r - - - -~ - ________ - - - PAGE EIGHT TEE CANABTAN WVAIMMN. OWM&AWI~VfLU. NTAMY TWTTRSDAY. MAT leth. lIM br £LM ECAEIUTUEW.8LUNNET BEAUTY AT NIAGAIRA A weekffd trio to Buffalo took us through the orehard district et Niagara and along tbe beautifully landseaped Ri- ver Road. A good number of blossoms were out, but we would think the peak waÉ some days off at that time. Dniving along the cider, quieter road la like a pleatant &tep back in time. The orchards are close at hand on either aide, and one c;n drive slowly eI¶Gugh to en- joy themn-an impossibility on the Queen fflzabeth Way. Tbu smnail size of the fruit treÎs of NiAgana always strikes US, &iS caspared with our own api.ocharda, and the smpil Sglg limbe of the peach tteeg witli ther spaoed, pink biopomauomhowaiways make uë think of a Chinlese painting. There las smething stylized *bout their appearance. Part of tht. ay be due to the method of p=ng we really don't know, being ignorant of the horticul- ture- of peach trees. Without minlmizing the beau- ty of Niagara orehards, we can't help thinking that nothing cen beat apple onchards in blossomn for lovelneu. To our mind, the sight is altogether more sPec- tacular because o! the size of the. trees and the closeness of the blossoms. Most o! the var- Jeties being grown now have white bloasoms, but what they mey lackin t colour, the orch- ard% a nSeup in rassed bloomn. Don't forget to drive through Durham and Northumberland and te your fill o! this love- liest sight of the year. We can't say just when this is likeiy to b. this year, but The. States- man wili keep you posted. We mnust say once egain how beautiful the gardens at Nia- gara Ial are, and the park- jnds along the river from Nie- I ara-on -the-Lake ta Oid Fort re, and how proud every C#nadian, partieuiariy evéry Ontarlan, ulieuld b. of th'eni. one mlght drive manY miles ini any country anid neyer see anything so lovely and well cared for. The bout In nature has been preserved. and en- hanced by skilful Pianting Of flowers, shruba and trees. W. feel a peruonal gratitude ta the Niagara Parka Commission and thé Ontario Government for these beautiful acres. WE CALL ON AN OLD LAKE MARINER In Buffalo we gave ourseives the pleasure of a cail on Cap- tain Albert Norton and bis wife. We have reed and heerd about Cept. Norton for y9ars. He is something o! a legend around Bowmanville, having started bis career on the laite boats in 1882 out of Bowmen- ville, and only retired in 1939. He was called back into ser- vice for some years during the war. Todey, at 92, he stands straight as a ramrod, and is ful1 of the letest newa of lake boats and shipping. The Seawayis going te itake a big difference te leke ship- ping, Capt. Norton says. It is expected that it will put the grin carriers out o! business. la sw. think is flot only an economic problem, but a sad development in the long bis- tory o! Great Lakes shipping. Those o! us flot acqueinted with shipping have heard littie about this side of the pictune, and mnuch about the supposed ad- vanteges o! the Seaway. Let us hope that haif o! the latter are true. Te get back tet Capt. Norton -he recalied when he used to ssii out of Bowrnanville han- bour on the "Vienna" and oth- ers, with benley for Oswego. With e favourabie wind, a shlp wouid meke Oswego harbour in nine hours, he sald. Capt. Norton left Bowmanville in 1892. H. hed a hankering for steam ships, and there were more out of, American ports then ber.. Capt. Norton was born here and he and Mrs. Norton and Cept. Roising, aiso a retired lakes captain. who lives wlth themn, are planning te corne te Bowmanvilie duning its Cen- tennial year, probably in June. Capt. Rolsing who will be do- ing the driving, is just a young 80. Som.thlng about the lil! on the lakes must b. awfully heai- thy. First Traffic Clinic In Région Opens in Full A Traffic Clinic will b. open- *cl in Bowinanville early in Bepterriber. Magistrate R. B. Eaxter, Port Hope, announced yesterday. It will be an ex- celUent