PAGE TWO 'I'N1~~~~~~ ~~~A!iADTA&MrfLMATSAi aMNTLE NAI HRDAMYlt,15 'inmany places and for mauch too long, we have grown fat and complacent by nurslng the Idea that we are offerlng a service and that our custamners should be very grateful. Nô greater fallacy hag ever en4ted. Uet there be no mistake and let u8 buty that myth right here and naw. We are not oiiering a service, we are rather selling a product and we should seek out and treat aur customers ac- cordlngly.» Suoh was the themç of a atraightforward address by W. Roth Strike, OntLtia Hydro's lat Vice-Chairman, durinx a recent joint meeting ai .M.E. A.-A.M.E.U. delegates at this y4ar's annuel convention in To- routo. In concetrating an co-opera- tion bètweeu Ontario Hydro * nil the associatea municip ai conmissions, the base aifthe * triangle that supports the whole fntity-the custaier-rnust nat b. overlooked, the speaker ern- phtkÈi»aed. Ho ýaid that the funýc- t1oni ofa i onopoly ate irauft ~vith inatir d9n!jers and the offly salvation in this connfcct 'onlt. canstat i;iilance an(] cri~t ence af cffort. "'Over the yeîars,. lie said, ",we have taken roftiý i countless rules and recula- tions, iii code3 and sp.cclïica- tians, liat have been tiesigned to ineet certain conditions an_1 oiten to protect the cat-eles,, user of what, lu bis hands, ls a potentially dangeous pradurt. T lhe effeci cjuite otten Li thzt %ve put aur customners in a tech- * tical strai,&t-jaechet." Potoéntial domcstié customners SHEET 21 Church Si. SA 5-2734 Free! wittî how have a choice ai energy that has many applications in a modemrnesidence. Many of these custamers are newcumer.5 ta the province, and many are Young couples setting up a haome for the first Urnê. Tbey are al cotifronted with aggressive and attractive techniques ai selllng eppliances, wbich use a differ- eut forrai ai energy and whlch put considerable omphasis on special advantages for th us- tomer. Hydra, thereore, ha& a direct respansibillty ta these people and ta existing custom- ers ta give thern full informa- tion regarding the many advau- tages ai using electric enorgy. Iu this connection, Mr. Strike deait ut !ength with the co-op- erative Ontario Hydro-munici- pal utiiity "Live Better Elec- trically" camnpaigu nowv under- way. ile pointed oui that a re- glonai Commission representi- tive had been, or would be, In the iiear future, lu contact with cach local commission. Hle îug- gested that muchbebtter team- play couid ho developed be- tiveen the manufacturer&, thé% appliaflc3 - aer th lecélclrîcai cinactrsai the comi- ýo.PracticalSggsin Far the local comtzirsion, h2 had these practicai sugg11estionis: 1. Take the necessâry steps to have the size af the ampere service installed in each haome on the record card ai each eu.:- torter. With a little traininga, the mneter reader cauld get th'Ls information. 2. Hlave ane or mare meir.- bers of each utilitv staff aval- METAL Oshawa RA 5-2751 Free!1 BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS every purchase of gos Vigor 011 SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F 5MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3.2919 Vigor 9 GA Standard1Ocnlow Glasol ine 3U Vigor Super A GAL High Test 4 -ctueloidugit fI.rnp1ete Lubrication et a Reasonable Price STOVP: OIL AVAMIABLE IN ANY QUANTI1TY AT TTUE STATION OPici EVENINS AND SUNDAYS able to ta]k with and advlse customers about the wisdoin of increasing the capaciy ai their bouse service. The amount af each custamor's montbly con- sumption shauld give a good starting point. 3. Cal lu the local electrical contractors and work out wlth them a barifi ai charges that ivili give yaur customers a square deal bath in gaod work- manship eut. reasonable cosi. 4. Make it known by adver- tising and ather publicityý means tbat the local utllity la prepar. ed ta advite its customners about house-power. Stress the noces- sity afi h and the utlllby's desire ta co-operate wi'lh the custom- or in getting full value and en- joymeut from electrical service, whicb wouid give themn the highest iorm ai modern cer- fart and convenience. 