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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1958, p. 11

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THUUSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1958 THE CANAD!AN STATESMAN, DOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO ~ÂU W~ Gordon Àgnew, Edfior e Fir4&iorks Experiment Tremendous Success Headed by Lions Club, ' NEWCASTLE - The sumn- inertime outdoor activities of thum Village started with a bang en Monday in fact a lot of bangs were heard during the evening when, the comnmun,'ts fireworks program was dîs- played and the many combina- tions of colour bath on ground level and in the sky were a beauty ta bebald. During the afternaon and early evening two basebail games were played in the park when the local Intermediates imade their f îrst appearance and taak a saund trauncing frurn the Newtanville Champians; and came back in a twilight game ta defeat the lacal Juven- iles 4 ta 3 in an exhibition fix- tu re. Following the last game a 1 lewcast/e cSocal anc1 £Perso nal Friends and relative- hene Mrs. Albert Pearce and !am*Ily rdtvill regret ta learn of the death and Mrs. W. J. Hockin. #%fMrs. Alvina (Perrin) Evans, Miss Beryl Manisan a! Cen- coused by a taîl at ber daugh- tral India, of the Wamen's Mis- ter's home in San Gabriel. Dur- sionary Society of the United ing the previaus week Mrs. Cburch who bas spent 30 yeans Evans had celebrated ber 91st in India, visited aven the birthday and was active and in weekend with Rev. and Mrs. M. good healtb. The remains wene C. Fisher and family. Miss Mon- taken by plane ta St. Louis for nison showed some slides which bunial beside ber busband, she bad taken in India at the Frank L. Evans, in the tamily Sunday Schaol and spoke plot. She is survived by a tam- briefly ta the cangregatian at ily o! three, Mrs. Brokenshîre the morning wonsbip service on (Pearl) of Columbus-, William Sunday. of Decater and Mrs. Jack (Ora) Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Alin of Son Gabriel. and Miss Betty Alin a! Peter- Mn. and Mns. Roy Douglas of borough vere Sunday visitons Toronto, spent t.he weekend vis- w ith Mn. and Mrs. Albert Iing with *Mn. Walter Douglas Pac and tamily. and Ms. Rgen.Holiday visitons with Mn. and and rs.Rage. fMrs. Gardon Agnew were Mn. Mn. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew Il and Mns. M. E. Swan a! Toron- Port Caîborne visited witb Mn. Ita, Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew and Mns. Gardon Agnew an Sat- of Peterborough and Mrs. F. S. urday. Agnew of Milton. Weekerid visitons witb Mn. Mr. and Mns. James Taylor and Mrs. John Vautt and fom- -of Lindsay and Miss Janie Pal- i.iy were Mn. and Mns. Don Ac- lard o! Caurtice wene weekend ton and daugbter Debonah a! visitons with Mn. and Mns. H. Bnooklin, Mns. John Stemp and, C. Dennis. Bobby a! Uxbnidge, Miss Bar- Mn. and Mrs. Vance Sutton bana Stemp and Mn. Reg Plie-1 and thein two small daugbters, lan o! Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. were weekend guests with Miss Sidney Byam and son Terry B. S. Mclntosh. and Mns. Wilfned Onr o! To- -Mn. Alan Lockhart hou re- ronto. tunned tram California and 1Mn. and Mrs, Lçckhart, who spent the we ek en d - with buave been. tau ÈKti' extensively bis sister, Miss Ethel Lackhant. in the U.S. a *#'t'anada, spent Mrs. Leslie Foulis of Toronto, a few doys visiting with Mr7s. was a recent guest with Miss J. Pinnegar whi1e enroute ta Hattie Maon. Ireland. Mrs. Savon Graham, Mrs. AI- Mn. Gordan Agnew spent lan McEvoy, Mrs. Stella Ander- Sunday visiting witb Mn. and son and Miss Ethel Lockhart Mrs. Don Williams and family visited with Mn. and Mns. Eanl in Bawmanville. Wynn in Part Hope. Captain and Mrs. Jae Hockin Mn. and .Mrs. H. S. Bnitton and famiby o! Kingstan were are on a ten day moton trip ta weekend visitorg; with Mn. and Washington, D.C. CONCRETE SILOS fu~I Have openings for a few more contracts in Bowmanville area We build a six-inch reinforced, poured ivall. Presently working at J. Brown's Farm, Newcastle Edgar Prescott's Farm, Enfield McCANN BROS. 224 WILLIAM ST. PHONE 4621 STRATFORI I A WHY!O Pay Big Prices for PAINT when you can buy guaranteed interior or exterior Vaint . in ail colours at our store for as littie as *49 GALLON Quart 95C If Honest Ed can do it . . . so can we! BUY NOW . .. AND SAVE We Carry A Complete Line of Camping Equipment S1FRCIAL SLEEPING BAGS .