educational course for prospective drivers and motor- Ists, h. naid. Air, Rail or steaushi; TI1CKEBTS8 TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Dowmanvillie Because this is Bowmnanviile's Centennial Year, this town has been selected for the first Traf- fie Ciinic to be held in the t-egion, the Magistrat. explain- cd. Traffic Ciinics in Toronto and Hamilton have been suc- cessfui, and in the future it is expected that such clinics will be estabiished in Port Hope and other towns in the district. The course et the Bowman- ville Tnaffic Cici will consist o! two houn sessions on two different evenings. Magstrate Baxter will open the course. The instructors will be Police Chie! In the hall of the Norton home la a beautiful hand-carv- ed model of a French tull-rig- gd ocean going sailing ship. Thisa i the work o! Capt. Nor- ton. "It took me two winters,"ý he said as we admined this in- tricate piece of work. How la it that sailons, some of themn any- way, have the eye and gifted hand for this kind of work? We expect it was found more often in past genenations thuit fow. The skili and infinite patience required are too demending <Or tbis hurryilg generation. His boyhood memnonies o! Bowmanville probably igo beck as far on fartJher than anyône eise's, so Capt. Norton will cen- tainly be a dlstiftguished'Cen- tenniai visitor. NOTES AND COMWENT8 Wbiie un Buffalo we saw a movie called "Stage Stntick" with Henry Fonda, and "intro- ducing" Chnistopher Plummer, as it was announced in the list- ing o! the cast. This is our Chnistopher PlumTner, a Cana- dien o! Stratford Festival fanW. As ail who have seen hum there know, he is a fine actor. He and bienry Fonda have equally im- portant parts in this movie, and bath turn in goad performan- ces. But what a pity they couldn't have been given a story worthy of their talents. Susan Strasberg we found quite un- convincing for the mont part, and the story equally no. If Mn. Plummer wants it. we hope he gets another chance et a movie, next Urne wlth a good story. He desenves it. H. la agein a star o! our Stretiord Festival this year. As you may have seen, Boyd Neel and the Hart House Or- chestre which we heard here in March. will represent Canada on Canada Day et the Brussels World Exhibition this aummer. The orchestre will b. augment- ed by five players for the oc- casion. Guest artl3t wlth the orchestra will ho Glenn Gouid. Can't help saying we wish- this might have been Ray Dudley, but we are sure Canada wil b. pvoudi o! her contribution on t~s speciel day. And anen't you proud ta have heard thls orchestra play in Bowmauville? Bernard R. Kltney, and an Ontario Provincial Policeo! ficer. Special motion pictures wil be shown. There wil also be slides displayed to illustrate points in instruction. The Bow- manville Traffic Clinic wil have special equipment as well. Magistrate Baxter called a special meeting In Port Hope on April 25 for ail Chie! Constables and senior Ontario Provincial Policemen in the United Coun- ties. He introduced Staff In- spector Douglas Wilson, O.P.P., head of the Traffic Sefety De- partment of the Ontario At- torney-General's office. Staff Inspector Wilson described the Traffic Clinics now in operation. The subi ect was thoropighly dis- cussed by ail those attending the meeting..1 You can enjoy the convenience of plenty of hot waten for only a few cents a day with special Hydro liat rates. There is an electric hot water heater in a size and capacity just rig}t for your family's need- with abundant storage capacity and quick recoveny when more hot water 18 needed. If planning to change the present method of heating water in youn home, be sure to discuss your needs with your local Hydro office. Get complete information about thle economical Hydro fiat rates available to you. Show' s School Pupils WiI Visit Industries On Educational Tour Shaw's Home end Scheel As- sociation~ met at the achool for thein May meeting. Trhe Presi- dent, Jim Bernes, took chang et the business peniod. Pana were made for eur Annual pic- tic at the Cresm o!f Barley Park, June 20, the executive te be in charge of arrangement. It was decidod te eccopt Ms.. Werry's klnd offer of the use o! her stand te bold our ennual Shaw's Market in September, as aur money-making acheine o! -the year. Mr. Alex Prout, chairman of the nomnzating committee, gave his repo rt- a.fioa rmdn - . MXPabb,, Vce-Pns.