5. ýConsid1er veryf carefully wbat assistance, if any, the utillby is prepared to exteud ta its customers i financlug the cost ofiincreasing their bouse- power. Wark out the niechanies afitl rid thien put lb into effect. Sanie municipalities are already acting or te-ious1y considerÀ*nii -actinig ini this re.gard by extend- inc credit tathie cusiomers for the cost lnvoiv cd. and beiug repaid at reasonabie inberest by mnahly inistilmnents addcd ta the eiectric bill. Plant Power On the question of plant power, ha palnted out that a great mnany samail plants wouid welcoie occasional visits iroin the local manager or quaiitiedi mon on his staff, who W,,,uld be- prepared ta give syn-pathetic cangidleration ta probleins ai the plant and advice and sug- gestions as ta practice3 and equipment that would iuprove the effectiveness ai the electri- cal operatian af the plant. Turyîing totaho subi ect ai wa- ter heaters, Mr. Strike express- ed the view thiat adequabe at- tention had not been given to the fact that domestie custom- ers require considerably mare hot watcr than iormnerly. Couse- quently this problemn must be given immediate attention. Ontario Hydro and the local uilities must give serlout con- sideration to the question of promoting the sale and use ai these important electrical ap- plialices. Mr. Strike poiuted out that Ontario Hydro's Research Divi- sion had beon glving attention to the develapinent ai water heaters ai higiier watiage, that oifered the addltional advan- tages ai greater capacity and even better construction. Tanks ai 30-, 40- andi 50-Impria'l gal- Iau capacity have beeli develop- ed with a combination ai heat- lflg elepietts deaigned to pro- duce the beat overall hot wa- ter output from eech tank size. These should successfully com- pare wlth heat recovery from any olier presmnt source oi energy. IlHowever, In theic mantirne,10 ho said, 'II belleve any local commission cpn purchase high- er wattage heatton with Iinter- locked upper and lower em- cna from manufacturera, and arrange for aultable installa- tions ta meet their own local arrangements." Summin«g up, Mfr. ÊtrIke set liese objectives: 1. Realize first that we are very defilnlbely selllng a pro- ducl; 2. Delermine thal w. wlll go oui and secure new cuztomers; 3. Make sure liaI we will at ail timTes establilh, cuitivate aud maintain the respect, confidence and loyalty of al aur cusbain- ers by giviug thein the b'eêt possible service, assistance anid informnation. Iunihs way they mav boeable ta use ta their ut- most benef lb and convenieuce the product which we seil, and which ue proudly proclaim ivili give every persan in the prov- ince the opportun ity ai living ever botter electrically as the rlays go on and, as the eleetric aee advances, ta bigher levels of modern living. PONTYPOOL I rtsaryt report that Mr. Robert Corbett, aur oldest cit- izen, bas suffered a strake. He J s anarest home ln Mllbrook lin _po odtion. MCongratul tiô%stoMra. Hazel ichéli on wipning firsI prite inl thé Singer Contest held lest wek lu Oshawa. Mrs. Bernard Neala had es guests on Suftdey Mrs. Carl Parks ai Londau, also Mt. and Mrs. Bruce Parka and4 tap- ily -of Clarkàôn. Mis. Patkaia i temaiilng for a lew dàyâ t6, visit her ister )6frs. Harty Neý.a Mliss Wilni.a Hamilton tAs the técipient of m&riylôvèly çiits 4t à mlscellumeus sbowet gaveft 1ih hér bonour et thc homne ai Mia. Rosi Hamilîtoni. Wr. snd Mrs. Igarl Reader and Ralpb of Peterborough, were visitors in Pantypool over Uic weekend. On Sunday evenlng there was e large congregation in at- tentdance for Uic upecial.Mthér'É I Day and Baptismal ServIce. Ronald Williamn, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harper end Phllip Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- aid Wilson wore baptlzed by Rov. Bansteel. Certiticat±a vwer. presented by Mrs. CG. Tisk ta parents ai 16 ehlrnrecently enrolled in ""e Crdle Rail Departinent aoflthe Sunday School. Mrs. O. Miller, Sunday Schaol Superintendeut, I remented Bibles ta ebuîdreni who iàve had perfect abtendance t te'el1ing theÈe were: Karen ftlehardson Bryan McKay, By- ,,,, Kel1lett, Sandra Willit, 1 Linda WiIiis and Kathy Fallis. fMiss Sharon Heekwood read thea seripturo lessoti and speclal niusic for the service was "He ta Holding Me" by the nîeitibérl ai the Sunday School and '*Mother's PrayergF Have Follpw-- ed Me" by the r'hotr. Str.ike Advises Convention To Overcome Smugness Tribute to Ed. Summers Given ut W.I. Meeting BLACKSTOCK - Thirly-six ladies and seven childreu at- tendod iceMay meetir.