&-around Zipper, $ ,# ltubber Base 100% Nylon Special for Thursdawy, Friday, Saturday T-SHIRTS____49 Reg. 89c, for ____9______ Bowma nvilIle Sutw'plus Store 49 King St. E. Phoine MA 3-3211 Phone 3821 New Lighting System WiI Be Dedicated Sunday at St. GeorgeIfsl NEWCASTLE - The newly installed lighting system at St. George's Church, Newcastle, will be dedicated this coming Sunday morning at the eleven o'clock service o! worship. This dedication will mark the conclusion of the work under- taken by the congregatian in, observance of the Centenary of the Laying af the Foundation Stone of the present church wbîch took place on July 2nd. 1857. This work comprised the installation of a new heatingi systemn and the complete ne- wiring of the chunch. The Chancel o! St. George's will naw be lighted with seven bracket type lights and flood ligbts installed above the Chan- cel arch. The nave and east aisle of the church will have 12 brac- kets and six great lanterns hanging fnom the nave beams., The whole wark is most pleasing and the rnembers of St. George's cangregation are ta be congratulated an the fît- ting' completion of their Cen- tenary objective. NEWCASThE--Dist Gavern- or, Lian H. L. (Deac.) Goddard of, Bawmanville, made bis of- ficiai visit ta the Newcastle Lians Club on Thursday even- ing last when the Newcastle Midget Hackey team were guests o! the club wbicb spon- sored them during the past sea- son., Witb a good turnout af mem- bers, Lian President Roy For- rester pnesided and following a deliciaus meal colled on Lion, Brentan Rickord ta introduce the 10 members a! the team in attendonce and the Lion mcm- bers wbo worked with the boys during the seasan. During a short business meet- ing the members voted $125 ta caver the cast ot an eye opera- tion ton a local cbild a; $25 grant ta the Canadian Cancer Society and a donation o! $10 ta the Ed Summers memonial fund. Intnoduced by the club's chan- ter President, Lion Percy Rare,i Lions District Govennon Lion "Deac" Goddard a! Bawmon- ville spoke briefly expressing his appreciation a! the oppar- tunity that had been o!forded ta him ta serve as District Gav- ernor of the Association during the past yeor and spake o! the pragress made ln lionism dur- ing the yearnonw dnawing to a close. On beboit o! the membens o! the club, Lion Chas. Knox, a past deputy district gavernar,l expressed appreciation ta Lion Deac for his words o! wîsdom ta the membens of the club and bis progress repart o! Lionism thraughaut the District. To close a most interésting evening films were shown on animal life and entitled "*The Four Seasons". 'Cigarette Smoking Should Be Avoided Says W.C.T.U. Speaker NEWCASTLE - nhe regular meeting o! the Woman's Chris- tian Tempenance Union was held on Tbursd ay atternoon bu the Board room o! the Newcas- tle United Cburcb with Presi- "dent Mns. T. Sowden presîctîng. The meeting opened witb the singing a! a bymn !ollowed by N the Lord's Prayen and the '~Pledge repeated in unison. The president afnnuniced the tn a! the W.C.T.U. wbich is bing held in Sarnia Jue 3rd ta 5th inclusive. During the wonship service Miss Trenwitb nead the. Scrip- turc besson, Mns. Mîlisan read a paper on "The Evils o! Intemn- penonce" and Mr@. Farrow of- tened prayer. Tbe Clip Sheet, entitled "Why Cigarettes Should Be Avoidcd" was conducted by Mns. Sowden with other membens assisting. We bave heard about lung can- cer being caused by cigarette smoking, and research investi- ) gations covering thousands o! cases a! lung cancer, cannied an in tive different countnies seem ta carry the some convic- tions. On Ju ly 15, 1957 the u. S. Surgeon General, Leroy Bur- ney said in Washington thit Government Scientists bad !aund a chemical agent ini ci- garettes whicb tbey suspect may couse cancer in the lung, benzapyrene. "The danger o! cigarette smoking as leading ta the use o! Marijuana, a deadly nanco- tic, is a seniaus threat ta aur young people. Few nancatic ad- dic'ts live beyond 50 ycars and the R.C.M.P. report that 60% o! drug addicts stant before the age of 17 yeans. The Mari- verv large crowd appeared ta view the result of a community ca-operative effort and were Mast pleased with what they saw. The community fireworks display, arganized by the local Lions Club went off without a hitch with Lions, Lionettes, the Fire Department, Police and the general public co-operating ta the limit. The Lions committee, head- ed by Keith Aiken, were in charge of the fireworks and public address systemn, the Lionettes in charge of the re- freshment booth dispensing hat dags, saft drinks and hot coffee which had a good rur : the Xrlunteer Fire Brigade stood by with their pumper in case of emergency and the Po- lice did a good job in handling the heavy traffic at the en.