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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1958, p. 7

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-- --- S-D- - -N fM Y lStà.l4, ,1958 P" V A f, ? l AIlý"LUW À C. Papineau, Sturgeor Paush. wlm&in town lait wee] calling 'on vns Dr.lDS. James, Toronto = pot Su~ with her mother 1.N.S. B.James. Mmr. N. D. Smith and Jil Amn spent the weekend witt )&sfr. ID. M. Palmer,. Oshawa. >Mis J. T. Willey, Mount For. est., spent ,%h weekend wit! hor alister, Mrs. William Prow. or. and Mr. Prower. s. Miss Mary Lewis, Sick Child- rnsHospital, is home for à iMÈntk'- vacation with her mo- Sthefý, rs. Hartley Lewis. Mrs. M. M. Gerry sailed frorn places on the Continent: Mr. Vernon Saunders and son Robert visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders, Wa- verly Road, on Saturday. Miss Elizabeth Prower, St. Mlchael's College, Toronto, is vacationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Prower. Mr. and Mrs. John Tremble, Oshawa, left Sunday by 'plane to spend two weeks vacation with her brother, Kenneth Fletcher, at Clearwater, Florida. *Mr. and Mrs. William Wat- son, Brockville, were visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. à% E. Rehder, on the weekend. If he very neat new sign out- aide the Toronto-Dominion Bank~ building was installed this week, anid presents an attractive ap- pearance. Mrs. W. H. Birks and her sister, Mrs. B. E. Montgomery, Oshawa, left last Thursday by plane for a European tour of several weeks. Mrs. George AlIchin, Mrs. F. A. Dilling, Mrs. A. C. Herbert and Mrs. C. W. Tait attended the annual Diocesan W. A.Co- ference in Toronto on Monday. TRINITY UNITED CHRUECER Minister: Rey. T. Arthur Morgan, B.a. "The Household of Faili" "The Anger of Jesus" Organist: Mr. Arthur Calion, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. ST. JOHN,$ CHURCH (Anglican) Sunday Alfer Ascension Day HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il - CHURCH SCHOOL MORNING FRAYER EVENING FRAYER n Social & Phone M MiIMM M. Ellilott 90 Congratulations to Miss Maude Elliott (cidest daughter of the late James Eiliott) on her 90th brthday, Saturday, May 17. She was librarian in Bowmanvllle for many years but not many here naw may remember when the iibrary was located over J. B. Martyn's Mary Mitchell Chosen. Queen of Spring Prom £P9ersonal &A 3-3303 Bowmanville Tennis Club wil cofficially open its 1958 seasor tonight with a round robin anc social evening at the Lion: Centre. In the event o! rain thq social will ho held in the Centre Since the dogree teain of thi Canadian Ordor a! Forestons Court Bowmanville No. 964, w& s6 successful in Kitchener or May 3, they have heen invitec ta Belleville ta perform thein .services there on May 21. Mm. and Mmi. Lieuwa Deý .vries o! Eesterga, Fricsland Hoiland, are visiting thcir sonm in Bowmanville for six months Mm. and Mmi. Andy Devries Washington Place, and Mr. anc Mmi. Clarence Devrios, Seugok St. Town Works staff have put î 1coating o! ail and asphaît on the newly surfaced Wavemly Road, Once the coating lias soaked in a littho, residents will ho able tc appreciate the lessening o! the dust cloudi whlch they have on- countered this year. .Mrs. A. W. Hammond and Miss Doreîl Hamniond, Toron. ho, were weekend visitors ai LMm. and Mmi. Harold Hamniond and !amily. Mm. and Mmi. Ran Hammond and famiiy, Sydney, N. S. are holidaying with Mr. and Mmi. Hfarald Hammond. Thore seems ta ho same diffi- culty kceping bath the Bank of Montreal dlock and the. anc on the Lihrary building ca-ordinat- cd. At times, reccntly, there has been a variation o! five or ten minutes, which docs con- fuse those who try to get ta work an time. Mm. and Mmi. K. E. Cox had luncheon with their son, Mm. and Mm,. Don Cox and family, Downsview, and dinner with Mm. and Mns. J. E. Alan Greville, daugliters Dawn and Vikki, Oakvillo, and Mr, and MrJ. on Mother', Day. Chic! o! Police