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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1958, p. 12

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PA~ TW~~VU T~ CMIADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLL~. ONTAWTfl mmev~ A W ID A W ...A lame i Il UX~AJZ~ I p JILC~ A **L&U~ AUW Imsmm -----hbb -:m ---u ---u ----------h ------- BY Frank Mohum - Phone MA 3-2943 It i8 unlikely that I'il have the same setting to write this Càlni for quite some time again. Having just finished swirn- ming, I arn writing from a terrace, only 50 feet from the Atlantic la-Miami Beach, Florida. Before getting Into the sports scene, perhaps some readers wouid like to know a littie about Florida and Miami Beach. Miami and Miami Beach are two separate cities, each with its awn form of government. Miami Beach, separated fromn Miami byý Biscaynie Bay, has no cemetery, rallroad, airport or negro area. More wealth is concentrated in the beach area, containing five miles of fabulous oceanfront hotels, than any place ini the world, fn the winter months. One small island here, In Biscayne Bay, just off Miami Beach, is quite a spot. Most of the island consists of the Indian Dort Leagui HeId Here . As Trophiei Creek Country Club. To join this fabulous golf club, the initiation The Dart League of Bowmar fee is $6,000.00 and the member rnust keep $10,000.00 on deposit ville Br annadibanegioxi to pay bis debts incurred during each year. I didn't bother to thd its anual bautan ask the cost o! the dues. Anyway, membership is by invitation May l7th, in the Legion Hal on .ly. If you are accepted, then you may build a home on the when a delicious turkey dinne was served by members of thi island, worth flot less than $25,000.00. Ladies' Auxiliary. President Jac] Many fantastic motels and hotels are to be found along Bishop presided for this ver. Miari Beaches' Collins Avenue. The value is in the neighbour- important and gala occasion hoo o!$50,00,00.00 Laget ad mst uxuiou o!thee , Comrade Ernfe Perfect gav, hoo of$50,00,00.0. Lrget nd ostluxrius f tese'sToast to Queen and Ab. Mavi: the 565 room Hotel Fontainebleau with 263 cabanas, two pools, said grace. 1,000 feet of beach and private yacht anchorage. Presidènt Bishop introducec When you take a boat trip into the Evergiades, it is bard his head table guests: Mrs. An: to ralie tat iari ws oce nthig mre hanswap lnd.Piper, President of the Ladies to ralie tat Mamiwasonc notingmor tha swmp and Auxiliary, and Mr. Piper; Roi Down here much of the Evergiades has been transformed into Johnson, Branch Sports Officer beautiful housing developments. and Mrs. Johnson; Jack Knighi Dart League Executive, anc After I wrote last week's column from Savannah, Georga, Mrs. Knight; Ab. Mavin, Branci rmy wife and I entered Florida early the following morning and f Presîdent and also Sec.-Treas we have followed the ocean most o! the way. In fact, at Daytona of the Dart League, and Mrs Beach, you are able to drive rîght on the beach for many miles. Mavin; Ernie Perfect, Executive Frand Mrs. Perfect; Tom West. St. Augustine is a city crammed witi many historical spots, Forover, Executive, and Mrs. West. my money, 1ll take Palm Beach as the most beautiful place on over. Florida's east coast. Out-of-town guests introduceè Now to get on to the "Sportopics". This certainly is a state for sports-minded people. Tic Floridians have ail tic sports .attractions we have in Bowmanviile cxcept for hockey. In addition, down here you may also participate in deep-sea fishing, ocean batiing, and shuffieboard. You arc able to watch (and bet on) dog racing, horse racing (tirce tracks in tic Miami arca), and Ja'-Alai (pronounced hi-l). No property tax is collected on tic first $5,000.00 assesscd value here, and you only pay tax on hpelf of tic remaînder. This is brougit about, due to tic revenue derived £rom tic wagering on tic greyhound and horse racing, and Jai-Alai. First o! alI, let's say a littie about Jai-Alal. It is a Span- * sh game played witi a curved basket affair, strapped to tic wrist, and a bard rubbcr hall. This sport calîs for greater strengti, endurance