- trance ta the park. The crowd gathered for the ,event exceeded ail expectatiar s but was verv orderlv and abey- ed instructions given through the public address systern., kseping a safe distance tram the danger area, -,o that no acci- dents happened ta mar the oc- casion. According ta the members of the Lions Club donations wil almost cover the cost of the prajcct, $200, and everyone is completely satisfied witli th:s great cammunitx' effort which ini ail probabilitv will become an annual event for the open- irg rof the outdoor seasons at- tivities. juana reefer is often the start- ing paint. "Many athletes of world wide renown use neither alcobal nan tabacco", she said, "as there is no place in athbetics for al- caholic and noncotic poisons." Miss Trenwith read an essay on "Hanm a! Tabacco ancd Li- quar" written by a 13-year-old girl, Susie Major o! Onono. The meeting cbosed with the, singing o! a bymn and the ne- peating o! the Mizpah Bencdic- tion in unison. WEDDING VON BREDOW - 'JOHNSTONE NEWCASTLE - The United Church Parsonage, Newcastle, was the scene o! a pretty monn- ing wedding on Saturday May 17, 1958, wben Jane Bonnell Jabnistone, daughiten o! Mn. Ed- win Johnstone and the bote Mrs. Johnstone a! Charlottetown, P.E.I. (cousin o! Mrs. M. C. Fisher) became the bride af MÇr. Hcnning Von Bredow o! To- ronto. The ceremony was pcr!onmed by the Rev. M. C. Fisher in a setting o! lavely spring flowcrs while wedding music was play- cd by Miss Velda Fisher. The bride was charming in a street length gawn o! white swiss dot dacron aven plusb pink taffeta. Rer shoulder lengtb veil was held by a cor- anet o! peanîs and sequins and she cannied a bouquet o! red rosebuds and wbite 'mums. She was attcndcd by ber cousin, Mrs. Gea. Brown of Hamilton, who chose a gown o! pale green taffeta with white gccessories and cannied a bou- quet o! pink carnations. The groom v.,as attended by Mn. H. Lune o! Toronto. Follawing the ceremony, the noon luncheon was served by ber Fousins, the Misses Elize.- beth Johnstone, Melve*.N and Velda Fisher and Mrs. Nettlc, a U.C.T.S. classmatc. For travelling, the bride chose' a pink woal jersey suit with white accessanies. The bride's bouquet was flown the same evening, with Miss Elizabeth Joh.nstone, ta ber grandmother bu Prince Ed- word Island who is weil and active at 90 yeans o! age. Gucsta wene present from Barrie, Toronto, Hamilton, Cornwall and Summerside, P. E.I. Telcgrams of good wishes to the happy couple were necciv-I ed froni London, England. Van- couver, Charlottetown and To- ranto. ERROR AND OMISSION Due to an errer, the Basebal Schcdulcs for the Pc. Wee and Bantam teams, appeaning bu last week's Paper should be changed as follolws: In the Bantam Sche- dube May 29, Orano at Port Hope was amitted while the games scheduied fon June Il in the Pee Wee schedule shoulà have been June lfl-Port Hp at BoA-man%-'i]le andMai Grove at Newcaztle. <1/e VwcSl 4>~erç unaninIbously, "That this coun- was always dearest to her heant. cil notify the Durham District She wvas president of the W.M. High School Board that it will S. at the time Trinity was cele- not give its assent ta any de- brating its centenary. She serv.