PAO! SIX TIZ ~A1(ADTAN aTATEMA~AM. ~WMANVff.LU. ÔNTARTfl TNU~SDAY. MAT lUth, lias Firemen Receive $635 Their Share Collections For April Oufside Fires The. Bowmanville ifremen e ceived $635 which is fiity per- cent of the total arxiount re- ceived for taklng care aiftines outaide thc tawn during April- <'tbuncillor Ivan Habbs, chair- man af Uic fire camnnittee, told the Town Council in hi. report et the meeting an Manday May Sth. There were ten out-of-town fires in April. Six tires in Bow- nianville, and qne faise alanm, the chairman said. Coundillor Hobbs asa spoke of the retirement of Fine Chie! Lucius Hooper at the end ai JulY. As Council wauld lîlce ta receive a recommiendation tram the tire cammittet regardlng a successor ta Chie! Hooper, the c'iairman said ane will be sub- mitted. He aita pointed out that as a resuit ai the retirement of the present Fine Chie! the depart- ment would be short anc fire- men. He asked ter an receiv- cd authority ta advcrtise in the Statesman for anather fineman. Councillor Habbs advocat ed that applicants for the position I. Vacuumi Botties -___ 79e ý Dee Tee Moth Kilier- 59o Thermos- Pinto 1.89 - 1.98 Thermos - Quarts 3.19 - 3.95 Lunch Kits - lilen'a - 1.29 Lunch Kits - Child's - 2.99 Enden Shampoo Noxzema Lather 59C Ipana Plus 1.49 Larvez Spray - 1.09- 1.69 Larvex Bomb -___ 1.98 Motb Proofer Bomb - 1.39 Math Bails --- lb. 23e SPECIALS 63e site GOGATE FASTE 1 BALL POINT PEN Bath for 63c 1.25 site stopette - 98oe Brylcreem and Comb 69e 65e size Eolh for 99c 1.25 aise Lustre Creme 99 1.95 aise Halo ___1.2_ Clcarasil Skia Cr. 89c - 1.19 Mocea Ointment Chase's Olntment 79e - 1.89 Waterman Cartridte Penn GERITOL 2.95 - 3.95 - 8.95 Makes you feed stronger Waterman Bali Point Pens Liquid or Tabiets 98C - 1.95 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 New Dr. West's Push Buffon Tooih Pasie Special Price 98C COWLING'S ZNOHJ 9699-8 vii DRUG STORE WE FIT saSSf1UL R O ~ A LBOWMANVILLE ROYAL " MA 3-5589 TRIS THURS. TO SAT. -'MAT 15 - 17 Matines - Saturday - 2 p.m. Celer byTchnicoIor- Plus special weekend feature Sing Boy, -S ing" in Cieacp, starring TOMMY SANDS - LILI GENTLE - NICK ADAMS Lait complete show -nt 8:25 MID-NITE SHOW m.SUN. 12:05 "The Astounding She-Monster' plus "Girls in Prison" (Adult) RICHARD DENNING and JOAN TAYLOR NEXT MON. AND TUES. - MAY 19 -20 Malines - Noiday- 2 p. Action-packed Holiday Show "Young and Dan gerous" and "Rockabilly B'aby"t WED. m THUIS. .- MAY 21 m 22 "The Devil's Hair pin" Champion Sports Car Racing Starring CORNEL WILDE and JMAN WALLACE also "The. Green-eyed Blonde"Adult) b. required to obtain a doctor's certificate regardlng their phy- sical capability of handling the work. The Council agx-eef un- aniîmoualy. Police Administration Councillôr O. J. Preason, gave hi.. repart as chairmnan af the police administration co=mit-ý tee. He recommended an ex- tension of the Firê Hall tele- phone be placed in the Bownian- ville Police Station so that the Police would inimediately know the location ai the tire. The comt af such an extension would bc $3.75 a month. He also spoke of thé need ao a different signal system when the valuinteer firemen are rush- ing ini their cars from work I n response to a fine alarmn. He ex- plained that the majanity corne j from the Goodyear planmt up Division street en route to thei Fire Hall. At present when the tire si- ren sounds M. Dilling cornes out ta direct traffie- which is heavy at this croýsing. 'There is a hazard because strangers to the tow n do net realize why Mr. Diiling is doing this. The committee feels that a signal by lights, or an alternative route for the firemen up Tem-I perance street where the lights' on the corners could be man- ually operated to stop trafiic on three sides wo uld eliminate the danger. BLACKSTOCK Appoint K. N. Morris Industry Commissioner For Bowman ville Kenneth N, Marris has been appainted Bawmanville Indust- rial Commissiciier by the Town Council. Thé appointmênt was made at the meeting af the Town Cauncil on Mondae, May 'Sth. .Mn. Marris is alto secretary- manager ai the Bowfimanville Chamber ai Commerce. He han hedthis office since Octaber sales promotion supervisor of the amxnunition department