-Bric Loveklxr Secretary-Mr.. Hel- en RuJell; Troastiren - Mn.. Olive Wood; Cor?. Sec'y-Mrs. Loa Cox; Préos S*c'y-Mr*. Jean Rebb; Planlst-.-Mrs. 0. IL Bragg. A report on the playground equipment was given and we were pleased to accept a glt o! lumber needed for swings and baiketbeli standards from Mn., P. G. Neweli, and aur hearty thanks were expresaed. Chas. Gilkes voiunteered to supenin- tend the proper piaclng of the equipment. The treasurer was authonized Kirby Pupils Win Award At Festival The pupils of Kirby Public Sehool attended the Peterbor- ough Kiwanis Musical Festival. On Apnil 28th Herold Reinstra entened in a deass with 15 con- testants, came fourth with 78, solo Il and under. Wayne Lôw- ery entened in a solo 16 and under, came first wit#82~ there were 12 contestant&i. Teofliw- ung boy% sang in a c4ogble trio camlig fogrth wlth 78 in a class of 15: Terny Tomlinson, Douglas Hamm, Wayne Miller, Bill Rteid, Herold Reinstra and Wayne Loweny. On May 2nd the school chorus came firat wlth 883It a elau o! il. Pupils of Enterpnise eacteck part in th* Festival. Thte achool chorus tled for fourth with 70. Betty Alldread sang in the clest for 16 and under and carne fourth with 78. OBITIJÀRY MES. LAURA COOPER The death occunred et the home o! hen daugliten, Mns. 0. Cowan, Orono, on Mondey, May 5, of Laura Cooper, widow o! Francis J. G. Cooper, in her 87th yeen. Mrs. Cooper was born in Manvers township. -Mns. Cooper is sunvived by five sons, Chas. V., r. Oliver, Clifford W., ail o! Orono; Per- cy G. and J. H. Cooper, Osh. awa; two daughters, Ilazel (Mrs. O. Cowan) Qi-ana, and Errna (Mns. M. Brooks). Pictan; also by 28 grandchiidren, 47 great-grandchildren and one great-gneat-grandchild Rev. B. Long conducted the funerai service in the Orono United Church et 2.30 p.rn. Interment was in the Onono Union Cernetery. The Palibearers were six grandions: Vence Cooper, Grant Cooper, Glen Brooks, Donald Cooper, Allun Brooks, Dennis Cooper. 1 HAMPTON Mn. and Mns. Warren Brown, Sagiriaw, Michigan, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ceverly, Oshawa, were guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Ken Caverly last week. Mn. and Mns. Arthur. Sullivan and daughter, Toronto, were visitons with her sister and busband, Mr. and Mrs. Joeý Gal- lent on Seturday evenlng. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Keane and Douglas and Mn. and Mn.. Adarn Keanie, Oshawa, vislted et T. Wray's. Mr. Rahph Bunrowa. Kincar- dine, spent the weekend witb his parents, Mn. and Mns. J. A. Burrows. Mns. T. M. Mountjoy visited with relatives In Bowmanville. Sari-y ta hase Mrs. Robt. Me- Cuiloch fnomn our village, she havlng disposed of ber apent- ment furnishinga in the home o! Mrs. Joe Chapmnan, and has now takeri up residence in To- nta. Mn. R. J. Hodgson bas ne- turned hoe.fram the Baw- manville Hospital and la con- vaiescing favorably. Mr. and Mns. Geo. Gilbert are planning ta, take a trip te Scotland in the nean future. The "Fireside" gnoup o! the Bowmanville Salvation Army, about thirty in ail visited Mrs. Sarah Allun on Sunday evening, who il stili con! mcd ta ber bed et the home of Mrs. Luther Allin. Thein visit wes rnuch appreciated. North Nesileton The monthly meeting a! Le- cal 73 Farnten's Union held Wednesday eveningM ,was -'e11 _64-1-A lh reidn ta pay bis accumulating aven the summer months and a sum o! money was vated to be pald ta the school ceretaker for his extra work 1h connection with Our mneeting#s. Mia. Aikcen announced an inter-field mneet to be held et the achool May 23 and asked for volunteers ta help supervise the