- bentures for the purpase Of ed several years as press secre- Ibuil ding any new High Sehool tary for the Oshawa Pnesby- Iutlsutticient evidence bas terial. Among hier effectswere been adduced ta shaw the loca- found manv outlines of inspi- tion of such a sehool bas been rational talks, speeches, reports chosen an a density af popula- of meetings, even notes taken tion basis and that such a loaR- during Sunday sermons. In tian is a logical step in an aven'- every aspect of her life she vias ail long range plan", a devoted fallower of Christ. It was decided that other setting an unforgettable exam- municipalities concerned shauld ple ta thase Who knew lier, o! be notifîed of this resolution. love, patience, and gentie The Township of Darlington stnength. h as taken similar action, as ne- Following Mr. Wagar's re- Iparted recently in the Statsman tirement in 1937, he suffered a and it is understood sevei'al series of strokes, through which other municipalities are consid- tiine of illness and partial par- fering the matter. alysis, Mrs. Wagar cared for him g in their home on Centre Street. I After his death in 1948, she took flRTTTARV - raoms at 110 Wellington Street OBITUARYwhere she lived until her death. In bier later years she continued MRS. G. L. WAGAIt ta enjay ber cburch associa- Annie Manian Nicholson, wi-I tions, did much readîng and dow of the late Gardiner L. rt many letters. She was Waga. ws bon i Strthr interested in callecting stamps Dec. 3,was 1873.inHerfathr, ana left quit.e a large number Ont., De.3,173 'jfter oandgnandsan. Living in her the late Robent Nicholson, h adiduhe' oefrtels emigrated ta Canada tram Eng-dfaurgh earshompe f thels land as a yaung man.- Altbough fur eas, spite o! ggee tl he engaged In the lumber busi- wanesso waold eshe s ili n ess lemoved bis grawing tam- anamed.t ahdseIa ily ta a fanm home whicb he Her last illness was brie! as thought a mucb better place for ehal adbnudrm- reaning childnen. His wife, the hr edbaat ad be e fuderm late Sarah Saul, was also of faed by a attack oft h ' uat IEnglish descent. Annie was their fanl.en tailng sightivhad put youngest daugbter, although the lost tew montbs, and she there was a younger boy, now welcomed death as a gateway known ta residents o! Bowman- ta a new and better lite. She Iville as the Rev. R. R. Nichol- slept oeacefully away at Mem- son. anial Hospital, Bowmanville, on jAnnie had many advantages May 8, 1958. Her funeral was Iunusual ta ber generation. She held tramn the parlors o! North- Iwas sent ta spend a yean with ceutt and Smith on Satunday, relatives ini England. On bier May 10, conducted by the Rev. retunn she entered the Univer- Arthur Morgan of Tninity Un- sity o! Toronto, tram wbich ited Church. she graduated in the class o! She is sunvived by a son, 1898, a specialist in Modern Harold, o! Madison, N.J., dau- Languages. A year at the aid gbters Marian (Mrs. H. Jet- "Model Schoal" gave bier a fery) of Bowmanville, Pauline teaching certificate wbich she (Mrýs. G. Weir) of Altan, Ger- used only for occasional supply trude (Mrs. T. J. Meek) o! Bo- work. At this time she consid- gota, Colombia, S.A.; a brother, ered leaving with a cousin, Rev .R. R. Nicholson, of Bow- IMargaret Armstrong. ta take mianville, and seven grandchild- up mission work in Japan. AI- ren. tbougb she decided in favour o! Interment was at Bowman- a career as wife o! bier '98 class- ville Cemeteny. Tbe pallbearers mate, Gardiner L. Wagon, she were Mn. L. W. Dippell, Mn. Ar- maintained ber Interest in mis, thur Thompsan, Mn. Goron Me- sians, and especially in Japan, Murter, Mn. Stan McMunter, ail ber lite. Margaret Armstrong jMn WWn. Staples and Mn. Geo. spent turlough after furlougb in White, aIl of Bawm.onville. ber home, and a Japonese stu- dent made itheadquarters dur- ing a year of study in bis coun- jK N A Mrs. Wagon was morried in î W.A. Meeting 1904 ond went ta live in Massa- cbusetts wbere bier husband was On April 30 Kendal W.A. met teaching. Thene ber four cbiîd- in the S. S. Room. The Devo- ren wene bonn, but the family tional was a discussion on the moved ta Cobourg, Ont., wheni training o! a great leader, Mos- Gentrude, the youngest, w a5s. Go d's words ta Moses sbould tour years aId. Atter five years b folawed by ail leaders. He there, Mr. Wagar accepted the said "Go forward". Our bale ta position of Mathematics teach- Japon bas been sbipped. er in Bawmanvible High School Mrs. L. Greenwood took as in 1929, and from then an their bier topic, "The Hawaiian Is- home was in Bowmanvible. lands". She bad many coloured Mrs. Wagon -%vas very inter- illustrations, products, and let- ested In aIl the activities of ters fra mthat beautiful land. Trînity United Cburch, but the This was a maost intenesting Women's Missianary Socie ty' trovelogue. Every 11 seconds during banking hours lasi yean a new deposit accounit was opened ini a chartered bank. And te millions of Canadians a bank is not only the best place to keep savings-it is a financial bervice-centre providing services usefuI to, SI SI everyone in the eommunity. A visit toaa chartened bank is the way to handle a/i your banking needs. Here you can deposit znoney, arrange loans, cash cheques, rent a safety depabit box, buy traveliers cheques. transfcr money-all safely, simply, easily. THIE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY The Orono- News Tolephon. 