Bernard Kit- ncy gave high praise this weck ta, 49 Bowmanville High School students who recently helpcd with a traffic count for the Dept. of Highways. Ho said they were "the niccît people I have been privileged ta work with." Principal L. W. Dippel was also thanked fo hi, excel- lent co-aperahion. Visiting Dm. and Mmi. C. W. Sleman on Mother', Day were members of their famîly: Mr. and Mmi. C. B. Siemon, Mary- ann, Nancy and David, Niagara Fa.lls; Dr. and Mrs. Harold Sîcinon, Toronto, and Air Mar- shal C. R. Slemon and Mm,. Slemon a! Colorado Springs who were returning from, a trip ta Paris and London. re k is praceedi n nthe the town hall. Allin & Heth- erington's men have converted the large room inta several of- fices and within a few weeks, the entire place will ho meady for occupancy. There will ho a new outside wicket for paying taxes, too, ail o! which inay make that particular chore casier, but wo doubt it. Legionaires Jack Knight, Jim Faim, Rass McKnight and Bill Bates downed 15 other dart teami in Trentan on Satumday to, advance into the provincial finals. Ernie Perfect and Tom Westover wan the doubles titie. The hwa teams rcpresenting Branch 178, Bowmanville, were awarded the O'Kee!e team and doubles traphies.- They will compote in the finals at River- side, May 3lst. W. F. Souch o! Winnipeg, Man., a native o! Bowmanville, 'has recently been appointed ta act as Western representative for the Caldwell A/V Equip- mont Ca., handing cameras, educational and industrial TV equipment, etc. Before fomming his own company. W. F. Souch National 0f ficer 0f Salvation Army Here This Weekend Much intemeit has been arous- ed in Bowmanviile and district in tic annauncement that anc a! Tic Saivatian Army's na- tional leaders will be visiting the local Corps this coming weekend. Lieut.-Colonel Corne- lius Knaap will ho conducting special services at the Salvation Army an Division Street on Sat- urday night and on Sunday. Lieut. Colonel C. Knaap is the field secretary for tic Ammny in Canada, and his responsible duties include the supervision o! ail Salvation Army officers serving in ovangelical centres acmoss Canada, as well as tie placement o! personnel. Colonel C. Knaap was born in Holiand, and after eceiving his education in that country, as well as in Canada, he grad- uated from the Salvation Ar- mys' Training Coliege for Offi- cers in Taranto in 1922. For several yeams the Colonel commanded variaus Army Corps throughout Ontario and New Brunswick, duning which time ho qualified himielf as a social caseworker. His outstanding social work was recognized by civic officiais in Moncton, N.B., grocery store. She went West for a short time, but eturned ta came for ber motier and father, taking houristi and attending toaa small gai station. That was tie fimît gai station in tawn, and when Mm. Elliott died, at 96, theme were five gas stations witiin thrce blocks. At thie present lime Maude is living at "Strathhaven", King St., East, and we are sô glad sic- will ho with us at the Cen- hennial, and hope sic will sec that grand parade. Children Are Baptized at St. Paul's At thé morriing service ah St. Paul's United Church on Mo- thcr's Day, the minister, the Rev. Harold A. Turner, baptîz- cd the foilowing children: Ma- thew Kent, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Hamvey Jones: Sharon Elaine, daugiter o! Mr. and Mmi. Don- ald Kennedy; Lillian Darlene, daugiter o! Mm. and Mm,. Da- vid Lapiam, Brian James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martin; Patricia Lynn, daughter o! Mm. and Mrs. Elton Stephenson-, Ian Stuart. son o! Mr. and Mns. Donald Wilcox: Dale Heather Gladys and Wayne Anthony, childrcn of Mm. and Mmi. Fred Willis. Dedicat. Orgon (Continued fmom rage one) thie !und a boost and the Jun- ior chair and leaders, Mesdames G. Yeo and F. Beckett, who would nat bho outdone hy their eiders, prepared a vaiety con- cert which thoy presenhed