af Canadian Industries Ltd. wlth headquartérs iln Montreàl. Mr. Morri~s came ta Bownian- ville ta become sécrpetanry-man- ager of the Chaniber ai Com- merce due ta the, tawn'à deter-' ni.nation to organize'a campaign tai publicize Bowmanvilie and secune new industries. Since his arrivai in 1955 Mr. Marris' main function has been ta pur- sue these abjects. He was chief- ly, instrumental in the decision af the Johnson and Johnson Compay, Ltd. ta buiid a large new plant here. As manager ai the Bowman- ville Centennial Cammnittée, Mr. Morris has been extremnely active in the promation af plan% foi, ali the events ai the ccle- brations. He hat misa warked hard an the plans and prepar- atians. 11 A son -of the iate Frank H. Morris. ho was born in Baw- naanville. His father. wha was *mplayed by Uic Dominion Car- tridge Campany. was tizafs- icrrcd ta Western Canada when Mr. Morris was anly a fmw mon- ths aid. Mr. Marris Sr. died wheri his son was 12 years aid. Ken Marris and his mother then returnedi to Bowmanvilie, and Mr. Morris finishcd Publie School and High School hene. When he tirst jolned the staff af C.I.L. he wonked in the west for a year. But --afterwands his [years with this large f irni were spent at the company's head- quartens in Montreal. Special Arrangements 2% I 0»-, # r a r Lisabled iial Parade The Chie! asked for authority ta, advertise for another con- stable. Constable Hartley Promoted Ht reparted that Constable Leonard'Hartlty has been made acting corporal, and that Con- stable K. R. Fîeethy has com- pleted his course and received a diploma tram tht Ontario Police College. He attained an average e! 90 per cent in his examinations. Word has been reccived by Chie! Kitney that Constable J. Bird has been ac- ccpted ton the course starting at tht Ontario Police Coflege on September 2nd. Mis repont announced that menchants in thetotwn have donatcd $300 ta be used in the Sattty Campaign fon schooi children. A traffiecaunit wilh be made on Friclay, May 9th from 4 ta 6 p.m. L. W. Dippeli, Principal oi Bowmnanville High School is co-openating in this matter, and students will as- sist in niaking tht ceunt. inittee for the past year was 83 jet well cards, 13 sympathy, one 5th ariniversary. and il baby congratulation carda; sev- on Christmas cheer boxes, 35 *Chrlstras carda, and 10 gits of $1.00 etch ta new babies-a total of $24.59. Mns. Vine had another com- pletod sweater and one beguln lor Korean children on dispiay. Quilt bocka for the flower gar. den quit were shown, a work imieting is ta be arranged and Mrn .Mairs took charge of the blocks. Several good sugestions for next, yeat's pragram were giv- en au rail cals and a motion was made that group leaders plan lunches compriaed of no more than two kinds of food for etch meeting. Hostesses and home& were arranged and Mns. Emerson offered her home for an evening of program plannig the week alter the District An. nual. The motto "Character is what what we are in the dark" wms an inttresting paper given by Mrs. M. Emerson, and Mrs. H. Vine was auctioneér for the an- fluai sale of plants and bulbs tram which a gratifylng &uni was reaiized. The ladies sat around tables ta enjoy ice cream, coakies and tea and a tniendly chat alter which Mrs. R. W. Jackson voie- ed the pleasure of the meeting to Miss Vine lor her kind hos- pitality. The June meeting wiil be held at the home of Mrs. Her- man Sameils with Mrs. W. Jack- son, convener of education, in charge and the roll call will be to name an outstanding citizen and tell what he or she has done or is doing for aur cammunity, province or country. Afternoon Aùxilhary Heurs Interesting TaIk The Afternoon Auxillar3' @t the W.M.S. ai Trinlty United Church were hasts ta the "Wrni- en's Association" at a lunchean an Tuesday, May 6th, which was well attended.* During the a.!ternooji the W.