127 Council O bjects. To Site NEWCASTLE - At a recent joint meeting af the Citizens Higb Scbaol Committee and the village council the reply pub- lisbed by the Durham District High School Board to the Open Letter published by citizens of Newcastle and South Clarke was thoroughly discussed and was unanimausly rejected as an un- satisfactory answer ta the ques- tions submitted as it gave na accepted reasans for the chaos- ing of a site in the least popu- lated anea served by the Board. F'ollowing the joint meeting, the members of the council passed the follawing resolution Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linton and Carol, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Linton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Murphy, Ty- rafle. visited Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Happer. Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ar- dron and Allan at their cottage, Vie.w Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ewing, Toronto, visited Mrs. C. S. Mc- Laren and family. Miss Audrey Billings and Miss Muereta Hull, Oshawa. spent the weekena wlth Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. ,Little Marilyn, faur-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton, feUl and broke her arm Iast week. Miss Elizabeth Porter. R.N., Ontario Hospital, Penetangui- shene, spent the weekend with Mm. J. E. Richards. Mrs. Gradham Tran a.nd dau- ghter, Miss Blanche Tran, Markham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson on Saturday. Mrs. Albert Hilis, Tyrone, with Mrs. Harvey Curtis. Mrs. Cecil Jones was over- night guest of her daughter Miss Carolyn Jones, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson and daughters, BowmanvilIle,, visited Mrs. M. Sherwin and Laurence. Miss Marjorie Hoidge and Miss Nellie Heys, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell and famil.v, spent the long weekend at their cottage near Picton. Mr. Roy Patton visited bis father, Mr. Perç Patton. Mrs. Ivason Tamblyn was a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. E. Ford and Donald Fard, Toronto, Mr. John Ford, spent Sunday xith Mr. and Mrs. Robent Hancock and tam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy, Mar- go and Trevor, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morris and Ross, at their cottage, View Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton spent Sunday wîth Mr. a-nd Mrs. Fred Dayeî and attendeC Blackstock United Church An- niversarv Service. Rev. Miltoeim Sandersori, Toronto, wau guest preacher. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kittnier and sons, St. Mary's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cantrell andt Susan, at theix cottage, View Lake..* Orono United Church S. Si Anniversary next Sunday, maé, 25th. Rev. H. A. Turner of Bawmanville, will be the guest- speaker. The service will be at the regular hour, il o'clock. IS YOUR EAVESTEOUGH Ready for SPRING CALL GGULD HEATING NEWCASTLE 4331 510NUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARK ERS "\4 t..1 lm*1m Ws yw ( r' * @0j ft e .me. OF) STAFFORD BROSI Midget Hockey Team Guests of Sponsors At Governor's Visit Fires tone REFRIGERATOR 934cubic feet Freezer Across Top pecial - $ 9,5-, Fires ton e Nashing Machines with Puni pecial - - - $11,5001 Easy Ternis POWUR LAWN NOWERS AT IEDUCED PRICES W. H. Brown CASE DEALER 91 King St. W. Bowînanville MA 3-5497 ...mso both are bu.iling~ up Ibazak aocoVLzate Stafford Bras. Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. E.. Wliitby Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 e MdAitorrd Dedigw THUMDAY, MAY 22n& 1058 THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOW14ANVTLLIE, ONTARIO PAM VAIMM

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