twice. Proceeds were added ta tic fund which fmom tint time on gmew with mushmoom apid- ity due ta gonorous donations from friends from noar and far. The organ was purchased, movcd in and installed in the church during the first week in May and plans for the dedi- cation service were completed. Ail roads seemed to lead to the littie village church on Sunday evenmng as friends from Toronto, Oshawa, Courtice, Bowmanville, Tyrone, Haydon, Enficld, Burkcton, Blackstock and 'Hampton, joined with the local folk in the dedication ser- vice conducted by Mr. W. Lo- The Salvation Army w, 35 Division Street VISIT 0F A NATIONAL LEADER SColonel and Mrs. C. Knaap F'ield Secretary for Canada ISATURDAY - *- - * -8:00 p.m. SLieut. Marjory Knaap, visiting vocal soloist SUNDAY. a 11:00 ar. * 7:00 pan. - Inspinational Messages who pesented hini ta Hi, Late Mai esty King George VI during a visit ta that city. With the beginning o! World War 11, the Colonel was ap- pointed ta War Services work, serving as a welfame officer with Canadian troops bath in Ontario taning. centres and averseas. At the conclusion o! the war, Colonel Knaap returned ta Corps work in Toronto for a short peiod, priar ta his ap- pointinent as divisional leader in Northern Ontario and later, New Brunswick. After toni years' service in these areas, thc Colonel super- vised the Army's evangelical work in Metropolitan Toronto. In his present responsibili- ties, which necessitates much travelling across Canada, thc Colonel is abiy supported hy Mmm. Knaap, who prior ta hem marriage, ierved as a corps of- ficer in Arnprior, Ontario. The public is invited ta al the meetings ut thc Bowman- ville. Corps which will bo con- ducted by Uic Field Secretary and Mns. Lieut. Colonel C. Knaap. gan, B.A., B.D., who has mail treoently received his gown and hood as a graduate of Emman-, uel College, Toronto. It appoamed in many instan- ces as if, many had been think-1 ing part of the word, o! the immortal poem "Breathes theme the man with soul so0 doad, who neyer ta himself hath said: This i my own, my na- tive land, Sa home his foot- stops ho hath tumned", and uscd ti momnorable occasion lie suit action ta the word, o! the poet. The ushers, Messrs. A. J. Wer- 1 ry and A. Boyd, had ta provido aisle chairs ta accammodate the capacity filled chumch.I Mrs. M. J. Stainton, ane o!f tie regular organists, presidcd at tie piano for tic prelude and opening o! the service. Fol- lowing the Organ Dedication, Mr. Logan presonted the key o! the organ ta anc of the faithful senior members o! the congregation, Mr. J. A. Wermy. Mms. C. Barreht, A.T.C.M., Bow-I manvîlie, who was guest or- ganist for the ceromony. gave a delightful graup o! organ se- lections "Largo", "'Unto tic His", and "Melody in F", also' "The Lait Chord" during tic mcceiving o! the off eming. The Senior chair under the direction of their leader, Mrs. Edgar Wright, gave a fino mon- dition o!the antiem "Bics, the Lord O My Soul". Mr. Logan delîvemed an excellent sermon' choosing as i subjeet, "Re- pent." As Rev. and Mm,. R. M. Sey- mour weme amnong the many guosts in attendance, Mm. La- gan invited Mr. Seymour ta pronounce tie Bonediction. A social boum was eniayed in tic S. S. Room wheme lunch was semved by the Senior Choir as a tangible expression a! ap- preciation. Tie Senior choir and a!! icors: Pros. Mm,. E. A. Wermy; Lead- ers: Mm,. E. Wright, Sec.