and skiil from tic individuai, than any otier hall gamc. I-.was informed tiat I'd have to wait until Dec. 12 to sec a game, as the Frontons (arenas) closed last month for tic summer scason. , As for tic borses, they also have dcparted from bere ta rac on thc northern tracks during tic summer. Thrce major -Cae tracks, the world-famed Hialeai Park, Tropical Park, and Gulfstream Park arc found here. I was able to visit Hialeai, *which is a beautiful place, rpaintained as a public park in tic off-season. I was informed that lining. the drive arc 36 of the tallest and most perfcctly matcbcd royal palms which could be found In tic Everglades. Ticre arc four islands in an artificial lnfield lake, alive wîth trout, bass, ducks and swans. Thc symbol of Hialeai is tic 650 priccless flamingoes, in tie infield, tic largest group on public exhibition anywhere. Ta.~hav eoenbt bn as been wonderful, but further out, -Wavg hve eentoo higi to risk deep-sea fishing. At $70.00 ~er day, we had a group wio were going to siare tic expenses, but tic captain wouldn't take us out. One couple we met at a nightclub told us that thcy finally werc taken out, but nearly everyone on board got seasick. Tic fclow caugit a 61/-ft. sail- fish, witi wiich he bad bis picture taken (who wouldn't?). One ô! the men at this apartmcnt motel caugit a 149-lb. marlin. It looks quite rougi today, so no deep-sea fishing, thus trip. Ncxt is tic grcyhound racing, which is a sore spot with nie (in addition to my sunburn). Lost 12 bucks - tbat's wby. A cny o! "there goes whippy" and a mecianical nabbit takes off followed by a pack o! strcaking grcyhounds (ahl except tic ones -Zbet on). The racing takes place at nigit, on a brilliantly *'illuminated course. Tic stands are arciitecturally superb, as ane t he frontons for Jai-Alai. In onc race I attempted to pick tic first and second dogs in a quincla pool, wbich pays well. Theic pooci tiat was supposed to arrive second, came in third, after the fîrst finisher bad come in on sciedule. Tiat only cost me $5900 in winnings. Two large, ratier well-inebriated men in front of us won over $600.00 on the same race.E sealWc took in a nigit game betwcen Miami and Columbus bealtcams, on Friday nigit. Don Cardwell allowed a dlean s*igle by second batter Leo Rodriguez, in tic first inning, and -bl#nked tic Jets, tic rest o! tic way, tb register a 1-itter. Card- i.hIl walked 3, bit 2 and struck out 9 batsmen. Miami's tire î =s wcrc about as lucky as you'll ever sec. In tic fifth inning, *<',ingle, a sacrifice and two ernors by siortstop Gair Allie, pro- 4ýted a run. In tic igti inning, an error to Rodniguez, a bunt Île1, a swinging bunt single and a scratch bit, gave tic Malins tWo insurance markers, after two were out. - It's getting bot you nîl and I have ta, get in for a swini, uo that's ail for now. P.S.-You can even wnestle alligators if you want ta. S ASON & DALE HARDWARE LTD. 36 King St. E. MA 3-5408 I NcNULTY**S SPORTS, CYCLE & TOTSI 6 King St. E. MA 3-3531 05DMR S26 King St. E. IRE SPORTS & CYCLE MA 3-58971 wcrc: Mr. and MIrs. Jack Dobson, 'Mr. and Mrs. L. White, Mr. anc Mrs. A. Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. <Gord Rae and Mr. Tom Hart, Oshawa. Entertain Their Wivcs This being tic nîgit the "Darters" entertain ticir wives, caci lady reccivcd a gift hox containing a heautiful cup anc saucer. Comrades George Per- fect and Dick Patfieid, executive members, conducted tic draw for door prizes, donatcd by Comnrade Art Hooper, whiclh were won hy: Mrs. Ernie Per- fect, Mrs. Tom Westover, Mrs. Jack Large, Mrs. Art Shecian, Mrs. White, Mrs. Ah. Mavin and Mrs. Jim Nickerson. Special Draw Prizes Special draw' prizes donated by Mr. Gord Rae, on bebaîf of Pickere I Season Now Open Pickencl season opened Ma: 15 in some parts o! Ontalic May 16 and May 24 in other. Creel limit is stili six per day Tiere bas been fia minimun length since 1955. Tic scasoi for pike also opens on tic samý dates as piekerel, also withj six-pcr-day creel lirait. Thougi fia great fighter, an( reiativcly easy to catch, ti pickerel is igily negarded b: anglers. A fish o! many names the' pickcncl