eventa. A sum o! money wes voted ta be pald to heip charter a bus to take the stud- ents on an educational tour o! Peterbonough industries. Russel Bragg was chairman o! the program which included musical numbers by the stud- ents, solos and a duet by Pet Rudell and Murray O'Brien and a duet by Ruth Werny and Mar- garet Cryderman. Miss Aiken introduced our guests Mn. and Mrs. Bey. Gray o! Garden, Hill who showed pîctures o! their trip ta England end Scotiand in connection with Junior Farmer wonk. Mn. Gray gave an interesting commentery and their excellent sldes were much appreciated. Mrs. Rudeil thanked ail who bcd taken part and a social bour was spent. Lunch was served by Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Burnham and Mns. Cox. Terwilligan, Mn. and Mrs. En- nest Brown and Miss Marie Manlowe, ail o! Oshawa, Miss Snowy Manlowe, Welland, Mr. and Mir. Henb Mackie, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. D. Sleep, Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and boys, Don Mils, with Mr. and Mrm. Doug Mackie. Mn. and Mrs. Wiibun McCoy vlsited with hon people at Mar-mora. Mnr.and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm, Yelverton. held a family ne- union Saturday evening in hon- or o! thein father, Mr. Rea Mal- eolm's birthday. Many happy retun. Mn. end Mns. Edgar Emerson and boys, Don Milii, and Miss Irene Emerson, Oshawa, wlth titeir parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson for Mother's Day. Mr. and Mns. Allan Wilson and girls visited their respective parents at Booklin on Sunday. Nestleton Station Mn. and Mrs. Francis GIst and family o! Lang, wene Mo- ther's Day visitons with Mn. and Mns. C. Gist and Mr. and Mns. R. Davison. Sunday visitons with Mns. Jas. Semeils and Norman, were Ai- fred Sameils, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mn.. Alvin Gardon and Mn. and MIrs. Waltcr Rogers and famlly, ail o! Oshawa. Mn. and Mns.- Wilfred Vine and family took Ifna. George Bowera to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Chapman, North Bay, during the week. Mr. George Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams and famIlry spent the weekend with the Chapmans and brought Mrs. Bowers home with them. Giad to report Dor- othy Chapmen la recovering nlcely since her recent opera- tion. Miss Florence Fair, Toronto, paid ber aunt, Mrs. Joseph For- der and other friends a short visit., Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, Oshawa, were visitors with Mr. and.Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher are at their cottage et William's Point since returning from Florida and visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Miss Dorothy Har- his, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMuilen and Carl, Bailyduff: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samelîs and Shar- on, Peterborough, and Mr. Ed. gar Gibson, visited Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hyland. Rev. and Mrs. R. Campbell are attending a meeting in Sud- bury the first of this week. Mr. Bruce Heasiip returned home from Oshawa Hospital on Saturday and friends are wishîng him much improved bealth. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Marlow and family, Lively, visited their parents and families over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCuaig of Lively, were also visitors with the Grant Thornp- sons. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son visited their mothers, Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Beaverton, and Mrs. W. H. Johnston of Peffer- iew on Sunday. Congratulations to Miss Gwen Wilson, B.A., who recelved no- tice o! a successful year spent at Queen's University, King- ston. Convocation is this com- îng Saturday and Gwen is sup- plying on the Toronto Occasion- ai Staff till the end o! the sehool year. Mrs. Wilev McKeown and Howard of Mona Road. visited Mrs. J. W. Irvine and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heasiip on Sunday. Friends wili be sorry to iearn o! the accident suffered by Don- ald McLaughlin last week. He fell in his uncie. Wm. Hooey's, barn and broke his shoulder and la now in Oshawa Hospital. A speedy recovery Donald! Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mains had as Mother's Day guests, Mrs George Windsor and Billie, Bal- lantrae, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs and f amily, Port Perry; Mr. and M.rs. George Sellers and family, Bowmanvilie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mains and faniily, Brampton. Friends are wishing to hear that Mr. Reg Nesbitt la much improved in health. Mr. Thos. Wood, Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Wood. Raymnond Crawford of Osh- awa, visited his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford and family. Lena Taylor Delegate to B. & P. W. Conf. Miss Violet McFeeters' Bow- manville, acted as secretary et ail the business sessions of the two-day Regionai Conference of Business and Professional Women's Clubs held in Port Hope on Saturday and Sunday. There are 13 clubs in the region from Kingston on the east to Ajax on the west. Miss Lena Taylor was the officiai delegate from the Bow- manvilie B. and P. Women's Club. Others who attended the conference as observers from the local club were Miss Mc- Feeters, Mrs. Mabel Bagneil, Mrs. Florence Tomiinson, Mrs. Elule Holstock, Mins Dorothp Virtue and Mrs. Paulne Stork% Newcastle. Reports were given by the Clubs of numerous grants in aid bursaries, and schoiarships, an o! gifts to libraries, achools and hospitais. Many novel wayllda raising club funds were noI,1 The delegates e asked t6 discuss in their lme clubs and obtain the op a o! mem- bers on the mo nt promoteci by a telegram eompany to re. move married women from their staffs. They were also asked to consider what the effect of this action will have on other em. ployers o! female help. It was announced that tlje next Region. ai Conference will be held in Trenton. A play speciaily presented by the Port Hope Communityr Theatre Group on fýatufdayr evening for the delegat.es ancl their guests was much enjoyed. Are you ral ready for the trip? You're aIl set for the firat big outing o! the sunimer. Gasint the tank. Waten in the nadiatar. Air in the tires. But are you really ready? Remember a defect li your car or its equipment can cause a lot o! trouble. It ccxi spail yaur trip-or even lead toa major disasten on the roed. Make sure. Check your brakes and steering system. Check your tires for wear and damage. Check youn lights, front and back. Check the exhaust system for dangenous leaks. And do it now. Because yaur whole summen of motornxg pleasune dependa an safety. You can't be really sure of youn safet".you aren't really sure of your car. Youn OntaioWxrtment of Transport urges you ta check your ca check your driving-and check accident&. Lloyd Lockhant of the Toronto Star is what's known as a "two-way" man. Equally expert with camera and pencil, he specializes in huinan interest stonies packed with colour, drama and real-life detail. And, whether he's bringing you face to face with the seldom interviewed strong-armn presideat of Cuba, or the peanut man on your own corner, Lockhart shows the truc reporter's passion for accuracy. Once, ,.' to get inside data for a story about housewives, hW spent two weeks as a fuil-time housekeeper for bis own family of five. It'a colourful ncwamen like Lockhart that help make t.he Toronto Stan Canada'. most intcresting paper. There's more straight news too~ ...more special features ... and fan, fan more picua4, FOR MORE HUMAN INTEREST, READ THE TORONTO S14R C14 witha fl/j'Ej"PAUTOMATIC ELECTRIC E[WLSU MLU 9wATER HEATER' live botter ELECTRiCALIT BQWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION W. ROSS STRIKE, Q.r. G!O. VAN BRIDGER ChIr~Managerà Lloyd Lockliaxt uncoveirs the hiuman side of the news vu.vM L- - -IOMO Su &Atla-Kn ffu È91-am m- JL JrIX.4 %eg"M b3 JL ý Jk , JLWg " V AJ60A.&I% %eZN & 1