-Treas., Mm. Ronald Ashton, hake ti opportunity ta puhlicly express a sinceme and iearty tianki ho one and ail wba helped in any way ta make this wonderfulj drcam, came truc. The names o!f tioso wio made donations ta the fund will appear in next week's issue. Council GIves (Cantinued fmom page one) attend a spocial training course ta ho ield June 22nd ta, 27ti ah Camp Quîn-Mo-Lac. Plans for Atom baseball wore discussed. Mm. Rigg announced tint Atom games will ho pinyed on weokday mamnings tiiscas- on. The Pee Wee and Banham games will ho played in tic evoning. Coaches are neededl for some o!thie toams in thoso beagues. The Recreation Dopnrtmont will enter a fiant in the Con- tennial Parade ta ho held on Saturday. June 28th. A tractor and platform have been obtain- ed. Plans for the fiant were discussed. A baton group train- cd by Miss Ironie Harvey will take part in the parade. Miss Harvoy will hald hem dance j cias, dance recital on Friday,' June 13th, in lie Town Hall, 1h was reported that lie laitI o! Uic Senior Citizens Club meetings ta ho held until lie autumn wil take place in lie Town Hall on Friday evening, June 13th. A letter was recoiv- cd from Club 15 thanking Mr. Rigg for hi, assistance in mail- ing annôuncements o! thc Senior Citizens Club meetings ta mom- bens and those who mzght attend. I Lovely Miss Mary Mitchell, Igraceful in a full skited white lchiffon frock with soft green velvet cummerbund, looked radiant when she was chasen Qucen at the annual Teen Town Spring Prom hcld at the Lions Community Centre on Friday evcning. Slip was crowned by last year's Qucen, Miss Margaret Goheen. Four princesses . were also selcctcd by the judges. The princesses wcro Donna Akcy, Linda Brooking, Pat Chcctham and Bey Wilson. More than 70 young people cnioycd the even- ing dancing ta o! Ted Cormack's orchestra, Whitby. The deliciaus supper was scmvcd by Club 15. The judges who selected the Qucen wcrc: His Worship the ;I PICNIC SUPPLIES PHOTO SUPPLIES Cameras Films Flashbulbs I.DA. EPSOM SALT le-oz., reg. 250 - lo_ 1c Mayor and Mrs. Nelson Osborne,1 the President o! the Lions Club,1 Fred Cale and Mmm. Colo; Irvine Brown, President o! the Kins- men Club and Mrs. Brown; Don M a r s d e n, representative o! Branch 178 of the Canadian Legion, and Mrs. Masden. The President a! thq Rotary. Club, Dr. Keith Slemon and Mmi. Sleman, wcre unable to take part. in thc judging due toaa previaus engagement. The Queen of the Prom, Mary Mitchell, received- an array o! attractive gifts including lug- gage, ciothing, jewcllery and1 accessaries. Gifts were also pro- sented ta the four ýprincesses. Winners of prizes for the spot dances werc: Wayne Pckr and Gail Snowden, Barry Bu yca and Beverley Smith. local stores. INSECT REPELLENT SUNTAN AND SUNBURN NEEDS SUN GLASSES FIRST AID KIT Vacmaster VACUUM BOTTLE 15-os., has plastic cup cap soc______ 9 Baptize 19 At Trinity Nineteen children were bap- tized. on Sunday morning at Trinity United Church when I Christian Family Day was ob- served. Rev. T. A. Morgan con- ducted the service. The children baptized were: David Eric, son of Dr. and Mrs. Allan B. Sylvester; Barbara Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Oshawa; Mary Esther, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davy; Debra Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Woodlock; Deane Douglas, iMcIntyre, son of Mr. and Mrs. IRalph McIntyre; Robin Maxine* daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Anton Kozak; Guy Robert Guthrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Guthrie. Gerald Byron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brunt; Byron Cecil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mor- rison; Edward James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Puk; David Leonard Sameils, son of Mr. and MUS. A. I. Sameils; James Wil- liam Lloyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. T. Lewis; Diana Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ev- erett Hamness; Ernest James, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McKenzie. Shelley Marie, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Vanstone; Valerie Annette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carman White; Michael William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Passmore; Debra Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Burgess, and Cathy Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hooper. Prame Minister <Continued from vage ane) of the excellence of the history of Bowmanville now at the printers. "This is a splendid work,"' Mr. Herbert said. He congratulated R. G. Hamlyn for his interesting and entertaining1 account of events in Bowman- ville during the iast 100 years. copy. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I*ob IhJUI]iIT1ORES' SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Y1a . vDame" WaY Io Hedtie Pace geUssg you down F )t's sa easy go relme Just take PHOSIOMO-P-LEps Relieve that jumpy, "tired al the timel feeling. Enjoy ife Smile aW peu>. onnoyancu fI's true PNOSPMO. Pi-X N EW rlee em# eso SIZE! A OI 100 PROSMU-PiEX TABLETS Wwh aB .mp.umi vUgnu, $4-25 se TAUUTS $2.50 là OUNCES $2.30 1 K Wm.i AYLLTHEU V1iSTHATMENT NO L u@*:CufflLWaai.Polk htmla iffÎu tr mu 12 TABLETà 25c M8TETS 75c -Ihstantine TAD< #M ue. "ýn &GET FAST RELIEFwMl GIN PNLLS FOR TU4E KIDNEYS Ab Quic k Relief from Acid Indigestion unytime I 200 TABLETS 99C Always carry PHILLIPS' PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs ýWe Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 Ho also congratulated Mrs. Roy Lunney for her comprehensive description of the musical life of the town in the same period. All the events of Bowmanville Centennial Year ;will bo in- corporated in tho official pro- gram, Mr. Herbert stated. Carulval and Midway Laurence Goddard, chairman of the -program committee, me- ported that arrangements have been made to have a carnival and mid-way during Old Home Week from Saturday, June 28th to the following Saturday even- ing. There will ho 17 bands in the great Centennial Parade on Juno 28th, and thene will also ho a good representation of floats and antique cars. Ail Entrios In Writint The Parade Marshall Alan Osborne requests that ail entries for »the Cen tennial Parade be made to him ini writing. This is urgent, Mr. Osborne stated. They should be sent ta him ad- dressed "'Alan Osborne, Box 95, Bowmanvillc'". The closing date for parade eniries is May 2lst. Mr. Goddard also reported that there will be a Street Dance on Saturday evening, June 28th. On Sunday mamning "The Salute to Bowmanvillc" will be broad- cast from the Town Hall, be- fore' the "Neighbourly News" program with Arthur Phelps as the commentator. Thanksgivlng Service There will be the usual Church services that, morning. On Sun- day afternoon the open air Thanksgiving Service will be held in Memoriai Park at 3 o'ciock. Church choirs are pre- paring special music for this event, and it is hoped there will be a massed choir of about 60 voices. Bouse of David Coming On Monday, June 30th, the afternoon will ho devoted to Public School and High Schaol visits. In the evening there will be a -basebaîl gaine betwecn the Bowmanville Harvesters and the House of David team from U.S.A. Tuesday, the Dominion Day holiday, wiil be marked with children's costume parade in the marning, and the Commun- ity Picnic in the afternoon, and evening, concluding wîth a fire- works display. Wedncsday wili be Rural Visiting Day with tours of the district. On Wedncsday evening there will be a variety show in the Town Hall, and the Beard Grow- ing Contest will ho judged. The Beauty Conteat The Bowmanviile Kinsmen Club plans te hold a Beauty Contest prier to Old Home Wcek, and the winncr wiil take part in the various events dur- 4r. and Mek. Robent Gill have secured the outstanding picture "The Yearling" for pre- sentation on Wednesday and Thursday of Old Home Wcek at the Royal Theatre, and there ,..'ill be special matinees on bath days for senior citizens. Tours of Industries Friday will be Industrial Day and there will be tours of local plants and factories. The Rotary Club will hold an Old Time Centennial Bail on Friday even- ing. There arc also tentative plans for a softball game on Saturday afternoon betwecn a Toronto girls' tcam and a local men's I tcam. A soccer game bctwecn two leading tcams will be play- cd eithcr on Friday