is known as don in Quebec, walleye ta most Uný ited States residents and pike. penci to some otier fisiermer It doesn't belong to the pikE family, bowcvcr but is allieÈ ratier ta tic perci. Tic pick- erel is easily identified. A flac turnal feeder, nature bas cndow- cd it with buge "wall cyes' with milky-wiitc nims and ai enarmaus capacity for gather- ing ligit ta enable it to seE minnaws and otier food on the darkest night. Pickerel are distnibuted ove: Ontaria fram. St. Lawrence anc tic Great Lakes to, some far nartiern lakes and stréams, anc o! tic best being Lake Nip- issing. At North Bay anglers fisi !rom a dock only a few blocks from tic city's centre, using single haoks and live minnaws, f ly- fisiing cquip- ment or hait rods with plugs, spoons, spinners or live hait. Hand-line !isiing is popular or nivers suci as tic St. Clair wherc patient fisiermen "chug" for tic fisi. By tuis mcthad, a heavy sinker is placed on the bottom o! tic line with the haak suspended several feel above it. Boats drift while the angler simply "sounds" the bottomr and waits. Here are tic 1958 pickcrel and pike open seamons for ang- ling <ahl dates inclusive and sub- ject ta change) as announced earlier by Ontario Lands and Forests Minister the Hon. Clare E. Mapledoram: Ycllaw Pickerel (Dore, Pike-Perch, Walleyc Pike) Pike (Great Nantiern Pike and Grass Pilce). (a) No clased scason ini Great Lakes, Georgian Bay, Nanth Channel. and ticir intervening iternatianal connecting wa- cers, exccpt (1) Bay o! Quinte of Lake Ontario: Pickerel-May 15 taý vfarch 31 next follawing; Pîkce -No closed season. (b) Noth and west o! and excluding tic French and Mat- tawa Rivers and Lake Nipis- sing (otier than (a): Pickrel- NIay 24 ta Apnil 14 next follow- ig (except Kenora and Rainy River and Thunder Bay dis- Lrits othfr tian Lake Super- ir: May 16 ta April 14 ncxt rllowing); Pike-ýno ciased sea- ;n whcn taken by angling. (c) South o! and inciuding hc French and Mattawa Rivers ind Lakes Nipissing (other tian ) and (d): Pickcrel-May 15 "December 31, Pike-May 15 "Marci 31 next following. Sec -gulations for exception re- rding pike in parts o! Essex id Kent counties). (d) St. Lawrence River: May ta March 1 next follawing cx- ,pt (1) Lake St. Francis- Pick- fel-May 15 ta November- 15, lke-nao closed season. I t c e: ti si ir F tr fi 54 th ar (a tc a i ie Banquet Juven îles Win Satu rday l Bafl s Presented 'Opening Bti a- ôlons were won by: Ernie A n, Perfect, Don Mairs, Geo. Per- y, Aderon.At this time mem- il bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary Bowmanville Juvenile Base- handcuff ed at the plate. r were invited to the hall and bhce aefo eida BhObre sal h a ie President Bishop nioved a vote bl rwcm rmbhn ilObre sal h a ýk o! thanks to the ladies for the one run deficit here Monday as ver of a dangerous bit of lumi- -y sumptuous dinner tbey had serv- they exploded with six runs in ber was muffled offensively but n. ed. Mrs. Ann Piper replied. the weird 7th inning to defeat pulled off a sparkling catch re Sec.-Treas. Ab Mavin gave his Oshawa Juveniles 10-7. back of first base, reminiscent nannual report showing a favor- Opening day saw à meagre. of his forin last season. able balance on hand after aj crowd that witnessed a widel Oshawa, despite the loss, pull- ýd good year. Jack Knight moved1 open, typical initial season OP- ed off tic game's only double ýn vote of thanks to Ab. for a' ener. Bob Osborne, one of Bow- play. Wills, Oshawa's second s' thanklcss job well donc. manville's big guns in last year's baseman, was brilliant defen- ýn Array of Fine Trophies mardli to the playoffs baffled sively and one of their Most r, At this point- an array ofthc Oshawa Juvcnile crew for consistent clubiers. beaOf three innings only one iep d eutiful trophies and awardsJ single while fanning five. Bob'sLiup h vere displayed and President stcaming fastba]l and occasional Oshawa-Wills 2b, Daniels cf. aJack Bishop conducted the higi - snapping curve kept the xvisitors Hutchinson lb, Petre ss, Cooper Sligit of the evening when local off balance. Control troubles c, R. Sorochan p, Roland 1f, s"Darters"' came