maple Grave at Bow'ville Zion at Enniskillen 26-Tyrane at Hampton Courtice at Sauina 30-Zion at Maple Grave Bowmanvillc at Courtice Augut- 2-Enniskillen at Tyrone Hamptn atSolîna 6-Courtice at Zion Tyrone at Bowmanville 9-Maple Grave at Hampton Enniskiilen at Sauina 13-Mapie Grave at Courtice Bowmanville at Zion 16-Soiina at Tyrone Hampton at Enniskillen 20-Tyrone at Maple Grave Courtice at Enniskillen 23-Sauina at Zion Hampton at Bowmanville Junior Schedule May-1 22-Courtice at Sauina Zion at Maple Grave Tyrone at Hampton 29-Hamptan at Zion Enniskiiien at Tyrone Mapie Grave at Courtice OLDSMOBILE June- 5-Zion at Tyrone Maple Grave at Enniskii1l Sauina at Hampton 12-Hampton at MapJ# Grove' Courtice at Eiliskillen Tyone at S 19-Mapie Grovg,,Tyrone Enniskillen . olina Courtice at i~on 26--Sauna at Maple Grave Enniskillen at Zion July- 3-Zion at Solinàý Hampton at EÉnniski1len Tyrone at Courtice lO--Solina at Courtice Mapie Grove at Zion Hampton at Tyroneý, 17-Zion at Hampton : .ý Tyrone at Enniskillen Courtice at Mapie Grove 24-Tyrone at Zion Enniskillen at Maple Grove Hampton at Sauina 31-Maple Grove at Hampton Enniskillen at Courtice Sauina at Tyrone August- 7-Tyrone at Maple Grave Sauina at Enniskillen Zion at Courtice 14-Maple Grove at Solina Ziori at Enniskiilen Hampton at Courtice 21--Sauna at Zion Enniskillen at Hampton Courtice at Tyrone Game times are 7:30 p.m. E.D.T. Gaines postponed be- cause of rain wiil be played ~ foiiowing Monday night for Senior League, and on Fridy night of the same week -for the Junior League. Junior players must te la ycars of age an May 24th, 1958, ta .be eligible ta play, e.c., thev may turn 17 years any time after May 24Vh and be OK for 1958 scheduie. The new entry in the Senior League, Bowmanville, will play their home games at Memorial Park, Liberty St. S. WANTED Dcad, Old and Crlppled FARM STOCK Picked Up Free of Charge 24 Hour Service Phone Collect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI Peterborough - Ont. 88-98 0"@'vWDC BRUCE CA&VLY 0. K. aRS NICHOLS MOTOR SALES1 Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3353 Pelerhorough Memorial Centre Presents the next Kinsmen SUPER CAR BINGO 8:15 sharp FRIDAY, MAY 23 $4j'(OOO IN PRIZES INCLUDING A BRAND NEW 1958 FORD CAR 12 regular gaines $50 cash each ganie 3 special games $150 cash each game plus a valuable door prize THE BIG GAME - A full house for the 1958 FORD Someone will drive home in this Brand New FORD £ on May 23! It could be you. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND CHI.CKENS NOW AVAILABLE MAPLE GROVE GRO CETERIA Phone MA 3-3921- It was a proud moment for Steven Burns, left, and Alex Wiseman, when they were loaded down with ail these trophies at the Minor Hockey League's big night last week. It wvas heid as part of the Recrealion, Departmerît's program and took place in the Lions Centre. Steven wvas captain of the Atom League Champianship team and the Eastern Ontario Little N.H.L. Jr. A Champions. Alex is captain of the Bantani League Champions and Eastern Ontario Little N.H.L. Champions. Steven al»o won a most valuable player award. r-Photo by Rehder 21/2 ILb.Chickens 3 ,lb. Chickens * n n n $1.59 * - * - $1.79 5 3 b Cikn illed with delicious $1J9 Try«One e,)%u 1usdi 3 h hceshome-made dressin g $ barbecue.ý ickens 1 weekenËi"~ ou'Ill i Please telephone orders at least 3 hours ahead them! THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMUNVMLE. ONTARTM 0 TDel'%A" ILffAIV IR&U ldna