or Thurs- day cvening. On Saturday evcning there is ta be a main- math fircworks display. On Sunday, July 6th a great Drumhead Service wîll be hcld by Zone F of the Canadian Legion. This will ho a mast impressive and stirring sight. Special tours o! Memorial Hospital, and visits ta the Pub- lic Library will be held anc day during the week. The Bowmanville Lions Club have placed the Lions Commun- ity Centre at the disposai of the Centennial Committee for Old Home Week. It will ho used as a visiting centre, and the Women's Hospital Auxiliary will serve tea there daily. Police Chie! Bernard Kitney rcported special souvenir "lshin piasters" have been purchascd. He toid o! special arrangements that have been made for dis- abled people to sec the Centen- niai Parade and other events. Souvenir Tumbler Draw The meeting discussed the $500.00 Draw. With each ticket the buyer receives a set of attractive Centennial Souvenir glasses. The tickets and souven- ir tumblers arc now an sale in For The Holiday Week-end!1 LM =-01 I Pen tecostal Ch urch 21 Ontario St. Rev. G. E. Leno, Pastor Y our opportunity ta he-r ]EVANGELIST Charlesloin A young marn on fire for God Suaday - 1l &.m. - 7 p.rn. 8 p.n- Tues, ta Friday Evoryone Woicorne EDASAL I.D.A. WAX PAPER .D.A. Brand Pain Tablets 12 ln. x 100 i., Reg. 31e Bottie 300's, reg. 89e - 59ec 28e, 2 for 55a HALO SHAMPOO l0c OFF PALMOLIVE Rog 6e is -2 or89 i4-s.RAPID SHAVE Reg.65esir - for89e1 4oz.Aerosol, reg. 59e 49e Johnson'a BABY SOAP 10c OFF LYSOL Only le with the Purchase Reg. 79e bottie -_____69e of 69e size Johnson's Baby ______________ Powder - 94e value -- 70e ODO-RO-NO STOPETTECREAM DEODORANT SPRAT DEODORANT 1.25 value - -_____79e Two 75e ise __-_ 1.19 SPRAY DEODORANT f.25 aise _______ 98e 1.50 size _______98e Now in colouns! I.D.A. TOILET TISSUE x ~ Fine quality white and new I~ soft colours pink and yellow RegularW 2 for 27c 2 For 125r. ~ "~ FREE! BALL POINT PEN with purchase of GIANT SIZE COLGATE DENTAL CREAM ---69e Bright Singing Lieut. Col. C. Knaap ALL ARE WELCOME It was announced at the came mittee meeting that negotiatians are under way in the hope of securing a visit ta Bowmanville during Old Home Week of the famous Elsie the Bonden Cow. Word of plans for the Orange Walk on July 12th was received from the Orange Lodgc, the Kinsmen Club, the Basebaîl Club, and Keith Connell of the Crcam of Barlcy Park. The Centennial Committee Chairman, Mr. Herbert, suggcst- cd the possibility o! a mam- moth bonfire on Hallowe'en with ghosts, -.iitches and gab- lins, as a grand finale to the Centennial celebrations. H istoiry Pelinted (Continued fram page one) April 3. 1958. Before writing cauld begin, masses o! mater- !l had to be gone through and notes madc. Town Council min- utes wcre painstakingly read, and J. T. Colcman's baok, "His- tory o! the Early Settlement of Bowmanvllle and Vicinity'l. published 1875, J. B. Fairbairn's "History and Reminiscences af Bowmanville", publishcd 1906. and John Squair's "The Town- ships of Darlington and Clarke," published 1927, were consulted, also other locaà minute books and records, and the Provincial Archivist. Pat Gould at The Statesman office can vouch for the many times the paper's files werc in demand. Pat was the willing heiper who wcnt up three flights a! stairs ta get them. Besides ail this, dozens of people wcre tracked dawn in persan and by letter, and ask- cd questions, but the human mcmary being fallible even at its best, items gleaned in this way wcro nat presented ai facts. Before the job was complet- cd, the cammittee suffered the loss o! Mr. D. R. Morrison, but the two remaining members carried the project through. Where you can obtain your copy of 'Bowmanville: A Re- trospcct" and when, will soon be made known. Watch for de- tails and plan now ta get your ___j MAT isih, loge . a THE eAlç"IAN STATESMAN. BOVIUNVILIX. ONTARIO -PAME qrvwm

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