forward to re- plagud '4O-" in thc 4th and Boyd lb and If, Middleton ss, J. ~ceive their covetcd trophies and afe lovn tîc us wo Sorochan c. Norman rf and p, -awards: Preside-nt Bishop called bits and thrêe walks, Bob re- Fuller rf, Boissoin If, Milîs 3b,j ed upon Captain George Perfect tired in favour of Bill Bates. Haiduk p, Breckenridge ce. dto introduce bis "E" tearn which Bilhre taybl h omnil-rs fadi were League Champions. Teainm Bil hr'led steadyixbaitsclb olmanvi3be-CrosIf and members were: Bert Munday, eanealwn sxbt b1olr 3,B ae fad imFrJii ieonad over thc five and one third in- -P, C. Vanstone r!. B. Cole rf, Jack Lýrge. They received the n3ns he hurled. Threc of thesa Majerrison 2b, Bill Osborne lb,;1 tArt Hooper Trophy and also the six safeties we-e garncred in B. Abbott If, Bob Osborne p, j new Labatt Trophy. Tiese two the sixth f-.ame Bill bore down Dudley ss an dc!, J. Kennett c.! trophies will he competed for and fanned the last Iwo Oshawa Tiere will be a juvenile game! lwithin the branci yearly. Eaci!hatters to bring to a windup aj in Newcastle tonight at 6:30 anîd member of thec Winning eamgod clisDiay of bail by the hi -~thc next home game will be also received individual trophies. tongn. usa, a 7h ci Tom Hart made the presentation1 Archiie Crosqex'wthativ -of the Labatt Trophy to the erirg triple and two doubics I ecaptain and an egavdcigar-' was Eowmanville's big gwn,II vette ligiter to cach memiber. witb ",Fuzzy"ý Marerrisoni y Ernie Perfect madeth r- (home run and double for five sentation of an thrae Spvr RBI's), Curt Vanstone with (2 Mug to Singles Cbanmpion Jim fo 2). "Bttgs" Dudley (2 for Fair. Tom Wcstover did thc 5) and Joe Kennett an-d Bill honours to Doubles Champions! Bates with sin-les totalling tice IJini Fair and Dick Patfield, also 11 bit barrage. engraved Silver Mugs. Bowmanvilie ecuffed th? slits- George Joncs won bo~th' of reliefer Sorochan as well as Doubles-In and Doubles-Out th ose of Haiduclk. Tiere were ~ ~ ~ fawards but was not present to some fine defensive plays asU iAUIK SP C receive thom. Jack DobranDi, well as tie expcctcd fîrst game4-rSEA Oshawa, made tbe presentation goofs. Ronnie Poilard. bot cor - -rSEA of cngraved Silver Mugs to the ner man for Bowmanvi1-?, wa.; New tires, one ow:l teamn having bigbest score witi sharp in tic ficld, altbouglî - _ _ _ tirce darts: E. Perfect, R. Mc-&M Knigit, J. Knigbt and G. Jones. w p Ron Johnson presented Jim Fair witi award for highest score in i lSa basehail 9 innings. Team win-1 5 O T ning higi score Baseball 9 in- HEAVIEST LITTER 0F PiGS nings, J. Large, B. Munday, J. London Times D L x Niekerson, G. Perfect and J. Over baîf a ton, o! piglets in De ue. Firth, received Hostess sets from a single litter at cîgit weeks o! Equipped with Custon Pres. Ab. Mavin. age - a world record - bas _ Art Cawker, Oshawa, had the been IÈeared by a British pig pleasure o! awarding leatier keeper, Mrs. B. A. Reveil, of wallets to team for higi score Seaton House, Tiorgumbaid, $11 9 1y Basehaîl one innings (8 in one) Hull, who wins a silver cup and composed of B. Munday, J. money prize offered by tiche5 Large, D. Brooks and J. New- Farmer & Stock-Breeder for tic IU55 M TEOR SED man. first litter o! pigs to reaci a 2-tone paint, localy Mention District Champions total of 1,000 pounds or moreVrygo cndio President J. Bbso made at 56 days. eygo cndtn spcilmetin o p h 'ef On November 6 Mrs. Revell's MANY MORE LATE AI ITropiy emblematic of District cross-bred litter o! 18 pigs.from Chminhpi a.This a purehred Essex s0w weigied was won by Bowmanville entry 1 3 pounds. Tic previous ampTenonsip n rs . Il o- wr1 ecr¶-asoBiRs Igratulated team for bringing held - was 966t3½ pounds. Rb o tuis great honour to tic local BUICK - PON1 branch and in tidte mcm- No one is useless in this world 16 ber a R Mcniht J.Farwffo ligitens tic burden of it 16 King St. E. B. Bates and J. Knigbt. This for anyone else.