> M.S. oonducted their regular monthly meeting. President Mrs. S. James »elcomed the guests and Miss Carol Pluni- mer gave ýa splendid report ai the Teernage Coniference held at Five Oaks nean Paris. She thanked the W.A. for sending her. The ladies' quartette consist- ing of Mrs. James, Mrs. Ail- dread, Mrs. Richardson and Mns. Van Driel, rendered two beautiful numbers, entitled, "I Love a Lassie" and "Came Unto Me"p. Mrs. Goodwin's group, gave us an înspiring wonship service, taking, as her theme "A Gar- den". She was assigted by Mrs. Stnike and Mrs. Robertshaw. A duet, "In the Garden", was sunjg by Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Van Dniel, accompanied, by Mrs. Alldnead at the piano. The meeting was then turned over ta Mrs. W. C. Ives, Presi- dent of the W.A., and with Mrs. James, they conducted a dis- the ladies' organizations of the United Church. , This pnoved veny interesting and informa- tive. Mrs. Ives closed the meet- ing with prayen. (rowing chillunm WitIi pop end hustie Drink pI.nty of miIk For strength and muscle. k IS YOUR CAR SAFE? Get Our Safety Check for CAREFREE SUMMER DRIVING NUADOHY VISAI.WHEU WIEUSSTOP LIOHI CHECE S LIOH USNAA0\FTi Meeti ng ,stieton w.I. Course "Medicine Yesterday and Taday" due ta the. Depantment speaker's iilness hast year we would like a clarification as ta whether, we might stil be able ta have it. .1 Mns. Cecil Wilson had prepan- éd a report et tht District Ex- écutive meeting held at Maple Grave te plan for the District Annual at Newtonville on May 21. Tht roll cal te, present as aur choice-some subject we wouhd ike ta see studied ini our W. I. duning the coming year-, was, "Législation Mftecting Womtn"-as regards jury duty, wills, insunance, joint proper-' tics, etc., Mis. H. McLaughlin ta be in change of two articles as bazaan suggestions for tht D. A. noan heur récess. Repart ot thé Sunshine Cern- The Cost Is Greater When -You Do It Later! Robson- Motors Lumuted The O.N.O. Club held their May meeting in the Recréation P a n d t centr, Wedesday evening, with Mrs. Lynn Davey hostess. It was decided ta give $35 to thepaksbordfor swings,.etc.: A t C en tenrl and ta hold à home baking sale at Caesarca Saturday, May'17. As thene is widespread inter- A tha.nk you card tram Jessie' est in the events ai Oid Home Gunter was nead. Week, J une 28th ta July 6th, A few gamnes of cards wtere niany disabled people would played. Lunch was senved by like ta see as much as passible Group One and the hostess. of! the panades, Police Chie! Kit- Next meeting- ta be held at ney pointed out in his report the home o! Jessie Bow]es. i at the Bowmanville Town Coun- Sorry te report Donald Mc- cil meeting on Monday, May Laughlin, nephew of Mn. Wm. 1 5th. Hooey, with wvhorn he lives, He said that he is making an- had the misfortune ta fali trorm rangements ta have disabled a beam in the barn a week ago people next ta the barricades and broke a chip off his shoul- on streets along whiclî the pa- der cap and dislocated his arm. rade xiii pass. There they will While he is reported in satis- have a good view o! it ahl. Ht factory condition he will be in nequested that everybady know- Oshawa hospital for a while ing af a disabled persan who yet. would like tea watch the parade, Recent visitars et Mr. and ta send the name te him, se Mns. Harold Swain and tam-. that arrangements can be cern- ily were Mn. and Mrs. Law- pleted. rence Mountjoy and, family, Theny Resiga Mnand Mrsh . C .Dv T e eport stated that the Mr. nd rs.C. P DeittPolice Chief has neceived the visited thein daughter. and son- resignation o! Constable A. F. ln-law. Mr. and Mns. Cecili Densem. and has accepted it Hamilton, Menday and Tues- with regret. Tht resignatien day. Mns. E. J. Palk and daughter,' will be effective on May 3i1st. Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Scarbarougli, ivere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthu Pak, Wened andBusyMaylA Mns. Lawrence Malcolm, Nes-LU Mr. Stanley Malcoirn, Mn. and -e d by e Mrs. Neil Malcolm, enjoyed the NstenWo n'Istue chair concert at Westmngunt met fetheiramee ntig at church, Oshawa, af which Mrs.imtfrterMymeiga Williand Cook is organist and tht home o! Mns. Herbert Vine. choir leader. After tht usual opening Mis. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Venning,1 Davisan welcomed ail present Mn. and Mrs. Jne. Rahm and on the pleasant afternaon. Mn. Orr Venning, visited at the Much business was the order Griffin-Mack funerai home, e! thé day. Thank yeu notes fer Danforth St., Toronto, Wednes- remembrances wene read, bis day evening, and on Fniday paid and an invitation ta Selina Chas. and Orn Vennmng attend- graciousiy accepted with Nes- cd the funeral of their sister- . tieton te supply piograni. It was in-law, Mrs. Albert Venning. decided te forge the Extension Mr. and Mis. Norman Hoimes, Course for tht counties e! Dur- Oshawa, wene Thunsday caîlers. hamn and Victoria. 'Sew te save of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. dollars and make cents" and Mn. Gardon Paisley spent thet discsse.of Short Course was weekend at his home ini Dunn- isuse.Finst choice, "Chaos- ville. ing and Using Fabrics", second Mr. and Mns. Art Palk wene choice, "Salads". Seeing that Sunday guests of his rmother, we did neot have our Short Mrs. E. J. Palk. Scarbore. Dr. and Mns. Jack Manlow, bent Toms were supper guests Johnny and Janie, Lively, Ont., of Mr. and Mns. Kcith Van spent the weekend wîth thein Camp and Cindy Lou. parents, brothers. and sisters The Dalton Donrelîs and Stu- and families. art Dorrelis had dinnen with Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Mn. and Mrs. Earl Dorrell. Misses Doneen Van Camp and Mn. and Mrs. Donald Scott Phyllis Strang, attcnded the, and Bruce, Mr. and Mns. Ken- Y.P.U. Drama Festival at neth Farrow, Arthur and Paul Campbellfond Saturday even- and Miss Evelyn Farrow, al ot ing, Miss Marion Brillinger, cf Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mn. Toronto, National Director of and Mrs.. Jas. Scott and child- Christian Drama Council Of. ren. Canada, who was adjudicatos Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blight, at Campbellford, came home 1 Brooklin; Mnà. Mary Peneman with Glenn's fer the weekend. (and Mn., Bertha Hudson, Col- Mrs. H. Hawkin, Pont Penny,1 umbus; Mn. and Mns. Murray sPent the weekend with Mn. Hoskin, Linda and Philip, Cour- and Mis. Ivan Meuntjoy and tice, were Sunday guests o! Mr. fanîily. and Mns. Lerne Hoskin. Mn. and Mns. Wallace Marlow; Mn. and Mns. Ralph Larmen Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson'and family visited her parents, and family; Mn. and Mrs. Jirn Mr. and Mis. Eber Snowden. Marlow; Dr. and Mii. Jack Mrs. A. J. Coak; Breoklin, Malaw and -family, attended spent the weekend with Mn. and the service in Sauina church Mrs. Neil Maicoimn and child- Sunday afternoan when Mar- ren. garet Léask was baptized and Miss Fiaen.ce Vandermeen is afterwards were supper guests spendlng i ew ays at the home of Mn. and Mis. Ewart Leask ef hen brother in Newcastle and Margaret. and visiting with their mother Mn. and Mis. Robt. Brink- who arrived tramn Holland Sun- man, Pont Penny, Miss Jean day for a visit. Wilson, Tenonte, and Glen Wil- Messrs. Heninanus and Hanny son, Scagnave, spent Sunday Vandenhuel and Mr@. Bert Van with their parents, Mn. and Ryswyk niotoned ta Mentreal Mrs. Chas. Wilson and brother and met their parents at the, Clerni boat, as they arrived tram Hol- Mn. and Mns. Richard Van land for a visit with thein tam-. Camp visitcd her parents, Mr. ilies in this country. and Mrs. Roy Mornow, at Hil- Mnr.and Mia. Roy Terwiile- ton, Sunday. gar, Oshawa, cailed on friends Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Larmen in the villagec Sunday. wére Sunday evening guests o! Mn. and Mr. Austn Beacack Mr. and Mis. E. R. Taylor, Se- returned home Sunday aiter lina. spénding a tew days with thein Mr. and Mn.. Cranston Scott daugbter, Mn. and Mrs. John and !amily, Bowmanville, were Mew and Jane, Tenante. Sunday guests o! the Harold Mr. and Mns. L. Byam, Mn. Mvartyli'S. and Mis. Walter Park, Jr., Ce- Mrs. Sandy Dawson, Mr. Ga- cile and Douglas, Tyrone, were ry Cooper and Miss Sandra callers cf Mis. Jas. Henry, Dawson, Oshawa, visited Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rustîn, Jim-' and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Sundity. mv and Donald; Mr. and Mrs. 1Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashtofi Bob Ford and Roberta: Miss 1 and family wene a part of a Jean Ford, Toranto, spent the -G.M.C, TRUCK DEALER Bowmanville MA 3-3321 su b ---4n BUICK - PONflAC 166 King St. E.1 -PAGI am THE CANADUN STATESUAN, IMYMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO TffuRSDAY, MAY le&, loge . la