à, ai the Woinen'a Institutce t the home ai Mrs. Murray Byers, May 7. Seripture was read by Mrs. J. McKee. HoRoll l wes the namre of a persan, ceuntry-raised wbo lias achieved success. Considerable business was dealt with in regard ta the work of lie coming year. Can- ada la ta ho the subj oct ai the :-ear'Sstsudy. Motta for the day1 was, "If you want ta keopt your country dlean, weed your own gardon". Mrs. W. J. Brown ai Bow- manvilo, District W.I. Presi- dent, -gave an instructive talk on Leadership Training. Saine ai the characteristies ai goad leadership are, sincerity, layal- by, pragressiveness, co-operative attitude, knowledge ai argani- zation, euthusiasm, and cam- mnunity spirit. She stressed discoveringne talent by passing offices around and ended ber talk by reading Appoint Ray J. Diling Acting Clerk Cartwright' The regular monthly meeting conded by Bert Gibson that the of the Cartwright Township dump on Mr. Geo. Walfe's pro- CounciI was held an May 5th perty be clased, filled over and in the Teownship Hall, Black- fenced under the supervision of stock, ail bresent and Reeve the road superintendent. The Ashton ini the chair. Road Superintendent is also ta In the absence af cierk, lt was check inth the condition of the maved byr - McLaughlin, se- other township dumps and cleanj conded bv A. Gibson and pass- up where necessary. ed, thàt Mr. R. J. Dllhng act as Moved by Bert Gibson, se-1 clerk. conded by C. McLaughlin that By-law No. 1033 was read the tenders be called for collecting first turne ta appoint an acting garbage as formerly froin Shin- clerk treasurer and tax callec- gie Landîng ta St. Chrîstopher's tar. Ôn motion of Bert Gibson, road ainclusive, said tenders ta seconded by M. Van Camp the be in by 15th May. By-law was given its second The report oi the road In- readlig, and on motion of M. spection cammittee was pre- Van Camp, second by Bert Gib- sented and after being examin- son was given its third and fi- ed by couneil was adopted. nal reading and declared ap- Moved by Bert Gibson, se- proved and ordered signed and conded by C. McLaughlin that seaied. This by-law appainited Mr. Lloyd Passant, R. R. No. 1 Mr. R. J. Dilling to act until Burketon be appointed as Weed a clerk be appointed. Inspector at a salary af $50.00. The. minutes ai the previaus Moved by Bert Gibsan, se- meeting were thon read and on conded by M. Van Camp that, miotion af Bert Gîbson and se- the Road Accounts ai $3,2 13.73 conded by M. Van Camp receiv- and Genoral Accounts ai $1,- cd and dcwlared approvecl. 087.76 be pald. Mr. Turner and Mr. Frazer of Moved by C. MeLaughiin, se- Caesarea, approacbed the Coun- conded by M. V an Camp that cil and made somne suggestions Mr. E. Sues make the noces- as ta snow ploughing and sand- sary alterations in the 1957 As- ing in their -district noxt win- sessment Rall as agreed. ter, ahd made un inquiry as ta Moved by C. McLaughlin. se- the quality aiof boingei used! conded by M. Van Camp that on the road, They were inforin-1 an advertisement -be placed for ed that it wasn*t ail, but of an ane ihquc in tho Port Perry asphait nature, which would re- Star, and Canadian Statesman, main sticky for a couple of days and two issues af the Oshawa and thon be ail right. Times (9-12 statîng, that appli- Mr. D. Johns made an inquiry cations %vouid be received up ta as to trospass an his property 5.00 p.m. the l5th of May for and the matter was turned the position ai Cierk, Treasur- over ta the reovo ta check with cr and Tax Coliector, said ap- the fence viewers and the sali- plication ta state age, qualifica- citar.*i tions and salary expected for a Messrs. Marlow and Wright i five day week. were beard and an agreement, Moved by C. McLaughlin, se- was mnade as ta the councii's, conded by M. Van Camp that preference for the rnethod ai the standard wage for road la- the board's handlinrg ai the de- bour be set at $1.00. bentures in prosenting thoir re- Their being no furtiier busi- quisition in this year's rates. ness the meeting adjourned at Moved by C. MchaughcIlin, se-! 11.45 on motion of Bert Gibson. the pomn, UThe Falthful Few." Mrs. Gilbert Marlow read some tributes ta the late Ed. Summers, wha when pragrams were planned a year aga, was ta have been intervlewed at this meeting. Mrs. Russel Mountjoy gave a splendid paper an saine af the writings of Ethel Chapman, editar of the Women's Institute page af Homne and Country. In reference ta aur standard ai living Miss Chaprnan speaks af Canada as amarig the highest. A satisfying homè la economni- cally saund, physlcally healtlh- fui, mechanically canvenient, artistically satisfying, mentally stimnulating and founded on mutual affection and respect. Do we give the business of homemaklng the dignity it de- serves? Back of being a good wife and mother one mnust up- hold the creatirig af beauty and peace and develop the talents oi each inember ai the bouse- hoid. Owing ta the lateness of the houx the current events by Mrs. Ernest Larmer was dispensed with. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. L. Bailey's group. BLACKSTOCK Cartwright Local No. 73 held their may meeting in the Com- munity Hall Wednesday even- ing xvith 22 present. Mrs. Pros- ser gave an interesting address on her four years as lady pre- sident of O.F.U. Mr. Perey Roe, View Lake, gave a fine speech on Economy and some hints on Horticulture. The United Church was pack- ed Sunday at 10 a.m. when the fol]owing babies were baptlzed: Janice Eileen, daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin; Jay Paul, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewin; Philip Mur. ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Hoskîn; James Neil, son af Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolmn; Cheryl Anne, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham; Jay Richard, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott; and Jane Elizabeth, three-year-old daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott. Rev. P. Romneril gave a fine address ta parents. It is flot mothers alone but fathers also must bear the responsibility ai rearing children in a happy Christian home. Special Christian Famlly Day service wvas observecl In the Sunday School following the church service with 169 pres- ent. Mms. Ivan Thompson told the children's story, "Gad Cames First"l. Mr. Richard Bowles gave the Mother's Day address in which he said, "The nation la as strong as the family. The family as, strang as the woman inthe home. It'is through the mindlvi- dual aur systeins af govern- ment corne and go. The salva-1 "-I o 0 e ê A A g g A A A f * g ¶8 A A b g t A w A g s e g e A w A 'e * NERF ARE ME !FIATOIES TRAT SET' 301(1 OWNERS APAfl: mlghIy Sil. 2000 bMol..te. *lpm'yov e *vol.novy Air-Poie Suspen o4o ver the feughost grades esrf ~ IiI«y as for the. IevoIet, smoohhest land ride laOm o brosse. vend. (Optimoal ut modest extra couo m Ar-Caied AWmlnum roent Vhoel meds ls viti N#rSlterkg.> eruk*aoptISetOd4w t omt.Cod on I"i.Like Pllght en Whoels .u.w afu SPICIAL ... iMdr edml,o* uW nmasptioq.s 1duairace t.ayow deon.pq AT YGUR PONTACIUICK DEALERS C' "GUR CAR îelROBSON MO TORS LIMITID CHECK YOiJR DRIVING - 166 KING STREET EAST PHONE MA 3-3321 MA 3-3322 CHC ACCIDENTS! * A w w 'A w A 6' e -t A A A g A w p s. M E, e s. A s. i j, 4 A A A f i tion of God makes the lndvi. dual." The children are very busy practicing the musiç for Sun- day School Anxiversary, so Mission Band and Explorers have been called off this week. There waa a good attendance at the Y.P.U. meeting in the United Church Sunday School roomn Suriday evenlng wheni they saw a fine film of Camp, Quin-mo-lac. Whal Others Say DM> SHOUL» SUPERVISE ALL FIREWOKS (Watchman-Warder, Lindsay) May, the month of tire-erack- ers and bonfires is rlght at aur doar. Same municipalities have already passed regulations for- bidding the settlng off of fire- crackers within the limita of the a TAXI. Phone MA 3-5822 STE VINS, TAXI "Saf*, Satlsfyig Service" AIL FASSENGEES ISURED 109 ug St. E ewmvll For Satisfàctory Heating Installations SEE MOSIER PICK UP A CARTON!!6 BEVERAGES ALL IN HANDY CARTONS six KING SIZE 12 OUNCE BOTTLES VOUR DEALER 14AS Your m.oy "~ CARTONS Of buysa WILSON,$ BE1ER QUAUTfY * GINGER ALE od- * COLA BIGGER QUANTI' OAG whsn y.. Asc for WlsSo.s * GRAPEFRUIT L * C4 ODA AUTIIORIZED DEALER FOR Imperial 0OU Koaing Unils Gar Wood 011 and Cas Unit. BEST AVAl LABLE FINANCING Phone Collcct M Owv, a Suck SPECIAI. for LESS thon s0 raony models of to-called Iow- priced cas... get extra value per dollar in a CENTURY, SUPER, ROAD- MASTER 75 or UMITED. munieipality. This -typç of -en- actmnent la probably too strict, but there ts one thIng parents- can dô and that is supervLee th* operation of discharging lire. crackers of any kind. The discharge of flreworks tan be dangeraus in moire wayU than one. Fire-crackers in th~. harids of Juveniles tan easil1 resuit in mutilated ifngéra anD< has at times rés jd in the loi of eyesight. M b~oys are too young to reali# <e daniger of fireworks and ïe oo Inexpert- enced In handling crackers ot any klnd. There is positlvely a place for' Dad when he allows his son to haridle fire-crackers and that is right on the spo>as a super. 'vlsor. Think it over Dad. An ounce of prevention la worth !L pound of cure, five fingers are better than two and two ee are better tan one. .ý Hig fi V,4LVrS, 004o-toi.1rt THURSDAY, MAY 15th, lose PAGE TWO TM CANADUN STATESMAlq, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAPJO ý19 4 1 1 le