-Ciarles Dick- tropiy is an outstanding piece ens. o! craftsmanship being a replica o! tic beautiful new O'Keefc __________________________________ building in Toronto. "Orciids" were also given to District Doubles Champions E. Perfect and T. Westover. In a few ciosing remarks President Bishop tianked tice- Dart.League executive and mem- bers for ticir co-operation and fine spirit o! sportsmansbip dur- ing tic past season, hoping that ail would he back this Fall for a bigger and hetter dart 'season. - Tic evening contînucd witi dancing to tic music of Ted Tay- lor and bis orchestra, Ajax. During intermission a draw was - - held for attendance prizes, tiese lucky people were: J. Kane, C. Cowan, R. McKnight, S. Pooley ~ tTrenton Joins Lakeshore Loop Four Teams Set Tic worry that tic Lakeshore Basebail League would suspend activity for a year is about over. Tic loop wbich, iad oniy tire teams two weeks ago, bas now gaincd a fourti club and thîs bas smoothcd its pati. Trenton, ta wiom tic League made aventures, indicated at Wcdnesday nigit's May 14, meeting o! tic wieel, tiat tiey will came in. Trenton repres- entatives *T. Barrett and A. Scott assured president Jim Crambie that tic team will be in. Trenton is cxpected ta play a double sciedule wiilc tic otier thrce clubs wîll play a triple schedule witi cach other. Twllight Games Tic Trenton representatives said that tic only tiing that was holding tiem back was tic starting times o! tic games. This was evcntualY straigiten- cd out. Trenton wiii play twvi- ligit games in Port Hope, wiich is only 37 miles distant, and will play on Saturdavs and liol- idays in Orono and Bowman- ville. Bownianvillc and Orono, whcne tic majority o! players work in plants tiat have early afternoon closings, will play twilight games in Trenton, and Port Hope will play a com- bination of twilight and Satur- day games in Trenton, the sciedule was cxpectcd, to be drawn Up onl Friday. ,I Juvenile & Midgef BasebailSchedule Juveniles May - 19-Oshawa at Bowmanville 22-Bowmanville at Newcastle 25-Oshawa at Cobourg 27-Newcastle at Oshawa 27-Cobourg at Bowmanville June - 1-Cobourg at Oshawa. 3-Newcastle at Bowmanville 5-Bowmanville at Cobourg 5-.Oshawa at Newcastle 8-Oshawa at Cobourg 12--Cobourg at Newcastle 12-Bowmanville at Oshawa 15--Cobourg at Oshawa # Mldgets May - 22-Port Hope at Cobourg 22-Bowmanville at Orono 27-Orono at Port Hope 27-Cobourg at Bowmanville. 29-Bowmanville at Newvcastle 29-Cobourg at Port Hope Julie- 2-Port Hope at Newcastle 2-Bowmanville at Cobourg 5-Port Hope at Bowmanvilic 6-Newcastle at Orono 10--Cobourg at Orono 10-Newcastle at Port Hope 12-Orono at Cobourg 17-Port Hope at Orono 19-Bowmanville at Port Hp ATTENTION EX-BALL PLAYERS The Newcastle Recreation Association are in need of coaches for Pee Wee Bail Teams or sorne of the Pee Wee bail players wiiI NOT have the opportunity to play bail this year. Anyone interested please Phone Newcastle 2691 or 2816 Fjr e Damages,' Moore H e Near Port ope Firemen saved the house or Howard Moore, two miles west of Port Hope shortly . before noon Thursday, May 15, after fire from the basement hadl started to burn up through the partitions to the roof. Chief J. R. Record of the P4rt Hope fire brigade said he thought bad wiring was the cause of the blaze. Part of the room was burned and the inside of the house suf- fered bad smoke damage and some charring. Most of the furniture wvas removed from the house before it was badly dam- aged. The loss is estimated at $3,000. Firefighters extinguished the blaze after about an hour dur- ing wvhich time they ran out of water in their tank, but pumper1 froe-n a cistern in a barnyard AL El-ES 1ETEGR COACH 2-tone paint, low mileage. mer car. One owner car. DciaIs for this week- AC- I 1954 FORD 2%àr. ýr owned car. Very good condition. n. LND OLDER CARS FROM% WHICH TO CHOOSE Motoirs Limited TIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER Bowmanville MA 3-3321 "SERVICE" means GOOD MATERIAL at the RIGHT PRICE' to produce QUALITY JOB and make ANOTHER SATISFIED CUSTOMER BUDGET TERMS IF DESIRED The Sheppumd U¶,j'cmnd Lumber Co "-Limited 96 Ring Si. E. Dowmanvils Pi Phone NA 3-5715 SedanA-codtn nf Radio IN TEM CANADUN STATESMAN, BOTMANVMLE, ONTARIO 131RIMMAV UAV q9na- lem A-1 condition 1 TWILVI $995

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